#Personal Service Real Estate Buying France
Le Portugal est l'un des plus beaux pays où les gens préfèrent vivre, et cette demande fait monter en flèche le marché immobilier. Notre boutique immobilier vous propose une information globale sur l'immobilier Portugal. Visitez notre site Web ou déposez votre message sur Whatsapp au +33783579579 pour obtenir l'assistance d'un expert !
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vpdazzle · 3 months
avocat droit immobilier
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As the real estate market in France continues to evolve, navigating the legal complexities of property transactions requires the expertise of specialized legal professionals known as Avocats Droit Immobilier. This article delves into the role and significance of Avocats in real estate law, exploring their responsibilities, the legal framework governing property transactions in France, key services they provide, and the importance of seeking their counsel. Understanding the role of Avocats Droit Immobilier is essential for individuals and businesses seeking to engage in real estate transactions in France effectively and in compliance with the law. # 1. Introduction to Avocat Droit Immobilier ## - Defining Avocat Droit Immobilier Avocat Droit Immobilier, or real estate lawyer in English, is your go-to legal expert when navigating the complexities of property matters in France. ## - Importance of Real Estate Lawyers in France From buying a quaint countryside cottage to investing in a chic Parisian apartment, real estate lawyers amg avocats marseille  play a crucial role in ensuring smooth transactions and protecting your interests in the ever-evolving French property market. # 2. Role and Responsibilities of a Real Estate Lawyer ## - Advising Clients on Real Estate Matters Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, a real estate lawyer provides invaluable guidance on legal implications, potential risks, and strategic decisions related to property transactions. ## - Negotiating and Drafting Real Estate Contracts From purchase agreements to lease contracts, real estate lawyers excel at negotiating favorable terms and meticulously drafting legally binding documents to safeguard your rights and investments. # 3. Legal Framework for Real Estate Transactions in France ## - Overview of Real Estate Laws in France French real estate laws encompass a broad spectrum of regulations governing property ownership, land use, leases, and construction projects, shaping the legal landscape for all stakeholders in the real estate industry. ## - Regulations Governing Property Transactions Navigating the nuances of French property law requires expertise in codes, statutes, and administrative procedures that govern aspects such as land registration, zoning regulations, and tax implications in real estate transactions. # 4. Key Services Offered by Avocats in Real Estate Law ## - Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions Real estate lawyers conduct thorough due diligence to identify potential risks, assess property titles, resolve any outstanding issues, and ensure a transparent transaction process that safeguards your financial interests and legal rights. ## - Dispute Resolution in Real Estate Cases In the event of conflicts, disputes, or breaches of contract, real estate lawyers leverage their expertise in negotiation, mediation, or litigation to protect your interests, seek resolutions, and uphold the integrity of property agreements in a legal context.
5. Importance of Hiring a Specialized Real Estate Attorney
- Benefits of Specialization in Real Estate Law
Is your real estate deal more complex than deciphering Ikea instructions? A specialized real estate attorney can navigate the legal labyrinth of property transactions with finesse and expertise. Think of them as your personal real estate superhero, ready to tackle legal challenges and protect your interests.
- How a Real Estate Lawyer Adds Value to Transactions
A real estate attorney isn't just there to make the deal sound fancy with legal jargon. They bring tangible value by ensuring all legalities are in place, protecting you from potential pitfalls, and negotiating terms that work in your favor. In a world where a misplaced comma can lead to chaos, having a specialized real estate attorney on your side is like having a secret weapon against legal mishaps.
6. Common Legal Issues in Real Estate Matters
- Title Disputes and Property Rights
Ever had a neighbor claim that your property line is actually their new BBQ spot? Title disputes and property rights can turn your peaceful abode into a battleground. A real estate attorney can help resolve these conflicts,avocat droit immobilier  ensuring that what's yours stays yours (no matter how good your neighbor's grilling skills are).
- Land-Use Regulations and Zoning Issues
Want to build a space-themed amusement park in your backyard? Better check those pesky land-use regulations and zoning laws first. Real estate attorneys are well-versed in these matters and can guide you through the maze of rules and restrictions, helping you avoid costly mistakes and keeping your intergalactic dreams alive.
7. Trends and Developments in Real Estate Law
- Impact of Technology on Real Estate Legal Practice
In a world where buying a house can be as easy as swiping right on a dating app, technology is changing the game in amgavocatsmarseille . From online property auctions to blockchain transactions, real estate law is evolving with the digital age. A specialized attorney can help you navigate these tech-driven changes and ensure your transactions are as smooth as a TikTok dance routine.
- Emerging Legal Issues in Real Estate Market
Just when you thought you had mastered real estate law, new legal issues pop up like uninvited guests at a housewarming party. Climate change regulations, affordable housing policies, and evolving consumer rights are reshaping the real estate landscape. A specialized real estate attorney stays on top of these trends, ensuring you're always one step ahead in the legal game of property ownership.
8. Conclusion: The Value of Avocat Droit Immobilier
In a world where real estate deals can be as complicated as a Rubik's Cube, avocats droit immobilier are the master puzzlers you need on your side. Their specialized knowledge, legal expertise, and ability to foresee potential issues make them invaluable partners in your property ventures. So, the next time you're navigating the twists and turns of real estate law, remember that having a specialized attorney is not just a smart choice – it's the key to unlocking a smooth and successful real estate journey.In conclusion, the value of Avocats Droit Immobilier in the French real estate landscape cannot be understated. Their expertise, guidance, and representation play a critical role in ensuring smooth and legally sound property transactions. By recognizing the importance of specialized legal support in real estate matters, individuals and businesses can navigate the complexities of property transactions with confidence and adherence to the law.
1. Why should I hire an Avocat Droit Immobilier for my real estate transactions in France?
Avocats Droit Immobilier possess specialized knowledge of French real estate laws and regulations, ensuring that your transactions are legally sound and in compliance with all requirements.
2. What services can I expect from an Avocat Droit Immobilier?
Avocats in real estate law offer a range of services, including due diligence, contract negotiation and drafting, dispute resolution, and legal representation in property matters.
3. How can a specialized real estate lawyer add value to my property transactions?
A specialized Avocat Droit Immobilier can provide expert advice, identify potential legal issues, and help you navigate complex real estate transactions with confidence, ultimately safeguarding your interests and ensuring a smoother process.
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oceanwworlds · 4 months
Buy Property In France
Looking to buy property in France? Ocean Worldwide offers a wide range of real estate options in beautiful locations across the country. Find your dream home or investment property with our expert guidance and personalized service. Start your search today and make your French property ownership dreams a reality.
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realdatascraping · 5 months
Google Maps Scraper | Google Maps Location Data Collection
Google Maps Scraper | Google Maps Location Data Collection
RealdataAPI / google-maps-scraper
Scrape the data from hundreds of locations and businesses from Google Maps in a few clicks using Google Maps Scraper. Get data for various fields like location, images, reviews, opening hours, and more. Store all the data with Google Map Scraper in a usable format. Exceed the limits of Google Maps API. Our Google Maps Location Data Collection tool is available in the USA, UK, UAE, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Australia, Mexico, Italy, and other countries.
 Customize me!  Report an issue Business Marketing Real estate
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What is Google Maps Data Scraper, and What Does It Scrape?
With This Data Scraping Tool To Scrape Google Maps Data, You Can Quickly Collect Location And Business Data. Our Tool For Crawling Google Maps Allows You To Scrape And Compile All The Below Google Maps Data.
Location, address, exact coordinates, and code
Title, category, URL, subtitle, and place ID
Price and a menu of restaurants
Websites and contact details
Active status of businesses
Popular times based on live occupancy and histogram
Image list
Average ratings, review distribution and count
People also search
Opening hours
Detailed characteristics with additional information
Web results
Hotel booking price, URL, and nearby available hotels
QnA and customer updates
The Crawler Also Helps To Collect All The Reviews Information Details As Below:
Published Date
Review text
Review URL and ID
Image list of reviews
Owner response with published date and text
Detailed rating for each service with review context
You Must Enable Personal Data Scraping Of Reviewing Customers Explicitly In The Input Field.
URL, ID, and image
Review count
Is local guide
Google Maps API Also Offers Below Features:
Review sorting and filtering
Translation and language setting
Scraping and browser configuration
Search area zooming with automation to ensure maximum output.
