#Rajasthan 50 district map
hardinnews0207 · 7 months
Rajasthan's Evolving Geopolitical Landscape: A Look at the State's New Map
क्षेत्रफल के हिसाब से भारत का सबसे बड़ा राज्य राजस्थान अपनी समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत, जीवंत परंपराओं और विविध भूगोल के लिए जाना जाता है। यह राजसी राज्य पूरे इतिहास में कई साम्राज्यों और राजवंशों का उद्गम स्थल रहा है, जो अपने पीछे एक ऐसी विरासत छोड़ गया है जो इसकी पहचान को आकार देती रहती है। हालाँकि, पिछले कुछ वर्षों में राजस्थान की भौगोलिक सीमाओं में महत्वपूर्ण परिवर्तन देखे गए हैं, और हाल के दिनों में, एक नया मानचित्र सामने आया है, जो राज्य के भू-राजनीतिक परिदृश्य को फिर से परिभाषित करता है। इस लेख में, हम राजस्थान के विकसित होते मानचित्र और इन परिवर्तनों में योगदान देने वाले कारकों का पता लगाएंगे।
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ऐतिहासिक सीमाएँ
नए मानचित्र पर गौर करने से पहले राजस्थान की ऐतिहासिक सीमाओं को समझना जरूरी है। राज्य का भूगोल हमेशा वैसा नहीं रहा जैसा हम आज जानते हैं। राजस्थान का इतिहास विभिन्न राजवंशों के उत्थान और पतन के कारण क्षेत्रीय विस्तार और संकुचन के उदाहरणों से भरा पड़ा है। राजस्थान के क्षेत्र ने राजपूत वंशों, मुगलों, मराठों और अंग्रेजों का शासन देखा है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक ने राज्य की सीमाओं पर अपनी छाप छोड़ी है।
आधुनिक राजस्थान का निर्माण
आधुनिक राजस्थान राज्य, जैसा कि हम आज इसे पहचानते हैं, का गठन 30 मार्च, 1949 को हुआ था, जब राजस्थान की रियासतें एक एकीकृत इकाई बनाने के लिए एक साथ आईं। इस एकीकरण से पहले, राजस्थान रियासतों का एक समूह था, जिनमें से प्रत्येक का अपना शासक और प्रशासन था। इन रियासतों के एकीकरण ने राजस्थान के लिए एक नए युग की शुरुआत की, जिसमें विभिन्न संस्कृतियों, भाषाओं और परंपराओं को एक बैनर के नीचे एक साथ लाया गया।
राजस्थान का नया मानचित्र
हाल के वर्षों में, राजस्थान के मानचित्र में ऐसे परिवर्तन देखे गए हैं, जिन्होंने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों का ध्यान आकर्षित किया है। ये परिवर्तन मुख्य रूप से प्रशासनिक सीमाओं के पुनर्गठन और नए जिलों के निर्माण के इर्द-गिर्द घूमते हैं। यहां कुछ उल्लेखनीय विकास हैं:
नये जिलों का निर्माण: राजस्थान के मानचित्र में एक महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव नए जिलों का निर्माण है। राज्य सरकार ने प्रशासनिक दक्षता में सुधार और शासन को लोगों के करीब लाने के लिए यह पहल की है। उदाहरण के लिए, 2018 में, राज्य सरकार ने सात नए जिलों, अर्थात् प्रतापगढ़, चूरू, सीकर, झुंझुनू, उदयपुरवाटी, दौसा और नागौर के निर्माण की घोषणा की। इन परिवर्तनों का उद्देश्य नागरिकों को बेहतर प्रशासन और सेवा वितरण करना था।
सीमा विवाद: राजस्थान की सीमाएँ गुजरात, हरियाणा, पंजाब और मध्य प्रदेश सहित कई पड़ोसी राज्यों के साथ लगती हैं। सीमा विवाद एक लंबे समय से चला आ रहा मुद्दा रहा है, जो अक्सर क्षेत्र और संसाधनों पर विवादों का कारण बनता है। इन विवादों के परिणामस्वरूप कभी-कभी राजस्थान के मानचित्र में परिवर्तन होता है क्योंकि संघर्षों को हल करने के लिए सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रों को फिर से तैयार किया जाता है। ऐसे विवादों के समाधान में अक्सर राज्य सरकारों और केंद्रीय अधिकारियों के बीच बातचीत शामिल होती है।
बुनियादी ढांचे का विकास: बुनियादी ढांचा विकास परियोजनाएं राजस्थान के मानचित्र को भी प्रभावित कर सकती हैं। नई सड़कों, राजमार्गों और रेलवे का निर्माण राज्य के भीतर विभिन्न क्षेत्रों की पहुंच और कनेक्टिविटी को बदल सकता है। ऐसी परियोजनाओं से भौगोलिक सीमाओं की धारणा में बदलाव के साथ-साथ कुछ क्षेत्रों में आर्थिक विकास भी हो सकता है।
शहरीकरण: राजस्थान में हाल के वर्षों में तेजी से शहरीकरण हो रहा है। जैसे-जैसे शहरों और कस्बों का विस्तार होता है, उनकी सीमाएँ अक्सर आसपास के ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों को घेरती हुई बढ़ती हैं। इस शहरी फैलाव के परिणामस्वरूप जिलों और नगरपालिका क्षेत्रों की प्रशासनिक सीमाओं में बदलाव हो सकता है, जो राज्य के मानचित्र में परिलक्षित हो सकता है।
प्रभाव और निहितार्थ
राजस्थान के मानचित्र में बदलाव के सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों प्रभाव हैं। सकारात्मक पक्ष पर, नए जिलों के निर्माण और प्रशासनिक सुधारों से अधिक प्रभावी शासन, बेहतर सेवा वितरण और बेहतर स्थानीय विकास हो सकता है। यह निर्णय लेने की प्रक्रिया में नागरिकों के बेहतर प्रतिनिधित्व और भागीदारी को भी सुविधाजनक बना सकता है।
हालाँकि, इन परिवर्तनों के साथ चुनौतियाँ भी जुड़ी हुई हैं। सीमा विवाद कभी-कभी पड़ोसी राज्यों के बीच तनाव का कारण बन सकते हैं और ऐसे विवादों के समाधान के लिए राजनयिक प्रयासों और बातचीत की आवश्यकता होती है। इसके अतिरिक्त, जबकि शहरीकरण और बुनियादी ढांचे का विकास आर्थिक अवसर ला सकता है, वे पर्यावरण संरक्षण, भूमि उपयोग और संसाधन प्रबंधन से संबंधित चुनौतियां भी पैदा करते हैं।
राजस्थान का नया नक्शा इसके भू-राजनीतिक परिदृश्य की गतिशील प्रकृति को दर्शाता है। राज्य में क्षेत्रीय परिवर्तनों का एक समृद्ध इतिहास है, और इसकी सीमाएँ ऐतिहासिक, प्रशासनिक और विकासात्मक कारकों के कारण समय के साथ विकसित हुई हैं। हालाँकि इन परिवर्तनों का शासन, सीमा विवाद और शहरीकरण पर प्रभाव पड़ सकता है, लेकिन ये बेहतर प्रशासन और विकास के अवसर भी प्रदान करते हैं।
जैसे-जैसे राजस्थान का विकास और विकास जारी है, नीति निर्माताओं, प्रशासकों और नागरिकों के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि वे इन परिवर्तनों के निहितार्थों पर विचार करें और यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए मिलकर काम करें।
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mikhailchigorin · 1 year
Udaipur To Jodhpur
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Udaipur and Jodhpur are two veterans on the travel maps of Rajasthan. Both, uniquely distinct yet oozing out the same Rajasthani magic one can die for.
However, for people who enjoy the journey more than the destination, a road trip adjoining these places is a godsend pleasure.
So, if you are in for a cultural avalanche, fasten your seatbelts for your Rajasthan adventure on a Udaipur to Jodhpur road trip.
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There are multiple ways to take the Udaipur to Jodhpur tour. However, to get the most of your Rajasthan road trip we prefer you to take the route:
Udaipur-Ranakpur-Chandelao Garh- Bishnoi Village- Jodhpur
New to all these places? Don’t worry; we have you covered. Follow this route:
1. Travel Udaipur – Ranakpur via NH27 and SH 32. It is about 93 km from Udaipur and it will take you approximately 2 hours to reach there.
2. From Ranakpur via Kumbhalgarh Fort Rd, travel 33 km to Kumbhalgarh Fort.
3. Kumbhalgarh fort to Chandelao Garh will be a four and a half-hour run via SH 58. Make yourself comfortable as it will be a whopping 180 km run.
4. Bishnoi village from Chandelao Garh will be just 42 km apart. Stay on SH 68 for 57 minutes and tada! You’ll be at the very serene Bishnoi Village.
5. Travel to Jodhpur from Bishnoi Village. It’s a 20 km stretch and in no time you will land on the blue enigma of your Udaipur to Jodhpur Road trip.
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Image credits – Mr. Praduman Singh
Our Udaipur to Jodhpur travel road map covers a total distance of 371 km. In the gist of which, it takes you through a scenic landscape and helps you explore the glitter and shine of Rajasthan.
On this road trip, you’ll come across a plethora of places to visit. Out of which the most famous ones are listed below.
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Redefine beauty at the ivory enchantress of the golden desert.
Udaipur is a romantic getaway with everything painted in serenity. This lake city of Rajasthan is famous for all the right reasons and is one of the best travel destinations of India as well.
Here in Udaipur, there is a water castle that floats on Lake Pichola like a white swan. Moreover, here you can visit 11 palaces made by Maharana Pratap for your adventure through time.
So, pick up a bike and cycle around the regal boulevards of this sparkling town to fulfill your Rajasthan fantasies.
Places to visit: Jag Mandir, City Palace, Lake Palace, Jagdish Temple, and Sahelio ki Bari
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Ranakpur Temples will be your primary spot for Ranakpur sightseeing after you hit the road from Udaipur.
Located in the Pali district of Rajasthan, Ranakpur Jain Temples are the epitome of bliss amid the barren routes of this road trip.
Ranakpur Jain Temple complex is a 15th-century shrine built with the motive of dedicating it to Adinatha, first Tirthankar of the present-day half-cycle in Jain Cosmology. Today, it is also the home of many small shrines all dedicated to Jain patrons.
This temple complex in India is an astonishing piece of architecture that took over 50 years to concrete its existence. There are over 1400 pillars supporting this temple all carved to perfection with eye-gazing motifs.
Other than that, for every architectural lover out there, this place stays perfect to reminisce towards the past and spend hours adoring the finesse of Indian artisans.
Places to visit inside the temple complex:
Parsvanath temple, Amba Mata Temple, Surya Temple, and Chaumukha Temple.
6:30 am to 8:00 pm
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A timeless structure is the best preserver of history and Kumbhalgarh fort proves that one hundred percent.
This fort is the second largest fort of Rajasthan and is best known for its unique architecture and design.Sitting flamboyantly on a hill, Kumbhalgarh fort also has the second largest wall after the Great Wall of China in the world.
On visiting the fort you’ll come across a structure that was built on a 2nd century castle of a Jaina Princess.
Commenced in the 15th century by Rana Kumbha, Kumbhalgarh fort has also bagged a place in the UNESCO List under the hill forts of Rajasthan group.
A trip there will prove to you that this edifice has passed the test and wrath of time as it has faced many wars in the past.
Timings: 9 am to 5 pm
Time to take inside the fort: 2-3 hours
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Image Credits – Mr. Praduman Singh
Chandelao Garh in Rajasthan rules the charts for rural travel in India.
If getting attached to the colossal roots of this country is one of your motives to be here, then, Chandelao will help you big time.
That’s because traditionally sound home-stays and cultural fresco is something that this hamlet excels in.
Here you’ll get to live in hand-painted houses, eat from the local platter and enjoy the unblemished lifestyle of the local people.
Anyone who comes here takes back bundles of knowledge that even includes a traditional art form taught by the local people.
But however small a village is, an Indian destination is always incomplete without bustling bazaars. And, Chandelao Garh is no different. Come shop here for most authentic traditional handicrafts at dirt-cheap prices
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Image Credits – Mr. Chotaram Prajapat, Bishnoi homestay
Bishnoi village is another hamlet on your Udaipur Jodhpur via Kumbhalgarh road trip that will make you fall in love with Rajasthani culture all over again.
Home to the environmentalist tribe Bishnois, this village is the perfect example of how with primitive resources a healthy lifestyle is possible.
This village detaches you with the tentacles of technology and helps you embrace the tree hug in you.
Living with these people in this village help you inculcate or even learn rituals that revolve around nature.
Moreover, the famous culture of Marwar will also be within your reach once you set foot in its vicinity.
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Jodhpur is the royal estate you deserve on your Udaipur to Jodhpur road trip.
Famous for its magnificent Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur is a bustling city with every flavour of the royal platter.
Often referred to as the blue enigma, Jodhpur is the living epitome of mythic and mystic.
Laden with blue houses, this former capital Rajasthan holds magic in its jumbled streets filled with shops and food shacks.
Jodhpur is also popular as the sun city of the state for its beautiful sunrise and sunset scenarios.
Other popular destinations here are Jaswant Thada and Umaid Bhawan Palace that are as royal as any other destination as on the travel map of Rajasthan.
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The best time for you to commence your Udaipur to Jodhpur road tour is between the months of November and February.
Moreover, this is the best time to visit Rajasthan as well. That’s because summers come with scorching heat, retention capacity and during winters, the temperature comes down to the bottom of the mercury level.
Furthermore, here is something that can help you plan accordingly:
Rajasthan Temperature
Summers(April to June):24°c – 45°c Monsoon(July to Sep):21°c – 35°c Winter (Oct to March):10°c – 27°c
*For more information, please read our blog on the best time to visit India.*
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Tips For Planning:
1. Udaipur to Jaipur highway is a pretty legit one. You can travel on it by both cars and bikes, depending upon how you want to travel.
2. However, if you are a little high on a budget you can even buy an RV for making your trip more memorable.
3. Book your hotel tickets beforehand. We’ve already given you all the information you need. Now all that is left for you is to dial some numbers and book before.
4. Search for the number of mechanics before you start your journey. Moreover, keep the numbers with you in case of any emergency. You can also make a list of the phone numbers of hospitals as well.
5. Pack the essentials. Don’t forget that Rajasthan is the master of extreme climates, so, be prepared for what is to come.
Tips For While You Are On The Road:
1. Fooding is not an issue in Rajasthan. Moreover, all shacks on the highway and in the city provide flavorful food. However, make sure you gorge on some authentic treasures while you are at it.
2. Don’t completely rely on GPS and stick to the route. Sometimes in order to avoid congestion, the GPS takes you from a different route which can cause problems. And, losing signals and ending at a narrow street are two of its major downsides.
