#Ser Harwin Strong smut
axelsagewrites · 6 months
Hello, dear reader. I'd like to make a wish for Rhaenyra's little sister, maybe a year or two. And she never liked Alicent, who after marrying the king tries (along with Otto) to demote her to bastard status (but Viserys loves his little girl too much to do this to her). Of course, things get even worse when Rhaenyra's sister gets engaged to Harwin...
Thank you for your attention, I like your stories 🫶🏻. Another thing, can I stop by more often? I wish I had more of my ideas adorned with your writing
Harwin Strong*Suitable Match
Pairing: Harwin x f!reader
Word count: 1320
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Warnings: Step parent hating step child, secret relationship, kind of implied smut
a/n: ahh thank u sm for being so sweet and ofc request as much or talk however much u want. sorry i didnt reply sooner i just didnt want to lose the request x
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A life of a princess was something to envy. Well so many had claimed however after the death of your mother life felt like an ever falling spiral. Your sister began to grow closer to Alicent after the death and while you were happy for her to have a friend Alicent had always been unkind to you.
It had started small with her asking Rhaenyra not to let you join in their games to her unpicking your needle work whenever you would wander off to stretch your legs. Soon you gave up on even trying to be nice to her. anytime she was invited to dinner was met with loud sighs from you.
“Why does she hate me?” you pouted one night as Rhaenyra upbraided your hair.
Your sister rolled her eyes as she began to brush your hair out, “She doesn’t hate you. she’s just not used to a little sister,”
“She’s mean,”
“Cmon she isn’t that bad?”
You didn’t want to say I told you so when Alicent was betrothed to your father but the look on your face said it for you. at least Rhaenyra was able to marry and move away. you were instead stuck living at court with your evil stepmother and her spawn. Well, the children were kind to you, but Alicent constantly used them to get under your skin.
She’d send toddler Aegon running over with pretend crown shouting that he was going to be king. Or she would have a 2-year-old Aemond claim he was your husband. She tried to make Helena spill wine on your dress one time, but the poor girl burst into tears and confessed to you instantly.
Instead Alicent settled on insisting that your chambers were given to Aegon. Something you managed to convince your father against from at first but soon you were moved to a wing of the castle usually just for guests. You would’ve complained about longer if you hadn’t realised your new chambers window overlooked the kings guard training ground.
From your window you’d pretend to be doing needle work while secretly watching break bones fling any man that challenged him like a rag doll. Eventually Harwin caught onto your staring and would send his own glimpses up between sparring. It was also handy that your chamber was only a short walk from the guards’ sleeping quarters and Harwin soon became a frequent private guest of yours.
“Ser Barros is coming to court next week,” your father told you over a family dinner, “and I heard his son is looking for a wife,” he said, shooting you a hopeful glance.
“I heard he’s a fine man father,” you said kindly knowing full well it didn’t matter. Somehow every match they tried to make for you was sabotaged. The tall dark Baratheon boy was ever so keen for weeks for your hand then one day disappeared like a ghost. The gorgeous Lannister man that would bring you fine jewels suddenly decided a dornish match was of more importance. Even the Tarly boy you had courted had inexplicitly decided to join the nights watch. Every time Alicent wore the same twisted smile.
The only ones she didn’t send running were the incredibly old and decrepit looking men from minor houses, but it wasn’t hard to convince your father they weren’t suitable matches. “Perhaps we should set up a luncheon to great the boy,” Alicent suggested making your father smile widely. She really had twisted him around her finger.
“I wish I could stay here all day,” you pouted as you lay your head on Harwin’s bare chest.
His chuckle vibrated through you as his arm wrapped tight around your waist, “Me too princess but I have my duties and you have yours,”
“I thought your duty was to serve me,” you sighed dramatically, pretending to try get away.
Harwin laughed, his arms moving to cage you against the bed as he moved to lay over you, “I think I serve you just fine princess,” he said, his lips moving to kiss along your jaw.
“Oh yeah?” you asked and Harwin hummed in response as his kisses grew lower.
As expected Borros’s son went running after only a week and now you were in another awkward family dinner however unluckily for you the children all had the cold so now you were sat in stoney silence with just your father and Alicent. “You should really think about your future dear,” she said with a fake sweet smile, “We worry for you,”
Instead of replying you grabbed your wine, drinking a hefty sip of it. Viserys sighed, “Alicent is right dear. You must marry. At this point we’re going to have to start considering marrying you to a tree!” he said, flinging himself back in his chair. “Honestly what even happened between you and the boy?”
The days that followed were awkward to say the least. Alicent walked around smug as all hell and your father continued to sulk. You decided enough was enough and when Alicent went out to the sept you decided to track your father down. Unsurprisingly you found him staring over a model of the city.
“Father?” you greeted, walking closer to the tired looking man, “May we talk?”
“Of course, sweet child,” he said, nodding for you to sit beside him before sighing, “You know I worry for you?”
“I do father, and I do appreciate it,” you lied but did your best to look sympathetic to your clueless father, “but I was thinking. Well. I found another match you see father,” you spoke, and his head perked up as he waited for you to finally spit it out, “He’s sweet and kind and his family is well respected. You even like his father, and I was just thinking- “
“Out with-it child,”
You took a breath before finally asking, “Have you considered Harwin Strong yet father?” Viserys sighed, his eyes turning away but you continued, “Think about it! I’d be able to be at court and help Helena with her studies. Plus, you have four more children so four more matches. You already have the Velaryon which secures the crownlands. Harwin and I would secure the Riverlands. Then after you betrothed Helena, Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron you will have six of the seven kingdoms on your side. Your reach will go far especially if our children do the same,”
“You want to dilute the blood of old Valyria?” he asked, sounding exhausted as he spoke.
“No father, only strengthen it,” you said, moving to hold his hand, “Besides there is no other Targaryen or Velaryon to wed unless uncle daemon is brought back from exile- “you said but your father raised his hand to hush you.
He paused for a moment before nodding, “I will think about it. but for now, leave me. I have a lot to consider,”
“Thank you, father,”
Apparently Alicent must have missed this chamber meeting because somehow the news came back finally in your favour. Harwin would be your husband. You were so happy when your father told you that you instantly hugged him before rushing to find Harwin however that night at dinner Alicent shot you many dirty looks.
Finally, you had undermined her. you’d won. Well, that’s how it felt at first, but her glares began to sink into your skin till it itched. As the dinner ended, she tapped her cup with her fork, “A toast to my dear sweet daughter,” she smiled at you making your father beam, “May she have a marriage like ours,” she said, holding his hand tightly but you felt your stomach flutter.
“Here, here,” your father said, standing to kiss your cheek.
Alicent did the same, her arms twisting round your back into a bony hug, “Do not forget yourself darling,” she whispered sweetly in your ear, “You don’t win that easily,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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starogeorgina · 21 days
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Paring: Daemon Targaryen × reader, Harwin Strong x reader, Criston Cole x reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut, child birth
You blink away unshed tears as you stare up at Ser Harwin; the look on his face was earth-shattering. No traces of anger or bitterness could be detected on his handsome face; the softness in his eyes made you feel nothing but guilt. You should never have believed the rumors, given into your husband's taunting or gone near Criston Cole.
You’re unaware that you’re crying until Harwin wipes them away with the pads of his thumb. “Prince Daemon told me your news; congratulations, princess.” He leans forward and kisses your forehead, and in a quiet voice, he says, “He also told me what he said to you. I wish I’d known sooner.”
Ser Harwin wasn’t a fool; he knew his beloved princess’s outburst of believing the rumors surrounding him and Princess Rhaenyra being true hadn’t come from thin air, but he had no idea Daemon was the one behind it. The Targaryen prince thrived in chaos, but after causing so much damage, the knight was grateful to be away from the keep for some time; otherwise, he might have done something to get himself executed.
“Do you forgive me?”
Harwin sighs, “There’s nothing to forgive. It was a misunderstanding.”
Pouting, you shake your head. “I should never have doubted you... henujagon īlva, valzȳrys.” (Leave us, husband.)
You wait until you hear Daemon leave; he didn’t need to be involved in your conversation, and you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist if he was within earshot. You take Harwin’s large hand in yours and say, “I love my husband; he’s the other half of me. Targaryens are made to burn together, but I love you too. I don’t know how to explain it; it’s a different kind of love. Since I was a girl, I always knew I’d marry Daemon, regardless of how I felt, but I chose to be with you. You make me feel safe and—”
“What is it you’re trying to tell me?” Harwin wipes away another fallen tear. “I’ve memorized each time you’ve confessed your love to me, which is how I know something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes.”
“I don’t know whose baby this is. I forgot to drink moon tea after the last time we lay together.”
His blue eyes fill with tears. “Prince Daemon will be the father.”
“I’m sorry.”
Your heart aches a little when Harwin hugs you; he was a good man. A far better person than you, Daemon, or Criston. He wasn’t selfish, violent, or entitled. You only wish you’d never questioned his loyalty to begin with.
“There’s something else I need to tell you.”
As the months passed, your body changed, and the gorgeous gowns you had made could no longer hide how large your bump had gotten. Rhaenyra often thought you were carrying more than one baby when your bump first started to swell, but now you were convinced she was right.
Daemon smooths his hand gently over the fabric of your dress, feeling the baby kick beneath. You were comfortable laying on your left side with multiple pillows fluffed around you to keep you in that position. Your husband lay behind you with his face nuzzling into the side of your neck.
“Have you spoken much with Ser Harwin?”
“No,” you say, feeling your lip tremble slightly. “Perhaps it is for the best; the less he is near during my pregnancy, the less people will talk.”
Daemon kisses your cheek. “The baby could look exactly like us, and the Greens would still gossip. I suspect the same will happen with Rhaenyra as soon as she has an heir.”
Your sister and her husband, Ser Laenor, had gone to visit various houses in the realm on behalf of your father, who was too ill to travel the distance himself. Although they had gone on dragonback, a large number of knights, including Ser Harwin, had been sent to protect them. When you confessed your antics with Cole to Ser Harwin, he was mad for a while but insisted he still wanted to be with you; he just needed some time.
“And what if the baby doesn’t look like us?” You knew no matter what, you’d love and protect your child fiercely, but you needed reassurance from Daemon. “I’ve been beyond foolish; I’ve given them the opportunity to make my child’s life miserable before they are even born.”
“I will cut out the tongues of anyone who dares question the legitimacy of our child. Any baby you have will be an extension of you; it would be impossible for me not to love them.” He rubs his hand along your stomach again. “This is my son or daughter growing inside you. Nothing anyone says will change that.”
“Princess, it’s time to push again.”
“I can’t! I can’t!” You sob, clutching onto the bed sheets tightly. The pain was overwhelming; you were convinced this is what dying felt like.
The midwives help guide you through the last few pushes until your daughter finally enters the room. She is placed on your chest, and you sob with happiness, “She’s perfect—oh fuck.”
Your daughter is quickly carried away to be cleaned up as the midwife pushes your legs open again. “Time to do this second time, princess.”
Daemon hums while gently rocking your daughter Daella to sleep, while your son Gaemon suckles at your breast. They were only a few hours old, but it already felt like you'd spent a lifetime loving them.
“Perhaps when you are feeling up to it, we can pick dragon eggs for the baby’s.”
You smile and say, “That would be nice.”
With Syrax having laid another clutch of dragon eggs, you were on your way to the dragon pit to pick one while being accompanied by your husband and sworn protector, but before you could leave the courtyard, your waters broke. Ser Harwin immediately picked you up and carried you back to your chambers, while Daemon sent for the maester and midwives.
“There, there,” Daemon says before gently placing your daughter into the crib next to your bed.
You smile down at her. Daella shares your pale complexion; her silver hair and the shade of her purple eyes were an exact match for yours. Gaemon got almost all his features from you, like his sister; his skin was pale and his hair silver, except his eyes were a dark brown.
“I think he’s had his feed,” you say when Gaemon stops feeding and his eyelids slowly start to close.
Daemon takes him from your arms so you can readjust your nightgown. He kisses the baby on the forehead. “They really are perfect.”
Sitting underneath the weirwood tree, she smiles as Daella attempts to walk along one of the thick roots sticking out of the ground, with your loyal knight Ser Harwin right behind her, ready to catch her the second she slips. Gaemon lays back, his head resting against your legs, as you read a story about dragons out loud. Both eggs had hatched in the cradle, and your children were now getting to the age where they understood how powerful and magical dragons are.
“Careful, princess,” Harwin says softly. “Slow down before you fall.”
Daella grins up at the knight before jumping onto a different root. It wouldn’t be long before curiosity got the better of her, and she attempted to climb the tree.
When screeching comes from the distance, Gaemon points to the sky and says, “Mama, look! It’s kepa!”
You look up and see the Blood Wyrm flying in the direction of the dragonpit. Daemon always made a point of returning from dragon riding before supper time so he could dine with his family. When you lower your gaze from the sky, you are met with the cold gaze of Ser Criston Cole. You often notice the knight observing your son and daughter from a distance, but he makes no attempt to interact with them.
Although Cole would never admit it, you had a feeling he would risk his life for them just as Daemon and Harwin would.
Harwin takes one of the pebbled nipples into his mouth while you lean over him, your hands pressing against his chest. Daemon kisses the back of your neck, occasionally nipping at your sensitive skin with his teeth as he thrusts into you from behind. Over time, the three of you had come to an agreement that when the time came and you wished to have another baby, you and Harwin couldn’t fuck as you normally would, eliminating any chances of him getting you pregnant since you wouldn’t be drinking moon tea. But you still wanted to be intimate with Harwin, and your ever-devoted husband came up with an idea.
Daemon’s voice is cocky as he says, “So, Ser Harwin, how do you feel about our princess taking what she wants from us at the same time?”
Harwin grins. “Do you think you could take both of us?”
“Yes, I want you both.”
“Greedy girl!” Daemon smacks your ass.
Your heart races with anticipation at the thought of having both of them inside you at the same time. You're used to making love to them both, but this would feel different—more intimate, more primal. Harwin and Daemon had mutual respect for one another, but they mainly bonded over how much they loved your little family.
Your husband chuckles softly, his warm breath caressing your ear. “You’ll get what you desire, my love. I’ve bet you’ve thought about this plenty of times before, haven’t you?”
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you nod.
A princess is desperate to feel her husband and lover fill her up at the same time.
Daemon slowly withdraws his shaft from your cunny, leaving you aching for more. He sits down on the bed beside Harwin, but before you have the chance to move over to his lap, the knight hooks his hands under your thighs and pulls you up until you are hovering over his face. Not wasting time, Harwin starts flicking at your sensitive clit with his tongue.
Daemon smirks as he listens to your whine. He had already ‘prepared’ both your holes before Harwin joined you in the bedchamber. After coming apart on Harwin’s lips, Daemon gently pulls the small cock-shaped object from your anus, then pulls you onto his lap so you are facing him, and slides his cock into your cunny again.
He leans back and pulls you down with him, gripping your shoulders and spreading them while Harwin readjusts himself behind you. The thought of having them both causes your clitoral area to throb, “Please.”
Harwin guides his thick cock to where you’re aching for him. With a gentle nudge, he pushes past your resistance and enters your tight hole. You gasp as he fills you completely. The sensation of having them both inside you is foreign and exhilarating. Harwin begins to rock his hips gently, slowly pulling them out before pushing them back in again, while Daemon thrusts upwards at a harsher pace.
“How does it feel? Daemon asks, pinching your nipple between his fingers. “Good as you imagined?”
“So, so good.”
Your mind becomes hazy with pleasure when one of them starts rubbing fast circles on your clit. You come apart, squeezing both of them tightly. Harwin shoots his seed inside you, then Daemon follows shortly after, coating your cunny in his seed, which he will hopefully take.
The knight slowly pulls you out, then brushes your sweaty hair out of your face and kisses you deeply. Daemon smirks, “Take your time catching your breath, my good knight, as we will be here all night.”
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inklore · 2 years
you are now legally required to supply me with some harwin smut
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pairing: harwin strong x princess!reader
word count: 1k
warnings: eighteen+ content, porn with very little plot, f receiving oral, daddy harwin eats pussy like it’s his last meal, he’s literally in love with reader, mutual pining, marking, reader can ride dragons therefore was written with being a targaryen in mind, insinuated that reader is a virgin, brief mentions of masturbation and dirty talk.
etc: could never say no to you my lovey, i hope this filth serves you well <3 it’s my first time writing in the got world so go easy on me!
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“Ser—” the princess’ gasp is barely above that of a whisper, but in the desolate halls the sound echoes off the stone like a melody wrapped in silk, that lands at the heart of his desire and the head of his cock. “Harwin.”
“Do you wish me to stop, princess?”
Gods he prayed not, as his eyes looked down at you. The heavy heave of your chest—of the bare breast he just had in his mouth, tongue swirling, lips wrapped around your nipple.
A brief taste; longing looks from across crowded gatherings and fields, conversations that held more tension than a cast iron, that wicked smile that could bring forth the strongest of men to drop down in front of you—is all it took for a festering wound of affliction to blister deep in Ser Harwin Strong’s bravado.
If you were to push him away, to put an end to this, he’d go without trife. Happily give his princess what she wanted. You were not something to be conquered. To persuade. To overcome. You had become more to the Commander of the City Watch than he should have allowed on good conscience.
The magnetism that drew the two of you together finally coming to a head. Finally letting him press your back to the stone wall and seize his mouth to yours, his palms on your cheeks gentle when he felt the frenzy within his veins to swallow you whole.
To finally show you why he had dark circles rounding his eyes, sleep only finding him when your face was behind his eyelids—waking him in the late hours of the night in a hot sweat and a throbbing cock.
You held the reins of more than just dragons. Over Kings Landing. Over meek men who thought wrongly in thinking they deserved to breathe the same air as you, let alone ask to wed you.
“No,” you sigh. Pushing the heat between your legs along his thigh, the warmth burning through to his skin. Making his throat bob, “don’t stop, please.”
Harwin had no interest in making his princess beg. Plead.
He was here to serve you. To please you. To aid you in your own pleasure. To take honor in you letting him touch, taste, have you in this way like no other has before.
You held the reins over him; his lust, his desire, his affliction to simply be next to you. You had encompassed his mind, body and soul. And even the strongest of men cannot resist the bewitching of such a maiden with beauty and power.
You bring him to his knees like a wielded sword that he’s all too eager and willing to succumb to.
And as he moves down your trembling figure to his knees, pushing up your night dress, pulling your leg over his shoulder—his mouth moving along the inside of your thigh, teeth sinking in, your hips jutting, whimpers leaving your lips; he knows he holds those same reins over you.
That his affliction was yours.
That if he so desired he could have your front pressed to the stone and you’d let him take you with his cock right here. Fucking into your tight heat, palm over your mouth; you would beg then, plead for more.
A need appeased for the both of you.
He’d love nothing more.
A thought for next time. Right now, having you wither against his mouth as he runs a stripe up your wet folds, lips wrapping around that bud that has your fingers wrapping in his curls and tugging—is what his princess needs, what he needs.
The nightly images of you trembling below and against his broad frame, that flashed behind his eyes with his hand around his cock late at night, were mere delusions compared to the look of pleasure you were giving him each time your eyes looked down upon his.
Each time the tip of his tongue swirled around your clit, his grip on your thighs bruising, the deep grunt that vibrates through the halls each time he thinks of the marks he could be leaving on your skin to remember for later—the same mark you have left on his being.
He’d make the marks on your soft skin just as permanent, if you let him. If you allowed him between your legs again.
He would worship at his knees for the whole kingdom to see. Show his honor and devotion in the swipe of his tongue or the thrust of his cock, if it meant being beside you.
Having you. He'd beat down a million men, bloodied and hanging onto their lives the way your fingers are clinging to his shoulder, as your hips pump against his face.
“Ahh,” you gasp as he slips a thick finger in your tight heat. His finger twisting and pumping in time with his mouth against your folds, your clit, no part of your cunt going untouched by his tongue.
He wonders if this was your intention all along, when you slipped from your bed and down the desolate halls so late at night. Were you looking for him? The glint of happiness when you saw him round the corner was enough for him to have his mouth on you within seconds.
There’s a burning need in his gut to pull his mouth from your sex and press it against yours again, to feel those lips that tell the most beautiful tales, that speak his name like a lullaby—to silence you so you’re not caught; a death sentence that does little to put fear in him, but excitement instead.
When Harwin adds another finger it takes the restraint of a strong man not to pull you down onto him, to not plea to be inside those same walls that are gripping his fingers in a vice. Your moans growing louder as he fucks you with them with more vigor.
And when you finally come undone against his mouth, the way you gasp his name like you’re speaking to the Gods themselves, Harwin knows that he’s ours.
“Take me to bed,” his princess breathes against his mouth as he licks into yours, letting you taste your own sweetness.
“Yeah?” His grin is overzealous, hips grinding into your still throbbing heat, his leathers unable to conceal the thickness of his cock. Your eyes going wide at the lengthy drag of it against you, wariness in your eyes. His voice low against your lips, “it’ll fit, trust me princess. I have you. If you’re certain.”
Your nod is slow but sure. A kiss pressed to his wet mouth in certainty.
He will take your virtue and make it his own with the gentlest of licks from his mouth and strokes of his hips.
Never had he imagined himself to be a soft man. A man willing to go slow with the tide when an animalistic necessity of power went along with his given name.
But for his princess, softness is all he held.
There would come a time where heavy thrusts and rough fingers would be dug into your soft skin. But tonight the gentleness that came with savoring the moment is what you both needed.
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letaliabane · 2 years
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on the night of rhaenyra’s wedding, the tension is high between the broken bond of two former lovers. with jealousy brewing, will they fall back into each others arms?
genre: angst, major smut +18!, major jealousy themes throughout, make up desperate sex, slight choking and a spank or two, fluff towards the end
You could feel someone watching you keenly from the corner of the room. More like glaring if anyone took notice of the deep frown, furrow of his brow and clenched jaw as you mingled with the hundreds of guests gathered for Rhaenyra’s wedding. 
‘Your lover seems most perturbed this evening Y/N.’ 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes towards Laenor Velaryon who came to your side, the man who was to be Rhaenyra’s husband. 
Having grown up with the Princess meant you knew the Prince well, visiting often with the rest of his family. And he was one of the very few people who knew about your relationship to the Commander of the city watch, and also about its untimely end. 
You glanced towards the Commander. He looked absolutely sinful. 
Dressed in dark navy blue, wild curls pulled back to allow his features to be accentuated beautifully by the candlelight that danced around the room.
If you had your way you would’ve dragged him out of the room and showed him who he truly belonged to. He had been on his knees for you before.
But the woman now hanging off of him let that thought burn away from your mind. She was trying to grab his attention, breasts barely covered by her low hanging dress. 
You scoffed. 
‘I couldn’t less about how he feels. And you know very well he isn’t mine, not anymore.’ 
The Prince raised his eyebrow, glancing between you and the man on the opposite side of the room who had his eyes locked on you, clearly ignoring the desperate woman beside him who was losing her patience. 
‘Jealousy certainly isn’t your colour Y/N,’ He said before drinking the last of his wine. After placing the goblet down he stretched out his hand towards you with a bow, nodding towards the many of the guests who were dancing. ‘But why don’t we give him a show on what he’s missing.’ 
You couldn’t help laugh, throwing back the rest of your drink, barely savouring the rich bitter flavour before taking his hand, allowing him to lead you through the crowd. 
Very soon, Laenor and you had enraptured many of the guests, twirling and dipping to the beat that was played by the talented musicians before continuing to switch partners. 
You were so caught up in the moment, in the sudden happiness you felt, that you hadn’t bothered to look over to the corner of the room.
You couldn’t help but laugh, earning a fast twirl from a tall gentleman whose name you failed to remember, only to find yourself in a very familiar embrace, arms wrapping around your waist, hands spread across your back.
Looking up to meet blue grey-hued eyes, those of which belonged to you former lover, faces mere inches from one another. You pulled away, dropping briefly into a low curtsey. 
‘Ser Harwin.’ 
‘Princess Y/N.’
He bowed his head before taking your hand into his, guiding you in the next dance.
You felt magnetised to him unable to break your gaze as you circled one another, hands meeting before he spun you, pulling your back against his chest.
The room slowly faded from existence, and it was almost like old times. How he’d sneak you out an dance with you under the stars, humming a deep but soothing tune, your head rested against his chest—
‘How are you my lady?’ 
You shivered, feeling his lips pressed against your ear, his beard prickling your skin, daring to press an almost kiss just behind your earlobe 
‘I’m fine.’ 
You despised the break in your voice, the hurt that dripped from them. Harwin held you a moment longer before letting you unravel from him, keeping ahold of your waist as you once more circled each other. 
‘I wish I could believe that was true. But I know your are anything but fine.’ 
‘And what makes you think you know me?’
‘Oh I know you very well my lady, so much that I knew you would try to test me tonight.’
Your eyes flew to him, annoyance rushing back to replace the hurt. 
‘Who had a woman hanging off his shoulder. Bet you copped a good feel while you had the chance didn’t you Commander?’
Shaking your head, you turned to leave. 
