yanban-san · 2 years
Do you think demon!Emmet and Ingo would use the newly made subway to isolate their darling? Been watching a silent hill 3 playthrough, and I wonder if they’d try to bend reality into putting their darling into an abandoned version of the subway.
They don’t like to scare their darling, but maybe they feel like they’re losing you to somebody else. So they put you in a small closed off reality to make you nervous, wandering around, begging for help so they can be your rescuers. So when they assist you out of “time out” they can gaslight gatekeep girlboss you into thinking you were just in abandoned subway tunnels, having you cling to them so cutely.
(Anon thank you for the brain worm and also I'm baking you cookies)
Them using the Subway for such purposes would be quite nefarious- And absolutely. They may have comical brain cells and they’re very deredere but they’re like. One twig snap away from acting like the unhinged demonic creatures they were meant to be. That was so mean of you, you know- Hanging out with a young man and exchanging numbers with him- You even told your friends you were going to call him later! They needed to put a stop to this immediately. Remind you of who really cared about you, you know?
CW: Polyamory, Demon/Eldritch AU, Manipulation, Yandere, SFW, Reader is AFAB
Under the cut for space saving reasons as always!
You turned right. And then right again.
Tunnel R-5... R-4... And then a connector line.
That went right.
You studied your map. According to the map, the tunnel was supposed to- to turn left. Not right! That's right, it even showed it right here... R-5, then R-4, then... a left leaning connector line up to tunnel D-18.
Maybe the map was wrong?
And of course this had to happen right when you were done with training too- As fast as you'd gotten hired at Gear Station, you were going to get fired now, too! You turned down the connector line and-
Wait. F-25?
You looked at your map.
You looked at the tunnel marker.
There was no tunnel F-25.
Don't worry, you thought- you can just turn around, and there were emergency assist buttons back at the R-category tunnels. F-25 didn't exist. You looked around the tunnel and...
The railway track... looked awfully rusted, didn't it? And the tunnel- the paint markings were worn, faded- And there were no service bells nor cabling extending down here.
All of a sudden, it was deathly silent; The only sound was of wind blowing through the tunnels, howling terribly- Sounding more like a cacophony of eerie wails rather than air.
Your heart was thudding in your chest. Where had you ended up? You ran back down to the connector line and-
R-5. But- Did R-5 always bend off to the left?
Your head hurt.
You went walking down the tunnel- and found an emergency call signal. You pulled it forcefully.
Nothing. The signal light didn't come on, nor did the alarm start blaring-
Though you did hear something clunk violently in the distance.
You tried to dial your X-Transceiver.
Panic set in. Perhaps you could find a surface access tunnel- Just- Anything-
And strangely enough- It felt- somehow, like you were being watched in the darkness of the tunnel. But there was nothing there, whenever you looked.
"H-Hello?" You called out- Half hoping someone would answer, the other half terrified of what might answer. Your lantern shined down onto the rusted tracks of the tunnel-
Wait. Rusted? That couldn’t be right-
But it was. The tracks looked ancient. Worn away by corrosion-
This was not Gear Station; It couldn't be. The whole place looked like it hadn't been touched in decades- And where were the access stairs? There were plenty of points around the subway that just opened up to the City above- To Nimbasa-
"Hello!! Hello, I’m lost-!" You shouted into the darkness- “Is anyone there? Hello? Please Help!”
The wind was the only reply you got.
You kept walking.
And walking.
At least you had your lamp, you reassured yourself- And flashed it at the wall to read the tunnel identification marker.
Well that certainly wasn't a tunnel marker you recognized. The letters weren't in English, and you couldn't place them from anywhere- And they almost hurt to look at, in a way. Graffiti, probably. You turned your lamp away, scanning the wall again-
R-6, it read. In the place of the strange letters.
You blinked, and studied the mark under the lamp light for a minute- Before it suddenly gave out, and you were in the dark.
The wind seemed even louder now- as did your heartbeat and the rapidly increasing sound of your breath as an adrenaline rush kicked in. You hadn't noticed it, but there weren't any lights down here in the tunnels either.
A power outage. A full scale power outage.
"I-Is anybody there? Please- Help!" You cried out into the darkness.
There were strange sounds now, too. Not the normal, already eerie sounds of echoing train carts or machinery that could be heard through the tunnels- but stranger sounds. A deep, thudding, pulsing beat- metal scraping over metal- And you swore you heard whispering growls- Strange thumpings that sounded like something scuttling about behind you-
And your own heartbeat. Thudding harshly in your ears, and feeling like it was echoing around the imposing, towering walls of the subway tunnels- Unable to bear it, you took off running. Panic took over your senses, and tears tinged your eyes- No matter what direction you took, everything looked the same. You'd passed R-5 several times now- And the other tunnels all looked the same- Smelling of mold and grime and musty dirt. Finally, you collapsed; And cried. This was so idiotic, you thought. And frightening. You weren't so stupid- as to get lost on your first, actual day working! And everything had been going so well for you too... You'd even been planning to go on a date with a rather cute young man you'd met at the amusement park- Milton was his name.
Would you ever get out of here? You looked up into the darkness. Your eyes had long since adjusted, but it was still almost impossible to see anything of importance. Strangely, there was a light, though where exactly it was coming from you couldn't tell. You let yourself cry a little bit- You were so afraid, so terrified- and your feet hurt now.
“Please, anyone…” You cried- “Somebody, please- I’m lost-”
Your sobs quieted after a short while- and you heard the sound of footsteps.
A light appeared down one of the tunnels- and the familiar sounds of the Subway Station returned, as echoey and loud as ever.
"Is that-" You heard a familiar, deep voice call out-
"I believe so-" The other voice answered-
You probably looked a right mess- And shakily got up, and suddenly the maintenance lights came on with a dull thud that echoed through the tunnels- And the familiar, comforting hum of the fluorescent lights had never seemed so pleasant before.
You couldn't help yourself; You ran up to your two bosses and clung to their coats, sobbing lightly. Surprisingly, they didn't shake you off- And you felt one of their hands reach over your head and pet it affectionately.
"There, there- That must've been so frightening. How long have you been down here, dear?" Ingo took you over to the maintenance walkway, sitting you down against his leg and holding you. "I-I don't know," you gasped out. Emmet sat beside you, rubbing your other hand.
"It's a good thing we realized that the power got cut off over here, isn't it?" He said, looking into his brother's eyes for confirmation. Ingo nodded. "Yes, we didn't realize you'd been sent down here for a rail inspection... There's faulty wiring back at the main power station for this section of the rail and- We're so sorry you got lost down here. And on your first day, too..."
Emmet turned your face towards his, reaching in a smidgen too close; His silver eyes inspecting every inch of your face- Not that you noticed. "Are you sure you're alright?" He put a hand to your forehead, and another to your clavicle.
"She's feverish, brother... And her heart is verrrrry fast- Oh, I do not think you're okay at all!" Ingo's eyes flashed with worry at this revelation, and his arms moved around you to support you. You did feel kind of light headed, after your sudden run through the train tracks- and your feet hurt too.
You tried to recollect what exactly had happened in the tunnel; Your mind was hazy though. You had just- essentially been running in circles in the dark, from what you could tell. You felt like there'd been something strange about the whole experience, but you couldn't recall it. Like a bad nightmare. You refused to let them carry you, and so Emmet and Ingo supported you gingerly, taking both your arms in their own as they supported your back with their other hands, after you insisted on walking- Back into the light, and back to the main lobby of Gear Station. It was comforting, and without even really meaning to, you snuggled your hands into Ingo and Emmet's arms, pulling them against you.
"T-Thank you for helping me, Station Masters." You sheepishly answered. Your feet really did hurt- Maybe it would've been better to let one or the other carry you... No, what on Earth were you thinking? You felt Emmet squeeze your hand tightly. "Of course, it's our job to make sure everrryone is safe here! And you're verrry-" He stopped himself mid line, thinking- "You're... a new hire, so it's verrry important we watch out for you!" Ingo's hand pushed into your back. "Indeed, think nothing of this. It's our fault for not making sure you had a fully charged lamp light... and also for that power outage. That shouldn't have even been able to happen..." Ingo tapped your shoulder, drawing your attention to him. "Are you absolutely sure you're alright?"
"O-Of course, I'm fine! I'm just a little... shaken up, I guess." You let out a nervous laugh, and Emmet cocked his head at you. "Then how may we unshake you?" You snickered at your boss's joke, though Emmet was confused- Not that he'd show it based on your reaction. You were smiling at him, and that's all that mattered. "There's nothing to be done but for me to get some rest, I guess. Thank you, guys."
"Of course." Emmet beamed.
More- you were so cute, the way you smiled when you said "Thank you-" He wanted more-
"I'm verrry glad I decided to check again during the shift change. It would have been verrrry bad if we hadn't found you. Until later." You gulped, recalling the strange semi-lucid nightmare that had consumed you- "Y-yea, I guess... That would've been bad." Emmet interjected, his hand squeezing your own again- "Verrry bad. I'm verry happy we found you before then."
You smiled weakly back. Your headache may've been gone, but now that the adrenaline rush was wearing off, you felt weak and tired. "I am too. Thank you, Emmet- and Thanks, Ingo. I don't know what I would've done if you two hadn't shown up."
Yay! Emmet's heels clicked the floor aggressively as he walked with a more hurried pace- And Ingo took a second to adjust his hat, pulling it down. "I- You're welcome, I just hope you recover safely, dear." That was cute, you noted- The way he called you dear.
Neither of them would show it, but having you alone with them like this- So close, so perfectly, wonderfully close- And even that little praise drove them mad. You weren't aware of the many shadows moving against the falling light that stretched behind you, gently holding onto your clothing.
They returned you to the main lobby; It was already past your scheduled work hours, and so now you just needed to head home, after being checked over by an Audino and several of the Station nurses. You were fine; a little tired, a little stressed, nothing a good hot meal, bath, and rest wouldn't fix. Ingo and Emmet insisted on walking you back to your apartment- "It would put our minds at ease, please?" Ingo had asked you so gently- Oh, how could you refuse them when they'd been so nice already? And they lead you back, stopping to pick up some useful things for you and takeout-
Their treat, they insisted. Probably feeling bad that your first "unsupervised" day had gone so miserably.
You went up to your apartment, bidding farewell to your bosses- “And if you ever need anything else,” Ingo added as he leaned over you- “Please do not hesitate to ask us. You’re- er, one of our employees,” He finished, evidently finding what he said awkward himself, as he pulled his hat down. You giggled, and thanked them again, finally sitting down to enjoy your dinner- Your arms still strangely tingling from where Emmet and Ingo had held you- It was a curious feeling. And your heart was beating faster for a different reason now.
“That was very nice of them,” You muttered to yourself- Alone in your apartment. It felt wrong to call Milton to arrange your date now, strangely- Of course, your bosses- Neither of them, being famous trainers and Station Masters…would want to date you, right?
You blushed as you thought back to how nicely they treated you just now- Surely that was more than they’d do for the average employee?
And Emmet smiled as both of them turned away from your apartment, returning to Gear Station.
You just needed a little bit of correcting, that was all. Ingo refused to just erase that foolish little Milton- and Emmet had to agree. If you ever found out- And they would be terrible about keeping secrets from you one day, If you ever found out- You’d be upset. And so Emmet devised another plan. You’d turn to them like the damsels in those hero movies did when they were saved from a scary situation. Thanking and praising them and turning those feelings into ones of admiration and love-
It was easy, of course. Twisting a dimension in on itself- There was a small problem when that… glitch in the distortion appeared. They hadn’t meant to frighten you so terribly. But still, it worked. Making you run around the subway for a few hours reminded you of the important things in life, and got those thoughts of that silly little human out of your head.
You clung so sweetly to them after they appeared to find you, pulling their arms into you- Emmet nearly burst with joy at your touch, so intimate- so close- And Ingo did the same. His shadows flinching intensely at your touch. And they adored your praise again- Emmet didn’t like having to weedle it out of you, but hearing you thank them- praise them for being so sweet, was the greatest thing he’d ever experienced - And one day, one day- you’d thank them with their true names. You’d look Emmet in his crown of eyes, stroking his wings- telling him how much you adored him- Calling out the names that held such power over them, and they’d give you a crown of light and shadow and call you their bride. Their soulbound beloved. Soon.
And he was so focused on his daydream, Emmet walked straight into a telephone poll with a resounding clang.
“What are you doing?!” Ingo hissed at him as he collapsed on the ground in pain. They were almost back to Gear Station.
“Daydreaming, Nobori.” Emmet hissed, his voice splitting into several as he tried to restore his human face- pain made parts of him snap into his “true” appearance by accident still. Something he needed to work on.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose. Infinite cosmic power, and somehow being a human still could make him feel pain. Ingo sighed at his brother, helping him up. Yes, a daydream indeed if it was capable of distracting him so to the point of losing his focus on physical reality.
Yes, just a daydream. For now.
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yanban-san · 2 years
Ooo I love the development with the feathers! Since Ingo doesn't naturally seem to have feathers, maybe he has scales instead? He finds a very nice one he considers planting for Darling to find, but can't decide if he wants to turn it into a feather or not. On one hand, maybe darling would like a feather better, but on the other... he wants you to like him, not an imitation of his brother. He wants you to love the real him, but he wants you to be happy too... would you be happier if he was more like Emmet? that thought hurts.
So maybe he's in his office, spinning it over and over between his fingers, one moment a scale one moment a feather as he debates. Then Darling visits
Darling: I brought that paperwork you requested. What's that?
Ingo, holding it up: its a ... scale! I found it recently.
He holds it out for you to examine. Instead of taking it like he assumes, you brush your fingers over the surface of it. He swears he feels that same brush on his skin, and has to stop himself from moving his hand to hold yours.
Darling: Its beautiful
Ingo: Really?!
Darling: Yes, so smooth and dark, and cool to the touch - like a piece of the night sky!
If only you knew. He'd tear the sky apart for you.
Ingo: You can have it, if you'd like.
Darling: Oh, I couldn't possibly-
Ingo: I insist!
The depot agents nearly faint when they see you exit the offices with Ingo's scale tucked neatly into your lapel pocket, right next to your heart.
Anon I-
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Anon I absolutely adore this- I adore YOU for writing this (platonically)-
It's so perfect. This is absolutely how Ingo would act. You nailed it. This scenario has been living rent free in my head and I'm going feral-
I love love love love the idea of him having scales as opposed to feathers- (Though I did picture him also havin some fluff- like he's much more reptillian than Emmet is, but also… IDK kind of wolf-zoroark/dragon/lizard vibes going on? IDK)
Rest under cut for being incredibly long
Tags: Poly, Demon/Monster AU, Slightly sad but more happy/cute than anything
His scales are pitch black but if really bright light (Like Emmet's light, or really intense sunlight) hits them they can turn weirdly iridescent- You can't quite focus on the colors drifting in and out of the scale against it's incredible, impossibly dark blackness that only seems to deepen the longer you look at it and it's so alluring to look at- But Ingo doesn't see that and he's just anxious over giving you the scale-
Just imagining him heading down one of the annex tunnels of the subway system on his break to take on his true appearance- he's inspecting his scales, looking for the perfect one- going over each one so intently, scrutinizing them for any flaws- and finally he thinks he's found it, and he plucks it out, and heads back to his office… and he’s studying it intently.
