#Tails: Pretty much. Had no problem letting out a full arsenal at him along with a liiiiiittle virus for his conmputers. Robots. Etc etc.
fluffyk97 · 2 years
So apparently hedgehogs hibernate for a bit...
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With my current Sonic brainrot, especially considering the bros- I'm now just thinking of the scenario of Sonic actually hibernating-
Of course, I imagine Sonic doesn't really let himself hibernate, at least not much. So he travels tp warmer climates during the time and goes on several runs to keep himself awake. Tails is the only one who's really seen Sonic hibernate and be affected by it since he won't let anyone else see him in such a tired state.
During their younger years, Tails would help gather food for Sonic and keep watch as his brother slept a little, but Sonic never let himself really sleep too long. Not wanting to be caught off guard by Eggman, and/or leave Tails to be on his own in anyway. As they grew older, Sonic started to never really let him even get a little bit of hibernation time. Even if him and Tails were safer than they ever were when they were younger with them actually having a home now [more specifically Tails' home, but its pretty much both of theirs as often Sonic crashes there and where he stores his stuff], there was also almost never ending threats. Sonic felt like he had no time to "laze around and snooze" so it was better to make himself stay awake, "just migrate like birds do or something" in his words. Tails was fine with it for a bit... Until he realized how much Sonic rarely even slept in general and never came home during the late of December/early January.
One winter, Tails finally puts his foot down and tells Sonic he's staying home this year to hibernate. Sonic, of course, absolutely refuses, saying he needs to keep an eye out for Eggman, or who knows, some other threat that could be out there! But after being given some pleading eyes and explained he has barely let himself rest in months, he gives in.
Tails makes sure to get a room all ready for Sonic, lots of pillows and blankets to boot. A ton of food available for the taking. Perfectly safe from any possible threats that could come with reinforced+soundproof walls. Sonic finds it a bit overboard, but he knows Tails means well. It all goes smoothly, Tails checks in every now and then to make sure Sonic hasn't snuck out and is sleeping easy. To his relief, Sonic keeps his word about swearing to Tails he'll rest.
Tails won't let anyone or anything disturb Sonic and goes in full protective mode even outside the room. Setting up security as defense and watch out for anyone who could be trying to visit. He'd let friends in of course, but if Eggman or any other tries to come and think Sonic is an easy target for the taking. Then he will make sure they deeply regret their choices.
Sonic manages to sleep through his whole hibernation, and finds it best to ignore the new craters outside and Eggman's temporary long absence. Tails looks fine and is happy he finally slept like nature intended for him. That's all that matters to him..
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vexredain · 5 years
Vex’s Brief Guide to Baldesion Arsenal :: Part 1 - Twin Spears & Raiden
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“’E’s ‘ind me, ain’t ‘e?”
Now that I’ve had some time to get some clears done, I can finally write a guide! I’m not sure that I’ll be able to get to Ozma (though I hope I can and I’ll give it a good try!) but if I don’t, this will likely be my last guide. So thank you all for sticking with my until now if that’s the case! I’m sure I’ll have a lot of other bits of content to write guides for come Shadowbringers, so this definitely isn’t the end!
For those who may not have heard of Baldesion Arsenal, it is a piece of High-End content that is connected to, and accessed through, Eureka Hydatos. There are four bosses in total. Furthermore, unlike nearly every other piece of content in the game, raise is very limited in BA, with only three sources of raise possible - Sacrifice L, Spirit of the Remembered, Healer Limit Break 3. 
I’ve really enjoyed BA so far, it plays like an old school MMO raid, which means that it requires a lot of people, a lot of patience, and a lot of careful planning and strategy!
This guide will cover:
Runs and Organisation
Path to Twin Spears
Twin Spears
Path to Raiden
Logos Actions
Best of luck to all you Warriors of Light whom venture into the final part of the Forbidden Land, the Baldesion Arsenal! As always, the rest will be under the cut.
