tennessoui · 2 months
i've just finished pretty bird and the vowbreaker and i'm in tears like oh boy it hurts to watch all of this happen and know that anakin is getting the shortest end of the stick in this whole situation. the part that devastated me was anakin begging cody to put him down like a rabid dog and cody just setting him down like i dunno the like raw emotions the pure grief, the absolute terror and fear, you manage to pack into vowbreaker is delicious and heartwrenching
honestly I love Vowbreaker because it’s the very definition (in my mind) of “what if deception arc but like worse” where the relationship between anakin and obi-wan is soooooooo unhealthy that a temporarily dead obi-wan (even for valid reasons which yeah applies to deception arc dont @ me) literally fucks with anakins brain chemistry so much that an entire city is in danger
literally the next chapter after Vowbreaker begins with anakin murdering people in obi-wan’s own mob. No one is safe. Anakin asks Cody to put him down and it’s not a request he’s literally begging him because he doesn’t know how else to cope and when Cody refuses he turns to the only thing he knows that can fill the hole obi-wans death left
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bi-wan · 3 years
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What do you mean I can’t be obsessed with @tennessoui’s PBATMB Anakin because he is a murderer? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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tennessoui · 10 months
Miss Kit I just watched Moulin Rouge for the first time and while there's lots of obikin possibilities my mind immediately jumped to mobi-wan watching it because he'd been told he looked like the lead and HATING it. Satine should CLEARLY go for the duke??? He has everything and can provide for her and what's wrong with wanting to own someone you love??? When christian tells the duke she'll never love him he HISSES. Pretty bird is never allowed to watch this film.
Rex, known romantic, tearing up as the credits roll: god, what a movie! it’s so tragic don’t you think ?
Cody, unmoved, but secretly a fan of all the singing and thought it was a comedy: sure.
Mobi-Wan: a movie filled with avoidable mistakes and strategic errors.
Rex: yeah! The tragedy of Christian and Satine so close to being fre—
Mobi-Wan: no. The duke made countless mistakes. He should have killed the interloper the second he saw him with his beloved. Not to mention he allowed her to keep her job? He should have stolen her away and locked her up where no one would ever look at her without his permission again and then every time he allowed her out into the world again it would have been seen by the girl as an act of benevolence and she would have eventually loved him for it. Amateurs, all of them. A comedy of errors almost.
Rex, fighting the urge to commit physical violence: ok I think no more romantic movie nights. I don’t think our relationship would survive it.
Mobi-Wan: I would hardly call that a romanc—
Cody, known shit-stirrer: let’s watch silence of the lambs next
Mobi-Wan: is that another romance movie?
Cody: for you? Probably
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tennessoui · 6 months
Hello! Just read the whole of pbatmb again and it's so interesting watching their relationship develop! I was wondering what Cody would do with Anakin if Obi-Wan was actually dead? He'd be a useless wreck and a danger as seen in vowbreaker but without Cody knowing Obi-Wan was coming back would he take him out? Also how would Cody and Rex deal with the reverse if Anakin died or was thought dead? If the mood ever struck I'd love to see the bathroom scene from vowbreaker from Obi-Wan's perspective!
what interesting questions!!!
i think if obi-wan really actually died in pbatmb, cody would really, actually put anakin down. i've started writing out some of the havoc anakin causes in vowbreaker post obi-wan's death, and a lot of it is just. messy. chaos. anakin is bleeding all over town and he's going to bring the entire criminal organization down with him as he goes---and cody isn't going to let that happen. and honestly, killing him as well seems kinder
(which as a side note, i feel like rex would know this. like he and cody must have talked contingency plans before, rex must have known cody well enough to know that if anakin went off the rails, cody would kill him.....so why hasn't he?)
if anakin were to die, i think it would look different, feel different. i think cody views anakin as his family to an extent but he's not his brother, he's not obi-wan.....so if he had to put down anakin for the sake of their mob, he would. but could he put down obi-wan for the same reason?? obi-wan, his actual brother?? i don't think so
but i also don't think that obi-wan would mourn anakin's loss the same way anakin would mourn obi-wan's.
like i think obi-wan would be devastated, and like. burnt to ashes by anakin's death. i think he'd be ruthless and cruel to anyone he thought conspired to cause anakin's death. but i don't think he'd go fully feral maniac needless slaughter unleashed hell over it, and i think anakin would.
but i think also that cody would never be able to kill obi-wan either way, even if obi-wan was begging to be put down, begging to join anakin in the grave. even if obi-wan did go insane over anakin's death
cody just couldn't kill obi-wan, and neither could rex
ahsoka on the other hand.......