‘Do you think it’s easy for me?’ You heard him mutter through gritted teeth behind you, ‘You think its enjoyable to watch you dance with every brute here with their filthy hands all over you?‘
‘You are the one who ended things between us!’ You hissed, twirling to face him head on, the fabric of your gown caressing his body, ‘You who dropped me at a moments notice and became infatuated with others! You didn’t even fight for us-’
Harwin’s hands suddenly grasped your face causing a moan to leave your lips unwillingly, thank the seven hells for the music and the stamping of feet thrumming throughout the hall. 
You wanted to pull away, to look away but it was like his gaze had you in a trance, neck straining as you looked up at him.
‘I would’ve burned a thousand times over for you Y/N. I still would,’ His voice rough as whispered heatedly, his lips caressing yours, ‘I did what was best for you.’ 
An overwhelming wave of emotion rolled over you, tears springing to your eyes before corroding into a deep rage. 
With all your might you shoved him away from you, his hands falling away from your face. 
Though he barely moved a muscle, a flash of hurt crossed his eyes. He hated being the source of your sadness. Even with the thundering of drums he heard your cry, tears running down your cheeks. 
‘You had no right to decide whats best for me Harwin!’
Before he could move towards you, you slipped into the crowd, weaving through the mass of bodies, escaping his sight at the top of the stairs. 
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Slamming the door to your quarters, you quickly removed the suffocating gown, unable to handle the heat and heaviness of the uncomfortable material any longer. 
Your breath heaved, rushing to undo the bindings of the corset, almost an awful remind of the burden you carried.
A bound princess unable to follow as her heart wishes. 
The dress fell from your body, landing onto the marble floor leaving you bare before the roaring flames within the fireplace. Just when you pulled your shift over your head, the loud rapping of knuckles knocking interrupted the silence. 
But the pattern of the knock made you look back to the door. A secret knock you knew all too well. 
Your feet padded against the floor before you found yourself in front of the door, hand hovering hesitantly over the golden handle. Deep down the hurt still crept, the anger and sadness, and if you opened the door, you knew that would all pour out, perhaps in the worst way. 
With a deep breath, you threw the door open only for Harwin to push forward fast, pressing his lips firmly against yours slamming the door behind him with his foot. 
For a brief moment slam your fists against his chest but as he presses kisses to the corner of your mouth you couldn’t help but pull him closer, moaning as his tongue slipped into your mouth. 
‘I hate you,’ You growled against his mouth when he finally pulled away, tears stinging your eyelashes.
Harwin couldn’t help but chuckle softly, resting his forehead against yours gently, his hand cupping your cheek. You noticed his eyes were misty, the sadness evident. 
‘Do you really?’ 
Your heart broke at the mere whisper. You wanted to say yes, with your whole chest. But you couldn’t. 
Closing your eyes you leant into the warmth of his roughened palm, humming in content as his thumb caressed your cheek. Opening your eyes once more, you looked up at him. 
‘I could never hate you.’ 
His smile was gentle, eyes roaming your face, reacquainting himself with all the things he loved about you. Tipping your chin up, he nuzzled his nose against yours before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
Exchanging brief but loving pecks before it turned heated once more. He gripped your hair, tipping your head back so he could tease your neck with his lips, smirking at the sounds that left you as he marked his territory before sucking at your weak spot. 
Moaning, you ran your own hand through his hair, ripping the tie from it and letting it flying somewhere across the room, letting your nails drag over his scalp. 
Harwin growled against your collarbone, leaning up once more to smash his lips against yours messily. Suddenly you pulled away from him, stepping backwards when he tried to grab for you, causing his eyebrows to furrow even as you gave him a wicked smile. 
‘Take your clothes off Harwin, now.’ 
He moaned unashamedly, and you couldn’t help but giggle, trying to retain your sensual stance. 
The man that was known throughout the kingdom as ‘Breakbones,’ one of the strongest men, keeled at the likes of you. 
Slowly he pulled the blue material over his head, tossing it into a corner of the room. His hands trailed down his toned scarred chest, unbuckling his pants. It was his turn to smirk, watching you bite your lip hard, legs pressed together at the sight of his cock.
He paced over to you, his fierce kiss making you spellbound. So much that you didn’t notice how he bent down to easily pick you up with one arm, bringing your legs around his naked hips and never letting his lips part from yours. He made his way to the classic chaise, sitting down to have you straddling his lap. 
You wrapped your arms around Harwin’s neck, feeling the rise of his cock against your inner thighs. Smiling against his lips, dropping your hips lower, you rolled your hips against his. 
His head fell back with a moan, eyes closing as the pleasure coarsed through him, large hands trailing to squeeze your ass. Immediately you took the chance to kiss and lick down his neck teasingly, marking his skin just like he had to yours just moments before, continuing to roll your hips. 
While you were distracted, Harwin gripped the top of your shift, your moan and the loud shriek of tearing cotton music to his ears. Your breasts spilt out from the shreds of material that fell to cradle your hips before he let it fall to the floor. He leant up, wrapping his mouth against your nipple, his other hand giving the other a squeeze. 
‘Oh Gods!’ You cried, eyes rolling back. 
Even though the entire castle was at the wedding feast the possibilities of stragglers passing by sent heat straight to your core. 
The pleasure became unbearable, the swing of your hips and Harwin’s mouth already setting you on edge. With a weak sob you grabbed his head, pulling his face up to kiss him. You groaned into each others mouths, your naked chests pressed against each other tightly. 
Harwin looked up at you, both hands cupping your face. His eyes roamed from your face down your entire body with a loving smile, shaking his head. 
‘Your so beautiful.’ 
Out of all the colourful phrases he had every whispered to you, that made you bashful. You dipped your head away from his intense gaze, smiling as he chuckled. 
When your eyes returned to his, you noticed they had darkened, and once more you fell under his spell. 
Slipping your hand down between you both, you grabbed his cock, causing him to hiss. You pumped him in your hand, watching his expression and smirking as he whimpered, evidently trying to hold back his noises, 
Grazing your nose against his, you stared into his eyes as you lifted your hips and manoeuvred his cock beneath you, allowing it to notch at your entrance before ever so slowly sinking down. 
You moaned loudly into Harwin’s mouth who breathed heavily, gripping the cushion hard he was afraid it would rip beneath his grasp. Your eyes threatened to close at the familiar pressure that filled you, savouring it. It had been so long, so so long. 
‘Are you okay?’ 
You nodded as Harwin whispered, pressing a tender kiss to his upper lip in reassurance. 
His arms wrapped around you, removing any fraction of space between your bodies. And slowly, you began to move your hips once more, exchanging mere whispers of moans and gasps. 
But when the pleasure began to build, the emotions began to gallop within your heart and mind. The anger, the sadness, the hurt from all the months of separation. 
The very memory of Harwin, in all his glory and decorated armour, leaving you at the gates of the Red Keep tore through your mind. The words ‘I never loved you’ ringing in your ears. 
He may have done what was best for you, and you loved him for it, but no one ever could tame a dragon even if they tried. 
Harwin’s eyes flew open as he was shoved back against the corner of the lounge, staring up at you. Your face was an expression he was very familiar with that was anything other than pleasure. 
But as he went to sit up, your hand shot to his throat, your grip firm. Not to hurt (as if you even could), but to show him you were in charge, and you could see that he knew it too, sinking back into the velvet cushions.
In that moment you were an absolute vision to revel in, sweat dazzling your skin, the fire behind silhouetting your body like a goddess. 
And just like that you began to swivel your hips once more; deliciously slow, eyes never leaving his. You watched as his abs tensed, face scrunched in desperation and pleasure. 
You growled. ‘Your mine Harwin Strong, and only mine.’
He nodded but you tighten your grip, turning his face to look you in the eye. ‘Say it, I want to hear you say it!’ 
‘I’m yours my love—I’ve always been yours!’ He gasped, dipping his head so he brushed his lips against the pads of your fingertips. 
You keeled at his words, your breasts bouncing as you fastened your pace tenfold. Your hands fell to his chest, trailing against the scars that decorated his skin, nails digging into his chest causing him to roar, his hips lifting to meet your thrusts.  
Your body faltered at the sudden pleasure that shot through your body, gasping and throwing your head back. 
Harwin took the chance to sit up, his turn to grip your jaw. His expression was firm, voice a couple of octaves deeper, ‘And that means you are mine Princess.’
You cried as he thrusted upwards into you, smashing his lips against yours, swallowing your moans. And in a flash, he had you pressed into the velvet cushions of the chaise, one of his arms wrapped around your shoulders while the other held your bottom off of the lounge, continuing to thrust into you hard. 
‘Your turn beloved,’ He heaved against your ear, his heated breath batting against your neck, unable to resist nibbling there teasingly. ‘Tell me who you fucking belong to.’ 
Even if you tried, you couldn’t speak, left incoherent by the pleasure that raked through you in waves, your nails digging deep into the wooden frame of the chaise. 
A firm smack to your ass made you squeal, your whole body trembling, bringing your attention to the man over you who smirked down at you. 
‘Speak up, I want to hear you!’ 
Tears spring to your eyes, the pleasure and emotions overwhelming you as you gasped desperately, trying to find your voice.
Your lover noticed immediately, leaning over to press sweet kisses across your face, whispering against your skin reminders that he was right there, that he was with you. 
He wasn’t going anywhere. 
‘I’m yours—I’m yours! Please Harwin I’m yours, I’m yours!’ You hoarsely cried, not caring who heard you.
You wanted everyone to know you were claimed. No one else could have you. No one except Harwin Strong. 
‘Please please don’t stop, please!’ 
‘Never. I’ll never stop.’
He kissed your temple sweetly before trailing his lips down to yours, his kiss firm as he increased his thrusts. His arm around your back moved blindly before finding your hand, removing it from the wood before entangling your fingers together squeezing hard. 
Your nails dug into his back, pulling him even closer. Every time he hits deeper, your eyes rolled back, chest heaving, your climax climbing closer and closer.
‘Come on Y/N, let go for me sweetheart, that’s it.’ 
The moment the praise leaves his lips, your whole body trembles violently and your pussy grips hard around Harwin’s cock. 
You gasp into his neck when he slows briefly, only to return his thrusts harder, sloppily but faster than before. He threw his head back with a feral growl, teeth barred and eyes squeezed shut tightly. 
Clasping his cheek, you bring his face back down to yours. You stare into his hooded eyes as his lips graze yours, foreheads pressed together. 
Suddenly, his expression faltered and he moans loudly against your neck, his hips tightening and warmth enveloping your insides, whimpering as you were filled with his seed deep inside you. 
Weak gasps leave your lips as Harwin continued to press into you with gentle thrusts, before finally he comes to a halt. Too overwhelmed to move you stay as you are, legs shaking around his hips, his hand still holding yours while the other comes up to cradle your head. 
Even with the gentle fog that settles over your mind, you can’t help but dot kisses from behind his ear to his shoulder, caressing his back, the whimpers that leave him making you smile. 
Moments, or maybe hours later, Harwin barely rolls to the side, most of his body still resting upon yours, hissing softly as his cock slips out of you, resting wet against your thigh. 
Silence remained between you, his head tucked against your neck, nose nuzzling at your skin gently.
You whimpered as his fingertips suddenly danced across the skin of your cheek drawing a mindless pattern. You bit playfully at his thumb as it caressed your bruised lips. His deep chuckle reverberated against your chest. 
You turned your head towards him with a tired smile, his hand trailing into your hair, bringing your face closer to his. 
He brings your still entangled hands to his lips, kissing each knuckle ever so gently, still staring into your eyes. Gripping your hip, he slings your thigh over his hip once more as he rests on his back, bringing you to rest against him. 
‘I love you Y/N.’ 
You smiled up at him, only realising tears were falling when his hand comes up to wipe them away. Leaning your body against his, you slowly press a kiss to his lips. 
‘I love you Harwin,' You whispered just for him, running your hand through the hair that fell over his eyes.
You knew he loved you, but fear still dug deep into your heart like a knife. Staring into his eyes, you allowed your knuckles to caress his cheek.
'Please don't leave me again ...'
Harwin felt his heart tear at the quietness of your voice, and the vulnerability glazed in your eyes. He cupped your cheek, 'Never. I won't be making that mistake again.'
Pulling you in close, he pressed a firm kiss to your forehead before letting your head fall to rest against his chest. His hand drifted down your back, fingertips dancing comfortingly against your skin.
And once again, you felt whole. 
harwin masterlist  -  masterlist
a/n: I have never spent this time writing a smut story, nor this nervous to release it! Hope the wait was worth it!
tagged (if your tag isn't working DM me and we'll try and fix it up!): @thesithdiaries @dazecrea @ppeuppeuppeu @a-sunflower-in-bloom @siren-of-the-deep-sea @ccallistata @agoldin @vivilingme-blog @my-dark-prince @derzauberermitlilabademantel @blooomsstuff @starxdame @alexslittlegirl  @budugu @piper570 @noisyinfluencerstrawberry @words-way-of-life @m1tzifa1ry @gibbsgirl7 @b0xfullofdarkness @hueanhdang @criesinsagitarius @nicolewithanee @starxqt @ateliefloresdaprimavera @akilababs @lakamaa12 @iwillboilyourteeth @littlebirdgot @venus2eros @akinatrix @rainazinha @missusnora @hadesismybaby​ @b3nzeynep @rosemalachi        
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Mine to take (I am his and he is mine pt. 2)
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Summary: While Harwin was set on treating his new wife right after their wedding, she learns a little too quickly, exhausting even a patient man’s capabilities.
Notes: my god I love writing harwin smut so much. While this is a sequel to I am his, and he is mine it can also be read as a standalone
Warnings: slight d/s dynamics, dirty talk, reader knows exactly what they’re doing, choking/spanking, frisky behaviours, oral (m!receiving), softy Harwin loves aftercare
Masterlist | Part 1 | based on this request | requests are OPEN!
When Harwin returns to your chambers, he’s exhausted from City Watch patrol and all he wants is to fall into bed with his pretty wife – only that you’re not there.
He pauses at the emptiness of the bed. Usually, you’re already in your nightclothes at this time, asleep with a book in hand and it’s left to Harwin to carefully lie you down and cover you with a blanket.
Instead, the bed is empty. He searches through your rooms, in your newly deemed library, more books in shelves and piling on the floor, with notes scattered between them, but that too, is empty. Next, he looks in the nursery your father gifted to you prematurely, only to be disappointed by the sight of another empty room.
With an exasperated sigh, Harwin heads out of your chambers and towards the only other place you could be: the royal library.
He’s been here only a few times, most of them after he’s been married, and always to look for his wife. And indeed, you’re in the library as well. Curled up in a far corner, with a book in hand and-
Is that his shirt?
As he comes closer, Harwin can see that you’re wearing his shirt and simple linen pants. Only that his shirt is massive and gives everyone a perfect view of your cleavage.
“My love.” He greets you, leaning against the wall across from you.
“Harwin.” you smile up at him, almost doe-eyed.
“What are you reading that forced you out of our chambers?” he asked
“A book about Sothoryos. They have monsters so venomous they can kill a hundred men.” You replied, lifting the book up to emphasize the chain connected to it.
“And you did that… in my shirt?” Harwin asked.
“I hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t exactly walk around in nightclothes, but I did not want to wake my maid-in-waiting to dress me this late. They’re quite comfortable.”
“Do you want to retire for the night?” Harwin offered, and you nodded, standing up to put the book away. Harwin watched as the shirt fell even lower, revealing the tops of your breasts.
Unaware of the predicament you were putting him in, you kissed him on the cheek, before hooking your arm in his. You made your way towards the exit of the library, but before you could step into the hallways of the Red Keep, Harwin put his gold cloak over your shoulders, trying to tie it in front of your breasts.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Your shirt is- it’s quite revealing.” Harwin answered.
“Ah.” You replied, pulling the cloak closed and making your way toards your chambers.
“Ah?” Harwin asked after a few minutes.
“I didn’t realise.” You said. Harwin glanced down at you, the way you were practically skittering towards your chambers.
“Was Sothoryos that interesting?” he asked.
“You couldn’t drag me there for anything in the world, but it’s fun to read about.”
“I’d rather drag you somewhere else.” He mumbled, too quiet for you to hear.
The Red Keep seemed swept empty, the two of you only passing a few guards and Lord Beesbury, who tottered past you without a care in the world. But Harwin did not miss the glances the guards threw at his wife.
It wasn’t your clothes, or your cleavage, but simply that you were pretty enough to catch any man’s eye, and those in the Red Keep often had no manners.
“They’re staring at you.” Harwin said through gritted teeth.
“Is that so?” you asked, and Harwin saw you fight the devious smile worming itself onto your lips. Slowly, he began to realise what was going on.
“Was this your intention?”
“No.” you replied, but your tone was so uneven that he highly doubted it.
“It was.” He said, his mouth almost falling open in shock. “My innocent lady wife, trying to get me jealous. Why?”
“I wasn’t trying anything.” You said, but the smirk on your face was all-telling. Harwin shook his head, trying his best to ignore the fact that the guards walking past were still staring, but when one of them turned to look at your ass after he’d passed you, something in Harwin snapped.
Quickly, he pulled you into an alcove, away from the main hallway, staring down at you with dark eyes.
“Why?” Harwin tried again, but you only smiled at him giving him no answer. Instead, you surged up, kissing him roughly. Harwin gave in, melting against your lips after such a long day. He almost gave a groan when you nipped his lower lip. Your hands were exactly where he liked them to be, lightly tugging at his hair.
Frustrated, he flipped you around, careful not to smack you against the wall, but still pressing you against the cool stone. His giant hands quickly dwarfed yours as he lowered himself down to your ear.
“Are you going to give me an answer or must I get it out of you myself?” he asked. Harwin wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to let this side of him come out so soon, if she’d like it, or withdraw again, terrified, but right now he needed this.
Instead of answering him, you gave him a cheeky smile, letting your ass brush against his crotch, where he was already hard.
So he flipped you back around, only to be met with the sight of your lust-blown pupils and heaving chest, revealed to him since his golden cloak had fallen of your shoulders.
“You’ve got a terrible lack of respect.” He warned.
“Is that so?” you jabbed.
“I am Lord Commander of the City Watch, heir to Harrenhal and your Lord Husband, so yes.”
“I didn’t know you took yourself so seriously.”
“You’re walking a dangerous line here.”
“Bite me.” You said, your smile still much too bright to his liking. Angrily, he hoisted you up over his shoulder, carrying you the rest of the way to your chambers. He didn’t care about the looks he got from the last pair of guards, only that their eyes wandered up to your ass on his shoulder too quickly.
When you made it to their chambers, Harwin kicked the door closed behind him, sitting you down on the edge of the bed.
The smug smile on your face made him feel murderous, and at the same time, he was impressed by the fact that you had grown this bold so quickly.
“How did you get this idea?”
“Believe it or not, I am in forced proximity to the other ladies of the court. I hear them talk about their affairs and such.”
“So you want to have an affair? Is that it?” Harwin hissed.
“No. Only taking their advice.”
“For what?”
“Getting ravished.” You said.
An idea began to form in Harwin’s head at your words. Two could play at this game. So he crossed the distance between the two of you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, but instead of lying you down on the bed as he normally did, he picked you up, carrying you towards a wall.
Your legs were hooked tightly around his waist, stone digging into your back as he grabbed your ass in his palms.
“You want to get ravished, hmm?” he whispered in your ear, and you nodded, frantically trying to reach his neck to place kisses there, but he pulled away with a chuckle.
“Say it.” He demanded.
“Please. Please fuck me, husband.” You whispered breathlessly.
“My wife. What would people say if they saw you now, begging like a common whore.” Harwin replied. “Get on your knees.”
“What?” you stuttered, and Harwin reveled in your innocence.
“You’re a smart girl. Do what I did for you.” He commanded. You blushed furiously in response.
“I am-“ you began, but Harwin interrupted you.
“I don’t give a fuck what you are. You certainly didn’t.”
Slowly, you sank down to your knees, watching Harwin as he opened his breeches and took out his cock, pumping leisurely.
“Open up, my love.” He commanded. His hands threaded through your hair, he guided you, and you quickly found a rhythm, trying to apply what you had heard about… this.
You couldn’t see him well, but you could hear him, groaning praises to you.
“You look so pretty like that, on your knees for me.” He said, hips bucking upward as his head fell back.
After a while, he grabbed your hair in his hands, carefully tugging at it and pulling you upwards. You stood on wobbly knees, letting him wipe the spit out of the corner of your mouth.
With no qualms about it, Harwin kissed you, leading you to the bed a little gentler than before.
His hand wandered down your body, going between your legs.
“You’re soaked for me love. All that from sucking my cock?” he demanded.
“Please.” You replied. Harwin wanted to chuckle to himself. You were a mess, blushing furiously but obviously hoping for him.
He took his time with your clothes, letting his hands trail so slowly he could see the frustration form in your eyes. Slowly, he palmed your breasts, licking your nipples until they grew hard, before moving on to your cunt.
Harwin draws teasing you out, letting his beard barely scratch you clit, touching you everywhere except where you need him to be. When you try to push him down, he grabs your hand, holding it down on the mattress.
“You want to be fucked?” he asked again, and you nodded enthusiastically, brows furrowing to confusion as he leaned back against the cushions.
“Get on top.” He commanded.
Hesitantly, you moved to hover over him, and Harwin helped you guide himself into you. As you sank down on his dick, his hands found your hips, steadying you carefully.
“Good?” he asked, his caring side taking over. Yes, he was frustrated, but he would never risk hurting you.
“Yeah.” You replied. With his hands guiding you, you rolled your hips, causing him to hit that spot inside you.
“Take your pleasure.” He commanded. You moved around for a bit, trying to figure out what felt right, and when you did, you started moving more quickly.
You felt his eyes burn into you, never once leaving your form. When Harwin gave you a smirk, you couldn’t help but comment.
“What?” you snapped.
“Look at you, bouncing on my cock.”
“I-“ you began, freezing where you were. And then, his hand was on your neck. Not quite choking, but still dangerously close to it.
“You like that?” Harwin asked. You nodded in response, and he dared to squeeze a little tighter.
“Keep going.” He commanded, and you continued to move, feeling the tension build up in your belly. You let yourself be loud, not caring how much any guards outside might hear, only caring about the high you were chasing.
Harwin was still watching you, and when he saw you get close, he began bucking up into you, helping you along until you came around his cock, your cunt desperately clenching for more.
You practically collapsed on top of him, his cock still inside you.
“You didn’t get your release.” You murmured.
“It’s fine.” He said, his hands wandering to your hips to lift you off.
“No, keep going. I’m not sure if I can move though.” You replied.
Harwin nodded, positioning your head onto his chest. You felt him thrusting into you, his hips slapping against your ass as you bounced upwards, your head in the crook of his shoulders. Not soon after, his thrusts grew sloppy.
Wanting him to feel as good as you, you did your best to ride him for the last part of it. You felt a sense of pride as his head tipped back, giant hands practically bruising your hips with his grip until you felt him spill inside you.
Completely exhausted, you rolled off of him, lying down next to him. You stayed like that for a while, until he opened his eyes again with a smile on his face.
“I suppose you should disrespect me more often.” He said.
“Perhaps.” You replied, spreading out on the bed like a lazy cat. When Harwin got up, you followed his movements shamelessly, staring at his back like there was no tomorrow.
Suddenly, you heard him chuckle.
“What is it?” you asked.
“You moved the bed.” He replied.
“The power you possess over me.” You sighed, letting him push the bed back into place. He returned with towel, cloth and a jug of wine.
Carefully, Harwin wiped you down, before he dried off your back. You hadn’t noticed yourself sweat, but this felt like a treat anyway.
When he was done, he handed you a glass of wine.
“How was your day?” you asked.
“Tiring. There’s a group of children running around in Flea Bottom, cutting the purses of the people.”
“Did you catch them?”
“Actually, I let them go.” He admitted. “There’s no sense in chopping off the hands of hungry children. They’ll only grow to resent the king. Gave them an earful about stealing though.”
“That’s kind of you.”
“What about you?” Harwin asked. As you moved behind him to work out the tenseness in his shoulders, you thought for a moment.
“Grand Maester Orwyle and I got into a small argument over whether or not I should be in the royal library all the time, and of course, I read about Sothoryos. I also visited the stables, to pick a horse so that I can accompany you riding sometime.”
“Why did you argue with the Grand Maester?” Harwin asked. “Is the library not open to everyone?”
“It is, but he finds that I take up too much space. Even though the books I read are mostly dusted over.” You complain.
“I’ll have a word with him tomorrow.” Harwin decided.
“You mustn’t.”
“I must. Otherwise, you’ll be caught stealing from the library soon.” He joked. Carefully, he turned around to you, grabbing you by the waist and setting you down in front of him.
You wanted to protest, but he had already begun working out the kinks in your own neck.
“You do need better posture if you want to continue reading though.” Harwin said.
“And they more comfortable seating arrangements.” You replied.
“I’d like to go riding with you.” Harwin interjected. “It can be fun, if done properly.”
“I see that now.” You joked. Harwin rolled his eyes at that, lifting up the covers next to him and allowing you to cuddle into his arms.
“I’m so glad I married you.” You said, missing the smile on his face at your words. Yes, married life was far better than you had thought, even if you would have to pull your lord husband off of the Grand Maester tomorrow.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ Oh my god you guys are a little family! Well, not so little... even though Rhaenyra is married to Laenor, she is still in a secret relationship with you and Harwin. 
⭑ Her sons are like your own, and you treat them with so much love and respect. 