1. Runs and Organisation
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So, you’ve completed Eureka, and now you’re looking to do Baldesion Arsenal for the promise of that sick Ozma mount, as well as either your augmented Eureka weapon, +2 armour, or Kirin’s Osode/Vermillion Cloak. The vast majority of BA runs are organised via discord and this is the best way to assure yourself a spot in a run, rather than entering an instance beforehand and entering a portal as a pug (which may have its own problems depending on whether or not the instance has another pre-made BA group in it). You can find the discord link for the Aether Baldesion Arsenal Discord >here< and be sure to assign yourself the correct roles so that you’re available to be pinged whenever there’s a group going. 
So how exactly are these runs organised? 56 people are required for a ‘full’ run of BA, though there are only 48 portals that spawn on the killing of Ovni. This is because the last group, named the Support Group must stay outside to rally the rest of the instance to kill the ELvl 60 NM FATE “The Baldesion Arsenal: Expedition Support”. Most fragment groups aim to kill Twin Spears, then Raiden, and then clear the trash up to AV as there are three chests past Raiden and before AV. As such fragment runs will always be under 48 people, progression runs will require the full amount. 
Group leaders are usually whoever wants to step up and get the group together, and will sit in the Group Leaders channel in the chosen Arsenal Group folder (the Aether BA discord has between 1 - 9). These groups will be formed within the Party Finder and given passwords, detailed in the relevant LFG channel for the run. Each group will be associated with a different element, with the tank of each group usually sticking to the element of their party barring extenuating circumstances. As such the groups are further divided depending on what side, and therefore which Twin Spear, that they are on. These are East Side (Fire, Lightning, Ice) and West Side (Earth, Wind, Water).  From there, the group leaders will ready check, enter the instance (usually at the same time in order to try to spawn a fresh and continuing to do so until all groups are in the same instance), and organise their parties until BA is entered. You will be asked to choose a portal, a map of these is below, along side which portals belong to which group! Worry not if you do not have a stabiliser, you can wait 5 Earth Time Minutes and all portals will turn red and are able to be entered.
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Once the groups are in BA, you will have to go to your relevant side. DO NOT JUMP DOWN OFF OF THE PLATFORM YET! Jumping off will render you unable to return to the Logos Manipulator, Magia Spinner, and if you’re on the wrong side, you’ll be stuck there. The West Side is always the same as the Logos Manipulator, and the East Side is always the same as the Magia Melder. Pay attention to which side your group is on, and follow them down. 
2. Path to Twin Spears
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You’re now ready to begin the real fight! This will be a Demon Wall. It doesn’t do anything in particular other than serve as a wall that you have to hit. 
Further ahead, you’ll see Arsenal Magus mammets, and an Arsenal Poroggo. The Magi will do an AoE (Deadly), and should be pulled slowly. If you’re a tank, pull at range and do not attempt a big pull, this can get party members killed early. The Poroggo is your true challenge, its Toy Hammer ability must be interrupted, else it chunk your tank a hefty 80%-ish of their health pool. 
Up the top of the stairs will be two Arsenal Byblos, these guys do a tail-based AoE so do not stay behind them at any time (Remember all enemies here have no directionals), and do not stay in front of them either as they will cast Magic Hammer which will kill you. This can be interrupted. 
You’ve cleared the trash, bringing us to the first boss! It is hear that in discord your group will likely merge with another in a different channel, separated by what side you are on, this is to better communicate and perform call-outs. 
3. Twin Spears
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These boys will be your first challenge upon reaching the Arsenal. There are two different bosses here with very different, yet also similar, mechanics. 
Art is the West boss, whilst Owain is the East boss. I don’t want to detail mechanics here, as the best place to find them is in the BA guide written by Kalina Skysong of Leviathan world, which can be found >here<!
After the twins are killed, they must die at the same time, you will be able to move ahead further into the Arsenal!
4. Path to Raiden
The first thing you will likely hear in Discord is people saying “Don’t go any further! Wait!!” this is because yes, the way ahead is particularly dangerous. There are traps that lay unseen and will instantly kill those who step on them. Unlike similar mechanics in HoH and PotD, these are massive. 