Define location search: it permits you to define the geographical area to extract state, country, city, zip code, etc. It increases search speed with Nomatim Maps API Integration.
How Does Google Maps Data Extractor Work?
Its Working Process Is Similar To Searching Anything On Google Maps And Copying The Displayed Data From Resulting Pages According To Requirements. The Scraper Opens The Official Platform Of Google Maps, Explores The Mentioned Location, And Uses A Search Bar To Find The Exact Location To Scrape. Then It Keeps Scrolling The Page Until The Final Webpage Of Results. The Google Location Scraper Enqueues Each Location As An Individual Page And Copies It To Paste Into A Usable Data Format. The Tool Shows The Same Process With Much More Speed. If You Want To Learn The Process In Detail, Try It On Your Device.
What is the cost of using Google Maps Scraper?
Our Platform Offers A Trial Plan Of 5 USD Each Month That You Can Use To Extract Up To Two Thousand Google Maps Reviews Using This Scraper. However, Platform Credit Consumption Will Vary Depending On Complications And Custom Requirements For Your Google Maps Data.
If You Want To Scrape More Data Often, You Must Buy Our Subscription To The Personal Plan At 49 USD Monthly. In This Plan, You Will Collect Up To Twenty Thousand Results From Google Maps.
Why Google Maps Scraper is Better Than Official Google Maps API?
You Can Scrape Up To 30 Thousand Maploads Monthly Worth 200 USD For Free Using The Official API For Google Maps. But It Restricts Results To Sixty Only Regardless Of Mentioned Location Radius. Hence If You Like To Extract New York-Based Data For Restaurants, You Will Get Output For Up To 60 Of Thousand Restaurants In The Selected Radius.
On The Other Hand, Google Maps Data ScrapeR Has No Restrictions On Data Results. It Is Affordable And Offers Comprehensive Outputs With Infographics, Like Histograms, That You Can't Get Using The Official Google Maps API.
Can I Scrape Google Maps Data Legally?
You Can Legally Scrape Google Maps Data If It Is Publicly Available. But It Would Help If You Didn't Try To Scrape Personal Data Without Any Legitimate Reason. Personal Data Include Intellectual Properties, Contact Details, Images, And Users' Locations That They Don't Want To Share With The Public. Either Follow The Terms And Conditions Of Google Or Consult Your Lawyer To Check The Legitimacy Of Your Reason.
How to use Google Maps Data Scraper?
You Can Follow Your Stepwise Tutorial To Learn How To Set Up And Use This Scraper. Additionally, You Can Explore Our Tutorial To Learn How To Access Geolocation Features Using Google Maps Scraper.
Where should I use Scraped Google Maps data?
Here Are Some Ways To Use Collected Data From Google Maps:
Generate leads for business
Build a customer base and sales funnel
Search new customers
Track service quality and brand sentiment, and discover fake reviews
Development evergreen and effective marketing strategy
Discover and study competing businesses
Search platforms and locations to buy required products
Study location-based data for engineering or technical work
To Get More Ideas For Utilizing Collected Data, Visit Our Industry Page And Learn How Industries Use Web Scraping In Various Fields.
Do you want more scraping options?
Google Maps Reviews Scraper
If You Need To Scrape Only Google Maps Reviews, This Is One Of The Best Options. The Scraper Collects Each Review For All Google Maps Places.
You Have To Submit The Location URL To Scrape Its Data And Wait For The Scraper To Get You The Data For Google Maps Reviews That You Can Store And Download For Market Research, Business Analysis, And Other Activities.
Google Maps & Contact Details
Use Contact Details To Improve Google Maps Data Scraper Results. Crawl Websites For Selected Google Maps Locations To Get Contact Information, And Add It Into A Single Data File. Gather Location, Website, Email Address, Mobile Number, Social Media URLs, Etc. Setup Contact Details With Google Anals And Get More Relevant Data From The Platform Comfortably.
Gas Prices Scraper
Discover The Lowest Prices For Gas Refills And Price Update Timestamps From Local Gas Stations.
Google Places API Radar Search
It Would Be Best To Acquire Your Google API Key To Use This Scraper Due To The Use Of The Official API For Google. You Have An Edge In Using This Tool Instead Of The Official Google API Due To Its Restrictions To Scrape Selected Data.
Input Example of Google Maps Scraper
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You Can Also Use The JSON File Of Equivalent Input Parameters That You Can See In The Above Image.
{ "SearchStringsArray": [ "Pet Shelter In Prague", "Place_id:ChIJ8_JBApXMDUcRDzXcYUPTGUY", ], "MaxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 10, "Language": "En", "MaxImages": 10, "OnlyDataFromSearchPage": False, "DeeperCityScrape": True, "MaxReviews": 0, "ScrapeReviewerName": True, "ScrapeReviewerId": True, "ScrapeReviewerUrl": True, "ScrapeReviewId": True, "ScrapeReviewUrl": True, "ScrapeResponseFromOwnerText": True, "OneReviewPerRow": False, "ReviewsSort": "Newest", "AllPlacesNoSearchAction": "" }
The Scraper Will Store Its Output In A Usable Dataset. Once It Finishes Its Execution Successfully, You Can Export Collected Data In Multiple Formats Like CSV, XML, JSON, RSS, And More.
Output Example Google Maps Scraper
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Or You Can See A JSON Formatted Output Example Here.
{ "Title": "Sdružení Na Ochranu Zvířat V Krajní Nouzi", "Description": "Naše Zraněné Přírůstky Po Výstavě – Poškozené Ouško U 6letého Pouziho, Vykloubená Nožka 5měsíčního Bílomouratého Míši, 8měsíční Černý Dlouhosrstý Mikulka Se Zraněnou Nožkou, Holýma Zadníma Nožkama A Holým Ocáskem, Cyril Sražený Autem, Neovládá Zadní Nožky.", "SubTitle": Null, "Price": Null, "Menu": Null, "CategoryName": "Pet Adoption Service", "Address": "Na Pláni 2006, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia", "LocatedIn": Null, "Neighborhood": "Na Pláni 2006", "Street": "Na Pláni 2006", "City": "Prague 5", "PostalCode": "150 00", "State": Null, "CountryCode": "CZ", "PlusCode": "397W+49 Prague 5, Czechia", "Website": "Https://Www.Kocici-Utulek.Cz/", "Phone": "+420 603 225 948", "TemporarilyClosed": False, "ClaimThisBusiness": True, "Location": { "Lat": 50.062872, "Lng": 14.3958755 }, "PermanentlyClosed": False, "TotalScore": 4.3, "IsAdvertisement": False, "Rank": 9, "PlaceId": "ChIJuxlGAU6UC0cRI_jkTCUIboA", "Categories": [ "Pet Adoption Service" ], "Cid": "9254343240589834275", "Url": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Place/Sdru%C5%BEen%C3%AD+Na+Ochranu+Zv%C3%AD%C5%99at+V+Krajn%C3%AD+Nouzi/@50.062872,14.3958755,17z/Data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x470b944e014619bb:0x806e08254ce4f823!8m2!3d50.0628787!4d14.3958708?Hl=En", "PopularTimesLiveText": "Not Too Busy", "PopularTimesLivePercent": 38, "PopularTimesHistogram": {}, // See Section Below "OpeningHours": [], // See Section Below "AdditionalInfo": {}, // See Section Below "SearchPageUrl": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Search/Pet+Shelter+In+Prague/@37.6,-95.665,4z?Hl=En", "SearchPageLoadedUrl": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Search/Pet+Shelter+In+Prague/@37.6,-95.665,4z?Hl=En", "SearchString": "Pet Shelter In Prague", "ScrapedAt": "2022-07-28T12:42:10.969Z", "ReviewsCount": 40, "ReviewsDistribution": { "OneStar": 6, "TwoStar": 0, "ThreeStar": 1, "FourStar": 2, "FiveStar": 31 }, "ImageUrls": [ "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipOeEWgXD8Jjmj3DpIa7U9VeJ3E83xaRpefxbYZh=W1920-H1080-K-No", "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipN2XNEQQrjtpMIHLe0WlJHYWd4nhniifUiy9BYq=W1920-H1080-K-No", "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipOShH8UZgA-GtJlc83n2uBLhgkd5HRacPIOx_V6=W1920-H1080-K-No", "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipPrcwuF0i7y32PUwX-Ff-JdkRovD7XQ6fmBWHmr=W1920-H1080-K-No" ], "ImagesCount": 7, "Reviews": [], "ReviewsTags": [ { "Title": "Facebook", "Count": 10 }, ], "PlacesTags": [ { "Title": "Parking", "Count": 142 } ], "OrderBy": [], "PeopleAlsoSearch": [ { "Category": "Czech Restaurants", "Title": "Restaurant Mlýnec", "ReviewsCount": 2561, "TotalScore": 4.7 } ], "GoogleFoodUrl": "Https://Food.Google.Com/Chooseprovider?RestaurantId=/G/11hfvkwdgg&G2lbs=ADZRdks7YEfR3so8mfaIvxzxIBfhj30edVasvqVLbfhKcBJvKOet7xVoQdb2e4Fec3KE_TIOmL_bbKvopcN_U9WD4tjF-Q0EeS7Pne3vmHfe3kT5b3gcraE5TVEddjqfP5a0mVdhsCri&Hl=En-US&Gl=Us&Fo_m=MfohQo559jFvMWvkddHzV46uMT_RFPQ05bfKMQVr5-7IofUJMU_hT8vrWuwRMUv3d8yCO4PgMUOzJVpjPL1YMfZ3bInYwBDuMfaXTPp5KXh-&Utm_source=Tactile&Gei=Kw8sZP6wLsibsAefq5b4DA&Ei=Kw8sZP6wLsibsAefq5b4DA&Fo_s=OA,AH,SOE", "WebResults": [] // See Section Below, }
You Can Also Scrape Some Additional Data Fields For Particular Conditions.
