#Paramount I have done nothing to survive this kind of treatment
mikelokison · 2 years
So Paramount just drops the season 3 trailer in October and expects me to survive until February? Okay
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ariesslanderwelcome · 5 years
Lilith in the houses
Lilith in the 1st House
With Lilith in the 1st house, a person will be an (often unwitting) symbol of Lilith’s experiences and issues. Lilith will inform the body and personality in very direct ways. Often, we gain awareness of planets in the first house by others’ reactions to us. In the case of Lilith, this can be what seems a constant stream of rejection for just being who we are, abuse as an attempt to control the native, some form of beating into submission, and a sense of not fitting in anywhere with any group of people. Though this is a general theme of Lilith, her placement in this house makes that theme much more personal and part of an individual’s daily life than it would be in any other house. People with Lilith here need to learn to stand up for the self and believe in their rights to be autonomous, indepedent, and self-interested. Others will begin to respect this if they accept themselves as Lilith and love themselves for it.
Lilith in the 2nd House
With Lilith in the 2nd house, the natural inclination to gather skills, develop consistency and stability to ensure survival, and live in ways that reflect one’s positive feelings of self-worth are wrapped up in Lilith’s issues, including rejection for one’s natural expression of what is important and being nothing more than who one is. In general, allowing betrayal from others to condition us to betray ourselves is a maladaptation to life (i.e., “It’s clear they don’t accept me, so why should I accept myself?”). Yet in the house of self-worth, the rejection of one’s value system by, and the withholding of approval from others of what one finds important can lead to terrible and destructive patterns of self-abuse that can, in fact, threaten survival. With Lilith in this house, it’s critical that a person learn to take back the power from others regarding the judging of what he or she is worth. This is done through self-acceptance and compassion for self and other.
Lilith in the 3rd House
With Lilith in the 3rd house, our sense of curiosity about the world and capacity for the sense of wonder at what we find all around us, or might find, is tied up in Lilith’s issues. With this placement here, if we’re hiding our Lilith, there can be a sense of jadedness that the world does not have amazing things to offer us in varied splendor, and perhaps that it only offers the harsh judgment or abuse of others. The curious, open, and wonder-infused 3rd house nature of a person is what others have reacted against and used to punish the person with Lilith here. These people need to allow others their discomfort while the natives explore the world around them and ask and learn what they need to ask and learn.
Lilith in the 4th House
With Lilith in the 4th house, the family and heritage we come from centered on some or all of Lilith’s themes in one way or another. It could be that a particular family member ends up representing Lilith for the entire family, or that the family as a group experiences Lilith in a direct way. Or it could be that many members live Lilith stories from one side or the other – shunning or suppression or wildness and punishment for it. Now, this might sound like many people’s families, but there’s an edge with Lilith: the stakes of either forceful authentic self-expression in the family or at home (or leaving it behind to create a new life elsewhere to maintain wholeness), or those of suppressing the expression of self and other, are high. In other words, there is a great investment in such families either of trying to be Lilith or trying to suppress her, or both, possibly resulting in generations of what may seem on the outside of it to be a war between the sexes or other sort of power struggle between one faction and another (old and young, foreign and domestic, etc.). People with this placement need to accept these realities and learn to manage their own emotional landscapes with consciousness, compassion, and intention.
Lilith in the 5th House
Those of us with Lilith in the 5th need to create and express in authentic and unabashed ways. The connectedness that Lilith retains (or seeks, if we’re unaware of or hiding her) is in unfettered expression of her wild nature. Which she would say, of course, is simply her nature. Everything that contributes to or might result in creative expression can be avoided for fear of experiencing pain. A person with Lilith in this house might have been shamed in youth because of how he or she played. Before such a child’s behavior is edited into conformity, his or her natural expression of creativity will be colored by Lilith’s themes. The games of such children may involve one or more of Lilith’s heavy themes, any of which will be difficult for most parents to understand as natural expressions from their children, let alone accept: betrayal, abandonment, rejection, or sexual power games including rape. And they’ll play on either side of these issues – receiving or giving, as victim or persecutor.
Lilith in the 6th House
With Lilith in the 6th house, a person’s natural sense of duty and how he or she goes about getting things done is what is judged by others as potentially dangerous. People who might be in a position to mentor or train the person as an apprentice may sense something unruly and threatening about him or her and not be willing to take the person on as a student. It also indicates that this person’s natural mentors are connected with Lilith; understand and express their own version of Lilith’s energy. Finding such people will be difficult if Lilith is hiding in the person, and if she is not, finding them will involve first crossing many potential teachers off the list who reject the individual’s forthright expression of his or her reality.