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Yes, these things are pretty damn dangerous. Luckily, they can be detected from a range of 15 yalms by the Logos Action Perception L. This will let you know a trap is nearby from a range of 30 yalms. Please note that once the trap is discovered it is not disarmed! It will still kill you. There is 1 trap on the way up to the room before Raiden, and in this antechamber there are 4 traps, in a rough square shape around the room 2 on the East side, and 2 on the West side. 
There’s a few trash mobs that are quite dangerous on the way up to Raiden. These are:
Arsenal Magus. Avoid AoE. 
Arsenal Sprite. This mob will patrol up and down the hallways. It will cast Banish III, this MUST be interrupted as it will immediately banish a party member from the instance. 
Arsenal Calcabrina. This terrifying doll must be tanked facing away from the raid, all DPS and Healers must stand behind it as its gaze AoE will kill people who are not tanks. 
Arsenal Geshunpest. This guy doesn’t do all that much but float around and patrol down the corridors. 
Arsenal Centaurs. These guys are mean, they will cast Rear, which must be avoided by melee DPS in particular. Their other cast is Beserk and this must be Slept, lest the tank get 2 shot by the damage up buff it receives on successful cast.  
Now you’ve fought through all that! It’s time for Raiden. 
5. Raiden
Raiden is the second boss of BA, and one of the more technically difficult ones. The best thing to do is follow your raid’s callouts, and make sure that you know the markers’ locations around the room. Raiden himself has mechanics from Hashmal (Half the room is hit with an AoE depending on which side his weapon is glowing on), Ifrit (Nails will spawn and must be killed to avoid a raid wipe), and Odin. 
Again, I don’t want to detail mechanics too much here. Please check out Kalina Skysong of Leviathan server’s guide >here<!
If you die on Raiden, it’s okay. It happens to the best of us. You can watch me die to Raiden twice >here< if you want! If you have died, and you’re a healer, it’s likely that someone will risk raising you through a Sacrifice L. This can also happen if you’re a DPS or Tank too, it depends on the party and how many healers still have a Spirit of the Remembered up. If YOU are a Healer, remember to take your chest first before you attempt a gamble on a raise!
6. Chests
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Following Raiden, there’s still more! There are 3 chests in the following areas that must be found, these will give 1 Eureka Fragment each, along with either 5 Obscure Logograms, a token for one of the FFXI chestpieces, or a mix. 
As with before, wait for the person with Perception to go first. Ahead there will be some new trash mobs that have some nasty surprises for you! These are:
Arsenal Scribes. Interrupt Condensed Libra.
Arsenal Bibliotheque. This refrigerator will either cast a donut AoE or a circle AoE centered around him. Avoid this as it can and will kill you in one hit. Try not to be on the stairs as this can affect how visible his markers are. 
Aresenal Eye. This will do a cone AoE, avoid it. 
Arsenal Calcabrina. The same gaze attack as before, must be pointed away from the raid. 
Keep checking for traps as you go up the stairs. Now, you’ll be on a corridor with many rooms ahead, with AV staring you down from the back. The purposes of these rooms is to find a portal that will take you to the third and last chest. The second chest is also found in one of these rooms, each aligned with a specific element, so let the tank aligned with that element pull that room. 
 In a frag run, take these slowly, pull what you can, and kill it. Do not run into the rooms without the Perception L carrier having scoped out the room first. The portal is also invisible and must be found through the use of Perception L. 
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Yes, these portals can be placed VERY precariously. Once this portal is found, enter it, and you’ll be at the last chest. Take it, and prosper! Usually at this point, the raid will return back to base in Eureka Hydatos. Your run is now complete! 
6. Roles 
Minesweepers are what I like to call the carriers of Perception L. This is one of the most important roles in the instance and must be done carefully. You basically just spam Perception L to first find if you are close to a trap, and then spam it some more to locate it once you are near. WALK SLOWLY and be careful. 
Tanks. You must be elementally aligned with one specific element. This will not change unless you are down a tank, or there are mobs ahead that are not aligned with the tanks on your side at the beginning of the instance. 
