knowledgenook · 1 month
Public Speaking Classes in Singapore: Overcome stage fright and become a confident and persuasive communicator with Kiya Learning Public Speaking Classes in Singapore. Our experienced coaches provide personalized instruction and feedback, helping students develop effective speaking techniques and command the attention of any audience.
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languageyeti1985 · 1 year
Here Are A Few Tips We Could All Do With In Our Language Journey...
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What are some common mistakes that ESL students make when learning English?
What is self-talk therapy, and how can it be useful for English students?
How can ESL students practise their English language skills on a daily basis?
How can ESL students overcome mistakes and build resilience in their language-learning journey?
After my 13 years in the classroom working as a native speaker with ESL students, I have seen it all - from the struggles of beginner students to the frustrations of advanced learners. Throughout my career, I've noticed common mistakes that ESL students make, particularly when building confidence in speaking English. 
Therefore, my motivation for creating this blog was to provide practical advice and techniques to help Non-native English speakers overcome their fears and speak English more confidently. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most effective tips and techniques for building confidence in speaking English together.
Start Small - Remember not to underestimate the power of simple sentences - they can lead to bigger ones! 
When building confidence in speaking English, starting with the basics is essential. For example, to enhance your skills in constructing simple sentences and gradually work up to more complex ones. 
One practical tip is to practise simple sentence structures by describing everyday objects or activities. For example, try describing a picture using simple sentences such as 
"The sky is blue" or "The tree is tall." 
As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the complexity of your sentences by adding descriptive words or using more complex sentence structures.
Practice in a Safe Environment - When it comes to language learning, it's all about finding a 'com-for-tongue' zone! 
It's important to practise speaking in a safe and comfortable environment where you feel free to make mistakes without fear of judgement, which can be with a friend, teacher, or language exchange partner. 
A practical tip is to find a language exchange partner who is also learning English. That allows you to practise speaking with someone who understands the challenges of language learning and can provide helpful feedback. 
Additionally, joining a language club or attending English-speaking events can provide a safe and supportive environment to practise speaking English.
Learn from Mistakes - Remember, every mistake is a missed steak opportunity! 
Don't be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English. Instead, use them as learning opportunities. Analyse your mistakes and figure out how to improve. One practical tip is to keep a journal of your errors and the corrections your teacher or language exchange partner provided. 
That allows you to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. 
Additionally, practising the correct way to say a word or phrase can help you avoid making the same mistake.
Use Visual Aids - A picture is worth a thousand words - especially when learning a new language! 
Visual aids can be a powerful tool for learning and retaining new vocabulary. 
Try using flashcards, pictures, or even videos to aid in your language learning. One practical tip is to create flashcards with images and English words or phrases. Use them to practise vocabulary and sentence structures. 
Additionally, watching English-language movies or TV shows with subtitles can help you associate spoken words with written text and improve your listening and comprehension skills.
Record and Listen to Yourself - Don't be shy; give your recordings a listen and let your voice be heard! 
Recording yourself speaking English is a great way to track your progress and identify areas for improvement - well, it will ensure you have an intelligent conversation. 
Listen to your recordings and analyse your pronunciation, intonation, and grammar. One practical tip is to record yourself reading a short passage or describing a picture. Then, listen to the recording and identify areas where you can improve in the comfort of your home. 
You can also compare your recording to that of a native speaker to identify differences in pronunciation and intonation.
Speak to Yourself: It may seem crazy to talk to yourself, but it's all about self-talk therapy! 
Speaking to yourself in English can be a great way to build confidence and practise your language skills in a safe and comfortable environment. 
Try this practical tip to develop your speaking English alone, such as when getting ready in the morning or doing household chores.
You can also develop speaking English during your commute by describing your surroundings or talking about your day.
Mimic Native Speakers - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery when learning a new language! 
When learning a new language, it's essential to set realistic goals for yourself, which could be as simple as learning a new word or phrase each day or as complex as giving a presentation in English. 
One practical tip is to break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks. For example, if your goal is to give a presentation in English, break it down into smaller tasks such as writing an outline, practising your pronunciation, and rehearsing the presentation with a language exchange partner.
Get Involved in English-speaking Activities - Be bold and get involved in English-speaking activities - after all, it's a language party, and everyone's invited! 
The more you practise speaking English, the more comfortable and confident you will become. 
A practical tip is to make speaking English a part of your daily routine. Set aside time each day to practise your language skills, whether by talking to yourself, practising with a language exchange partner, or attending an English-speaking event.
All in all, learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By following these practical tips, Bilingual learners can\ improve their English-speaking skills and gain confidence in their abilities. 
Remember to start small, practice in a safe environment, learn from mistakes, use visual aids, record and listen to yourself, speak to yourself, set realistic goals, and repeat, repeat, repeat! 
You can succeed in your English language journey with dedication and hard work.
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muratome-blog · 8 months
Japanese Shadowing Part 7 - Toramu Nihongo Premium
#JapaneseShadowing #LanguageLearning #JapanesePronunciation #SpeakingPractice #LanguageStudy #JapaneseListening #LanguageTechniques #ShadowingPractice #JapaneseFluency #LanguageSkills #JapaneseSpeaking #ShadowingTips #LanguageImprovement #JapanesePractice #LanguageAcquisition #ShadowingExercises #JapaneseLanguage #SpeakingConfidence #LanguageTraining #EffectiveLearning #LearnJapanese #LanguageGoals #LanguageMastery  #日本語シャドーイング  #言語学習
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knowledgenook · 1 month
Public Speaking Classes in Singapore: Public speaking classes in Singapore empower individuals to communicate effectively and confidently in public settings. With instruction in speech preparation, delivery techniques, and stage presence, students develop communication skills and overcome stage fright. These classes provide opportunities for practice and feedback, helping students become engaging and persuasive speakers.
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