It's a dark, black little thing- And all of a sudden, Ingo is hesitating- frowning- As he thinks back to Emmet's feather.
When Emmet came in earlier, chest all puffed out, looking so proud as he gloated about how much you adored the feather you'd found and put in your cap- the cute way it curled around the medal on your cap, the softness of it- the silkiness of it- Oh, the "pokemon" it came from must be beautiful, you remarked- Oh, how you'd love to meet it-
Ingo turns the scale ‘round in his hand; and it’s suddenly a feather.
He felt strange.
He recalled hearing praise of the feather from you too, when you came into the office after you got it-
"Isn't it pretty?" You remarked, stroking it- "It's so silky too, here, would you like to touch it sir? It's really soft!"
"N-No thank you," Ingo remarked, hiding his face from you- He was, quite frankly, jealous- Of just how much you loved the little feather that was now permanently seated on your hat. The whitest, brightest, fluffiest feather you'd ever felt, you said.
Ingo turned the ashen feather over in his hand. It wasn't bright, nor white- However, it was, at the very least, soft and silky- Like Emmet's feathers.
Like Emmet.
And not like him.
He tossed it back into the air, and it fell down hard in his hand- returning to it’s appearance as a scale.
A dull, ugly scale.
He knew you liked fluffy things. He knew so much about everything you loved- From your favorite foods, to the weather you enjoyed, when you liked to wake up, go to bed, where you liked to go when you had free time, the books you read, the games you played, the hobbies you enjoyed-
He turned the scale over in his hand, and it became a feather again.
And frowned even heavier. You liked fluffy things. And, well, he supposed, in his true appearance, he was a little fluffy, but- he had no feathers, and his fluff wasn’t exactly pretty. It was jet black, as his scales were; You would’ve thought it a piece of fur from a Mightyena or something, if he gave you any.
And he certainly didn't consider his scales to be pretty- They weren’t anything at all like Emmet's beautiful feathers. Maybe- Maybe if he turned himself into something like Emmet, you'd want to stroke his wings and silken feathers-
Like Emmet's.
And not like himself.
Ingo was a thing of claws and shadow and horns and fangs- Maybe at one time he and Kudari would've looked as twins did in the human world- Both of them- as you described it, beautiful, silky, fluffy- Practically made to shower you in the coziest adoration you could possibly ever know- But not anymore. Ingo didn't feel right, taking on such a body- It felt even more puppetish than his human form he'd grown so used to.
Or maybe it was the fact he felt like he was turning into an imitation of his dear, younger brother. Would you like that, he wondered? It was so much easier for humans to get along with Emmet than it was with himself- Would you like it if he was more like his brother?
He turned it back into a scale. And then back into a feather- dull, soft, and black as coal tar, and stroked it gently.
It didn’t feel like him at all. He turned it back into a scale.
He thought of your reaction when you’d find it. "Neat," you'd say- Not really caring about it; He thought of you picking it up off the floor, where he'd place it for you to find-
And- no, you wouldn't be so cruel as to throw it out, would you, thinking it trash?
Ingo's breathing went uneasy at the thought, and his grip tightened on the scale. No, no, you wouldn't, he reassured himself- You were his soulmate- his beloved-
And also Emmet's beloved.
And you looked so cute, so happy- gushing about how pretty the feather was. Tucked into your cap.
He turned the scale over in his hand. It was now a feather again. It looked like a piece of coal smoke, suspended in his hand.
He turned it back into a scale. And sighed heavily.
At the very least, he thought, trying to put an end to the useless debate going on in his head, he could give you a matching feather to go with the bright white one on your cap.
Yes, that was all it was- You’d like the symmetry, it had nothing to do with his scales- And yet-
He turned it back into a scale again.
Knock knock-
“Hello, Ingo- sir?” Your voice. And then you peeked around the corner of the door, adjusting the cap on your head- That stupid, beautiful white feather on your hat-
Ingo snapped out of his daydream. You were here. In front of him. And his scale was clutched tightly in his hand. “Ah, Miss-” He began, drawing himself back into reality. “How may I be of service?” He asked. You took note of the way that he looked- his frown seemed more intensive than normal, and his eyes betrayed his tiredness.
“Oh, I just completed those work orders you asked me to handle sir- you said you wanted to see them once they were done?”
“Of-Of course, here- you can put them here,” He finished, gesturing to a growing stack of documents on his desk. “Your work is always so very meticulous… I’m sure Emmet will be happy with these as well,” He looked over the first one, studying it carefully.
You smiled politely at your boss- Maybe it was because you were one of the more recent hires, but he always went out of his way to compliment and encourage your desk work- though also swift to point out errors and make corrections when needed- Especially to many of your coworkers.
“Yes, this is excellent. Thank you,” he added, looking up at you from under the brim of his hat. “No problem, sir! I’m glad it’s up to standard.” You tilted your own cap- looking at the thing Ingo was clutching at in his other hand. “What is that, sir?" You asked, tilting your head in curiosity. Ingo saw where your eyes had settled- On his hand, clutching the scale. “Oh, this? It’s- It’s a- scale, I found it outside a while ago.”
He held it up to you, presenting it on his outstretched palm. His eyes looked to yours- studying your reaction intently.
Cautiously, you lifted up your own hand- and traced it over the smooth surface of the scale- And Ingo half gasped at the sensation- He could feel a phantom trace of your touch, right where his scale had been on him- and the feeling of you gliding your fingers over it a few more times. Your hand was so close to his- And Ingo almost close his palm- It would be so easy- to feel your hand against his own, rather than these little ghostly traces along his back-
“It’s really pretty,” You remarked.
His attention snapped to your words. And his heart skipped a beat.
“What was that?” He asked- wanting to hear you say it again.
You studied the scale even more intently. Somehow, it felt strangely… soothing. It’s blackness was difficult to describe- It wasn’t glossy, but it wasn’t a dull black either. It reminded you of obsidian; and there seemed to be layers to it- you stared into it’s darkness and saw little cracks of light and murky shadows in it.
“It’s really beautiful! It’s so smooth… And it’s so dark. It looks like a piece of the night sky! -Like I’m touching a solid piece of the night sky.”
Would you like a piece of the night sky, Ingo wondered? Oh, if only you knew- He would move Heaven and Earth if it would make you smile- If it would make you his.
You stroke it a few more times, completely enraptured. “I wonder what pokemon it came from…? It looks like some sort of dragon scale… I bet the pokemon must be stunning, if this scale is anything to go by!”
Ingo’s poor heart was thudding in his chest, and his other hand was clenching his desk tightly. His silver eyes were staring up at your face, so stricken with admiration for the little piece of himself- and his smile had curled into not a cat grin, but a genuinely happy expression. You loved it. You really, truly, thought it was something pretty. Before he can stop himself, the words tumble out of his mouth. “Would you like it?” The smile is gone from his face- He’s nervous again.
Your eyes met Ingo’s. His expression was unreadable, and you felt that- there’s a strange… tension to the words he’s saying. You’ve not seen him like this before. Or are you just reading too much into it?
“Oh, it’s pretty for sure, but I couldn’t possibly-”
“I- I insist!” Ingo pressed, holding out the scale for you. You’re just being polite- You’re always so polite. That was all. You really wanted the scale, right? You were just too polite. If you had wanted a hundred thousand of these scales he’d gladly give them to you-
“Well, if you’re sure, then- Thank you, sir!” You smiled warmly at the little gift, and Ingo watched as you took it- and rather than placing it in your pocket, or your depot bag, you gently opened the lapel pocket on your breast, right over your heart- And tucked it in gently.
“It’ll be nice and secure there.” You finished, patting your pocket-
Though Ingo didn’t hear. He could feel a faint sensation of your heartbeat- and the warmth of your body, pressing against his scale- of which the corners stuck out of the pocket, ever so slightly. “Well then, sir- I’ll see you later! And thank you again,” You added as you backed off towards the door, giving Ingo the classic depot agent salute-
“You- You’re welcome!" He shouted, far louder than intended- As he watched you leave-
And immediately collapsed, sinking into a pool of darkness brewing at what used to be his feet. He’d allow himself a minute to relax. You liked his scale. You liked it so much you put it aside your heart-
You truly were his soulmate. His darling beloved.
“Hello Jackie- Sorry, dropping off those reports took a minute longer than I intended," Your coworker smiled at you graciously- Though he was a little annoyed he’d had to start working without you.
“It’s no problem, Miss.” He answered you. “Ready to catch some Joltiks?" You nodded. You didn't know why Joltiks loved to infest the subway in particular, but they did. Jackie knew, though!
For some reason, Joltiks adored the magic batteries that Station Master Emmet had made to power all the station- But then again, Emmet hadn’t considered electrical pokemon liking the batteries when he made them- perhaps they gave off an electrical current of some kind?
But no matter. Jackie and you were assigned to Joltik rounding up duty in one of the breaker rooms they infested- And replace any wires or deal with any electrical hazards that resulted from their wanton feasting.
"These ones are quite docile," He continued, "Though I think that’s because they’ve just about stuffed themselves sil-”
And he cut off his own words as he noticed the object in your pocket. “O-Oh my, what’s that you have there?” He asked cautiously-He knew exactly what you had there.
“Oh, Station Master Ingo found it! He insisted I take it, so I did… It’s a really pretty scale of some kind.”
Oh, Jackie knew exactly where Station Master Ingo had found it- And he knew exactly what kind of scale it was too, judging by the sheer strength of the magical aura coming from it-
No wonder the Joltiks were docile; You smelled like the nice (although scary) monsters that liked to feed them and take care of them! At least, Jackie thanked, this job would be dealt with swiftly.
And Emmet returned to his brother’s and his office only to find the entire place writhing with shadows; His brother sighing contentedly in the darkness of the room.
“Oh, did something good happen, brother?” He asked- It was a verrrry rare thing to see Ingo so…active.
And then- Oh dear. Emmet realized. His brother was- Smiling. Like him.
“Something good did indeed happen, brother! Let me tell you all about it, why don’t I?”
And now he could return Emmet's annoying gloating tenfold-Boasting about his token to you, how you placed it so lovingly against your heart-
And Emmet wasn’t going to hear the end of it for the rest of the day. At least.
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yanban-san · 2 years
i like to think it'd be a certain kind of funny if after everything, all the strings they've pulled nshit, the ONE thing that darling isn't okay with is dating their bosses. like darling's very very much into them too, had a bit of a "they're really popular though, idk maybe im reading too much into things?" talk with elesa that... well, it happened. i'll leave how that went up to you but EVENTUALLY at one of Gal Pal Hangout Time(tm) (gender neutral) darlings like "ok. im gonna do it." and elesa's all like "oh???" and audibly sweating because this usually doesn't end well-and lo and behold you pull a "im gonna quit." on her and her eyes almost bug out of her head. two pairs of eyes certainly bug out of the wall behind you, and before anyone else can say or do anything you follow up with a "i mentioned i don't feel comfortable dating my bosses earlier, right? so im gonna quit and then go for it; confess to ingo and emmet, i mean." and oh, bless you, you're all shaky and a little jittery about it but you look so damn proud of yourself and with the solution you thought up. this' been a damn long while coming because as much as she loves you goddamn are you dense (affectionate) - feather anon
Oh this is adorable-
Put it under the cut because- is long :)
Darling's been a nervous wreck ever since they started catching feelings for their bosses- Between the twins saving them, giving them little gifts, constantly praising them and treating them so sweetly-
Darling's tried to write it off- or perhaps has always been a bit of an air head when it came to these things- as just the two being nice. They are, after all, the legendary Station Masters! They're powerful trainers, both having a myriad of strong pokemon- They run the entirety of Gear Station and the Unovan Transit System like a well oiled machine! Darling's seen them with their coworkers, they've seen their kind encouragements to young trainers who they do battle with. Surely their behavior towards Darling is nothing special; it's just their way of gently encouraging them to do their best as a depot agent! Although, Darling does have to admit, they are rather attractive; Which explains why they have so many devoted fans. And of course people would consider them attractive- Even Gym Leader Elesa befriended the two!
And somehow, though Darling really isn't sure how, they ended up being friends with Elesa as well. They're really not sure what the beautiful model saw in them to approach them one day on their shift, but she did, and seemed oddly nervous talking to them- but they took it in stride and somehow ended up with her asking if they'd like to get coffee later- As friends, of course.
And so Darling and her set up regular hangout times, having coffee- or having a pokemon battle or two- Elesa showing off some of her more exotic electric types she owned, or offering Darling tips and training advice.
However, the conversations Darling has with her... quickly shifted to romantic discussions. At first, Darling thought Elesa may've been trying to ask them out- but she wasn't. She just seemed to genuinely like talking about dates she'd been on, or her friend's love lives- and she often asked Darling about their thoughts- was there anyone they were interested in? Anyone they were in love with?
Darling was shy at first- mentioning off-handedly a boy here or there, and swore- almost swore they saw Elesa look a little crestfallen when they mentioned anybody by name...
And the conversation would drift to your work- did you like your coworkers? Anyone particularly cute?
Or what about your bosses? You know, the handsome, beautiful twins who run the entire transit system- It would be difficult not to like them, right?
Darling sighs at the memories. So much had happened since then- and things had changed, for better or for worse. They’d considered their options, and they had arrived at what they considered the best course of action.
Things just couldn’t continue the way they were anymore. It was impossible.
Darling is sitting across from Elesa again, holding their head in their hands; And Elesa’s wondering what’s wrong.
“That’s it,” You announce, voice shaking. “I can’t- I can’t take this- this anymore-”
Elesa looks up from her coffee- She’s actually a little worried, you’ve been looking absolutely miserable these past few days, and you normally seem pretty cheerful- And now your eyes are practically sparkling with tears. Your emotions seemed to be effecting Emmet and Ingo, as well; They had been trying to lift your spirits so desperately, but no matter what, you just seemed.. melancholy at best, and ready to cry at worst.
And now the weather was reflecting just how upset they were as well; It had been raining on and off all week, and no sunshine- Elesa was called into the office of the twins rather urgently, and it was the first time she’d seen one of them looking... inhuman around her. Ingo was nowhere to be seen until suddenly the shadows of the office stretched, condensing into a strange black pool on the floor that writhed and shaped itself gradually into a being she knew was Ingo. Emmet simply did not appear.
The Ingo before her was remarkably... strange looking. His face was blocked by shadows, and he stood much taller than a human could- and his eyes, while still silver, were marked with darkened, slitted pupils rather than his regular eyes. He stood at attention, the shape of four arms wrapped around his back, like how he carried himself as a conductor. The edges of what should’ve been his coat were writhing and stretching into the pool of darkness on the floor, and Elesa should’ve been afraid-
But she wasn’t. It must’ve been some sort of subconscious reaction, she thought, but she felt more pity than anything else for this being in front of her, for some reason.
“Ah, Miss Elesa,” Ingo’s voice was deeper- And she felt her ears rumble at hearing it-
“Our darling is upset. They’re very upset.”
“W-What about?” Elesa asked.
The shadows quivered.
“We don’t know. You told us not to read their mind. To listen to their thoughts- That it was rude. But they are so horribly upset, they avoid us- They’ve been sobbing to themselves in private. They refuse to report to us. They have called out sick when they are not sick.”
