#Thanks for coming to my Ted talk I am aware this genre of post is unfashionable but must speak my truth as someone who loves Cheery so much
butcheredtongue · 1 year
Cheery Littlebottom is actually the best fictional character ever, demonstrated below:
Got fired from being an alchemist for exploding the guild council
Consequently eyebrowless when we first encounter her
Not only transgender, but arguably the inventor of transgenderism among dwarves
Immediately becomes girl best friends with Angua
Overcomes her prejudices against werewolves, is defended in turn from dwarvish [trans]misogyny by Angua. Girls supporting girls. I love them.
Have I mentioned transgender
Singlehandedly creates & maintains a forensics department
Has to be the person to tell Vimes that spoons can't be made of arsenic
In the face of transphobic vitriol is still able to show kindness and compassion to Dee when she needs it
Is, once again, transgender
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In Which Our Hero Begins His Adventure
Hey guys, like the triangles? I got them from this magical place called the 1990s.
For those of you unfamiliar with what I am doing, I guess I better fill you in. So there’s this guy on the internet who invented the Day Zero Project, or as we call it, a 101 List. It’s a list of 101 goals to be completed in 1,001 days. Whatever you want to accomplish – going sky diving, reading your height in books, trying that thing you wanted to try – but with a deadline on it so you can be motivated to get it done. When I first met Sara, she was in the middle of her second 101 List. And though I hadn’t started dating her yet, I knew that this kind of thing was right up my alley. I started one myself close to the time we started dating, and finished it in the spring of 2016. I’ll send you a link to the guy and the website that got this whole thing started, as well as to Sara’s 101 list blog. If you haven’t started following her yet, well, what’s wrong with you? Get on it!
Anyway, she’s on her third 101 list now, and I started this year happily content with just making ideas for my second 101 list as I spun through the white water rapids of graduate school. I told myself I’d start my next list when I was at least done with classes.
The more I came up with ideas for my list, the more excited I got for them. I sat thinking about what fun I would have trying my hand at getting actually decent at an arcade game for once, only to come back to reality just in time for my professor to say, “And everything I just said is going to be on the test.” 
Just kidding. I would never* daydream in class.
Anyway, that’s when I knew I had to get started. If I’m this excited about it, it’s a sign that I should go ahead with it, right? So here we are. You’ll see below you what I plan to accomplish from January 16th 2017 to October 13th 2019. And I’ll be in grad school. So yeah, I guess I’m trying to do everything. Most likely what will happen is you’ll see me checking in with a photo or two on my Instagram when I make baby steps on finishing each goal.
Now don’t worry, go sit back in your seat, put the tomato down. I promise I’ll actually write up something solid when I get an entire goal finished. Pinky promise. Because I am a responsible* adult, I will likely only post about the goals that have to do with school for the first bit, but if you’re lucky, I just may do something interesting now and then. You never know. Anyway, before I ramble on for another four paragraphs…
 101 List 2.0, January 16, 2017 to October 13, 2019:
1.     Post on the Internet about every goal completed
2.     Complete 5 classic console video games
3.     Complete 5 indie video games
4.     Gain 25,000 points on a classic arcade game
5.     Complete an “Around the World in 80 Days” Culinary Challenge
6.     Complete a “Time-Travel” Culinary Challenge
7.     Create a Food Network-like technical challenge for Sara and 2 friends to judge
8.     Bake 3 different kinds of Chilean breads
9.     Make 3 different rolls of sushi
10.  Make 3 different batches of Xiao Long Bao
11.  Make 5 different foods from my Pokémon Cookbook
12.  Create a “Sara’s Not Cooking Tonight” recipe book with a minimum of 10 items