Popular Times
"PopularTimesHistogram": { "Su": [ { "Hour": 6, "OccupancyPercent": 0 }, // Etc... ], "Mo": [ { "Hour": 6, "OccupancyPercent": 0 }, // Etc... ], // Etc... },
Opening hours
"OpeningHours": [ { "Day": "Monday", "Hours": "10:30 AM To 11 PM" }, { "Day": "Tuesday", "Hours": "10:30 AM To 11 PM" }, { "Day": "Wednesday", "Hours": "10:30 AM To 11 PM" }, { "Day": "Thursday", "Hours": "10:30 AM To 11 PM" }, { "Day": "Friday", "Hours": "10:30 AM To 12 AM" }, { "Day": "Saturday", "Hours": "11 AM To 12 AM" }, { "Day": "Sunday", "Hours": "11 AM To 10 PM" } ]
Additional info
"AdditionalInfo": { "Service Options": [ { "Outdoor Seating": True }, { "Delivery": True }, { "Takeout": True }, { "Dine-In": True } ], "Accessibility": [ { "Wheelchair Accessible Entrance": True }, { "Wheelchair Accessible Parking Lot": True }, { "Wheelchair Accessible Restroom": True }, { "Wheelchair Accessible Seating": True } ], "Offerings": [ { "Alcohol": True }, { "Beer": True }, { "Coffee": True }, { "Happy Hour Food": True }, { "Hard Liquor": True }, { "Wine": True } ], "Dining Options": [ { "Lunch": True }, { "Dinner": True }, { "Dessert": True }, { "Seating": True } ], "Amenities": [ { "Bar Onsite": True }, { "Good For Kids": True }, { "Restroom": True }, { "Free Wi-Fi": True } ], "Atmosphere": [ { "Casual": True }, { "Cozy": True } ], "Crowd": [ { "Groups": True } ], "Planning": [ { "Accepts Reservations": True } ], "Payments": [ { "Debit Cards": True }, { "NFC Mobile Payments": True }, { "Credit Cards": True } ] }
"Reviews": [ { "Name": "What’s In Your Pantry?", "Text": "One Of The Best Pizza Place In Pardubice. Great Selection Of Pizzas For Good Value Of Money.", "TextTranslated": Null, "PublishAt": "4 Years Ago", "PublishedAtDate": "2018-08-26T15:21:22.259Z", "LikesCount": 0, "ReviewId": "ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3aU5mS3Z3RRAB", "ReviewUrl": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Reviews/Data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3aU5mS3Z3RRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0x79ba84b5e3261fea!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICwiNfKvwE%7CCgsI8oqL3AUQ-KHBew%7C?Hl=En-US", "ReviewerId": "117322307728195096581", "ReviewerUrl": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Contrib/117322307728195096581?Hl=En-US", "ReviewerPhotoUrl": "Https://Lh3.Googleusercontent.Com/A-/AD5-WCmhximZjAUEJaQ3T-Z36al5yqCsyk_VhpBZ5zv3pqs=S120-C-C0x00000000-Cc-Rp-Mo-Ba3-Br100", "ReviewerNumberOfReviews": 45, "IsLocalGuide": True, "Stars": 4, "Rating": Null, "ResponseFromOwnerDate": Null, "ResponseFromOwnerText": Null, "ReviewImageUrls": [ "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipMn71E_8-SqjiLKYJbbI5gqrYhVn3n3ueHpGknt=W150-H150-K-No-P", "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipOHWWSXkDgNn_d8kbpPxMmmb7PaHQKMULJggIMe=W150-H150-K-No-P", "Https://Lh5.Googleusercontent.Com/P/AF1QipMpm926guA2_yc6hamEVQpp0GWkePyv0e6OXwgU=W150-H150-K-No-P" ], "ReviewContext": { "Service": "Dine In", "Meal Type": "Lunch" }, "ReviewDetailedRating": { "Food": 5, "Service": 3, "Atmosphere": 4 } } ]
"MoreHotelsOptions": [ { "Url": "Https://Www.Booking.Com/Hotel/Us/Pittsburgh-3454-Forbes.Html?&Checkin=2023-03-10&Checkout=2023-03-11&Group_adults=2&Req_adults=2&Show_room=33940104_356536769_2_2_0&Lang=En&Selected_currency=USD&Exrt=1.00000000&Ext_price_total=345.21&Ext_price_tax=42.39&Xfc=USD&Group_children=0&Req_children=0&&Exfcam=_2&Ts=1673860104&No_rooms=1&Utm_source=Metagha&Utm_medium=Mapresults&Utm_campaign=US&Utm_term=Hotel-339401&Utm_content=Dev-Desktop_los-1_bw-53_dow-Friday_defdate-1_room-0_gstadt-2_rateid-Public_aud-0_gacid-_mcid-10_ppa-0_clrid-0_ad-0_gstkid-0_checkin-20230310_&Aid=2127489&Label=Metagha-Link-MRUS-Hotel-339401_dev-Desktop_los-1_bw-53_dow-Friday_defdate-1_room-0_gstadt-2_rateid-Public_aud-0_gacid-_mcid-10_ppa-0_clrid-0_ad-0_gstkid-0_checkin-20230310_", "Title": "Booking.Com", "Price": "$303" }, { "Url": "Https://Www.Hotels.Com/Hotel-Search?Selected=118998&StartDate=2023-03-10&EndDate=2023-03-11&", "Title": "Hotels.Com", "Price": "$303" }, ], "SimilarHotelsNearby": [ { "Name": "Residence U Malvaz", "Rating": 4.3, "Reviews": 406, "Description": "Cozy Hotel Offering A Restaurant", "Price": "$70" }, { "Name": "Hotel U Zlatého Stromu", "Rating": 3.6, "Reviews": 656, "Description": "Refined Rooms, Plus Breakfast & Dining", "Price": "$64" }, ]
Updates From Customers
"UpdatesFromCustomers": { "Text": "Disneyland California Adventure Small Area With Large Park All Inclusive Celebrations. This Is A Glimpse Into Los Reyes Parade. I'm A True Fan. Thanks", "Language": "En", "PostDate": "A Week Ago", "PostedBy": { "Name": "Kayla Arredondo", "Url": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Contrib/102968882116587973980?Hl=En-US", "Title": "Local Guide", "TotalReviews": 225 }, "Media": [ { "Link": "Https://Lh3.Googleusercontent.Com/Ggms/AF1QipNNaoT0NSbcWOPSduvZNqJ0kSqUs-Dod32FeBtr=M18", "PostTime": "A Week Ago" } ] }
Questions & Answers
"QuestionsAndAnswers": { "Question": "Which Is The Best Easier Way To Drop Off A Family To Disneyland Park", "Answer": "Best Way For Drop Off Family Is At Down Town Disney. Drop Them Off Then You Can Take A Short Walk To The Park. ", "AskDate": "5 Years Ago", "AskedBy": { "Name": "Cecilia Salcedo", "Url": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Contrib/109041536347893604294" }, "AnswerDate": "5 Years Ago", "AnsweredBy": { "Name": "Gabby Lujan", "Url": "Https://Www.Google.Com/Maps/Contrib/105966144333216697667" } }
Web Results
"WebResults": [ { "Title": "Hotel & Restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice – Updated 2023 Prices", "DisplayedUrl": "Https://Www.Booking.Com › Hotel › Signal", "Description": "Located 1.2 Mi From Pardubice City Center, This Hotel Offers A ... Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice, 53012, Czech Republic – Great Location - Show Map." }, { "Title": "Hotel & Restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice - Booking.Com", "DisplayedUrl": "Https://Www.Booking.Com › Signal.En-Gb.Html", "Description": "Located 2 Km From Pardubice City Centre, This Hotel Offers A Traditional ... Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice, 53012, Czech Republic – Great Location - Show ..." }, { "Title": "Hotel & Restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice - 2023 Reviews ...", "DisplayedUrl": "Https://Www.Agoda.Com › ... › Pardubice Hotels", "Description": "Hotel & Restaurant SIGNAL. Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice III, Pardubice, Czech Republic, 53012 - See Map." } ],
Tips and Tricks for Search Location Definition
It Is A Stepwise Tutorial To Show You Methods To Customize Features With Geo Locations And Cross The Limit Of A Hundred And Twenty Outputs.