Elesa felt a bead of sweat run down her face- Was Ingo going to blame her for this-
“You told us not to read their thoughts, Miss Elesa. I believe you did not intend for anything bad to happen.”
“I- I did not,”
“-They will not speak to us. But perhaps they will speak to you. Find out what makes them suffer. It makes us suffer so. Please.”
“-I really can’t. I just can’t go on like this,” You finished, sobbing again as Elesa snapped back to reality.
She needed to focus. She had a mission to complete- And she better complete it soon.
“Wh-What do you mean? Is everything alright?” She asks.
“I’m-” You hiccuped as you silenced your tears. You promised yourself; No crying. “I’m going to quit.”
The atmosphere in the cafe changed dramatically- You didn’t seem to notice.
Elesa noticed. The silence that fell over the cafe was markedly abrupt.
“I’m going to quit my job at Gear Station,” You proclaimed. Your eyes were wet with tears, but you were firm.
Elesa noticed the outside- Dark clouds had gathered over the city- Oh Sinnoh Above-
They were extremely dark clouds, she noted.
Those two were absolutely listening in, and judging by the darkness swirling around the cafeteria, and the fact that it was starting to look like the Fucking Darkest Day of Galar outside your window seat-
Elesa needed to act fast.
“Wait, Wait! Why on Earth would you want to quit? I thought you loved working at Gear Station!” She exclaimed, desperately trying to stop whatever was about to happen-
You looked at your friend- Surely, she of all people, would understand how you felt?
“I- I really do, Elesa...”
“-I love Emmet and Ingo more.” You finished, turning your face downward.
Elesa stopped. Oh, for the love of-
“Then why would you quit your job at-”
"B-Because they’re my bosses, remember? I would never date them like that- But, if I quit... I can ask them out!”
Elesa put her hands to her temples. Oh my fucking god oh my fucking god oh my fucking god- That’s what you’d been crying about, you were fucking working up the courage to- Oh Arceus above-
But no. This was Great! Right??? Elesa picked up her napkin, rubbing it along her brow.
“So, yeah... I’m going to quit. And... hopefully ask them out. Or well, I might- I might ask out... one of them at first... I’m not sure...? I don’t know-”
“DO IT. ASK THEM BOTH OUT.” Elesa practically shouted. It shocked you upright- “B-But what if they-”
“They won’t. I guarantee it. I will say- You’re exactly their type.”
You stared at Elesa in shock- Surely, not- Wait- Had they mentioned that to her?
“Re-really? You think so? I thought they’d like someone more like you-”
“Pfft- Absolutely not-” Elesa guffawed, letting out a genuine laugh. “They’re both idiots.” She noticed the shadow on the wall twitch at this remark. “But lovable ones, I’m sure- I’m sure they’ll accept your feelings, friend.”
You smiled- Elesa was always good at helping you through these things- encouraging you. “Thank you, Elesa.”
“No problem, dear!”
And for the first time in a while, you noticed the sun coming out- It’d been rainy these past few days, hadn’t it? Maybe it was a sign.
Or maybe you had no idea what you were about to get yourself into.
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yanban-san · 2 years
Nsfw question though: like, big ups for Elesa doing the hard work of trying to get them to approach you from the human angle… but like with the idea that they’d be willing to take away their darling’s usual outlet for “frustration” how far would they push it? Like how many times a day do they almost fracture the subway into non-existence because they can *smell* you?
Like do they try and invade your dreams to tease you with getting off before making you wake up unsatisfied? Poor Ingo trying to hold himself literally together and Emmet is just walking in and out of the bathroom in their office in 30 minute intervals. Do they take pride in getting you so worked up you can barely focus when they brush up against you at work? Like you’re so out of it you’re genuinely considering asking your bosses of all people to help you.
What if their darling doesn’t seek them out? What if they go to someone else?
Like what I’m wondering is- cause for all their wants to woo you ‘properly’ according to Elesa… they’re still y’know… incomprehensible horrors playing house. Like how long are they willing to let this play out?
Okay a lil worldbuilding/lore on that horrors playing house thing:
The thing that is making them so eager to play house... is the fact that they want Darling to return their affections of their own accord, rather than brainwash or just kidnap them, soulbind them, and have it be done with. That would work, but...
Somewhere along the lines of waiting for their soulmate to summon them- Or even right up until their soulmate summoned them, they developed severe Romantic Brainrot and decided they adored the idea of their beloved returning their affections freely; and as intensely as they do. However, they're always verrry close to snapping- and they are a little sadistic- After all, they locked darling in an abandoned subway station because she was going to go on a date!
Explanation for this is while their kind can recognize soulmates to each other instantly, humans don’t have that ability- You’re their soulmate, but there’s a chance you won’t recognize that, or even be able to experience the intensely strong soulmate emotions; And a much sadder thought is that while you might be their soulmate, they might not be yours. That’s the thought that kills them- Human soulmates are a highly unusual case for their kind, and the reports that do exist of them are... not good. It’s almost like a defect, or an illness for their kind to have a human soulmate. There’s like maybe one or two rumors of human soulmates that end up ending “happily“, and it’s “happily” from the demon’s perspective. Most of the other stories, the demons have had to re-write their memories, or jut take their soulmate’s souls- Or their soulmate rejects them, tries to break the bonds themselves, and ends up killing them and/or dying themselves.
They do not want that! They want you to love them of your own accord! But, they understand they might have to resort to... other methods in order to get you to love them. They’re not afraid to strike a little terror in your heart, if it means you’ll cling to them all the harder before they can bind you properly- And once they do that, your life will be tied to their own.
Cue Elesa making a powerpoint on why it’s bad to give your lover Stockholm Syndrome
Also the idea of them distorting the very fabric of reality from being horny for you is making me cackle- You try to go over some boring paper pushing nonsense with your bosses and gosh, it feels like this should’ve been only a minute or two, but it’s taking what feels like an hour- But every time you look at the clock, it’s still 2:34 PM in the afternoon no matter how long you seem to wait-
Now onto the horny! (Reader is AFAB, Lot of NFSW, Polyamory NSFW- ) Summary: Small drabble and also they invade your dreams for horny times. :) I hav not proofread this either <3
Once they take away Darling’s porn-watching privileges, they would notice that darling seems a lil... frustrated. (It depends on how high Darling’s libido is, though I typically write as though Darling’s got an “average”/”high” libido)
Darling just can’t get off without their usual, *ahem*, materials, and goes into work bothered a little bit- And if Darling’s at all turned on by Ingo and Emmet, and the two can smell it on you?
Emmet’s enraptured. He’s following you, curious as to why you smell so nice- Is it a new perfume? But it’s not coming from where you’d normally spray one, if you wear them- And it smells so so so so nice- And he can feel a little bit of how you’re feeling too- His feathers picking up on your emotions, and you seem to be...strangely uncomfortable. You’ll be boarding one of the trains, perhaps as a conductor’s assistant, and Emmet will insist on helping you up- Or maybe he’ll tell you you’re being his assistant on the Battle Subway today, you’re exasperated- You were hoping for just a quiet day at work, go home, try to fix your internet, and get off the normal way- and now you’re going to be locked in a train for a few hours with one of your (very attractive) bosses. Emmet, for now, just likes having you near him when you smell so nice! But it seems like every other stop, he’s taking a bathroom break- He’s also gently supporting you every time he notices you lurch with the train’s movements, and you’re surprised at how strong his arms are- With barely any pressure, he can support you. It makes you start... thinking things.
Ingo’s holding a pencil when you come over and he asks you to “go over” some documents he had you finish- And snaps the pencil in two when he smells you- He purses his lips together tightly, trying to ignore the fact that- Why are you turned on right now??? Are documents sexy??- And he asks you if you’re feeling alright, or if you’d like to take an early lunch break because you seem kind of warm and feverish- And hearing his deep, rumbling voice turns you on even more- especially when he says he’s just concerned for you- And you’re silently cursing yourself because this is one of your bosses!! He’s an inter-regionally renowned trainer! He’d fire you on the spot if he knew how you were feeling-
Meanwhile Ingo is turning red because he realized you- you’re getting more turned on when he speaks-
And his face curls into a cat grin, and he’s making his voice as sultry as possible, murmuring about the reports you’ve finished- The documents aren’t sexy but damn if he isn’t going to make them so-
And then- oh, look! It’s lunch break. He’ll escort you to the break room, he insists. Offering you his arm. His very strong, attractive arm. He’s reveling in how flustered you’re getting as you take it, maybe a lil not in your right mind...
And if you’re really horny, or you actually try to relieve yourself in Gear Station somehow? Both of them are practically frothing at the mouth- No work is getting done. Emmet wants to just burst in like the kool-aid man and ask if you’d like some help- Ingo will stop his brother but he’s also strongly considering something similar, but hopefully more romantic-
The two can’t handle the idea of you attending to yourself for very long; they’re going to want to approach you; to make you want them, to have you come to them- Emmet loves imagining you begging him to fuck you, Maybe even on the Subway... He falls in love with the idea of teasing you on the train until you can’t hold it anymore, falling onto his lap, taking out his cock as he kisses you deeply-
Ingo would be worried about you getting hurt on the train- He’d call you into his office, and motion for you to come close to him, with some dumb desk work in hand- Before he’d start talking to you in that tone you seemed to love so much, and he’d point out how flustered you seem, how you needed to a seat, and he’d gently caress you, soothing you, telling you how it’s part of his job to make sure you’re well taken care of, and watching you grow more and more flustered under his ministrations.
Now if Darling tries to seek out someone else to help with the horny? Like someone they know or head to a nightclub in search of a one-night stand?
No one’s going to approach Darling, and if Darling tries to ask anyone to come home with her, she’s getting ignored fiercely. If Darling decides to call up a friend to make the boldest and brashest decision of her life- Aw dang your X-transceiver just borked.
Emmet and Ingo would be furious, in a way though. How- How dare you. They’ve done so much for you, why are you so hesitant to call them? To ask this of them? Emmet wants to do something- To make you hug him, to feel you against him- Ingo wants to desperately give you the benefit of the doubt, that you’re still shy- So reserved and restrained, much like he is, and you’re just nervous- After all, they haven’t told you they love you- But he’s also annoyed. They’re right there- They’ve probably thrown themselves in your way, and you’re refusing to ask them- no matter how provocative they might be.
They’ll terrorize you in more ways than just making you run around a subway for a few hours- And come to your rescue. You won’t think of being horny- Of looking for someone else, if you’re too busy thanking the stars that you’re alive, and safely in the embrace of the wonderful Station Masters who saved you.
Do they try to invade your dreams?
Congrats on giving them such a terrible idea, anon
You’ve been having a terrible time trying to get off- No matter what you do, nothing seems to be working. Porn doesn’t work, toys don’t work, masturbating doesn’t work, nothing. You go to bed. Miserable and horny, but unable to satisfy yourself no matter what you do.
And you dream you’re on a train, wearing your night clothes- But it’s not like the trains on the Subway, oh no- It’s some kind of beautiful, luxury train cart; The inside is beautifully decorated, and all the accents are in black and white- the seating is more like a bed, in a way- and the train’s rolling along somewhere, but you can’t focus on the scenery passing by the outside...
The train itself, while it’s moving, isn’t lurching or anything- It’s the smoothest ride you’ve ever been on. It’s quite a strange dream- It feels so real- and you’re admiring the subway, and all of a sudden-
There’s a pair of arms wrapping around you. You turn around to face their owner, and-It’s Ingo. And he’s not wearing his normal Station Master outfit- He’s wearing a... kimono...? You can’t quite focus on it- All you know is it’s making him look... weirdly sexy. He doesn’t have his cap on, either- and his silver hair is falling onto his forehead, making him look especially pretty. He presses a kiss onto your forehead, and his silver eyes fall to meet your gaze. The next thing you know he’s got his hands trailing your thighs- two sets of hands, you wonder for a second- But he shushes you, pressing more kisses into your neck- And suddenly you feel another kiss on the back of your neck, and you wheel your head around- and Emmet’s there. He’s smiling so deviously-
“You look so naughty, darrling-” He practically hisses, his monotone voice quivering-
“Shh, brother- Don’t tease her so,” Ingo admonishes him- In that damn sultry voice- He gently pulls your face back towards him, as he leans in to give you more kisses- “Darling would prefer to be spoiled, especially after all the trouble she’s had... You’re frustrated, aren’t you, love?”
Before you can answer, Emmet squeezes against you from behind- “Darling wants us to fuck her, right?” You squeak at his bluntness, feeling your face grow red- But then again, this is Emmet- and- It’s just a dream, right? “Tell me you want me to fuck you, Darling.” His smile is eerily wide on his face-
“Emmet-” Ingo began, ready to admonish his twin- “Oh come on. I know that’s exactly what you want too.” He retorts- and Emmet moves to stick his hands under your shirt, grabbing at your breasts- Your breath hitches, and you fall back onto Emmet’s lap- With Ingo grabbing onto your wrists, and leaning over you intensely.
”I- I have to agree with brother here, but...” He looks up at you, taking your hands more gently into his- “I’d love nothing more than to indulge you darling-” And Emmet interjects- “I want that too! I just don’t want to waste so much time with talking-” And Ingo shushes him again-
“As I was saying... We’d love nothing more than to indulge your desires, darling- However you like... so please-” And at that, he placed a good number of kisses into your wrists, his eyes growing glassier by the second, his breathing heavier, and the shoulder of his strange night-robe falling off in the perfect image of seductiveness- You hear Emmet giggle behind you, making you blush even harder-
“How might we be of service?” They asked in unison. A voice in front, and a voice behind you.
You lost the moment you fell asleep. You nod- and beg for them to do whatever they like, just please make you cum-
And Emmet turns your head towards his own, kissing you attentively- His hands are exploring you, massaging your breasts and caressing your sensitive stomach- And Ingo’s dropped between your legs, kissing them affectionately, reverently- moving his way up, between your thighs, sending shivers down your spine-
This is an extremely realistic dream, isn’t it? Ingo looks up at you, watching your expression- You whimper at his kisses, and Emmet’s buried his face in your neck- his breath and tongue making you twinge as he plays with your breasts-
Ingo finally places his tongue over your pussy- dripping wet and oh so ready- And loses any semblance of control he was pretending to have. He’s growling- squeezing your hips so tightly, and loving every twitch and tremble of your body as he gently teases your clit with his tongue, pushing his face against you as tightly as he can-
The attention is amazing, something you’ve never physically experienced- Dream haze in the way of any inhibitions you may’ve had, You buck against Ingo, whining and whimpering and crying out his name and Emmet’s alternately- Emmet twists you towards him, kissing your neck and rutting against you- His tongue looks impossibly long, but then again, this is a dream-You don’t even notice that there’s pretty feathery things resting against your arms either, or that Emmet is the softest cushion to be laying against on this train-
They’re loving this. Feeling you pressed between them, crying out for them- It’s as perfect as they imagined it- The only problem is- they wish it was happening in the flesh. Emmet’s getting frustrated too- Feeling you writhe against his cock, hissing air through his teeth- He wants to make you feel good too- He wants to be inside-
You hear muttered whispering in your dream, an impossible language in a cacophony of voices-
And Ingo finally lets you up, licking his lips and moving to kiss you- They both move around you, Emmet now in front, Ingo to your side- Both of them assailing your throat with little biting kisses-
“You’re so wonderful for us, Darling-” Emmet breathed out-
“We’ve wanted you- For so very long-” Ingo returned, pressing his lips to yours.
