#Or even the reverse where Hector sees Cassandra leaving Corona to find herself and realizes that he can still heal and break free
bat-anon · 1 year
I can’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but something I’ve been thinking about for a while is how Cass and Hector actually... mirror each other a lot?? Like- Cass has all of this devotion to Rapunzel that’s emotionally complicated due to it being a mix of her status as Rapunzel’s servant and her genuine love for Rapunzel, which becomes strained because no matter how hard she tries she can’t escape how the power divide effects the nature of their relationship. Their friendship ends up falling apart with Cassandra’s hand being mutilated in the Great Tree and Rapunzel (because she has none of the interpersonal skills necessary to cope with any of this) pushes all of it onto Cass and ignores how she’s hurt her, leaving Cass emotionally isolated. 
And then you have Hector, whose devotion to Edmund drives him to push all of the people who care about him away and live in isolation to uphold Edmund’s wish. Hector is shown to put his loyalty before everything else even as it hurts him (”I’m sorry it came to this, sister.”). Hector pulls the spear out of the Great Tree’s heart, ready to sacrifice himself for his cause, only to be possessed instead. We see Hector be stripped of his free will due to his loyalty again with the Mindtrap... and no reaction from Edmund. 
Both Cassandra and Hector have made great sacrifices in their loyalty only to get burned for it time and time again. This parallel probably wasn’t intentional, but it fascinates me and it’d be cool to see some of it in analysis/fanworks. 
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