7. Logos Actions
For a first time run, I would recommend Spirit of the Remembered and Wisdom of the Platebearer. This gives you enough survivability that you may survive some of the AoEs in the instance. Spirit of the Remembered will give you a 70% chance of rez on death, that’s pretty great! Refresh L is also nice for the DPS who may be often switching their magia board and losing aether. Spirit of the Remembered should always be available and you should have many of them in storage. If you can’t make them using the singular Mneme, remember they are also made through Wisdom of the Platebearer, Wisdom of the Martialist, Wisdom of the Aetherweaver being placed within the Logos Manipulator. Save your singular Mneme for when you want two Logos Actions ad it lowers the chance of failure. 
If you’re a healer, Shell L, Protect L are usually wanted and cast on people who will wait on the bridge at the start, and the stairs before Raiden. Sacrifice L MUST be paired with Spirit of the Remembered, after cast you will get doom. This CANNOT be Esuna’d, so you will die. If your SoR procs, great! If not, another healer will likely juggle procs with you until you are both alive. 
Tanks, Wisdom of the Indomitable is an especially good Logos Action, as is Wisdom of the Platebearer. SoR is required with both. 
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With that, you’ll be good to continue farming your frags, or whatever else you came into the Arsenal for, whether its progression or gear, I hope this guide served you well! Thank you once again for reading! Credit to Kalina Skysong for her amazing guide, the creator of the Portal Map, to whom I do not know the name, and the Dataminers for the BA maps I used here! It’s been a pleasure writing all these guides, I’ve enjoyed it immensely being able to share, and run Eureka with you all. 
May you ever walk in the light of the Crystal, 
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landenhqcf035-blog · 4 years
Do you know everything about Grand Theft Auto 3
The GTA series has always been about working the good with the bad. On one supply, the open-ended character of the entertainment next the enormous city environments put together the ready a large thrill to tease. For the problem, the previous incarnations with the game were cursed with reduced mission propose that never really get you feel like you are working toward any type of greater goal. You just got around, causing problems, occasionally doing odd affairs for the area criminal masterminds until you had collected enough funds to continue. Rockstar's latest opening in the collection, GTA 3, reinvents the strings, replaces the idea for the latest initiation of consoles, and manages to keep every one positive view on the two previous activity. Before, to set that a new means, Grand Theft Auto III is one of the most amazing PlayStation 2 ready to be announced this year.
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Before we leave any more, there's one thing everyone should know about GTA III before getting it. It is definitely the most "mature" M-rated game available today. More often than not, it is storyline circles around very violent achievement of offense, in case you run from the storyline and go on a crime spree of your personal, the game becomes an utter bloodbath. On top of to, the experience contains adult expression with locations, including drugs, prostitution, and a heaping helping of sex innuendo. If R-rated crime sagas such as Goodfellas or Warm are too much for you, then this isn't the game for you. The game and dialogue have taken place generated specifically with an adult audience, and it definitely isn't for adolescents.
GTA3 happens in a fictional metropolis known as Liberty City. Liberty City is a largely corrupt lay, with numerous warring criminal factions spread throughout the boroughs. You're a small-time crook that receives set up by your girlfriend during a heist. People bring the accident for the crime but manage to escape when a posse of heavy overwhelm the paddy car which you, plus a couple of other prisoners, are vacationing now. This is everywhere a person land ahead with the demolitions expert known as 8-Ball, who uses you to suffer a good friend from the beginning part with the game, that also works as a article of form to help you get adapted to the leadership with the planet. Which buddy is involved with the Mafia, naturally, after that he gives you jobs of growth difficulty. Each mission begin with a cutscene which program up your concern nicely, explaining why it being done to aid "the descendants" also grant the missions--which include such jobs while offering the object, trailing a suspected security leak, and removing shown the organizer of opposing gangs--a real good sense of use. As you progress, you'll meet other people in the business of destroying the law, who will have work for you. This provides options, as you can both make every available mission through every regarding your own contacts or skip about since boss to boss then sort out the mission in what buy you want. As one missions trigger plot points, this entirely potential to overlook some missions throughout the course of the game. As you proceed, other portions from the city may start, offering you access to contemporary missions, automobiles, and terrain.