“You should ask us to do this when you’re awa- Ow!”  Emmet suddenly hissed, his brother glaring at him fiercely- It almost looked like Ingo’s eyes were glowing, in a way. He turned his attention back to you, shooshing you lightly and distracting you from the interruption- A light smile on his face as his hands drifted between your thighs- fingering you gently, while Emmet turned his attention to your breasts, kissing them gently and taking them in his mouth, kissing and licking at your nipples and making you moan at his touch.
“Tell me you want me.” He demanded in between kisses- “Tell me you want me to fuck you-”
You whimpered, and just when you were about to get the words out-
You bolt awake to the sound of your alarm. Before you can even stop it though, your X-transceiver’s speaker let out the most horrific screech you’ve ever heard come from an electronic device- before it practically explodes, sparks flying from it- And then it’s dead. Great. Now you need a new one.
The dream comes back to your mind- and you’re a horrible blushing, aroused mess. What the fuck, you think- What a terribly self-indulgent dream that was- and it felt so real, too- And for the first time in a while, you’re able to get off- guiltily thinking about your two bosses ravaging you over their desk.
And Emmet and Ingo wake up in their apartment in Gear Station, having fully reverted to their “true” forms in the middle of the night, and Emmet is screeching in anger-
And Ingo’s just puddling there in a daze, having gotten to enjoy a taste of your body and pleasure-
Why the fuck did they not break your alarm before they tried to do that?
And of course going into Gear Station that day... Emmet looks incredibly angry and frustrated somehow- and Ingo is weirdly silent, and the two of them both keep staring off into space vacantly- And you’re embarrassed and flustered because the dream is so fresh and vivid in your mind and you’re finding yourself getting aroused now over every little thing the twins do to you. You don’t want to report directly to your bosses while you’re too horny to think of anything other than Ingo’s hands on your thighs and Emmet’s mouth on your tits- And you were sure, if your bosses had any inkling of what you were thinking- They’d be disgusted, wouldn’t they? So you just needed to calm down, cool off, and maybe spend a little time away from them, which drives them both even more mad.
Maybe, just maybe-
It’s a step in the right direction, according to the twins. You’ve been thinking about them all day now, after all- And they’re loving the attention, the fact they’re occupying so much of your thoughts-
It’ll all wear you down in the end- And you’ll confess to them how you adore them- need them, love them- And they’ll be more than elated to return your affections a thousand times over.
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yanban-san · 2 years
Eldritch Monster/Demon Submas Drabbles
Put it under a header because is a bit of a long post?
CW: Polyamory, Demon/Eldritch Monster AU, technically stalking??
Enjoy; Demon Submas AU antics where they’ve been summoned by reader-san and... are nervous train wrecks when it comes to interacting with her and don’t know how to be human at all, so they start causing shenanigans instead! Also added Aikka’s two ideas from the previous post as well, I thought they were good ^^
These ones are meant to be more... funny/comedic than like a serious one but they ended up being somewhere in between? IDK I still think they’re pretty funny; Anyway I hope y’all enjoy!
How the Demon Twins are Met
Their kind are forbidden by Arceus from entering it’s creation, on account of their kind being reality bending god-like nightmares capable of tearing apart the cosmos, but they managed to make a kind of loophole to get in! They spread a functioning (and very simple) summoning ritual throughout the world they know their soulmate lives in! They just need their soulmate to find it and perform it, and they’ll be able to enter their world! And of course, they have some ways of getting the rumors to get to their soulmate’s ears- And ways of bring about the subtle changes of fate needed to get their soulmate to call to them.
Once their soulmate does this, however, Emmet and Ingo suddenly get very, very, verrrry nervous for the first time in their excessively long lives. They’ve waited an impossibly long time to meet their beloved- And finally, finally-
They realize they have no fucking clue how humans act and uh, they’ve never practiced turning into humans either. So they bolt after you summon them before their horrific, ungodly appearances terrify you. And/Or melt your brain. No amount of “p̴̝͝l̸͎̏e̸͖̓a̸̘̚s̴͎͋e̷͘ͅ ̷͉͗d̶͎̑o̷̰̔n̶̪̏'̴̢͛t̷͚͝ ̴̥̌b̷̡͒ḛ̴̃ ̵͉̇a̵̤͋f̶͚̈r̴̝̾a̸͍̽ĩ̴̭ḏ̴̏ ̵̭͗d̴̘͗á̸̝ṟ̷̊l̷̗̈́i̷͆͜ń̸̝g̷̻̽, N̷o̵ ̸s̵e̸r̷i̴o̵u̵s̸l̸y̷ ̸w̶e̵ ̸l̴o̸v̴e̴ ̶y̷o̶u̸ ̴w̴e̶'̶v̵e̴ ̷b̶e̵e̷n̸ ̷w̷a̶i̸t̵i̵n̵g̴ ̶f̷o̶r̴ ̴s̷o̸ ̷l̴o̷n̵g̵ ̶a̵r̸e̷ ̷y̷o̶u̶ ̶o̸k̴a̸y̸ W̶h̸y̷ ̸a̴r̵e̴ ̵y̷o̸u̵ ̵c̵o̶n̸v̴u̷l̸s̸i̴n̷g̷ ̸i̵s̴ ̶t̵h̷a̸t̶ ̵n̸o̴r̶m̸a̸l̶” and any other reassurements is going to make you able to comprehend the mere acknowledgement of their existences.
They also take your memories of summoning them, because making your first meeting be the time they accidentally almost killed their beloved doesn’t suit their ideas of a romantic first meeting. You have a fucking horrible headache the day afterwards- And you’re not sure... what happened. You did something last night, but you just can’t remember what!
They then spend a good long while trying to make themselves look human, and well- they are technically brothers, (and are essentially twins) and they learn about the existence of identical twins in the human realm- and wouldn’t it be so cool if they were identical twins?? They both adore the idea, as it ties into the nature of their beings- And thus they adopt the human names Ingo and Emmet, and start learning how to act Human™.
I also have a dumb headcanon of them being called Kudari and Nobori as demons ignore this entirely
🜋 They’ve never experienced nervousness before- And suddenly they are horribly nervous- They are so so so worried, apparently humans only normally have one love they spend their lives with, not two, and there’s two of them and one of you- What if you reject your soulmates purely out of desire to conform to your preconceived notions of love? They’re jittery for the first time in their existences; They don’t want to hurt you, they want to love you- And they want you to love them back, willingly of course! Lest they must take drastic action instead-
🜋 They start following you around, keeping themselves well hidden from your eyes- You’re none the wiser that your shadow looks a little darker than it should be, or that lights seem harsher when resting on you. At first, they’re just watching- trying to figure out basic information about humans, how humans do human stuff, and primarily observe you- And they misunderstand a lot.
🜋 According to their kind, who don’t really interact with humans very much- Humans are excessively fragile little packets of organic matter that live ridiculously short lifespans with immortal souls attached to the whole mess; They are super weak. After all, humans can’t even stand looking at eldritch entities! At the very least they get headaches, at the worst they go nuts and/or die.They need to constantly move the air particles of the physical world into their bodies or they’ll die. They have a weird pump in their bodies to circulate fluids and they die if the pump stops- If they don’t consume physical matter regularly, they die- If they don’t consume water, they die- But they can also die if they consume too much- Hell, humans can die sometimes by tripping. Although they also hear reports of people falling far distances and being completely unharmed. Humans are weird- But most importantly, humans are very fragile!
🜋 And so they are experiencing constant anxiety by their soulmate doing things that will lead to an early death. Someone tries to run a red light even near you? Their car suddenly dies and grinds to a halt right before they get to the intersection. You try to climb a staircase? You- you’re not quite aware of it completely, but you swear you just felt a hand behind you while you were walking up to your work...
You go out hiking with some friends and every time you try to go near something neat- a waterfall, or a mountain cliff face, you feel the same pressure pushing you back strangely. Emmet starts thinking it might be very romantic if he caught you and saved you from falling, and Ingo glares at him with such intensity Emmet drops the subject immediately. His older brother can be very scary sometimes. Ingo just doesn’t want to risk the possibility of you ever getting injured in any capacity.
You go into your shower one morning to find that you now have- er no, you have always had a non-slip mat on the bottom- as well as a rail too. That’s just how it’s always been!
If you injure yourself, no you didn’t.
If their soulmate isn’t taking care of themselves Emmet and Ingo will absolutely step in. You normally eat very cheap meals during the week- No more will you be buying those cardboard noodles. You’re out walking through a street in Nimbasa, lined with food carts- Your stomach growls, you’ve been walking a lot today, haven’t you? But you don’t have the money to buy anything here, no matter how good it smells-
And all of a sudden some guy runs up to you with a dozen meat skewers telling you to take them, they’re free, please take them, they’re really good, please just take them you’ll like them- He’s trying to give you these skewers like he’s been possessed, you joke to yourself. You try to take one and he gives you all of them. Emmet and Ingo cheer in the shadows and the light- Now you will not die of starvation! ...Which is a regular affliction of human beings, they think!
And if someone is foolish enough to harass you- or foolish enough to try to hurt you? That person doesn’t exist. You turned away from the man harassing you as you walked the lonely alleyway back towards your apartment- You needed to get back to where people were, you were feeling horribly scared and- there’s no one there. Your anxiety shoots up for a second- You swore there was someone tailing you just now- Someone yelling at you, obscenities- no one. There was no one. There never was anyone, so don’t worry.
🜋 You go out to to your favorite cafe, remarking to your friends on your X-transceiver how you wished you didn’t have to drop 500P every time you wanted a delicious beverage; Surprisingly, you’re the XXXXth customer to your favorite coffee shop and get a year’s supply of one-free-drink-a-day-coupons. Cool! You’re only a little superstitious; you give a thanks to whatever God was listening in on your wish, mostly as a joke.
And Emmet and Ingo are fucking ecstatic. You talked to them! You thanked them! You acknowledged them! Now they know why their kind likes being worshiped by humans so much; The praise is delicious. Addictive.Or maybe it’s just because you’re their soulmate? They don’t know, they don’t care- They love you oh so very much-
They want more! They want to hear you thank them and laugh and see you smile more and more! They want you to fall in love with them! -But they’re also still oh so scared that you’ll be scared if they reveal themselves to you. So they continue to secretly observe you, to help you- to make your life easier in a hundred little ways. You never miss your bus. The rain always stops when you go outside, and there’s always a cool breeze on hot days or you feel strangely warm on cold days- Like someone’s given you a big hug.
🜋 Having taken on human identities, Ingo and Emmet begin to devote a good portion of their time to learning human courtship rituals- And goodness, there’s a lot. And a lot of conflicting advice, too- and a lot of bad advice, they quickly realize (Thank Arceus Above)- They do not need to be “Sigma Males”, they are near-omnipotent entities of incomprehensible powers and divine forces, thank you very much- They are “Sigma” enough. They try watching rom-coms- Why do the humans simply not explain to one another what their problems are? It’s verry strange. The entire movie could be avoided if they just sat down and spoke to one another. Despite this, Ingo is watching intently, though Emmet wishes there was more on how to physically seduce your beloved.
🜋 Ingo sees a human receiving roses and baby’s breath from their lover- and you wake up to find that you’ve been sent the biggest bushel of roses you’ve ever seen- At least a hundred, you stopped counting- with a single black rose and a single white rose in the middle. A shame the person who left you so many roses didn’t leave their name, you think. Maybe a good thing though; it’s a little overbearing. Also, you’d never noticed it before, but you see outside your apartment are the biggest, healthiest looking rose bushes you’ve ever seen in your life- and they are big. Huge. You might as well call them rose trees as opposed to rose bushes. Ingo stands under the rosebushes, hoping you’ll notice him in the shadows- Unfortunately you only notice a cute flock of pidoves pecking at the ground, and you decide to indulge them- Buying some millet from a street vendor, you are about to throw it at them when they immediately pile onto you in a cloud of cooing bird fluff. No one’s bought millet for them in a while, apparently. And the figure under the rosebushes is about to make all those obnoxious birds disappear when- Oh you look so happy and cute, don’t you? Hugging each bird more and more, promising to buy them more millet- A heavy blush spreads across the demon’s face, you’re too cute- and he decides to spare the birds. For now. The vendor does decide to give you more millet for free, too!
🜋 When they learn their darling is heading down to the beach for a day, they also happen to have learned that Luvdiscs are considered a blessed pokemon for couples to see- So with a smidgen of “convincing” the little heart shaped pokemon, their darling goes out walking on the beach- and sees two strange, twin figures standing beside each other, and feels an odd sense of recognition, a headache- And just when they’re about to call out to you, your friends grab you and begin wildly pointing at the ocean- There’s a massive hoard of luvdiscs leaping from the waters of Undella Town! And now, not only is there a massive hoard of luvdiscs, but there’s a massive hoard of couples also on the beach going to look at them- and fishermen! So many fuckin fishermen- You manage to dart away from your friends, and escape the onslaught of overly romantic couples and men in weird hats and life vests. Emmet’s smile is twitching in a very inhuman manner, growing in size to stretch across the whole of his face- and Ingo is seriously contemplating how simple it would be to just. Erase everybody here.
🜋 Later, you’re back at Nimbasa, bound to head home one evening and you lament to your friends how much you hate buses and taxis- Buses are always late, dirty on the inside, they jerk something awful, and smell like gasoline in a very unpleasant way- Taxis are equally bad and there’s been increased crime reports of taxi drivers attacking riders- You just hate public transit around Unova so much, and you wished someone would do something about it. And Emmet and Ingo realize they can grant your wish! What a simple one too, this might lead to the perfect opportunities to meet you as well!
The next morning you wake up, and head down to your usual bus stop- when your friends look at you like you’ve grown two heads. Why’re you stopping at this random street corner, you all need to get down to the subway! The subway? You can’t recall a subway- wait, is there a subway? Your head feels foggy, but you can clearly remember taking a bus home last night. Subway?
It’s beautiful, well-lit, and feels oddly familiar, though your mind tells you you’ve never been here before. The employees are exceptionally nice- and you instantly fall in love with the railway. Clean, well-lit, a smooth, gentle ride- You can’t believe you’d never ridden it before! You’re quietly ecstatic, and you don’t even notice that one of the Station Masters is standing beside you, watching you from under the brim of his conductor’s hat; A wide smile on his face. He’s so happy you’re so happy! And they really like these train-things too; trains are so cool, are they not? Oh, wouldn’t it be something wonderful if you quit that terrible job you hated and took a job at Gear Station? Emmet smirks deviously. You do complain about your job an awful lot. They can help you with that next!
There are now conspiracy boards about the existence of the Nimbasa/Unova Subway System; While it’s rare, there’s a few people who believe it never existed- Absolute idiots, like an inter-regional subway system can just pop up over night, haha!
🜋 The biggest thing that happens though is when you go to a museum with your friends. A special exhibition on relics from Sinnoh! Orbs, carvings, paintings, statues, old clothing from the ancient clans of the region- And your eyes settle on an ancient painting of the Gods who formed this world. Arceus, in radiant glory, atop Mt. Coronet- And Dialga and Palkia flying off to either side, and the cursed Giratina underneath Mt. Coronet, in a strange reflection of the mountain. Your eyes settle on Dialga. It’s awfully pretty, isn’t it? You mention to your friends how amazing it would be to meet such a powerful legendary one day.
