kageruna · 3 years
Nishinoya likes to go too hard at Gym class that's all🧍 good day
Actually wait, Daichi does too but he doesn't show it like Noya does.
Tendou eats Ramen but without cooking it and without the packet he just crunches it like a cracker.
Ushijima puts milk first coming from someone who puts milk first(yes sadly I do)
I can TOTALLY see Noya just screaming at the top of his lungs in gym class once he wins a round of basketball or something LMFAO ALSO AWWWW THE DAICHI ONE IS ACTUALLY REALLY SWEET 🥺🥺🥺 and i mean like who DOESN’T eat ramen like crackers and dry snacks 🙄 KJSDNFIHEUI ALSO HOW CAN YOU PUT MILK BEFORE CEREAL I’M TALKING TO BOTH YOU AND USHI 😡😡😡
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hazelnats · 9 years
The Film Lover Challenge a.k.a. Couch Potato Challenge. List 15 movies that you love as fast as you can! Then tag 5 humans. Non-humans are okay too.
nicaruu-mirakuru thank you so much for tagging me!! Sorry it took me so long ; v ;
1. Back To The Future
2. The Parent Trap
3. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
4. Big Hero 6 (haven’t seen it yet, but !!!)
5. Spirit
6. Wolf Children (oh god did I CRY)
7. The Giver
8. 13 Going on 30
9. Pacific Rim
10. The Princess Diaries
11. How To Train Your Dragon (both of em)
12. Apocalypto
13. The Amazing Spiderman (both of em)
14.  The Prince Of Egypt
15. LOTR and The Hobbit
I did it!!!!! didn’t think I could finish it
Tagged: yosoystarlord, llazuli, reinbow-rei, deceivingsilhouettes, giantstuffedgiraffes
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