#Still looking for the tabloid article in which Judy's chins joggle happily
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I must tell you, I just got back, well actually 3 months ago, just got back from Europe and I did a tour of the Continent. And I worked in Paris. I had never worked in Paris before. And I have a friend in Paris…a woman who is so chic…she’s just SO chic, you can’t stand it.
And she’s a darling, marvelous woman…and she’s just so chic! Anyway, she said ‘you must go to my hairdresser, because obviously, you need somebody’. HA!
She arranged for me to go this marvelous Parisian fellow who is just supposed to be the end, you know. And he came in and took one look at me…and he was quite discouraged.  And he said the first thing you must do is look nothing, nothing like Judy Garland, nothing like yourself!
And I said, well, don’t you think I should look a little like myself? And he said, ‘No No…that would be disastrous. We must change you completely’.
So, the night of the performance he comes backstage and he had about 9 assistants, you know. And they clipped…and my hair just got taller and taller…and really it was about up to here, you know…and great big things out here…in my day you used to call them spit curls. And I looked very strange. I looked like an overweight Balenciaga model. And I came out on stage for the concert that night…I walked out balancing my hair. Ha.
And when I work, I get very warm, as you can see.  I get so hot. And I started to sing and I started to get warm. And my hair started to fall.  And it got lower and lower and, I just mean…it looked Neanderthal. The lacquer was running down my face. It was terrible.
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