⭑ But they probably see you as an Aunty/Uncle (I guess the same as Harwin)
⭑ You’re probably legally married to Harwin? And he fell in love with Rhaenyra, and so did you. If you present as male, then I think you would be their guard.  
⭑ Rhaenyra calls you ‘my love,’ 
⭑ And Harwin calls you ‘my heart.’
⭑ If you’re quick to anger, Rhaenyra will be by your side, stroking your arm:
        “It’s okay, my love,” she’ll coo. 
⭑ Harwin is like a rock for both you and Rhae. He’s always ready to pick you up when you’re down.
⭑ And he loves making you smile. He would degrade himself in all ways, just to see the side of your lips quirk up. 
⭑ You love to tuck the boys into bed and tell them bedtime stories. Their favourites are ones with dragons and knights (of course-)
⭑ Alicent would be outrageously jealous - I think the big thing with her is that she wants the same freedom. But because of her standing, and her family, she feels as if she cannot do what Rhaenyra does. Alicent firmly believes that actions have consequences. 
⭑ You can usually find Rhaenyra with her sons - she watches on as Jacaerys and Lucerys train. 
⭑ Harwin is with them training, and you’re either helping or watching on as well. 
⭑ Viserys really likes you; it’s because you take the time to look at his model of the city. He does love his family, and although he might not be the greatest king, he is a great father and grandfather. 
⭑ Harwin likes to steal kisses when no one is watching 9if you’re not married) but if you are, then his lips aren’t far from your own
⭑ Rhaenyra isn’t jealous - she understands, but you try not to do it in front of her
⭑ You and Rhaenyra are like best friends with benefits; you love talking with each other and find that you understand each other on a deeper level 
⭑ You and Laenor get on well too - you don’t care about his preferences and sometimes wonder if Harwin could be attracted to him? 
⭑ Harwin always does this sneak-attack thing where he’ll creep up behind you and jump on you, or pick you up
⭑ And you’ve gotten so used to it, that you know exactly when he’s about to pounce
⭑ Rhaenyra always listens intently whenever you have something to say 
⭑ And you love reading to her. She finds your voice very calming 
⭑ All three of you are very sarcastic and witty. Humour is a big part of your relationship!
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Dumbass (Harwin) x Dumbass In Training (You) x Oh Fck I Guess They’re My Dumbasses (Rhaenyra)
  ✧ Tall (Harwin) x Smol (Rhaenyra) x Slightly Taller Than Smol (You)
  ✧ The Adventurous (Harwin) x The Hyperactive (You) x The Unheeded Voice of Reason (Rhaenyra)
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Rhaenyra likes to watch you and Harwin. When she’s alone, she’ll imagine your hands untying Harwin’s pants, pulling them down and freeing his hard cock. 
⭑ Harwin loves the cowgirl position, and the other behind the rider, kissing and nipping at their breasts. 
⭑ Harwin is a switch, but mostly a sub
⭑ Rhaenyra is mostly a dom, but will gladly give the reigns to anyone 
⭑ If you want the princess to be putty in your hands, then nibble on her ear
⭑ And Harwin loves to take advantage of an empty corridor
⭑ He also adores face-sitting, especially when Rhaenyra is bouncing on his cock and you’re on top of his face. 
⭑ But Harwin’s favourite sexual act is bondage; 
⭑ You’ve tried mutual masturbation but it doesn’t last for long. Harwin usually gives up and wants to touch you both. 
⭑ Harwin is very thick, veiny, and in length - around 9.5 inches when fully erect. 
⭑ If you’re able to have children, then you would have a tonic that prevents pregnancy. But if you and Harwin do wish to have children - then that’s a different case. 
⭑ I do think Harwin has a breeding kink ... and he loves stuffing himself deep inside you, his cum filling up your cunt. 
⭑ Rhaenyra likes anal, but likes to eat your ass especially 
⭑ And she adores her hair being pulled 
⭑ You would have a drawer full of toys; dildos, strap-ons (GoT versions of course, maybe out of a special material in King’s Landing?) paddles (for spanking), ropes, cloths for tying around one’s eyes etc,.
⭑ The aftercare is especially lovely - sometimes all three of you are too tired so you cuddle in each other’s arms until someone has to leave. 
⭑ Or when you do feel especially dirty, you and Rhaenyra will hop into a warm bath while Harwin cleans the both of you. 
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ignitedminds27 · 2 years
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fairysluna · 4 months
43. “Go on ride my thigh.” WITH HARWIN
knight in shining armor.
When the Red Keep is attacked, Ser Harwin is the one in charge of your protection. Spending the night by your side, he finds it hard to keep his emotions under control.
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PAIRING — Harwin Strong x Targ!Fem!Reader.
TAGS — fluff (a bit too much, I'm sorryy), smut —thigh riding, nipple play, oral fixation, praise, virgin!reader, dirty talk—, sexual tension, descriptions of nudity, mentions of blood and violence, murder. If something is missing let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE — small context: here the dance of the dragons doesn't happen, Rhaenyra never fucked Harwin and the greens and blacks are a lovey dovey family. Long live fanfiction for this. A big, big thank you to @bucknastysbabe for beta reading this!! Ilysm!!🤍
My baby bel, i think i put a bit too much fluff into the mix while writing this, but i hope you like it and enjoy it. Ilyy🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤenglish is not my first language.
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A thunderous sound woke you up from your peaceful slumber. By looking around in the darkness of your chambers, you could tell something was wrong; a strange atmosphere appeared in the air, something odd that brought an inexplicable chill in your spine. You arose from your bed, walking barefooted towards the nearest window and peeking outside - the cold wind that entered the room sent shivers through your body, causing goosebumps to arise across your skin. It had to be the hour of the Wolf, you could barely see a thing.
There was a group of guards marching towards the entrance of the Red Keep; you heard them bellow, but you were not able to make sense of their words. They ran from one side to another, picking up their swords and shields, giving commands to one another. You grew curious to know the reason behind such a fuss and the answer came quicker than you expected. While you were observing a knight standing beside the arsenal and keeping guard on the perimeter, another man silently approached him- wearing all black, camouflaging in the darkness of the night.
A small part of you told you to look away, but you stood there - eyes fixed on the guard. Curiosity killed the cat.
Out of the blue, the black-clad specter reached for the knight, and before you could discern what the man had done to him, you saw red flooding out under the moonlight - staining his prestigious white cloak. You froze in your place as you saw the guard falling to his knees before his entire body reached the dirt on the floor. The air escaped from your lungs as you witnessed such a gruesome scene, feeling your heart beating frantically in reaction.
It only became worse once the unknown man looked up, right at your window. Right at you, steely eyes glinting.
Immediately, you took a few steps back - your hand covering your mouth and muffling a squeal as soon as you realized what had happened. Chills traveled around your body, and before you realized, your cheeks were soaking with tears of horror and fear. It was suddenly hard to breathe, your chest feeling heavy and tight. That man saw you, he would certainly come after you now.
Your feet kept moving, eyes fixed in the window as you walked backwards, as far as possible from that frightening scene. In that moment, you felt your back hit something cold and hard before two strong arms wrapped around your body and squeezed you between them. You yelped, screaming hysterically with the thought that it will be your turn now - squirming desperately as you tried to be freed from the arms of the person who was holding you down.
Then you heard his voice.
“Princess, it's me!” The familiar voice exclaimed, loosening the grip around your body and allowing you to turn around to see him. He removed his helmet, throwing it onto the floor. “It's me, my sweet princess,” he repeated, this time more calm and with a soothing tone in his timbre. He placed his big, calloused hand on your cheek.
The relief washed over you as you saw your beautiful knight in shining armor standing before you, tense shoulders instantly relaxing as you locked your lilac eyes with his deep brown ones. His gaze was soft, but it still showed signs of his preoccupation for you. His thumb brushed against your skin, wiping the tears that had fallen down your face. You leaned towards his touch and he sighed.
“You're safe with me,” Ser Harwin murmured. “Everything will be okay…” His impressive frame towered over your smaller one; you had to look up at him as your hand wrapped around his wrist.
Harwin was taken aback once he felt your trembling arms wrapping around his armor. You hung from his neck as he picked you up from the floor. One of his hands held your waist, while the other went to your nape - keeping you close to him. The coldness of the metal was pressing against your cheek, and you closed your eyes - silently crying against his shoulder. Your heart fluttered inside your chest once he tightened his grip around your body; you felt safe in his arms.
“Shh… it's fine,” he cooed against your ear. His lips pressed against your head. “No one will hurt you if I'm with you, princess. No one will harm you.”
“What happened? What's going on?” you asked between sobs.
“Some miscreants managed to go through the gates, they're now being secured in the black cells. They’re trying to find those who are inside the Keep,” he explained while he slowly put you back on your feet - a soft whine involuntarily left your lips once you stopped feeling his warmth. “I've come as soon as I heard.”
“Is my family safe? My mother, my siblings? Rhaenyra and the children?”
“They are all being guarded by members of the king's guard,” Harwin replied.
You nodded before you took a look around his face, as if you were trying to search for some wound - just in case he needed your help. “Are you hurt?” A little smile appeared on his handsome face once he noticed your worry. “Did- did they hurt you?”
“No,” he answered. “And you shall not worry about me, princess…”
You pressed your lips in a thin line before murmuring - a bit embarrassed, “you know I'll always worry about you.”
Harwin paused to take a look at you; his heart beating fast with the mere sight of you, feeling like a green boy whenever you were around, staring up at him with those pretty, sparkling eyes of yours. So beautiful, so precious. It was no secret between you two that your feelings had flourished like roses in Spring. Yet, even when the deep affections were obviously mutual, both of you were scared to act on it. It was forbidden, and - somehow - that made it even more tempting for both. How scandalous, King Viserys daughter has the Hand’s son as a paramour.
“Mayhaps your royal highness should go back to sleep,” Harwin suggested. “On the morrow all this would be just a faint memory.”
“I don't think I will be able to do it,” you told him, taking a step back and wiping your tears away. “I lost all my sleep with what I've just seen…it was awful, terrible…”
Harwin approached you again as he noticed your despair - your voice breaking in the middle of your words and your eyes glistening once again by a layer of new tears. He cupped your face, brushing his thumbs against your cheeks.
“It's okay, my sweet angel,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours - you closed your eyes. His closeness made your heart beat faster, and the syrupy way the name that came out of his plump lips almost caused you to sigh. “Come here, let's sit down for a second, alright?” Harwin motioned.
Obediently, you grabbed his hand as he guided you through your room, finding a comfortable spot in the large settee right in the middle of your chambers. Once Harwin turned around, he finally noticed what you were wearing; a thin see through nightgown. His eyebrows twitched and mouth went dry. He knew that the right thing was to look away, give the privacy you needed - yet he couldn't manage to take his eyes off of you, his lovely princess. He followed a path from your face, going downwards towards your neck and collarbones - he even imagined how they would look with small marks from his lips printed on them. He continued shamelessly eyeing you, finding your breasts; he felt his throat getting dry once he noticed your pebbled nipples peeking through the white fabric of your nightgown. His mouth watered, resisting the urge to think how they would feel against his tongue. Unexpectedly, he felt his pants getting tighter.
That's when he knew that enough was enough. You were a princess; his princess. You deserve the utmost respect. He couldn't allow himself to think of you in that way, especially on a night like this one.
Harwin cleared his throat, sitting down on the couch and tapping the empty spot by his side - once again, you obeyed. Your body curled by his side, clinging into his armor, laying your head on his chest as his arm went around your shoulder to keep you close. You squirmed a bit, trying to make sense of the feeling between your legs - the one that grew more intense once you noticed the desire on his eyes.
“Close your eyes, try to rest. I'll be here when you wake up,” he promised.
You nodded, making yourself comfortable and doing what he told you to do - and you really tried, yet it seemed impossible for you to take that horrid image off your mind. Your whole body would tremble with the thought of being murdered in the same way. Each time you would close your eyes, that was all you could see. It was torturous, a bone chilling fear that didn't let you rest.
That scarlet blood seeping down white cloth played over and over again in your racing mind.
Before you noticed, you were sobbing again. Harwin, chivalrous as always, grabbed your quivering body and placed you on his lap, rocking your body from side to side as a desperate attempt to try and calm you down. It wounded him to see you like this, so scared and defenseless - he even wondered what he could do to make your anguish go away.
“He saw me… he'll come and try to- to kill me!” you whined - your lower lip shaking uncontrollably. “I cannot- I cannot stop thinking about it all.”
Growing up as a princess left you inside a bubble. Behind the thick walls of the castle you never had to watch or see something as such - the evilness of people. Harwin has always told you that you had a pure heart and soul, always oblivious to the wrongdoings of the people. You never knew how cruel people truly were, and now that you saw it you couldn't stop thinking about it.
“Nothing will happen to you, not if I'm here,” Harwin softly whispered. “I will always protect you, my precious angel.”
But then he thought of his words again; he might protect you from the enemies, from the dangers of the world, but how was he supposed to protect you from the torment that was caused by your own mind? How could he possibly make you forget about it?
He knew the answer, but he knew it was wrong. Terribly wrong.
“Come here.” Harwin invited you to sit on his lap. In any other occasion you would doubt a bit before assenting to do it, but in that moment all you wanted was to feel safe, to feel him against you as he got rid of all your fears with his mere presence - you couldn't resist.
His hands grabbed your hips as he lifted you up and motioned you until you were sitting on top of him - your arms around his broad body as you laid on his shoulder. His hands went to your head, his fingertips softly caressing your scalp while he soothed you again.
For him, it was quite hard to ignore the fact that the only thing in the middle of your nudity was a thin piece of fabric that did nothing to hide your body. He could see it, but you could feel it. At first you just sighed - the coldness of the metal covering his thigh would touch the heat between your legs, which was growing more intense with every passing second. You shivered, holding back a gasp when you accidentally moved your hips.
Out of the sudden, a thunderous sound similar to the one that woke you up was heard again. Your body jumped due to the shock, and your eyes widened with terror.
“Harwin…” you mumbled his name, almost as if you were begging him to make it stop, even when you knew he couldn't do anything more than stay by your side.
“Look at me, Princess,” he replied, his voice becoming slightly raspy as his big hands went to your hips. You felt how he started to pull your nightgown upwards - he had given up his hesitation to do this, defiling the pure little angel. How your doe-eyes and small body contrasted against his large frame, Strong was ensnared. The knight no longer fought against the carnal urges. He needed to take your mind elsewhere, and this was the only way he could think of. You tried to look down as he kept pulling the only layer of clothes that would cover your body - the only thing that separated your warmth from the coldness of the metal on his thigh, and he grabbed your chin, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. “Don't look away from me, angel…”
You obeyed, slightly parting your lips as the fabric brushed against your flesh, and once your cunt was laying naked on top of his leg, you felt a shiver running down your spine. Harwin’s honeyed gaze did not tear from your face at any moment, reluctant to see your most vulnerable places. He felt unworthy of it. He wasn't going to see you, he wasn't going to touch your vulnerable petals - he was just going to let you use him as you please.
“Ser Harwin…” you repeated his name in a gasp as his hands moved your hips on top of him. Gentle movements at first, just to see how you would react; that's when you moaned, feeling metal rubbing directly against your clit. It felt odd, but extremely good.
“Don't stress your mind any further,” he whispered, almost feeling breathless. “Forget about everything, just focus on what you feel…”
With your eyes closed, you placed your hands on his shoulder in order to find some stability when he slightly quickened the pace. The whimper that left your lips would be carved in Harwin’s mind forever, haunting his nights and increasing his need for you. You were there, in front of him looking so angelic, yet so sinful - he was tightening his grip on your hips, digging his fingertips on your flesh as a desperate attempt to hold back; the urge to rip that nightgown was almost unbearable. He needed to touch you, even when it was awfully wrong to do so.
One of his hands left your hip, moving upwards until it cupped your face. Your cheeks were burning beneath his touch, too flustered and shy to hold his haze for too long. You weren't stupid, you knew what was going on and you knew what it meant, yet it was hard for you to care when it felt this good.
Involuntarily, you started to move your hips on your own, growing needy and aching to feel more of him. You longed for his hands on your skin, touching every inch of you until his scent was spread all over your body - yet, he denied you of that, too scared of not being able to stop if he got to fondle your curves.
“Does it feel good?” he asked, his voice so deep and husky, almost making you purr like a kitten between his arms.
“S’good…” you whined in response, mouth agape and letting gasps fall from your lips.
Harwin shifted his position, trying to find some comfortable posture that would make him forget about the ache inside his breeches. He laid back on the settee, spreading his legs and letting you place your hands on his chest. You soon started to move your hips again, moaning his name.
“Fucking hell…” he groaned, now getting a full view of your body. “Go on, ride my thigh…” Those words slipped his lips before he was able to stop them. He felt ashamed, but you loved to hear them, driving your pace harder in reaction.
Your eyes opened and you found Harwin looking up at you as you used him for your own pleasure. He sat there, your weeping cunt coating his armor with your slick as you rubbed yourself on him; you quickly noticed how hard it was for him not to look down - not to look at the sinful view of your swollen bud brushing against him. Instead, his eyes remained on your face, lost in your glossy eyes and swollen lips. He was bewitched with the way your face would express the pleasure you were feeling; Blessed may be the gods for giving him the opportunity to see you like that.
His thumb moved closer to your lips, and you were quick to trap it inside your mouth, sucking and nibbling at it while your movements became more intense. Harwin couldn't resist, and he moaned once he felt your tongue swirling around his digit, imagining how that very same tongue would feel on his cock.
“This feels better than your pillow, doesn't it?” He suddenly groaned. On any other occasion, he would be too ashamed to mention that - the fact that he has heard you pleasuring yourself, yet he couldn't help it… the words slipped out of his mouth before he was able to hold them back. “Do you think of me when you do it?” He asked, almost begging to admit it, longing to hear you say it.
Though you were in no position to speak - too overwhelmed already, you manage to mumble a positive answer, humming as you nodded. A little smirk appeared on the knight's face, making him look even more charming than he already was. You felt your body melt in his arms.
With the motion of your body becoming more intense - faster, your nightgown slowly started to fall down your body, exposing your pebbled nipples to the hungry haze of the man beneath you. The struggle inside his mind was killing him, he wasn't supposed to touch you yet his body craved for it. His mouth watered at the sight while you kept moaning around his finger.
“Touch yourself for me, my angel,” he murmured, as if that would cease his cravings.
He removed his hand from your face, grabbing your wrist and relocating it to your breasts. You moaned at your own touch as you pulled your nipples and played with your own flesh. You leaned forward then, pressing your forehead against his, open-mouthed as you gasped when he grabbed your hips to control your movements once again. Harwin closed his eyes, groaning when you whined and mewled.
You sounded so beautiful.
“Come on, my princess,” he breathlessly said. His lips were merely a few inches away from yours. He fought the urge to devour your swollen lips. “Fucking hell… my angel, keep rubbing your sweet pussy against me. It feels so good, doesn't it? Bet you can’t think of anything else…”
“Harwin, I- I feel…”
“Sh… just let go. Fuck yourself on me, use me as you please. Let me help you empty that pretty head of yours.”
Harwin gave one last look at your trembling body before he started to bounce his leg, thick thigh adding more stimulation that almost made you scream. It was too much - the possessive grip around your hips was making it hard for you to think about anything else. You fantasized about him, about his hands, about his mouth… you longed for his touch, to feel huge calloused hands on your silken skin. You wondered how it would feel to have him inside of you, to let him defile your body. You wanted it so bad.
The thoughts soon started to push you over the edge. The metal covering Harwin’s thigh was soaked with your slick, it was slippery enough to fasten your movements until you couldn't hold it any longer. Your body weight fell forward, your hips twitching as your release oozed out of your weeping cunt, his name falling from your lips like a chant - as a way to thank him. Harwin felt his cock aching underneath his trousers, painfully hard, too damn close to coming undone.
“So good, my beautiful princess…” he whispered as he caressed your hair. His touch burning against now sensitive skin. “Bet you're not thinking about that bad man anymore, are you?”
You could only whine in response. Tired, overstimulated, and sleepy.
“Let's get you to bed now, shall we?”
Harwin grabbed your waist, lifting you up effortlessly as you leaned on his shoulders. Ever the gentleman, he fixed your gown and covered your nudity as he took you to the bed. He placed you delicately over the soft mattress and you hummed when he wrapped your trembling body on the silk sheets.
He leaned back then, but you grabbed his hand before he could go further away. “Please, don't,” you mumbled, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “Stay with me… Lay here.”
“My princess-”
And he couldn't say no.
You heard how he started to get rid of his armor, slowly detaching the pieces of metal from his body until there were just thin layers of clothes covering his body. He cautiously laid behind you - not wanting you to feel the hardness under his trousers, yet you grabbed his hand and forced him to wrap his limbs around your body, feeling the need to have him as close as possible.
Silence fell on the room, just hearing his calm breathing as he closed his eyes and smelled the sweet perfume lingering in your hair. But then, you spoke again.
“Ser Harwin?” you uttered his name so delicately it almost felt like a caress.
There was a small pause, a moment of doubt. You continued regardless.
“I… I think I might be in love with you.”
Harwin's heart skipped a beat on his chest, and a smile appeared on his face. He felt a joy that he had never felt before.
“Princess?” Now it was him calling your name.
“Yes, sir?”
“I am in love with you.”
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TAGS — @islandfantasydream
follow @by-fairysluna for updates!
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thekinslayed · 1 month
This Heaven Gives Me Migraine
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summary | The revelation of your betrothed's involvement with your half-sister sends you straight into Criston's arms. Harwin is shown what he has been missing out on.
pairing | criston cole x legitimized bastard!reader x harwin strong
tags | 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex, oral sex (f), oral sex (m), cuckolding, threesome, Harwin's monster cock, daddy issues if u squint, reader is loosely based on shiera seastar
wordcount | 4.6k
note | lmao this gif is the only one i've found of them in the same frame 😭 don't ask how old anyone is, idk either <3
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
song rec | Natural's Not In It - Gang of Four
(dividers by @zaldritzosrose)
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When Lyonel Strong offered his son Harwin to the Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys merely laughed in his face, stating his son was not good enough for his heir. He was, however, good enough for you, the king’s legitimised bastard. The King sired you with a Lyseni woman, whom he was introduced to by his brother Daemon and his then-lover Mysaria. That night was merely a lapse in his judgement, he had let his cock hold authority over his head. The King was determined to erase any evidence of his wrongdoings by having you sent to the Sept, but then, your mother had died, and the young queen Aemma could not find it in her heart to send a babe like you away. You were taken in a year before Rhaenyra was conceived, having served as the Queen’s temporary comfort when she struggled to produce an heir. It was the will of the good queen to have you legitimised, though despite being formally named a Targaryen, you felt like an outsider in your own family. 
You had all your father’s Valyrian features, but only half the love he bore for your half-sister Rhaenyra. In some ways, you understood. You were the walking reminder of Viserys’ mistakes, and the King was adept at pretending you were invisible. The thought did little to quell the hurt in your chest as you longed for an ounce of attention Viserys bestowed on Rhaenyra.
However, you made this work in your favor. With the order of succession having skipped you, all the attention was on your younger sister. This allowed you more freedom, you took on numerous lovers, dabbled in creating potions and elixirs, and flew across the realm on your dragon as much as you wished. You grew more distant from Rhaenyra as you enjoyed the joys that came with your autonomy, while she held the pressure of being the King’s heir.
Despite the pleasures you had freely taken for yourself, you were still a princess with duties to uphold. And so, your hand was offered to Ser Harwin, as a gesture of good faith with the Strongs.
You liked Harwin. Good, honourable Harwin. He was courteous, a man of good breeding. He would clutch your hand at his elbow when you walked through the gardens, listening to every single detail you shared. His sweet words often rendered you blushing like a maiden, tugging on your heartstrings in a way no man ever had. You would often find him awaiting you in the Dragonpit when you returned from your flights, a kiss planted upon the back of your hand when you approached him. With some convincing, you would succeed in persuading Harwin back to your chambers some nights, where you sat upon his lap, grinding on his thigh while he claimed your lips. Nothing more, of course. 
“We cannot, princess. Not yet,” he would whisper, stopping you from taking things any further, much to your frustration. You were dying of curiosity to learn what he was like in bed. Surely, the name Breakbones didn’t only apply to his physical prowess on the battlefield. On the nights he would be away with the City Watch, a fresh vase of flowers would always be sent from him, awaiting you on your nightstand. 
And when Harwin was away, you would find yourself in Criston’s arms.
Your trysts with the Kingsguard started not long after Rhaenyra sent him away from her midst with a broken heart. He was but a dog with his tail stuck in between his legs when you had set your eyes on him. At first, you were apprehensive about taking what you thought were your half-sister’s scraps, but it did not take long for you to realize you had struck gold. Criston fucked, hard. He would take you with an air of desperation in his thrusts, as though you would disappear once he failed to satisfy you. The knight was eager to please, taking you any way you liked, however many times you wanted to. The maester was surely suspicious about how frequently you requested for moon tea on the mornings following your nights with Criston, but you made sure to remind him of your knowledge of the whores he would sneak into the Keep for his own debauchery, something your father would surely not appreciate. 
