#Sheila told him the brewery is dog friendly
trivialbob · 1 month
Last night Sheila and I went to a Minneapolis brewery to play Crokinole with other people. It wasn't a tournament. We just rotated around different tables to compete with various players in the loosely organized event.
When we first arrived a guy was already there getting set up. He had a really nice board. He examined our folding board and seemed to have doubts. People often ask if the center-line seam affects play. It does not.
He noted our bumper pegs were wood and lacked the rubber or silicon cover that the pegs on his board had. "Not as bouncy," he explained. I quietly wondered if we had purchased a deficient board. As more people arrived I saw at least half the boards had the wood pegs like ours. Whew!
That guy was super nice though. Before the games began he took time to practice with me and offered helpful advice that I welcomed.
He asked how often I waxed our board's surface. "Never, I mean not yet," I replied. He got out micro fiber towels and car wax spray and went to work on our board. I liked the results. The appearance didn't change, but the wood discs slid much better. I think I had better control over them after that. He also explained how to use shuffleboard wax/sawdust. One variety I saw was from France. I'm not sure it's legal in all 50 US states. Sheila said another one looked like popcorn salt. Thank goodness the brewery didn't offer popcorn, because she might have gotten sick!
Sheila and I were the oldest people there. Several of the players were younger than our two sons. I still enjoyed talking with them. It amused me that instead of talking about spouses and houses, as I might with my peers, I heard about boyfriends/girlfriends/roommates and apartments.
It was a fun evening.
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