nogoodmox · 7 years
okay, challenge time. thoughts on sami/dean/finn. i want DETAILS.
this is…….a cursed ask peggy.
putting it under a read more bc this got very very long!!
so sami/dean? great. finn/dean? great sami/dean/finn?????? that’s some fucken….next level shit okay….how can we even fathom such a perfect trio….
- first thing’s first, i definitely think finn and sami would get along more naturally. they’re close friends irl and they’re just more similar. deano’s the odd one out in this but never fear!! they make it work!!!
- dean is….confused?? like how the fresh hell did he end up with two absolute angels when he sees himself as….a problem child at best. i hate to get edgy (no i don’t) but while i don’t think dean has self-esteem issues, i think he has self-worth issues if that makes sense?
- to clarify i think like,, he doesn’t care what people think of him (obviously) and he’s confident in his abilities, but he doesn’t see himself as a good person. i mean he’s referred to himself as a scumbag on more than one occasion, and let’s not forget “my whole life was a mistake anyway” line. so i think, being in a relationship with people as seemingly perfect as sami and finn might be initially tough for him.
- sami, being a sweetheart, constantly wants to reassure dean. he’s the best at reading other people’s feelings, so when finn’s kinda oblivious, sami knows to step in. he tries his best to not be obvious about what he’s doing, but he acts extra affectionate and clingy around dean when he’s in a low mood to let him know he’s loved.
- finn and dean aren’t super huge on pda, so when it’s just them two it’s mostly rigid “i wanna express my love for you but idk how”. sami’s pretty good at initiating it but despite him being affectionate i don’t think he’d be super into pda either. he mostly just does whatever dean and finn are comfy with!
- that being said, sami knows with finn it’s more a matter of “idk how to handle pda” than “i don’t like pda”, so you can catch him casually slipping his hand into finn’s while they’re out doing stuff. with dean it’s more tricky because he just feels….weird about it. he feels self-conscious no matter how subtle the touch, he’s much more chill about it in private. 
- they love going to parks!! it suits all of their needs tbh. dean being dean, can’t sit still and hates being cooped up, so a nice open space is good for him. sami loves being ~at one with nature~ and sunshine and just generally living his life out in the world, and finn…well he’s happy with whatever makes dean and sami happy. i personally think he’d love taking pictures of them having fun like a doting parent. 
- hiking is also a thing they love, but most of the time it’s dean dragging sami and finn out. dean loves it, whether it be rocky terrain or in forests. he has seemingly endless energy when it comes to that stuff, and he kinda comes to life on a bad day. dean just likes to be outside, point blank. sami and finn are usually the ones in awe of the landscapes and posing for pretty pictures while dean experiences some spiritual shit.
- dean is all over sami and finn’s social media. instagram, twitter, you name it. their accounts are full of strange off-guard pictures of dean (finn’s personal favorite thing is posting a blurry picture of him with the caption: cryptid spotted 👀 ) even the pictures where dean is expecting it he just seems…..off-guard. he usually poses with a hastily thrown-up peace sign and wide eyes, and he has no idea all these pictures are ending up on the internet.
-dates are always a weird mix of things for them. finn likes traditionally “simple” ways of spending time together like playing board games, or building things (cough cough legos). they all get pretty invested in it tbh. games of jenga can last hours if they try hard enough, that is until dean loses his patience and absolutely destroys the thing, bc of course he would. they also watch a lot of movies, but it’s usually obscure ones that finn and dean are super into while sami just kinda watches to humor them.
- sami likes to do romantic things for dates. they go out to dinner a lot, but knowing dean he doesn’t always make it fancy. he and dean are both fans of upbeat places with a fun atmosphere. they order a lot of food, and dean and finn are most definitely the kind of people to write their names on their to-go boxes to ensure no one eats from them. sami, on the other hand, really doesn’t mind and is generous with these two greedy boys.
- when it comes to dean, dates are a wildcard. anything that can catch his attention for more than 3 seconds is worthy. they’ve done some ODD shit together. i’m talking visiting a cheese factory, a dinosaur museum (finn especially appreciated that), amusement parks, visiting a psychic, tank driving, deep sea diving, etc. he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he tries his best. 