Location, Postal Code, City, State, and Country
Visit The Open Street Map Webpage To Check The Selected Location That Matches Your Input For Geolocation. Google Maps Scraper Uses This API For Geographical Location.
The Text LocationQuery Sets Up A Location For You. However, If It Doesn't Work, You Can Combine City, State, Country, Etc.
Zooming With Automation
The Google Maps Scraper Uses Automation To Effectively Zoom The Map To Scrape Data. It Uses A Higher Zoom Option For Smaller Geolocation Than Bigger Ones. The Options With Higher Zoom Can Discover More Locations, But It Is Costly And Time-Consuming. Typically, If You Increase Zoom, It Will Give You Diminishing Outputs.
Here Are A Few Sample Values For The Zoom Option For Some Locations:
United States- 10,371,139 km2 with 10 zooms
London - 1,595 km2 with 15 zooms
Germany - 380,878 km2 with 12 zooms
Soho - 0.35 km2 with 17 zooms
Manhattan - 87.5 km2 with 16 zooms
There Is An Option To Override Zoom Input Between 1 To 21 Values For The World And A Few Homes.
Custom Search Area
If You Can't Find Your Location Or Want To Change It According To Your Requirements, You Can Use The Custom Search Area Function To Create Starting URLs. For Example, Try The Nominatim API And Check The GeoJSON Field With Cambridge In Britain As An Example. You Can Access Many Search Location Geometry Categories. Each Geometry Follows The Official GeoJSON-Based RFC.
Remember that latitude and longitude have a reverse order in GeoJSON, than Google Map platform. You must use longitude as the first field and latitude as the second field.
GeoJSON Is A Superb Tool That You Can Use To Develop Any CustomGeolocation With The Proper Data Format.
The Tool Is Compatible With All GeoJSON Types, But Circle, Polygon, And MultiPolygon Are The Most Valuable.
The Most Common GeoJSON Type Of Location Is A Polygon. Its Point Sets Define Locations. Consider Closing The Polygon Using The Exact Coordinates For The First And Last Points. The CustomGeolocation Has The Following Example Format.
This Sample Covers The Top Portion Of The City In The UK, Like London.
{ "Type": "Polygon", "Coordinates": [ [ [ // Must Be The Same As Last One -0.322813, // Longitude 51.597165 // Latitude ], [ -0.314990, 51.388023 ], [ 0.060493, 51.389199 ], [ 0.051936, 51.600360 ], [ // Must Be The Same As First One -0.322813, 51.597165 ] // ... ] ] }
It Can Combine Multiple Discontinuous Polygons
{ "Type": "MultiPolygon", "Coordinates": [ [ // First Polygon [ [ 12.0905752, // Longitude 50.2524063 // Latitude ], [ 12.1269337, 50.2324336 ], // ... ] ], [ // Second Polygon // ... ] ] }
You Can Use The Point Category For A Circle With RadiusKm As A Custom Parameter. Remember To Vary The Circle Radius According To Your Requirements. Here Is An Example Of Basel City In Switzerland.
{ "Type": "Point", "Coordinates": ["7.5503", "47.5590"], "RadiusKm": 8 }
Advanced Configuration
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Buy Industrial Plots at Reliance Met City Jhajjar
Reliance Met Industrial Plots Jhajjar
Rs 8,000 crore invested in the Model Economic Township Limited’s integrated industrial township in Haryana
Reliance Met Industrial Plots Jhajjar, Industrial land has been sold to 400 companies, including nine blue-chip firms. The total investments from these firms are expected to be around Rs 9,000 crore and will generate direct employment for 51,000 people once operations begin.
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Model Economic Township Limited (METL) is a 100 percent subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited, which is engaged in the development of the integrated industrial township in Jhajjar in Haryana. The company has so far invested over Rs 8,000 crore in the project and the next Rs 1,000-crore phase to create additional infrastructure is on track. Currently, an area of over 2,500 acres is under development. License has been received for 1,856 acres and industrial land has been sold to over 400 customers, including nine blue-chip companies such as Panasonic, Denso, Tsuzuki, Bodytech and Dinamic Oil.
What are METL’s plans for the total area spread across 8,250 acres? How many phases will this be developed in?
As many as 8,250 acres will be developed as an integrated township with a focus on investments and employment generation through dedicated manufacturing and services zones apart from developing areas for residential, commercial and institutional development.
The whole project will be developed in three or four phases over the next few years. Currently, an area of over 2,500 acres is under development with over 400 companies taking up space. More than 1,500 residential plots have been sold to various customers. We are also developing a strong commercial and institutional infrastructure to create a self-sustaining city where people can live and walk to work while experiencing world-class infrastructure.
What has been the total investment so far?
We have already invested over Rs 8,000 crore in the project and the further programme of investments for creation of infrastructure of Rs 1,000 crore is continuing.
What is the potential in terms of planned industrial real estate development, its contribution to employment generation, ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ as well as sustainable development?
Currently, out of more than 400 companies that have signed up, 24 are operational and 46 are under construction. As we speak, 20,000 people are already working in our project area. The potential investments out of bookings till date will be more than Rs 9,000 crore and employment of more than 51,000 persons would be generated from these companies over the next few years.
MET City will be one of the largest projects of its kind to enable not only ‘Make in India’ / ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ but also providing employment to a large number of people.
I understand that licences have been received for 1,856 acres and freehold land has been sold to 400 companies.
Licence has been received for 1,856 acres and, yes, we have sold industrial land to over 400 customers, including nine blue-chip companies which includes names such as Panasonic, Denso, Tsuzuki, Bodytech, Dinamic Oil, etc. Apart from Indian firms, we have companies from Japan, South Korea, France, Italy, etc.
How many firms have their plants up and running within the complex? Which sectors/verticals have been covered so far?
Any greenfield integrated township requires some key anchor companies to be ‘queen bees’ for attracting investments. We have brought nine such large anchor companies to the project, which have all started operations. Apart from them, 15 more companies have also started operations and another 46 companies are under construction. We expect this number to keep increasing month on month.
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Getting these large anchor companies has helped us develop a robust ecosystem for growth of MSME (micro, small and medium enterprises) companies in our park. Today many of our companies comprise MSMEs. While the government of India and the state government are encouraging MSMEs, we are proud to say that we have developed a robust ecosystem for them to grow in a planned, sustainable and world-class environment.
What is the total investment these companies have brought to the state?
The total investment from 400 companies is expected to be in the range of Rs 9,000 crore with direct employment of 51,000 people once they start operating. Out of 400, we have nine foreign companies in the project which have contributed a large amount of foreign direct investment in the country and state.