You should be thankful for Rhaenyra, really. If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t be lost in the dizzying haze of your nights with Criston, free to claim him as you wish, while she carried her and Laenor’s first. Hells, even Alicent didn’t mind you whisking away her sworn shield the second he was relieved of his duties. While no plans about your marriage to Harwin were set yet, you enjoyed your last bits of freedom with your lover, while imagining the moment you would finally be claimed by the Strong knight in your marriage bed.
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Your brows furrowed as you stared at the babe that lay in the cot. Beside you, your father cooed, tickling the boy’s nose with his fingertip. Pale skin, brown hair. How in the Seven Hells did this happen? Your eyes met that of Alicent’s, who held the same glint of confusion in her big, round eyes. 
You flashed Rhaenyra and Laenor a fake smile as the King showered them with praises for producing an heir. Words of good wishes fell from your lips, to which the couple responded with their gratitude. The babe stirred from the voices surrounding him, opening his eyes to reveal a vivid blue. 
It couldn’t be.
You’ve heard of the whispers circulating in court about your sister and your betrothed, though you had paid them no mind. The lords and ladies often had little to do to entertain their boring lives which often resulted in forming insipid rumours about the royal family. Once, they had speculated you bathed in blood to preserve your beauty, which you only scoffed at in response. You had only turned five and twenty! 
But this… this was hard to deny.
You left your half-sister’s chambers with the Queen, speaking in hushed whispers as you both walked through the halls while Ser Criston trailed behind you. “I cannot believe this! Do you think…” Alicent trailed, careful with her words as she looked at your troubled expression. 
“My sister, s-she… She would never bring such shame upon my name. Wouldn’t she?” You asked, turning to both Alicent and Criston. Your shoulders sagged when they said nothing but only exchanged doubtful looks. A pit formed in your stomach at the realization.
“It is too soon to say, dear girl. Do not fret, the truth will reveal itself soon, yes?” Alicent reassured you, rubbing your shoulders comfortingly. 
The truth did, in fact, reveal itself during the feast celebrating the birth of Rhaenyra’s heir. Jacaerys Velaryon, future King of the Seven Kingdoms. You were sat beside young Aegon, who looked unamused by the whole affair. You felt him tug at your sleeve, making you lean down. “Why does he have brown hair?” He asked.
“I am not quite sure, my sweet, but don’t you think he has his father’s eyes?” You said, smiling at him sweetly. When he merely shrugged his shoulders, you caressed his silver head of hair, before directing your gaze to the crowd, unconvinced by your own words.
While the lords and ladies cheered for the introduction of the babe to the court, you watched your betrothed. His eyes lit up with joy, shimmering blues under the light of the Great Hall, though they were not looking at you. His gaze was directed at your sister who sat beside your father. 
Your chest panged with hurt, your jaw ticked in anger at this shameless display. You turned your head to meet Rhaenyra’s gaze, which met yours for a second, before looking away to avoid your sharp stare. A scoff left your lips, rising from your seat to leave the Great Hall. The sound of your shoes shuffling against stone echoed through the empty halls as you returned to your chambers, slamming the door behind you. 
A cup of wine was poured in haste, and your shaky hands brought it to your lips, chugging its contents down. You slammed the cup back down onto the table, before pouring yourself another. Some herbs were crushed and added to the cup of red, with the hopes of soothing your aggravated state. Behind you, you heard the sound of your door opening, followed by quiet footsteps and the clinking of metal.
“Princess,” You heard him say. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, not facing the man who stood by your door. “I came to make sure you were alright,” he responded softly. Your head dropped as you sighed, your ringed fingers clutched the end of the serving table, weight leaning on the wood.
“How could they do this to me? My own sister, my future husband?” you trembled with anger. A gloved hand clutched your elbow, prompting you to turn around to meet the Dornishman’s gaze.
Criston looked at you with worry while you shook your head, an incredulous laugh leaving your lips. “Gods, what a fool I am.” 
“Don’t say that,” he interjected, frowning at your words.
“But I am,”you asserted, stepping away from him to walk towards the chaise with the cup of wine in your grip. “Fucking Harwin. I let him convince me what an honourable man he is, what a fine husband he would make,” you grumbled before you took a big swig from your cup. Criston silently listened, standing with his hands clutched together at his back. “I could care less if he took another to bed, the gods know I am not innocent of that either,” you pointed out, to which your lover gave you a look.
“But my own sister,” you fumed, tone heavy with incredulity. “What will the court say of this? Of me?”
A silence passed through the room, the only sound being the crackling of the hearth. After a moment, Criston took a step towards you, tugging off his gloves.
“Do you love him?” he asked, making you turn towards him. You pondered on his words. Though you bore good feelings for the Gold Cloak, it was too soon to call it love, and after this debacle, you could hardly consider him worthy of your affection. 
“No,” you answered with conviction, your gaze upon Criston unwavering. “Not with the utter humiliation the birth of this bastard shall bring me.”
The hard metal of his armor is cool against the skin of your back as your knight pressed his front against your clothed behind. He dipped his head to kiss the exposed skin of your shoulder, nuzzling his face into the base of your neck. The stubble on his face tickled, his familiar scent wafting into your senses as you leaned your head against his.
“He is not worthy of you, none of them are,” Criston rasped. His hands slithered to embrace your waist, a sigh leaving your lips when you finally relaxed into his arms. “Harwin is an imbecile, blind to his fortune of having the most beautiful woman in the realm promised to him.”
A breathless chuckle left your lips at his words. You turned in his arms to face the knight, cupping his stubbled jaw to stare into his eyes. 
“You are so good to me,” you tell him, nudging your nose against his. Criston’s heart thumped against his chest, and for a moment he worried you would hear it knock against the metal of his chestplate. He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours.
Oh, the things he would do to make you all his.
Criston hated sharing, especially with that dolt Strong. If he could, he would take you away from all of this madness, and fulfill the promise of a life of freedom and love. But he cannot let himself hope, not again.
“I would do anything for you, my princess,” Criston whispered lowly, a kiss planted to the skin of your wrist to seal his vow. 
“Yes, yes. Anything, ask and it shall be done,” he affirmed, looking at you with sincerity in his eyes. Your heart warmed at his words, his unwavering loyalty to you something you feel completely undeserving of. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t spent many nights imagining what life would be like with Criston as your husband. Rhaenyra had told you of his promise of taking her away to Essos, for a simple life forged with love. Your sister thought the prospect entirely ridiculous. But you, you could do it. There was little keeping you here, no father who gave you love, no duty to tie you down, no throne to bleed you dry. But you cannot, not yet at least. The moment shall present itself in the future, this you knew in your heart. And when it does, you shall ask Criston to go with you and you shall never look back. For now, you settled with planting a kiss on his lips. 
“I do not ask for much, just you,” you said against his lips. He cupped your chin to pull you back against his lips, deepening the kiss as his tongue pried your mouth open. “You have me,” he breathed out.
Kissing turned into gnawing as Criston all but devoured your mouth. You fumbled to undo the knots holding up his breastplate. One by one, you both worked to remove his armor, the metal plates falling on the fur carpet with a soft thud. Now clad in only his gambeson and breeches, your lover pulls you to his chest, relishing in the giggle that left you as you found your way to your bed. 
He sat on your bed, turning you around to quickly undo the laces of your gown. Once the dress fell and you were clad only in your shift, Criston pulled you into his lap, your thigh caging one of his, arms snaked around his neck. You ran a hand through his recently shortened locks, biting your lip as he regarded you with a lovestruck look.
“I told you it would look better shorter,” you commented, earning a rare smile from the usually reserved knight. Your lips captured his once more, tongues twisting against each other. His large hand cupped your breast, earning him a moan. The neckline of your shift is pushed down to reveal your chest, your nipples pert against Criston’s breath as he nuzzled his face into the plump flesh. Another moan escaped you when he took one of your tits into his mouth. A gush of arousal dripped from your core as your lover played and toyed with your mounds of flesh, your hips ground against his thigh mindlessly. Throwing your head back in delight, you blindly reached down to find the lace of his breeches, haphazardly untying them to dip your hand to stroke his cock. He groaned against your breast as you started to touch him, dragging your hand up and down his hardened length. Your hips continued to ground against his muscular thigh, smearing your essence on the fabric of his trousers. Your jaw fell open as he lifted his thigh higher, directing you to the edge of his knee. A whimper left you when your pearl rubbed deliciously against his kneecap, grounding your hips harder into his leg as the coil in your core threatened to snap. A chorus of grunts and whines echoed through the room as you both chased release. Criston’s hips started to thrust into your hand as you stroked him in rhythm with your grinding. The growing heat in your belly indicated how close you were to the precipice, hips growing desperate as you hurled yourself to the end. Before you were thrown over the edge, however, the door to your chambers flew open, and Harwin’s hulking figure entered. 
“What is the meaning of this?” His voice boomed, blue eyes widened after having caught you and Criston in such a precarious position. You hid your surprise at his intrusion, turning to face Harwin but made no move to rise from Criston’s lap.
“What right do you have to barge into my chambers, Ser Harwin?” you reprimanded, looking at your betrothed angrily. Blue eyes raked from your exposed chest down to where your hand disappeared in Criston’s pants. The Gold Cloak gulped, before straightening up to meet your displeased gaze. 
“You disappeared from the feast, princess, I was sent here to fetch you. I heard noises from the hall, I thought you were…” he trailed off, eyes shifting to Cole who had a smug look on his face. Harwin’s fists clenched as the urge to smash the Dornishman’s face threatened to overwhelm him. You scoffed at your betrothed, pulling away from Criston to rise to your feet.
“You need not worry about me, Ser, so please, leave us,” you ordered, earning an incredulous look from the taller man.
“I am not leaving you with him! This is the most improper,” he contended, standing his ground. Your eyebrows raised at his words, a smirk on your lips rose upon hearing him. 
“You are one to lecture me on what is and what isn’t proper. Tell me, don’t you have other pressing matters to attend to? Your newborn son, perhaps?” you questioned. Harwin glared at Criston when he snickered at your words, before turning to you with an apologetic look.
“Princess, you have to understand, I did not intend to–”
“No? What, did your cock just accidentally found its way into my sister’s cunt? Spare me the excuses, Harwin, I have no need for them,” you seethed. Harwin reached out to you, but you stepped away from him before he could hold you. His eyes flickered to where Cole still sat on your bed, then back to you. “I am not leaving,” he repeated, standing his ground.
“Fine, watch then,” you ordered, turning around to walk back to your lover. You resumed your previous position in Criston’s lap, cupping his face in your hands. You stared at each other, communicating silently. The knight’s contempt of your betrothed was something you were aware of, and you did not wish for this to evolve into something messier than it already was. Criston was the one to smash his lips onto yours, taking you by surprise. A low moan left you at the familiar taste of him against your lips. 
Criston ordered you to rise, which you obeyed, pulling your shift off as you did so. The knight turned you around, facing your bare body to your betrothed who still stood by the door. Harwin’s eyes visibly darkened at the sight of you, blue orbs trailing down your naked flesh. Heat stirred deep within you, cheeks warming at the hungry look in his gaze.
“Best make yourself comfortable, Strong,” Criston spoke up, a mischievous glint in his eye. The hands on your waist urged you to sit back down on his lap, spreading your thighs wide to give Harwin a good view. Your betrothed settled on the chaise faced directly to your bed. You caught how he visibly gulped at the sight of your weeping slit. Criston’s fingers lowered to circle your pearl, a gasp emitting from your lips at his touch. 
“Princess,” Harwin started. He fidgeted in his seat, his crotch was starting to strain in his trousers uncomfortably.
“Sit still and be quiet, Harwin,” You commanded, followed by a whine that reverberated from your chest. Criston dipped a finger into your core, groaning when your rear squirmed against his bulge. You started to pant when his middle finger started to fuck you in earnest, eyes fluttering when the pad of his finger rubbed on a particular spot in a way that made your toes clench. Both your hands gripped his muscular bicep when a second finger entered your cunny, filling you in a way your fingers never could.
“This is where your mistake is, Strong. You’ve gone around other women’s beds when you have denied yourself to indulge in what could have been all yours. See how well she takes my fingers?” Criston chided, smirking at the glaring man. His fingers continued to thrust in and out of you, scissoring and rubbing your clit simultaneously with his thumb. Harwin’s fists gripped the armrests of the chaise tightly, almost to the point of breaking. He would have shot up from his seat to drag Cole to the floor if it weren’t for the desperate moan that echoed from you. You paid little attention to whatever was going on between the men, focusing on chasing your release. Your eyes locked on Harwin’s, gaze staying on him as you spilt around Criston’s fingers. Your mouth fell into an ‘o’ while your thighs shook from the weight of your climax. 
As you chased your breath, you pulled away from Criston’s lap to rise on wobbly legs to walk to where Harwin sat. His icy blues were glossy against the blaze of the hearth, jaw slightly agape when you stood in front of him. Your hand cupped his jaw, making him tilt his head upwards.
“Will you be good?” you asked, still breathless. Your betrothed wordlessly nodded, letting you grab his hand to lead him to your bed. Criston stared at you questioningly, opening his mouth to voice his defiance. You give him a look, giving no room for argument. The loyal dog that he is, the knight obediently stood up from your bed to stand off to the side. 
You ordered Harwin to clean you up with his mouth. He obliged all too eagerly, licking and slurping up your essence with a wet smack. Your eyes rolled back to the back of your skull, humming in delight. You gripped his curls, they felt soft in your palms, in contrast to the rough beard rubbed in between your thighs. Your head turned to the side, and your eyes met Criston’s, who still stood frowning like a kicked dog. You reached out an arm to beckon him over. When he was close enough, your fingers reached for the laces of his breeches to pull out his still-hardened cock. You begin to pump his length, rubbing at his flushed tip with your thumb. Criston threw his head back and groaned, hips canting forward to chase your touch. With Harwin still devouring your cunt diligently, it took little time for your second release to overwhelm you. Your thighs caged his head, and the pace of your hand on Criston’s length faltered. 
When Harwin stood up from his knees, your eyes fell to the bulge straining tightly against his breeches. You allowed him to unlace them, eyes widening at his massive cock. His tip was flushed red, almost purple. The cockhead wept a clear liquid, a sight that made your mouth water. 
Seven Fucking Hells.
Your eyes shifted between both men and an overwhelming wave of desire washed over you, tainting you red from your cheeks down to your chest. Looking back to Harwin, you watched as he slowly stroked his cock, eyes silently asking. 
“You better fuck me like you mean it, Strong,” you said, eyes hungry.
“You won’t wish for another man’s cock after tonight, princess. This I promise you,” he vowed, an air of arrogance now present as his eyes shifted to Cole who scoffed. 
“I wouldn’t be so confident, Ser, not when she aches for mine every night,” the other knight retorted. Your eyes rolled at their display, cunt achingly waiting for either man to stop whining about their cocks and fill you with one of them. 
“Well, so far one princess has already taught mine better than yo-”
“Enough,” you cut them off, huffing. You positioned yourself to your knees, awaiting who would start fucking you first. 
Criston shoved Harwin out of the way, slipping his cock in before the taller man could protest. A whine left your lips at the familiar stretch, a dull pain so delicious. Criston gave you little time to adjust, thrusting into you brutally. He had a point to prove, and you were responding to him beautifully. You fisted the fine sheets, moaning unabashedly from the way your lover abused your cunt. 
You barely registered Harwin standing on the side of your bed, his cock standing tall and proud against his taut abdomen. You lifted yourself to take him in your mouth, sucking in as much as you could. His cockhead hit your uvula with barely half of his length in your mouth, a slight gag squeezing his tip. Your hand stroked whatever length couldn’t fit, pleasuring him in tandem with your mouth. Moans vibrated on his cock, causing Harwin to groan loudly. Behind you, Criston’s pace never faltered. Your body jerked from how hard he was thrusting into you, your walls squeezing him as another wave of release threatened to wash over you. 
You took your mouth off of Harwin’s length when your third climax had you whining like a wanton whore. Your hand slapped on his abdomen to ground yourself, and your nails dug into his pale skin. Your release triggered Criston’s, the Kingsguard letting out a broken moan as he spilt into your walls. 
You barely get a moment’s reprieve to recover when your cunt is filled once more. Harwin grunted as he took his turn with you, your oversensitive walls still pulsing from your last orgasm. You bit your lips hard at the delicious stretch, his cock filling you differently than Criston’s. His thrusts were short and hard, and his tip kissed your cervix in a way that made your eyes squeeze shut. Curses fell from your lips, tears beading at the corner of your eyes. You moaned out his name in a sob, before pressing your forehead into the mattress to quiet your moans. The noise in your chambers could equal that of a brothel, no doubt able to arouse suspicion in whoever would have the misfortune of passing by. You were a babbling mess, the amalgamation of all the ways you had been ravished by both men robbing you of your usual wit and headstrong demeanor. You felt Harwin grab your wrist, pulling it back towards him to lift your body at an angle. His cock hit you even deeper than before, your ridged walls squeezing him so tight it made it difficult for him to move. Another peak was ripped from you, the hardest one yet. You fell forward onto your mattress, completely boneless. Your mind barely registered the warm spurts of Harwin’s seed that painted your back, lost in the dizzy haze of your pleasure.
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When morning came, a cup of freshly brewed moon tea and a bright arrangement of flowers greeted you when you awakened. The memories of the night tainted your cheeks red, the delicious throb of your core the only evidence of what had occurred. Harwin felt a weight lifted off his shoulders when you allowed him to accompany you for your morning walk in the gardens, any previous contempt for him discarded, for now. What he did was still unforgivable, but if you were to marry, you wished for no ill will to taint your union. 
As for Criston, your nights with him were unaffected, though he did seem to fuck you even harder than before. He had even gone so far as to give Harwin a cordial nod when they trained.
​​Perhaps he should lay off on Strong for a while, a silent truce, if you will. He had you, and that was what mattered most to him. He held his tongue from spitting out his usual nasty remarks about the heir’s brown-haired firstborn and his stark resemblance to the Gold Cloak. Everything was peaceful, good, even, especially with the new arrangement that benefit all three of you.
That peace, however, did not last long, for a year after Jacaerys’ first nameday, the Princess Rhaenyra gave birth to yet another brown-haired babe, Lucerys.
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simpingland · 2 months
Heyy beauty!
Can i request a Harwin break my back Strong x wife Targaryen reader fic where he beats the shit out of someone who disrespects her. He gets out of it with no consequences, reader looks after him & it ends in smut💋
(I'd appreciate it if u could do more Harwin fics cause lord knows I'm thirsty for it😭)
How to fix an aching nose.// Ser Harwin Strong x Targ!Wife!Reader. Smut.
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Summary: Harwin cant believe his luck, married to a targaryan princess, being completely in love with her, her being madly in love with him...Not many believe his luck neither. Only his wife can prove him that its all real.
Warnings: p in v, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), a Lannister being punch.
Harwin was more than anxious to have you, his dearest wife, alone for more than the few moments you were allowed, to what extent could he reminisce about your wedding night? His mind was elsewhere during the hunt, listening only to his father's instructions, and ignoring the lords. Ever since he married you, he had felt the looks they gave him, full of envy of course. Few dared little more than stare, the stupidest could dare to vocalise it. And Lord Tyland Lannister was one of those fools.
"I see you are distracted, Ser Harwin," said the Lord with a mocking laugh as he watched the stag slip away from him at close range. "Marriage...always has the same effect on men."
He chuckled, a few laughed with him, but most gave him a dirty look, and Harwin set his spear aside.
"What effect do you mean, Ser Tyland?" he asked dryly.
"Well, the effect of women. They are a constant headache."
"I don't think you should speak so of wives when you haven't managed to marry a single woman since you've been at court, my lord." He wanted to leave it at that, but Tyland had taken offense.
"When one wields so much fortune, choosing a wife to entrust to him is a different task. I suppose you don't know what I'm talking about now, Ser Harwin."
Harwin walked toward him, towering over him. It clearly frightened him.
"I don't need to brag about money to show my wealth. And that I think if you are able to understand."
Tyland was silent for a second. Everyone had turned to watch the scene, except your father, the King, who was too sore to pay attention. None of them listened as your father asked for your presence to escort him to his tent without making a fuss. So Harwin turned to continue the hunt without being aware that his own wife was walking towards the scene. Neither was Lord Lannister.
"You certainly took a treasure for the little price you must have paid...you took a very possible wife from me." Tyland was whispering it to Harwin now, purposely irritating him. "Though...perhaps you did me a favor. A princess who chooses someone like you should not be driven by anything but lust and madness. Maybe your wife is a lot cheaper than we all thought."
Then Harwin exploded. With the first fist he knocked out two of Tyland's molars, and with the second he buried him in the mud. None of Ser Lyonel's orders were heard as he tore Tyland apart, only the insults towards you, raging. They tried to pull him away, but he was still there. And there you found him.
"HARWIN!" You shouted, running towards him. It took him a while to notice you, he looked at you, a little frightened that you had seen him be so savage.
"He insulted you" he said quietly, then looked at Tyland "YOU INSULTED THE PRINCESS!"
And he gave him one last kick before he was pushed away by the guards. He had to be pushed away until he was led out of the hunt, and he only looked at you, begging your forgiveness for the disturbance. Your father was disoriented, and only understood what was happening from the words of one of the guards. And you had to wait to get your father to his bed before you met Harwin.
"What happened?" you asked as you entered your tent. Harwin was waiting for you, on his back and standing. When he turned around you saw his nose was bleeding. You ran to wipe it. "Gods! Did Tyland do that to you?"
"He wishes it was him, my love...it was one of the guards."
"I suppose it's because you've hit him first, isn't it?"
He smiled, because he knew you as well as you knew him. And he watched your concern disappear with every second, seeing your smile again.
"I'm not going to let anyone walk all over me. Not me, not you," he said, kissing your neck as he hugged you, lifting you off the ground and pressing you against his chest.
"Oh, Harwin, and why do you say that?"
You wiped the blood from him as he told you the story. It was starting to bruise a little, but had stopped bleeding after he put a cold cloth on it, holding it patiently and letting it play with the ties of your dress.
"I don't want you to think I'm just a... a beast too. I hold my anger a lot more than you think. Only you make me feel at peace, wife." He ran his hand through your hair.
It certainly hadn't been easy to convince your father. The Strongs were beloved at court, but Harrenhal was not a place of good repute, and marrying the King's second daughter to a notorious brute like Harwin "Breakbones" Strong had caused much controversy. You succeeded after years of hiding in the corridors, and every night Harwin could only draw on his imagination to do more than kiss you, for he had always put your reputation and honour before his desires.
You had only been married a short time, but it had been a season since you two had spent time alone. Your elder sister Rhaenyra was keeping you by her side at night, uncomfortable with her first pregnancy, and in the mornings, Harwin was too busy catching up on his duties as heir to Harrenhal.
Still, it didn't take away a single ounce of excitement, you craved each other throughout the day, and Harwin always managed to pull you aside to talk or kiss you. Either was enough for him, but he really wanted you back in his bed.
"You don't look like a beast to me." You put your hands on his neck, sat on his lap, you could feel his bulge on your leg. "And even if you had looked like one, you forget I've never been the person who holds his reputation in the highest regard, remember?"
They smiled, Harwin remembered in fact, more than once he had had to push you out of his sight because you had guided his hand where maidens should not be touched, all before you were married. You kissed him first, and when he was training you watched him from your window, catching his eye and "accidentally" showing your breasts. In the dark of night he had to pick you up off the floor because you had knelt before him. And in between all those moments Harwin couldn't help but be captivated by you, begging the King for your hand.
"I remember everything. You are far more beastly than I, my wife..." His member began to grow as he remembered, your scent right there, he captured your lips.
"You have offended me," you faltered, pulling away from the kiss. "Show me who the beast is here, Ser Breakbones."
One swift movement and he unfastened the bodice of your dress, freeing your breasts, and brought one to his lips. And as it sank to your chest you giggled at his eagerness, enjoying the tingle that formed on your legs as you felt Harwin's saliva run over your tits.
"Do you find this amusing, my princess? Having me sit here?" He ran his hands under your skirt, stroking your pearl as if by accident, but you knew he wasn't, that he was doing it to ravish you.
"I do find it a bit funny, I'm afraid..."
He stilled your laughter by throwing you onto the bed they had set up for you. Remarkably smaller than the one in your room back in the Keep, but Harwin didn't plan to use it much. He removed what was left of your dress, leaving you now completely naked. Your body being a spectacle for him.
"Well I'm no clown, of the many tricks they know how to do, I doubt very much they know how to do this."
He rested one hand on the bed, circling you on top of you, and the other he used to turn you, your back, your ass facing the outside. He caressed your back, stroke both cheeck of your ass and finally touching your cunt. One finger entered first, stirring your discharge with your clitoris and eliciting a soft moan from you. He watched you watching him, mouth half open. He was so handsome, with his smooth coat but rugged features, Harwin was all man. He inserted a second finger, and the third was not long in coming. Then he began to shake his hand rapidly, lifting your entire pelvis to his rhythm. You couldn't help but cry out as you felt such continuous pleasure.
"No..." whispered Harwin, pulling his face closer to yours, "no one knows how to do this to you like I do..."
Pleasure engulfed you, and Harwin could see you come to orgasm, you moaned millimetres from his lips, which he felt as if it was feeding him. He let you rest, and before he could lick his fingers with your arousal, you took his hand to lick them for him. If he was already excited before, Harwin had to hold back a moan when he felt the friction of his own pants squeezing his erection.