The Station Masters are also visiting the museum- They look at each other and share a glance, nodding in agreement. They’re not quite sure why humans are so interested in those weird, really big lizards- But if you want to meet one, or even all of them- Heck, if you wanted to own them- Well. You are their beloved soulmate! Dialga is about to receive a rather aggressive surprise visit.
And the very next day there’s a major international incident taking place in Unova; Dialga, God of Time, is standing outside your fucking workplace on the edge of Nimbasa City. It’s not doing anything, it’s just. There. People are gathering in awe and shock and horror- Some are running, some are bowing, some are screaming- And no one is noticing Dialga looks a smidgen uncomfortable and is giving a thousand-yard stare while it trembles ever so slightly, screaming internally- until you come by, then it bows it’s head for you to pet it. The fucking God of Time itself is prostrating itself to you for headpats, and you’re confused, the crowd is confused, Emmet and Ingo are starting to think there’s a slight possibility they may have overdone it, but what’s the big deal? The lizard wasn’t any stronger than any pokemon they’d already met here around your home. Yeah it lived in a funky blue universe adjacent to this one, and it could control time, which was pretty neat, but what’s a God of Time to those who exist outside of the influence and control of such an elementary dimension? Every universe has time as a part of itself, it’s not like Dialga is special or anything.
You’re starting to suspect there might be something afoot. Though what it is exactly, you can’t even begin to suspect. You cautiously extend a hand out to touch the legendary dragon, noticing it’s quivering ever so slightly as it bends it’s head even further down to you-
Dialga just wants you to please tell it to leave and not come back please just do it already the demons are scary so please send it back-
Eventually you tell Dialga thank you, and it flies away rather rapidly, disappearing through a portal. Holy shit. Everything you want seems to fall into your lap-
And you eat those words when you go inside your office, and your boss calls you in to tell you you’ve been laid off. Effective immediately.
You might be sad now, but Emmet and Ingo think of how happy you’ll be once you find a new job at Gear Station! The only qualification for whatever position they need filled is that the employee is you!
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yanban-san · 2 years
Aaa I love what you did with the scale thing I sent in! that's exactly how I imagined it going down but so much better! 💖
Recently I've been thinking about cuddles with the boys. Emmet is basically a big feather pillow - so soft and fluffy and sweet. Being completely wrapped up in the downy soft feathers would be like laying on a cloud (though heaven help you if he finds out you're ticklish. Emmet loves your smile, and he thinks your laugh is just the cutest!).
I imagine Ingo likes to lie on top rather than underneath. His head is right on your chest where the scale usually rests, so he can listen to your heartbeat. The weight is pleasant and comforting, and he's in the perfect spot to run your fingers over his smooth scales and through his tufts of fur. He'd be purring the entire time. -Scale Anon
(I'm so very glad you liked it! I mostly expanded on what you wrote though because it was already so perfect- I absolutely loved the idea <3)
Emmet is absolutely the biggest cuddlebug ever. He can move his feathers freely and he's got you wrapped up in his arms and pressed against his chest- and lightly tracing his wings and feathers over you to relax you even more- The feeling of you sinking into fluff makes him quite happy-
Until he goes over your stomach, or a sensitive part of your legs, and you squeak and jump-
He's worried- did he hurt you? No no, you're just ticklish, you reassure him. His gentle petting feels nice though, so could he keep going?
He obliges- and then tries it again- getting the same squeaks and giggles out of you. It's so cute! He adores the sounds you're making, he can't help himself, and the smile on your face is just the cutest! He keeps at it, lightly tracing his claws and hands over your stomach, as you burst out into full fledged laughter- and of course, you can't get out of his grasp at all. He loves the feeling of you writhing against him, twitching and turning and trying to escape his grasp. You try to tickle him back- and all his feathers curl and his fluff stands on end, and he's howling- trying to pin you down again, but if you keep at it you can turn him into the kicking, writhing mess- begging you to stop- Before you blink and you're completely bound in his tail- He's panting, his voice a raspy chorus, this time on top of you. You can see silvery lines twitching around his wings and face of his extra eyes trying to open up to look at you properly.
Emmet does not like being tickled, he's found out- But he does love to tickle you. He's just going to make sure you can't get to him at all when he decides to try it again. :)
Ingo just loves laying on top of you. He very much likes to smoosh you, whether you’re both using Emmet as a pillow or he’s just crawled into your bed. He’ll wrap you in his shadows, which feel... silky and vaguely cold, and press what fur he has against you to keep you warm- He likes being very intertwined- and every inch of darkness on you is going to be a part of him- In fact, if you relax, you’ll notice that being enveloped by Nobori makes you feel very... light. Noise from your room or the outside world will be hushed up, and you’ll feel yourself almost floating- With only his all-consuming embrace, and the light from his silver eyes anchoring you in place. You can’t see it either, but there’s a whole host of his other eyes on you- And even though you cannot see them, you can feel them staring- But it strangely feels comforting. He’ll lazily drag his hands though your hair- His body has some much more harsh elements to it over Emmet’s, so he’s nervous about letting his claws touch you- They can rend the fabric of reality, and you’re far too precious to risk ever hurting.
Ingo really does love the feeling of you petting him- Whether it’s your hands against his scales or trailing through the fur on him, he’ll nuzzle against you tighter and tighter and kiss your neck-
And then you’ll find out that apparently shadows can have a vibrate setting, because if you pet him just right he starts purring. Like a cat. If you point this out at all or remark on how cute it is, he’ll blush and try to stop himself. He’s a scary void monster, he’s not cute! :(
...Okay but for you he’ll be a little cute, especially once he sees you pout when he holds back his purrs. :)
And Emmet will probably (lovingly) tease him for purring like a cat.
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yanban-san · 2 years
me, pulling out my rock collection: 👁👀👄👀👁
also me, beating back my squirrel brain that saw the 'holding a piece of a night sky' bit and immediately started thinking about the entirety of the chicken little movie: haha heart scale, like the actual in game item but also tiddy
Emmet at first is thrilled you accepted a token from his brother- Until he learns you placed it in your breast pocket where it's against your heartbeat- But more importantly, where it's against your tiddy. The boob. Your bosom.
It's not fair! And Emmet suggests maybe you should put the feather in your pocket too- But you're worried that might mess it up- it is a feather, after all. Plus the scale is taking up all your pocket space...
Emmet's ready to throw a hissy fit over this when Elesa suggests that both of the twins should make Darling a necklace with one of Emmet's firmer feathers and one of Ingo's scales- And is now intensely curious herself as to just what exactly these two look like under their human suits.
Darling with a rock collection?
Emmet and Ingo go full Penguin and keep bringing Darling rocks once they learn they collect pretty rocks- Don't you know all these rock collectors keep riding the Subway and just keep throwing rare, expensive rocks everywhere, losing them- Such a shame. Now please keep it.
Meanwhile, in Hoenn, Steven Stone is admiring his rock collection and- Where the fuck did that Diancian diamond go
And yes, Ingo is at first like "I can feel her heartbeat against me <3"
and almost immediately devolves to "I can feel tiddy against me <3"
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yanban-san · 2 years
Sooo, the twins have done "little" favors for Elisa before, like adjusted the weather or brought her a baby Raikou (nbd of course). But what if Elisa was facing something a little more serious? Maybe she mentions offhandedly to Darling on a girl's day that there's a creep who regularly comes in to challenge her gym. Its always super uncomfortable and makes it hard for her to work because she's always anxious about him coming in, but she can't exactly ban him because of the gym rules or whatever. Darling is lucky that her bosses care about her so much that look out for her and keep the creeps away (nudge nudge wink wink)
The creep goes missing the next day. He doesn't show for like two weeks and Elisa is relieved, but also a little suspicious because she KNOWS those blockheads were listening. So she goes to confront them.
Elisa: What did you do?
Emmet: We don't know what you're talking about
Ingo: You'll have to be more specific.
Elisa: The guy! The creep who challenges my gym! He's gone - I thought we talked about how disappearing people was bad!
Emmet: We talked about how killing people was bad. But we didn't kill him! We thought you'd be pleased.
Elisa: What did you do?
Ingo: We thought that since he was such a drain on your energy, he ought to have a form to match.
Emmet: He fits right in with the other joltiks around here! We can't even tell them apart anymore :}
-Scale Anon
adhsjhda Scale Anon you have excellent ideas-
Put this under the cut because it’s long:
It happened shortly after Elesa had become "friends" with the demons of the Subway Station.
Elesa had been so terrified of them- But, they had agreed to answer her questions, and to not hurt her- To explain themselves rather than remove her memories, and that they’d never wanted to bring her harm!
As the Gym Leader of Nimbasa, the de facto protector of the city- It was her duty to assess the threat of these supernatural train conductors. If they were bad, then- well, she'd retreat and figure out how to deal with them, of course!
But now, after she had asked her questions- and gotten some very vague, confusing answers in return, and some terrifying ones- They’d refused to answer why they were here in the first place.
Until you suddenly walked in. And she watched as the two practically melted under your questions and your thanks for their assistance- dreamily sighing and craning their heads to follow your movements as you left the office-
They were two idiots in love! They were adorable! After she had gushed to them about how cute they'd been- Quietly watching their darling, love and adoration and passion so clearly written all over their smitten faces- She learned of just how nervous they were- They weren't used to humans; They weren't used to human customs, and all of it was so foreign to their kind; And specifically, Ingo emphasized, they were terribly worried about frightening their poor darling- As Elesa had been. They'd accidentally frightened- and injured- her beforehand, when they first arrived in this realm anyway.
"But not to worry," Emmet added- "We healed her and took her memories!"
"Like with me?" Elesa asked.
"Yes- Though brother did it, and he did it properly!"
Ingo nodded.
So, she'd established something; They could erase people's memories. And their true appearances were something very dangerous. Hmm.
And they were also nervous idiots who didn’t know how to ask a girl out.
But then Elesa had an idea; She would help them work up the courage to confess to you, and use her vast knowledge of human customs to help them express their love for you in ways that would make sense to you!
Elesa had to return to her work, however; And Ingo oh so graciously teleported her there, before bidding her adieu. Well, she thought- they seemed polite- and kind!
Oh how wrong she was.
It started when she learned- and regained her memories of Gear Station.
It hadn’t been there but for nearly a year, not the some... near hundred, that the world thought it had existed for.
The world.
They had manipulated the entirety of the world into accepting the existence of a supernatural transit system- Because you had complained to your friends one frustrated afternoon about how much you hated the awful buses around the cities, and expensive taxi rides.
For an off hand remark, they bent the fabric of reality, and across the entirety of a region- set up every necessary component of a subway system? The trains, the rails, the- the wiring, the buildings- train stuff, Elesa didn’t know-
What else had they done?
Oh right. They’d brought Dialga to your front door, they said. It had refused at first- but Emmet simply smacked it into submission and it was so frightened it was willing to listen to anything they had to say after that.
Elesa was a little nervous at this revelation- And she watched you with incredible curiosity. You seemed largely unaware of every action they did for you- The changes in the weather, how you always seemed to win at games of luck and chance, free food or dish mix ups at restaurants, and a hundred other little odd things that simply made your life better. No wonder you seemed so content and happy all the time- every little stress in your life magic’d itself away, and you were constantly blessed with freebies and treats and every little thing you could want. Emmet and Ingo were certainly quite... cute in the way they showed their affection! It put such a smile on Elesa’s face.
But then she’d also learned of their darker sides. “Kind and polite” her ass; they understood enough of human “customs” to know that certain actions were unacceptable; But they simply didn’t care, or their natures as whatever-the-hell-they-are trumped whatever thoughts humans had on the matter.
She couldn’t believe she’d had to explain to them that murder was unacceptable- As was kidnapping, brainwashing, and the host of a thousand other terrible things they dreamed up between the two of them in their supposed name of loving you. It almost made her sick; but, perhaps, that place they mentioned they came from really was so horrible that they’d never considered that these things were bad. How pitiable, Elesa thought.
  And, at the very least, they seemed to accept her moral teachings, so that was good!
And everything was relatively peaceful- aside from their blockheaded idiocy and your own naivety. But it was also cute! And Elesa genuinely liked hanging out with you, and sometimes she even enjoyed the company of the twins. She would bring them gifts and she learned they went nuts for sweets; So she would often bring them treats from her favorite bakery, or they would join her there.
And then they started reciprocating her gifts, with favors of their own. The rain stopped when Elesa had to go outside, Emmet showed up one day particularly happy that he had caught a little electric type- a Raikou, he said? And presented Elesa with it; It was a little baby, pawing and yowling and teething gently on Elesa’s poofy jacket, and she was ecstatic at the gift! How thoughtful and cute, and how special!
And she returned to her gym duties that day, letting her Jolteon watch over the little tiger.
Many, many challengers- Some not even challenging league, but that was alright; Elesa enjoyed the challenges trainers brought her, losing some battles, but winning many more!
And then there was one challenger.
“H-hello, Elesa! How’re you doing today?” He asked- smiling wide. He wasn’t an ugly man, by any means- He was clean and well dressed, but-
Elesa sighed, uninterested. “Alright,” She answered dryly. “Emolga, let’s go!”
Emmet’s smile was creepy, but in an endearing way. This man- his smile was always... strange. Creepy. Actually creepy. But he hadn’t done anything... too weird. Yet. He dropped Elesa’s title of “Gym Leader” after their third battle. He constantly asked her personal questions under the guise of conversation during their battles- And Elesa was always quick to set her boundaries. She’d dealt with eager fans before. But this trainer... he was showing up to her gym, day after day after day- How many times had it been? She’d stopped counting the days and started counting the months. About 3, she’d say?
But then he started showing up at some of her favorite places- Her cafes, the arcade, the nightclubs- Or while she was out grocery shopping-
This was unbearable! And sooner or later she was going to blow her lid at him- But she couldn’t risk a PR incident as a model, hmm.
Elesa sighed, pouting as she glared out the window of her favorite cafe; Waiting for you to show up.
“Yo, Elesa! How’s it going?” You asked- Man, she looked down, you thought.
Maybe you could cheer her up?
“Oh, hey there! I’m- I’m doing good,” She answered, trying to bring her attention back to you. That guy wasn’t here. And you were! She was going to enjoy her time out with you, darn it-
“Are you sure? You’ve been looking pretty annoyed these past couple of days,” Aw dang. You’d noticed?
“It’s nothing, I’m just dealing with... a creep.”
“Oh shoot, that sounds horrible!”
“It really is. He’s been coming to my gym practically every day, I run into him at lunch sometimes... I even ran into him at the Grotle Grocer’s mart yesterday.”
You cringed. “Oh, oh dear... that sounds terrible.”
Elesa sighed heavily, taking a taste of the whipped cream off her coffee beverage- It really was bad. And there you were; if you’d had a creep tailing you, Emmet and Ingo would’ve- Actually, they’d already done it on multiple occasions, before Elesa had to tell them that murder was bad. Whether it was a creep, a mugger, or some handsy guy at the bar- Elesa shuddered to think what must’ve happened to them.