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While the missions in GTAIII are pleasure and a bit wickedly challenging, there's also lots of fun being owned with simply exploring the world all around you. Rockstar and DMA Design have clearly spent a lot of time adding tons of little moves on the game to, while almost completely unnecessary, become the world seem like a living, breathing place. Groupings of small face missions are incorporated, brought about by shooting into a specific vehicle. Lifting a taxi can allowed anyone get traveling and provide them for funds. Jacking a cop car enables you get on on vigilante missions to clean the neighborhood with eliminating specific criminals. Fire pickup and ambulances also have their own particular missions. Other little effects are graphical; the person can change the hen to any car which grows too all around people while crossing a road. If you start in a van with remove immediately, your identity will not have time to close the driver's-side door, keep that flapping open until you understand your finger down the chatter for an extra to offer him time to yank the door shut. Cars dismantle in spectacular ways as they get more and more beat up, spending hoods, trunks, doors, and bumpers as you try. A little vehicles get special features, including sirens on emergency vehicles, working water hoses on fire bus, and operating hydraulics with a given gang's make of lowrider that enabled people hurt switches to make the car step or roll around by three wheels. The game is track of any spectacular stunts you pull off in the van and grades them. Finally, while you can't go into many of the supplies and structures in the area, they have a realistic look that really adds to the tone with the game.
In addition to those touches, overlooking the assignment also gives you time to go on crime sprees of your. This sort of freestyle element isn't exactly rewarded in the game, but it's definitely one of the coolest things about GTA3. As you commit crimes, the police force get your trail. Hitting somebody with a bat while a lift is looking at is a positive way to get them on your own tail; stealing a car with laying this up on the sidewalk to cut down down a corner full of prostitutes is another. The game is track of your reputation with an arrest meter. Small offenses, like as rear-ending a police officer car, can get you lone star next to the six-star meter. While cops will do you if they look at you with this state, you can hide and ultimately the celebrity will disappear. Still live life beyond the law, also you'll find a couple stars, and so on. With each level comes a more severe response in the Work." In three stars you'll have cop cars travel in you away from nowhere. On some, they'll all but give up by trying to destroy a person with rather simply go to gun you down. Helicopters will be reported to ones site, assuring that you won't get away easily. On top blow up, the FBI can respond to the crime place, with with the highest blow up, the forces will get involved. There's really only one way to make your arrest turn happy that high: point cops. Pass over safe and crack up a few cars could get you three or four stars, yet to help truly anger the law, you have to take a few of them losing. The AI for control vehicles is fairly rough--they tend to practically destroy their own cars while chasing people into walls and other impassible obstacles. Outside of the car, the law fares somewhat better, but quite a few cases in which cops get stuck because they can seem to recognize the way to use a voyage of stairs so that an individual then easily encounter a border repeatedly, offering people all the time in the world to get rid of them.
Getting the cops in the end and then trying to run away is insanely fun, with the game gives you a pretty amazing arsenal to make sure that the police officer be busy. The former weapon will be a baseball bat, cool for robbing citizens by defeat them near murder, but it won't hold up in a fight. Eventually you'll get a handgun, which is when the game's lock-on targeting goes into play. Holding R1 can board a neighboring human being, and the L2 and R2 buttons can be used to cycle through another targets. As you outgrow the pistol, you'll gain the Uzi, giving you fully automatic fire while even live light enough allowing you to work. In addition, the Uzi is the only weapon that could be worked coming from within your vehicle. When you're getting, the L2 and R2 buttons let you look either trait of the car, and your Uzi can be fired out the side windows. That drive-by system is incredibly practical for slow-moving pedestrians but doesn't work well at all about cars because while you can see the drivers inside the cars, you can't run them directly. All hits into a car simply do generic damage to it, whenever it makes a certain damage reading, it strikes fire and eventually explodes. Since the Uzi is a relatively low-power weapon, this then to difficult to skyrocket cop cars as they try to push people away the street, forcing one to perform your serious battling on foot. In addition to those systems, you'll also encounter significantly heavier artillery, including assault weapons, a shotgun, grenades, a rocket launcher, along with a flamethrower. The tools are extremely settled, with every retains their place in the game. For instance, the rocket launcher can be used to take down police helicopters, also the sniper rifle contains a moving extent which enables you remove individuals in the relative protection of rooftops or out-of-sight positions for the block.