The ecosystem at MET City is very dynamic and we continue to attract more and more Indian and foreign companies, which will increase the potential investments and employment in the project and state by many notches higher.
What is the arrangement with IndoSpace (India’s largest industrial warehousing platform) and their investment?
IndoSpace has two active projects with us. Project 1 is where they have taken 150 acres from us for a greenfield logistics and industrial park. Project 1 is fully developed and leased out to many companies including Reliance Retail.
Project 2 is a joint venture with us in Sector 5 of MET City. It is a 55-acre site with MET City (METL) having 26 percent share and 74 percent held by IndoSpace. The project is currently under development and the total planned investments by the project company is approximately Rs 400 crore.
How many acres have been set aside for residential development under the first phase?
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We have already sold close to 1,500 residential plots in Phase 1 of Sector 8. Our plan is to develop 500 acres for residential development in Phase 1 which will include residential plots, commercial plots and institutional spaces for schools, hotels, hospitals, temples, etc.
When will work on the next phase start? Which sectors would be considered?
Our next phase is currently under planning. We have appointed global consultancy firms to undertake a comprehensive planning and study of the new phase. The total area under Phase 2 will be approximately 2,700 acres-plus and will connect to the current Phase 1. Reliance Met Industrial Plots Price Jhajjar 
Once approved, both the phases with more than 5,000 acres will make MET City the largest planned mega city of North India, which will be focused on new investments, creating manufacturing destination of choice and a world-class living environment.
What is the potential of the area considering that it falls under the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)?
DMIC is a very ambitious project of the government of India. MET City and its surrounding town of Farrukhnagar being in the influence zone of DMIC has seen them becoming a rail-based logistics hub. Farrukhnagar being a part of the DFC (Dedicated Freight Corridor) is already seeing a lot of movement of automotive goods through the rail-based freight system. Today all leading automotive companies like Tata, Maruti, MG, Hero Motors, etc., are using this node for the movement of their vehicles across the country and also for exports through the railways.
Haryana Orbital Rail Corporation is developing a rail network between Palwal and Sonipat alongside KMP (Kundli-Manesar-Palwal or Western Peripheral) Expressway in Phase 1 with a node at Farrukhnagar for ease of movement of goods and people within this region. This corridor is an ambitious project to develop multimodal rail-based hubs across Haryana.
DMIC and DFC are changing the face of development at MET City. Most large-scale warehousing players like Allcargo Logistics, Embassy, IndoSpace, FM Logistics, Ascendas-Firstspace, Welspun ONE are taking advantage of planned development under DMIC and being close to DFC.
What about basic infrastructure such as water, electricity and sewage treatment? Have these been provided for?
The total area under industrial land development in Phase 1 is over 2,000 acres. Development has been completed on 900 acres in Sectors 3, 4, 5 and 7. Construction in Sector 2B (industrial zone) is in progress for 132 acres and development of another 92 acres will begin in Sector 10A shortly.
As for power infrastructure, a 220 KV GIS-based substation is operational, providing uninterrupted power supply to the township. Each sector has its dedicated power infrastructure consisting of 33 KV GIS-based substations, underground power infrastructure, fully-automated packet transformers, etc. It is the largest underground power infrastructure of its kind in all of North India based on Smart City concept of CCS & RMU.
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Work has been completed on trunk infrastructure for 50 MLD (million litres per day) water treatment plant along with 18 km of trunk water pipeline. Out of 50 MLD total capacity, WTP (waste treatment plant) Phase 1 of 12.5 MLD is fully commissioned and has been operational since October 1, 2021.
On the sustainability front, METL received IGBC Gold rating for the industrial township in December 2020. It is the first integrated township in North India to receive such a certification. Work to get Platinum certification is going on, which will make it one of the largest integrated townships to have achieved such a distinction
What about connectivity?
The project is located on State Highway 15A with a linear frontage of about 12 kms. This helps the township get multiple modes of transportation to the project and multiple entry and exit points.
Some private companies have deployed private vehicles and buses to fetch their employees and Reliance MET City Jhajjar every day sees the entry of 200-250 such vehicles. Apart from this, the Haryana government runs buses up to Jhajjar and Farrukhnagar towns crossing Reliance Met Industrial Plots at MET City.
MET City also has two entry/exit points on KMP Expressway, which helps connectivity through Gurgaon, Manesar, Palwal, Jaipur, Sonipat and other important towns.
The township is also well connected through a network of roads like Dwarka Expressway and National Highways 48 and 352 crisscrossing the entire area, bringing MET City closer to Gurgaon and Indira Gandhi International Airport. Farrukhnagar Railway Station gets 6 pairs of trains every day from various locations within NCR for easy commute.
Our business of developing MET City is a business of creation of a new city and a destination of choice for millions of people once it is complete. While the model is scalable, not many private developers have entered this space due to the very long gestation period of such projects. METL as the project company right now is focused on developing MET City as the rightful destination for both business and pleasure and currently has no plans for replicating the same. This project itself requires dedicated efforts of many years to realise the dream of having one of India’s largest integrated industrial townships.
Source:- https://www.moneycontrol.com/
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melvajoy · 1 year
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Real Estate Services by 1899 Progress: What We Offer
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datascraping001 · 1 year
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Are you a personal trainer looking to expand your client base and grow your business? Look no further than our Personal Trainer Email List! Our comprehensive and up-to-date list includes contact information for personal trainers across the country, allowing you to reach potential clients directly and effectively. With our targeted email list, you can increase your visibility and attract new clients to take their fitness journeys to the next level with your expert guidance. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your business and reach more people who are eager to make positive changes in their lives.
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Q-Commerce Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Q-Commerce Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Q-Commerce Forecast till 2027*.
Quick commerce is also commonly referred to as ‘on-demand deliver. Quick is a platform for selling goods via the internet, and the transfer of money and data to complete the sales well. Q-Commerce usually refers to services enabling customers to receive relatively small deliveries within an hour or less with the rise of rapid urbanization, the number of small or single-person households is rapidly growing. This has led to rising demand for the delivery of products in small quantities rather than purchasing many items in large quantities at a cheaper price. The main advantage is that Q-Commerce geographically allows us to reach more customers faster, with less friction, and deliver goods from their favorite local stores. For instance, a Spanish company has partnered with a real estate investment firm, Stoneweg, which is set to invest €100 million in buying warehouses that will be turned into Glovo dark stores. However, according to a survey, the rapid rise of the delivery grocery market has generated nearly $14 billion in funds since the start of the pandemic, with more investment occurring during the forecast period. The demand for the market is driving over the forecast period
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Q-Commerce Market are Uber Eats (United States), Deliveroo (United Kingdom),Delivery hero (Germany),Getir (United States),Jokr (United States),Gorillas (Germany),Weezy (United Kingdom),Zepto (India),goPuff (Philadelphia),Glovo (Spain),Zapp (Germany),Dija (China),JiffyCajoo (United Kingdom)
What's Trending in Market: Big data plays an important role in creating personalized experiences.
Challenges: Onboarding more micro-merchants is another challenge in q-Commerce
Opportunities: The reason for gaining opportunities is busy lifestyles, urbanization, smaller households, COVID-19, and an aging population
Market Growth Drivers: Price has always been the trump card for the q-commerce industry as most of the products that are available online are cheaper than the same products available offline
The Global Q-Commerce Market segments and Market Data Break Down by End Use (Warehouse, Individual, Corporate), Category Food (Food, Personal care, Groceries Product, Household Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Others)
To comprehend Global Q-Commerce market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Q-Commerce market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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centrejust · 2 years
Dordogne houses for sale
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Any republication or reproduction of the information herein without the express permission of the SAR MLS is strictly prohibited. This information is exclusively for viewers’ personal, non-commercial use. Find a wide range of properties for sale in Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France, with FrenchEntre offering property for sale throughout France, find your. Buyers are cautioned to verify all information to their own satisfaction. The information displayed herein was derived from sources believed to be accurate, but has not been verified by SAR MLS. Mansion Beaumont-du-Prigord 5 bedrooms 5167 sq ft Price Contact us Castle Prigueux 8 bedrooms 9688 sq ft 1 750 000 House Vergt 5 bedrooms 5382 sq ft 1 680. Chteau for sale in Aquitaine, Dordogne, France - For sale at 3,900,000 Euros. The data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the AGMLS.įor all listings provided by the SAR MLS: Copyright © 2022 SAR MLS. 3 million bonus for Portuguese Houses, villas and apartments to buy in. All rights reserved.įor all listings provided by the ASPEN/GLENWOOD MLS (AGMLS): Information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. 201,365 239,000 Beautiful family house of historical character in a dynamic village beautiful land with view on the.