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tennessoui · 10 months
Mobi-Wan, watching Clarice and Lecter's relationship in Silence of the Lambs, taking notes: now this is how you make your pretty bird stay
Cody, realising he fucked up by showing Mobi-Wan SotL ...
Rex, who didn't wanna be there: vod, can i go?
mobi-wan, tearing up at the end of silence of the lambs: he did it that sick bastard did it
rex, looking up from his phone: wait what? what did you just call him
Cody: in your mind what did the deranged serial killer just do, boss
mobi-wan: he made sure she knew she was his…that she knows he’s out there, always….that she was responsible for him getting away…..he made sure she’ll never go another day without thinking of him😻 what a guy. what a romance. what a movie.
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tennessoui · 6 months
I am embarrassed to admit that it took me until last night to watch Birds of Prey, but that mostly meant that I was coming into it with an existing love for Mobiwan and pbatmb! And oof. Roman Sionis was way more of a #$%# than even Mobiwan, but what excellent inspiration nontheless...... the silk pajamas with his face on them??? The actual crying when his feelings got hurt? I was DYING.
lmao I have only seen birds of prey a normal amount of times (3-5) but I loved how absolutely bananas Roman Sionis is and how ewan mcgregor plays him it’s so amazing it’s so bizarre he’s so silly
mobi-wan is definitely a knock off Roman but made a little less silly — but how could I write a mob boss obiwan and NOT use ewan mcgregor in that blue suit as the main reference image stamped into my eyelids?? 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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tennessoui · 9 months
good kory im thinking about vowbreaker again . i Know youve answered an ask about what happens After mobi wan comes back before but i cant find it. anyways mobi wan is gonna be in such deep shit with his pretty bird i am so excited
absolutely 1000% mobi-wan is going to be in deep shit with his pretty bird when he gets back and the city is going to be in deep shit and the mob is going to be in deep shit and the only one not in deep shit is going to be the stalker, who is going to be in a deep grave. swimming with the fishes, as one does.
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tennessoui · 8 months
hello there! In Pretty Bird was 'daddy' Mobi-Wan's preferred title from subs or did Anakin just ring that bell for him? I noticed him having to catch himself in the first story so it's clearly established as a Thing early on!
interesting question!! he definitely has to catch himself in the first fic of the 'verse -- it's 100% something he wants anakin to call him, but i don't know how much he'd like past subs to call him that (or how many past long term relationships we're thinking of him having here)
given that i imagine obi-wan really doesn't have a lot of long-term partners in the past and i feel like he'd be rather annoyed about one night stands calling him "Daddy" because like hell is he gonna take care of them, i think maybe someone once in the past---or a lot of people in the past---has tried to call him that but he's shut it down because ew no he's not their father and he will not be taking care of them in any way.
but with anakin, he wants to take care of him (or, well, he'd probably think of it more as ownership) and he also wants to be as opposite as palpatine as possible in anakin's mind. he sees that as crucial in establishing anakin's loyalty to him. and palpatine definitely cornered the market on weird modern master vibes, so obi-wan goes with daddy. as like, a claim of ownership as much as a kink
and then he gets into it way more probably because of anakin
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tennessoui · 1 year
pbatmb anakin telling obi-wan “i’m not wearing that” for the four word prompts please!
so this is pbatmb anakin saying "i'm not wearing that".
but not to obi-wan.
(1.2k) (warnings: general pbatmb warnings apply? vaguely fluffy sorta disturbing, a few uses of daddy but not in a serious way)
There’s a thunk on the other side of the door. It could be either Cody’s fist or his head.
Anakin doesn’t particularly care. He stares directly opposite him, drawing his legs closer to his chest as he shifts on the marble floor.
“Skywalker, come on,” the man says, sounding impatient. Anakin sneers. “We’re going to be late.”
“Fuck you,” Anakin says, resting his chin on his knees.