The previous Grand Theft Auto activity were engaged in from a 2D top-down perspective to appeared quite clear, but these were control in the total of realism and stroke they could display. Even though the video camera would focus out showing more on the highway ahead as you picked up speed, more frequently than not anyone rammed head-on into developing because turns simply seemed too rapidly. GTA 3 leads the strings into a polygonal world. That provides game a far more realistic, gritty look, changing the cartoonish, colorful appearance from the other games. DMA has in fact done an excellent career with the graphics in GTA 3. The appeals look great, the automobiles are entirely well formed and split apart extremely nicely, with total, the touch quality is quite nice. You will often see around things from the earth (vehicles and pedestrians, for example) fade in position as you approach, but that hardly noticeable and doesn't touch the gameplay. Also, the construction rate may take some really visible dives, yet this typically occurs not until the partition is packed with angry police, exploding autos, with a lot of other mayhem. By default, the game uses a tracerlike blur effect that gives the entire game a shade, dreamy beginning. That filter can be disabled on the options screen, if desired. Grand Theft Auto III contains a number of different cameras for the two travel with wandering pieces in the game. That defaults to a behind-the-back prospect for both, and you may switch the game distance, https://gtadownload.org/the-history-of-rockstar-games/ opt for a first-person view, go for a cinematic driving cam, or choose for the aged top-down glimpse on the big GTA games, which is a nice touch but isn't really advantageous to performing the game, as there are sometimes streets on top of streets and other level design parts to just do not production from which view. Different perspective problems include not being able to get after you actually while by base. While you can get a back view in pushing R3, this very easy for law with opposing team vehicles to just walk after a person then track people down before you possibly know what's going on.
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GTA III sounds terrific. The lanes are populated with chatty pedestrians, and law enforcement include some great, typically macho-sounding lines. Rockstar pulled in some terrific voice talent to the game, and it gives off by making up the game's main characters extremely convincing. Celebrity voices include Frank Vincent (Casino, Cop Land), Joe Pantoliano (The Matrix, Bad Son), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Free Willy), Michael Rapaport (Cop Land, Metro), Debi Mazar (Goodfellas, Space Truckers), Kyle MacLachan (Twin Peaks, Showgirls), and Expert from the rap group Gangstarr. Put to the aural portion in the game is a runs of seven radio stations, any of which can be switched in while you're in the car. The radio concept has been with the Grand Theft Auto series since beginning, but GTAIII really believes the concept to the next level. Each place fills a different type, including pop, classical, hip-hop, with an absolutely hilarious talk radio stop. The composition is licensed and involves courses by Start Shadow Records, tracks licensed on the soundtrack on the movie Scarface, and rap road from Game Records, including artists such as Royce Da 5'9", JoJo Pelligrino, with Black Rob. Finally, everything from the screech of rolls on the firm of a helicopter crashing in the ground sounds good and groups quite a punch.
Rockstar and DMA Design have definitely spent time ensuring that GTA III is a quality product, and that quality program in the lot, from the graphics, to the look, on the area things, for the gameplay itself. Unlike previous sport from the collection, the action is really fun whether you act it the way it happened plan to be performed or avoid the playoffs intended mission constitution and put down by your own to wreak havoc throughout the city. While the violent quality on the game can surely turn some people down with adolescents just shouldn't be allowed anywhere around that, GTA III is, fairly merely, a awesome encounter which shouldn't be lost with someone mature enough to manage that.
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