But at the same time? She was a little jealous you had such protective, adoring admirers.
“I wish someone would deal with him- You’re really lucky you’ve got the Station Masters looking out for you, you know.”
You blinked. “Oh-oh, they don’t look out for me specifically, Miss Elesa! Emmet and Ingo are just really nice like that. They watch out for everybody- Though I’m sure if they knew you were being harassed, they’d be more than happy to sock the guy for you.”
Elesa laughed. Ah, if only you knew.
And suddenly a voice called out- “Miss Elesa! Fancy seeing you here!”
Oh Arceus no-
A voice that made her flinch. That guy.
You turned to look-
And the guy- that guy-
Looked like a creep. He looked well dressed and put together- Too perfectly. As though he were trying to mimic what a well dressed, put together man ought to look like-
His hair was combed back obsessively, his teeth were too white- And his movements were agitated and... strange. He paid you no heed, staring down at Elesa like a Sableye admiring a gem stone it found.
Elesa leaned away from him-
“Who are you?” You asked, annoyed.
The man drew his attention off of Elesa for a second- his eyes still flicking back to her as he answered you. “O-oh, I didn’t notice you there. I’m a- regular challenger of Elesa’s Gym,”
“Huh, weird. Anyway, Elesa-” You began, turning your attention back to your friend, “Oh yea, you know how Emmet like, threw that-”
“Mind if I join you?” The man interjected, ready to pull up a chair-
You puffed up- Maybe confronting this guy wasn’t the best idea, but- You saw how uncomfortable Elesa looked, and after all she’d done to help you? To comfort you when you were down, and, well- the simple fact she’d been your friend?
You weren’t going to stand for this.
“Actually we do mind, we’re having a private conversation here. Mind backing off?”
And all of a sudden the lights flickered dramatically.
The man may have been obsessed, but he was pathetically timid. He flinched at your statement, and seemed- suddenly overcome by something- He shivered.
And apologized meekly- and ran off.
“Full offense, but screw that guy. Did you see the way he was eying you? That was gross.”
“Thanks for that,” Elesa added. She was ready to yell at this guy but- PR problems. Gym problems.
“Why don’t you just ban him from your gym?”
“Can’t, he technically hasn’t done anything ban-worthy yet... Inside the gym. But I really do wish he’d stay away- I’ve been feeling like a drained charjabug ever since I’ve had to watch out for him when I’m just- hanging out with friends,” Elesa sighed miserably.
“That’s terrible- I wish I could do more Elesa- I just hate people like that. Maybe he’ll stay away now that we’ve sent him running with his tail between his legs, ha!”
The next day she returned to her gym duties.
And the man did not show up.
And the next day. He didn’t show up either.
Nor the next.
Or the next day after that.
Elesa waited- Maybe he had been beaten down- and was too pathetic to show up again-
Oh wait.
And immediately after she was done at the Gym- She booked it to Gear Station Central.
“Alright,” She shouted as she threw open the doors to their office- “I know you two had something to do with this!”
Emmet cocked his head at her, looking around a large filing cabinet. “Oh, Miss Elesa! How are you?” He held a mug in hand- chocolate milk, of course.
“Emmet-” She threatened, trying to look as menacing as possible. “What did you do?”
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re talking about, Miss Elesa!”
Ingo was sitting at his desk- staring at- not a work document, but a thick, leather bound book- “Indeed; What has you so riled, Miss Elesa?”
“You both know exactly what I’m talking about!” She hissed- Really, did they not expect her to know-
“You’ll have to be more specific- There are too many things you talk about,” Ingo added, looking up from the book.
Elesa glared at him. “Really, you guys- The creep! From my gym! You overheard me talking to your oh-so-precious-Darling and did something with him! I told you it’s bad to murder people! So why-”
“Ohh! You’re talking about... him.”
Emmet giggled. “We did not kill him, Miss Elesa! We are still following what you have told us. Are you not pleased that he is not pestering you anymore?”
Elesa took a step back- Sometimes she was harshly reminded of the fact that these two... were not human.
“What- What did you two do?”
Emmet clapped his hands together gleefully. “It was brother’s idea, really.”
And Ingo’s gaze had returned to the book in front of him. “Yes, well-” He closed the book dramatically, and it disappeared in a puff of black smoke. “We thought, that since he was such a drain upon your energy, he ought to have a form to match,”
Oh no- Ohh no, no no no-
Several happy Joltiks crawled out of Emmet’s sleeve. “He fits in so well with the other Joltiks- I can’t even tell them apart anymore!” The little spiders chirped happily on his shoulder.
“But- Does he even remember-”
“-Being human? No. He would harass you as a Joltik, and cause us a headache. Would you want that?” Ingo asked.
...No, Elesa would not- But that wasn’t the point!
“Can you- Can’t you turn him back into a human?” She asked.
Emmet’s eyes moved upward as he thought- “Not really,” He lied- “He has no memories of being a human. As far as he- and all the other normal Joltiks are concerned- They’ve been Joltiks their whole lives!”
Elesa shuddered- And the worst part?
She still felt a hint of relief in her heart that she wouldn’t have to deal with this man anymore.
The man-
had been named Rolan.
He had been obsessed with Elesa ever since he saw her a year ago- And would stop at nothing to possess her.
Ingo and Emmet had been watching him- He’d followed Miss Elesa into Gear Station several times, observing her- and observing them with her. He gave off such horrific, evil thoughts- It was impossible for them to not hear his mind echoing of how he hated seeing them standing beside Miss Elesa. He was akin to a rat, Ingo thought- the way he crept around-
But they wouldn’t move on it. Elesa was a capable human- She could deal with this man on her own, right?
Until their Darling mentioned her abject disgust at that filth, and he had the audacity to speak with her?
Ingo wanted to break his neck right then and there. Their kind had... limited romantic gestures they normally performed, but to offer the head of one who’d offended your soulmate to them?
Now that was something sweet- Though he doubted Elesa would approve. She had said, unless someone was actively threatening their lives, the lives of someone else, or their darling’s lives, that killing was utterly “off the table”, as actions they could take.
Ingo thought- How else could they deal with this man, whom you had so openly announced your hatred for?
Yes. That could work quite well.
Rolan woke up, his head reeling- as he became aware of his surroundings. He was stretched out over a seat, intense, fluorescent lighting overhead that made his head and eyes hurt- and a gentle swaying sensation of movement with rhythmic clunking every now and again-
A train cart?
There was no one else on board. While Rolan began to investigate, it gradually came to a stop. In the middle of the tracks. And the doors opened.
He disembarked. It was dark.
And silent.
“Hello?” He called out-  The path before him lead to a dead end on the rail tracks, so he turned around to head back wherever the train had come from- And it was gone. All that was in front of him was a door. He swallowed hard, breathing heavily. Was this some kind of joke, he thought? No, it couldn’t be. This must’ve been the work of some villain- Someone keeping him from his darling Elesa? He tried to reach for his pokeballs- And they were gone.
There was nothing else in the tunnel. No vents, a single light- some piping on the ceiling-
Well, he couldn’t wait here forever. Time to see what was on the other side of the door.
He walked into another dark room- but there was a light on- And he could make out the silhouette of a Galvantula in the dark-
And across the room, was Station Master Emmet- Stroking a tiny little Joltik in his hands.
“Yo-You...” Rolan hesitatingly asked- Something was very wrong. Emmet- This thing- Was wrong-
“I am Emmet.” He answered as Rolan stuttered- “I am a Subway Boss. I have a newly hatched Joltik here, you see?” He opened his hands out to show Rolan the tiny little bug in his hands- It clicked and chittered happily, with some kind of electric diode in it’s mouth.
Rolan’s mind was racing- What was happening? Why was Station Master Emmet doing this? Was he trying to steal Elesa from him, bastard- was he going to kill him? It certainly felt that way. How was Station Master doing this? A Zoroark? Some sort of psychic hallucination? One thing was certain though, as Emmet turned his silver eyes up to look at him- softly glowing with a strangely beautiful light in them-
This guy is a fucking lunatic, Rolan thought- And opened his mouth to speak- But no words came out.
He couldn’t speak. Why? How-
“I don’t want to hear your irritating voice. You’ll annoy me even more. I don’t even like the fact I’m talking to you, but it is fun to see you squirm.”
Rolan felt his heart thudding in chest- How- How was he doing this-
And suddenly the shadows pulled away, brightening the room slightly- and Rolan- was alone in the room, With Emmet- and now behind him, his brother- Ingo.
“You’re a rather pathetic excuse for a human, don’t you think?” Ingo asked him-
Rolan couldn’t reply. Ingo continued. “However, we are incredibly generous, and merciful. You’ve failed completely as a human- So we’re going to give you a second chance.”
Emmet giggled-
This was entertaining. The bastard who had offended darling was terrified. Rolan was horrified. Why, why, why? What were these two-
“Really,” Ingo added, as Rolan watched a hoard of shadows close in on his vision, grabbing him impossibly tight, cutting through his limbs- “You should be thanking us.”
And his eyes shut forcefully, desperate to end this nightmare.
A Joltik awoke with a start-
Deep in the darkness of-
A cave?
Surrounded by other, slumbering little Joltiks.
Somewhere in the back of it’s mind, echoes of a dream played back- A human woman, so pretty, so electrifying, so dazzlingly brilliant-
Why would it care about such things? It tilted it’s head in confusion. It dreamed it had human hands- that there were pokemon at it’s side- strange ones. To help it meet the woman-
It started shaking as a feeling of terror and sadness seized it- It was confused-How did it end up in this cave? It was a Joltik, it lived here! Why was it suddenly so frightened-
There was a chittering noise beside it- a Galvantula had woken up in the darkness of the cave, and gently picked up the little crying spider- soothing it back to sleep.
It had had a nightmare. It had always been a Joltik, never more- never less.
That was all.
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yanban-san · 2 years
GENUINELY LOVE THE MENTAL IMAGE OF DARLING GOING INTO THE TUNNELS, PRACTICALLY RIPPING OFF THEIR UNIFORM (like that one meme of the dude ripping off his pants, you know the one) AND BEING LIKE "SOMEBODY BUTPREFERABLYABIGSCARYMONSTER(S?) COME FUCK THISSSSS-" CICADA STYLE HRHJREKMSGD-- hopefully emmets tucked all the joltiks to bed or some shit before they bust in koolaid man style to lovingly fuck darlings brains out but Yknow. something something closing the door so the hypothetical cat can't get in and interrupt adjacent or however it goes, because the universe cock blocking them despite/possibly IN SPITE of all their in general powers is really funny, if only for The Bit™ - feather anon
Alternate to Ingo just holding back his brother the last time-
You just kept going on and on and on about how much you (didn't) want to be fucked silly by some hot monsters in the Subway-
“Man, it sure would suck if some beautiful, handsome, monstrous creature emerged from the darkness and just decided to ravish poor little me- I’m all alone down here, no one’s looking for me, and I’m so weak I’d never be able to defend myself! Man, that would really suck, wouldn’t it?”
Yea, you thought- It would suck almost as much as I wanna suck some monster di-
And all of a sudden you had the wind knocked out of you- as you were suddenly engulfed in a flurry of brilliant. White. Feathers.
It was so soft- Too soft, Impossibly soft, you found yourself thinking- And two arms pinned you down and you felt more... things caressing the edges of your skin, working their way under your shirt and belt- what felt like hands and- claws and silky, silky fur and feathers-
“Are you sure that would be so bad?” It asked you, the voice sounded whiny- Like you’d hurt it’s feelings somehow-
You coughed, your eyes gradually coming back into focus- Holy Fuck. A Monster! A real, actual monster! And a really pretty one at that- It looked so strangely angelic, so oddly divine- And it wore a pretty white mask over it’s face, with several eye-slots it looked like- When it spoke, the mouth moved- wearing the most eager smile you ever saw. That’s weird, you thought- It almost reminded you of Station Master Emmet-
And suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere- A fuckton of Joltiks descended.
It was dad! Their Divine Protector, God-Guardian of the Spiders! Guy with the batteries! Fluffy! The big fluffy bird man they loved! He was here! They needed to pay their respects and show him how much they appreciate him!
And Emmet can’t stop the poor little things! They just keep coming and they don’t stop coming, and he doesn’t want to hurt them! They’re his beloved pokemon! They trust and adore him! But got damn he wants to fuck you-
You think perhaps the Joltiks are trying to defend you? But no- they swarm you as well! Joltiks are everywhere. You smell like the bird guy! The bird guy seems to like you! The Joltiks must show you that they love you as well!
You can’t help but giggle at the sensation of like. a thousand Joltiks crawling all over your skin. But you try to get up- And the shambling monstrous creature in front of you apologizes awkwardly, and- more Joltiks. And Galvantulas now too! Are swarming the tunnel. Wonderful.
Ingo is watching in mild bemusement; he knows he’ll be swarmed by the spiders as well if he steps out, but he sees you practically swimming in the little spiders, desperately avoiding stepping on any of them and cautiously trying to move- to some surface- not being occupied- by the little guys.
This isn’t good- you could be electrocuted! So Ingo snaps his fingers and-
You’re back in the Gear Station lobby.
God fucking dammit, you swear to yourself-
No. You met the monster and it was totally down to fuck. You’re gonna fuck that monster, and nothing but Divine Intervention is going to stop you.
> because the universe cock blocking them despite/possibly IN SPITE of all their in general powers is really funny, if only for The Bit™ - 
The universe is cock blocking them? Of course it is, Feather Anon! After all, Arceus told them they weren’t allowed in it’s creation, and yet- Arceus looks down over Unova after a massive magical anomaly causes a Subway System to manifest in the region, not to mention Dialga getting bullied by eldritch entities-
And sees the two assholes he specifically said were not allowed in his creation. Running around like they own the damn place.
Arceus doesn’t want to intervene itself, so why not annoy the shit out of them back? They aren’t trying to destroy the universe- Nor are they rewriting time and space, so why not just mess with them? After all, Arceus- It’s the Avatar of the Divine Force that created this realm- It can cockblock whoever the fuck it wants to. :)
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yanban-san · 2 years
how would our eldritch twins feel if they find it the reason darling is so hesitant to ask them out is because they are darlings boss? It's pretty taboo, or at least frowned upon in most work places, to ask out and date your superior
[ I have another excellent ask regarding this same topic that I think you'd like Aikka- :)]
They had no clue about normal workplace relations- The only thing they were thinking was "Get darling to be around us as much as possible immediately" and Elesa will probably pose this question to them one day only for them to get... confused.
Elesa: "How do you guys intend to get her to ask you out now, anyway?"
Emmet, with the big conspiracy theory pin board: "Simple. She will come into our office one day, overwhelmed by her love for us, and ask us out, like how you humans normally do it. Or we will ask her out. Like how you humans. Normally do it."
Elesa: "But... you're her bosses right now. She probably won’t."
Ingo, smelling human-relationship-bs-they-didn’t-know-about: "What would that have to do with anything?"
And then Elesa has to explain normal workplace relations- And how it's not considered normal to date your bosses, or it’s frowned upon, and generally considered a bad idea/taboo practice, etc.
Both of them are horrified at this revelation.
Have you been refusing to ask them out because they're your bosses? Is this the reason for you rejecting every attempt of theirs at seducing you-
And they can't exactly fire you without completely wrecking your relationship with them now, either!
