rpfisfine · 4 months
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god the men you put on this earth to make political skits abt trump sending hundreds of untrained federal agents to fire pepper spray tear gas and projectiles at demonstrators and pull them into unmarked vans during the 2020 george floyd protests in portland oregon are doing hardcore bdsm mask and camo fetish porn
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basterdly · 2 months
@triija i got a notification from you, is it finally over???
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gothgirlsakura · 2 months
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@triija is free
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rpfisfine · 10 days
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rpfisfine · 3 months
dear god
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rpfisfine · 4 months
(hasan leaves)
(immediately) “should we make out?” “do you wanna kiss?”
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rpfisfine · 4 months
Sorry but i don't have anyone to vent about this to. i'm going insane because of aleksa's eyes specifically. how can someone have eyes like that. why are they so big....? so he can read socialist literature more efficiently? So he can See his best friend(who is big also) better? why are they so grey? can he see me through the screen? help
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII im gonna pretend i have no idea who sent this ask and we're meeting each other for the 1st time again on a beautiful windswept beach on a warm summer evening and aren't currently living together in my windowless eunuch tower... sooooooo so so so so fucking real ive been saving up resources for an aleksa eyes compilation just for this ask alone and im realizing now there's only so many images one can hoard before needing to share them with the masses for the sake of one's sanity so here they are:
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like......youre sooooo right no other man in the world has legitimately the eyes of a gay yugoslavian pornstar like theyre so fascinating. he has all the privileges of someone with beautiful bright eyes but also you don't look like a cringe idiot praising them bc they aren't like basic regular ass blue orbs. also the last one drives me insane bc it looks like he used to wear eyeliner in the rly early boy boy videos..............i need to be hospitalized immediately. also i love that in the money laundering video (middle left) they were like damn we need a deeply cinematic shot of someone with enchanting eyes and thick lashes looking longingly up at a pokie machine (before licking it and making out and pretending to have sex with it). Thankfully we know just the right man to call
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rpfisfine · 3 months
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aleksa + dog motif
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rpfisfine · 5 months
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starting to think that working for the chaser is just aleksa's equivalent of idat's topless waiter job
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rpfisfine · 3 months
hi, i think you should watch this hasan vod with alex and aleksa
it’s actually the same stream as when they went shopping with xqc (but before xqc arrived)
anyway, they join at about 3:51:18, and the first ten minutes (like until 4:01:28) are especially good i think, though there are some good moments throughout
also please watch aleksa at 4:09:22
hiiiiiiii thank you so much for this rec there were so many insane moments that i was forced to strip this comp back to the basics bc the file wouldve been too big otherwise but i think this should still be a pretty exhaustive selection:
the cum eating / cum retention story
"i think i wasn't ready for alex's severe and intense training regime. he ended up putting me in the hospital during one of our spars... which is nice. 😁"
hasan being glad he didn't have to fight alex + saying he looks like a ufc fighter + alex: "i feel like you would still smash me."
"[alex] looks like he grew up in dagestan punching rocks"
aleksa: "alex would just dominate me the entire time"
alex complimenting aleksa
"we weren't going that hard, it's more just [alex] got, like, the sweet spot" (??????)
alex saying he was worried he would appear weak "because hasan's so big" Okay
(my personal favorite) them discussing alex's unreal physique + aleksa saying how annoying it is when he randomly starts working out at home + calling alex a weirdo + "just go bat off like everyone else"
hasan giving alex his shirt + alex saying he looks "like a schoolchild" with rolled down sleeves
"you guys bang each other? all the time." and aleksa's intriguing reaction
aleksa's obsession with bass pro shops shirts
aleksa talking abt wanting to show hunter biden's cock on twitter to alex
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rpfisfine · 4 months
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punches a million holes in my walls
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rpfisfine · 1 month
havent ever asked this before SO!!!!!!!!!!: top 5 death grips tracks
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...omg....okay....let's see *passes away*
spread eagle cross the block (my all time favorite)
centuries of damn
culture shock
come up and get me
bitch please
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rpfisfine · 4 months
its sooooooo sad when you want to like every single post on your mutual's blog but you already liked every single new one or they don't have anything new on their blog.......
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rpfisfine · 4 months
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aleksa + being into the idea of alex having boobs
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rpfisfine · 2 months
day 2 of @triija being unable to like my posts bc of the stupid tumblr shadowban
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rpfisfine · 2 months
what's your favorite species of tree?? ^__^
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRIIJA oh my god im literally just seeing this ask now for the first time bc it wasn't visible in my inbox up until this point i cannot believe they didn't even allow you to send asks during your dark shadowban period thats so horrible and twisted WTF....but you are still so brave and kind for trying to send me one thats such a beautiful quastion......it's got to be poplar bc when i was a kid i used to live in a house with a direct view of this super long poplar avenue and i loved all of the trees dearly & tried to memorize the way each one of them looked so i could maybe draw the whole avenue by memory one day but i never succeeded in doing that unfortunately. also one time a bunch of men came to like maintain the branches a little bit and practically the whole street was scared to death they were gonna cut them down but thankfully that never happened.......i rly like that u barely see poplars on their own (or at least where i live) there's always a bunch of them like arranged into a row and i like to think that all of them are friends and when one of them thinks of something funny they like pass the information from one end to the other so they can all laugh at it. smiles
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