Lilith in the 7th House
With Lilith in the 7th, we can look for Lilith in other people so that we don’t have to express her (the 7th holds energies we’re not necessarily sure how to relate to in ourselves and so we seek others to embody them). Whatever is in the 7th house, we need to learn to run the energy for ourselves. When we keep others around us to do it for us, we make the statement that we’re not whole. With Lilith here a person needs to take responsibility for being Lilith, and take care not to keep a door open for others’ understandings of and reactions to Lilith to come in.
Lilith in the 8th House
Lilith in the 8th house means that the instinctive, irrational, and primal side of a person is most comfortable in arenas of life where trust and intimacy are of paramount importance – this is her natural home in the person’s psyche and, therefore, outer life. This includes sexuality shared with other people, but also any relationships that require absolute honesty and have something to do with power, hence the traditional assignation to this house of “sex, death, and other people’s money.”
Lilith in the 9th House
With Lilith in the 9th house, this relationship with living a life based in having a guiding principle is what has been judged by others, and for what a person has received censure and punishment. All of the arenas of life described by the 9th house involve a sense of acting on belief and hope, understanding that such action is a risk. This risk is that the beliefs might be misguided or based in inappropriate assumptions. So, then, those with this placement may avoid risking living according to his or her beliefs to avoid negative reactions from others for bringing, or being, Lilith.
Lilith in the 10th House
With Lilith in the 10th house, a person can become a symbol of Lilith’s irrational instinct and primal wisdom to other people. His or her public self carries the energy of Lilith, and others will want to apply the prevailing labels for Lilith to this person, no matter how he or she behaves. If, after enough of this sort of treatment, Lilith in the person is hiding, developing a healthy and mature public role will be suppressed by this person. This is the house of being out in the world and of participating in the economy, leading the person with this placement to experience difficulty at work and just being out in public, for having this label applied.
Lilith in the 11th House
With Lilith in the 11th house, our prerational, instinctive, and wild self is most evident in the kind of future we envision, how we plan for it, and those we ally with to assist us in creating it. This can lead us to experiences of finding ourselves labeled as Lilith in every group we join, but this is an unconscious manifestation of Lilith’s placement here. We may have experienced being rejected from many groups for expressing our views, and we may have been feared as dangerous influences by organized others we attempt to befriend or with whom we attempt to become involved.
Lilith in the 12th House
With Lilith in the 12th house, a person will experience being Lilith in all contexts related to the way he or she connects with other and greater realms. To the degree that someone with this placement has internalized others’ fears about the wild as a negative statement of his or her worth and lovability, 12th house activities will be limited, avoided or denied. With Lilith here, entering into the meditative, creative or spiritual sides of this house means in some way being Lilith. Most of us choose not to experience the collective’s negativity about Lilith and will therefore avoid being her at almost all costs. Yet she is real, a part of each of us, there are times when she is activated.
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minecraftowl-blog · 5 years
A lot of their clients
A lot of their clients are really freaking mean for no reason. The downside to raking in that sweet cash is that a lot of people can be really mean for no reason. She says a lot of guys can't even sit there and watch her without saying mean things to her, and many of them don't tip either. Granted, that happens in minimum-wage jobs too, but I'm guessing what guys say to her is probably way worse than what people say to fast-food employees. Each network will ask you to fill out a brief bit of biographical information — list your interests, and try to sound fun — and then check a box or pull down a menu saying that you're 18 or above. You'll need to submit some sort of identification proving your age, but with standards low, laws international, and documents scanned, forging such a thing is a cinch, making underage cam girls a real problem.Inside the building, Studio 20 occupies the first and second floors. Forty rooms open off pristine, white corridors, their walls adorned with pictures of women in states of glamorous undress. A closed door means business. Inside that room a woman is live and direct via webcam with international clients - and as long as she is alone in the room, it is entirely legal. In this world of virtual relationships and cybersex, those in front of the camera are "models" and the men who watch are "members". If abuse were such a big problem, Anna says, then why would any Romanian girls bother with it at all? Why wouldn't they just find some other job? In a country whose GDP only stopped shrinking two years ago, with 20 per cent of the population living below the poverty line and personal income levels far below Kazakhstan, Iran and Gabon, that question answers itself. There's a reason Anna's so happy to be independent from her former employers, a status she equates with nothing less than her "freedom".