Ingo: "Brother, I have an idea; I can just-"
Elesa: “Do not say you can just erase her memories”
Ingo:  :( 
“But then we wouldn’t have to fire her-”
Emmet: "-And I can make a servitor she can work for! Excellent. :)"
Elesa: "Can you two stop trying to gaSLIGHT and BRAINWASH YOUR SO-CALLED BELOVED FOR TWO SECONDS-"
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yanban-san · 2 years
i see your 'darling finds one of demon!emmets feathers after he rushes off to go be horny (again)' and raise you; them somehow working it into their everyday outfit. like finding a way to either tuck the feather behind their ear or pin it to their shirt or just. something, anything, and emmet noticing because i mean? id be kinda surprised if he didnt, btu he notices and he's just losing his entire fucking mind over it and using every ounce of waning self restraint to not fuck you in the middle of gear station and claim you properly
I imagine reader would be wearing a cute depot agent's oufit, so they've tucked the feather into the band of their hat! Or on their name-tag-lapel thing.
Rest under cut because a lil NSFW-
The servitor depot agents, aware they are supposed to keep you from knowing anything about the true nature of your bosses, remark to you after they notice a very. special. feather. Stuck in your hat. "...That's a lovely feather you got there."
You stroke the tiny thing affectionately- It's so comforting, you know? "It is, isn't it? It feels so nice to touch, too!"
...And then when Ingo finally sees it on your hat, he's ready to murder Emmet but is also more annoyed you also aren't wearing one of his pretty feathers, or some token of his existence-
"You have feathers when you're not human?" Emmet asks him, but honestly can't remember himself- Ingo's appearance is so ephemeral and shadowy it's impossible to tell where "he" ends and the darkness around him begins.
Ingo's only reply is "We literally don't have physical bodies at all brother I can give myself feathers if darling- I mean, If I so desire."
Emmet is confused as to why his brother is talking about feathers until he goes to check on you, and-
You're wearing his feather!! In your hat!!!
Emmet is standing there star struck like a deerling in headlights and is vaguely aware he asks you where that feather came from-
"I found it on the floor... Oh, when was it- Oh, right after I gave you those reports from last time!"
And you stroke it-
"It's so soft, and super silky- I wonder what it came from, whatever it is has got to be super beautiful, I'd love to see it- Look at how white and pretty it is!"
Emmet just about keels over then and there- Because yes he knows exactly where that feather came from and he wants so desperately to hear you call him pretty and he is so fucking jealous of that one feather he shed right now-
He's imagining how nice it would be to envelope you, his beloved darling, in the soft embrace of all his wings and fluffy down- And far, far more- Heck, he could even just wrap you up right here in Gear Station, get rid of all these annoying people around you two, and the horny hits him hard. He's never quite realized just how- how pretty you look, face upturned towards him so sweetly, the curves of your neck, how your uniform hugs your body- He can hear your heart beating lightly within you, and the sound of your breathing- And he wants to tear that uniform off of you and just nuzzle into the source of those sweet sounds and your titties and kiss you and give you a hickie and lay you on his chest while he lazily thrusts into you, enjoying and savoring every cute little whine and moan you make from the gentleness, begging him for more and crying out his name when he finally decides you both should cum-
He's lost in daydream land, practically drooling-
When all of a sudden one of the servitor depot agents tackles you to the fuckin ground-
And Emmet is furious, ready to just obliterate this useless puppet for potentially hurting you for no reason-
And your coworker is just apologizing to you profusely while also wildly gesticulating that Emmet Sir Boss Sir YOU HAVE AN EXTRA SET OF ARMS SIR-
Emmet eventually figures out what he's referring to when he goes to lift his arms and- two sets go up instead of one, and he runs off again, cursing himself-
Even funnier if Darling finds another feather fallen from Emmet's brainrot and sticks that one in their cap as well, going “huh, weird that every time Station Master Emmet runs off I find one of these feathers. Probably nothing to be concerned about.” :)
Also Ingo's going to be acting like the jealous younger sibling now.
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yanban-san · 2 years
I love the idea of them handing braincell privileges to Elesa. Especially if she gets to be a regular witness to them going absolutely silly when you’re around them.
Like maybe Elesa tries to get closer to darling to figure out what she likes, mostly because Ingo and Emmet can list anything and everything about darling, but don’t understand the nuances.
I feel like Emmet and Ingo would go wholesale yandere possessive if Elesa told them that darling was into them. Like either they make Elesa take you out so they can hear you confess how much you like them or they just scoop you up and you’re never seen again.
Elesa is avoiding rain in between photoshoots and gym duties and her modeling jobs, and she stops at Gear Station to go to her favorite lunch place- She runs into you, and invites you out with her for some lunch! You agree- and the second you step outside, the rain lets up for the first time all day.
No. No, it can't be- Elesa thinks to herself. That's so stupid. And unfair-
"You guys can stop the rain?" Elesa asks them later, rather exasperatedly-
"O-Of course," Ingo remarks. "That's... it's not that difficult."
Emmet added on, playing with a strange ball of light on his desk, bored out of his mind. Elesa knows better than to ask what it is. "Ye, it's as easy as you lifting your fingers! It's a lot easier than when we manifested the subway, of course, but still- Such things are easy for us-"
Elesa flinched, processing what Emmet said. "YOU DID WHAT TO THE SUBWAY?!"
Oh right. They'd failed to mention that the long-standing Gear Station- the entirety of the Unovan subway system- was actually not that long standing, all things considered.
Elesa had a new understanding of how intense their love was for you, to say the least; No matter how much they insisted it was easy- That seemed insane. All of Unova- No, the entire world- Was being gaslit into thinking there had always been a super cool subway system- the greatest in the world, it was hailed- in Unova. But once she had her memories of how awful bus rides and taxi cabs were, you know what? She was fine with the supernatural subway system.
"Yea, something that was a smidgen difficult was convincing that big blue dragon to come with us back here for Darling. It was being so mean, I had to smack it!"
"B-Big blue dragon?" Elesa inquired- You know what, on second thought, maybe she didn't want to know- Please just be talking about a Salamence, or a Garchomp, or a Hydreigon- Any of the normal blue dragons-
"I believe you humans call it Dialga." Was Ingo's answer.
Revealing that whole thing with Dialga appearing on the edge of Nimbasa City was because of them, for the sake of you- She'd gone faint.
Maybe she could ask the twins to bring her a Raikou, she joked to herself, trying to rationalize it all- Ever since she saw one on a trip to Ecruteak City, she'd been enamored. Getting back on topic though, Holy Hell.
Emmet debates about making her a powerpoint presentation of everything they've learned about you- The only problem is once he starts talking about you, he can't shut up. Ingo can sort of shut up, but Elesa can tell his mind is still elsewhere.
And if they find out you're enamored with them? They can hardly contain themselves. You're probably running into them on your way back to your apartment- And they're going to confess to you right then and there. Or, they might wait for a more opportune, romantic moment. You're going to find out that the hovering-nature of your bosses just gets even worse as their sweetheart- But strangely, you feel okay with it. It feels nice to be in their embrace.
Would they immediately kidnap their darling, whisking her away in their arms to who-knows-where? Mayhaps- Depends on how much you gush to Elesa about how cute they both are, and how just getting to work with them every day is so pleasant- And what strong trainers they are too, their pokemon trust them so completely, and how you could absolutely see yourself spending an eternity with them, and you notice Elesa is... grimacing sort of painfully at your remark, and you think maybe she thinks your admission is a little embarrassing- But really it's because she knows that two blockheads from beyond the edge of reality are listening in, and they don't understand figures of speech.
"Brother, she said she wants to spend Eternity with us!"
A soft, contented smile spread on Ingo's face- Finally. They could have you forever!
"SHE DIDN'T MEAN THAT LITERALLY!" Elesa practically screams across the restaurant- And you're mildly terrified- Elesa makes up some excuse about suddenly being possessed- And you're confused, but still safe.
And of course that still leaves the problem of them making you able to withstand being in the presence of their "true" forms. And also convince you to be okay with having two eldritch-demons for boyfriends; They don't want you to just love their human forms, they want you to love all of them! Extra eyes, limbs, wings, horns, tails, impossible geometry, and extraneous organs of unknown function included. Of course, they can change their human forms to a slightly more comfortable, pseudo monstrous appearance- Even if that's all you can tolerate for now, they'll love holding and cuddling you in those appearances if you'll let them.
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yanban-san · 2 years
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too shy to post with my main, but I can't send you pictures anonymously 💔
um, moving on- i saw another anon asked to draw out ur writings and well, ur eldritch au has been living in my head rent free, so i kinda invited myself to doodle up some ideas too. 👉👈 ur writing is just so good. absolutely brightens my day and i didn't just want to read from the shadows forever.
it's kinda messy, but here's my take on kudari/emmet in his half human state. im verrry sleep deprived rn so my bad if the next paragraphs are just rambling
i liked the idea of his coat and sideburns being wings that are just folded up. maybe the cloth morphs into his wing bone, idk. ofc i wanted to give him way too mamy eyes, but i also really like the idea of him having more mouths/ teeth while ingo is more heavy on excessive eyes
dunno if it translated well in my art, but i tried to add mouths to the end of his sleeves and the neck part of his coat kinda like and eelektross. i also wanted to add mouths on his wings too. and ofc i love the idea of his smile having way too many teeth.
love ur writing and hope you enjoy my art. get more sleep than me plz and have a nice day 💖💖💖
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I love the blend of bird wings and moth wings and the mouths and the feathery coat it's so good-
Thank you so so so much I've been on cloud nine all morning and afternoon from this I'm just so happy I'm struggling to think of words but like omg it's so fricking amazing I just love how you've interpreted his design it's so cool
Thank you very very verry much for the fan art Applesauce!!
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yanban-san · 2 years
Hello! Quick question a out your Demon au. You mentioned in the last post that the twins had pretty much disappeared all porn for you. So you are getting frustrated enough to attempt to booty call a friend, and uou work at Gear Station too? So there's probably an overlap in friends and coworkers. And some of those coworkers were created by the twins, right? Gear station is basically a melting pot of human workers, imp workers, and workers created by the twins. What is, since the reader feel like the Subway Bosses are unobtainable, they subconsciously go for the next best thing and booty call one of the agents that got created by the twins. Do the agents that were created by the twins even have their own will? Or are they just puppets? Both ways are amusing in their own ways. If the agent has its own will it is probably just internally screaming as soon as it realises what's going on. It got created by the twins but it doesn't want to get smited by the twins, thank you very much. And if it's just an empty puppet I feel like Emmet would get insanely jealous and frustrated. It's already an empty puppet, not like he can punish it for being the object of the reader's desires. Although, I feel like if they realise that the reader thought they couldn't have the Subway Bosses then went on to choose something similar/close to them (one of the Depot Agents they created) would they feel a little touched?
Also, the twins are, like, constantly looking at Darling to find out their likes/dislikes, right? What if they found out that the reader has a slight Monster Fucker Fetish? Would they subtly encourage the reader to read amut of more inhumane monsters similar to their ture form to gage how the reader would potentially like their true forms? Or would it all still fall under the porn ban?
Last thing, I swear. "They’ll terrorize you in more ways than just making you run around a subway for a few hours- And come to your rescue. You won’t think of being horny- Of looking for someone else, if you’re too busy thanking the stars that you’re alive, and safely in the embrace of the wonderful Station Masters who saved you." Bold of the Station Masters to not assume that getting scared just makes you even hornier. It's funny actually, when I first started watching horror movies, I got over my fear by looking up porn/porn parodies of the horror whatever. Now, I don't really get scared when confronted with horror stuff, my mind just goes 'great, now how can I fuck it?' How would they react to a reader who thought like that? And tends to just get proverbial 'fear boners' when they attempt to scare the reader from going on dates/booty calls?
Sorry if this is kinda long/rambly. I had a bunch of questions come to mind all at once. Let me know if you want me to spilt up the questions into different asks so it's easier to answer, if you want to answer my asks. Love your Demon AU! Its been giving me delicious brain rot.
Thank you for the ask, Terror! I love all these questions- And don’t worry about breaking it up or anything, you’re all good lol
Do the agents that were created by the twins even have their own will? Or are they just puppets?
I like the idea of them giving the servitor agents free will out of sheer laziness. It's harder to manage puppets because they have to manage all their responses and ensure they're working like functioning humans should all the time- It's much easier if they're just autonomous beings that obey the twin's orders either out of fear or reverence. Plus they can keep the demon-imp coworkers in line, since if the imps are present they may try to sabotage Ingo and Emmet if they are feeling particularly bold. Of course, if they get caught, a fate worse than death awaits them. The twins might not be familiar with human customs, but demonic/eldritch customs and behaviors? They're as hateful against their own kind as they can be, and they know how self-centered and vile literal demons and imps can be- and they have zero sympathy for them.
If the agent has its own will it is probably just internally screaming as soon as it realises what's going on.
Darling asks one of her very nice coworkers to go out with her to eat at her favorite grill n' pub one day, and the servitor, knowing one of the big rules they're supposed to follow is keeping you happy, accepts! They're quite curious as to why you've taken an interest in them, as well- It’s almost flattering, being asked to accompany the soulmate of their creators!
Until you have a margarita or two and then... confess... you're hoping they'll come home with you tonight. That you find them kinda cute, and- well, it wouldn't be like you'd start dating, or anything- but if they'd like... to have a little fun... you'd be more than happy to oblige.
Servitor picks up on what you're saying- And immediately starts sweating bullets.
You are their creator's beloved soulmate. They can't- Holy fuck, either Emmet is going to smite them into an ash pile or Ingo is going to eeby deeby them straight to the Void- and they're panicking, because there's a high chance they will be eeby deebied the moment you look away from them- It depends on the servitor specifically, but each having free will, and thus developing unique personalities, will respond differently. The responses will range from either trying to direct the conversation to how you feel about Emmet and Ingo, or saying they're flattered, but absolutely not- And also how do you feel about your bosses, Ingo and Emmet
Honestly this idea probably deserves a drabble at some point- I am loving the idea of the servitor depot agents having panic attacks over Darling liking them a little too much-
And if it's just an empty puppet I feel like Emmet would get insanely jealous and frustrated. It's already an empty puppet, not like he can punish it for being the object of the reader's desires. Although, I feel like if they realise that the reader thought they couldn't have the Subway Bosses then went on to choose something similar/close to them (one of the Depot Agents they created) would they feel a little touched?
If the servitors were just empty puppets, and reader either fell in love with one of them, or tried to booty call them, both the twins would be upset- You picked a literal hollow casket of a person over them? :( Now if there's a depot agent that looks vaguely like Ingo or Emmet... or perhaps reminds reader of the twins- And Reader happens to be a lightweight who can't handle a single margarita, and drunkenly confesses they want a no-strings attached one-night stand because the depot agent looks like the Subway Bosses, and Reader just feels like... they can't approach Emmet and Ingo that way-
The servitor is going to be flattered that you think them so close to their masters- and Ingo and Emmet are certainly touched in a strange way- You want them, but then why do you consider them unapproachable? They've made themselves the most approachable beings in existence to you! They've made sure you enter their office at least five times a day! You literally have to approach them daily! What do you mean unapproachable??