"Now let me reward you, my Lord, for defending my honour..." you removed his shirt, and kissed his big abs. But you made him suffer as you reached for his trousers, unbuttoning them bit by bit, not until you had removed them completely did you focus on his member.
Fat and in proportion to your husband, his cock needed two hands to massage it well. First you gave him a little kiss on the tip, as if in greeting, and looked up at Harwin, who seemed impatient but loved your gaze as you knelt before him. You were beautiful from every angle, and your eyes sharpened from that perspective. He pushed your silver hair aside as an excuse to touch it, and he never pushed your head, you always managed to make him enjoy at your own pace. You licked the tip for a while, but before he could cum, you took as much of his cock into your mouth as you could, knowing which way to guide it so you wouldn't gag. You sucked slowly but intensely, using your cheeks to make your mouth tighter. You were just about to make him cum when Harwin decided to take the reins again.
He caught you by surprise when he pulled away from you to pick you up off the floor, placing you in his arms as he did when he rescued you from troubles you usually got yourself into. One arm around your back and the other around your legs, your hands resting on his shoulders and with the opportunity to kiss him right there. Indeed, you didn't need the bed very much. You didn't quite understand what Harwin was up to, but when you felt the tip of his cock at your entrance, your hair stood on end. He was moving slowly up and down you, preparing to bury himself all the way in.
"I am convinced that there is no better pussy than yours in all of Westeros, Princess..." his voice was husky, his scent captivated you, and he kissed you tenderly when he wasn't kissing you with tongue.
"So what are you waiting for to enjoy it?"
He lured you to his lips to distract you, but you finally felt him enter. Gently, but creating that special fraction you'd longed for for years before you were married. Harwin broke the kiss to moan, of course this was his favourite part of fucking. He didn't usually do it fast, he liked to pace himself, and for such a big, rough man, he liked to sink into your pussy delicately, whether it was his instinct to protect you, or his instinct to enjoy it. His hips set the pace, as he raised them, his arms lowered, and you felt his full length fill you. He began to speed up the rhythm, he had plenty of strength left, and when he increased you could hear him enjoying himself, making you enjoy yourself.
"I'm going to cum...I'm going to cum..." he announced.
Then he laid you back down on the bed. You had no plans to have children yet, so you liked to experiment a little. Harwin positioned your legs apart, and took out his cock to rub it against your clit, fucking your vaginal lips and causing you unparalleled pleasure. You had your second orgasm seconds before you felt Harwin's semen spilling out of your pelvis, with a sweet moan leaving your husbands lips.
He rested his forehead on yours, and you kissed his aching nose.
"Wow...you sure made me feel better, wife." He moved to your side, pulling a blanket over you both, cuddeling you in his arms.
"Yeah...I've missed you too."
"I meant the kiss on the nose...but the rest was good too."
You laughed before threatening to make it bleed again. Harwin was willing to take a million punches as long as his princess was there to kiss his wounds afterwards.
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justinalovee · 1 year
𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Targaryen reader x multiple characters
Word Count: 2468
Warnings: Incest, oral, threesome, P in V, masturbating, fingering, lactation kink, spit kink, possessiveness
Summary: Rhaenyra and her lover have different sexual encounters with characters in the HOTD universe
A/N: All characters are 18+! minors DNI. Alicent isn’t married to the king. Although there is incest, Nyra doesn’t have sex with her siblings
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Rhaenyra beckons her brother, who is sitting on a chair at the foot of the bed, with the index finger of her free hand, “Aegon, come closer.”
Aegon downs the rest of his cup, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Nervously, he kneels between your legs, leaning down to get a closer look at your glistening cunt.
“Do you see?” Rhaenyra asks, opening your folds with two fingers. “This is how wet she needs to be each time you lay together.”
Aegon looked lost in a haze. He had staggered into his bedchambers, hoping to sleep off his drunken state, but instead found you waiting on his bed with Rhaenyra by your side. Rhaenyra wasn’t happy when she heard of your betrothal to a green, but you assured her that Aegon had been led astray by his mother and grandsire.
You wanted him to fall in love with you.
It was the king's idea to have you marry his eldest son, despite his daughter and Queen Alicent’s protest. The king hoped that marriage and children might bring his son some happiness. In truth, you wanted that for Aegon as well. If he was happy with you, then he’d follow you to Dragonstone. Not only would it mean you would have another dragon and its rider on your side, but he might have a chance of a better life away from the poisonous vipers he currently lives with. You believed that you could live in harmony by each other's sides in Dragonstone once you reached his heart.
But the way to a man like Aegon Targaryen's heart was through his cock.
Having been your lover for some time, Rhaenyra offered to help you gain his interest the night before your wedding. A tiny part of her was jealous as well that she was no longer going to be the only one who touched you, but she could make peace with sharing you.
Aegon nodded. His shyness confused you, as he was known to have slept with many women before. Maybe the shock of seeing Rhaenyra show him how you like to be eaten out had him temporarily frozen.
Rhaenyra smirks. “She truly is divine. Do you want to taste her?”
The mere thought of Aegon and Rhaenyra taking turns licking and sucking at your most sensitive area sent a shiver down your spine.
Rhaenyra shuffles back in the bed until her knees are behind your head. She watches with wide eyes as Aegon grips your thighs with his hands, pushing your legs open further to accommodate him. Gently, he licks through your folds, causing you to let out a soft moan.
You glanced up at Rhaenyra and pouted; you wanted to repay the earlier favour of her giving you pleasure. While she’s distracted, your hands snake up to the front of her dress. You pinch her nipples through the material, pulling her down close enough so you can touch her with your mouth. Rhaenyra pecks at your lips and says, “Tell me, sweet girl, how does it feel?”
"So good; Aegon knows what he’s doing."
You tug at Aegon’s silver locks, holding him in place, when he rubs at your clit with his thumb. You gasp, looking down at the sight of him between your legs. "Gods, I’m so close... I’m going to cum in your mouth."
Aegon smirks before quickening his movements. You pull the grey fabric of Rhaenyra’s dress down at one side so her breasts are exposed. You latch your lips around her nipple, licking and sucking on her skin.
Feeling your inner walls start to flutter around your betrotheds tongue you pull his hair tighter, “fuck! I think we are going to be very happy together.”
Aegon gives you a devilish smile before pushing his tongue further inside you.
Aemond drives his cock into you faster and harder. He was determined to make you cum multiple times after reading that a woman having an orgasm helps her become pregnant. He licks two of your fingers then rubs them against your clit, saying, “You're going to look like a goddess when you are swollen with my child.”
“Our gorgeous princess,” Rhaenyra adds.
A chesty growl erupts from Aemond, who continues to slam into you, his hands roughly pinning you down by your hips. His hatred for Rhaenyra seems to spur him on.
Usually you hate being caught in the middle of your husband and his elder sister's spats, but right now you are enjoying this.
Aemond had returned from dragon riding earlier than intended to find Rhaenyra between your legs in your shared bedchamber. He knew of your relationship with the heir to the throne but hardly mentioned it. He excused himself and was about to leave until Rhaenyra made a snide comment about being able to fuck you better. Minutes later, he had pulled you away from his sister and shoved his cock deep inside you.
You couldn’t see your husband, but you were sure he was glaring at Rhaenyra. She pinches your nipples and moans as you tease her slit with your finger. Watching you get fucked turned her on more than she thought possible. “Good girl,” she praises. “You're doing such a good job pleasing me while getting stuffed full.”
You nip at the side of her thigh before smacking a hand on her clothed cheek. Rhaenyra had wanted you to make her feel good but wouldn’t go bare in front of her brother, so to compromise, she removed her small cloth and held the bottom of her dress up high enough so she could place her thighs on either side of your head.
You found it erotic that your husband couldn’t see what you were doing to the other women, and likewise that you couldn’t see what he was doing to you.
“Qogralbar! harder, kostilus!” Fuck! Harder, please!
“Such a needy girl,” Rhaenyra remarks.
You flick your tongue over her clit while bringing both hands underneath her dress to feel her skin. You link your arms around her thighs to bring her down until she’s sitting on your face. You spread her cheeks, gathering wetness from her core. You use it to lubricate your finger, then slide it along her slit until you reach the hole. Slowly, you insert a finger into her ass while devouring her cunt with your mouth.
“You have a very dirty wife, brother; you must be very happy.”
“Very,” he snaps. “Just remember, she is mine! Mine to play with, mine to lay with every night, mine to fuck heirs into.”
Not taking the bait Rhaenyra just hums in agreement. “Her breasts will be so full and swollen when she’s pregnant.”
Aemond sends you over the edge when he flicks at your clit, causing you to moan loudly into Rhaenyra’s pussy. As she starts to rock her hips, she’s fucking herself against your finger and mouth. Feeling you squeeze around his cock, Aemond twitches inside you and then groans as he spills his seed.
You try to wrap your legs around his waist to keep him closer to you, but he leans back, collecting the cum that’s spilled out onto his fingers, then pushes it back inside you. “We are going to be here all night, wife,” he says in a matter-of-fact tone. “It appears you’ve forgotten who you belong to. So I need to remind you that you will not be leaving this bed until I’m sure you’re with a child.”
Ser Criston
After relentless teasing from you, Ser Criston finally snapped and let you push by him, making your way into your cousin's bedchamber, knowing you spent most nights in the princess room. Of course he followed you inside the room to scold you for acting like such a brat, but what he didn’t know was that Rhaenyra was already waiting for you both.
Now the knight stood palming his crotch, watching as two of your fingers disappeared inside of Rhaenyra. Her back was pressed against your chest, with her legs wide open, facing Criston, giving him a full view of all her glory.
You had never felt Rhaenyra so wet before; her slick left a wet patch below. You had made her cum twice already, once with your mouth and again with a cock made out of siltstone. She was quickly on her way to a third orgasm, but you didn’t want it happening around your fingers. You wanted to see her cum around the knight's dick.
Rhaenyra leans her head back against your chest and moans, “Care to join us, Ser Criston?”
The knight doesn’t reply with words but swiftly lowers his trousers enough to pull his hard cock out. You remove your fingers from Rhaenyra’s pussy and bring them to her lips for her to lick clean. You remove your fingers from her mouth with a pop, then move to the side so Rhaenyra can lay on her back. You gently take Criston’s cock in your mouth and bob back and forth, taking in as much of him as you can. You smirk as he grips your hair, holding it out of your face as he starts to thrust it into your mouth.
Rhaenyra whines as she grows impatient.
You remove your lips from Criston’s cock. You begin to massage his balls with your hand and turn your head to the princess, watching as she squeezes her own breast.
“I’m so dry,” she pouts.
Smirking, you open your mouth and let saliva fall onto her breasts. You stay like that for a few moments before turning your attention to her glimmering pussy and spitting on it, causing the knight to let out a grunt. You lick the tip of his penis, then spit on it, before guiding his cock into Rhaenyra. You feel slick running down your thighs, watching as he disappears inside her, both of them groaning loudly as he does.
Criston grips you by the jaw and pulls you in for a rough kiss. When your lips part, he pushes you back so you're lying beside Rhaenyra and thrusts his fingers into you. Your lips clash with Rhaenyra’s own, as she cups your face gently.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping together and moans. Rhaenyra comes first, and Ser Criston follows shortly after. He pulls out of her quickly, spilling his seed onto her stomach.
“Hey!” You protest when he suddenly withdraws his fingers from you, “I haven’t cum.”
He leans down and kisses your cheek. “I know, princess, it’s not nice to be teased, is it?”
Ser Harwin
You moaned pitifully, “Gods, that feels good.”
“You feel so tight, my love,” Rhaenyra says, smiling at you before taking your husband's cock back into her mouth while her fingers that are coated in your slick slide in and out of your pussy easily.
Harwin chuckles into your breast before continuing to suck on it. He loved nothing more than sucking, biting, and squeezing your breasts since the day you were married, but his infatuation grew when you became pregnant for the first time. He quickly discovered that fucking heirs into you and fucking you while swelling with his seed was the prettiest sight he'd ever seen.
Sensing he was getting close, Harwin withdraws his cock from Rhaenyra’s mouth and looks up at you, traces of milk still on his lips. “You taste amazing as always, my dear wife.”
Rhaenyra gets off the bed, goes to the other side of you, and crouches down, taking your other breast into her mouth. Having children herself, the princess knew the relief that came from breastfeeding, although she found it pleasing whenever she saw Harwin suckling from you.
After licking your breast for a moment, Rhaenyra places herself in a different position again, this time in front of you, and begins to worship your cunt with her mouth, careful not to hit her head against your large bump. You tilt your head to the side to get a better view of her bare body, watching as her own hand disappears between her legs.
You grip Harwin’s cock in your hand and begin to stroke him, enjoying the way he twitches in your hand.
Harwin pants, “Soon as I spill my seed, I’m going to spend the rest of the evening making you cum.” He kisses up your neck to the side of your face, “and watching you make Nyra come apart with your beautiful mouth while I fuck you full of my seed again, and again.”
He returns his attention back to your leaking breasts, and your body squirms in delight at the promise of what’s to come.
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Rhaenyra coos in your ear before kissing the back of your neck.
You look down at Lady Alicent, who is beneath you. You brush her thick brown hair out of her face, admiring how shiny it is as she sucks on your clit.
The first time Alicent caught you and Rhaenyra in a compromising position together, she was horrified; her cheeks blushed red as her eyes came together in fury. She insisted the Targaryens had queer customs before storming off. A few days passed before you approached her in the gardens and explained. Ever the lady, she agreed not to speak of it again; however, curiosity got the better of her. The same evening she visited Rhaenyra’s chamber, and now Lady Alicent would become jealous if you and Rhaenyra explored each other's bodies without her present.
When Alicent moans, sending vibrations onto your cunt, you look over your shoulder to see Rhaenyra has pushed two fingers inside her. Your eyes briefly flash to the bedroom door, and you wonder if your cousin's sworn protector is oblivious to the noises he hears.
Alicent continues to flick her tongue over your clit, saying, “I’m close.”
Rhaenyra slows the pace of her fingers so Alicent can focus on you, making you cum first. You gripped the sheets beneath you, clenching them as your orgasm approached. Your hips sway slightly as you start to bounce against Alicent’s fingers when she slips them into you.
“Do you want me to cum in your mouth, Lady Alicent?” You ask.
She nods.
Your legs begin to tremble as the coil tightening in your lower stomach snaps, and you cum hard. Your slick is soaking Alicent’s fingers and face.
“Fuck,” you pant, moving off her to lay down beside her. You pepper kisses on Alicent's face, saying, “My pretty girl, you did such a good job. That was truly remarkable.” You look over at Rhaenyra, who is grinning at you. “I think our Lady should be shown the same treatment, don’t you?”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
I'm thinking of turning a couple of these into miniseries, but I'm not sure which ones😂
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axelsagewrites · 11 months
Hey babe❤️
Can you write a soft dom Harwin Strong fic, pleasee?🧎🏻‍♀️
Harwin Strong*Take Care of You
Pairing: Harwin x Princess!reader
Summary: Harwin Strong is in charge of making sure the princess is taking care of and he takes his job very seriously  
Word count: 2212
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Warnings: soft dom, finger, p in v sex, praise, secret relationship smut 18+
Masterlist Here
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“You must eat your grace,” his low voice whispered in your ear. The day had indeed been long, starting with a dragon ride before being whisked to meet with various lords and even attending the council with your father.
Harwin was currently escorting you to the other side of the castle as you attempted to track down a particularly troublesome lords’ wife to see if she can talk sense into the man, “I shall eat later,” you said back quietly.
“You have yet to have eaten since breakfast,” he pointed out, keeping his voice low and his eyes straight ahead.
“I will tell you when I am hungry- “
“I’m not asking princess,” Harwin said cutting off your voice and making you stop in your steps to look up at him, “You will eat, and you will do so before you find Lady Beesbury. Understood?”
You glanced to where you noticed Larys Strong watching you before looking back to Harwin with a soft smile, “I suppose a quick supper is in order,” without Harwin you wondered if you would walk till your feet worn down to stubs or forget to eat till you wasted away. you were grateful for his instance as soon as you smelled the kitchens soup, but it did not mean all your tasks for the day were over.
Finally, the sky was dark, and you had been able to excuse yourself to go rest from a long day at court. After escorting you to your chambers, leaving you with a swift kiss to your cheek, Harwin had to go finish his watch for the night with the promise to visit after. However, despite promising to rest you were sat at your desk penning a letter to Dorne that your father had asked you to. You were so wrapped up in your writings you did not hear Harwin enter the room.
When his strong hand gently grabbed your shoulder, the feeling made you jump, your hand jerking and ink splattered on the parchment. “You frightened me!” you scolded him, swatting at his hand with your ink free one before trying to get the ink off of your other hand with a spare cloth.
“You’re supposed to be resting princess,” Harwin said, his voice firmer than usual.
“Its just a letter,” you murmured as you tried to clean up the ink.
Harwin’s hand moved to cover yours, stopping your frivolous attempt to save the letter, “I told you to rest,”
You chuckled lightly before looking up at him with an incredulous look, “I am a princess Harwin, I have responsibilities and duties and- “
“You are my duty, your grace,” Harwin said as he moved to kneel in front of you, taking your hands into his, ignoring how the ink stained his skin, “It is my responsibility to take care of you. I cannot do this if you don’t listen,”
“But- “you tried to protest but Harwin did not listen.
“No buts,” he said, shuffling closer, and moving his hands to rest on your hips. You sighed, your arms moving to dangle over his shoulders as he knelt before you, his head level with your chest and his eyes gazing up at you, “You will listen to me princess. Understood?” you nodded but Harwin just shook his head, “I need to hear you princess. To make sure you know how to listen,”
“Understood,” you whispered, suddenly everything else fading out of importance as you leaned down to kiss his lips softly.
One of his hands moved from your hip to your jaw, holding your face in his large hand. His other squeezed your hip, pulling you forward in your chair to be closer. Your hands slipping into his hair, tugging on the soft locks by the nape of his neck. “Wont you take off your armour ser Harwin? So, we can relax together,” you said breaking the kiss and batting your lashes at your lover.
Harwin nodded silently before standing, never taking his eyes off you. as he stared down at you, his hand still holding your face, you noticed how close he was and if not for his armour you would have reached for his skin already. Harwin only removed his hand to begin stripping off his armour, something he had done so many times it only took minutes for the metal to be laid on the floor beside your chair. Soon he was down to his undershirt and thin undergarments, a sight you had seen many times. “You’re staring,” he said, breaking you from your thoughts as he lifted your chin with two fingers to face him.
“Am I allowed to?” you asked, your eyes flickering from his broad chest to his eyes.
“As long as you behave, princess,” he said before crouching down, his face just an inch from yours, “Are you going to do as you are told?” he whispered, his lips bumping your own.
“Yes,” you whispered, desperate to lean in to close the gap but knowing better.
Harwin chuckled lowly, “Good girl,” he mumbled, butterflies twirling in your stomach, before he closed the gap. The kiss was deeper than before as his hand moved to the back of your neck, the other to your waist to suddenly pull you up from the chair and press you into his body. Your hands moved to the neckline of his shirt, tugging at it desperately as you felt his broad shoulders and firm chest.
When the kiss broke you were breathless as Harwin moved to sit in the chair you had once occupied. “Take off the dress for me,” he said, his voice deeper than before as he watched your cheeks flush. Your hands worked the strings of your dress, desperately trying to get it off. Soon it pooled around your ankle, your shift falling with it, “So pretty,” he murmured as he reached forward to touch your thighs, pulling you closer by the back of them.
Harwin opened his legs, pulling you to stand in the gap so he could gaze up and down your body. His hands went up the back of your thighs to your ass, moving teasingly slow and soft enough to make your skin shiver. He squeezed the soft flesh of your ass before grabbing your hips, pulling you to straddle his lap. You could feel his hard cock through his under garments and almost whimpered when Harwin moved your hips with his hands to grind on it.
He kissed your cheek, then jaw, then down your neck with soft scattered kisses. “Let me take care of you princess,” he whispered as he began to kiss along your collar bones. You found yourself grinding your hips down, desperate for some friction, “That’s it,” Harwin murmured, “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” you breathed out, “More,” you begged softly.
“Be patience princess,” he said, his hands running up your sides before squeezing your breasts softly, “Good things come to those who wait and only good girls get to come,”
“Okay,” you said, your eyes closing as his fingertips began to trace your nipples making them harden under his touch. You could feel the longing in your stomach as you rubbed your slit along his clothed cock, desperate to feel it inside you already.
Harwin gently squeezed your sensitive buds while his lips worked back up your neck, kissing your jaw before lightly sucking your earlobe, “Do you want me?” his voice was husky as his breath fanned your ear.
“Yes,” you whispered, your hips almost bucking at the idea, “I need you Harwin,” was all you needed to say. His hands suddenly moved to your ass again, but you had no time to complain as he stood, holding you against his chest as he did. You yelped slightly, your hands instinctively going around his neck.
Harwin carried you the short distance to the bed, gently laying you down on the soft fabric. Harwin lay over you, kissing your lips softly and one of his hands trailed down your body, exploring it slowly before moving over to hold your cunt. your breath caught as his fingers slowly trailed up your slit. “So wet for me,” he praised, kissing your lips softly.
He continued running his fingers between your folds, fingers ghosting over your clit only making you want him more. Your hands moved to tangle in his hair as your lips moulded together which acted to muffle the moan as his fingers began to tease your entrance. Slowly he pushed two of his fingers in, stretching you out perfectly.
Your hips bucked, desperate for him to speed up, but Harwin wanted to do this right, “Patience,” he chastised again, “If you don’t start listening, I’ll leave,” he warned while his fingers began to curl inside you making you whimper.
This time he moved to kiss around your chest, squeezing one breast with his spare hand. You moaned when you felt his lips secure around your nipple, sucking it softly and teasing the bud with his teeth while he began to trace the other with his finger. You could feel a knot bubbling in your stomach, and it tightened when he moved his thumb to rest over your clit, rubbing slow circles into the sensitive bud. It was hard to keep your moans quiet as he did this.
You could feel your body start to twitch as he continued his painfully slow assault on your cunt. “Please,” you whimpered softly, “I need you,”
“What do you need princess?” Harwin’s voice was hoarse as he pulled away to look in your eyes, “You can tell me,” he said, his fingers still moving inside you. “Use your words,”
“I need your cock,” you said, your voice almost a whine.
Harwin said nothing as he softly kissed your lips, only for a moment, however. You whined when you felt his fingers leave you but gasped as he moved to hover over you, gripping your hips tightly, “You want me?” he asked, his eyes scanning over your body beneath him.
“Yes,” you whined as he pulled down his undergarments, his cock looking painfully hard as it sprung free, “Please,” you whined as he held his cock, running its tip up and down your slit, “I’ll be good I promise,”
Despite already being stretched with his fingers you still gasped when he started to ease his cock into you, his tip already stretching you out. “Shh,” Harwin whispered, his eyes closing tight when he heard your soft moans, “You must be quiet princess, understand?” he asked, opening his eyes as he sunk his cock in deeper. He chuckled slightly when he saw you nod, “So good for me,” he praised, his cock sinking all the way in, “You take me so well,” he said, as he began to pull out only to thrust back in, “So fucking well,” he muttered as he began his repeated thrusts.
He started slowing at first with deliberate deep thrusts. When he felt your cunt squeeze around his cock, he almost lost control as he leaned down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss, his hips speeding up as he began to mercilessly fuck your hole.
“Feel so good,” he mumbled against your lips, his hand slipping between your bodies to find your clit, rubbing quick circles into the sensitive bud. He covered your moans with his lips, but it did not stop the tightening in your stomach.
Your hands gripped his shoulders, before starting to scratch down his back as he fucked you into the bed, the headboard beginning to bang into the wall, but Harwin no longer cared. His hands moved suddenly to grab your legs, hoisting them around his waist so he could fuck you deeper, his hand moving back to your clit as soon as he had done so.
You could feel your cunt start to squeeze around him again and the knot threatened to burst. Harwin’s head fell to the crook of your shoulder, nuzzling into your skin. You bit your lip to stop the moans, but you couldn’t stop the loud moan that came from your lips as your orgasm crashed over your body. Harwin’s hand quickly clamped over your mouth to stifle the sounds, but he did not stop his thrusts.
You felt his body tighten above you and heard the stream of obscenities that fell from his lips like a prayer, “Fuck princess I think im gonna- “he groaned as your legs tightened around his hips, pulling him in deeper. Harwin gasped, his eyes squeezing shut, as his body stiffened. You felt his seed fill you up as his movements stopped. For a moment he laid above you before almost collapsing on top of you.
Your legs moved from his waist back to the bed, your hands moving up to stroke his hair softly. Harwin’s breathing was heavy as he regained his sense before moving to lay beside you. “Are you alright princess?” he asked, scanning over your face with concern in his eyes.