3. Treat everyone with a smile and “Khamba Ghani” which means “hello".
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swedna · 4 years
Coronavirus, maskCoronavirus update: India has recorded 96,424 Covid-19 cases in just 24 hours, taking its tally past the 5.2-million mark. With this, India is rapidly nearing the US tally of 6.8 million. The death toll has risen by 1,140 to 84,404. In the past seven days alone, India has recorded 652,355 coronavirus cases. The worst-hit states are Maharashtra (1,145,840) Andhra Pradesh (600,000), Tamil Nadu (525,000), Karnataka (494,356), and UP (336,000). Delhi recorded 4,432 fresh coronavirus cases, taking its tally to 234,000. Covid cases in the national capital will show a rise in the next 10-15 days as testing capacity has been quadrupled, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said on Thursday. Maharashtra recorded 24,619 news cases. Coronavirus vaccine update: Close to Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) announcing that it was partnering with Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd for distribution of Russia's covid-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, in India, the Soviet nation's health minister, Mikhail Murashko, in a statement to Moscow Times said that nearly 14 per cent of patients who had been administrated the vaccine had reported suffering from side-effects. "One in seven volunteers have complained of side effects, including weakness and muscle pain, after taking Russia's highly touted coronavirus vaccine," Russia's health minister said. World coronavirus update: The global tally of coronavirus cases stands at 30,333,687. While 22,019,308 have recovered, 950,132 have died so far. The US, the worst-hit country, has 6,874,006 cases. It is followed by India, which has 5,214,677. cases, Brazil (4,457,443) and Russia (1,085,281). Stay tuned for coronavirus LIVE updatesCATCH ALL THE LIVE UPDATESAuto Refresh01:43 PM 810 fresh Covid-19 cases in Rajasthan, 8 more dieRajasthan recorded eight more fatalities linked to the novel coronavirus on Friday, raising the death toll from the disease to 1,301 in the state, according to a health department bulletin. The state also reported 810 new cases, bringing the infection count to 1,10,283. A total of 18,282 people are currently under treatment for Covid-19 in Rajasthan, the bulletin said. According to the bulletin, 89,211 people have so far been discharged from hospitals after recovering from the infection.01:33 PM Thane district records 1,903 new COVID-19 cases, 44 deathsAt least 1,903 new cases of COVID-19 were detected, while 44 more patients died of the infection in Maharashtra's Thane district, an official said on Friday. With the addition of the latest infections and deaths on Thursday, the tally in the district reached 1,53,139 and the toll rose to 4,053, the official said. 01:00 PM Russia's health watchdog says 22 stable mutated Covid-19 strains identified worldwideThere are about 22 stable mutations in the genetic makeup of the coronavirus detected worldwide, with two of them being the most resistant, Russia's consumer rights and human welfare watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, told Sputnik on Friday, adding that there were thousands of COVID-19 genetic mutations. "The total number of mutations that are collectively identified in the sequenced genomes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus amounts to many thousands, but only a few of them have been fixed and are stably inherited. Currently, there are about 22 such single mutations. It should be noted that these mutations have taken place in January - March 2020, and after that, there were no detected mutations in the genome of the virus," Rospotrebnadzor said in a statement. 12:50 PM US Congress needs to provide $6 bn to distribute coronavirus vaccine: Top health officialA top US health official has said that Congress needs to provide about USD 6 billion to help the country prepare for what is expected to be the largest COVID-19 vaccination campaign ever undertaken, Washington Post reported. The Trump administration has released a detailed road map on Wednesday of their plan to speed doses of coronavirus vaccine into millions of Americans. 12:40 PM Stroke scans could reveal Covid-19 infectionNew research from King's College London has found that COVID-19 may be diagnosed on the same emergency scans intended to diagnose stroke. The findings have important implications in the management of patients presenting with suspected stroke through early identification of COVID-19. 12:35 PM 2,043 new Covid-19 cases, 11 deaths in TelanganaTelangana recorded 2,043 fresh coronavirus cases and 11 fatalities, taking the tally of infections in the state to 1.67 lakh. Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) accounted for the most number of cases with 314, followed by Rangareddy 174 and Medchal Malkajgiri 144, a government bulletin said on Friday, providing data as of 8 PM on September 17. The cumulative recovered cases stood at 1.35 lakh while 30,673 are under treatment. 12:23 PM Odisha reports 4,180 new Covid-19 cases, 13 fresh fatalitiesOdisha's Covid-19 tally rose to 1,71,341 on Friday as 4,180 more people tested positive for the infection, while 13 fresh fatalities pushed the state's coronavirus death toll to 682, a health official said. As many as 2,466 new cases were detected in quarantine centres, while 1,714 people tested positive for the infection during contact tracing, he said. Odisha reported more than 4,000 new cases for the third consecutive day on Friday. The state had registered 4,270 infections on Wednesday and 4,241 on Thursday, the official said. 12:15 PM New rapid Covid-19 test with improved sensitivity developedResearchers have developed a new rapid test for the detection of the novel coronavirus that can be performed in less than an hour, and with minimal equipment, and "can detect nearly as many cases as the standard COVID-19 diagnostic." With further research, the scientists, including those from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US, said the new test, known as STOPCovid, could be made cheaply enough so that people could test themselves every day. 12:00 PM HC seeks Maharashtra govt reply over PIL on Covid-19 drugsThe Bombay High Court on Friday directed the Maharashtra government to file a reply to a PIL seeking that drugs used to treat COVID-19 patients be made available directly at hospitals, isolation and quarantine centers where such patients were being admitted. The direction was given by a bench led by Justice K K Tated while hearing the PIL (Public Interest Litigation) filed by a local NGO, All Maharashtra Human Rights Welfare Association. 12:00 PM No new Covid-19 cases in New Zealand for 1st time in a monthThere were no new coronavirus cases in New Zealand on Friday for the first time early August, according to the Health Ministry. In a statement, the Ministry said that currently there were 54 people linked to a community cluster which was detected last month in Auckland, the country's largest city, reports Xinhua news agency. They remain in an Auckland quarantine facility, which includes 22 people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and their household contacts.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Satyendar Jain's health improving but fever remains, says Delhi govt; global COVID-19 toll crosses 4.5 lakh
23:40 (IST)
Coronavirus in US Latest Updates
New York guv considers quarantine for people arriving in the state
New York governor Andrew Cuomo reportedly said the district administration was "considering a possible quarantine on people entering New York state as the virus continues to spread," CNN reported.
"Reminding reporters about other states, including Florida, which issued a mandatory quarantine on New Yorkers coming to their states approximately 100 days ago, Cuomo acknowledged that experts have advised him to issue a quarantine for people coming to the state and he is considering it now," the report added.
23:21 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Satyendar Jain's health is improving, says Delhi govt
Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain, who is in hospital for COVID-19 treatment, showed some improvement on Thursday but his fever has not yet subsided, senior officials said.
The 55-year-old minister is getting oxygen support on and off as per requirement, they said.
Jain had tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, a day after he was admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital (RGSSH) here after running high-grade fever and suffering sudden drop in oxygen levels.
"His fever is down a bit today. He was kept on oxygen supply for longer time today. But, his overall condition is improving," a senior official of the hospital said.
23:06 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
Chennai Police instructed to 'strictly' implement 12-day lockdown, says report
  "With the 12-day lockdown set to begin in Chennai from Friday, the Greater Chennai Police issued a series of instructions for the city residents to follow during the period. Barring hospitals, labs, ambulances, pharmacies, and funeral hearses, there are restrictions on other activities. Auto rickshaws, taxi cabs will not be allowed to run in the city except in case of emergency," The Indian Express reported.
22:51 (IST)
Coronavirus in Jharkhand Latest Updates
Jharkhand reports 23 new COVID-19 cases
23 more COVID-19 cases, 47 recoveries and 1 death were reported in Jharkhand on Thursday. Total number of cases in the state is now at 1,919, including 710 active cases, 1,198 recovered/discharged and 11 deaths, the state health department said.
22:48 (IST)
Coronavirus in US Latest Updates
1.5 million more laid-off workers seek unemployment benefits
  About 1.5 million laid-off workers applied for U.S. unemployment benefits last week, a historically high number, even as the economy increasingly reopens and employers bring some people back to work.
The latest figure released Thursday marked the 11th straight weekly decline in applications since they peaked at nearly 7 million in March as the coronavirus shut down much of the economy and caused tens of millions of layoffs. The decline was much smaller, though, than in recent weeks, falling just 58,000.
The total number of people receiving unemployment aid also fell slightly, reflecting the return of many to their old jobs.
Still, analysts had expected a sharper decline in weekly applications, and some expressed disappointment that so many people are still seeking unemployment benefits even as restaurants, gyms and many categories of retail shops are reopening across the country.
22:34 (IST)
Coronavirus in Chhattisgarh Latest Updates
82 new COVID-19 cases in Chhattisgarh today
The number of COVID-19 cases in Chhattisgarh rose to 1,946 after 82 new cases were reported on Thursday. "As many as 46 patients were discharged during the day from hospitals across the state following recovery," News18 reported.
22:25 (IST)
Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates
Race for virus vaccine could leave some countries behind
  As the race intensifies for a vaccine against the new coronavirus, rich countries are rushing to place advance orders for the inevitably limited supply to guarantee their citizens get immunized first — leaving significant questions about whether developing countries will get any vaccines in time to save lives before the pandemic ends.
Earlier this month, the United Nations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and others said it was a “moral imperative” that everyone have access to a “people’s vaccine.” But such grand declarations are unenforceable, and without a detailed strategy, the allocation of vaccines could be inequitable and extremely messy, said health experts.
“We have this beautiful picture of everyone getting the vaccine, but there is no road map on how to do it,” said Yuan Qiong Hu, a senior legal and policy adviser at Doctors Without Borders in Geneva. Few measures have been taken to resolve numerous problems for achieve fair distribution, she said.
22:12 (IST)
Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates
Global COVID-19 toll crosses 4.5 lakh
The global toll due to coronavirus on Thursday crossed 4,50,000, according to a tally compiled by AFP.
21:59 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Railway Board chairperson visits isolation coaches in Delhi
Railway Board chairman Vinod Kumar Yadav on Thursday visited Anand Vihar terminal where around 300 COVID care isolation coaches have been set up, in view of the rise in #COVID19 cases.
Delhi: Railway Board Chairman Vinod Kumar Yadav today visited Anand Vihar terminal where around 300 COVID care isolation coaches have been set up, in view of the rise in #COVID19 cases. pic.twitter.com/twVwekdEJL
— ANI (@ANI) June 18, 2020
21:50 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Manish Sisodia says rapid antigen tests conducted at 193 centres
Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia said that the rapid antigen testing was conducted at 193 centres on Thursday.
"A total of 7040 people were tested for #COVID19, of which 456 tested positive. People who live in containment zones are being tested in the initial stage," he said.
21:43 (IST)
Coronavirus in Haryana Latest Updates
Haryana district admin imposes two-day curfew during solar eclipse, says report
"The Kurukshetra administration has decided to impose a two-day curfew from Friday to prevent people's gathering at the city's holy pools during the solar eclipse on June 21. District Magistrate Dhirendra Khadgata said the step is being taken to ensure that no one takes a dip at the city's Brahma Sarovar and Sannehit Sarovar during the solar eclipse in view of coronavirus outbreak," News18 reported.
21:32 (IST)
Coronavirus in Karnataka Latest Updates
COVID-19 cases in Karnataka rise to 7,944
Karnataka reported 210 new cases of coronavirus and 12 deaths. The total number of COVID-19 cases rose to 7,944, and the toll stood at 114.
21:24 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Mumbai reports 1,298 new COVID-19 cases
1298 COVID-19 cases, 518 recoveries and 67 deaths were reported in Mumbai on Thursday, the BMC said. Total number of cases in the city is now at 62,799, including 31,856 recovered/discharged, 27,634 active cases, and 3,309 deaths.
21:15 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Delhi HC says Kejriwal govt not using testing facilities optimally
The Delhi High Court on Thursday said that the AAP government "was not using testing facilities of private labs to their optimum capacity", News18 reported.
"A bench of Justices Hima Kohli and Subramonium Prasad arrived at the conclusion after comparing testing data on Delhi government's website and the figures given in its affidavit placed before the court," the report said.
21:02 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
3,752 new COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra today
Maharashtra records highest single-day spike with 3,752 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, total number of cases stands at 1,20,504. Death toll rises to 5,751 after 100 deaths were reported today. 60,838 patients have been discharged so far including 1672.
20:53 (IST)
Coronavirus in Manipur Latest Updates
Manipur reports 54 new COVID-19 cases
Manipur on Thursday reported 54 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the state's tally to 606. "All the 54 people who tested positive for COVID-19 had returned from other states," News18 reported.
20:41 (IST)
Coronavirus in Rajasthan Latest Updates
35 new COVID-19 cases in Rajasthan today
315 more COVID-19 cases, 17 deaths and 275 recovered in Rajasthan on Thursday. Total number of cases in the state is now at 13,857, including 2,785 active cases, 10,742 recovered and 330 deaths.
20:27 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Centre lifts ban on hydroxychloroquine
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) on Thursday lifted the export ban on hydroxychloroquine API and its formulations.
"This comes after a WHO scientist said that it has been proven doesn't work in stopping deaths among people hospitalized with the new coronavirus. The US FDA also revoked its emergency use after concluding that they may not be effective to cure the virus infections," News18 reported.
20:13 (IST)
Coronavirus in Punjab Latest Updates
118 new COVID-19 cases in Punjab today
118 fresh COVID-19 cases and five deaths have been reported in Punjab on Thursday. Total number of cases stands at 3615 and toll is at 83, the state department of information and public relations said.
20:03 (IST)
Coronavirus in Gujarat Latest Updates
COVID-19 cases in Gujarat rise to 25,660
510 new COVID-19 cases and 31 deaths have been reported in Gujarat in the last 24 hours. State tally rises to 25,660 including 17,829 cured/discharged and 1592 deaths, the state health department said.
19:57 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Dharavi reports 28 new COVID-19 cases
The BMC on Thursday said that 28 new COVID-19 cases have been reported in Dharavi area of Mumbai, taking the total number of cases to 2134. A total of 78 people have succumbed to the disease in the area so far.
19:46 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Delhi govt starts antigen tests for COVID-19
The Delhi government on Thursday commenced COVID-19 testing through the rapid antigen methodology at 169 centres in and around containment zones of the city. A total of 341 teams are involved in the rapid-antigen testing which makes results available within 30 minutes.
19:31 (IST)
Coronavirus in Kerala Latest Updates
Kerala CM says discussions on over making COVID-19 tests available to expats
In those Middle East countries where expats don't have facility for rapid testing,discussions are underway to make Truenat Rapid Test kits available to them:Kerala CM on state govt's decision to make COVID-19 negative certificate mandatory for all passengers returning from abroad
Discussion regarding it is taking place with airlines and will need permission from respective Indian Embassies: Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan
19:16 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
2,141 new COVID-19 cases in Tamil Nadu today
The Tamil Nadu health department said that 2,141 new COVID-19 cases were reported in the state on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 52,334. The toll is at 625 after 49 deaths were also reported.
19:05 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
MHA says UP, Haryana govts can lower price of COVID-19 test after internal consultations
The MHA on Thursday said, "Home Minister Amit Shah, while chairing a meeting to review preparations for COVID-19 management, said that Expert Committee has fixed a price of Rs 2,400 for tests and if the price for such tests is higher in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, they could decide to lower their prices after internal consultations."
18:46 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Modi says Yoga will become more popular in post COVID-19 world
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday addressed the nation on Yoga Day this year and said, "In the post COVID-19 era, the focus on preventive healthcare will get stronger and that is why I am confident that yoga will become even more popular."
18:38 (IST)
Coronavitus in Delhi Latest Updates
Delhi authorities need to work on common strategy against COVID-19, says Amit Shah
Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said, "Keeping in view the structure of Delhi-NCR region, all the concerned bodies need to unite and work on a common strategy against coronavirus. In this context, I met Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, senior officials of Center and Delhi-NCR today to discuss a strategy."
18:32 (IST)
Coronavirus in Kerala Latest Updates
97 new COVID-19 cases in Kerala today
Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that 97 new COVID-19 cases have been reported in the state on Thursday.
The toll rose to 21 after one death was also reported. Total cases in the state stand at 2,794 cases, of which 1358 are active cases.
18:20 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Over 15,000 migrant workers are returning to Maharashtra, says govt
Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh said that over 15,000 migrant workers are returning to the state after they left the state during the lockdown.
"On average 11,500 workers were returning to Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai daily, while 4,000 to 5,000 labourers were returning to Gondia, Nandurbar, Kolhapur, Nagpur and Pune," he was quoted as saying by News18.
18:14 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
First Tamil Nadu cop succumbs to COVID-19
Reports said that the first police personnel of the Tamil Nadu force succumbed to coronavirus on Thursday.
"A 47-year-old inspector working at the Mambalam police station in Chennai died due to COVID-19 and will be laid to rest with full honours on Friday," News18 reported.
18:02 (IST)
Coronavirus Pandemic Latest Updates
WHO studying trial data on HIV drugs as COVID-19 treatment
Large multi-country trials of the combination HIV drug lopinavir/ritonavir to treat COVID-19 have recruited thousands of patients and the World Health Organization is now looking at interim data, the UN agency's chief scientist said. Soumya Swaminathan said several thousand patients had been enrolled in the lopinavir/ritonavir arm of the WHO-led Solidarity Trial and in a separate UK-led COVID-19 trial of the drug combination," News18 reported.
17:54 (IST)
Coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh Latest Updates
604 new COVID-19 cases in UP today
Uttar Pradesh on Thursday recorded 604 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases in the state to 15,785.
17:40 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Kejriwal says Delhiites shouldn't have problem with COVID-19 testing now
  दिल���ली में करोना की टेस्टिंग -आज दो महत्वपूर्ण घटनायें हुईं 1. दिल्ली में टेस्टिंग के रेट घटाकर 2400 रुपए किए 2. आज से दिल्ली में रैपिड ऐंटिजेन टेस्टिंग शुरू हुई जिसके नतीजे 15 मिनट में आ जाते हैं उम्मीद करता हूँ कि अब दिल्ली के लोगों को टेस्टिंग की कोई समस्या नहीं होगी
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) June 18, 2020
17:32 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Centre tells states, UTs to ensure payment of salaries to doctors
According to the Supreme Court directions, the Centre on Thursday told state governments and union territories to ensure the timely payment of salaries to doctors and health workers on COVID-19 duty.