You should consult your advisors for an independent verification of any properties.įor all listings provided by the REBNY Listing Service: This information is not verified for authenticity or accuracy and is not guaranteed and may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Christie’s International Real Estate and its affiliates make no representation, warranty or guaranty as to accuracy of any information contained herein. Powered by GTS: Real Estate Websites | Real Estate CRMĪll information provided herein has been obtained from sources believed reliable, but may be subject to errors, omissions, change of price, prior sale, or withdrawal without notice. © 1999 – 2022 Christie’s International Real Estate all rights reserved.
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oceanwworlds · 5 months
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aidanchaser · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Everyone Lives AU
Table of Contents beta’d by @ageofzero
Chapter One Owl Post
November 02, 1979
Dearest Cissy,
I’m afraid this may be the last letter I send. I’ve discovered that the things the Dark Lord plans to do are far worse than we ever imagined. I know Sirius always said I had a weak stomach, but I can’t keep pretending I’m okay with these things.
Get out while you can. Please, Cissy, I beg you to get out. Don’t tell Bella or your husband where you’re going, but just leave. Things will only get worse.
I won’t tell you what I’m about to do, for your sake. But I will tell you that the Dark Lord is not all that he claims to be and I will do everything I can to bring him down and protect the people and things that I love.
You’re truly the only family that I can trust with this. Please don’t let Mother know. It would break her heart, and Father’s health is weak enough as it is.
And if you do ever see Sirius, tell him I’m sorry.
Your dearest cousin Reggie
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.
There were many things about Harry that were normal: He loved summer vacation. He loved sports. And most of all, he loved his family.
However, there were things about Harry that were not normal. For one, Harry was a wizard. Some might not find this strange. There are plenty of witches and wizards who would not be surprised at all by the fact that Harry Potter can do magic, or that he plays his favorite sport on a broomstick high in the air, chasing golden Snitches that fly on their own. But even within the community of wizards, Harry Potter was an odd boy.
For one thing, all witches and wizards knew the name Harry Potter. Everyone knew that as a baby, Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who. Everyone knew that Harry Potter was marked with a scar that night, and some witches and wizards whispered that Harry Potter was The Chosen One.
What that meant for a boy with a scar on his head didn’t matter just yet. On the night in question, Harry was doing normal twelve-year-old boy things, like being bored with his homework.
Harry Potter did not find the essay on “Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century” particularly interesting. He had just finished a year at his school, Hogwarts, where a threat to witches and wizards born of non-magical parents had been made. He was not feeling particularly sympathetic to witches and the fearful Muggles.
He could not seem to get much further than the first two paragraphs in his textbook, A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot.
The old grandfather clock chimed in the hallway — twelve gentle chimes. The clock was magic, like everything else in this house, so after sunset, the clock did not chime loudly. It had no interest in waking the residents of the house.
The residents of the Potter Estate were Harry Potter and his parents, Lily and James Potter. It was a large house for three people, but Harry filled it with a lot of energy, as twelve and thirteen-year-old boys often do.
Of course, at midnight, his parents were sleeping, and he was awake doing homework.
There was still a month before school, so he thought finishing his History of Magic essay ridiculous. He’d already completed his Potions homework, with a lot of help from his mother, and his Transfiguration essay, with help from his father. The only person who could help him with History of Magic was Uncle Remus, who was not feeling well. Harry could wait a week until Uncle Remus was better, but he desperately wanted to visit his godfather, Sirius Black, this summer.
At school, Harry had broken several school rules, risked his own life, and saved the school in the process. Harry thought he deserved a lot of praise, which he did get. He earned an award for Special Services to the School, and he and Ron had won the House Cup competition for Gryffindor. The only problem was that Harry had two parents who worried about his safety. So Harry was grounded from Quidditch practice and visits with Sirius until his homework was done.
It sounded reasonable at the beginning of summer. During his school year, Harry had dueled another student, snuck away from teachers while the school was under a threat, and gone into a dangerous place to rescue a friend without seeking help from an adult. As great as Harry’s success had been, he had put himself in a lot of danger, and though the medicine was bitter to swallow, he had understood why his parents had grounded him. Now, a month later, struggling to finish his history essay at midnight on his birthday, it felt like the worst punishment his parents could give him.
Harry managed to get an outline of his essay completed by one am. He felt better about the assignment when he learned that burning witches did no harm to witches, who only had to cast a Freezing Charm to protect themselves from the flames.
As the clock chimed again, he realized he ought to go to bed. But it was summer vacation, and a bedtime was the one punishment his parents had not inflicted on him, so he’d taken to enjoying late nights as his only real form of freedom. He’d considered sneaking out on his Nimbus 2000, but it was locked away in a trunk at the foot of his parents’ bed. He’d already tried Alohamora, but it didn’t budge.
Just as Harry was thinking about climbing the stairs to bed, three owls tumbled through the open kitchen window.
An old gray owl, which Harry knew was Ron Weasley’s family owl, was helped into the dining room by a tiny brown owl. Harry didn’t recognize the small owl, but it was carrying a letter with the Hogwarts seal on the parchment, so Harry was sure it was his school books list. The third owl was a snowy white barn owl, proud and beautiful.
“Hello, Hedwig,” Harry smiled.
She flitted up to the table and nipped his finger affectionately, as if she were wishing him a happy birthday.
“What’ve you got there?” he asked in a whisper and untied the letter attached to her leg.
It turned out to be a birthday card from Hermione.
Dear Harry,
I hope you’re doing well and your parents haven’t given you too much trouble.
I’m on holiday in France at the moment and I didn’t know how I was going to send this to you — what if they’d opened it up in customs? — but then Hedwig turned up! I bought your present by owl-order; there was an advertisement in the Daily Prophet. I’ve been getting it delivered. It’s so good to keep up with what’s going on in the wizarding world. Did you see that picture of Ron and his family a week ago? I bet he’s learning loads. I’m really jealous. The ancient Egyptian wizards were fascinating.
There’s some interesting local history of witchcraft here, too. I’ve rewritten my whole History of Magic essay to include some of the things I’ve found out. I hope it’s not too long — it’s two rolls of parchment more than Professor Binns asked for.
Ron says he’s going to be in London the last week of the holidays. Can you make it? I hope your parents don’t keep you grounded all summer. I really hope you can come. If not, I’ll see you on the Hogwarts Express on September first!
Love from, Hermione
Harry had seen the picture of Ron the Daily Prophet last week. His mum had shown him the picture of the Weasley family, all nine of them, standing in front of the pyramids waving. He’d found it pretty unfair that Ron got to explore Egypt and Hermione was off in France and Harry was stuck at home. It wasn’t like he’d gotten into anymore trouble than Ron had.
Before opening Ron’s letter, Harry got the owls snacks and water. While they refreshed themselves, Harry read the letter the Weasley family owl Errol had brought him.
Dear Harry,
Happy birthday!
I hope you’re doing alright. Mum’s just about forgotten my being in trouble, with this trip to Egypt and having all her children in one place. I expect the Special Award we got helped too. I hope yours aren’t being too hard on you.
It’s amazing here in Egypt, by the way. Bill’s taken us around all the tombs and you wouldn’t believe the curses those old Egyptian wizards put on them. Mum wouldn’t let Ginny come in the last one. There were all these mutant skeletons in there, of Muggles who’d broken in and grown extra heads and stuff. I couldn’t believe it when Dad won the Daily Prophet Draw. Seven hundred galleons! Most of it’s gone on this trip, but they’re going to buy me a new wand for next year.
We’ll be back about a week before term starts and we’ll be going up to London to get my wand and our new books. Any chance of meeting you there?
P.S. Percy’s Head Boy. He got the letter last week.