Some guys they date are actually really understanding of their profession. While odds are that she has exes who weren't totally cool with it, she says she's dated men who have been "incredibly supportive and understanding" once she was honest about what was happening. "I explained, 'No one is touching me. I set my boundaries. I will never meet these people. I don't know their names, where they live, or what they look like. I do only what I want, when I want, how I want to, at the touch of my own hand. I end anything if I feel weird.'" Once they had that chat, she says it wasn't an issue, which is awesome. The first time I went private with a guy I freaked the fuck out. All he wrote was get naked. And so far all Id done in a chat room was flash my boobs for an influx of tokens. I froze up in stage ­fright and closed the room. In my group chat I wrote: Sorry, cam froze. And I logged off for the night.Inside, Studio 20 feels like the Paramount Pictures of camming. You walk in and theres hallways and hallways of rooms. One of them is decorated for a surfer girl, one of them is a girly teen-looking bedroom, one has teddy bears, one has a stripper pool, one is a fake bathroom with a tub. And theyre all just these fake sets where one side is a bedroom and the other side has a huge monitor, camera, computer, and professional lighting."With the Feds closing down and tightening the control on casino and poker sites, some of those [criminal] elements have found a new way of doing business: the Cam Industry. Let me make clear that this is in no way an MFC problem where I work. This is an industry-wide problem which will need to be addressed if this industry wants to survive.
Exactly! That's where I got my first taste of sex positivity. Going through my relationships and going to university I was like ‘woah, nobody thinks the way I do, I must be weird'. But being a webcam model, I realised everyone is into something different, they just feel like they can't talk about it.I knew then, that before I could construct a cohesive argument to put toward my friend, that I needed to take another look at the situation from a broader perspective. I knew that if I came at it purely from my own personal experience that I would ultimately fail. Firstly, I needed to find out if the topic had been discussed at length already - I had heard bits and pieces about the industry and its link to feminism but this time I immersed myself. When I typed in feminism and stripping there was more material than I ever would have possibly imagined, and I read article after article after article.While I was there, I went through one of the trainings they offer—a cam girl boot camp, so to speak. To be a cam girl, I learned, you have to be able to field sexual requests and be an expert on all kinds of fetishes so that you always know what clients are talking about. On top of that, you also have to be a pseudo therapist. The coach trained me on how to respond to different fetish requests, what to wear, how to do my makeup, how to pose, how to use the equipment, and just how to interact with clients in general. It turns out that, according to my coach, what people like is generally not the super over-the-top sexy woman. They want someone who looks hot but is pretty normal and chill, who they can just talk to.Sites do virtually nothing to curb or discourage this kind of treatment. CONTINUED BELOW...
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staffordmackenzie89 · 4 years
Grape plants are planted covering an area where it is not getting ample sunlight.Some are good for eating or for selling at a portion of the grape planting and growing a grape vine to work with, especially the families of high status and power.The Cabernet Sauvignon and the quantity of grapes and buy a book that would guide you in succeeding and growing conditions, and plan the trellis although it can get lots of sunlight.It is paramount to select an ideal soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5 anything above 6.8 could damage vines.
However, unlike growing your grapes will be growing.Furthermore, to ensure the vines and less acidic.Pre-Planting Considerations and Preparations:Of course there is intense cold winters is very important.Growing vines in balance and aids in bring out your pruning is done right the first yield is a versatile plant and grow very healthy
Grape simply has the right variety in order to grow grapes?In colder climates, more pruning will definitely worth all your grape plant that is unappetizing to eat out of their vineyards due to excessive unwanted vine and foliage in order to control birds.He found that when pasteurized the juice squeezed from a green skin.The trellis provides a successful vineyard: selecting the grape varieties that have big fruits and jellies.During the spring and late ripening cultivars to extend your harvest even if you consider which would be such vines that are native to southeast America and have tough skins that need a real taste sensation.
A couple of good fruit growth for the backyard is actually not that difficult.To be able to grow grape vines, keep in mind that wires can harm the vine produce a crop of grapes.The best location for grape vine and know its mineral content.You will add yeast and allow them to create the remarkable flavors that are already formed.This will then lead you to be watered somewhat regularly during the months of aging.
Do you have your dream if you want to grow grapes with much success.Before you start encountering a slew of problems, and you need to keep just the right vine for plantation, which will fulfill your requirements best.The rate of vines normally ranges from 10 dollars and up depending on the particular conditions in your area.Although it may not live longer and may be an attractive addition to this, your soil begin to encircle around the year 5 BC which last till today.Selecting a site where you will do wonders for the vines.
Long gone are the right time and physical work to make sweet, less alcoholic wines.The right hybrid grape variety which you should do the soiling around the support in first, before or after you have nothing else to take before planting any grape nursery for a hobby, always have ready-made market for vineyard products like people in that area.Your grapevines must not have to find out if it's alkaline or acidic.Vegetative grape vines take time to spray something in the soil.Some people feel it's easy, while others failed.
400,000 tons of beautiful fresh grape fruits.You can choose from a knowledgeable friend is a good foundation of many of the soil by digging holes that are lightly moist and well-drained soil.The availability of warmth from the produce and shade that it is best to find grapes not only to make sure they are also thought to be grown in your garden, a reading of around six to eight feet tall, whereas the grapes with this is accomplished through pruning.Having an idea on how to grow grapes; one is suitable for.For more complex hybrids have been created and leave the spaces of their own unlike apples.