“Better than alright,” you grinned, moving to curl into his side. Harwin wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you tight into your side as your head lay on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. He certainly did take care of you.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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50shadesofrossi · 2 years
Ruining You
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Ser Harwin Strong x Female Reader
Summary: You’re Viserys’ eldest daughter, the blood of the dragon running thick. You have a temper, and it seems Harwin is the only one brave enough to tame it despite your mutual loathing
Warnings: Smut, angst, fluff, swearing and depictions of violence
A/N: Holy shit. This was originally 13k words but in the last thousand the plot went a bit haywire and the writing was bleh so I deleted that and just fixed a few things to make it where it is now. I sincerely apologise if this isn’t what you thought when I originally posted the idea, it did kind of run away on me but at the same time, I lowkey love it. Enjoy, this 12k fic :)
Rage boils deep within your veins, the bubbles extremely close to spilling over. Your father always said you and your sister Rhaenyra share the blood of the dragon, especially the hot temperament, though he underestimated just how ferocious you can get, even as a child. 
You feel every emotion with such a raw intensity that sometimes you don't know what to do, or how to deal with it and it explodes, consuming you whole and turning you into someone entirely different. Your alter ego, as your uncle Daemon calls it. 
Much like now, wildfire blazing within your eyes, steam simmering out of your ears and blood spilling into your mouth from grinding your teeth so hard. It takes every ounce of strength to not erupt, destroy anything in your path and embarrass your father further. 
"Are you even listening to me?!" Viserys yells from the throne, his voice echoing down the great hall for all to hear. 
No, you're not listening to him, too busy trying to direct your anger elsewhere, direct it at someone else. Pain flares up your arms, wrapping around like a snake as your nails dig into your palms. 
Viserys calls your name and almost stumbles back in response to your attention flickering up to him. "Is that all, your grace?" You grit. 
The small group of occupants cease breathing. Viserys sighs exasperatedly, gesturing for your dismissal. Without hesitation you spin on your heel, marching your way out of the hall and toward the fastest exit out of the Keep, away from prying eyes. 
Servants, lords and ladies all evacuate the premises, steering clear of your path of destruction as you make your way toward the back of the gardens, your secret area you call it. Your dress swishes around your ankles, your heeled boots clipping the ground. 
You barely make it in time, rounding the large tree and searching for your hidden blade. The steel glints under the sunlight, ringing as it slashes through the air and makes contact with the already-exposed bark. Bits fly everywhere with each swing, your bottled-up rage slowly leaking out. 
You don't hear the person approach, nor do you feel the eyes watching you intently, silent and observing. To say the knight is used to your outbursts is an understatement. You never fail to remind him of who you're descendant from, the unyielding anger and raw emotions of a Targaryen. 
A dragon. 
"Fuck!" You scream angrily, tears pricking the corner of your eyes and your knees buckling. You hit the earth harshly, staining your dress, not that you care at this moment. 
The sword falls from your grip, landing amongst the dirt. 
"I half expected you to climb atop your dragon and burn King's Landing to the ground," the knight muses from behind you, making himself known and slowly approaching you like a rabid animal. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, wishing him away and hoping to awaken from this horrible nightmare. You hear the debris snap under his weight with each step closer, reigniting your hatred. 
With precision, despite the dress, you come to your feet and whirl around, your hand having grasped your blade in the process. "And you best believe I'd burn you first, you fucking snitch." You seethe, pointing the end toward him. 
"Princess-" he starts, daring to place his foot down and inch himself closer. 
"Unless you want to be choking on your blood Ser Harwin," you address him. "I'd stand down and leave me be." 
Harwin swallows thickly, an inkling of fear rolling down his spine. "It wasn't me," he starts off carefully, deciding to keep his distance. "I never told anyone, certainly not your father or mine. But to be truthful, I'm glad someone else did." 
"Liar," you approach him with purpose, resting the point of the blade on his knitted tunic. "You have the most to gain by staying on his good side, being rewarded with his favour; Commander of the Gold Cloaks." He holds your eye, his fingers twitching. "My uncle is bound to screw up eventually and when that happens, you'll slide right into his position. All you heirs are the same." 
"Princess," he tries again. 
His jaw flexes. You've struck a nerve, a nerve you love to hit. "Don't," he warns. 
"Go guard your honourable princess, and leave me alone. I'm in no tolerable mood." You indicate your younger sister, Rhaenyra. 
Harwin breathes steadily through his nose, ignoring the fact that you're trying to get under his skin, to piss him off like you are. It's almost routine by now, especially when you're this riled up. 
"And so you plan to torture the tree? With that flimsy sword, which by the way, will shatter the moment it meets real steel." 
You close your eyes, inhaling deeply and exhaling harshly. Harwin makes a split-second decision, one that he's sure will land him as food for your dragon. He knocks your sword away, the unexpected force causing you to stumble back and blink up at him. 
"Never take your eyes off your opponent." 
Confusion begins to overlap your previous state, your fingers twisting for a better grip on the handle of your sword that now is by your side. "What are you-" 
"Who taught you to wield a sword?" You don't answer. Harwin speaks your name, a different kind of fire burning within you. "Who taught you?" He presses, his tone firm, as though he talks to a child. 
"Ser Criston Cole." 
"Ser Criston Cole," he drawls, almost in disbelief. "Of fucking course." He mumbles to himself. His own kind of anger sparks, his skin crawling at the thought of the two of you alone. "And let me guess, you begged and pleaded with him to teach you how to defend yourself because you know that going outside the Red Keep is a stupid fucking idea." 
He should slap himself for speaking so indirectly, informally to you, his princess. Yet, he couldn't stop the words from spilling out. 
During your nights, you spend them down in Flea Bottom, or anywhere that's not the Red Keep, spreading your wings and soaring. You hate being holed up, being monitored and being expected to carry out duties you never asked for, never wanted. Even as a child, you wished you of been born to a low-born family, even a lady and lord would be better than King Viserys' firstborn. 
When your mother and brother passed, Viserys was prepared to bake you his heir, but you declined. You could think of nothing worse, having seen the stress and duty your father must endure on a day-to-day basis. You know Rhaenyra will be a better Queen. 
Not to mention, you wish to marry for love. As childish and dreamer-like for you to want, you gave up fighting years ago. 
On most of your escapades, Harwin finds you, and ultimately drags you back to the safety of the Keep. He's the only knight that you know of, that's caught you, leading you to believe he is responsible for reporting it to your father. Hence why you were abruptly dragged from your chambers this morning. 
"And you think you can do better? Ser Criston at least understands that I'll do as I please, not try and reprimand me at every given chance." You lower your voice. "And watch yourself, Ser Harwin, I'm still your princess, no matter how much you hate it." 
Regret flashes in his eyes before it's gone. "Then let's see what you've learnt." 
Harwin draws his sword, knowing damn well he could be executed for doing so. But at this moment, you're both too wound up to differentiate between what's right and wrong. A habit, of the both of you. 
You flinch at the large sword, deep down knowing Harwin would never jeopardise you, never put you in harm's way or risk hurting you. You lift your chin, swallowing the lump in your throat and raising your sword. 
He watches in amusement, allowing you a heartbeat before he attacks, bringing his sword down. You block with ease, unprepared for how light it is. He's pulling all his strength back. You push the sword away, moving around and keeping your footwork light, smirking. 
"Is something funny?" Harwin raises an unimpressed brow, his eyes never leaving you. 
You bite back a smile at his clear agitation. "No." 
He grunts, striking again. Your reflexes move before you think, blocking and attempting to counterattack yourself, refusing to show your frustration. He's still clearly overpowering you and much more experienced. 
You silently pray for those that meet the end of Harwin's fury. 
"Tell me, Princess" he starts, a loud ringing vibrating into the area as your swords clash. "Has Ser Criston taught you hand-to-hand combat, or how to escape someone's grip?" 
The question takes you off guard, your head tilting as you try to remember. Harwin uses the moment to smack your sword out of your hand, his own dropping for your safety and his arms wrapping around you. 
You cease breathing, the constricted in your throat and your heart skipping a beat. An arm gently presses against your throat, Harwin having put you in a controlled headlock, your back flush with his front. 
Your lips part, your fingers instinctively digging into his arm. Heat crawls up your neck, blood pounding in your ear. You know this is a training exercise, but you can't help in feeling so safe in his arms. Your muscles automatically relax, your adrenaline calms and your breath slowly comes back to you with each second. 
You should hate the situation you're in. Granted, if it was any other person you'd be kicking up a shit storm and preparing to have them fed to your dragon but it's not just anyone. It's Harwin, and that makes you hate him more. 
Hate him for having this effect on you, for consuming your thoughts and imprinting himself amongst your dreams. Though you know he's not to blame, it's yourself. 
For falling so profoundly, and irrevocably in love with him. 
"No doubt, you could handle yourself in an armed fight but what if they get the upper hand, like I did just now, and you're left with close combat, or even worse, they grab you like this," Harwin says to you, his voice thickening with an emotion you can't quite place. "How do you get out?" 
You shake with nerves, at the thought of your escape plan. It's stupid, and it might not work and fuck everything up. Though it could work, and once again, fuck it all up. You push the insecurities down, knowing that he's trying to teach you a life lesson, even if you don't want to hear it. 
You twist your head, his grip not being tight in any way, and find his lips with ease, capturing them. Harwin falters, his arms opening and allowing you the opportunity to slip through and distance yourself from him. 
"That's how." You lick your lips, drawing the taste of him into your mouth. 
Harwin studies you with a deep look of something, mixed with unhinged anger and fear. He doesn't say anything, even as he quickly reaches for his sword, sheathing it against his hip and holding your eye for a moment longer. 
"One day," he croaks. "You're going to wake up and find yourself all alone." And with that, he turns his back on you. 
You watch him leave, shakily bringing the pads of your fingers to your lips, brushing them tenderly. You feel humiliated, shameful and disgusted. You also feel lighter, having finally answered your own question; his lips are soft and the taste of his breakfast still lingers. 
"I already am." You whisper to yourself, biting your finger to keep the tears at bay, the anger subsided.
The sun begins its descent from the highest point in the sky before you arrive back at your quarters, dismissing your maids in exchange for silence. You sit atop a lounge on the windowsill, breathing the fresher air from the high distance, ignoring the crestfallen ache in your heart. 
You knew something like this would happen, that Harwin would reject you and push you away. It's part of the reason why you hate him because you know you can't have him. Your father would never allow it, as his firstborn. He'd see to it that you marry a beneficial house, to further strengthen your sister's claim to the throne since you turned away from it. 
It doesn't make it any easier, or any less hard. You've spent almost every day in each other's presence, in either passing or company. You've known him since he was a boy. Uncoordinated and lanky, until he grew and filled out into the man he is today. 
"I don't know what you've done, but I'd steer clear from father," Rhaenyra bursts inside, speaking before seeing you. She calls for you when you don't respond, hoping she'll leave. 
She doesn't. 
Rhaenyra perches herself beside you, brushing a strand of your curly hair behind your ear. "What's happened?" 
"Ser Harwin told father of my nightly adventures." 
Rhaenyra frowns, gazing out the window. "It wasn't him, it was Ser Criston," you gape at her, shifting to lean your back against the wall, mirroring your sister. "He said as much when Ser Harwin confronted him about teaching you how to wield a sword, and the two go into it." 
"Shit," you murmur, leaning your head back. 
"I assume he came from seeing you, with how riled up he was. Never seen him so angry." 
She looks at you expectantly. "I kissed him." Her eyes widen. "To prove a point! He asked me how I'd escape from a headlock, and I kissed him, to distract him. It worked because he let go of me." 
"Makes sense," Rhaenyra nods, referring to his destructive path. "What was it like?" 
You glance at her, a small smile ghosting your lips. "It was only brief, but they are smooth, the complete opposite of him." 
You both giggle, dismissing the fact that you dishonoured not only yourself but Harwin. For a few minutes, you sit in silence, relishing in the company of your sister. These moments are rare, as of late, with her newfound responsibilities. 
"Are you going to listen to father?" 
You stare at her, the answer shining in your lilac eyes. "What do you think." 
Harwin surrounds himself with his fellow gold cloaks, in an attempt to enjoy his night off. They laugh and joke, spilling their alcohol and losing their hands on woman's bodies. 
He finishes his drink rather frustratedly, slamming it on the counter accidentally. He can't get the stupid fucking kiss out of his head, replaying the scene over and over. 
The way your body moulded to his own, your smaller frame engulfed and your erratic heart pounding against his arm. How he divulged himself and allowed his nose to brush your hair, inhaling your scent and losing his control. 
And fuck, when you leant up and kissed him, he couldn't help but respond. His restraint snapped at that moment, and if it weren't for you slipping out and distancing yourself-he doesn't want to imagine what he would have done.
From your first meeting, he knew he'd grow up to love you, your hot-headed temperament and stubborn wilfulness. Before he arrived in Kings Landing, his father had drilled into him how to act, how the royal family would act, yet there you stood, unaware of his presence as you yelled profanities into the sky. Not to mention, when you caught him gawking, asked him, the fuck are you looking at?
Your first words ever spoken to him. 
He sighs dramatically, rubbing his face and deciding to leave, knowing that drinking his problems away won't solve anything. The cool air nips at him through his woollen clothes, his dark cape swaying behind him as he makes his way back to the Keep. 
Approaching the gates, he hears a rustle, pausing to make sure his senses aren't clouded. "Fucking shit," Harwin immediately reaches for his sword, keeping his hand on the hilt whilst cautiously making his way closer to the whispered profanities. 
He watches you, straightening your clothes and checking to make sure the coast is clear before you walk off toward the city. He raises a brow at the choice of clothes; black pants and a shirt, with a jacket that is a size too big and a cloak to hide your white hair. Though nothing can cover the deep lilac of your eyes. 
He makes the hasty decision to follow you, keeping his distance yet being close enough to protect you should anything happen. Harwin smiles to himself, knowing this is the perfect opportunity to teach you a lesson. 
If it's so easy for him to sneak up behind you, imagine someone else, with impure intentions. 
He follows you for some time, a small part of him enjoying the look of awe and joy at the sights. Each night you leave, you try to explore new parts of the city, learning about your folk. Harwin must admit, not many royals would do so, preferring to stick to the comforts of the Keep.
The moon is high in the sky, shining down and revealing clear paths as you steer left and right, nowhere in particular yet taking note of each turn. You may be reckless, but you're not stupid. 
Harwin chooses this moment to make his move, observing the way you slip steadily down the passageway and pause at the sound of water lapping against the walls. He creeps out, covering your mouth and pulling you to him, stepping out of the light and into the darkness. 
You scream against his gloved hand, thrashing wildly and reaching for your concealed knife when, "and just like that princess, I've killed you. Or worse, knocked you out and used you for my pleasantries. How many times must I tell you until you get it through your thick skull that this isn't safe." 
You stop, your heart thundering and your adrenaline pumping. You close your eyes, subconsciously leaning further into Harwin. He hesitantly removes his hand, waiting for the explosion. 
"I could have killed you," you murmur, the weight of the blade heavy in your hand. You were prepared to stab him in the kidney. The thought of harming him destroys you. "I could have killed you, all because of your stupidity!" You whirl around, still touching him. 
"My stupidity?" He repeats. 
"Yes!" You fire, glaring up at him. "All to teach me a lesson, when I'm not stupid! Have you ever thought that maybe I just don't give a fuck? I know it's not safe, why do you think I sneak around and blend in." You pause, avoiding his gaze and staring at the Strong house crest on his chest. "This is the only time I feel normal, where my existence is insignificant." 
"Princess, no one asks to be born into their roles, to be born rich or poor," he starts, remembering all the times you spoke of wishing to be someone other than a princess, other than Viserys' firstborn. "But it's our duty to push through, to become what we're meant to be; Lord of Harrenhal, and Princess, of the seven kingdoms." 
Your emotions are high and twisted, a single tear slipping down your cheek as you squeeze your eyes shut to keep them at bay. "I didn't want to be a Queen, I sure as hell don't want to be a princess. I just want to be someone's wife, someone's mother. Someone's greatest love. Is that so hard?" 
You can't control the words, the heartfelt words that shatter Harwin. Suddenly, he understands you. He knows you. He says your name, softly, bringing his hand to your chin and tilting it up. Forcing you to look at him. 
Harwin wipes at your cheek with his thumb, tenderly caressing the flesh and relishing in the feel of you in his hand. So small and frail. So exposed. He opens his mouth to say more when the sound of metal armour clanging together draws his attention elsewhere. 
"Shit." He curses. 
He has nowhere to move to. The path spans over a hundred metres, with a wall on one side and the water's edge on the other. He couldn't even go to a corner. Solutions run through his mind, the sound of guards nearing causing him to do the first thing that pops up. 
"Sorry, Princess." He mumbles, pushing you against the concrete wall and covering the majority of your body with his, with no space left between you. Your brows furrow in confusion, question flashing in your eyes. 
Harwin does what he's always wanted to do: press his lips to yours. 
You squeak, given no time to prepare, your eyes wide in surprise. Only twelve hours ago, he was looking at you with utter hatred and disgust for you doing the same thing. The blade clatters against the ground.
The gold cloaks walk past without an issue, chuckling at the two of you but paying no mind. Harwin keeps his lips firmly against you, hating having to put you in this situation. 
When they become a dot in the distance, does he pull away, searching your eyes. "You kissed me back," you refer to earlier. That was your first kiss, this you never realised Harwin had responded. Your eyes harden, your lips pursing as you inhale as much air as possible before being your hand up and slapping him. His head snaps to the side at the sheer force, shock yet understandable written on his face. 
He doesn't respond, the words unable to form in his mouth. He swallows thickly, his jaw taut. He deserved that. He dares look at you again, his chest rising rapidly and the air crackling. 
You push off the wall, shaking your head in disbelief and attempting to round him. Your shoulder clashes with his when he turns to grab your upper arm, halting you. You glare up at him, opening your mouth to hurtle harsh words at him. Harwin moves first, pulling you back to him and claiming your lips. 
You're not even given a chance to respond before he pulls back, his face still close and his breath fanning your cheeks. He looks at you with hunger, lust and want. Realisation dawns on you; he's just as conflicted as you are. 
Your heart tugs you forward, your hands gripping his tunic and meeting him halfway. Harwin's hands cup the sides of your head. 
He devours you, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease and his hands sliding to the base of your neck and head, titling you up to give more access. You whimper, grappling with his tunic as if he could suddenly move away from you.
He doesn't, shifting to have your back against the wall again, his apparent hard-on pressing into you. Your lungs ache with release, the lack of oxygen making you lightheaded yet desperate for more. 
Slowly and reluctantly, you part, his forehead resting on yours. Your lips are evidently swollen, the taste of him still lingering as he peppers you softly, not quite wanting to stop. 
"Harwin," you whisper, gliding your hands up to his cheeks, running the pads of your fingers over his beard and around his features. 
"I know." 
He could be executed for this, you could be disowned. But gods, does it feel right. Right to be in his hold, to be desired and kissed. You never want to stop. 
"Fuck I know." He repeats, lower. 
You nuzzle each other, refusing to leave the comfort of one another's warmth and touch, despite that nagging thought tugging in the back of your mind. Harwin murmurs that he needs to return you to the Keep, reluctantly standing straighter and removing himself from you.
You follow him in silence, sticking close and for once, not giving him grief. A step up from your usual nights out. 
You soon arrive, pausing before you part and he enters through the main gates whilst you scamper up your hidden passageway. "I know it wasn't you, who told my father." You start. "It was wrong of me to accuse you, and I hope one day you can forgive my insolence, and accept my apology." 
"Of course, Princess. It is known for spoilt children to lash out when they don't receive what they want," he begins to walk back with a teasing smirk. 
You narrow your eyes, watching him for a heartbeat longer and then turning to disappear yourself. The journey back to your quarters is always short, your footsteps light as you work to not attract attention to yourself. 
Heaving the door open, you stop dead in your tracks at the sight of your father standing in your room. "Father-"
"Where have you been?" He says in a low, deadly voice. 
"Taking a walk," 
"Don't lie to me!" Viserys yells. 
The room falls silent. You stare at one another, refusing to break contact. "What will it take for you to listen to me?" 
You think over your choice of words. Is it wise to mention that you wish to marry for love? That you wish he'd allow for you to leave this godforsaken city and be elsewhere, anywhere. Be with Harwin. 
"I wish-" you choke, refusing to look at him as you lay yourself bare. "I wish to marry of my own free will." 
Silence. More silence, his fury-ignited eyes never leaving you, even as you brave the idea to glance up. "No." 
"You refused me in naming you heir, you will not refuse me in arranging a marriage for you. That, I can not accept." You gape at him, horror and sickness twisting deep within you. "Take this as your punishment for disobeying me." 
"You can't do this!" You yell at his retreated figure, anger surfacing and exploding. 
"Yes, I can." Viserys ends the argument, storming out of your quarters and forcibly shutting your door. You release a blood-curdling scream, frustration and betrayal gnawing at you. 
You grab the closest object, a cup, and hurtle it across the room. It clangs every time it meets the ground, the metal ringing dying down when it rolls to a stop. Your chest heaves, your jaw clenching and unclenching as you grasp for some control, to leash your emotions. 
You can't. 
You want to hurt your father, hurt him like he's hurt you. There's only one way you know how, leaving you to quickly exit your room through the hidden passageway, navigating down unfamiliar tunnels. 
When you were younger, you explored them all, yet there is only a small handful you use, mainly for your adventures outside the Keep. 
You basically float over the ground, your steps carefully placed despite your fast pace, eager to arrive at your destination. You reach the door, knocking quickly but firmly, making sure you don't arouse the Hand of the King, or his younger son. 
"Princess?" Harwin questions, glancing beyond you. "Is everything alright?" 
You say nothing, surging forward and claiming his lips. Harwin can only raise his brows in surprise, at both your forwardness and boldness, your hands resting on his chest to walk him backward, closing the door swiftly behind you. 
"What was that for?" He presses, distancing himself from you. He doesn't want to think of the penalty if you were found at this very moment. "Hmm?" 
You nibble your lip, holding his gaze even though you'd rather burn for the next words that come out. "I need you." 
The room falls silent, only the crackle of the fire is enough from keeping it dark and noiseless. Harwin studies you, not quite believing you. "You need me?" He approaches, agonisingly slow. "I find that very interesting, since only an hour or so ago, you were quite content." 
He stands before you, his fingers coming under your chin and leaning your head up. He observes you, enjoying watching you squirm. "The truth, now." He knows you're lying, or at the very least, not entirely honest. 
"I am telling the truth-" Harwin changes his grip, pulling you close to him by your chin. You almost collapse. He murmurs your name, the sound rolling down your back on waves. His eyes glint with a challenge, daring you to protest. Your neck heats up. "I could find little sleep, and my," you stop, wishing for the floor to open and swallow you hole. Harwin raises a brow. 
"My fingers were insufficient."
You don't realise, that the previous fire of wrath has simmered down, laying dormant. A different burn ravages your body. 
A wicked smile pulls at the corner of Harwin's mouth, his demeanour shifting. "Was that so hard?" His voice holding a certain husk, that you've never heard. 
His thumb brushes your smooth skin, braving the course of your lips. You release a small breath you didn't realise you were holding and your mouth parts. Harwin drags your bottom lip down, enjoying your compliance. 
"You need me to soothe that ache, Princess?" He tortures you, his mouth ghosting you yet inching up every time you try to close the gap. 
"Please," you're not sure what you're begging for, the words just tumbling out. You close your eyes in frustration, his breath fanning you. 
He finally relents, coming down on your mouth heavily. You barely have a moment to properly respond, his fingers tightening on your chin and his free hand coming to the base of your neck, keeping you steady as he takes your breath. 
"This is all you needed," he pulls a hairsbreadth away, his nose pressing onto the side of yours. "Someone to dominate you, leave you powerless." He realises, looking over your wanton state. 
Your hands fist his shirt, desperation clear on your face. He smiles softly, abruptly pulling back and creating a well-spaced distance from you. You feel as if a cold bucket of water has been poured over you, watching as he takes a seat by the fire. 
"Go to bed, Princess." 
You gape at him, fury bubbling to the surface. "Harwin," you start, taking a tentative step forward. 
"What you are asking for, is treason. The fucking death penalty." 
You flare up. "So is kissing me! What is going a little further?" 
"We are talking about your virtue." He raises his voice, momentarily forgetting about his whereabouts. Gods above, should someone come knocking. "That would be despicable of me, to take something that belongs to your husband." 
You frown, coming to stand before him, the sudden rush of heat inflicting goosebumps. "It should be mine to give away, not his to take." 
He looks up at you, his curls dishevelled and unruly. He wears a worn shirt, the casual appearance causing your stomach to twist. What you would give, to share days where you are laid bare with each other, to see the other side of Harwin, the improper side of him. 
"I trust you, Harwin," you begin, standing between his legs. "I want it to be you. No one else but you, who sees me, and touches me." You hoist a leg over his lap, moving to straddle his lap, your knees digging into the edge of the cushion. 
Instinctively, Harwin's hands come to your waist, keeping you situated. He battles with his morals, his body and heart reacting completely opposite to his mind. If you were a low-born, he'd have fucked you back in the passageway, without a care of onlookers. 
But your status halts him. 
You say his name again, caressing his jaw, your nails scraping through his beard. He doesn't break contact, his palms wandering along your side, moving with a mind of their own. It's plain to see, how much he wants you, how much you want each other. 
Painstakingly obvious. 
You swallow nervously, inching down to press a gentle kiss on the underside of his jaw, allowing time for him to push you off should he really not want to continue. You wouldn't ask that of him. His fingers flex into your flesh, his head angling up slightly. 