“We’re going to be late and your fiance is going to think you’re getting cold feet and planning to leave him at the altar and he’s going to make it everyone’s fucking problem in the entire goddamn city. Including me.”
Anakin narrows his eyes, considering the words. He’s not—he doesn’t want Obi-Wan to think he’s running out on him. He’s in his suit, light gray with a golden pattern swirling through the fabric, pristine white shirt and tie, lingerie beneath it all. He’s washed and plucked and styled, and he’s ready to marry Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He is absolutely not ready to leave their shared bathroom in their loft to go to whatever venue Obi-Wan has booked for their ceremony and then their reception. And that has nothing to do with his soon-to-be husband.
And everything to do with his husband’s brother, currently thumping his fist—or head, and Anakin prefers that mental picture—against the locked door to the—to the tune of…
He’s on his feet and unlocking the door in a fit of pique. “Is that really fucking ‘Here Comes The Bride’, you fuc—”
Cody’s fist, raised and pulled back for another knock, doesn’t stop. 
Not until it makes contact with Anakin’s eye.
The pain is secondary to the fucking shock. “Holy shit,” he says.
To his credit, Cody doesn’t look as celebratory as Anakin’s always thought he’d look after laying a punch on Anakin.
He actually looks pretty fucking terrified. “Fuck,” he says succinctly. “Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me.”
“Yeah,” Anakin agrees, turning around to look in the mirror behind him. “Holy shit, Fett. I’m bleeding. You made me bleed on my wedding day.”
“Quick,” Cody says. “Display the bedsheets.”
Anakin leans over the sink and prods at the red skin beneath his eye in morbid curiosity, pushing extra hard over the small cut left behind by Cody’s ring. “Oh, dead man walking’s got jokes. Tell that one to Obi-Wan, I think he’d love the implication another man took my virginity. On our wedding day.”
Cody’s glare could level a city. “Now you have to wear this.”
“I’m not wearing that,” Anakin shoots him a look in the mirror. “I wasn’t going to let you tie a blindfold on me before and now that you’ve punched me in the face, not sure I’m trusting you more.”
“Yeah, well. Before you were going to put this on because your fiance requested that you’re led to the venue blindfolded—ostensibly so it’s all a surprise, but if you ask me, he doesn’t think you can run as fast without your eyes—and now you’re going to wear it so Obi-Wan doesn’t see the shiner you’ll be sprouting in a few hours.”
“You think I’m going to wear a blindfold my entire wedding?” Anakin asks, laughter bursting out of him. “You think I’m getting married to someone as hot as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I’m not going to look at him? Fuck, Fett, if I thought it’d work, I’d tear out everyone else’s eyes so I could look at him through them as well.”
“You say the most disturbing things like they’re something to be proud about,” Fett says, a bit like it’s a miracle.
“Like you’ve never torn out a man’s eyes,” Anakin rolls his own and prods at his cheek again.
“Yeah, well, at least I’m sane enough to understand they’re pretty fucking useless outside of the skull,” Cody leans against the doorway with a sneer.
Anakin sneers back. “Daddy, look what Cody did to my face, Daddy. Daddy, it hurt and I cried it hurt so bad. Daddy, did you hear that? I gave tears that should have been yours to Cody instead.”
Cody starts forward automatically, eyes narrowing. Anakin smirks at him.
“Just practicing, Cody,” he smiles. “In case it comes up.”
“You dirty fucking liar.”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Is that news to you?”
“Skywalker, wear it.”
“Fett, no.”
There’s a vein pulsing in Cody’s forehead. It’s the prettiest thing about him. 
“Skywalker. I’m putting this blindfold on you. And you’re going to fucking consent to it because it’s what Obi-Wan fucking wants from you. And me. And it’s my brother’s fucking wedding day and honestly, I was really hoping we’d never fucking get here, but fuck if life’s been that nice to me, ever. Even once.  And when I go to sleep, the idea of leaving you on the side of the road in a soggy cardboard box like a stray cat in a fucking hurricane is literally my happy place. Add a few bullets in your most annoying bits, it’s practically heaven, alright, so please don’t think I care about your wedding day, but fuck you if you think I don’t give a fuck about his.”
It may be the most Cody’s ever spoken to him in one go.
He narrows his eyes and weighs his options.
“Fine,” he says.
“Fuck yo—wait. What?”