Live Law reported that the violation of this order will "be treated as offence under the Disaster Management Act'"
Following SC directions, Centre issues order invoking provisions of Disaster Management Act to direct States and UTs to ensure payment of salaries to doctors and health workers doing COVID19 related duty. Violation to be treated as offence under DMA.@MoHFW_INDIA pic.twitter.com/03H00ekq7d
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) June 18, 2020
17:17 (IST)
Coronavirus in Nepal Latest Updates
Nepal reports 671 new COVID-19 cases
The Nepal health ministry said 671 more COVID-19 cases were reported across the country in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases in the country to 7848.
17:14 (IST)
Coronavirus in Andhra Pradesh Latest Updates
425 new COVID-19 cases in Andhra Pradesh today
"The COVID-19 surge continued unabated in Andhra Pradesh with a record single day high of 425 new cases being added, taking the overall tally to 7,496. The coronavirus toll also continued its upward trend as two more patients died in Krishna district, making it a total of 92 so far in the state, according to the latest bulletin," News18 reported.
17:08 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Centre to spend Rs 50,000 cr on livelihood scheme for migrant workers
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday said within 125 days, for 116 districts, nearly 25 schemes of the government will be brought together under Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan, "we will reach saturation levels for each of those schemes within those 125 days."
She added, "Everyone who needs an assignment in these 116 districts will be given work under Garib KalyanRojgarAbhiyaan, broad estimated expenditure for the scheme is Rs 50,000 crores, the money allotted for this will be front-loaded."
16:55 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Kejriwal says Delhi, NCR can't be separated
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said, "The discussion with Home Minister Amit Shah was focussed on how we can save the entire NCR unit from COVID-19 because the NCR can't be separated. Delhi, Gurugram, Noida and Faridabad are the same."
16:44 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Kejriwal, Sisodia visit COVID-19 isolation centre
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia visited Radha Soami Satsang Beas centre, on Thursday. Kejriwal said, "This space is being converted into COVID-19 isolation centre. Around 10,000 beds can be set up here." 
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia visited Radha Soami Satsang Beas centre, today. CM Kejriwal says, "this space is being converted into COVID isolation centre. Around 10,000 beds can be set up here." #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/zhsCeZ36mm
— ANI (@ANI) June 18, 2020
16:34 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Nirmala Sitharaman says Centre 'meticulously mapped' skill sets of migrant workers
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday addressed a press conference ahead of the launch of a livelihood scheme for migrant workers.
"Workers from all over the country wanted to go back to villages a little while after the lockdown began and central and state governments made some arrangements, and they have gone back. We have looked at the districts to which they have largely returned.
"We have found that migrant workers returned in large numbers to 116 districts, spread over six states - Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Rajasthan: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
The central and state governments have meticulously mapped the skill sets of the migrant workers who have returned in large numbers to the 116 districts in 6 states," she said.
16:23 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Uddhav Thackeray appeals fro 'low-key' Ganesh festival
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray on Thursday appealed for a "simple and low-key Ganesh festival" celebration this year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, "and asked Ganesh mandals to undertake social welfare programmes", News18 reported.
"Thackeray said the threat of coronavirus is not yet over and therefore, it will not be possible to celebrate the Ganesh festival with the usual pomp and gaiety. He said there should be no crowding or processions during the festival," the report said.
16:18 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Nirmala Sitharaman addresses presser over Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday addressed a press conference at the launch of Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA).
"Faced with the challenge of providing employment to returning migrants in the wake of COVID-19, the Centre had launched the GKRA scheme, under which public works worth Rs 50,000 crore will be carried out," The Indian Express reported.
16:12 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Centre to give 500 ventilators, 650 ambulances to Delhi
The MHA on Thursday said that the Centre will give 500 ventilators and 650 ambulances to Delhi's hospitals, The Indian Express reported.
16:03 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Centre to conduct 6 lakh tests in Delhi via rapid antigen method
MHA MoS G Kishan Reddy was quoted by PTI as saying that the Centre will conduct 6 lakh COVID-19 tests in Delhi through the rapid antigen method at 169 new facilities.
15:48 (IST)
Coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh Latest Updates
Over 16,000 samples tested for COVID-19 in UP yesterday
The Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday said that 16,546 samples were tested for coronavirus in the state on Wednesday.
"A total of 5,15,280 samples have been tested till date," said Principal Health Secretary Amit Mohan Prasad.
He added, "630 new cases reported in the state, in last 24 hours. There are 5659 active cases, 9638 people have been discharged after making full recovery from the disease. A total of 488 people have succumbed to it."
15:33 (IST)
Coronavirus in Assam Latest Updates
82 new COVID-19 cases in Assam today
Assam minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that 82 new COVID-19 cases were reported in the state on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 4,777. The number of active cases stands at 2,111.
15:18 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Uttarakhand Latest Update
57 new cases reported from Uttarakhand, takes total to 2,079
Uttarakhand on Thursday reported 57 new COVID-19 cases till 2:30 pm today, taking the total number of positive cases to 2,079, according to the lastest update from the state Control Room COVID-19. 
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15:11 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Odisha Latest Update
Odisha reports 174 new cases of COVID-19, total rises to 4,512
Odisha reported 174 fresh cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, taking the total to 4,512 in the state, officials said. Of the fresh cases, 146 were reported from different quarantine centres where people returning from other parts of the country are lodged, they said. The process of contact tracing and follow up action is being taken, a health department official said.
15:04 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Update
Seven employees of Chinese firm contract COVID-19 in Pune
Seven persons, including a Chinese national, employed at a Chinese firm in Chakan town of Maharashtra's Pune district, have tested positive for coronavirus, a health officer told PTI on Thursday.
Following the detection of these cases, 130 employees, including nine Chinese nationals, have been quarantined, Dr Baliram Gadawe, a health officer from Khed tehsil said. The employees belong to a Chinese firm that manufactures machinery and mining equipment and has a unit in Chakan, he said.
14:54 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Update
PM's decision to make energy sector reliant will create over than 2.8 lakh jobs, says Amit Shah
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said that in line with the vision of “Atmanirbhar Bharat” or self-reliant India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has flagged off the process to auction 41 coal mines for commercial mining. “This historic decision will make India self-reliant in the energy sector by introducing competition and boosting coal production,” said Shah, reports ANI.
The home minister says this decision of the Modi-led BJP government will create more than 2.8 lakh jobs, attract capital investment worth Rs 33,000 crore, and generate annual revenue of Rs 20,000 crore for the state governments.
Coronavirus Outbreak LATEST Updates: Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh said that over 15,000 migrant workers are returning to the state after they left the state during the lockdown.
"On average 11,500 workers were returning to Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai daily, while 4,000 to 5,000 labourers were returning to Gondia, Nandurbar, Kolhapur, Nagpur and Pune," he was quoted as saying by News18.
Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh on Twitter said that a total of 3,820 police personnel tested positive for the coronavirus in the state. Of these, 2,754 have recovered and 45 have died of the infection.
The Supreme Court on Thursday while referring to the Rath Yatra at Puri’s Jagannath Temple in Odisha, said they will not allow it, according to Live Law. Lord Jagannath will not forgive us if we allow this to continue,' Chief Justice of India SA Bobde said.
The Delhi government has decided to fix the price limit of RT-PCR tests for coronavirus at Rs, 2400, PTI quoted Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia as saying on Thursday. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan launches India’s first mobile lab for COVID-19 testing in Delhi, ANI reports.
The Supreme Court on Thursday stayed the annual Rath Yatra and related activities at Puri's Jagannath Temple in Odisha, scheduled for 23 June this year, in view of the coronavirus outbreak, PTI reported.
Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Thursday said that as per the new testing protocol approved by ICMR, testing for COVID-19 will be done from today onwards as per the new Rapid Antigen methodology. 'This technique will be faster and cheaper, 169 testing centers set up in the National Capital. Priority for the supply of kits will be given to Delhi,' he added.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking at the launch of the auction of 41 coal mines for commercial mining today said: India will turn this Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity. It has taught India to be self-reliant. India will also reduce its dependence on imports.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah to hold a meeting today at 12 pm with senior administrative officers of Delhi-NCR, in view of COVID-19 management and situation in the national capital, reports ANI.
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said as many as 62,49,668 samples have been tested till 17 June. Of these, 1,65,412 samples tested in the last 24 hours. The recovery rate has further improved to 52.95% with the recoveries/deaths ratio stands now at 94.07%.
India on Thursday reported 12,881 new cases and 334 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the latest update from the Union health ministry. With this, the country’s overall count rises to 3,66,946, including 12,237 fatalities.
Delhi Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia has been given additional charge of the health ministry and other departments allocated to Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain after Jain tested for positive COVID19 yesterday, reports ANI.
The World Health Organization said on Wednesday that testing of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in its large multi-country trial of treatments for COVID-19 patients had been halted after new data and studies showed no benefit, reports Reuters.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday asked states to make full use of the expanded COVID-19 testing capacity stating that saving lives is a top priority as India recorded a spike of 2,003 coronavirus deaths after Maharashtra and Delhi added earlier fatalities not attributed to the disease.
Modi also called for fighting the stigma associated with the novel coronavirus and that people should be assured there is no need to panic if somebody has contracted the infection as the number of recovered patients has also been rising. The COVID-19 recovery rate for the country currently stood at around 53 percent.
The prime minister's exhortations came on a day the country registered 2,003 COVID-19 fatalities in the past 24 hours, according to the health ministry, pushing the death toll to 11,903. This was after Maharashtra and Delhi added earlier deaths that were not attributed to the disease.
According to the health ministry, India's caseload rose to 3,54,065 with 10,974 new infections being reported in the last 24 hours. The active cases stood at 1,55,227, while 1,86,934 people have recovered, the ministry added.
Administrative measures
As COVID-19 cases spike, some states came out with new strategies to check the spread of the disease.
In a first, Tamil Nadu tested as many as 25,463 samples in a single day while 2,174 people tested positive for the coronavirus, the state's highest increase in a 24-hour period, propelling its tally to over 50,000.
The Maharashtra government has been testing samples aggressively and tracing new cases under "chase the virus" strategy, and has also ramped up health infrastructure, according to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
With this strategy, the virus spread has been significantly contained in Dharavi, the biggest and thickly-populated slum sprawl in Mumbai, an official release quoted Thackeray as having told the prime minister during a video conference.
Maharashtra's COVID-19 tally stood at 1,16,752, according to a state health bulletin.
The Karnataka government has decided to conduct random testing on slum dwellers, vendors and bill collectors at markets, delivery and courier boys among others, aimed at effective surveillance, an official circular said. On Wednesday, the state's toll reached 102, while the number of cases rose to 7,734 with 204 patients testing positive.
In Delhi, health surveys were conducted for 1.78 lakh people in 242 containment zones between 15 and 16 June in a bid to improve contact mapping in the National Capital, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs, days after Union Home Minister Amit Shah stepped in and announced a slew of measures to fight the pandemic.
Saving lives should be top priority: Modi
Saving lives should be the top priority, Modi told the chief ministers, as he called for expanding the health infrastructure of the states, according to an official statement.
Wednesday's interaction virtual meeting was the second and final segment of Modi’s sixth round of consultations with chief ministers of states and L-Gs of Union Territories in the last three months on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Referring to the rise in number of infections, Modi underscored the need for testing, tracking, tracing and isolating COVID-19 patients to deal with the pandemic.
Noting that the spread of COVID-19 is more in a few big states and cities, he asked the states to make full use of their existing testing capacity and also work to augment the health infrastructure.
India has stepped up testing capacity significantly to three lakh samples per day with a network of 924 laboratories including 674 in the government sector.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a total of 60,84,256 samples have been analysed for coronavirus in the country till 16 June with 1,63,187 tested on Tuesday.
The prime minister said big crowds, lack of physical-distancing, daily movement of large number of people and small houses in some cities have made the battle against the coronavirus "more challenging".
State-wise figures
Of the 2,003 new deaths, Maharashtra accounted for the highest 1,409 fatalities taking its COVID-19 death tally to 5,537, while coronavirus deaths in Delhi surged by 437 taking its toll to 1,837, according to the Health Ministry data updated at 8 am.
Besides, Tamil Nadu has reported 49 deaths followed by Gujarat at 28, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana at 18 each, Madhya Pradesh 11, West Bengal 10, Rajasthan 7, Karnataka 5 and Telangana 4. Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Punjab, Puducherry and Uttarakhand have reported one fatality each in the last 24 hours.
Of the total 11,903 deaths, Maharashtra tops the tally with 5,537 fatalities followed by Delhi with 1,837 deaths, Gujarat with 1,533, Tamil Nadu with 528, West Bengal with 495, Madhya Pradesh with 476, Uttar Pradesh with 417, Rajasthan with 308 and Telangana with 191 deaths.
The COVID-19 toll reached 118 in Haryana, 94 in Karnataka, 88 in Andhra Pradesh, 72 in Punjab, 63 in Jammu and Kashmir, 41 in Bihar, 25 in Uttarakhand, 20 in Kerala and 11 in Odisha.
Maharashtra has reported maximum number of cases at 1,13,445 followed by Tamil Nadu at 48,019, Delhi at 44,688, Gujarat at 24,577, Uttar Pradesh at 14,091, Rajasthan at 13,216 and West Bengal at 11,909, according to the Health Ministry's data.
The number of COVID-19 cases has gone up to 11,083 in Madhya Pradesh, 8,272 in Haryana, 7,530 in Karnataka and 6,778 in Bihar. It has risen to 6,841 in Andhra Pradesh, 5,406 in Telangana, 5,298 in Jammu and Kashmir, 4,319 in Assam and 4,163 in Odisha.
Punjab has reported 3,371 novel coronavirus cases so far, while Kerala has 2,622 cases. A total of 1,942 people have been infected by the virus in Uttarakhand, 1,839 in Jharkhand, 1,781 in Chhattisgarh, 1,092 in Tripura, 649 in Ladakh, 629 in Goa, 560 in Himachal Pradesh and 500 in Manipur.
Chandigarh has registered 358 COVID-19 cases, Puducherry has 216 cases, Nagaland has 179, Mizoram has 121, Arunachal Pradesh has 95, Sikkim has 70, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu together have reported 45 COVID-19 cases. Meghalaya and Andaman and Nicobar Islands have registered 44 infections so far.
Ensure payment of salaries to doctors, says SC
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court asked the Centre to issue directions to states for payment of salaries and providing necessary quarantine facilities to doctors and healthcare workers engaged in treating COVID-19 patients.
The government told the court it would issue the necessary directions.
A bench of justices Ashok Bhushan, SK Kaul and MR Shah said that doctors and healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients should not be denied quarantine facilities.
The top court asked the Centre to file a compliance report within four weeks on payment of salaries and quarantine facilities to doctors and healthcare workers and warned that non-compliance would be viewed seriously.
The bench was hearing a plea filed by a private doctor raising questions on the Centre's 15 May decision that 14-day quarantine was not mandatory for doctors.
Doctor Arushi Jain, in her petition filed through advocates Mithu Jain and Arjun Syal, had alleged that front line healthcare workers engaged in the fight against COVID-19 are not being paid salaries or their wages are being cut or delayed.
During the hearing, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre said that government would issue the directions to states and Union territories within 24 hours to ensure timely payment of salaries to doctors and health care workers.