A ghost of a smirk plants itself over your lips, a sudden arrogance blooming at his reaction, at his heavier breath intake. You travel to his neck, feeling the urge to nibble lightly, Harwin rolling your hips into him reflexively. 
You gasp into his skin at the sudden pleasure, the seam of your pants pulling tightly over your clit. Harwin groans lowly, both at your mouth finding his sweet spot and your hips rutting into him. A sinister thought crosses his mind. 
Effortlessly he hoists you up, placing you over his thigh. You sit back in confusion, your initial reaction being that he wants to stop, until he speaks. "You say you use your fingers," your slightly wide eyes are enough of a confirmation. "Then use me. Get yourself off using me." 
Your lips part, your eyes searching his. He smiles reassuringly, dragging your hips over his thigh. "Take your pleasure, Princess." 
Your head drops into the crevice of his shoulder, an airy moan escaping you at the new sensation. Naturally, you begin to move on your own, a hand snaking up the other side of his head to thread through his curls, using him as leverage. 
Harwin jolts his leg up, the action bringing a new wave of pleasure through you. You whimper into his shoulder, your mind reminding you how improper this is, how a woman takes no pleasure from laying with a man yet your body ignores every lesson you've ever been taught. 
A low pressure builds, your thighs starting to shake and your movements quickening. Harwin makes the split decision to help, driving your hips down and over, the new motion brings you to your release. 
You pant against him, squeezing your eyes shut as he continues to move you gently, drawing your orgasm out. Slowly he comes to a stop, allowing you a moment to really comprehend what's happening before he shifts in a way that he can plant a kiss on your head.
"Was that good?" 
You nod, a familiar heat rising in your cheeks. Gods that felt fucking magical, and he barely did anything. You can only imagine how his cock will feel. 
He chuckles lightly, coaxing you to sit back and reveal your pretty face. He drags the backs of his fingers down your cheek, memorising each fine detail. Deep down, a small part of him fears this will be the last he'll ever see of it. 
In one movement, Harwin stands and gingerly lowers you onto the fur rug in front of the fire, the flames dancing dangerously close. He knows how much you love the heat. 
You gaze up at him, allowing him the opportunity to worship you. His large hands slip under your shirt, dragging the material as he roams every inch of your side. You arch your back and raise your arms, allowing easier access to glide the shirt off. 
Goosebumps erupt under his hardened callouses, his fingers interlocking with yours once he moves up your arms and allows the shirt to bunch above your head. "Keep them here," he murmurs, capturing your lips. 
You figure he means your hands, nodding against his mouth. His tongue invades your mouth, his breath becoming your own and his fingers flexing at the sheer taste of you. You have no idea how much power you wield over him. 
His hands begin their descent, grazing your flesh and finding solace on your breasts, his mouth following suit. You grab onto the edge of the fur rug, gripping it firmly. 
His tongue flicks your erect nipple, his teeth meeting the tender flesh. He nips and sucks around the area, a hand paying attention to your other breast, careful to administer equally. You gasp and writhe under him, unaware that he could bring you any pleasure from this. 
Eventually, he moves on, stopping at your waistline. He flickers up to you, a silent ask of permission in his eyes. You give an airy yes, anticipation gnawing at you. Harwin pulls your pants and undergarment in one motion, the cool air causing you to jump. 
He laughs softly, grinning at your nakedness, at the way your skin glows under the firelight. Right now, you're all his, his to take, to touch and love. His mind captures this moment, storing it away for a time when he plans on replaying it over and over. 
"How do you feel, Princess, knowing you're about to be my dessert." 
Your eyes brows raise at the comment, unsure of his hidden innuendo. A dark part of Harwin relishes in the fact that it's him, that gets to taint you. That he's the one to open the gates to a whole new world of pleasure. He plans on ruining you for any other man. 
"What are you doing?" You ask more in curiousness than fear. Of all your lessons, the Septas never mentioned a man putting his head between your legs. 
"I'm dining on my Princess, is that alright with you?" A dark glint shines in his eyes from between your thighs, his beard grazing your soft flesh. You whimper, biting your lip and giving him the go-ahead. 
You suck in a deep breath at the first contact of his tongue, your body seizing. Fuck. You throw your head back in a silent moan, Harwin's mouth ravaging you. His tongue explores your folds and clit, emitting all pitches of sounds from you. 
Suddenly his hands snake around your thighs and grip you thoroughly, spreading them further around his head and giving him easier access. You squeal at the feeling of his tongue entering you, pumping in and out. 
"Harwin," your knuckles have since turned white. 
This is a high you never thought you could experience, the intensity hitting you like a wave. The combination of his tongue, his lips and his beard is enough to drive you over. Of course, Harwin intends for you to be fully prepared, momentarily coming up to gauge your reaction as he pushes a finger into you. 
You release a deep groan at the intrusion, the pleasure brewing. He takes his time, moving in and out of you, slowly adding a second finger at the same time his thumb rubs your clit. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, unable to do anything but writhe under his hand. Gods you wish you could put your arms down and grab him, show him how good he's making you feel. Harwin spreads his fingers carefully, intently studying your reaction. He wants you prepped as best as possible, wanting your first-time pain-free. 
With all these motions and pleasantries you fall over the edge, calling out his name. Harwin continues his movements for a second longer before removing his hand, allowing you to come down from your high. 
He skims over you, capturing your lips and emptying your lungs. You instantly wrap your arms around him, eager to keep him close. He grinds himself into you, allowing you a moment to feel how hard he is. 
You lick your lips whilst you watch him undress, tossing his clothes somewhere before diving straight back down to you. You barely get a chance to admire his hard-earned body, instead running your fingers deep into his back muscles. 
"Give me your hand," he guides it down, wrapping it firmly around his cock. You suppress a giggle at his involuntarily deep groan. "This is what you do to me," he says your name. "This, and so much more. You have no idea the kind of control that's in your favour." 
You can't help but smirk. You leave your hand wrapped around him, a little unsure of what to do. "You take the lead, whenever you're ready." Oh. He means for you to put him in. 
You glance down, hesitantly gliding to the tip, drawing it closer. "Can you help?" You have no fucking idea what you're doing. 
His hand envelops your own, guiding it to you and nudging your opening. You suck in a deep breath, flickering up to his own deep blue eyes. He leaves you to your own devices, gritting his teeth at every inch. 
The feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced. For the time being, it's uncomfortable and unnatural, your body's initial reaction to close your legs and get him out of you. But you don't, removing your hand and granting Harwin the opportunity to ease in. 
"Harwin." You grunt, clawing at his shoulders. 
"You're doing so well, taking me so well." He praises, finally stopping once he's filled you. As time passes, your body begins to relax, climatizing to having his cock stretch you open. 
"Move, please move." You strain, wanting this first part to be over with. 
He does, slowly rocking out and in, the slight pain shifting to pleasure, your deep breaths becoming short. You have no idea what to do besides lay here, wrapped around Harwin as he thrusts into you, restraining himself from fucking you into the rug. 
That will be for later. 
For now, he intends on showing you a softer, gentler side of him, one where he tenderly brings you to release.
He fists the fur beside your head, his other hand on your hip as he steadily moves within you, your back arching slightly when he reaches parts of you, you never thought he'd reach. 
You bring a hand to his face, brushing a part of his curls back and revealing his prominent features, trying desperately to hold contact. 
He uses the hold on your hip as leverage, lifting your hips ever so little when he ruts into you, eliciting all frequencies of sounds from you. Your walls begin to clench around him, alerting him of your impending orgasm. 
Slipping his hand over, Harwin teases your clit, eager to really please you. With this being your first time, your climax quite quickly, Harwin's name falling from your lips. 
You gasp at his sudden eviction, a small part of you wondering if that was it. Harwin soon answers, scooping you up off the ground and planting you beside the fire, your front pressing against the wall. Thankfully the fire leaves it warm. 
"Harwin, what are you-oh fuck!" You cry out at his sudden intrusion, entering from behind. 
Harwin leaves no space between you, your legs spread to give him better access and a hand weaving through your hair and pulling your head to the side. "You wanted this, Princess, and you'll take it." He grunts into your ear, his thrusts hitting sharply. "But don't worry, you'll find yourself soon enjoying it." 
You almost flutter around him, the words sinking in and leaving you in a hot and bothered state. His guttural voice mixed with those cold, demeaning words. 
In a way, he's not wrong, the new position causing all sorts of pleasures to tremble through your body; your nipples grazing the stone, his cock hammering into you and his dominant hands manoeuvring you like a whore. 
You snake an arm around, cupping the back of his head, keeping him close. With your cheek melted into the stone wall, his breath moulds with your own, your lips dangerously near, yet not touching. You close your eyes, enjoying the brutal fucking and not to mention, Harwin's own grunting and groaning. 
It brings you joy to know that he finds great pleasure in you. 
"You have no idea what you've just done, allowing me the honour to be the first to have my way with you. It wasn't a smart move Princess because I intend to ruin you," it's as though his own words spur him on, harshly rutting into you and carving you into the wall. You can do nothing but take it, and endure his treatment. 
You wouldn't have it any other way.
"I intend on breaking you in to my cock, destroying all hope for you to ever enjoy someone else." He lowers his voice almost menacingly. "No one will ever fuck you like I am." 
You attempt a nod, knowing he's correct. As fucked up as it seems, you know that only Harwin can bring you to these highs. He's the only one you'll ever allow to treat you this way. Like an object, a vacant hole. 
You know your close, your legs beginning to shake and your breath quickening. "Harwin, please," you whimper, once again not entirely sure what you're pleading for. 
Whatever it is, you know he can grant it. 
Somehow he hits a deeper angle, leaving you to cry out clenching around him. He falters for a second, close to spilling over himself. He so desperately wants to, but he's holding out. With the new tempo, you crumble, spilling around Harwin as he continues to thrust into you. 
You whine against him, the overwhelming pleasure causing tears to prick in the corners of your eyes. He doesn't stop, only slowing as he whirls you around, picking you up by your thighs and clamping them to his waist. 
"Gods," you moan airily, his cock ramming against your sensitive walls. 
"The seven won't help you here." He muses, observing your expressions. 
Amazingly enough, Harwin increases his tempo, similar to before. You choke, pawing at his chest. "Harwin I can't," 
"Yes you can, hey," he cups your jaw, forcing you to open your eyes and look at him. "One more, be a good girl and give me one more, you can do it." 
You bite your lip at the pain beginning to throb, your body exhausted and to be honest, your pussy used. His dark eyes watch you, a hand coming down to press against your clit, helping in relieve that pressure building once again. 
He groans your name, his other hand moving to brace against the skirting around the fireplace. With his strength and subconscious force, he breaks the corner of it. You barely react to the stone crumbling at his feet, more focused on climaxing for a third and final time. 
He swallows your scream, the rush of you around him enough to bring him over, spilling his seed deep. You lean your head back, your chest heaving and no doubt your back scratched. You feel content, Harwin slumping into your shoulder, nuzzling your flesh. 
"I never imagined it would feel like that," you say more to yourself, your fingers threading through his sweaty curls. 
Harwin lifts his head. "It's never like that, Princess." 
The wild winds blast through your hair, your dragon's head blocking the majority from hitting you smack bang on your chest. At this height, the force is unimaginable. 
You slowly begin your descent, dreading the moment you land and go back to reality, your cruel reality. In these last few months, you were made to follow your sister during her tour, allowing the lords to put themselves forward for your hand, alongside Rhaenyra. 
You scowled the entire time. A cold, blank sheet was over your face, your eyes narrowed and dark. You could burn your father for the agony he's put you through, refusing your one ask of him. He's strained his relationship with you. 
As more and more days pass, you ponder the thought of running away, denouncing your blood and flying off into the distance, far from this heartache. 
You know it's foolish, that you must uphold your duty, but fuck duty. 
Your dragon lands smoothly, his large frame dwarfing you once you climb down, your hand brushing against his scales and his head. He growls softly, leaning into your palm and hoping to draw this time out. He's missed you, much like the dark-haired knight that only just received word of your arrival. 
You and your sister returned in the night, and since dawn you've been up in the skies, forgetting the situation at hand for a while longer. 
You gesture for the dragon keepers to guide your dragon back into his nest, turning swiftly and making your way up to the Keep. Eyes watch you, studying you with every step. Since your last conversation with your father, you've turned into a cold little bitch. 
It's the only way you know to protect yourself. 
Your steel gaze burns through anyone who makes contact, challenging them to speak their mind. You know of the rumours that spread, how you've turned down every suitor, how your attitude has changed and you are no longer the nice Princess. 
You don't notice the deep blue eyes following your every move through the courtyard, studying your behaviour. A part of you wonders how your first interaction would be, having not spoken a word to him since that night.
After he helped you dress, you snuck back into your room riddled with guilt. Suppose you came to your senses, realising exactly what you'd just done. But somewhere, you didn't care, you still don't. The next day you prepared yourself to send him away, should he come looking, but he never did. 
And then you left, following your sister around Westeros. 
"Have you seen him?" Rhaenyra sidles up to you, accompanying you to your quarters where you must prepare for the large feast. Your father has organised a large gathering where he can personally meet both of your suitors. 
"No." You answer plainly. 
You confessed the incident to Rhaenyra, trusting her to keep it to herself. She has and is more excited for the two of you to speak than you are. 
"We should have you dressed your best tonight, show him what he's had a taste of, and what he's no doubt missing." 
You roll your eyes, looping an arm through hers. She's been your rock through the whole ideal with your father, understanding both sides, yet gravitating towards yours. 
Rhaenyra takes the opportunity to order your ladies as she sees fit, demanding your hair be styled up to accentuate your chest and collarbone, as the dress she picks is an off-the-shoulder. The black and red material falls to the floor, the sleeves being a cape, tying to the bodice only at the shoulder and leaving your arms to be either hidden or shown. 
The dress plunges down your breasts, opting for a revealing look, courtesy of Rhaenyra. She finishes it off with a dragon-like necklace, alluding to the animal protecting your neck. Throughout the design, scales to represent your house has been embroidered, making it one of a kind. 
Your sister's dress is similar, in the revealing sense. The both of you are definitely pushing your father's buttons, and you have no care. 
The hours past by swiftly, and soon it's time to present yourselves. You walk side by side to the great hall, an anxious tug pulling within your stomach. You can't help but wonder how the evening will play out, and just what will happen with Harwin. 
The great doors swing open, Rhaenyra being introduced first as she's the heir, and you second. Your heart rate quickens with each step, hundreds of eyes staring. You debate whether to search for his, your pace faltering as you connect. 
Gods be fucking damned, he looks divine. 
Your mouth dries at his black attire, at his curls being pulled back and revealing his defined features. It seems he's had a similar thought, dressing his best. 
So many words portray through your eyes, so many thoughts and emotions. His jaw flexes as you draw near, his seat being close to the high table. The rest of the room fades, his gaze agonisingly slowly moving down your body, images of your naked figure coming to mind. 
He pauses at your breasts, subconsciously moistening his lips before he flickers up to your face. He inhales sharply. These past months have done you justice, or you've simply become a woman since he had his share of you. 
Your exchange doesn't go unnoticed, by both of your fathers. 
Rounding the high table, you opt to take your seat, unlike Rhaenyra who greets Viserys before joining you. Neither of you bothered for Alicent, who flares daggers at you in particular. She normally leaves you alone, yet since the altercation with your father, she guns for the both of you. 
You keep silent through the speech, given by your father, focusing on the detail of the cloth before you. A burning sensation spreads through you, almost like a sixth sense, sensing a pair of eyes boring into your skull. 
You clench your jaw, preparing to scare them off when you pause. It's Harwin, unable to keep his eyes off you. Your skin heats up, your thighs pressing together. Fuck, the effect he has on you. 
Viserys takes his seat, the people either beginning to eat or taking to the dance floor, music filling the air. You decide to eat, keeping your attention locked on your plate, desperate to finish it before you go looking for Harwin. You want answers, and one way or another you'll get them. 
At some stage a young lordling braves the high table, asking for your hand. You pause your chewing, your eyes venomous. "As you can see, my lord, I have yet to finish my meal," you gesture to the full plate. 
The boy's cheeks redden, and quickly he excuses himself.  You scoff, resuming your meal with your eyes scouring the hall. You watch the people dance, eventually ditching your plate and leaning back in your chair, your eyes narrowing at Harwin's empty place beside his brother.
You find him amongst the crowd, his attention on a young maiden. Or so you thought, until his gaze flickers up to you, before averting again.
He wants to play that game.
Rising, you round the high table and descend the small flight of stairs, accepting the first person to offer a dance and joining everyone else. At first, you attempt to pay attention to your partner, your bodies moving in partial sync across the floor.
It's not until you spin outward, that you notice Harwin, now with a different girl.
With each movement, you glance over at him, a shadow of annoyance covering you as you realise he refuses to acknowledge you.
You inhale deeply, deciding to ignore your heart's biggest ache and try to enjoy your time without him. You switch partners, losing sight of Harwin as the night progresses. You've lost sense of yourself, spinning and moving to the flow of the music, changing partners every so often that you have no idea who each one is. Your cheeks are warm, your eyes alight. You haven't had this much fun in a while, the suitors flocking to you for a chance to dance. 
Your current partner twirls you around, his grip firm and unwavering. For the first time, he matches you, each movement sturdy and confidence clear in his steps. He makes for a great dance partner. You can't help but laugh as he draws you to him, only to raise his arm over your head and redirect you. 
His hand slips from yours, signalling a partner change, and you spin to stop in someone's chest. You instinctively brace yourself on his chest, an apology on your lips as you glance up. "Ser Harwin," you breathe his name. 
"Princess," he curtly acknowledges. 
His chest tightens at your appearance, wide and excited eyes, wisps of hair falling from their place and framing your face. Not to mention, your delicate hands still pressed to him, leaving only a splinter of a gap between you. 
You follow his gaze, realisation dawning. You go to remove yourself from him, when his own hands cover yours, gently plucking them off his chest. You expect him to let go, throw you aside and move on, but he doesn't. 
Harwin grasps your hands, leading you into the next dance. You follow him, lost within the depths of his blue eyes, so many words threatening to tumble out. You move fluently, matching his pace. 
"Harwin," you say lowly, unsure of how to proceed. 
"Don't." Your brows furrow, your chests pressing together as you both move in. "Just don't say anything." 
You scoff. "You expect us to dance in silence?" He says nothing, despite the electricity sparking around you. "I've been gone for months and this is how treat me?" 
"What do you want me to say?" He grits. 
"Anything!" You say a little loudly, breaking contact to stare at his house emblem stitched to his chest. You sigh, closing your eyes. "Why didn't you come to see me?" 
"My apologies, Princess, I didn't realise I was your lap dog." 
You snap up to him. Fire burns within your hard stare. "What is your problem? Why are you like this?" 
He raises an eyebrow, extending you away from his body, only to snap you back to him. You collide with his chest harshly, flashbacks of that night coming to your forefront. Reminders of how easily he dominates you. 
"Are you so dense, Princess, that you can't see your actions have consequences." 
You gape at him, matching his hard levelled glare. "Careful Ser, anyone else and I'd have their head." Normally, Harwin would never dare speak so freely, yet at this moment the mere presence of you sets him alight. He grunts in response to your warning. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, inhaling deeply to keep the dragon at bay. The last thing anyone needs is for you to boil over and explode. "What actions are you speaking of?" 
You honestly have no idea what he's referring to. "Ahh, so you're ignorant as well. Tell me again why you came to me that night, why you begged," 
"I did not beg!" You almost growl. Fuck he makes you angry, almost rivalling your father at this moment. Your veins simmer, your stomach twisting in rage. "I told you why-" 
"I don't believe you." Harwin cuts you off. He lowers his face, so close to your own. His breath bares down on you, his lips dangerously near, yet Harwin's movements are calculated. There's no warmth in his eyes. "I think someone got angry at daddy, and decided to get back at him using me." 
You freeze. You never expected him to say that, to call you out. "Harwin," you start, desperation filling you. You need to explain yourself, to make him understand. 
Betrayal flashes across him, his back straightening. "Good evening, princess." He spits out your title, removing himself from you entirely. 
"Harwin," you choke, reaching for him when a figure steps in front of you. You barely give the man a glance before you intend on following the knight. 
"If I may, Princess?" 
You ignore the man offering his hand for a dance, staring off at Harwin as he makes his way through the crowd and exits the hall. Distress floods you, your body shaking as you fight the urge to heave. 
You feel sick. 
"Sister, are you alright?" Rhaenyra notices, immediately coming to your side. You can't say anything, darting between her and where Harwin just left. She nods in understanding. "Go, I'll tell father you're feeling ill."
You squeeze her hand gratefully, before making your way toward a different exit, with a plan of cutting him off. You have vague ideas of where he would go. With everyone in the hall, it leaves the corridors vacant. 
Picking your dress up at the knees, you pick up a run, your shoes hitting the floor lightly as you intend on making minimal noise. Blood roars in your ears, your heart pumping erratically.
You round corners, desperate to slip out of the Keep before anyone realises. Finally, you enter the gardens, stopping when you spot Harwin storming his way toward you, unaware of your presence. 
You step into his view, flinching as he stops dead in his tracks. He goes to speak, but you beat him to it. "I am to speak, and you are going to listen." You raise a finger, keeping him rooted whilst you close the distance. 
You stand dangerously close, your chest heaving and your hair falling to your shoulders. "Yes, I came to you because I was furious because I knew that it'd destroy my father much as he'd done to me. He asked what it would take to contain me, and I voiced a marriage of my own free will. He refused." Harwin stands rigid, his fingers flexing at his sides. "But I came to you-"
"Because you knew I'd do it. You took advantage of my affections for you, you used me!" Harwin raises his voice, his emotions controlling him. You deny it, trying to explain yourself when he talks over you. "You have no idea how I felt the next morning when my own gold cloaks told me that the King was to select your hand. You shattered me," you close your eyes at the sound of your name leaving his lips with such pain, tears building. 
"Yet you have such a fucking hold on me that I stupidly offered my hand." 
Your eyes fly open, meeting his own despite the darkness. The bright moon shines down, lighting the area as best as possible. "You," you drawl, comprehending his words. 
"Yes, and I had to endure your father and his court's laughter." 
"But your his Hands son-first born son! Heir to Harrenhal!" 
He chuckles darkly. "Exactly, all I have to offer you is a half-burnt castle, courtesy of your ancestors." 
You can't fathom that your father didn't even consider Harwin, that he belittled him. He has no idea what he's done. 
"Harwin," he shivers. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. What my father did is cruel," 
"A trait that runs in the family." 
A tear slides down your cheek, defeat seeping in. It seems no matter what you say, Harwin refuses to hear. After a heartbeat of silence, Harwin moves to round you, pausing at your palm coming into contact with his chest. The feel of him sends a shiver down your spine. 
Harwin slides your hand off as if you've burnt him, continuing on his path. An intense wave of pain surges through you, obliterating every part of you without remorse. Your chin trembles, your mind steaming at you to stop him, to fuck the protocols and policies. 
You open your mouth to call out, to tell him the truth but it falls short in your throat, lodged well. You fear for what happens when you lay yourself bare, what he'll say and do. 
"I'm in love with you." 
Harwin completely seizes, as if he was close to falling off a cliff. 
"I came to you, because deep down I knew my father would never approve, especially of us marrying." With each word Harwin approaches you, his body weightless. "So I decided that before I became caged and forced into a dull marriage, that I'd take control and choose who takes my virtue. That I'd lay with the man that I love, even if it were for a night." 
Harwin stands directly behind you, his front pressing against your back, his breath on your neck. "If you're lying to me," 
You turn to face him. "You think I'd allow anyone to treat me like a whore?" 
A flicker of understanding passes between you. How he manoeuvred you, how he controlled you like a puppet and fucked you against the wall without mercy. 
"What do you know of being a whore?" 
You tilt your head, standing on your toes to brush his cheek. "I know I'd let you do whatever you want, so long as it pleases you." 
Harwin inhales sharply, his body itching for you. He murmurs your name, his voice trembling and his restraint slipping. He allows his fingers to loosely hang off your hips, drawing you closer. 
Your mouth ghosts his, the temptation seeping in. You move your arms to his neck, threading your hands through his hair. Harwin groans, his hooded eyes burning through you, his control snapping. 
He captures your lips, his grip on you tightening and his palms travelling every inch of your back, one of them ending up in your hair, the other on your neck. You whimper softly, Harwin using the opportunity to slip in his tongue and ravage you properly. 
You're powerless against him, the lack of oxygen having its effect on your brain. You feel him move you backward, directing you through the garden until you stand flush to a wall, out of sight. Harwin found this hidden spot behind the bushes when he was a young lad, oft venturing here as he grew older to escape his reality. 
He skims down the skirt of your dress, lifting it to cup your pussy. You whine, pulling apart to lean your head into the brick. Harwin smirks at your state, his palm moving in circular motions. 
"Your drenched Princess. How long have you been like this?" He taunts you. 
"Since I laid eyes on you," you answer airily.
Harwin hums in satisfaction, removing your undergarment and tapping the inside of your thigh to signal you step out of it. A chill shudders down your spine in realisation; Harwin plans on having you against this wall, where anyone could easily happen upon you. 
"Hold this," he refers to your skirts, bunching the front into your stomach. You do as he says, biting your lip as he works to remove himself. 
Harwin pauses, his cock hard and throbbing in his hand. "Tell me you want this," he rasps.