“Fine,” Anakin turns to face him with a shrug. “I might never trust you not to punch me in the face given half a chance—” he gestures to his eye. “But Obi-Wan wouldn’t trust me with just anyone. Especially blindfolded. So. If I’m marrying into his mob and his multiple properties and his family, I guess. I guess I’m marrying into his trust in you.” 
Cody’s eyes narrow. “What else.”
Anakin shrugs again and grins. “And I can’t wait to hear you try to convince Obi-Wan Kenobi to last the whole wedding ceremony—to me—without demanding to see my eyes.”
Cody’s face freezes, fabric of the blindfold stretched between his fingers.
Feeling very obliging all of a sudden, Anakin leans forward to press his face into the silk. “But Cody, you have to know that if my daddy asks me to do something—like, I don’t know, show him my eyes during our wedding ceremony—I will.”
Cody grimaces. Anakin smiles.
“Thank you, Cody,” Obi-Wan murmurs as Fett guides Anakin to a stop in front of him. “I’ll take him from here.”
“I think I’m just realizing you made me walk him down the aisle,” Cody hisses. "Kenobi, it fucking looks like I'm giving him away."
“It’s not as if he has a father to do it,” Obi-Wan points out, hands wrapping around Anakin’s, strong and sure and achingly familiar. “Thank you for your service.”
“I thought you wanted the venue to be a surprise,” Fett sounds furious.
Anakin beams. “I’ve known it’s going to be in the club for ages. Who do you think suggested the venue? Ceremony and reception in one place with our bed a few floors away? Come on, use your brain, Cody.”
“Don’t make me punch you again,” Cody mutters as he takes a step back.
Obi-Wan’s tone changes like a light flickering off. “Again?”
“Yeah,” Cody huffs. “Did I fucking stutter?”
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tennessoui · 1 year
vowbreaker snippet (to prove i am working on vowbreaker):
“The funeral,” Tatum says suddenly into the silence left by Vader’s proclamation. “When is it?”
“We don’t know,” Cody replies, keeping his voice firm, body stiff. “As soon as we decide, we’ll send out a fucking email so you can bring a fucking casserole.”
“When my ma died, we had her funeral a few days afterwards,” Spence says quietly. “Nobody wants to say, but they happen fast. The smell and all.”
Spence’s mother had been a raging alcoholic if Vader remembers correctly. They’d probably had the preparations for her funeral in place long before she actually keeled over.
But Obi-Wan—Anakin Skywalker never even considered for one moment that Obi-Wan Kenobi was even capable of death.
“No need to worry about that though,” Felix points out, voice high and nasaly and filled with a strange sort of tension. “He’s already cremated, isn’t he?”
It’s Rex that throws the first punch, pushing through the crowd of the mob and connecting his fist to the man’s cheekbone. He goes down, and it’s Rex that follows him to the ground, pinning him there to punch him again—harder or just as hard, the noise of each hit echoing around the room as he grunts wordlessly with the effort each blow takes.
It’s Anakin that cuts through the men, all too stunned to move, and pulls Rex off the downed man. 
Felix is blubbering, tears beading and spilling over. “I’m sorry, man, I’m—I didn’t—sorry, fuck—”
Vader reaches a hand down to help him up off the ground, and Felix takes it gratefully. “It’s okay,” he croons as he pulls him up. “That’s alright. You’re fine.”
On his feet, Vader turns him around to face the mob. Let them look. Let them see.
“We won’t even bury you,” he murmurs as he fits his hands around the man’s neck and twists until it snaps.
He lets the body drop onto the floor at his feet and looks up at Obi-Wan’s mob with a bloodless smile on his face.
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tennessoui · 2 months
Heyyyy, sorry if this is a bother. Im pretty new to the fandom and your works in general but i just finished devouring ur mob!au and HOLY SHIT! IT WAS FANTASTIC. I was just wondering if u had any plans of continuing it, thanks.
yes i do!! none of my fics are discontinued 🫶 some are just slower to update than others
thank you for taking a chance on the vowbreaker wip and i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!