With inputs from PTI
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Cpwa50
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
11th, 12th, 13th June 2020 Current affairs Vignan IAS
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RBI has released draft Frameworks for ‘Sale of Loan Exposures’ and ‘Securitisation of Standard Assets’ About: These draft guidelines are applicable to all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks); All India Financial Institutions (NABARD, NHB, EXIM Bank, and SIDBI); and, all Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including Housing Finance Companies (HFCs). The guidelines attempt to align the regulatory framework with the Basel guidelines on securitisation that have come into force effective January 1, 2018. The revisions also take into account the recommendations of the Committee on Development of Housing Finance Securitisation Market in India (Chair: Dr. Harsh Vardhan) and the Task Force on the Development of Secondary Market for Corporate Loans (Chair: Shri T.N. Manoharan), which were set up by the RBI in May, 2019.  Important Info : Salient features of draft guidelines: Only transactions that result in multiple tranches of securities being issued reflecting different credit risks will be treated as securitisation transactions.Two capital measurement approaches have been proposed: Securitisation External Ratings Based Approach (SEC-ERBA) and Securitisation Standardised Approach (SEC-SA).A special case of securitisation, called Simple, Transparent and Comparable (STC) securitisations, has been prescribed with clearly defined criteria and preferential capital treatment.The definition of securitisation has been modified to allow single asset securitisations. Securitisation of exposures purchased from other lenders has been allowed.Standard Assets would be allowed to be sold by lenders through assignment, novation or a loan participation contract . The Stressed Assets, however, would be allowed to be sold only through assignment or novation.Requirement of Minimum Retention Requirement (MRR) for sale of loans has been done away with.  Source : The Hindu (Economy) Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the COVID Emergency Credit Facility covers all companies and not just Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) About: The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) is the biggest fiscal component of the Rs 20-lakh crore Self-Reliant India Mission package announced by Finance Minister last month. Under the scheme, 100 per cent guarantee coverage will be provided by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC) for additional funding of up to Rs 3 lakh crore to eligible companies and borrowers, in the form of a guaranteed emergency credit line (GECL) facility. For this purpose, a corpus of Rs 41,600 crore was provided by the government, spread over the current and next three financial years. The scheme will be applicable to all loans sanctioned under GECL facility during the period from the date of announcement of the scheme to October 31 or till an amount of Rs 3 lakh crore is sanctioned under GECL, whichever is earlier. The main objective of the scheme is to provide an incentive to member lending institutions to increase access and enable availability of additional funding facility to borrowers, in view of the economic distress caused by the COVID-19 crisis.  Source : All India Radio (Economy) Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) have recorded at least 14 earthquakes of low or medium intensity since April, 2020 About: As per the 2002 map by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), India is divided into four seismic zones – viz. Zone II, III, IV and V – based on seismicity, earthquakes occurred in the past and tectonic setup of the region. Delhi falls in Zone IV, which makes it vulnerable to earthquakes. Delhi does not lie on a plate boundary. It is located on a single plate, and the seismic activity is generated by internal deformities. Important Info : Seismic Zones: Zone II: This is seismically the least active region. It covers parts of India that are not included in Zone III, IV and V.Zone III: Comprises Kerala, Goa, Lakshadweep islands, remaining parts of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and West Bengal, Parts of Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.Zone IV: It covers parts of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, Sikkim, Northern parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, parts of Gujarat and small portions of Maharashtra near the west coast and Rajasthan.Zone V: This is seismically the most active region. Parts of the Himalayan boundary in North and Northeast India fall in this zone. Kutch area in the West also falls here. Remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttranchal, part of North Bihar and Andaman and the Nicobar Islands are included. Source : Indian Express (Disaster Management) A new study suggests that one of the ways of effective social distancing strategies to keep the Covid-19 curve flat include the idea of social bubbles About: A social bubble is a close-set of people i.e. like family, with whom we interact on a regular basis. During the current lockdown, a social bubble is limited to the members of a household with whom one interacts on a daily basis. However, as things normalise and conditions in general improve, this bubble can grow larger. It can then include close friends and relatives and neighbours. This in a later stage can expand further and include any person with whom we may need to get in contact with in our daily lives. The idea is that if people decide to expand their bubble gradually and make sure that they meet and contact only those who come inside their existing bubble, the risk of the spread of COVID-19 can be limited. It also reduces the psychological and financial harm of lockdowns. Research published by the London School of Economics and Political Science says that the concept of social bubbles proved effective for New Zealand since it allowed people who were isolated, vulnerable or struggling to receive the care and support they needed.  Source : Indian Express (Health) A 3,000-years-old Mayan temple has been discovered in Mexico through laser mapping technique, making it the ancient civilisation's oldest and largest monument About: The temple site called Aquada Fenix, in Mexico, is 4,600 feet long and up to 50 feet high, making it larger than the Mayan pyramids and palaces of later periods. It was built between 800 BC and 1,000 BC. One of the most remarkable revelations from the find was the complete lack of stone sculptures related to rulers and elites, such as colossal heads and thrones, that are commonly seen in other Mayan temples. This suggests that the people who built it were more egalitarian than later generations of Mayans. Source : News18 (Geography) Gairsain in Chamoli district has been formally declared as the summer capital of Uttarakhand. A notification was issued after state governor gave her assent to the move About: The development came three months after Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat Chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat had announced making Gairsain the summer capital, besides Dehradun, during the budget session of the assembly on March 4. Now, with the announcement of Gairsain as the summer capital, there is a lack of clarity on the status of Dehradun.  Important Info : Background: Gairsain is a town and Nagar Panchayat in Chamoli district, Uttarakhand. Gairsain is situated at the eastern edge of the Dudhatoli mountain range.Uttarakhand was carved out as a separate state from Uttar Pradesh in 2000.Statehood activists had long contended that Gairsain, a tehsil in Chamoli district, was best suited to be the capital of the mountainous state as it was a hilly region falling on the border of Kumaon and Garhwal regions. But it was Dehradun, located in the plains, that served as the temporary capital.The state Assembly is located in Dehradun, but sessions are held in Gairsain as well. Source : Indian Express (Polity & Governance) The Ramon Magsaysay awards have been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the only third time the annual awards were disrupted in six decades. The awards were also cancelled due to a financial crisis in 1970 and a disastrous earthquake that hit the Philippines in 1990 About: Ramon Magsaysay award is popularly known as Asia’s Nobel Prize. Criteria: It is given to individuals and organizations in Asia regardless of race, creed, sex, or nationality, who have achieved distinction in their respective fields. (There are some instances where the winners came from Non-Asian countries, but accomplished something in Asia). Name: It is named after Ramon Magsaysay, the third president (1953-57) of Philippines. Background: It was established in 1957 by New York based Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), with the consent of Philippine government. The first Awards were given in 1958. Vinoba Bhave of India was one of the recipients. Awardees are presented with a certificate and a medal. Source : Times of India (Awards) Scientists from Raman Research Institute (RRI), an autonomous institute under the Department of Science &Technology have found out that spectrin, which are flexible rod-shaped molecules present in axons, act as ‘shock absorbers’ to protect axons from stretch-induced damage About: The study can help in understanding and treatment of concussion from head injuries as well as stretch-induced nerve injuries. Axons are long tubular extensions of nerve cells that transmit electrical signals across long distances and can be up to a meter long in the case of humans. At such lengths, they are subjected to large stretch deformations during limb or other bodily movements. Axons in the brain too undergo significant deformations, even during normal activities like jumping. Important Info : Axons vs Dendrite: An axon is one of two types of cytoplasmic protrusions from the cell body of a neuron; the other type is a dendrite.Axons are distinguished from dendrites by several features, includingshape (dendrites often taper while axons usually maintain a constant radius),length (dendrites are restricted to a small region around the cell body while axons can be much longer), andfunction (dendrites receive signals whereas axons transmit them). Source : DD News (Science & Technology) The Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) Complex was inaugurated at Visakhapatnam About: The DSRV Complex is designed to accommodate the newly inducted Submarine Rescue System with state of the art facilities to store the DSRV assets in a Rescue-Ready state. The DSRV system consists of a Submarine Rescue Vessel, a Remote Operations Vehicle, Side Scan Sonar and associated equipment. It also has Diver Decompression Chambers and hyperbaric medical equipment to decompress submariners after being rescued from a sunken submarine. The DSRV system can be rapidly mobilised by air or road to facilitate submarine rescue operations even at distant locations. The Indian Navy has inducted two such systems which will provide rescue cover to submarines on the West and East coast of India respectively. Currently, there are about 40 nations that operate submarines in the world out of which only a few have any form of submarine rescue capability.  Source : All India Radio (Defence & Security) The World Accreditation Day (WAD) 2020 was celebrated on 9th June under the theme “Accreditation: Improving Food Safety About: The World Accreditation Day (WAD) is celebrated on 9th June every year to highlight as well as promote the role of accreditation in trade & economy. The theme for WAD 2020 is “Accreditation: Improving Food Safety”, as decided by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) and National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), the two accreditation boards of the Quality Council of India (QCI), organised a Webinar to commemorate the event. Important Info : Quality Council of India (QCI)? Quality Council of India (QCI) was set up in 1997 jointly by the Government of India and the Indian Industry represented by the three premier industry associations i.e. ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI, to establish and operate national accreditation structure.The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, is the nodal ministry for QCI. Source : Economic Times (Economy) World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) is being observed on 12 June under the theme “COVID-19: Protect children from child labour, now more than ever”, focussing on the impact of coronavirus crisis on child labour About: Nodal agency: It is an International Labour Organization (ILO)-sanctioned holiday aiming to raise awareness and activism to prevent child labour. Date of observance: The Day is observed every year on June 12. Background: It was first launched in It was spurred by ratifications of ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for employment and ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labour. Important Info : Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals calls for an end to child labour in all its forms by 2025. Source : United Nations (Social Issues) The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2021 were released About: The top 10 universities of the world comprised mainly the top-notch Ivy League colleges from the US, the UK and even one from Switzerland. While Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of the United States secured Rank 1, Stanford and Harvard universities secured the next two ranks in the list of the world’s best universities. UK's Oxford University took fifth place in the ranking. Indian scenario No Indian institute secured a position among the top 100 universities of the world. Like last year’s QS rankings, IIT Bombay, IISc Bengaluru, and IIT Delhi featured in the top 200 list, but all three saw a drop in their ranks this year. IIT Bombay dropped 20 spots -- from 152 to 172, IISC Bengaluru dropped just one spot from 184 to 185, and IIT Delhi dropped 11 spots from 182 to 193. The total number of Indian institutions in the top 1,000 global list has also fallen from 24 to 21. Important Info : Do you know? QS World University Rankings is published annually by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British company specialising in the analysis of higher education institutions around the world.It measures the world’s top 1,000 universities on 6 factors:Academic reputation (40%)Employer reputation (10%)Faculty/Student Ratio (20%)Citations per faculty (20%)International Faculty Ratio (5%)International student ratio (5%) Source : The Hindu (Education) Indian Railways has created a new world benchmark by successfully running first Double-Stack Container Train in high-rise in Over Head Equipment (OHE) electrified territory on Western Railway About: The Operations successfully commenced on 10th June from Palanpur and Botad stations in Gujarat. With this remarkable development, Railways has become the first to run Double-Stack Container train with high reach pantograph in high rise Over Head Equipment territory, which has contact wire height of 7.57 metre This achievement is a first of its kind in the entire world and will also boost the ambitious mission of Green India. Source : All India Radio (Economy) Union Ministry of Environment has issued an advisory for import of exotic species. The move comes as the outbreak of COVID-19 has raised global concern about illegal wildlife trade and zoonotic diseases Key highlights of advisory: The advisory defines ‘Exotic Live Species’ as animal or plant species moved from their original range (location) to a new one. ‘Exotic live species’ shall be construed to mean only “the animals named under the Appendices I, II and III of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora”. Species covered by the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 cannot be traded. People importing “exotic live species” will have to make a voluntary disclosure. For new ‘Exotic Live Species’, the importer should obtain a no-objection certificate from the Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW) of the State. For Existing Species, stocks “shall be declared by the owner/ holder to the Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW) of the concerned State or UT”.  Important Info : Comment: It will create a process where all imports will be screened. As of now, the imports are being made through the Director General of Foreign Trade and State Forest departments are not kept in the loop.Several exotic species of birds, reptiles, small mammals, fishes and even some plants are imported. Blue and gold macaws are popular exotic pets. Source : The Hindu (Environment) In the reporting on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) stand-off, the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie (DSDBO) road has often appeared. The Chinese build-up along the Galwan River valley region overlooks, and hence poses a direct threat to the DSDBO road About: Darbuk-Shyokh-Daulat Beg Oldie (DSDBO) is the 255-km long all-weather road built by India’s Border Roads Organisation (BRO) in eastern Ladakh. It runs almost parallel to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at Aksai Chin, the eastern ear of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state that China occupied in the 1950s, leading to the 1962 war in which India came off worse. In October 2019, Defence Minister Singh inaugurated a 500-m-long Bailey Bridge on the road. The bridge is named after Colonel Chewang Rinchen, an Indian Army hero from Ladakh. Located at 14,650 ft, it is believed to be the world’s highest such bridge. Important Info : Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO)? DSDBO connects Leh to Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO), the northernmost corner of Indian territory in Ladakh. DBO itself is less than 10 km west of the LAC at Aksai Chin.DBO has the world’s highest airstrip. Source : Indian Express (Geography) International Albinism Awareness Day 2020 is being observed on June 13 under the theme "Made to Shine" to celebrate the achievements of persons with albinism worldwide About: What is it? Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized in humans by the complete or partial absence of pigmentation (melanin) in the skin, hair and eyes. It is non-contagious. Health impact: Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation increases vulnerability to the sun and bright light. As a result, almost all people with albinism are visually impaired and are prone to developing skin cancer. Cause: Albinism results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles. In almost all types of albinism, both parents must carry the gene for it to be passed on, even if they do not have albinism themselves. Prevalence: The condition is found in both sexes regardless of ethnicity and in all countries of the world. Treatment: There is no cure for the absence of melanin that is central to albinism. Source : United Nations (Health) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released a Discussion Paper on ‘Governance in Commercial Banks in India’ for public comments About: The objective of the discussion paper is to align the current regulatory framework with global best practices while being mindful of the context of domestic financial system. Based on the feedback, fresh guidelines will be issued. The new norms will come into effect within six months after being placed the RBI’s website or April 1, 2021, whichever is later. The norms will be applicable to private, foreign and public sector banks. Some of the major highlights of the paper are as follows: Board members should not be a member of any other bank’s board or the RBI and should not be either a Member of Parliament or State Legislature or Municipality or other local bodies. Board of directors of a bank should not be less than six and not more than 15, with a majority being independent directors. The board shall meet at least six times a year and at least once every 60 days. A director on the board of an entity other than a bank may be considered for appointment as director on a bank’s board, if the person is not an owner of an NBFC or a full-time employee and that the NBFC does not enjoy a financial accommodation from the bank. Appointment, re-appointment and termination of wholetime directors (WTDs) and chief executive officers CEOs) should be with the previous approval of RBI. The upper age limit for CEO and WTDs of banks is suggested at 70 years. Banks will be free to set a lower age for such appointments. Source : The Hindu (Economy) About: The IFLOWS-Mumbai has been developed by the Union Ministry for Earth Sciences on the request of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). IFLOWS-Mumbai is a state of art Integrated Flood Warning system for Mumbai. It is expected to enhance Mumbai’s resilience by providing early warning for flooding specially during high rainfall events and cyclones. I-FLOWS comprises seven modules, namely Data Assimilation, Flood, Inundation, Vulnerability, Risk, Dissemination Module and Decision Support System. The system has provisions to capture the urban drainage within the city and predict the areas of flooding, which will be incorporated in the final system. Source : All India Radio Integrated Flood Warning System - IFLOWS was inaugurated in Mumbai by Union Minister for Earth Sciences and Maharashtra Chief Minister About: The IFLOWS-Mumbai has been developed by the Union Ministry for Earth Sciences on the request of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). IFLOWS-Mumbai is a state of art Integrated Flood Warning system for Mumbai. It is expected to enhance Mumbai’s resilience by providing early warning for flooding specially during high rainfall events and cyclones. I-FLOWS comprises seven modules, namely Data Assimilation, Flood, Inundation, Vulnerability, Risk, Dissemination Module and Decision Support System. The system has provisions to capture the urban drainage within the city and predict the areas of flooding, which will be incorporated in the final system. Source : All India Radio (Disaster Management) Union Agriculture Minister launched Sahakar Mitra: Scheme on Internship Programme (SIP) About: Objective: To help cooperative institutions access innovative ideas of young professionals while the interns will gain experience of working in the field to be self-reliant. Bodies involved: The scheme is an initiative by National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), the cooperative sector development finance organization. Eligibility under scheme: Professional graduates in disciplines such as Agriculture and allied areas, IT etc. will be eligible for internship. Professionals who are pursuing or have completed their MBA degrees in Agri-business, Cooperation, Finance, International Trade, Forestry, Rural Development, Project Management etc. will also be eligible. Stipend: Each intern will get financial support over a 4 months internship period. Source : PIB (Economy) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) will classify railway stations under the red, orange and green categories based on the quantity of waste water generated and the disposal of untreated water into the municipal drain system About: Railway stations generating waste water equal to or more than 100 Kilo Litres per Day (KLD) would be categorised as Red. Railway stations generating waste water greater than 10 KLD but less than 100 KLD would come under the Orange category. Railway stations with less than 10 KLD waste water generation would be branded Green. CPCB, by invoking powers under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, had issued a direction to all State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) to categorise railway stations and send an action taken report. Source : The Hindu (Environment) Read the full article
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axomlive · 4 years
IMD issues advisory to fishermen over rough Arabian sea
New Post has been published on http://www.asomlive.com/news/imd-issues-advisory-to-fishermen-over-rough-arabian-sea.html
IMD issues advisory to fishermen over rough Arabian sea
New Delhi, May 27  The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Wednesday said that a low-pressure area was likely to form over the southeast Arabian Sea and adjoining areas around May 31 and advised fishermen not to venture into the deep-sea fishing till June 4.