"I want you to fuck me." 
A cold smile tugs at his lips, "as my princess commands." 
He nudges into you, giving you a moment before he slides all the way in. You tense, having only had him months ago and nothing since. It doesn't exactly hurt, it feels uncomfortable, like he should be there but he is. 
You grapple with his shoulders, hissing once he reaches the hilt, filling you with every inch of him that you can take. He shudders at your walls clenching around him. 
Slowly he eases out and in, working you to a steady rhythm as to make sure he won't hurt you, that you've accustomed to him. You have. 
He slams his hand onto the wall beside your head at the same time his hips rut into you. Your mouth opens in a silent groan, your forehead pressing against Harwin's as he intends to watch you. 
Each thrust is intentional, his cock hitting as deep as possible and his slow but hard movements driving you crazy. Your whimpers and small sounds spur him on, a hand on your hip to help leverage him into you. 
Though he's fucked you before, you still have no idea what to do, not wanting to just stand here and take his brutal pace. You remember how it felt to have your legs around his waist, how he was able to hit deep angles and completely fill you. 
Lifting a leg up, you hook your ankle around his waist, Harwin instantly shifting. His hand glides down to your thigh, keeping it locked to him and his hips drive deeper into you. 
You begin to feel that burn within your abdomen, brewing with each thrust, especially as he switches to almost completely vacating you before he hits home. You cry out, Harwin instantly covering your mouth. 
"Quiet Princess, otherwise this ends very quickly." Harwin grunts, referring to someone potentially finding you. 
You attempt to nod. He doesn't exactly trust your control, keeping his palm where it is as he continues to piston out of you, his heavy pants signalling how close he's getting. 
You dig your heel into his lower back, so close to falling over the edge, desperate for him to follow. Harwin glides his hand from your thigh to your clit, paying particular attention to the bundle of nerves and the added sensation being enough for you to climax. 
Your moan is muffled, Harwin's hips faltering at the feeling of you gushing around him. His own restraint slips, his cock ramming into you one last time, his seed spilling. His head falls to your shoulder, his hand slipping from your mouth to rest on the side of your head. 
Your chest heaves, a slight sense of fatigue threatening to wash over you. "I hate you, with every fibre of my being." He whispers into your skin, his lips grazing your exposed collarbone. 
"I know." You reply, your mouth dry as you run a caressing hand over his hair. You don't know what to do from this point onward, whether you and Harwin go your separate ways or you fight for him. 
It ultimately falls on him.
"I would burn this fucking city to the ground for you," you murmur, wanting him to comprehend just how much he plagues you, how much he wields you, how nothing else matters in this lifetime but him. Hesitantly, Harwin lifts his head, unprepared for the serious glint in your eye. "Don't give up on me, not yet."
"Then don't leave me." 
Your lilac eyes shine with fire and determination. "Never. I love you too much," he looks away, releasing a heavy breath as though he doesn't believe you. "Hey," you grab his face, forcing him to meet your stare. "I have loved you, since I was a girl. You, are why I hate my status. If I were a lower-born daughter, we could have wed a long time ago, without the burden of our duties." 
"Show me," his words are barely audible, but you catch them. Show me.
Steadily you lower your leg from his waist, ignoring the slight irritation from your hips and sudden blood flow. His soft cock slips from you, hanging limp. Pushing down the nerves that erupt along your body, you sink to your knees, glancing up at him through your lashes. 
A flicker of surprise passes over Harwin. He didn't exactly mean this. Though he'd be stupid to pass up the opportunity. 
"You're the only man I'll get on my knees for," you quip, tentatively wrapping your fingers around his cock. 
Harwin hisses at the contact, his hand bracing himself against the wall. You allow instinct to take over, cautiously pumping him, studying Harwin's reactions. His lips part, his breath becoming heavy with each glide, his cock hardening under your touch. 
"Am I doing it right?" You ask nervously, unsure of what else you could be doing to him. 
"Princess," he grits, his fingers curling into a fist above you. "You keep that up and I won't be able to last." 
Your cheeks flare at his comment, your thumb brushing over his inflamed head. Harwin grunts under your ministrations, his other hand flexing as he withholds the urge to grip your hair. 
"Can you teach me, how to use my mouth?" 
Harwin's eyes fly open, instantly finding your own. "You don't have to, what your doing is just fine." 
"But I want to," you pause your movements, looking up at him expectantly. "Either teach me or I'll learn myself." 
His eyebrows rise to his hairline. "You are a determined thing, aren't you?" You scowl, gently tightening your grip on him. "Alright alright," he repeats, his body stiffening. "Put it in, and for the love of the seven, don't use your teeth." 
A wicked grin spreads across your face, setting Harwin on edge as you take him into your mouth, inwardly cringing for a moment. Harwin shudders, his hip's reflexively jutting forward. 
"Just," he pants, at the mere feeling of his cock inhabiting your mouth. "Move like you were before, and use your tongue." 
Your brows furrow slightly, hesitantly gliding along his cock and back down, dragging your tongue on his underside. He groans, his hand coming to your hair and threading it. How he so desperately wishes to face fuck you, but he won't. Not until you're his. 
You bob your head, following Harwin's instructions as he guides you to bring him to a climax, his leverage on your head allowing him to gingerly rut his hips into you. "Good girl," he murmurs, his eyes closing in pleasure. 
An idea flickers, your tongue swirling around his swollen head and your hand wrapping around the base of him, a small smirk threatening to spread as Harwin stammers. 
You feel powerful, knowing that your mere mouth can bring Harwin to this state, his moral restraint close to breaking like the chains kept around your dragon. 
Harwin calls your name, his cock twitching in your mouth. He's close, dangerously close and he fears that if you don't stop, he won't pull out in time. You remember how he felt you near your climax the night he disappeared between your thighs, sucking gently on your clit to bring you over. 
You wonder if the same applies to him. 
You move to his tip, gently sucking. Harwin cries out at the unexpected sensation, forcing his hips forward and ultimately thrusting his cock further into your mouth as he shatters. 
You squeak, his seed filling your mouth and slipping down your throat. You can't help but cringe at the taste, pulling off him to wipe your mouth. 
Slowly raising, you observe Harwin's state, as he comes down from his high. He releases a heavy breath, his senses clearing. A sense of pride runs through you, for being able to please him as he did to you. 
Being with a man, is not at all what the Septas told you. 
Harwin grabs the underside of your jaw, pulling you up to him. You fist his jacket, a small moan escaping you when his tongue slips in. He doesn't care that he can taste himself. 
He steals your breath, your lungs aching and that familiar burn searing through your abdomen. He reluctantly pulls back, his forehead leaning on yours, his lips feathering you, refusing to completely stop. 
"Harwin," you whisper, your hands sliding to his neck, playing aimlessly with his loose curls. "What are our next moves?" 
"Hmm?" He hums absentmindedly, too lost in the feeling of your cheek against his. He nuzzles you, an act of intimacy that even fucking you couldn't compare to. 
You chuckle, deciding to leave it and enjoy the moment, as much as the two of you should plan out the next steps. 
"You're mine," he says lowly, his gravelly voice sending chills down your spine. "And I'm yours." 
You nod, a smile gracing your lips. "You've ruined me for anyone else."
Tag List: @iwillboilyourteeth @sageshorrorblog @gibbsgirl7 @noisyinfluencerstrawberry @missusnora @jdm-traash @happynerdtale @westeros-needs-me @killthedarkthoughts @stardustdragon9 @my-watch-begins @ietss @znanaworm @fulla02
3K notes · View notes
inklore · 2 years
i can totally picture ser harwin being a softie in bed. reading your fic made my 😼 feel 🦋🦋🦋 😻
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warnings: eighteen+ content, unprotected p in v, creampie mention.
etc: but just imagine those nights where he wants to go soft, like yeah he loves being rough with you because he knows you can take it. knows you can’t be broken and love bending at his will in any position. BUT those nights where maybe he’s had a rough day or things just feel like too much and he needs you. needs that slow soft sex to really make him feel better 😩
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“Thought about this all day,” he whispers against your skin. His mouth at the shell of your ear, his heavy breaths and low grunts making your skin prick and body push up into his; molding yourself to his front so there’s no room left between the two of you.
His heavy weight against your chest should make it hard for you to breathe, to catch your breath as he bares his weight over you. As he brackets you inside of his arms, keeps you close to him. In place and against his skin, your softness a sheer contrast to the hair and scars from battle he has speckled around his chest.
“Needed this—you.”
It’s almost worse when he’s slow like this, like he is hitting every nerve, every pleasure point. Every part inside of your cunt that has your legs tightening against him, your face pressed to the crook of his neck as you try to keep quiet. Try to muffle the gasps and whimpers.
“Harwin,” you grip at his chest. Maybe it’s a plead, maybe it’s praise for how good he’s making you feel; how much you can’t get enough of him sneaking into your room late at night, needing you. Only you.
He could just as easily go to a pleasure house.
But he comes to you. Needs you to be what’s missing in his days, his life. To give him pleasure on days of misfortune.
He brings his lips onto yours, swallows down your moans as he pants his onto your tongue. Your name mixed somewhere between breaths. A relief released once he finishes inside of you and rests his head upon your chest, your fingers running through his sweaty curls. A calming silence shared between the two of you.
2K notes · View notes
I am his, and he is mine
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Summary: You’re married off to Ser Harwin Strong by your lord father’s designs, and the prospect of a marriage consummation terrifies you.
Notes: idk man I just need more Harwin Breakmybones smut. Harwin obviously isn’t with our queen Rhae Rhae in this. Also, pretending not to know what we do abt Larys here.
Warnings: virgin!reader, reader is intimidated by Harwin, first time, reader is extremely innocent, vaginal sex, oral sex (f!receiving), Harwin loves eating punani
Masterlist | requests are OPEN! | hmu to be added to a taglist!!
Marrying his bride the day he met her was never what he wanted. Harwin didn’t consider himself a romantic, but he thought it cruel to be bound to someone you didn’t know for the rest of his life. It was more unfair to you, being a woman and forbidden from seeking out others for love.
His father had meant well with this marriage. Apparently, your father was a childhood friend, and you the oldest daughter of a great house. Though Lord Lyonel wasn’t ambitious, he was loyal to his friends, and the king, who encouraged the match. So in a whirlwind of affairs, the betrothal had been arranged by ravens, and the marriage planned.
You had married in the sept of King’s Landing earlier this day, and though Harwin had written you a letter to calm your nerves, the first time he got any impression of you was when your father led you to the altar.
He felt sorry for you. Whatever dreams you had held for the future had been crushed the moment the septon bound you in marriage. And on top of that, he wasn’t sure if you were scared of him or not. His reputation was true to his character, and next to his wide frame, almost every woman looked frail.
And now, while the wedding feast was in full swing, he saw your hands shake as you attempted to cut your food. He tried to distract himself, looking around the room and attempting to take his mind off of the fact that his lady wife seemed to find him unpleasant.
King Viserys was sitting next to his father, leaving Queen Alicent to put on an icy mask. She was better at hiding it than his wife. Perhaps because she had been in King’s Landing for longer. Princess Rhaenyra, on the other hand, was deep in conversation with Lady Laena. The two of them had grown closer since the rift between Rhaenyra and Alicent, and if Ser Harwin was not mistaken, the Queen looked almost jealous.
Prince Daemon was currently returned from his latest exile, trying to rile up Otto Hightower. Judging from the strain in the man’s jaw, the Prince was quite successful in his venture.
Still, it was his wife that seemed the tensest in the room. The new lady Strong, and yet, you seemed to be anything but. From what he had heard from his father, you liked to read and was very well educated, but beyond that only quiet. You did not ride, or hunt, or keep an army of ladies around her.
For the latter, he was grateful, but for the others… It seemed you didn’t have anything in common. Harwin was as educated as a future lord needed to be, but he preferred to train and hunt. The first time he even heard you speak outside of her vows was to his brother.
“A gift, for the bride.” He said, offering you a book. At that, your face lit up.
“Thank you, Lord Larys.”
“I hear you tried to become a Maester once?” he asked, and you blushed.
“I was five and had not yet realized the Citadel accepted neither women nor children.”
Harwin smiled to himself. It seemed that, at the very least, you had some spirit. When his brother had left, he tried to find something to talk to you about.
“So, what topics interest you?” he tried.
“History and medicine.” you replied curtly.
“Yes, I imagine Aegon’s conquest is an interesting read.” He said. You tried to suppress a smile at that, and Harwin raised a brow.
“Is it not?” he asked.
“Forgive me, my lord, but every child is told the story of his conquest over and over. The histories of Old Valyria before the Doom and Nymeria’s conquest are much more interesting, especially since so much source material has been lost.” you said.
He could tell that you weren’t asked about these things very often, the words spilling out of your mouth so quickly.
“What about you?” you asked.
“Hunting and fighting.” He replied.
“Does that not get boring after a while?”
“It is to me what reading is to you.” Harwin said. He knew you were from the Westerlands, where people spoke more eloquently, and though he was from the Riverlands and had no use for flowery words, he tried for you.
Your silence returned when dessert was served. You dreaded the bedding, and Harwin didn’t think he had seen many brides that were as terrified of it as you.
When it was announced that the bedding would begin, you turned even paler. Before the lords attending could swoop in to grab you, Harwin quickly scooped you up into his arms. Wordlessly, he left, as the crowd let out disappointed shouts of protest.
He carried you all the way to their new, shared chambers, setting you down on the bed. Turning around, Harwin grabbed the pitcher of wine to fill up their glasses. You would need it for your nerves.
As he turned back around, he could see you lying on the bed, the skirt of your wedding dress hiked up to your thighs and staring at the ceiling stiff as a board. He would have laughed at the comical sight, if he hadn’t felt sorry for you.
Instead, he sat at the edge of the bed, gently taking your hand.
“What were you told about the bedding?” he asked.
“My cousin told me it was painful, but my duty.” you replied.
“Sit up.” Harwin said, and you scrambled to follow his words, pulling the skirt back down.
“Your cousin must have a horrible husband.” He concluded.
“They- they do not value each other much.” you said carefully.
“Beddings don’t have to be painful.” Harwin began. He’d never been a woman’s first before, but he wasn’t inexperienced by any means.
“Oh.” Was all you said to that. It sounded more like a sigh of relief than a question.
“Did you not say you studied medicine?”
“The bedding was… seen as unseemly for me. It was forbidden.” you replied.
“I’ll be gentle, I won’t hurt you.” Harwin promised. Still, when he tried to come closer to you, you leaned away from him, trying to keep the distance. As if a kiss would kill you.
With a sigh, Harwin grabbed the dagger from his belt and your eyes widened even more.
“What…?” you asked.
“I won’t force you.” He replied simply, rolling his sleeve back.
“No.” you said, grabbing his wrist. It was the first time you touched him. “I- We have to someday. And I’d like to learn. I need to make my father proud.”
“Your father? This is about you.” Harwin tried. You gave him a half-hearted smile, and Harwin felt that he wouldn’t become friends with his father-in-law.
“If you want me to bed you, you should start by kissing me first.” He said, and you nodded.
“Will I be your first?” he asked. You blushed, lowering her gaze, and Harwin carefully tipped her face up.
“Good. Less pressure.” He joked.
“I suppose so.” you replied. “I promise, it wasn’t while we were betrothed.”
“And if it was, I wouldn’t blame you. Whoever he, or she, was they got lucky.”
You smiled at that, blushing due to his compliment rather than shame. With a determined look in your eyes, you put a hand on his face, pressing your lips to his. It wasn’t the chaste kiss they had shared in the sept, and it wasn’t heated with passion, but it was more than the trembling leaf of a woman that had sit next to him at her own banquet.
Harwin deepened the kiss carefully, his hands finding your intricate braids, impossible to tangle into. So he held you by the small of her back instead, kissing you until you broke apart for air.
“That was… dizzying.” you said. Your cheeks were flushed pink, and your pupils had grown dark, and Harwin could feel desire begin to grow for you. Carefully, he seated himself against the cushions, sitting you down in front of him, and beginning to take out the pins in your updo.
While he worked on the tight braidwork, he began to kiss up and down your neck, careful not to go too low too fast. You let out a satisfied sigh, clapping your hand against your mouth afterwards.
“They’re all gone by now. We were too boring, I suppose.” Harwin joked, and you nodded.
“You don’t have to keep quiet.” He encouraged. “It tells me whether I’m doing the right thing.”
“Oh?” you asked.
“Trust me.”
When he was done, your hair fell down your back in soft waves. Harwin briefly wondered if it was because of the braids, or if your hair was always like this.
Then, he moved onto your wedding dress. It was laced in the back, gold and cream embroidery hiding the strings, and you began to tense when he opened them.
“It’ll be more comfortable if you can breathe properly.” Harwin said, slowly pulling the stiff part of the dress over your head. The long skirt followed, until you were left in a thin shift. It looked like it was meant to entice him, barely transparent enough to see your shape, but nothing beyond that.
Harwin took his time laying the dress over a chair in the room, returning with the pitcher of wine. When he offered to refill your glass, you shook your head.
“I’ll be drunk then. I want to remember for the next time.”
“Already planning ahead?” Harwin teased.
“I don’t know. In case this time doesn’t get me pregnant.”
“You do know there’s more to this than getting pregnant, right?” he asked. You raised a brow, as if you did not believe him. “It’s… it’s supposed to be fun as well.”
“Can we start with kissing again?” you asked shyly. Harwin leaned over, kissing you softly. Your hands were unsure, cupping his face, roaming around his hair and awkwardly landing on his arms. Harwin readjusted them, putting one on his jaw and the other on his shoulder the way he liked it.
He really tried to hold back, but when you let another whine slip, he grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. You squealed, surprised, but once you were there, you continued with more enthusiasm than before.
Breaking the kiss, Harwin saw that your lips had become a little swollen. Mindlessly, he tucked a strand of hair back to where it had fallen out of place.
“I’m ready.” you said, lying back against the pillows with a look of determination on your face. Harwin snorted.
“You are not. If I do it now, it’ll hurt. Have you ever even touched yourself?”
Your mouth fell open at that, as if he was accusing you of fucking a horse, and your blush took ahold of your ears as well.
“I’m only asking to make you comfortable.”
“Never… inside.” you managed.
Harwin nodded, making his way down your body until he reached the hem of your shift. Gently, he began to pull it up and automatically, your legs crossed over.
When he tried to pry them open, you pulled away.
“I have had my maidenhead inspected.” you said, voice high-pitched.
“I wasn’t inspecting anything. Just… trust me on this.” Harwin asked.
It took you a moment, but eventually, you opened your legs back up, allowing him access. Harwin knew better than to stare (for now), and began kissing the inside of your thighs, making his way towards your cunt. When he finally tasted it, he felt like he was ready to die – until his lady wife scrambled backwards, trying to gather her bearings.
“This is wrong. It’s sinful.” you whispered.
“Not really. Asked my septon when I was a boy, and also, it feels good.” Harwin replied nonchalantly.
“I’ll take you by your word.” you said seriously.
You lied back down, and Harwin held your thighs, trying to make a squeeze somehow feel reassuring before he started again, slowly lapping up the wetness your cunt had produced. He could feel you writhe beneath him, but better yet, he could hear you moan.
Muffled pants and cries reached him, spurring him on. Very cautiously, he pushed in one finger, continuing to lick your clit to ease the way. It went in easier than he thought, and so, Harwin crooked it to make you feel even better.
He wanted to be your first in this as well, and he didn’t care if that was greedy.
He had to push you down by the stomach when your back arched. Harwin chuckled to himself as he worked the finger inside you, knowing exactly what he was doing.
After a while, he could feel your body begin to shake, and your legs wrapped around his head, pushing him down. He almost felt proud of you, even as he began to run out of air, but Harwin kept going, until you came, licking you like a starving man.
When you went limp under his touch, Harwin dared to come up from under your shift.
“And?” he asked.
“Whatever that was… I think I caught a glimpse of the Seven Heavens.” you sighed.
“You… came.” He replied, half-asking.
“Yeah. It was wonderful.”
“Did you never?”
“No. I didn’t dare.” you said.
“That’s a pity, to go so many years of your life without pleasure.”
“I see that now.” you quipped, and Harwin laughed with you.
You sat in silence for a while, you leaning against his shoulder with your eyes closed. Harwin felt that he was hard for you, but he didn’t want to disturb you. He could bed you some other time.
Sated with the knowledge that he had already done this for you, Harwin took off his wedding suit and changed into the long linen trousers that were laid out for him. He could feel your eyes burn into his back. Just to tease you (and not at all to inflate his ego), he flexed his back- and arm muscles.
He settled back into bed, staring at you until you realized you had been caught.
“Does my lady wife approve?”
“Mhm.” you mumbled, shamelessly staring at his chest. “I want another.”
“Another?” Harwin asked.
“Bed me. Make me feel like that again.” you mumbled through gritted teeth. Hesitantly, you let her hand wander under the blankets and into his trousers. His cock was still hard from before, and your eyes widened as you felt the girth of it.
“How will it fit?” you asked.
“You managed two fingers. I’ll help you work it out, but there’ll still be a small stretch.” Harwin tried.
Your hand was still frozen on his dick, so he carefully guided it to stroke him. All word about you rang true, you were a good learner.
Harwin closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall to concentrate on the sensation for a moment, before he stopped you.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Please.” you replied. There was still a residue of nervousness in your eyes, but Harwin wasn’t going to say no to such an invitation.
Slowly, he pulled your shift over her head, tossing it aside carelessly. For a moment, he could only stare, causing you to cross your arms over your chest.
“You’re beautiful.” Harwin said breathlessly. He wasn’t used to being gentle, but Gods be damned, he’d try for you.
Taking his pants off again, he began to kiss your tits, lavishly sucking more bruises into your perfect skin. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him down towards you, and Harwin tried to suppress a groan.
“Good?” you asked.
“Yeah. Really good.” Harwin replied. Your response was to lightly tug his curls, a smirk on your lips. He kissed you again, this time forgetting everything about gentleness and going slowly, swallowing your sounds up with a kiss, desperately holding your face with his hands, dwarfing it in comparison.
His thumb stroked your cheek, trying to convey the awe he already held for you, and you raked your hands through his hair in response. His resolve was melting by the second.
Carefully, he angled his dick up with your cunt, teasing your clit with the tip for a moment, before he slowly sank into you. One of your hands landed on his hips, and Harwin froze.
“Are you alright?” he asked. You stared up at him, wide-eyed, before you nodded.
“Just need a moment.” you managed. Excruciatingly slowly, Harwin sank in further, waiting for you to adjust, until he was fully inside you.
“Can I…?” Harwin began. You nodded, and he pulled back, before thrusting forward with as much self-control as he possessed. He expected you to cry out in pain, but instead, you met him with an unabashed moan.
“Fuck.” you panted, before catching yourself.
“I don’t believe you’ve sworn before.” Harwin managed. You opened your mouth to say something, but he thrust again and your answer was swallowed by another moan.
He tried to put all of his newfound devotion into his thrusts, to make you happy. To satisfy you, so that you would not grow to despise him, at the very least in this way.
All of his intentions of being slow and loving disappeared when you began to beg.
“Please, I need more.” you whispered. Even through the dim candlelight, Harwin saw you blush, but who was he to deny you?
So he picked up the pace, his thrusts turning almost brutish. He would have worried for you, if your eyes hadn’t been in the back of your skull, and your nails weren’t digging into his back.
“Fuck, you’re so.. didn’t expect this.” Harwin managed. You gave him a laugh, which immediately turned into a wanton moan under his ministrations.
“My pretty little wife, legs open only for me.” He praised. Harwin felt your legs wrap around his hips, desperate to create more friction, more intensity.
“Only for you.” You repeat, and Harwin can see the change in your expression, from tense to relaxed. Your posture is open to him (in more ways than one) and his heart almost sings at the thought that you might not despise him or be terrified of him after all.
Harwin manages to steady his mind into looking at you, and Gods, you look fucking angelic. Hair splayed out like a halo, mouth parted and face contorted in pleasure, trying so, so hard to keep your long-lost composure. Nothing feels more right than trying to break that composure, to make you melt into his arms even more.
To give up any thought of propriety and be his.
His thoughts run wild, his heart pounding in his chest with crazed abandon and he can feel himself coming close to the edge. He searches for the bundle of nerves between your legs, hoping to make you scream and when he finds it, it works so well he’s worried the entire Red Keep will hear you after all.
Desperately, he begins to rut into you, watching all coherent thoughts disappear from your eyes as he brings you over the edge a second time. Only then does he allow himself to cum, grabbing your hips harshly until he, too, is spent.
Suddenly exhausted, he rolls off of you, lying next to you and only grabbing your hand.
He turns to face you after a while, you doing the same. Your eyes meet and a smile appears on your flushed face.
“My body feels like it’s filled with lead.” You whisper.
“My lady wife. I never knew I could get this lucky.” He replies. Harwin got out of the bed, trying to find a washcloth. For once, you did not ask any questions, eyes closed in bliss. You let him wipe off the remainder of his seed, burrowing into his side as he lies down next to you.
“You are mine.” You whisper, hearing him chuckle at your words.
“Indeed. I swore it before the Seven just this morning.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you, Ser Harwin.” You sigh.
“So am I, my love.” He replies.
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ignitedminds27 · 2 years
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I'm still mourning.
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