13.  Try 10 new restaurants
14.  Listen to 101 new albums
15.  Watch 10 films from International Cinema
16.  Read 5 Biographies / Nonfiction History Books
17.  Read 5 books related to SLP work
18.  Read 5 books on world mythologies / folktales / religion / culture
19.  Read 5 books recommended by the Vlogbrothers
20.  Read 5 books recommended by Austin Kleon
21.  Read 5 books in the genre that I am making my NaNoWriMo in
22.  Read a book on Parenting
23.  Read through an entire Marvel comic series
24.  Read or remove all the books that have been left unread on my bookshelves
25.  Get the illustrated Harry Potter books
26.  Re-read the Harry Potter series or listen to the entire series on audiobook
27.  Complete a Listography book
28.  Complete the Steal Like an Artist Journal
29.  Complete 3 challenges from The Art Assignment
30.  Create a stippling drawing
31.  Buy a classic collection of poetry and then “black it out” to make it into something new
32.  Complete a drawing journal
33.  Fill my poetry notebook for Sara
34.  Complete the Gen 7 National Pokédex
35.  Participate in an official Pokémon VGC event
36.  Contribute / participate in a Lego building contest / exhibition
37.  Post an idea on the Lego Ideas website
38.  DM a D&D campaign
39.  Win NaNoWriMo
40.  Participate in February Album Writing Month
41.  Post-it Note Art
42.  Make a piñata
43.  Submit a piece of art to a local art contest
44.  Recreate a picture from childhood
45.  Create my own board game
46.  Go on Kickstarter and contribute to something
47.  Learn Hiragana
48.  Learn Katakana
49.  Learn the Kanji for 50 words
50.  Learn the ASL alphabet
51.  Learn the ASL signs for 25 words & 5 phrases
52.  Read a book in Spanish out loud
53.  Read / watch each General Conference during the list in Spanish
54.  Add 5 movies to our Animated Movie Library
55.  Add 10 books to our Children’s Book Library
56.  Add 5 books to our Graphic Novel Library
57.  Add 5 games to our Board Game Library
58.  Watch another Ken Burns documentary series
59.  Go through a large, well-known art museum (MOMA, Guggenheim, etc.)
60.  Kon Mari my virtual stuff (everything on the computer)
61.  Kon Mari my physical stuff
62.  Create a Feltron Yearly Report
63.  Send an email to Dear Hank & John
64.  Complete an online courses from one educational website (for example, Khan Academy) on one subject
65.  Watch all the videos on Crash Course in one subject
66.  Film 1 second a day for a year
67.  Learn 5 songs from our currently-owned piano books
68.  30 days of original Lego creations
69.  30 Pokémon drawings in 30 days
70.  30 days of hidden faces
71.  30 days of sharing inspiration
72.  30 days of no added sugar
73.  30 days of TED talks
74.  30 days of clarinet
75.  30 days of piano
76.  30 days of haikus
77.  30 days of Shakespeare
78.  30 days of sharing knowledge & awareness about different communication disorders
79.  Take out my old things from mom and dad’s place
80.  Give a thank-you note to all of my teachers
81.  Donate a minimum of $5 to my top 5 favorite content creators on the internet
82.  12 days of donations
83.  Volunteer at the TRC
84.  Create a savings fund of at least $5,000 for an important, adult thing
85.  Create a savings fund of at least $150 for something fun and unnecessary
86.  Make a daruma for one of my goals
87.  Make and complete a fitness goal lasting at least 6 months
88.  Modify and follow my own version of the “Alton Brown Culinary Way of Life” for 6 months
89.  Become a Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor in some subject
90.  Learn to change a spare tire
91.  Visit Arches National Park
92.  Visit Glacier National Park
93.  Visit Yellowstone National Park
94.  Visit Dinosaur National Monument
95.  Read a supplement to the Sunday School Lessons for 1 year
96.  Read the entire Topical Guide
97.  Read 3 church history books
98.  Read 50 journal articles related to SLP work
99.  Read through 10 subjects on the ASHA Practice Portal
100. Watch 10 videos on Master Clinician Network
101. Participate in at least one local election and the 2018 mid-term election
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