Also, the twins are, like, constantly looking at Darling to find out their likes/dislikes, right? What if they found out that the reader has a slight Monster Fucker Fetish?
They’re incorporating that straight into their plans to seduce you. 100%. There’s rumors of two monsters that lurk the subway tunnels at night and now your coworkers are daring you to go looking for them. :) You should. The monsters- they’re in the tunnel go get em tiger
Bold of the Station Masters to not assume that getting scared just makes you even hornier.
I'm sorry this idea has me dying because I have had this problem as well-
They lock their darling in the Scary Subway Station again, except this time, darling isn't... as afraid. In fact, yes, darling is nervous, that can be seen, but... also excited?
"Oh dang, I hope no big, scary monsters show up and ravage me while I'm totally defenseless down here. ;)"
And the two are horribly confused?? Why??? Darling is turned on???
Darling sits down, and they’re loosening the buttons on their work uniform, ya know- It's so hot in the subway tunnels, especially these weird scary ones where the vents aren't turning on-
Before turning over and seeing a beautiful, (but also terrifying because what the hell is that thing) shambling mass of wings and claws with a massive, impossibly long tail trailing behind it- slowly walking towards them- hissing in a cacophony of voices and none of them are speaking in a language she understands.
It lifts itself up, wings unfurling and holding a set over it's face- and it looks weirdly familiar- and it's radiating a beautiful, ethereal light...
Darling's thoughts are, in order, 1) that's not a pokemon, 2) that doesn't look like it belongs in the subway, 3) will it fuck me if I let it and 4) I should probably back away
Before telling the shambling mass of wings "...You're kinda hot"
And it just. Stops.
W̶̛̥̾h̴̤̞́ͅa̷̙̅t̸͙̣̖̐.̷̡͔̃̿ ̵̣̮̥̓̈́D̵̗̈́̉͜ͅì̸͚ḏ̴̗̭̀̚͝ ̵͉͖͔̈́̓y̵̧̭͇͆͠ṑ̷̧̗̳u̶̼̲̽ͅ.̸̨̯͓͗̈́̆ ̶͓̐̽̋J̵͚͝ű̴͓̭ș̵̤̈́́͜͠t̴̟̋̓͘ ̷̘͔̐̎̆͜ś̵̩̦̠a̶͙͎̓́̀y̶̡͌.̸̯̐̄
You can barely make out what it's trying to say to you, though you think it’s asking you to clarify-
"You're kinda ho-"
And then Ingo has to pin his brother down before he just absolutely wrecks you- because if he does fuck you like this you're probably going to have your brain melted at the very least from being so close to him- and heaven forbid you look into the source of his light-
But hey, now you know there’s a weirdly beautiful angelic-horrifying-dragon- thing living in the annex tunnels that... might be down to fuck. Who knows?
How would they react to a reader who thought like that? And tends to just get proverbial 'fear boners' when they attempt to scare the reader from going on dates/booty calls?
They'd probably change up their tactics- Rather than scare you with the supernatural, they'll scare you with the mundane. How terrifying it would be if you were trying to go out and suddenly a bus nearly runs you over- or a fire nearly breaks out in the bar you go to- Or there's an electrical malfunction at the amusement park-
But they’re also 100% playing up your fear boners/monster fetish- They’re suddenly okay with you reading and jerking it to monsters, especially if the involved monsters sound like their appearances. :) Also PLEASE go check out the subway tunnels on a dare- Please please please you might see some really cool monsters so please-
when I first started watching horror movies, I got over my fear by looking up porn/porn parodies of the horror whatever.
I just wanna say this is like. Beyond 4D chess levels of planning. To get over fears. I'm like. genuinely impressed. Why be scared of the rabbit from donnie darko when you can want to fuck the rabbit from donnie darko. The horrors are scared of you now.
Sorry if this is kinda long/rambly. I had a bunch of questions come to mind all at once. Let me know if you want me to spilt up the questions into different asks so it's easier to answer, if you want to answer my asks. Love your Demon AU! Its been giving me delicious brain rot.
Is all good! I really love asks and all the asks I’ve been getting about the eldritch boys have been amazing- I don’t mind however they come in, I just type up the replies as I have free time, lol. And thank you very much! They’ve been giving me terrible brainrot as well :,D
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yanban-san · 2 years
(nsfw) obsessed w ur demon au… like the idea of ingo and emmet not being fully human and therefore not typically caring for sexual intimacy but their darling being even a little Saucy and they’re consulting Human Google with “sex??? seduction??? human oracle google please give me answers”. or like the first time one of them jacks off (let’s be real. probably emmet) he loses control of his human form and gets hornier at the idea of their darling finding this semi monstrous but still perceivable form attractive
Anon you can't say they consult Human Oracle Google without me immediately thinking Google is some piece of Eldritch technology and/or an entity in and of itself come to the pokemon realm to overtake it-
Rest under the cut because it's NSFW of course 🔞
And anon YES. They didn't have a need for such physical expressions of love and desire in their more ephemeral forms- And when they made themselves physical bodies for the first time they absolutely had a period of... self discovery.
They make their human bodies and they're both fully functional, adult male bodies. It's mostly uncomfortable at first, they're used to a much different way of perceiving reality and interacting with it than what they now have to deal with. And they- They've got parts. They don't exactly know what to *do* with said parts, until Emmet is having a daydream about his beloved darling- And he gets a hard-on for the first time. And vaguely figures out what to do- And it feels so nice, And- on second thought, maybe having a human form isn't so bad, and then he's thinking about his beloved darling- And finally he picks up a human anatomy book, consults Human Collective Conscious Construct Google, and he learns he can make his darling feel like this? And even better?? He nearly fucking loses it.
Actually, he does lose it; His voice splitting as he moans, his physical eyesight growing bleary as his eyes divide apart into several more, and he can't stop thinking about how cute, how intimate it would be to have your naked body against his- His wings stretching and tensing as the pleasure mounts in his body- and finally after he cums he tries desperately to put himself back together and it's difficult as hell-
"Where's Emmet?" You ask one of the Depot Workers, concerned- Ingo is busy on the Single Train, and you were told to report to either of them once you prepared the work orders that would need to be delivered. Your coworker shrugged uncomfortably.
As if answering your summons, Emmet appears behind you- looking sort of flustered. He tries to crack a smile at you, but quickly hides it- Hoping you don't notice the fact there's more teeth than should physically fit in between his jaws. You offer him the documents, and he can't help himself, though he should really get away from you- He asks you to go over them with him so he can explain it easier to Ingo later- and you begin talking... Suddenly noticing there's feathers coming out around Emmet's coat- and a strange glow of a light-
"Thank-you-verrrry-much-!" He suddenly exclaims, taking the rest of the documents from you, and practically bolting away before you can get out another word. Your coworker shrugs. "They're just like that sometimes," He offers, trying to distract you- "Don't pay him any mind." He must've remembered he had some meeting or something. Emmet was always bad with words, sometimes forgetting to say something, or just taking off without so much as a goodbye- Though he'd never done that to you before.
And you swore you saw feathers coming from Emmet's coat- No, that'd be silly. Emmet didn't even have any bird pokemon- Or well, he did have Archeops, but Archeops didn't have- white feathers.
Your eyes must've been playing tricks on you; That's all!
Until you find on the ground the softest, silkiest, whitest feather you've ever seen in your life- Looking like it was glowing.
Ingo on the other hand can't handle this- physicality. He's freaking out. He's turned into a puddle- He doesn't want to jerk off, and would that technically be cheating on you? Since "sex" as he understands it is something you do with someone you love- And he'd much rather do it with you, but thinking about doing it with you makes the Horny worse-
He doesn't know what to do. Ingo'll be waaay more touchy with you than you're used to- And suddenly he's way more understanding of his younger twin's urges to just grab you and hug you and start kissing you and showering you with love and affection, to drop the charade completely- It'd be so so so easy to just change the way you think, make you think you've always had such wonderfully attentive boyfriends-
Neither of them care very much for pornography- They're you-sexual, and not interested in any other humans. They might try to study the pornography you like, or, if you have other preferred forms of erotic content, they're reading your romance novel collection or what-have-you to figure out things you like- And they may have acquired a copy of the Kama Sutra to figure out the art of lovemaking
Oh and now they're worried you're looking at pornography- Do you experience these urges to? Oh that simply won't do- They want you to only look at them! They want to be the only source of your pleasure! You don't like those ugly looking humans in the videos, do you...?
In other words, if you try to watch anything your internet is now gonna start cutting out. Darn shame. They are very possessive about you, after all.
Emmet tells Ingo to just go ahead and jerk off and Ingo doesn't want to. He's barely holding it together, resisting the urge to lock himself in the bathroom for at least an hour, and he knows just like Emmet losing control of his body, he's gonna do the same if he ah, "unrestrains" himself so much. Scary shambling mass of darkness and writhing tentacles and claws-
And eventually he will do it, feeling only slightly guilty the whole time- Wishing you were in his embrace, touching him yourself, looking up at him and smiling so sweetly- Leaning in for a kiss, one of those oh so intimate and treasured things that lovers engaged in, even in the presence of other humans-
And the next time you see him you're going to be nervous- Ingo's refusing to make eye contact with you, and he seems to be feeling ill! Excusing himself constantly, you keep catching him staring at you with such intensity- It feels like he's going to drill a hole in the back of your head!
He can't help but think about how good it felt- and how amazing it would be to make you feel so good- And he's so so so embarrassed that he's thinking about you that way, poor guy.
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yanban-san · 2 years
◭ Recordatio ◮
Eldritch Submas [Gen] Drabble
(CW: Mem manipulation, Eldritch Monster AU, General; Non-romantic, slightly spook)
More of a spooky thing than anything else. Elesa’s just organizing her photo albums and deleting some old ones-
Just a weird drabble idea I had, hope you all like it. It’s not romantic or anything, just the monster bois getting up to non-darling related antics.
Elesa blinked slowly as she stared at her computer screen- a sharp electrical shock had brought her back from her day dream-
What had she been doing again?
She couldn’t remember.
Something about... clearing old photos on her phone-
But the phone photos were-
always backed up onto her old internet drive.
The one she could never remember how to get into. But the drive didn’t matter, the archive must’ve had hundreds if not thousands of photos in it. Unlimited space!
So then why-
Had she been trying to get onto it?
She flipped through her phone- Her photo record was... practically untouched.
Why did she think she was clearing out old photos then?
She swiveled around at her desk- Her little Emolga was on it’s bed, but not resting.
Watching her.
Worriedly. The electricity from it’s cheeks was flaring, sparking out gently. Had Emolga shocked her?
“Emolga?” Elesa asked, brushing back her bangs. Why did she feel like she had a headache? The little electric squirrel chirped back at her, running into her lap and hugging her tightly.
She looked back at her phone.
The photo record was practically untouched, she could remember taking all these photos- and no more.
Practically untouched.
But not actually.
Elesa blinked again. Slower. And turned back to her computer. Something was missing.
She opened her drawer where she kept a record of some of her passwords.
And logged in to the online storage system.
No changes- Except a photo last night.
Last night? Why had she taken a photo last night- Oh right, she’d been out at one of the clubs with Skyla-
But the missing photo was not in a club.
It was on the street.
A photo of a bleary figure in white, grabbing something-
But whatever it was hadn’t been caught by the camera.
“Why was Emmet out so late at night?” Elesa wondered aloud. And why- Why had Elesa taken a photo of him? He was probably patrolling some of the access gates to get into the Subway- Idiot hooligans and gangsters were always trying to break in.
Elesa tried to think back- And her headache only got worse.
“Hey, Emmet...”
“Oh, Miss Elesa! What might I do for you today?”
“I just wanted to ask you a question- This might sound strange, but...”
“Hmm? You’re always welcome to tell me and brother anything at all, you know. Miss Elesa is the respected Gym Leader of Nimbasa City! We’re more than happy to help you with anything that’s bothering you.” His smile was as bright and cheery as ever.
Elesa smiled back at Emmet’s reassurances. Maybe it was just something weird-She was being silly. That was it. Everything had to be fine.
“Well, I was just wondering- I saw you last night while I was out with my friends, and- well, what was that... thing you were fiddling with?”
Emmet cocked his head, his smile not leaving his face- his eyes unblinking.
“What thing? I think Miss Elesa might be tired- I was not out last night.”
“Yes you were, I took a photo ‘cause it looked so weird! That- that thing-”
“No you didn’t.”
“Wh-What? Yes, I did- It’s right here-”
“You’re going to delete that.”
Elesa stopped, her eyes vacantly staring into the silver ones before her- Such a beautiful light, emanating from deep within them...
Yes, that sounded right. Slowly, she took out her phone and deleted the photo.
“You don’t happen to have back ups, do you?”‘
“I do.”
“Then you’ll go delete those. Miss Elesa?”
“Of course.” She replied vacantly.
Emmet’s smile grew wider. “And this never happened, of course. Neither was I out last night- You never saw me. You went home after hanging out with your friends and nothing else happened. Of course.”
Elesa collapsed, her head reeling.
What- was that, she recalled?
Emmet- Emmet had ordered her?
The memory of the light she saw- the light in the back of his eyes, seared itself in her brain.
It must have been Chandelure- A Zoroark? Must’ve been a Zoroark- That was it, there was a Zoroark running around Gear Station pretending to be Emmet- That had to be it, she rationalized.
But that light- And Zoroarks could be intelligent, yes- But what was it doing in this photo then?
Alarms were ringing in her head. Her head was spinning again-
The photo needed to be deleted.
She opened her chat with Skyla.
[Don’t let anyone delete this- store it somewhere you can’t delete it.] And sent the photo to her.
Skyla responded. [?]
[Just do it. Something is wrong at Gear Station.]
[Is that Emmet in the picture...?] [Weird. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it safe! I got it saved already. You need assistance?]
And Elesa screwed her eyes shut as the headache became even worse- She deleted the conversation.
And the photo also disappeared from her storage.
Her Emolga chirped loudly as she fell back again- clutching her forehead in agony- And the little pokemon delivered another tiny electric shock to her trainer.
Elesa’s eyes jolted open again, blinking as she looked over at her computer screen. Her Emolga nuzzled itself against her.
What had she been doing again?
“I’m sorry, you did what?” Ingo asked his brother when Emmet had returned to the office.
“I thought it would be alright to let her deal with it! I was tired, brotherr- I wanted to spend more time with darling, not dealing with someone who just happened to be poking their nose in business that doesn’t concern them!”
Ingo rubbed the bridge of his eyes tiredly. Oh, Emmet- Kudari. He could be so stupid sometimes.
“Except- And we have already established this, you suck at manipulating people’s memories, Kudari. Who’s the expert on erasing stuff again?”
“But brotherrr-”
“And what do you intend to do if she recalls anything?”
“You can fix it, then!”
Ingo sighed, Why would he expect any different of an answer from his little brother, so happy-go-lucky and carefree?
“If this causes one single problem for us-” He growled back at his brother, pondering a suitable punishment-
“I’m not letting you watch over darling for a week.”
Emmet squeaked in horror- How could his dear brother be so cruel!
Well, he was certain Elesa wouldn’t be able to break out of the commands he had instilled in her- By this time now she’d have deleted everything, forgotten everything, and no one would know anything! Everything would be normal.
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