#The HTTYD vikings have been DEPENDING on dragons for centuries
poibynt · 7 months
The earlier HTTYD books occasionally refer to Hiccup as 'the last great viking hero' which is already a bit melancholy but grows even more so with the context of the later books. I doubt viking society as it was known and understood just totally imploded into dust during Hiccup's lifetime, it's even implied in his old man monologues that that doesn't happen. But it does imply that the end of the viking age, the death of the viking world and way of life is rapidly approaching. Just as the dragon time is over, and the dragons are slowly, slowly leaving as Hiccup grows up and old, the Viking time ends and they too slowy, slowly, die out. I wonder if Hiccup saw this coming decline and thought it was because the vikings couldn't live without dragons, economically and spiritually. How awful, to lose the thing you fought to save and sent away and then your culture year after year.
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ghosta-r · 7 years
1-70, Dragon ask
O.O omg someone actually did it. alright here we go. this is gonna take a while.
how would you handle living on Berk? well, it would be a huge culture shock for a while, obviously. it would take me a while to get used to not having wifi and running water. but i think in the long run i’d like it! they were simpler times, after all. also adventure. can’t get adventure like that in the 21st century, can we?
how do you think you’d be different if you grew up on Berk? i think my mind wouldn’t be as cluttered. i think i would live a simpler life. i would likely still be enthusiastic and creative and kinda weird, but in a very Viking way.
yaks, chicken, or sheep? um... i guess sheep? i’d probably have one that i’d just hang out with all the time and talk to like it was a cat or something lol
the chicken is not amused. what did you do wrong? i procrastinated homework that’s what
favorite dragon species? don’t ask me that. it’s like trying to pick a favorite cat breed! i don’t care what kind it is just give me all the kitties!!! same with dragons. i love them all.
what type of dragon would you like to ride? is that different from the dragon you’d most likely ride? um... i think i’d like to ride a Triple Stryke or a Deathsong or a Flightmare. something unexpected! but i’d most likely ride a Gronckle; probably all i could handle.
how would your first flight on a dragon turn out? maybe with me flopping down on my back and simultaneously wanting to fly every minute of my life and to never fly again.
on a scale of Snotlout to Hiccup, how are your dragon riding skills? on that scale i am Dagur. just dicking around like a maniac until i figure it out.
would you get into trouble on Berk? it depends. i’m not exactly a daredevil and i’m not an inventor of potentially dangerous weapons. looking at you, hiccup. but no matter how much i try to stay out of the spotlight i manage to do one or two things wrong so yeah i’d probably get into minimal trouble
would you try Astrid's yaknog? yes, out of politeness. then, if i’m brave enough, i’d critique it. without getting punched in the face.
coolest dragon? NIGHTFURY
scariest dragon? the Screaming Death. that thing is freaky. of course i did once make up a giant spider dragon but that’s not canon so it don’t count
most unique dragon? i’d say the Triple Stryke! it’s like a scorpion pokemon and i love it so much
favorite dragon class? uh.... i guess Strike class?
suggest a new dragon species. what does it look like? what are its powers? SPIDER DRAGON!!! well, technically it’s called the Arachnid Vilehide. it looks similar to a Deathsong, only in dark, dull colors with no bright decorations, and it has eight long skinny legs and wings that it can fold into special flaps on its back. also it’s got a couple different venoms; one to put prey to sleep and one to kill prey.
if YOU were a dragon, what would you be? oy. i have no clue. maybe a Terrible Terror.
any underappreciated dragon species you want to give a callout to? GRONCKLES!! they are so sweet and pure and so overlooked!
what do you think Stoick does with all his wooden duck carvings? maybe he’s creating them for his future grandchildren. hehe
the dragon riders can visit anywhere in the world, any place in history. where would you suggest they go? ah....... maybe the Lewis and Clark expedition???? cmon, exploring a mysterious new land? hiccup loves that shit! 