- group naps are a very common thing. they’ve got a busy schedule, so they try to squeeze in rest whenever they can. they usually share a room, and sleep is the time where all guards come down. dean and finn become totally comfortable and there’s nothing awkward about it when sami initiates contact. they all kinda lump together, even when it’s hot, just because it’s reassuring to have everyone there. especially for dean, who doesn’t have the best relationship with sleep. finn is super touchy-feely in his sleep without realizing it, and sometimes he’ll wake up completely draped over sami or dean (usually sami, bc dean moves around too much)
- all of them being wrestlers definitely helps their relationship, and their road trips from city to city are always a blast. they take turns driving, but dean slacks off the most because he gets tired more than anyone. he’ll doze off in the car while mumbling lyrics to the shitty music he insisted on playing, then he’ll fall asleep again at the hotel. sami is most definitely the kind to point out the cows they pass up, and finn will gladly stop on the side of the road to get a closer look at them. they also give up on having proper meals while traveling, so catch them leaving gas stations with a mountain of junk food in their arms. 
- this one is a more biased headcanon but, i like to think sami teaches finn and dean words in arabic or french sometimes! dean will naturally ask him about all the curse words there are, and he sounds absolutely ridiculous trying to pronounce them. he and finn eventually get the hang of a lot of expressions though, and they start to use them casually with each other. finn might shout “yallah!” (come on) when they’re late for something, dean will gladly call anyone and everyone a “hmar” (a donkey, which is a v rude insult in arabic). 
- dean thinks arabic music? absolutely bangs. he gets really into it and asks sami to start playing it on road trips to keep him awake. bc a majority of arabic music is pretty…intense and party-inducing so good luck dozing off to that. 
- kisses! finn is personally the biggest fan of kisses amongst them. sami prefers long hugs and dean just likes leaning on others or resting a hand on them. finn kisses sami’s cheek a lot, he thinks his cheeks are adorable. he kisses dean on his forehead a lot because he came to learn that’s what he likes. dean gives forehead kisses a lot too so sami and finn decided that’s what he was most fond of. 
-kisses on the mouth from finn are usually short, but he almost always puts his hand on sami/dean’s neck when giving them one. he kinda pulls them forward a bit then pulls back quickly. 
-dean really likes giving neck kisses, not even in a sexual way he just kinda dips his head there because he likes the reaction. he also might nip their ears a lot bc…he’s dean and he’s a feral child. 
-sami’s kisses aren’t as common since he’s more of a hugger, but when he does give kiss it’s long and sweet and usually leaves dean/finn surprised and breathless. sami’s a charmer and a smooth criminal B) 
- dean really loves sami’s tummy! he already loves resting on people and sami’s presence in general is just so comforting and warm, so of course he loves sami’s stomach. he likes to rest his head on it and feel it rise and fall softly. for finn, dean loves his shoulders. he thinks they have a nice shape and his head fits there perfectly in his humble opinion. 
-finn likes sami’s general softness, and his stomach fits right in with that, but sami’s cheeks are still his favorite. he loves their roundness and how much bigger they get when he smiles. as for dean, finn really likes his arms. they’re muscular but in a subtle sort of way, and his hugs feel nice despite their rarity. 
- sami really likes finn’s hands. he likes how they look delicate, but also have underlying strength that’s apparent by the veins. sami’s favorite thing about dean is his crooked nose. it’s a silly thing, but he thinks it gives him character. he also loves dean’s dimples but, who doesn’t??
- dean usually feels like he’s being babied by finn and sami, which is a strange feeling. he’s used to only looking out for himself and not depending on anyone, so he’s reluctant at first. he especially feels bad because he doesn’t think he can give anything back. they try to assure him that his presence is enough, but dean doesn’t think so. he sometimes does random acts of kindness to show appreciation in any way he can, and finn and sami are always touched. 
- finn is a sweetheart like sami, but he has a less natural way of going about it which puts him in between dean and sami on the spectrum. he’s not as good as picking up on cues, so it takes him a bit to catch on and realize how sami or dean may be feeling. he immediately tries to make things better though, and he does his best to figure out their body language and mannerisms (especially sami, since he’s the best at hiding any personal issues) 
- sami is as close to an omniscient being as there is in this relationship. granted, he’s not perfect and he definitely misunderstands things sometimes, but he’s usually the best and handling dean and finn’s emotions. dean is more difficult than finn with expressing himself because he already feels like a burden on bad days, so talking about his feelings doesn’t really help. sami’s great at making dean and finn feel more relaxed about opening up, especially by letting dean know he just wants to hear his problems so dean can get them off his chest. sami’s definitely more proficient with the heart-to-heart stuff, but he’s so used to being on the receiving end that sometimes he doesn’t take his own advice and voice his emotions. 
- overall, they may have their rocky moments or times where they but heads, but sami/dean/finn is as close to a perfect relationship as you can get imho. healthy, pure, and Good. 
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