#Shipeos de las pinks
iluvpinks · 2 years
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sussy-boy · 3 years
||Blog ESP & ENG||
¡Heya! Antes de empezar quiero decir que en este blog habrá lenguaje grosero, chistes negros y de carácter al sexual en algunas ocasiones (Lo sexual no será explicito como si fuera a dibujar un pene, solo chistes lmao) si eres una persona a la que no le gusta este tipo de humor (y si eres menor de 13, según la información que busque creo que este blog entra en esa clasificación de +13), no veas el blog. Gracias.
Before I start I want to say that in this blog there will be foul language, black jokes and of a sexual nature (The sexual thing will not be explicit as if it were to draw a penis, only jokes lmao) if you are a person who doesn't like this type of humor (And if you are under 13, according to the information I was looking for, I think this blog is ranked +13) Do not see this blog, thanks.
¡Hay 10 tripulantes y 3 impostores en esta nave! / There are 10 crewmates and 3 impostors in this ship!
Cada uno tiene sus características, déjeme presentarlos / Each one has its characteristics, let me introduce them
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Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: No
-It's a male /Es hombre
-Very paranoid about who the impostor is / Muy paranoico con respecto a quien es el impostor
-Only trust on his pet / Solo confía en su mascota
•Stalker!Black is pretty sus, why is he following me?
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Rol: Crewmate/ Tripulante
Crush: Paranoid!Red
-It's a male/ Es hombre
-Likes to stalk and simp Paranoid!Red / Le gusta acosar y simpear a Paranoid!Red
-Sometimes he behaves or dresses like a femboy / Aveces se comporta o se viste como un femboy
•Paranoid!Red is so cute! I don't let THAT NOBODY touch him
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Rol: Crewmate/ Tripulante
Crush: Hate!Pink
-It's a female / Es mujer
-Le encantan los shipeos slash (Hombre × Hombre) / She loves the slash ships (male × male)
-Es amiga de Flirt!Cyan / She is a friend of Flirt!Cyan
-Aveces es muy molesta / Sometimes it is very annoying
•Red and Black look so cute together
•Blue and Green to look pretty cute together! Why Orange doesn't let they alone?
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Rol: Impostor
Crush: No
-It's a female / Es mujer
-Odia a todos menos a Flirt!Cyan, es como su aprendiz / hates everyone but Flirt!Cyan, he's likes her apprentice.
-Sabe hacer buenas estrategias / She knows how to do the strategies
-Muy sarcástica / Very sarcastic
• Crewmates are stupid
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Rol: Impostor
Crush: Shipper!Purple (Also a little bit JAS!Gray [Sussy-Boy] and Paranoid!Red)
-It's a male / Es hombre
-Le gusta coquetear con todos, menos con Worker!Green y Friendly!Orange, por qué son sus padres / Likes to flirt with everyone except with Worker!Green and Friendly!Orange, because they are his parents
•You all look so cute~
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Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: Worker!Green
-It's a female / Es mujer
- Ex-Esposa de Worker!Green y Madre de Flirt!Cyan / Ex-Wife of Worker!Green and mother of Flirt!Cyan
- Aún ama a Worker!Green y se arrepiente de haberse ido / She still loves Worker! Green and regrets leaving
- Es muy amigable y amable con todos / She is very friendly and kind with all
-Su mejor amigo es Detective!White / Her Best Friend is Detective!White
•I will get you again, and if I fail, I hope you will me happy
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Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: Comic!Blue and Friendly! Orange
- It's a male / Es hombre
- Ex-Esposo de Friendly!Orange y padre de Flirt!Cyan / Ex-husband of Friendly!Orange and father of Flirt!Cyan
-Siempre hace sus tareas / Always does his tasks
-Aun ama a Friendly!Orange pero tiene resentimiento hacia ella / He still loving Friendly!Orange pero Has resentment towards her
-Comic!Blue siempre lo hace reir / Comic!Blue always make him laugh
•Just do your tasks
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Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: Worker!Green
-It's a male / Es hombre
-Le encanta hacer todo tipo de chistes / He loves to make all kinds of jokes
- Worker!Green lo ayuda con sus tareas / Worker!Green helps him with is task
- Ama la risa suave de Worker!Green / Loves the soft laugh of Worker!Green
• Videos de caídas graciosas, las torres gemelas buscar
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Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: Friendly!Orange
-It's a male / Es hombre
-Siempre anda buscando pistas de quién es el impostor / he's always looking for clues of who the impostor is
- Siempre escucha los problemas de Friendly!Orange / Always listen to the problems of Friendly!Orange
• There is a impostor among us, I will find it
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Rol: Crewmate/ tripulante
Crush: No
-Su genero es un secreto del gobierno/ It gender is a government secret
- Tiene de apodo "Papaya" / Has a nickname "Papaya"
- Solo se la pasa dando vueltas la nave sin hacer nada / It just goes around the ship doing nothing
- Pana del Sussy-Boy y Hyper / Friend of Sussy-Boy and Hyper
• Me lo confirmo un meme de reditt
(Me acabo de enterar de que hay un límite de 10 imágenes en Tumblr lmao/ I just found out there is a 10 image limit on Tumblr lol)
Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: No
-it's a male / es hombre
-Tripulante normal, hace sus tareas, arregla sabotajes y participa en las reuniones. Maldito aburrido / Normal crewmate, does his tasks, arranges sabotage and participates in meetings. Fucking boring person
•No horny
Rol: Impostor
Crush: J-A-S!Gray
-It's a male / Es hombre
-Novio del Sussy-Boy / Sussy-Boy Boyfriend
- Le gustan las construcciones desplasables por agua y locomotoras / He likes the constructions that move by water and locomotives
-Le encanta la comida / Loves food
-Apesta como impostor / sucks like impostor
Rol: Crewmate / Tripulante
Crush: Hyper!Coral
-su apodo es Sussy-Boy / His nickname is Sussy-Boy
-It's a male / Es hombre
-Creador del blog / Blog's Creator
-Le encanta la comida / Loves food
-Ama las mascotas / Loves pets
•Porno es porno
Es todo! Veré si puedo poner imágenes en notas / It's all! I'll see if I can put pictures in notes
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