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tennessoui · 2 months
hi kit!! please excuse me if this has been asked before or seems too obvious to answer, but in the holiday one shot of pbatmb is it implying that obi-wan and qui-gon had a romantic relationship? or that obi-wan just loved him? not sure if i’m reading this right or not and wanted to make sure :)
hi! great question! in the holiday pbatmb one shot, it is implying that obi-wan and qui-gon have some sort of romantic past, but they were never together/had a relationship despite maybe what obi-wan would have liked - but did obi-wan love him? that’s always an interesting question when it comes to pbatmb mobi-wan.
did he love the power qui-gon had? the relative security he gave him? of that, there’s no doubt. did he love him as a person independent of his power and his violence? Maybe, I left it vague and up to you to decide!
obi-wan’s feelings for qui-gon are definitely the root of the tahl vs obi-wan tension (and what he did to her because of them), but they’re not really defined. love sounds close enough and it makes the ending of the chapter that much more impactful when obi-wan shoots qui-gon because he touched anakin, but as always we gotta wonder how much and to what extent can mobi-wan love?
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tennessoui · 9 months
I love all your fics and AUs and they are all emotional and wonderful, but something about why Mobiwan needs to sleep on the side that faces the door utterly destroys me every time I think about it ;o;
mobi-wan is in fact stone cold and made of concrete and trauma and ice, which makes tripping and stepping into one of his rare tiny soft spots incredibly disconcerting for anyone with the misfortune to do so........except if you're anakin and then you just fall even more in love because you like weird and disconcerting
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tennessoui · 1 year
I’m so excited to see what happens when Obi-Wan comes home to his pretty bird only to meet Vader. Oof it’s going to be so good! I just reread the whole series again cause it’s just so much fun to read. I don’t typically go for dom Obi-Wan cause of how but they way you write him is impeccable. 💜
Oooo I guess I haven’t talked much about how their reunion is gonna go because I want it to be a bit of a fast paced surprise BUT
I will say that while nothing is written down on paper/Google doc yet, but in my head, it’s not obi-wan coming home to Anakin after successfully finding and killing the creepy guy…..it’s anakin snapping all over the city sufficiently enough + obi-wan experiencing anakin withdrawal and being a bit insane about it because they’re both codependent monsters and obi-wan actually didn’t realize how much leaving anakin would affect him but holy shit is he affected
so he decides to take anakin earlier than he wanted because he needs him he needs him so much so he gets Cody to idk probably drug him and put him in a cargo hold like a feral cat and take him to where they had their honeymoon (safest place in the world in obi-wan’s mind) to reveal that he’s alive and it does not go well
(Anakin burns down the house)
(Obi-Wan is in it at the time, but it’s fine he’s fine he’s just pissed.)
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tennessoui · 10 months
Soooooo, someone may have reread her fav Star Wars au aka pbatmb, and I am DESPERATE for the next chapter of vowbreaker
No pressure obviously, I’m just happy to exist in the same universe as those fix’s but also… I’m on my knees and figured you should know
for some reason this ask got me thinking of a scene in vowbreaker where someone tells anakin that normal people who are in mourning sometimes go to a church to pray and talk about their loss with a priest or confess their sins/guilts in confessional as part of their grieving process
and vaderkin knows everyone's eyes are on him and that for the sake of obi-wan's memory he needs to pretend to be normal so he goes to church and prays for the first time in like. his whole life and he's like 'dear god. this is not what i usually do when i'm on my knees. i don't know the next step. xoxo pretty bird'
he goes to confession and just starts talking and the priest on the other side is like
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tennessoui · 10 months
Rereading PBATMB because that's what I do on bad days, and this line: "But thankfully, his pretty bird also had a very bad lie detector" Like, truer words have never been spoken in the entirety of the SW Fandom, the whole of canon quite literally exists because of Anakin Skywalker's very bad lie detector, I just. I commend you. What a line. A+ ^42
love that pbatmb is your comfort fic I hope it is very comforting for you on your bad days 🙏
Let’s be real tho if anakin had even a little bit of a better lie detector the relationship in pbatmb would take so much longer for obi-wan to build. In the first fic, anakin makes obi-wan say that he’d let him sleep with other people if that’s what he wants and then is like “wow I can’t believe he said that and wants me so much he’d get over himself” cue scenebreak to obi-wan’s pov and mobi-wan is like yeah my silly lil pretty bird made me say some disgusting shit about sharing him haha I straight up lied to his face but it earned me his undying loyalty I think so there’s that
which is also very in character for anakin in sw I think fr
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