Harry could almost hear the irritation in Ron’s voice about Percy. Harry remembered when he was eleven and Percy had just gotten his Prefect badge. He’d been quite showy about it, and Harry didn’t think he’d be any better about being Head Boy.
Now that he’d read his friends’ letters, it was time for the presents.
Harry opened the package from Ron first, and out tumbled what looked like a spinning top, except it was made of glass. The ones Sirius had given him from the Muggle stores had been made of wood. Harry had never seen one made of glass before.
The attached note said:
Harry — this is a Pocket Sneakoscope. If there’s someone untrustworthy around, it’s supposed to light up and spin. Bill says it’s rubbish sold for wizard tourists and isn’t reliable, because it kept lighting up at dinner last night. But he didn’t realize Fred and George had put beetles in his soup.
Bye —
Harry spun the top, but nothing happened. Harry thought it odd he’d never seen a Pocket Sneakoscope before, because he and Sirius had probably found just about every kind of magical toy there was. Maybe this wasn’t a toy. Or maybe it really was a rubbish souvenier.
Next, he opened Hermione’s gift. It was heavy, and he was expecting a book from her, but it turned out to be a Broomstick Servicing Kit. He was grateful for it — he’d nearly run out of Fleetwood’s High-Finish Handle Polish at the end of last year — except it made him frustrated he wasn’t allowed to use his broom.
He was about to open the third parcel, that had come with the Hogwarts owl, when he heard a door creak.
Harry looked up and saw his father walk into the dining room, wearing a bathrobe over his pajamas. He looked blearily at the lit gas lamps and then at Harry.
“You’re still awake?” James asked.
“I wanted to finish this before my birthday,” Harry said, and tapped his parchment.
James took a step back into the hallway to check the grandfather clock. “Ah, I’m sorry you aren’t finished yet, but happy birthday.”
“Your mum’s snoring, so I was just going to whip up a light sleeping potion. I see you already got some presents.” As James went into the kitchen, Harry followed.
“Yeah, Ron and Hermione. I think the last one’s from Hagrid. It came with my Hogwarts letter.”
“Wow, summer’s half over already.” James opened up the potions cupboard and pulled down a handful of bottles and jars. “We’ll have to get your school supplies soon.”
While James brewed the Sleeping Draught, Harry chatted about his presents from Ron and Hermione and the gifts they’d given him. When he’d finished telling his father about those, Harry started complaining about his essay. James had a few things to add to it, but not much.
“You should ask Remus on Thursday,” James said.
“But I want to be done with the essay now,” Harry sighed. “I want at least one weekend at Sirius’s.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to spend with Sirius,” James laughed. “I think your mother will agree that one month of grounding is enough. Besides, I miss playing Quidditch with you.”
Harry smiled. He had been suspecting for a while that his father was as gloomy about his grounding as he was. It was his mother who seemed terrified to let him out of the house. In her defense, she’d watched him fight an enormous basilisk at the end of May and nearly die from basilisk venom. She had earned some right to be over-protective.
For the hour that the Sleeping Draught simmered, James helped Harry finish his essay on witch burnings. That way they would have something to help argue to Lily that Harry’s grounding should be lifted.
Harry rolled up the parchment and sealed it. All summer homework was completed.
He went ahead and opened his present from Hagrid while James went to finish off the potion.
Inside the package was a book with scaly green binding, like a dragon’s hide. The title was printed in gold: Monster Book of Monsters. Harry didn’t get any further than that, because the book started snapping at his hands. Harry dropped it immediately. The book fell to the floor and started gnawing on the table leg. When Harry reached down to grab it, it bit his hand. He yelped, and his father came running.
James saw the book and dove to tackle it, but skittered away on its edge. James’s head hit the china cabinet. Thanks to some old Stabilizing Charms, nothing fell down. But the noise did wake Lily. The gas lamp in the hallway sprang to life and she walked into the kitchen with a robe over her pajamas.
“What is going on in — oh!” The book snapped at her bare feet and she quickly stomped on the cover, squishing the book closed. “Harry, James, what is this?”
James took the tie off of his own bathrobe and tied the book shut. “Harry’s birthday present from Hagrid. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.”
“He says I’ll find it useful next year,” Harry said as he read over the birthday card Hagrid had sent him. “I wonder why.”
“What are the two of you even doing up?” Lily asked as she looked at the letters and wrappings on the table. “James, we’re doing presents in the morning.”
“These are from my friends,” Harry said quickly. “I was up finishing my homework and Hedwig brought them.”
“Oh.” Lily rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hand. “It’s nearly three am. Both of you need to be in bed. Come on.” Lily turned off the gas lamp and the dining room went dark.
“Just got to clean up the potion, Lils,” James said. “Then I’ll be right —”
Before he could finish, a silver swan soared through the window. It passed through the glass, which surprised Harry. And then Harry realized it wasn’t a real swan at all, but some sort of silver projection of a swan.
The swan floated through the glass and came to rest on the table, where it vanished in a gentle burst of light.
“Alice?” Lily asked and turned the light back on.
“She never was good at the speaking part,” James said. “She’s probably just letting us know she’s Apparating —”
There was a loud knock at the door.
“Harry, can you put the cauldron away?” James asked, and followed Lily to the door.
Harry frowned, but did as his father asked. He had no interest in pressing the issue of being grounded.
He put the potion supplies back in the cupboard and washed out the cauldron, then replaced it under the sink. He was surprised he couldn’t hear his parents talking. The only Alice he knew of was Alice Longbottom, his friend Neville’s mother, and she was very loud. He turned the lights out in the kitchen, then the dining room, then poked his head into the hallway.
It was Alice Longbottom, still in the entryway. She was talking to his parents in hushed whispers. He only caught the end of it:
“We’ll both stay with you,” Lily said. “Harry’s been wanting to see Sirius anyway. Just give us a bit of time to pack.”
Harry didn’t understand at all. Alice left, and he heard the crack of her Apparating away once she crossed outside the Anti-Apparition line.
“What’s going on?” Harry asked.
“I’m sorry, Harry,” James said. “Your mother and I are going to stay with the Longbottoms for a few days. You know we wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t important.”
Lily leaned over and kissed his forehead. “You’ll stay with Sirius while we’re there, okay? I’m sure you two will have a wonderful time.”
Harry was not very used to ruined birthdays. Last year had been the first disaster, visiting his Muggle cousin. This year, he’d expected to be ungrounded for his birthday, and to fly his broom again. But instead, he was being sent off to Sirius’s while his parents went to stay with someone else?
“I’m so sorry,” Lily said. “You know we love you, and we would never do this if it wasn’t an emergency. Go get your things you’ll want to take to Sirius’s. We’ll need to leave quickly.”
Harry grabbed the Sneakoscope and Broomstick Servicing Kit off the dining room table. He left behind the biting book.
