#Slade lying through his teeth: Hey Nightwing this is your clone
charlietheepicwriter7 · 6 months
Some Business Bozo puts a hit out on Vlad. It's one of Vlad's earliest victims, back before he knew how to properly cover his tracks but there were so few metas no one knew exactly what the hell happened. BB had his entire fortune and company stolen and has spent the rest of his life building up enough fortune to hire the best assassin to murder this bastard.
Enter Slade Wilson.
Slade has recently accepted the job to kill Vlad Masters. During preliminary research, Slade discovers Daniel Masters, formerly Fenton, the godchild Vlad adopted after his family died in an accident. The godchild who despises Masters for murdering his friends and family. The godchild who is willing to sell Masters out in a heartbeat if it means being free.
The Terminator and the Ghost Boy strike a deal. Slade even grows fond of the little maniac.
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