“The situation is being monitored and accordingly a daily update will be provided,” the weather bureau said.
Adam H. Sobel, Atmospheric scientist at the Columbia University has also anticipated a cyclone over the Arabian Sea, early next week.
“Possible landfalls all over the map: Oman, Pakistan, etc.; most recent ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) takes it just north of Mumbai, bad for storm surge there. It is very early days, no huge deal just yet, but bears watching closely.”
Besides this, the red-colour coded warning will persist for Assam and Meghalaya on Wednesday, with the IMD asserting that the states are likely to receive heavy to extremely heavy rainfall for the next four to five days.
Parts of Assam and neighbouring states have been receiving heavy rains since the super cyclone Amphan weakened last week. The IMD warning has come at a time when rivers in the states have crossed danger levels.
The weather bureau added that isolated places over Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura will also receive heavy to very heavy rainfall during the next five days. Heavy rainfall is also expected over parts of south peninsular India during May 27 and 30.
At least three people died and over 2,50,000 people of over 350 villages were affected due to floods and landslides in three Northeastern states — Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya, officials said on Tuesday.
The Assam State Disaster Management Authority has said that a total of seven districts including Goalpara, Tinsukia, Nalbari, Dibrugarh, Lakhimpur, Darrang and Dhemaji are affected by the flood situation.
The Authority officials said that the National Disaster Response Force and State Disaster Response Force teams have already been deployed at 40 locations with equipment.
It is a double whammy for the states as they have already been battling the COVID-19 crisis.
Besides this, due to prevailing dry northwesterly winds over plains of northwest India, Central India and adjoining interior parts of eastern India, present heat wave conditions are very likely to continue to prevail mainly during next 24 hours.
Churu in Rajasthan recorded 50 degree Celsius temperature on Tuesday, while mercury in the national capital crossed the 47 degree Celsius mark.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Covid-19: States ease lockdown in unaffected areas; curbs continue in hotspots
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/covid-19-states-ease-lockdown-in-unaffected-areas-curbs-continue-in-hotspots/
Covid-19: States ease lockdown in unaffected areas; curbs continue in hotspots
States have begun easing the lockdown implemented following the Covid-19 pandemic. Gujarat allowed almost 4,000 industrial units to resume ops, while Bihar, UP, MP and Rajasthan focused on employing labourers in rural areas by beginning road construction and anti-flood measures. ET takes a look:
Maharashtra Industrial activity have been allowed in orange and green zones. Export-oriented units, units in industrial townships like the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation and SEZs in non-containment areas have been allowed to function after disinfecting work areas. The state has directed that employees be provided transportation and accommodation near work units. Workers will have to undergo screening and shifts will be phased out. Cable services, DTH and call centres can resume work in non-containment zones in Mumbai with minimum staff. Take-away services at restaurants have been allowed. Construction activities can resume if workers are accommodated at site or nearby. No industrial activity permitted in Mumbai.
Gujarat State government offices and 4,000 industrial units outside hotspots allowed to begin operations from Monday. 700 industries in Ahmedabad, 600 in Rajkot, 450 in Bharuch, 150 in Surat, 750 in Kutch, 400 in Junagarh, 200 in Vadodara and 400 industries in Morbi allowed to start operations. They have been told to ensure staggered entry and exit of workers, use thermal guns and follow proper sanitisation norms.
Uttar Pradesh The lockdown will continue in 19 districts which reported 10 or more cases. DMs of Lucknow, Agra, Noida, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Bulandhshahar and Basti have issued notifications that lockdown will continue. In Agra, online delivery services like Zomato and Swiggy were suspended. All secretaries and section officers of state secretariat have been allowed to attend office. Courts will remain closed till April 27. Noida DM said no new industrial unit will be reopened and construction will be suspended till May 3. Work has resumed on five of the eight zones of Purvanchal, Bundelkhand and Gorakhpur expressways. The remaining will resume work on Tuesday, principal secretary Alok Kumar told ET.
Kerala Kerala has relaxed restrictions in seven of its 14 districts but after MHA raised objections, restrictions in sectors such as hair salons and restaurants were re-imposed. In districts falling in orange or green zones, the state has allowed functioning of government offices, financial institutions, pharmacies, horticulture and plantation activities, farm produce sale and construction. After the home secretary’s letter, the state reintroduced curbs on short-distance bus travel and functioning of MSMEs in municipal limits too.
Bihar Renovation of ponds under schemes like MGNREGA and ‘Jal Jivan Hariyali’ resumed on Monday. Work related to schemes such as ‘Har Ghar Nal ka Jal’ (potable water to every household), construction of roads, drainage and toilets too have restarted. The water resources department will take up works like anti-erosion in flood-prone areas. Group A and B category officers have been asked to attend offices. Eateries on highways, motor garages and repair shops can also open.
Telangana Lockdown extended till May 7. CM Chandrasekhar Rao said no relaxations will be given to any religious congregation. All online food delivery services like Swiggy and Zomato are banned till May 7. There will be no aviation services till May 7. Andhra Pradesh The Andhra government formulates guidelines to enable essential industries in manufacturing and services to resume operations. Those who reopen will have to map employees, their logistics, dormitories and rest rooms. Social distancing, health, sanitation have to be in place too.
Assam, Nagaland, Tripura The Assam government has ordered partial resumption of different departments from Tuesday. The divisional commissioners, deputy commissioners and sub-divisional officers will have to ensure that maximum 33% of employees in grades ll, lll & lV attend offices. Tea gardens have reopened. Nagaland chief secretary Temjen Toy told ET: “Government offices will start functioning from April 21 with skeletal staff.” Tripura has allowed manufacturing of pesticides, fertilisers and seeds, operation of tea, coffee and rubber plantations with 50% workers.
Jammu & Kashmir A few industrial units were allowed with minimal force. There will be no relaxation till May 3 as Covid-19 have been reported from all 10 districts of Kashmir and five of the 10 districts of Jammu. “We may allow some agricultural activity in rural areas,” Kashmir divisional commissioner PK Pole said. “Only agro-based industry, including cold storages, seed business, fertiliser and juice units in rural areas and industrial estates, would be allowed to function.”
Madhya Pradesh In rural areas, work under MGNREGA has started, especially in Bundelkhand and tribal areas. Minor construction has started in some districts. The PWD department has held meetings to resume repairing of around 150 bridges. In 26 districts, several government offices opened with limited staff.
Rajasthan MGNREGA saw increased participation from people in rural areas. Government offices were opened in several districts outside the red zone. Mining and construction work have started. Quarrying of limestone and other industrial raw material began in Jodhpur, Udaipur and other industrial zones. The supply of raw material for ceramic industry started from Monday.
Karnataka A Sunday night order from the state government halted plans to reopen IT/BT companies, manufacturing units and real estate activities from Monday.
Tamil Nadu Lockdown continues. Officials said Chennai Corporation has permitted 650 commercial establishments to deliver essential services. “About 5,000 employees from 650 companies have been given passes that will work till May 3,” an official said. Additionally, 500 sub-registrar offices began functioning from Monday.
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The Centre set up the Ministry of Jal Shakti by merging the ministry of water resources, river development and Ganga rejuvenation as well as the ministry of drinking water and sanitation. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, who heads the new portfolio, says a unified ministry can effectively deal with the multiple issues related to water and river cleaning projects to ensure the country does not face water shortage. The MP from Jodhpur, who defeated Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s son Vaibhav in the recent Lok Sabha polls, tells Prerna Katiyar that increasing awareness among the public can help the government make India a water-surplus nation. Edited excerpts:What can we expect from the new Ministry of Jal Shakti in the next five years considering the multifarious water problems the country is facing? Water is a big challenge. India is home to 18% of the world’s population and 18% of the world’s livestock population. But India has just 4% of the fresh water resources of the world. Thanks to past generations or whosoever is responsible for this, we now have the most contaminated water sources — be it surface water or underground water. Climate change exacerbates the problem — there is incessant rainfall in some part and drought in other parts. Because of this, our challenge has increased manifold. Keeping this in mind, our prime minister is working on two fronts. He declared the creation of the Jal Shakti ministry even before the elections were over. Various issues related to water such as urban drinking water, rural drinking water, Ganga, other rivers, irrigation, dams, water resources were being dealt by multiple ministries earlier. His vision was to deal with all of these together. Hence a unified Jal Shakti ministry was created. This is the first initiative. The other initiative was to save water and increase groundwater level. 65% of our irrigation and drinking water needs are met using underground water. Taking the initiative to replenish these resources, he wrote to all village sarpanchs about 10 days ago. The letter was written in 12 languages on how to conserve water and replenish water bodies. He wrote ‘gaon ka paani gaon, ghar ka pani ghar mein aur khet ka pani khet mein rokna chahiye (water must be conserved at home, farm and village levels)’. He has motivated people at all levels to do this. 70108292 On our part, we held a joint meeting with all state ministers who deal with water resources. Thirdly, in his recent Mann Ki Baat, the PM spoke elaborately about the need to conserve water resources. In this sequence, we launched the Jal Shakti Abhiyan. It has been decided that joint secretaries, hydrologists and engineers will be part of a team that will visit all water-stressed districts — where groundwater is depleting alarmingly — on a priority basis. Collectors have been made nodal officers for the programme. They will create awareness, sensitivity and develop a plan for each district. Motivational as well as technological support will be provided in this way. What about replenishing aquifers for groundwater conservation? Is there a plan to do this to help farmers get a steady supply of water? We have asked the CGWB (Central Ground Water Board) to expedite its work on aquifer-mapping. By the end of March 2020, we will develop a 3D diagram and plan for aquifer status and aquifer recharge module for all waterstressed districts. We are working on that. This is a huge task. What about cleaning the Ganga? Nitin Gadkari said in a recent interview that when he was the water resources minister, 30% of the projects on the river were completed. A large part of the task is still left, though. How do you plan to complete these? On cleaning the Ganga, our approach has seen a paradigm shift. Rather than just cleaning Ganga, we have also included all its tributaries, sub-tributaries and distributaries so as to cover the entire river basin. For example, from Ganga to Yamuna, Yamuna to Chambal and further to Berach, Gambhir, Banas and so on. The idea is to treat the entire basin. We are working on this direction. How can you keep Ganga clean without first cleaning up the Yamuna? So we are developing a network of sewage treatment infrastructure. In fact, a big treatment plant is going to come up in Delhi. This is going to be one of the largest sewage treatment plants. 70108303 The NITI Aayog recently said in a report that overexploitation of groundwater is contributing to the worst water crisis in India’s history. You later said that India’s water problem was not that alarming. Can you elaborate? See, it is not like this year has been an exceptionally bad year in terms of water. Water crisis has been there in some part of the country or other. The state I come from, Rajasthan, has seen drought in 60 of the last 70 years. But ancient systems and technologies of water conservation and rainwater harvesting kept us going. I remember that during my childhood, we used to drink rain water collected on the terrace of our houses. Water collected like this was used the entire year. We were able to survive because of these ancient techniques of water conservation. The challenge has become bigger now as water in our reservoirs has also depleted. This is a point of worry. But we are looking at this as an opportunity. If the entire country comes together and works in one direction, the problem can be solved. I say this with such conviction because of the 4,000 BCM (billion cubic metres) water we receive as rain, we are able to use only 1,000 BCM. If we can save up to 2,000 BCM, then India will be water surplus. For the next many, many years, we will be water secure. We have to increase our awareness level and make it a movement of the common man. And we will still not be the first one to do it. Look at Israel — they have turned water crisis into an opportunity. They receive one-fourth of the rainfall we get in India. But they are water secure and their groundwater level is also increasing due to adoption of new techniques. After a country-wide sanitation drive, the government has now promised piped drinking water connections to every household as part of Jal Jivan Mission. How do you intend to fulfil this promise? Nal Se Jal (water via taps) is the PM’s flagship programme. Earlier, the goal was set for 2030 under the sustainable development goals. But the PM later made a commitment through the BJP manifesto in the run-up to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections that we will achieve this goal by 2024. We have personally asked all chief ministers, chief secretaries and officers concerned that they must prepare and submit their plans immediately. Water is a state subject but we want to ensure complete cooperation for completion of their projects. We are sure that we can provide potable water to every tap in every household. But apart from this, there are two more focus areas of the prime minister: source of water for Nal Se Jal project must be sustainable for incessant supply. To keep the source sustainable, the mechanism — be it developing point-recharge system, water harvesting system, water replenishment system, aquifer replenishment — must be developed first. Second, 70% of the water we use for domestic purpose gets wasted. We are looking at ways to clean, reuse and make this water usable for irrigation or other purposes. As far as groundwater is concerned, we have so many success stories — Maharashtra Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan is successful, Rajasthan’s Mukhyamantri Jal Swavalamban Yojana is a model for the world, Gujarat has Sujalam Sufalam, Andhra Pradesh has Neri Chaatuu and so on. I can enumerate many villages that have successful programmes. There are hundreds of people and communities working in this endeavour. If we all feel responsible in this way it will make a big difference. We are looking at ways to integrate such initiatives. Is there any specific plan in mind, apart from integrating existing schemes? See, we can do a lot by making changes in these programme. For example, in case of MGNREGS (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme), 65% of the budget has to be spend on natural resource management. This is mandatory. Every year, Rs 25,000-30,000 crore is spend on this. If we use that in productive work for water resource management, along with convergence of various state and central schemes, we can make a big difference. Similarly, larger companies need to make initiatives by way of CSR (corporate social responsibility). The bigger issue is to create awareness and to motivate people, parties and entities. What about the river-interlinking project? It has been in limbo for a while? River-interlinking is again a big issue. We have identified 30 such links in the Himalayan and peninsular regions. Undoubtedly, we need to resolve these outstanding issues. While we are discussing water scarcity, we are grappling with flood-like situation in some states. If we have to resolve these, we need to interlink rivers. But a consensus has to be reached with all states. We have had several rounds of meeting with these states. We have identified four important links. Some smaller problems remain but these should also be resolved soon. What about the water crisis in Chennai? How is the government planning to avoid such crises in future? As I said, rainwater harvesting is a big task. Chennai receives rainfall of 1,200-1,500 mm. It is an irony that a region that gets so much rain is grappling with water scarcity when there is no crisis in places that get much lower rainfall. Apart from solving problems at the local level, we are working on ways to provide water to Chennai from additional sources. Are there new targets for Swachh Bharat Mission as well? No one could have imagined that a programme aimed at changing the behaviour of 50 crore people could be successful. This is the only example in the entire world. This could be achieved only because of the driving force of Modiji. He proved that if political leadership works with commitment, then such a stupendous change can be brought about among crores of people. Now we have time till October 2 to cover all those who were not covered in the baseline survey to meet the 100% open-defecation-free (ODF) target. Also the prime minister is now guiding us to work towards an ODF-plus programme. Under this, we are working on solid and liquid waste management simultaneously in villages. In liquid waste management, we are working on grey water, black water and faecal water all together. All these initiatives are being integrated — Jal Shakti, ODF-plus and the Nal Se Jal programme. That was why a unified ministry was created. from Economic Times https://ift.tt/2XMzsZ3
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cakandivali · 6 years
The booth strategy that BJP is banking upon