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forestcorn8 · 2 years
Yahoo Hopes To Score With World Cup Website
“i'm excited to begin an innovative new chapter of my job at Paris Saint-Germain," Messi said. "Everything concerning the club suits my football ambitions. Lionel Messi has actually boarded a personal jet at El Prat airport in Barcelona to fly to France and sign a two-year handle Paris Saint-Germain. On the other hand, their parent had started their profession at age 17, making first against RCD Espanyol and became the third-youngest person to relax and play on FC Barcelona. Thiago Messi Roccuzzo came to be in Barcelona, Spain, in 2012. He celebrates their birthday celebration on November 12, helping to make his age 7. He keeps Spanish nationality it is eligible to play football for either Argentina or Spain. Barcelona and Argentina talisman and an unprecedented six-time Ballon d’Or winner, Lionel Messi celebrates his 33rd birthday on Summer 24, 2020 (Wednesday). Lionel Messi is one of the highest-earning baseball players and it has built himself quite a king's ransom while playing for Barcelona and Argentina. More than 200 guests were present at their particular wedding while a huge selection of authorities were there for protection. BOSTON (AP) - Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was defrocked after a Vatican investigation verified he had sexually molested adults in addition to children, was faced with sexually assaulting a teenage boy during a wedding reception in Massachusetts in 1974, court public records reveal. Additionally, the Argentinian internationally and his partner tend to be foreseeing their particular third kid in late February or very early March. Messi a five-time Ballon d’Or winner has become persisting is a father newly yet continuously presuming a baby guy. No-one can dispute the truth that Lionel Messi is the greatest player on the planet additionally the greatest of all time. Supporters are now actually going back at the perfect time for you ensure this tradition can just do it once more. TigerBlog can just only think about one other Princeton player inside the time here whom played both sports, and that had been Anders Vestergaard. It took-off at 10.35am regional time and headed southwest away from Brussels but just 43 minutes and 132 kilometers later at 11.18am it touched down once again. A25m) private jet utilized by Lionel Messi is obligated to make an emergency landing at Brussels airport because of a fault. Furthermore, Lionel Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo is the family of five along with their sons. They will certainly desire to keep the momentum going so that they can match PSG and Monaco. Its services is accessed from European countries, the center East and a few countries of Asia. Right here you'll find that one regarding the ways you can build a fortune and secure your future financially is by buying real-estate. The Argentine star normally on quick of completing 700 job goals for both club and country and needs just one even more hit to reach the task. Nevertheless, his father has accumulated an enormous sum of money from their profession in football. But, his parents hold a long record together. Nonetheless, he does appear to have a football interest, and Messi has actually provided which he happens to be criticized by their son many times. Thiago Messi Roccuzzo doesn't have a profession and no profits. Extensively seen as top footballer in the field and on the list of biggest of all-time, Messi has played all his club profession for Barcelona and currently captains all of them. Lionel Messi Goal movie: Barcelona Superstar Takes an amazing change, Glides Through Three Defenders and ratings From the place. It really is symbolic that Messi will wear the No. 30 jersey - the exact same number he wore inside the first couple of seasons with Barcelona before switching to No. 19 and then the prized No. 10, which Neymar reaches hold at PSG. With him once the captain, Barcelona tend to be chasing after for a 3rd consecutive Los Angeles Liga subject. The 2012 team won the NCAA title. He could be a good playmaker and shooter which scored 1.31 points per ownership on their jumpers in a set offense, per Synergy, which ranked 97th percentile among NCAA people. Imagine being 먹튀사이트 of just one of the greatest baseball people. Will there be a pattern of match-fixing among players? He likes soccer, but also here he plays for a little bit and gets annoyed.
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damm31chan · 2 years
We Buy Houses
Once you have chosen your real estate agent, they may guide you to what steps are necessary to launch your own home on the actual estate market. We help property owners just like you in all kinds of situations. Whether it’s divorce, foreclosure, the death of a family member, burdensome rental property, or any other circumstances, we perceive and are right here to help. We buy houses throughout Southern Ontario together with Toronto and its surrounding areas. We pay a fair cash value on your house and we get it done fast. In the occasion of multiple provides , provides will usually be “firm”, which means there are not any conditions. There are many ways for a bidding struggle to proceed – your agent will suggest totally different strategies that will assist you get the highest worth. If you want extra information about bidding wars, take a look at our weblog on the Anatomy of a Bidding War. Your personal wants and objectives – If you’re moving out of the city or have already bought a brand new house, then that timing will doubtless override every little thing else. Likewise, an upcoming baby, want for a live-in nanny, wedding ceremony or divorce would possibly dictate your timing too. Wicked images – your Buyer will doubtless find your personal home online first, so it needs to look incredible on-line. It is important to get the home looking its greatest before you listing. Buyers have a tough time seeing previous the muddle, outsized furnishings, too much furniture, and so forth... Passionate about serving to others get the fresh start they want by offering free recommendation and decisions. If you need to keep away from fixing, updating or even cleansing your house, we might be the reply. If the property is vacant, then it’s fantastic, you would possibly be capable of close very quickly. This one is essential and will get the houses sold fast with the next price! If you're employed with a full service real property agent, they could add that to their companies too. We are investors who've purchased properties nationwide and have an excellent buyer satisfaction history – check out ourreviews right here. When you decide to sell to Michael the Home Buyer, you get our pledge that we’ll buy your house in simply days! We’ll work in your schedule to maintain the process as handy for you as potential. The timing of your listing will definitely impact how fast it sells. Every market has in style times to sell, but there’s one thing to be mentioned for minimal competitors too, so if you want to sell your house and it’s cold and December, it’s nonetheless doable. Some point to a group of Reddit users who mobbed an E.T.F. providing exposure to the market. A rental gold rush is fueling concern for the area’s signature trees and debates about whether life in the California desert is changing eternally. President Emmanuel Macron has brought innovation, jobs and growth. Still, resentments fester within the days before France’s presidential election. Better pace and reliability are simply the start. sell house fast toronto The sizzling nature of your real property market.If you reside in an area with a sizzling market, you'll find a way to typically count on your house to sell sooner than in markets where buyer demand is low. Canada Fast Offer has a quick course of, and we are able to buy any house in any situation. No matter the situation of the house, we are in a position to make you a good and fast cash supply. Canada Fast Offer buy house anyplace in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for a quick cash provide that the market price. There is usually untapped value by altering the layout, contemplating an open concept, including further residing house or one other toilet. We’ll make you a competitive cash supply so that you get a stress-free sale without listing. When selling your home, be sure to not let emotions get in the means in which. There’s a likely chance that you’ll come across low ballers.
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bypinch · 2 years
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Croatia these days is a very tempting destination for European investors searching for opportunities to buy a peace of “haven” on the most beautiful cost of the Adriatic Sea. Being part of the European Union and half way to join the Schengen zone, looks like Croatia is a sweet and safe opportunity to enter in more affordable way. Expectations are that Europe will increase the market prices with cheap financing. All this isn’t a big secret, the most brave investors have already shown their interests during the “COVID Era”, purchasing the most interesting properties all over the cost. Properties that where listed for years on the market, suddenly disappeared one after another. Sometimes buyers don’t even bother arguing the better price or, even like the one experience we had when they actually offered higher than the asking price for a front sea line location.
Pinch Group isn’t a Real Estate agency and we don’t look for clients to buy any property – we look for the property with the best opportunity for business! Our target is to find a perfect property, add some value to it through renovation, renting services, property management services, etc. Increasing that way capitalization through years and a good ROI.
Today there are a lot of offers of ready to move or to furnish opportunities. If you are holding cash and want a headache free property – you will pay premium and join your peace of “heaven” soon. The most recent experience we had was assisting a client from our partner in Czech Republic acquiring a non-furnished apartment in a second row to the sea in a small village on the Island of Pag, paying 3,8K euros/m2 with almost full sea view. In my opinion it is a big price to pay for a little amount of services tenants get around the property. You still need to furnish, decorate, find a property management company that will take care of it while you are away. Maybe you are that kind of investor: you enjoy taking design decisions with some extra time on your hand for the hobby – then you are welcome to the club! For our fortune Czech partner Pinch Group will take care of the investment on all steps from purchasing, furnishing, management and taking part of any future plans saving time and money.
What are the challenges of investing in Real Estate in Croatia?
For the beginning you will find some rather unusual practices on legal side if you are not from this region. It isn’t difficult at all, it just can be different from other parts of Europe, a good adviser can easily walk you through the process.
Where in Croatia? This is a question you should ask yourself, even if you visited so many times Croatia. Have you visited Croatia during the winter time? This is another question a good adviser could give you. Depending on the final purpose of your purchase, there are places that suit better than others, depending on if you are buying for your personal vacation, for rent, or you are planning to move.
Those two first tasks are the easy ones, the real challenge comes if you want to renovate or build from scratch your new property. Through our 6 years of experience doing business in Croatia as expats we met with a huge list of possible challenges on 7 properties we are actually managing at the moment. There are some issues we are still working out from the day first! We learned that a right architect makes the difference when time matters, he/she is the one who defines for how long you will wait until you get your permits. His mistake can convert 3 months into 7 years nightmare. Like in a case of a couple from France that decided to retire in a stone house in the island of Vrgada, they waited for 7 years the permit and once they got it – there wasn’t any wish left to get it done, now they are selling it out. This couple stayed few years in our guest houses hoping to move soon to their own place.
That is why we highly recommend spending a necessary time to research and take care of this part before considering to pay for your property. We were working to solve these challenges for years, dealing with different contractor companies, contracting our own workers, different architects, lawyers, accountants, consultants, Real Estate experts and many more. Now we know the way it works for us, we are happy to share our experience and you can easily find our partners on our page, as well as a contact form in case you want us to consult you or get an advice, completely complimentary.
Contact us for more info!
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