#Tatta Kodai RP account
tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
This looks fun! Uh, hi my name is Tatta Kodai and my speciality is ♣️! I heard there’s also some beach members here so maybe we’ll cross paths?? I hope what I post isn’t too idiot-like and that some of you will actually stick around:)
By the way, has anyone seen my hat? -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
I have officially set off a quest to find my lost hat, because SOMEONE (looking at you, @pinkaibstan) had the very rude idea to steal AND sell it.
this might put my life in danger, and I’ll probably end up making horrible decisions but, I’m not giving up on my hat!! Help or suggestions are appreciated:) -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 6 months
TATTAAAAA how's your hand?
Hi there!!
It's uh... it's fine? I was asked this a few times, don't really understand why, is something going to happen to it?? I did get a paper cut earlier though... -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
Cappuccino (my bunny), wants his own blog, what do I say??
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
If you had to create a cocktail yourself, what would the ingredients be, What color would it be, and what would you call it?
Heya, Karube!!
Hmmm, the ingredients would be… blue curaçao, cream of coconut, and fresh pineapple, but it would also have a shot of vodka and some ice cream! It’s blue and it has a name already, it’s called a Chi-Chi! -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
I could turn you evil, as a treat. (I'm kidding.)
Hello there, @aceofspadegrass !!
Sorry for this being answered late, I’m currently doing something but I’m on break!
Hey, I’ve seen you around! How are you? I’m glad you decided to stop by:)
Evil..? Me? Nooo, never! There’s no reason for me to become evil or have a Villain Arc— or maybe there is …. Nahhh! Even if I have been taken advantage of before.. that doesn’t mean I should be evil: everyone deserves a second chance you know! -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
opinions on kyuma
Why hello again, @kxjbr !!
Hmm... Kyuuma is really... Particular? Free-spirited?? I don't really know how to explain that:( but he's a really nice guy! He's inspiring and supportive, I would honestly like to hang out with him more:)
I heard he's often talking about a certain glasses guy, ring any bells, @diamond-attorney-keiichi ?-TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
Arisu just barged into my room, asking if I could collaborate in an experiment (putting Mentos in Coke), of course, I said yes; let’s hope we won’t make a mess out of this, but I’ll be fun!!
Friday’s supposed to be a lucky day yet, no hat:( -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
Tumblr media
omg tatta i'm melting 🥺🥺 can i hug u
Of course you can hug me!! C’more buddy:)
Everything okay bud? Need another hug? :) -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
do you eat glue
Why hello, Anon!!
Huh—of course I don’t! Who would even—whatever, that’s not business… to answer your question, no, thankfully I don’t eat glue:) -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
💃🏼  —  dance, dance, revolution!      for a headcanon about a time my muse danced; when, why and with whom. 
Hey there, anon!!
💃🏼  —  dance, dance, revolution!     for a headcanon about a time my muse danced; when, why and with whom. 
I danced when I was pretty drunk, I think it was with @kuinaoflight, if I'm not mistaken? I believe we were playing Just Dance, though I can't remember what song... it was a fun night, I'll admit! -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
[ grasshopper ]  what / who would you dress up as for halloween?
— fate
Hi again, fate!!
I'm afraid the response is gonna be a little basic for this one, but I have two costume ideas: a werewolf or vampire, yeah I know, and I'd have a better (still basic though) one, a witch!! I'd have a black and purple frilly dress with black gloves and dark purple boots! ...if only clothes didn't have gender roles.... but a guy can dream, right? -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
tatta have you met @innocent-faced-murderer ? I think you'd get along with him :)
Hello, darling Anon!!
No, I have not!! I think he follows me now, as I've said a few times before, I'm not one to reach out, his user is what stood out to me, but hey, who am I to judge anyone, in this lawless world we live in?
So, @innocent-faced-murderer, if you want, we can chat for a while, I don't bite, promise!! -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 1 year
Hey, @kuinaoflight !!
(MUN: Sorry for the late reply, I'm usually very exhausted on Fridays so I remember I have a blog like, eight years later lmao--)
Somehow, I knew someone was gonna say that, but anyway--it makes me think of Hatter!! Y'know, since he's named himself "Hatter", and basically loves hats?? (This is a compliment, I love seeing hat enthusiasts openly enjoy hats and slay while wearing them!) Yeah:) -TK
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tattas-beloved-hat · 11 months
Hey tatta! I’m Lilly! It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard your name around the beach a few times and just wanted to introduce myself! I hope you’re doing well! Well- I mean who would be in a place like this… but you know what I mean.
Oh, hello there!!
it’s very nice to meet you as well, I hope you heard good things:) I am doing well, hm—as well as someone could be here anyway, what about you? Enjoying The Beach so far? -TK.
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tattas-beloved-hat · 11 months
Hi, Narumi!
Gets scared really easily, which means horror movies are a no, but he still enjoys a good dose of true crime from time to time.
Actually very much of a hugger, whenever he gives a hug, he wants the other person to feel at ease and comforted.
Hangs around Ann's office a lot, either to give her sweets he baked himself, or just to watch her work and chat: he admires her a lot and views her as a friend who won't mind him around.
Doesn't understand all the hype around drugs, has not and will never try them, he thinks it has too many side effects to be worth taking them in the first place, plus it could become an addiction.
Him and Niragi are actually good friends! It did take a while for the militant to warm up to him though, and they're working together to make him less violent and more approachable: though they fight, they find a peaceful resolve and maybe watch a movie.
Niragi's not the only one whom he's managed to befriend, Last Boss and Tatta have begun doing playdates with their animals, it's going well, Cappuccino seems to like the cat, the samurai has a sweet personality that he hopes to see more often: he can't tell if Aguni despises him or not, so he's pretty intimidated by him:(
Has an alarmingly large collection of rocks who all have human names like Elizabeth Beatrice Maddington:)
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