#Take Hurk Jr's words with a grain of salt
solesurvivorkat · 2 years
'I Need to Tell You': a look back
“John... why are you asking her all these questions?” Faith asked, standing up from her seat.
“Don’t ask me-” John glanced at her, then glared back at Sarah. “-Ask her boyfriend ,” he snarled, voice full of venom.
Sarah blinked a few times and tilted her head, caught off guard. 
...Wh... what??
Megan’s face turned sour. “That isn't very funny, you know,” she scolded, motioning to Jacob.
“No no-” John also gestured at his unconscious brother. “Not this boyfriend...” He faced Sarah again, his eyes forming slits. “... Hercules Drubman.” He articulated every syllable of the name dramatically, looking somewhat proud of himself.
A very unladylike snort burst from Sarah’s mouth before she could stop it and she laughed, incredulous and dumbstruck for a second. “Herc- Hurk Junior??”
“Mm-hmm, that's right,” John said smugly. “Mr. Hurk Drubman Junior. He said that you were ‘intimate’.”
“Yeah, well, he’s also said that he invented aluminum foil!” Sarah shot back. “And his name is not ‘Hercules’, it’s just ‘Hurk’. The man is delusional.”
“He was very lucid when l talked to him,” John insisted.
I was rereading my FC5 AU fic (to refresh my memory as I work on the next chapter), and I forgot how much I love this scene - both in the fic, and in the movie it's based on ('While You Were Sleeping' with Sandra Bullock). It's just so funny watching it - and then picturing a confused and suspicious John Seed trying to accuse Sarah of having an affair on his brother Jacob with Hurk Jr... it's almost too much for me. *XD (snorts)
Can't wait to get more going!
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