Latest Updates - M. N. & Associates - BAREILLY: For a retired armed forces personnel, Tejpal is a rather busy man these days. A 60-year-old from Thiriya Khurd booth of Meerganj Vidhan Sabha, he starts bright and early. Not for a morning walk or running errands. Rather, with a voter list in his hand, he knocks on his neighbours’ doors to verify their names. Being a booth-level worker of the BJP in Bareilly’s Meerganj assembly seat, he takes great pride in his new job: verifying voters and helping others get voter ID cards. “BhaJa-Pa (as the BJP is referred in the Hindi belt) mein booth hee sab kuchh hai (Booth means everything in the BJP). Booth mazboot toh party mazboot (The party is as strong as its booth),” he avers.The exercise is part of the party’s Lok Sabha Sanchalak Samiti initiative ahead of the 2019 polls. The booth is the lowest unit in an electoral battle. That’s where most voters will come in personal contact with a representative of the party. Typically, a booth will have between 1,000 and 1,300 voters. BJP’s attempt in recent years has been to strengthen its booth-level presence. Every page of a booth-level voter’s list, comprising of some 50 voters, is assigned to a party worker designated a panna pramukh. Every booth typically has some 20 panna pramukhs. Ten-fifteen booths form one sector and 10-15 sectors comprise a mandal. There are 3-5 mandals in an assembly constituency. 66196501 With the prime minister enjoining party workers to regularly interact with voters of their respective constituencies and ensure that at least 20 youth and families are working with the party in every polling booth, public representatives have started mapping polling booths and ensuring ground strength. "Booth management is based on the old technique of man-to-man contact. The basic premise is that the candidate can’t reach out to every voter but a boothlevel worker — who resides in the same mohalla or ward — can,” says Sangit Kumar Ragi, professor, political science, University of Delhi.The politics of yore had politicians — from seasoned to wannabes — walking the long mile and meeting voters personally on a regular basis. Then a time came when thanks to technology, leaders got distanced from the voters they represent. Today, man-to-man contact is back. “In fact, through booth management, the BJP was able to evolve from being a party of the urban and semi-urban to one with a base in rural areas. Incidentally, technology made the job much easier,” says Ragi.SOME FORMER BOOTH-LEVEL WORKERS IN BJP 66196503 66196513 As the BJP sounds the poll bugle for 2019 with the PM himself exhorting its foot soldiers to make “Mere Booth, Sabse Mazboot (my polling booth, the strongest)”, ET Magazine travelled to a key constituency of UP (along with sixtime MP and Union Minister for Labour and Employment Santosh Gangwar) for a closer look at BJP’s booth management strategy.Welcome to Bareilly, known for its soorma (a kind of kajal), kites, cuisine, baans & barfi (bamboo work & sweets). The Lok Sabha constituency has five assembly seats: Meerganj, Nawabganj, Bhojipura, Bareilly city and Cantt — all held by the BJP. Bareilly division has five Lok Sabha seats: Bareilly, Aonla, Badaun, Shahjahanpur and Pilibhit. Except Badaun — represented by Akhilesh Yadav’s cousin Dharmendra Yadav — rest are with the BJP.Arms & ArmourPucca roads from Bareilly city lead us to a nondescript building of one Sant Mangal Puri Inter College in Meerganj. A boothlevel committee meeting is on. Volunteers have assembled under a Jamun tree on the college premises that has doubled up as a meeting point keenly listening to what their president has to say. “Saathiyon, aapko har booth mein jana hai, pachaas vote badane hai, pachaas vote katvane hai (Visit every booth; get 50 new voters added, and get 50 defunct votes deleted),” says Bhagwan Singh. “Get the names of people who are either dead or have migrated, got married elsewhere, or those who have double votes deleted,” he tells the gathering. 66196583 For an "ideological party" that gives great importance to organisation and workers, its strategy boils down to booth and youth. "Remember you also have to focus on youth who will turn 18 by Jan 1, 2019. Give them Form 6 and ensure they fill it immediately. Soon it is the turn of district secretary Veerendra Gangwar to speak up." "Yeh matdaata soochi hee humara hathiyaar hai (This voter list is our weapon). Oil it well and we shall indeed succeed," says Gangwar. The ubiquity of smartphones means the age-old strategy of person-to-person contact is conducted with the aid of technology."Booth management will only get more comprehensive and organised for 2019," adds Ragi. Party insiders tell us how they plan to have a social media coordinator for every single booth for 2019. "We aim to spread the government message down to the last," he says. Here is how. "The national team will send their tweets to all states. The state units will then pass it on to each district and the district will then send to each mandal and eventually to the booth worker. He will then send it to his WhatsApp group of voters."Opposition, meanwhile, is smelling foul. "In the name of 'strengthening booth', they are getting our supporters 'votes deleted,' Samajwadi Party president for Uttar Pradesh, Naresh Uttam, tells ET Magazine. All parties allegedly aim at getting the core votes of opposition parties deleted from the electoral rolls. Booth workers typically comprise of panna pramukh, booth adhyaksh and, lately, social media coordinator. They do all the backstage electioneering work, including helping people get voter ID cards, managing the electoral rolls, holding corner meetings and talking up the party's achievements in the government, canvassing for candidates, arranging vehicles to bring voters to the booth and organising campaign meetings for senior party leaders. 66196585 "We have given a list of 23 tasks that a booth worker ought to do. This includes how to induct, who to induct, what to discuss and what not to discuss, among others. This exercise will go on till January after which big and small conventions will be held at booth, mandal and sector level," says one senior organisation leader of the BJP on the condition of anonymity. The exercise of voters' verification - whereby workers will visit every household - will go on till October 20. The enormity of this exercise is hard to fathom. There are 1,63,000 booths in UP alone. That means the BJP needs 32 lakh workers just to man booths. This is an increase of 15,000 from the summer of 2017 when the state went to polls. "Booth level committees have been reconstituted at 1,40,400 polling booths," says the BJP leader.Back at the meeting at the inter college, all instructions have been given, queries raised and answered. A tollfree number is announced by the conveyor that is keyed in by each worker. Now it's time for the chief guest to speak. Six-time MP from Bareilly and Union minister for labour and employment rises and does not lose a minute to send the message straight: "Mitron, aap jante ki Chhatra Pal ji (MLA from Baheri assembly seat of Pilibhit Lok Sabha) isse pehle wala chunav (2012 assembly elections) kitne vote se hare they?""Atthaara vote se (by 18 votes)", listeners reply in chorus. Gangwar digs deeper in history and fishes example from other parties. "And in Rajasthan there was one Congress candidate (CP Joshi) who lost by one vote (in 2008) and owing to that, he could not become the chief minister. Ek-ek vote nirnayak hai (each vote is decisive). Due to diligence of our booth-level workers, we won all Bareilly seats by getting 51% vote share. Have you ever wondered what will happen if others (opposition parties) get together? But we can still win by taking each vote seriously and making every booth stronger," he signs off. The sun is about to set, but not before the minister enjoins workers to carry on the exercise every day, one booth at a time. Govt may pay part of woman worker’s salary during maternity leave: Santosh GangwarUnion Minister for Labour and Employment (Independent Charge) Santosh Gangwar tells ET how the government creates an enabling environment for workers. Edited excerpts:You are a six-time MP from Bareilly. Why aren’t there enough jobs and industry in the constituency?Bareilly’s problem is not joblessness but a glut of engineering and medical institutions that churn out more students than the market can employ.What about the situation at an all-India level? The Modi government is often criticised for not creating enough jobs?Let me clarify: it is not the work of the labour and employment ministry to create jobs. Our work is to create an enabling environment for workers at all levels. Towards that end, the Union government has taken many steps to enhance their working conditions, safety and social security and also to improve their living standards. In the past two years, 1 crore workers have been linked with ESIC (Employees’ State Insurance Corporation) benefits and more than 1 crore have been brought in the fold of the EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation). Efforts are on to increase the government’s contribution to new employee’s EPF so that employers don’t have to bear this share. As far as job creation is concerned, lack of data on number of people getting employed is a major hindrance in getting the correct number of jobs created.What about women employees?The government increased maternity leaves from 12 to 26 weeks but reports says new hirings for women have actually come down in one year. We are aware of the situation. To check this, the government is considering a scheme under which it will foot a part of the salary of women employees on maternity leave. This will cover women employees across sectors and levels, except Aasha and Aanganwadi workers. This should arrest the fall in women employment that was noticed in the last few quarters.Recently, there was a mega protest by workers at Jantar Mantar demanding better wages.There are a slew of measures that the government has announced under the PM’s initiatives such as a social security scheme named the Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna. Some 3.2 crore insured persons will benefit from this newly launched scheme of ESIC that will deposit cash directly into the beneficiary’s bank account in case of unemployment. This cash benefit given to the unemployed will be 25% of his/her average earning of the last 90 days. There are some 40 crore workers in the unorganised sector. The Pradhan Mantri Jeewan Jyoti Beema Yojna and the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Beema Yojna are totally free for unorganised workers. The honorarium of 14 lakh Aanganwadi workers have been increased from Rs 3,000 to Rs 4,500 a month and that of Aanganwadi helpers from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,250 a month. The incentive of Aasha workers too has been doubled. Chartered Accountant For consultng. Contact Us: http://bit.ly/mumbai-ca
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newsloverindia · 6 years
‘Butterfly baby’ awaits test results to treat skin disorder
Covered in foam footwear, foam clothing, soft headgear and specially imported dressings, four-year-old Oma Bana recently returned to his home town, Barmer, Rajasthan, from his first of many visits at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital (NSSH). The doctors and staff who lovingly call Oma, ‘Butterfly Baby,’ are now anxiously waiting for him to undergo genetic testing and HLA mapping next month in Jaipur to ascertain the line of treatment, which will be the first-of-its-kind in India.
Oma suffers from an extremely rare skin disorder, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB). The genetic condition makes the skin so fragile and vulnerable that it can peel off easily. The severity of the condition depends on protein levels in the skin. If the levels are low, chances of skin erosion multiply. Mild variants have estimated EB to occur as frequently as 1 per 50,000 births. The more severe varieties like that of Oma are believed to occur in 1 per 500,000 births annually
“It’s a rare genetic mutation where protein Collagen 7 is missing from his gene, which makes the skin fragile, causes erosion and blisters along with frequent bleeding. In Oma’s case even his hands and legs are contracted and he was suffering from digestion problems, oral blisters, constipation, acid reflux and anaemia,” said Dr Raina Nahar, consultant dermatologist to whom the case was referred from medical social workers of Jaipur.
Dr Nahar added that Oma’s skin was so fragile that waking up from bed every day meant large patches of skin eroded and was stuck to the sheets with blood stains and injuries. “Even if one lifted him from the bed and kept him somewhere else, he would sustain injuries. Contractures in his hands and legs didn’t allow him to walk properly. Skin is the core protector against infections and bacteria around us, and without it, Oma is extremely vulnerable to even the smallest of infections,” Dr Nahar added.
As farmers in a village where rainfall is scarce, Oma’s family couldn’t financially manage his condition. While they realised the severity of his condition at the age of three, they took him to several hospitals but nowhere could they find a treatment specific for his needs. “We first took him to Barmer district hospital from where we were referred to AIIMS, Jodhpur, but the severity of his condition was such that we were turned back everywhere. A local news reporter got to know about our situation and wrote an article about Oma’s condition,” said his father, Balaram, 45.
The plight of the family attracted the attention of one of India’s largest steel conglomerates, JSW group, which took on the financial responsibility of the treatment and started the search for a specialist to handle the case. “Through our Mumbai office, we got to know about NSSH and decided to start the treatment there by providing any financial aid the family may need. They have three kids and the village is so small they have to travel over 2-3 kms to reach any road,” said public relations officer Lalit Pratap from JSW group. The group has already spent over Rs3 lakh for the treatment expense.
For over 7-10 days, the telemedicine facility of NSSH managed Oma’s condition and started counselling the family. Once the reports and diagnosis was confirmed, Oma was brought to NSSH on a special air bed to prevent any further complications on June 6.
“The child came to Nanavati in critical condition with blisters and peeling skin all over the body. His hands and feet were totally contracted, which hampered his day-to-day activities (mitten hand deformity). We first prepared the foam dressing for all his body parts like back, torso, hands, legs and buttocks and then devised the special foam clothing and footwear, which prevented skin erosion by 50-70%,” said Dr Nahar.
The family stayed at the hospital for a week and returned recently for a family emergency. The hospital has provided a trained male nurse to change Oma’s dressing and take care of him until his further tests.
The hospital has now planned an HLA mapping and genetic testing of Oma in a month in Jaipur so that the family does not have to travel all the way to Mumbai again. After the results, doctors will get to know if Oma is eligible for a bone marrow transplant, which will help his skin start synthesising Collegen 7 at healthy levels.
“The treatment has never been done in the country and this will be the first documented case of the same. There are indeed a lot of scientific papers on the bone marrow achieving over 77% success in the United States. We are hoping that the family, which was so excited to see Oma comfortable for the first time in four years, takes him back home cured,” Dr Nahar added.
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(via Grim Reality of Uttar Pradesh : Illegal Mining)
Uttar Pradesh is a fast growing state with various infrastructure projects coming up simultaneously, which has given rise to the problem of illegal mining in the state. High Court in the year 2012, imposed a ban on mining in Uttar Pradesh, but it proved to be a disastrous one. After the ban, cases of illegal mining in the state have increased five folds. In February 2017, Government suspended all mining licenses which lead to a steep increase in the prices of sand (Balu) and red sand (Morang). Earlier a trolley of 100 cubic feet of sand was priced at Rs. 1200, but currently it is available at Rs. 5,500. Same is the case with red sand where a trolley of 100 cubic feet was earlier available at Rs. 3,500 but now the prices have crossed Rs. 13,000. High prices of the construction materials have lead to stagnation of construction, developmental work in the State. More on the issue by Rajneesh Raj :
Low Supply leads to High Prices
High prices of red sand and sand have lead to suspension of various construction works in the state, and the graph of unemployment has peaked in the state. Builders in the state have a lot to say in their defense. Originally, in Lucknow 2 lakh cubic feet of red sand was imported per day but now it is just 20 to 25 thousand cubic feet. Same is the case with sand, where earlier around 2 lakh cubic feet of sand was imported, now only 20 thousand cubic feet is imported. Low supply has pushed the prices of these commodities to the peak and in turn the construction projects are suffering.
Cement prices have taken a hit, as the supply has dipped for there is no demand for it. Uttar Pradesh Cement Trade Committee’s Vice President Dilip Singhal paints a grim picture of construction projects in the state. Even after importing sand and red sand from Rajasthan, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, the demand cannot be met. Various construction projects in the state have come to a halt. To combat the crisis situation Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court has asked the mining department to make sand and red sand available to the public.
Strict Action by NGT
A pollution clearance certificate from the NGT is required for mining, which has restricted illegal mining to some extent. National Green Tribunal came into existence on 2nd June, 2010 after United Nations Conference on Environmental and Development Meet in Rio. NGT is a constitutional body and implements rules related to environment, water, forest, wind and biodiversity.
Changing Times
Much publicized mining scam during SP government has put a black mark on the whole mining industry in the state, to save face BJP Government has come up with e-auction of mining licenses. All licenses will be auctioned online and it is believed the prices will be in control in the near future. Baring Saharanpur where NGT has imposed a ban on mining, all other 74 district’s licenses will be auctioned online. All the areas which have received NOC from the Forest Department will be auctioned online very soon.
1000 Sand and Red Sand Mining Licenses            
In the state around 1000 mining licenses will be e-auctioned. The interested party will have to register online and also send their bids online on a specified date and time. Highest bidder will be allocated the mining area for a period of five years.
Guidelines for Mining Sand and Red Sand
Mining area’s boundary are marked
Mining laborers should be from rural area, to increase employment among them
Flow of the river will not be touched/ manipulated
Mining work will not be carried out under the river bed
Mining work can be done only to a depth of 3 meters
The mining leaseholder is required to obtain a No Objection Certificate from Forest Department, Mineral Department, Pollution Control Board and Environment Department.
Illegal Mining is Dangerous
Illegal miners use machines like pokeland and lifter which causes 50 feet deep holes in the river bed which increases the incidences of drowning. Illegal miners dug up more than leased area and they build bridges on the river to set up these drilling machines. These drilling machines cause structural damages to the bridges which might lead to serious accidents.
Computerization of Mining
Share of mining in the revenue of the state has increased from 1.8% to 3%. The Government has also imposed a 1% cess on the income of the mine owners. Government will use techniques like GPRS, satellite mapping, and surveillance system to combat the problem of illegal mining. All the formalities of mining will be done online- e-trading, e-banking, e-auction and e-payment of royalty. Area of mining, mining licenses and transport vehicles will all be registered with the Government. Armed forces will be stationed to fight the battle against illegal mining. Proper action will be taken against the defaulters and special fast track courts have been set up to fight illegal mining.
Strict Punishment Against Illegal Miners
Strict regulations have been formulated to fight illegal mining and UP cabinet have issued a new Mining (42nd Amendment) Guidelines, 2017. According to the new guidelines fine on per hectare has increased from 25 thousand to 5 lakh and punishment duration has increased from 6 months to 5 years.
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swedna · 4 years
As many as 1,396 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the last 24 hours, said Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry, on Monday.
He said that a total of 381 people have recovered in the past day and the recovery rate now stands at 22.17 per cent.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held a video conference with chief ministers to discuss the situation arising due to Covid-19, amid indications that the interaction would also focus on a graded exit from the ongoing lockdown.