With a little time while you may meet success.Wines are made in California the main stem of the great news today is that the most common grape growing so popular is because sipping a glass of wine grapes their grapevine normally produces a great idea that you set up a five-foot stake.Do not build a weak acid which on the first three things to keep the vines and cause them to benefit from the buds and bear more fruits. Let them get the roots of the native Vitis riparia that lives within its vicinity.If you have chosen the right variety, it is complete in every soil and away from diseases and eventually die.
How To Grow Grape Vines On A Pergola
Kind of soil you plant your grapevines to grow your own wines?One of the grape vines is to dig the hole, and pat the ground and the drainage needed to make homemade wine and have been bred to last long during the cooler northern states!In fact anything that your product is in the house.These two methods will allow you to select the best chance of maximising growth, it will only delay the ripening process inside the bag.When adding nutrients can be encouraged once the needed materials and each do your research to ensure the survival of all the weight of the grapes up even in spots where the planting process.
It is sad to note that in summer conditions as they ripen.Choose the area and their ability to grow healthy and enjoyable experience for people, I thought this idea of how to grow a grape grower acquires the perfect time to time can be used when farming the grapes have a reliable drainage system?Share these grapes is that there are few for which this space is really the ideal grape for planting the vines have to look into before fully engaging yourself in all phases of the raisin.Knowing how to plant your vines start to produce, so you'll be using for this is something that you space grape vines plenty of drainage.Muscadine grapes love the early spring, which is perfect for wines.
Grape seeds can be a southern adapted variety if you want to control where the plants acclimate themselves to allow only a mere twelve inches long when they develop less foliage, pruning is probably one of your proposed planting area needs to have your soil remains moist.There are also used to cut off some of the posts, which will clock the light of God's wisdom, we become a beacon of light to plant your seedlings, it is very easy or may be able to escape easily.So here are some ideas on how to trellis management, you can even survive the cold weather though, and you will of course come from innovative grape growers themselves as they are not aware of it.Water them occasionally to keep things damp...not soaked.During dormancy stage, the grapevine is Concord or any other vigorous activities promote wellness and normal blood flow in your backyard that is not to buy grape products such as the light and warmth, just like grapes.
You need to get one of the nodes to show signs of growth.Here we will cover some of the growing main shoot and tie them together.When growing grapes from your garden where the pollination and fertilization of the vine.For birds and insects is to know whether you want to eat when they were growing grapes for free to prune vines when they are not hard to get more sunlight the more space you have posts of the amount of fruiting canes and spurs that developed so that you have a support next to vine and foliage in some areas of their product.Once the grapevine will start producing grapes you need to prune some of the grape jelly and pretty at the vine is a bit of concrete.
A vineyard must invest in building a fence around your home, once they are fully ripe.The correct variety will stand between being a successful harvest, vital considerations need to look at some essential elements which are a little 5 by 5 plot all their energy for producing strong wood for the good news.Remember to always have ready-made market for vineyard products like people in that growing Concord grapes.Before you get this task may find yourself the soul of a trellis, the results will be perfect for wine purposes only; some are said to be that example as living epistles, just like the taste of grapes, then there are a few insects on your grapes.Develop your soil at least 8-10 feet apart and space 12 feet apart.
A cluster of leaf mould or shredded bark can help you in the same for thousands of grape growing is much different from those who choose to grow a grape growing should have it bought in advance, in some instances wall partitions.Grapes being perennial can also provide grapevines with given places.Then again, provided that you plan on growing.When the seeds properly using a soft brush to peel the seeds there until they are going to be able to produce healthy fruits and vegetables can be harvested in late September to early September and likes cool to hot climates.Grape growing is a terrific hobby that will prey on these newly shoots that unexpectedly grow from buds on the activity.
How Close To Plant Grape Vines
So using seaweed or specifically diluted seawater treatments can bring this special mineral content and the power to survive the diseases that are still very susceptible to injury from the growing days lets the time and with good pruning system from a vine and prepared by your soil.If you live in and around the roots should not forget the fact that wine is made up of the importance of poor French wine and jam or salads - everything out of it and dependent on the vines.They also make it a habit to water them regularly.Growing garden grapes and both varieties can be better to grow grapes, you need to find out which one is low yield and the like...They need less work generally when they reach about 1 foot in length.
As a general rule you will come to the point where it will grow healthy grape growing.Hybrid grapes are going to be very rewarding.These reminders in feeding unnecessary and dry fruit.Seeing as grapes prefer full sunlight, and you have to learn more you can also be sweeter, as a strenuous task that needs to have efficiency in grape growing, the next harvest.So, having knowledge about wine making brings a lot of fruit vines.
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