Coronavirus world report: Globally, 3,012,224 have been infected by corona and 207,860 people have died from the disease. The US, the most affected country in this pandemic, accounts for over 30 per cent of all confirmed cases, and a little over 25 per cent of the global death toll. Nations hit with most cases are the US (939,249), Spain (223,759), Italy (195,351), France (161,665), and Germany (156,513).
Stay tuned for all coronavirus LIVE updates
CATCH ALL THE LIVE UPDATES Auto Refresh 09:16 PM Two fresh cases in Telangana today; total cases at 1,003: Govt 09:11 PM 395 new cases in Mumbai today, total positive cases stand at 5,589 09:10 PM Five more test positive in Chandigarh today; total cases at 45: Health Department 09:09 PM WHO troubled by the impact of Covid on other health services
ANI ✔ @ANI Although #COVID19 is taking a heavy toll, WHO is deeply concerned about the impact the pandemic will have on other health services, especially for children: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of World Health Organisation (WHO) https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1254795557920542720 …
ANI ✔ @ANI WHO played a key role in the development of Ebola vaccine & we’re doing the same for #COVID19. Developing a COVID-19 vaccine has been accelerated because of the previous work WHO & partners have done over several years on vaccines for other coronaviruses: Director-General of WHO
View image on Twitter 109 5:34 PM - Apr 27, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 30 people are talking about this 09:08 PM WHO on Covid-19 vaccine development
ANI ✔ @ANI WHO played a key role in the development of Ebola vaccine & we’re doing the same for #COVID19. Developing a COVID-19 vaccine has been accelerated because of the previous work WHO & partners have done over several years on vaccines for other coronaviruses: Director-General of WHO
View image on Twitter 225 5:32 PM - Apr 27, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 85 people are talking about this 09:07 PM Covid death toll rises to 20 in Karnataka after another fatality in Kalaburagi district; total cases 512 after 9 test positive 09:06 PM 47-year-old woman first Covid case in Bhandara Bhandara on Monday became the latest district in Maharashtra to get on the Covid-19 map after a 47-year-old woman tested positive for coronavirus, health officials said. Read more here 09:00 PM Coronavirus latest update: Delhi containment zones rise to 99
08:57 PM Coronavirus pandemic LIVE: India-trained doctor dies of COVID-19 in UK An Indian-origin general practitioner, who came to the UK in 1973 after completing his medical training in India and was working as a doctor in East Africa, has died of COVID-19, his National Health Service (NHS) Trust in Essex, south-east England, said in a tribute. Dr Kamlesh Kumar Masson, 78, described as an "excellent clinician", lost his fight against the deadly virus at University College London. "We were very sad to hear of the passing of Dr Masson, he was a well respected and liked general practitioner (GP) in Thurrock, with a significant contribution over the last 30 years in the Borough caring for patients and providing support," said Dr Kallil, a fellow GP and Chair of the NHS Thurrock Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). 08:52 PM Rs 50 lakh compensation to dependants of Rajasthan sanitation workers for death due to COVID-19 Rajasthan government has decided to give Rs 50 lakh ex gratia compensation to the dependants of sanitation workers in case of death due to COVID-19 while discharging duties. The state Finance department on Monday issued a clarification in this regard to the local bodies. The department said dependents of a state employees, contract workers and workers on honorarium will be given Rs 50 lakh ex gratia compensation on death due to coronavirus.
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swedna · 4 years
Attacks on frontline coronavirus (Covid-19) workers are increasing by the day. The Union Cabinet approved an ordinance imposing stringent penalties, including a maximum jail term of seven years and a fine up to Rs 5 lakh, on those found guilty of attacking or harassing health workers treating persons infected with the coronavirus disease (Covid-19). It makes violent offences cognisable and non-bailable. The government also said that negligent employers will be charged for Covid-19 cases.
Business Standard takes a look at regional editions of Hindi newspapers to provide you with a picture of the Covid-19 situation in the hinterland.
Covid-19 halt in vitro fertilisation; dismay for couples
Considering in vitro fertilisation as non-emergency treatment, the government has put a halt on them, reports Dainik Bhaskar. For those couples who were expecting to become parents via this procedure, coronavirus has spoilt their plans. It is important to note that since IVF is a time-sensitive treatment, every month and every week is crucial for the couples who have their hopes pinned on it. As age increases, the success of the treatment decreases. The fertility rate is coming down as well. 10-15 per cent of couples face fertility issues. 40-50 per cent of the fertility issues are related to women.
Childbirths at home see an unprecedented rise
Pregnant women are having problems with deliveries during the lockdown. There is a dearth of ambulances and reaching the hospitals on time has become a task, reports Dainik Jagran from Dhanbad. The biggest hospital of the district, PMCH, has seen a drop of about 50 per cent in deliveries. Many women are opting for private hospitals, while the number of women going for home deliveries has doubled. PMCH used to deliver 500 babies on an average in a month. Now that count has come down to 260. Due to lack of transportation facilities, only 5-9 deliveries take place in a day in PMCH. For now, the hospital is not able to test pregnant women for coronavirus. The doctors and support staff expressed their anguish over the same. On a usual day, 90 per cent of the deliveries on Dhanbad are done in recognised hospitals.
ALSO READ: Covid-19 crisis: Mapping the coronavirus footprint across states in India
Despite availability, milk producers facing losses
Sale of milk has gone down amid the lockdown. Not only this, but lack of availability of fodder is also another problem, reported Dainik Jagran from Meerut. Companies like Amul and Parag have reported at least 40-45 per cent drop in sales. One of the biggest reason for this drop is the fact that all sweet shops are shut. A huge part of dairy sales comes from sweet shops. Private dairies used to sell over 150,000 litres of milk, however, due to lockdown, it has dropped to 25,000 litres. The drop in demand is hurting both the producers and retailers.
ALSO READ: Covid-19 crisis: Tracking the coronavirus footprint across the world
Tobacco, tea, snacks sale on the rise, but in the black market
Where there is a will, there is a way to break the lockdown. Dainik Bhaskar reports from Raipur that despite the shops selling tobacco, tea and snacks not operating, everything is being sold in black. A Rs 5 cup of tea is being sold for Rs 15. Tobacco is being sold at thrice the MRP. And what's more, all this is getting delivered to home. Even barbers are offering hair cuts at home. But of course, the charges are higher than usual. Barbers are taking requests on their phones and there is a waiting of 2-3 days. Those hooked to tobacco products are buying them despite steep prices. Meanwhile carrom boards and other board games like ludo are being sold as well.
Banks still using biometrics; 2.5 mn farmers at risk
The banks have been asked to disburse Kharif crop loans to farmers. In order to do so, bankers in Jaipur are taking biometrics of the farmers for verification, Rajasthan Patrika reported. The verification process requires 2-3 biometric impression of the thumb. The emergency crop loan disbursement started from April 16. The government claims that it has given loans to 2.5 million farmers. This means all these farmes and their families are at risk as coronavirus may get transmitted.
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swedna · 4 years
From today, 20 April, there will be some relaxations in the coronavirus lockdown in those areas where contamination is next to negligible. However, all the hotspots and areas where there are more cases shall remain in complete lockdown. Delhi, Lucknow, Agra, Pune, are among many cities that will see no relief. India's case tally is at 17,615, while the death toll has breached 500-mark. The Indian Centre for Medical Research (ICMR) is upping the ante by testing more and has said that by the end of May, India would test 100,000 people per day.
Business Standard takes a look at regional editions of Hindi newspapers to provide you a picture of the Covid-19 situation in the hinterland.
Factories, shops to open in Haryana; wheat procurement to begin
The Haryana government has decided to give respite to people by easing the lockdown in select areas from Monday, Hindi newspaper Dainik Bhaskar reported. With this, wheat procurement, grocery shops, and some other shops will resume business. Government offices too will reopen. Those who have to attend offices shall be issued passes to travel. However, there is no relaxation in lockdown in 282 containment zones in the state.
General merchant shops, eateries on state and national highways, stationaries, electricians, plumbers, retail shops and repair shops will be open from today. The Haryana government has given permission to industries in green, orange and even in the red zone, to operate. However, permission passes will be issued. Only 50 per cent of the labour force would be allowed to work.
Wheat procurement would be a major goal for the government. Farmers are scheduled to arrive in the morning and in the afternoon in batches of 25 each. The government expects to procure 450,000 tonnes of wheat on the first day itself. Educational institutes, gyms, malls, movie theaters, religious places shall remain closed.
ALSO READ: Covid-19 crisis: Tracking the coronavirus footprint across the world
In a first, a newborn in Nagaur gets the infection
A girl born in Basni village of Nagaur, Rajasthan, has been tested positive for coronavirus. This is a first of its kind case in the country where a newborn has got the infection, Dainik Bhaskar reported. The entire family of this infant girl — 10 people including parents and brother — are coronavirus positive. Nagaur is one of the major hotspots in Rajasthan, with cases growing each day. 27 new cases were reported from Nagaur on Sunday. Rajasthan's tally is at 1,478, while 23 have died.
Lockdown breaks the drug chain in Punjab; no death in 25 days
The success of lockdown to contain coronavirus can be debated, but it certainly has broken the supply chain for drugs in Punjab, reports Dainik Bhaskar from Jalandhar. The number of drug trafficking cases registered has started coming down — from 815 cases in February to 762 in March and 154 in April to date. There has been a 40 per cent drop in the confiscation of drugs. The most crucial aspect is that there has been no death in the state due to the consumption of drugs in the past 25 days. According to the report, more than 900,000 people consume drugs in Jalandhar. But the lockdown has come as a respite. People are vigilant and are manning the borders of their villages. The authorities are hopeful that the lockdown is a big opportunity to break the back of the drug menace in the state.
ALSO READ: Data story: The march of Covid-19 across India
Hotspot Kanpur has 26 new cases on Sunday
Coronavirus is spreading its footprint in the industrial town of Uttar Pradesh — Kanpur. On Sunday, the city reported 26 new cases taking the tally to 57, Dainik Jagran reported. With this, Kanpur has now been listed as red zone, but the authorities are yet to declare the same. The number of cases is expected to grow with an increase in testing. In three days the count has increased by 30. The local authorities reversed their decision to reopen industry and offices. 13 students studying at madrasas in Kulibazar and Jajmau have been tested positive. One hails from Jharkhand, while 12 are from Bihar. Essential services will operate as usual but decision to open government offices has been left to the district magistrate. Lucknow and Agra are under complete lockdown as well.
ALSO READ: Covid-19 in numbers: Latest data on cases and deaths in India and globally
After cycling for four days, farmers reach Jamshedpur from Andhra Pradesh
Mother's illness and destruction of crop motivated 13 farmers of Bihar working in Andhra Pradesh to pick their bicycles and peddle down to their home town, Dainik Bhaskar reported. These 13 farmers took the National Highways and cycled their way to Jamshedpur. They were caught by police and later sent into quarantine after being tested by the police. They did not have symptoms of coronavirus. They told that they took 7 cycles and started their journey in the wee hours of April 13. On their way, people and policemen offered them food.
Google Maps to the rescue of migrant labourers
The only thing on the minds of migrant labourers is to reach home, no matter what. States have sealed most of their borders, reported Dainik Jagran. But with technology at their disposal, the labourers are taking their chances. They are using Google Maps to deceive the police. They are travelling through forests, farms, and rivers to reach their destinations. On Sunday, 35 labourers from Nashik crossed several hurdles, including the river Ganga, and reached the border of Unnao. They travelled in trucks and since the Kanpur-Unnao border was sealed, they used Google Maps to traverse in the forest. After police nabbed them, they were provided with food and have been put up in nearby schools.
An elephant decides to crush the lockdown
Ghatshila forest area in Jharkhand saw some serious lockdown violation on Sunday when an elephant, who must have got separated from its group, hid in the bushes, reported Dainik Bhaskar. Locals gathered in thusands to shoo away the giant mammal away, without considering the risks of violating the lockdown. Despite being warned several times by the police and forest officials, people kept running after the elephant. It got so out of control that the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) had to be called to disperse the crowd. CRPF dragged them away and the police nabbed seven motorbikes. After much efforts, the elephant went away.
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus LIVE Updates: India's COVID-19 fatality rate of 2.49% lower than global average, says Centre
08:16 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Update
Almost all civic bodies extend lockdown in select areas: MMR
The ongoing lockdown in Thane district of Maharashtra, which was supposed to end on 19 July midnight, has been extended till 31 July in select areas in view of the rise in COVID-19 cases, reports PTI.
The extended lockdown is applicable for municipal corporations of Mira Bhayandar, Kalyan-Dombivali and Bhiwandi-Nizampur, which all fall under the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), where cases are on the rise.
07:57 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Assam Latest Update
Assam registers over 1,000 new cases, 4 deaths in a day
Assam reports 1,018 fresh cases and four deaths. With this, the state’s tally is now 23,999 and the toll is 57, says Minister for Health and Family Welfare Himanta Biswa Sarma.
📌Alert ~ 1018 new #COVID19 ve+ patients reported in Assam today, with 577 cases from Guwahati City alone. Important to follow containment measures. ↗️Total cases 23999 ↗️Recovered 16023 ↗️Active cases 7916 ↗️Deaths 57 11:55 PM/July 19/Day's total 1018#AssamCovidCount pic.twitter.com/XaqhzxEhAF
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) July 19, 2020
07:55 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Update
Pune city's case count breaches 37,000-mark
With the single-day spike of 1,508 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, the overall count of Pune city in Maharashtra went past the 37,000-mark, reports PTI. The number of positive cases now stand at 37,386, he said.
The city's death toll reached 976 with 41 more people succumbing to the infection in the last 24 hours, the official said. A total of 730 patients were discharged from hospitals during the day, he added.
07:52 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in US Latest Update
As Trump turns blind eye to crisis, Republicans start to contradict him
President Donald Trump’s failure to contain the coronavirus outbreak and his refusal to promote clear public-health guidelines have left many senior Republicans despairing that he will ever play a constructive role in addressing the crisis, with some concluding they must work around Trump and ignore or even contradict his pronouncements, reports The New York Times.
07:48 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Update
Human clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine to begin from today 
The AIIMS Ethics Committee HAD gave its nod for a human clinical trial of the indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine candidate Covaxin following which the premier hospital is likely to begin the exercise by enrolling healthy volunteers from Monday.
07:46 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Update
COVID-19 spread may spike in monsoon with fall in mercury: IIT-AIIMS study
A study conducted jointly by researchers at IIT-Bhubaneswar and the AIIMS here has shown that the spread of COVID-19 may pick up pace during peak monsoon and winter with a fall in the mercury.
The rainfall, decrease in temperatures and cooling of the atmosphere coupled with progression towards winter may environmentally favour the spread of COVID-19 in the country, according to the study led by V Vinoj, Assistant Professor of the School of Earth, Ocean and Climatic Sciences at IIT-Bhubaneswar.
07:40 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in US Latest Update
US COVID-19 deaths surpass 1,40,000 as outbreak worsens
US deaths from the novel coronavirus topped 140,000 on Saturday as cases continued to rise in 42 out of 50 states over the past two weeks, according to a Reuters tally.
America is losing about 5,000 people to the virus every week. By contrast, neighboring Canada has reported total deaths of 8,800 since the pandemic started.
In just one week, the United States records about as many deaths as the 5,600 lives Sweden has lost since the pandemic began earlier this year.
07:38 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak Latest Update
Global COVID-19 cases now at 1.43 crore
The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the world stand at 1.43 crore, according to the Reuters tracker. This figure includes COVID-19 patients who have recovered and the overall global death toll which stands at 6.01 lakh.
With over 37.2 lakh reported cases till date, the United States is the worst-affected country in the world. The US is followed by Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa.
Coronavirus LATEST Updates: India's COVID-19 case fatality rate is "progressively falling" and is currently at 2.49 percent, which is one of the lowest in the world, the Union Health Ministry said on Sunday. This statement came even as coronavirus cases in the country rose by more than 30,000 for the fourth consecutive day.
The focused efforts of the Centre and state and UT governments on efficient clinical management of hospitalised cases have ensured that India's case fatality rate has fallen below 2.5 percent, the ministry said.
The country reported 38,902 COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, pushing its tally to 10,77,618 on Sunday, while the total number of recoveries increased to 6,77,422, according to the Union Health Ministry data.
The toll due to the disease rose to 26,816 with new 543 fatalities even as 23,672 patients have recuperated in the past 24 hours, the highest so far in a day, the data updated at 8 am showed.
There are 3,73,379 active cases presently in the country. The total number of confirmed cases includes foreigners.
Case fatality rate falling, says govt
From 2.82 percent over a month earlier, India's COVID-19 case fatality rate declined to 2.72 percent on 10 July and has further reduced to 2.49 percent presently.
Under the guidance of the Centre, the state and UT governments have ramped up testing and hospital infrastructure by combining public and private sector efforts, the ministry said.
Many states have conducted the population surveys to map and identify the vulnerable population like the elderly, pregnant women and those with co-morbidities.
This, with the help of technological solutions like mobile apps, has ensured keeping the high-risk population under continuous observation, thus aiding early identification, timely clinical treatment and reducing fatalities, the ministry said.
"At the ground level, frontline health workers like ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) and ANMs (Auxiliary Nursing Midwives) have done a commendable job of managing the migrant population and to enhance awareness at the community level.
"As a result, there are 29 States and UTs with CFR lower than India's average. This shows commendable work done by the public health apparatus of the country," the ministry said.
Manipur, Nagaland, Sikkim, Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar Islands have zero case fatality rate.
States and Union Territories having a CFR below the national average include Tripura (0.19 percent), Assam (0.23 percent), Kerala (0.34 percent), Odisha (0.51 percent), Goa (0.60 percent), Himachal Pradesh (0.75 percent), Bihar (0.83 percent), Telangana (0.93 percent), Andhra Pradesh (1.31 percent), Tamil Nadu (1.45 percent), Chandigarh (1.71 percent), Rajasthan (1.94 percent), Karnataka (2.08 percent) and Uttar Pradesh (2.36 percent).
State-wise cases and deaths
Of the 543 deaths reported in the last 24 hours, 144 are from Maharashtra, 93 from Karnataka, 88 from Tamil Nadu, 52 from Andhra Pradesh, 27 from West Bengal, 26 from Delhi, 24 from Uttar Pradesh, 17 from Haryana, 16 from Gujarat and nine from Madhya Pradesh.
Bihar, Punjab and Rajasthan have reported seven fatalities each followed by Telangana with six deaths, Jammu and Kashmir five, Odisha and Puducherry three each, Assam, Tripura and Kerala two each, while Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand have registered a fatality each.
Of the total 26,816 deaths reported so far, Maharashtra accounted for the highest with 11,596 fatalities followed by Delhi with 3,597 deaths, Tamil Nadu 2,403, Gujarat 2,122, Karnataka 1,240, Uttar Pradesh 1,108, West Bengal 1,076, Madhya Pradesh 706 and Andhra Pradesh 586.
So far, 553 people have died of COVID-19 in Rajasthan, 409 in Telangana, 344 in Haryana, 246 in Punjab, 236 in Jammu and Kashmir, 208 in Bihar, 86 in Odisha, 53 in Assam, 52 in Uttarakhand, 46 in Jharkhand and 40 in Kerala.
Puducherry has registered 28 deaths, Chhattisgarh 24, Goa 21, Chandigarh 12, Himachal Pradesh 11, Tripura 5, Arunachal Pradesh 3, Meghalaya and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu two each, while Ladakh has reported one fatality.
The Health Ministry stressed that more than 70 percent of the deaths occurred due to comorbidities.
Maharashtra has reported the highest number of cases at 3,00,937 followed by Tamil Nadu at 1,65,714, Delhi at 1,21,582, Karnataka at 59,652, Gujarat at 47,390, Uttar Pradesh at 47,036, Andhra Pradesh at 44,609 and Telangana at 43,780.
The number of COVID-19 cases has gone up to 40,209 in West Bengal, 28,500 in Rajasthan, 25,547 in Haryana, 25,136 in Bihar, 22,918 in Assam and 21,763 in Madhya Pradesh.
Odisha has reported 16,701 infections, Jammu and Kashmir 13,198, Kerala 11,659, while Punjab has 9,792 cases.
A total of 5,342 have been infected by the virus in Jharkhand, 5,233 in Chhattisgarh, 4,276 in Uttarakhand, 3,484 in Goa, 2,654 in Tripura, 1,894 in Puducherry, 1,891 in Manipur, 1,457 in Himachal Pradesh and 1,159 in Ladakh.
Nagaland has recorded 978 Covid-19 cases, Chandigarh 700, Arunachal Pradesh 650 and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu together have reported 602 cases.
Meghalaya has reported 418 cases, Mizoram 284, Sikkim has registered 275 infections so far, while Andaman and Nicobar Islands has recorded 198 cases.
COVID-19 cases may rise in monsoon, winter: study
A study conducted jointly by researchers at IIT-Bhubaneswar and the AIIMS has shown that the spread of COVID-19 may pick up pace during peak monsoon and winter with a fall in the mercury.
The rainfall, decrease in temperatures and cooling of the atmosphere coupled with progression towards winter may environmentally favour the spread of COVID-19 in the country, according to the study led by V Vinoj, Assistant Professor of the School of Earth, Ocean and Climatic Sciences at IIT-Bhubaneswar.
The report titled "COVID-19 spread in India and its dependence on temperature and relative humidity" took into account the pattern of the coronavirus outbreak and the number of such cases in 28 states between April and June.
The study revealed that the rise in temperatures leads to a decline in the transmission of the virus, Vinoj said.
"The study, which is in its pre-print stage, shows that the temperature and relative humidity have a significant impact on the disease growth rate and doubling time.
"It suggests that a one-degree-Celsius rise in temperature leads to a 0.99 per cent decrease in cases and increases the doubling time by 1.13 days, implying a slowdown of the virus spread," he told PTI.
The study also found that an increase in relative humidity tends to decrease the growth rate and doubling time of coronavirus cases by 1.18 days.
The researchers, however, said since the study was not conducted during the period of high humidity starting from the monsoon and the onset of winter, more research needs to be undertaken to establish its exact impact.
Over 3.5 lakh samples tested in past 24 hours
The country's testing infrastructure has been substantially ramped up. The testing strategy prescribed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) allows all registered medical practitioners to recommend testing.
The Rapid Antigen Point of Care (POC) Test, coupled with the facilitation of widespread gold-standard RT-PCR based testing by states and UTs, has resulted in a surge in the number of samples tested. A total of 3,58,127 samples were tested on Saturday.
With a total of 1,37,91,869 samples tested so far, the testing per million (TPM) for India has reached 9994.1, the health ministry said.
With inputs from PTI​
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2OEK8ml
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
08:16 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Update Almost all civic bodies extend lockdown in select areas: MMR The ongoing lockdown in Thane district of Maharashtra, which was supposed to end on 19 July midnight, has been extended till 31 July in select areas in view of the rise in COVID-19 cases, reports PTI. The extended lockdown is applicable for municipal corporations of Mira Bhayandar, Kalyan-Dombivali and Bhiwandi-Nizampur, which all fall under the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), where cases are on the rise. 07:57 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in Assam Latest Update Assam registers over 1,000 new cases, 4 deaths in a day Assam reports 1,018 fresh cases and four deaths. With this, the state’s tally is now 23,999 and the toll is 57, says Minister for Health and Family Welfare Himanta Biswa Sarma. 📌Alert ~ 1018 new #COVID19 ve+ patients reported in Assam today, with 577 cases from Guwahati City alone. Important to follow containment measures. ↗️Total cases 23999 ↗️Recovered 16023 ↗️Active cases 7916 ↗️Deaths 57 11:55 PM/July 19/Day's total 1018#AssamCovidCount pic.twitter.com/XaqhzxEhAF — Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) July 19, 2020 07:55 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Update Pune city's case count breaches 37,000-mark With the single-day spike of 1,508 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, the overall count of Pune city in Maharashtra went past the 37,000-mark, reports PTI. The number of positive cases now stand at 37,386, he said. The city's death toll reached 976 with 41 more people succumbing to the infection in the last 24 hours, the official said. A total of 730 patients were discharged from hospitals during the day, he added. 07:52 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in US Latest Update As Trump turns blind eye to crisis, Republicans start to contradict him President Donald Trump’s failure to contain the coronavirus outbreak and his refusal to promote clear public-health guidelines have left many senior Republicans despairing that he will ever play a constructive role in addressing the crisis, with some concluding they must work around Trump and ignore or even contradict his pronouncements, reports The New York Times. 07:48 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Update Human clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine to begin from today  The AIIMS Ethics Committee HAD gave its nod for a human clinical trial of the indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine candidate Covaxin following which the premier hospital is likely to begin the exercise by enrolling healthy volunteers from Monday. 07:46 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Update COVID-19 spread may spike in monsoon with fall in mercury: IIT-AIIMS study A study conducted jointly by researchers at IIT-Bhubaneswar and the AIIMS here has shown that the spread of COVID-19 may pick up pace during peak monsoon and winter with a fall in the mercury. The rainfall, decrease in temperatures and cooling of the atmosphere coupled with progression towards winter may environmentally favour the spread of COVID-19 in the country, according to the study led by V Vinoj, Assistant Professor of the School of Earth, Ocean and Climatic Sciences at IIT-Bhubaneswar. 07:40 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak in US Latest Update US COVID-19 deaths surpass 1,40,000 as outbreak worsens US deaths from the novel coronavirus topped 140,000 on Saturday as cases continued to rise in 42 out of 50 states over the past two weeks, according to a Reuters tally. America is losing about 5,000 people to the virus every week. By contrast, neighboring Canada has reported total deaths of 8,800 since the pandemic started. In just one week, the United States records about as many deaths as the 5,600 lives Sweden has lost since the pandemic began earlier this year. 07:38 (IST) Coronavirus Outbreak Latest Update Global COVID-19 cases now at 1.43 crore The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the world stand at 1.43 crore, according to the Reuters tracker. This figure includes COVID-19 patients who have recovered and the overall global death toll which stands at 6.01 lakh. With over 37.2 lakh reported cases till date, the United States is the worst-affected country in the world. The US is followed by Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa. Coronavirus LATEST Updates: India's COVID-19 case fatality rate is "progressively falling" and is currently at 2.49 percent, which is one of the lowest in the world, the Union Health Ministry said on Sunday. This statement came even as coronavirus cases in the country rose by more than 30,000 for the fourth consecutive day. The focused efforts of the Centre and state and UT governments on efficient clinical management of hospitalised cases have ensured that India's case fatality rate has fallen below 2.5 percent, the ministry said. The country reported 38,902 COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, pushing its tally to 10,77,618 on Sunday, while the total number of recoveries increased to 6,77,422, according to the Union Health Ministry data. The toll due to the disease rose to 26,816 with new 543 fatalities even as 23,672 patients have recuperated in the past 24 hours, the highest so far in a day, the data updated at 8 am showed. There are 3,73,379 active cases presently in the country. The total number of confirmed cases includes foreigners. Case fatality rate falling, says govt From 2.82 percent over a month earlier, India's COVID-19 case fatality rate declined to 2.72 percent on 10 July and has further reduced to 2.49 percent presently. Under the guidance of the Centre, the state and UT governments have ramped up testing and hospital infrastructure by combining public and private sector efforts, the ministry said. Many states have conducted the population surveys to map and identify the vulnerable population like the elderly, pregnant women and those with co-morbidities. This, with the help of technological solutions like mobile apps, has ensured keeping the high-risk population under continuous observation, thus aiding early identification, timely clinical treatment and reducing fatalities, the ministry said. "At the ground level, frontline health workers like ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) and ANMs (Auxiliary Nursing Midwives) have done a commendable job of managing the migrant population and to enhance awareness at the community level. "As a result, there are 29 States and UTs with CFR lower than India's average. This shows commendable work done by the public health apparatus of the country," the ministry said. Manipur, Nagaland, Sikkim, Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar Islands have zero case fatality rate. States and Union Territories having a CFR below the national average include Tripura (0.19 percent), Assam (0.23 percent), Kerala (0.34 percent), Odisha (0.51 percent), Goa (0.60 percent), Himachal Pradesh (0.75 percent), Bihar (0.83 percent), Telangana (0.93 percent), Andhra Pradesh (1.31 percent), Tamil Nadu (1.45 percent), Chandigarh (1.71 percent), Rajasthan (1.94 percent), Karnataka (2.08 percent) and Uttar Pradesh (2.36 percent). State-wise cases and deaths Of the 543 deaths reported in the last 24 hours, 144 are from Maharashtra, 93 from Karnataka, 88 from Tamil Nadu, 52 from Andhra Pradesh, 27 from West Bengal, 26 from Delhi, 24 from Uttar Pradesh, 17 from Haryana, 16 from Gujarat and nine from Madhya Pradesh. Bihar, Punjab and Rajasthan have reported seven fatalities each followed by Telangana with six deaths, Jammu and Kashmir five, Odisha and Puducherry three each, Assam, Tripura and Kerala two each, while Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand have registered a fatality each. Of the total 26,816 deaths reported so far, Maharashtra accounted for the highest with 11,596 fatalities followed by Delhi with 3,597 deaths, Tamil Nadu 2,403, Gujarat 2,122, Karnataka 1,240, Uttar Pradesh 1,108, West Bengal 1,076, Madhya Pradesh 706 and Andhra Pradesh 586. So far, 553 people have died of COVID-19 in Rajasthan, 409 in Telangana, 344 in Haryana, 246 in Punjab, 236 in Jammu and Kashmir, 208 in Bihar, 86 in Odisha, 53 in Assam, 52 in Uttarakhand, 46 in Jharkhand and 40 in Kerala. Puducherry has registered 28 deaths, Chhattisgarh 24, Goa 21, Chandigarh 12, Himachal Pradesh 11, Tripura 5, Arunachal Pradesh 3, Meghalaya and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu two each, while Ladakh has reported one fatality. The Health Ministry stressed that more than 70 percent of the deaths occurred due to comorbidities. Maharashtra has reported the highest number of cases at 3,00,937 followed by Tamil Nadu at 1,65,714, Delhi at 1,21,582, Karnataka at 59,652, Gujarat at 47,390, Uttar Pradesh at 47,036, Andhra Pradesh at 44,609 and Telangana at 43,780. The number of COVID-19 cases has gone up to 40,209 in West Bengal, 28,500 in Rajasthan, 25,547 in Haryana, 25,136 in Bihar, 22,918 in Assam and 21,763 in Madhya Pradesh. Odisha has reported 16,701 infections, Jammu and Kashmir 13,198, Kerala 11,659, while Punjab has 9,792 cases. A total of 5,342 have been infected by the virus in Jharkhand, 5,233 in Chhattisgarh, 4,276 in Uttarakhand, 3,484 in Goa, 2,654 in Tripura, 1,894 in Puducherry, 1,891 in Manipur, 1,457 in Himachal Pradesh and 1,159 in Ladakh. Nagaland has recorded 978 Covid-19 cases, Chandigarh 700, Arunachal Pradesh 650 and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu together have reported 602 cases. Meghalaya has reported 418 cases, Mizoram 284, Sikkim has registered 275 infections so far, while Andaman and Nicobar Islands has recorded 198 cases. COVID-19 cases may rise in monsoon, winter: study A study conducted jointly by researchers at IIT-Bhubaneswar and the AIIMS has shown that the spread of COVID-19 may pick up pace during peak monsoon and winter with a fall in the mercury. The rainfall, decrease in temperatures and cooling of the atmosphere coupled with progression towards winter may environmentally favour the spread of COVID-19 in the country, according to the study led by V Vinoj, Assistant Professor of the School of Earth, Ocean and Climatic Sciences at IIT-Bhubaneswar. The report titled "COVID-19 spread in India and its dependence on temperature and relative humidity" took into account the pattern of the coronavirus outbreak and the number of such cases in 28 states between April and June. The study revealed that the rise in temperatures leads to a decline in the transmission of the virus, Vinoj said. "The study, which is in its pre-print stage, shows that the temperature and relative humidity have a significant impact on the disease growth rate and doubling time. "It suggests that a one-degree-Celsius rise in temperature leads to a 0.99 per cent decrease in cases and increases the doubling time by 1.13 days, implying a slowdown of the virus spread," he told PTI. The study also found that an increase in relative humidity tends to decrease the growth rate and doubling time of coronavirus cases by 1.18 days. The researchers, however, said since the study was not conducted during the period of high humidity starting from the monsoon and the onset of winter, more research needs to be undertaken to establish its exact impact. Over 3.5 lakh samples tested in past 24 hours The country's testing infrastructure has been substantially ramped up. The testing strategy prescribed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) allows all registered medical practitioners to recommend testing. The Rapid Antigen Point of Care (POC) Test, coupled with the facilitation of widespread gold-standard RT-PCR based testing by states and UTs, has resulted in a surge in the number of samples tested. A total of 3,58,127 samples were tested on Saturday. With a total of 1,37,91,869 samples tested so far, the testing per million (TPM) for India has reached 9994.1, the health ministry said. With inputs from PTI​
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