you, Hiccup, Snotlout, and Tuffnut are now roommates in an apartment. how well does this work out? alright i feel like hiccup would be a decent roommate. snotlout and tuffnut on the other hand would not. tuff would probably keep his space fairly contained, but he’d just do a lot of weird shit. i don’t know
you, Astrid, Heather, and Ruffnut are now roommates in an apartment. how well does this work out? alright this would be pretty cool. since we’d all be girls, it wouldn’t be so weird. plus it would be easier for us to bond. girls nights!!
what do you think the dragon riders are like as old women and men? uh... like themselves but.. slower, quieter, and weirder.
which character do you relate the most to? definitely Hiccup. we are both restless explorers. we are both discovering who we are. we are both compassionate, but at the same time take no shit. we are awkward and know we’re a little weirder than everyone else. we are adventurers and stubborn rebels. 
how well do your know your dragon stats? not at all.
who would you want to spend a day with? who would be your best friend? HICCUP.
how would you handle the twins' pranks? Loki'd! i would be very annoyed with them at first. but then as i get used to it i would learn how to retaliate.
you and Snotlout are on patrol together. what happens? Snotlout tries to flirt with me and i ignore him. 
which character would you get along with the least? ah... maybe Snotlout. i don’t know, i kinda get along with everyone so idk
anyone on Berk you'd date?  I hear Bucket is single... maybe ruffnut? she’s so pretty!
axes, swords, hammers, bows and arrows, or maces? i think bows and arrows. i’d suck at close combat!
what would your house look like on Dragon's Edge? homey and cozy. i’d have lots of space for my hobby activities (painting and embroidery, probably) but also special spaces where i have my books, candles, blankets, and pillows just so i can chill there in the evenings. 
what is your favorite house on Dragon's Edge? i think the clubhouse, actually!
what's your favorite island? (outside of Berk) uh i guess Dragon’s Edge? it’s a cool lil place.
favorite villain? i think Viggo. he is definitely one of the most compelling villains i’ve ever seen, and not just in httyd. sad to see him go! i hope he’s not dead.
how would you handle being kidnapped by the Outcasts? i would barely be able to handle it at all. you know, panic and stuff. i’d kinda just hide in wherever the Outcasts put me while i wait for Hiccup to come save my sorry ass.
give the dragon riders superpowers. what can each of them do? um.. Hiccup has actual wings and can fly. Astrid has super strength. the twins can predict anything that will happen in the next hour. i don’t know what the rest of them have, i’m tired
favorite track in the HTTYD or HTTYD 2 OST? i love the track Flying With Mother from httyd2. hiccup is such a mama’s boy!
favorite ship? HICCSTRID. but i also have a soft spot for Dagcup.
favorite friendship? i love Hiccup and Snotlout’s friendship. 
favorite dragon-rider duo? the twins make a great duo. i love them.
favorite secondary or background character? DAGUR! does he count?
suggest a new pairing. why would it work? ah.... maybe Ruffnut and Dagur? they’re both pretty weird but also have lots of strengths. also they are cinnamon rolls. i think they’d make a really cute ship.
I want these two characters to spend more time together... definitely Hiccup and Dagur.
come up with a crack pairing. um.. Snotlout and Fishlegs. idk it’s off the top of my head.
have any HTTYD OCs? YES!!!! i have an OC named Glacier who was once a forager of dragon root for Viggo. eventually she figured out what the dragon root was being used for, so she quit and ended up joining the dragon riders, but not without a lot of hardships along the way. anyways she ends up breaking off completely from her abusers and rising above her fear to defeat them.
suggest a new AU (or mention an AU you like). i’ve recently been getting into a pirates AU! i’ve only just started so it’s really new but i like it a lot
suggest a new crossover (or mention one you like). um idk i’d really like a crossover with Voltron. i think it would be fun!
list off your top three fandoms. now combine them with HTTYD. what would the crossover be like? um, Gravity Falls (a wormhole in time and space makes the dragon riders fall into Gravity Falls), Ghostbusters (the ghosts of the dragon riders are looking for the ghosts of their dragons and the Ghostbusters end up helping them do so), and Voltron (the dragon riders are targeted by Zarkon and Team Voltron protects them). 
list off any three of your fandoms and combine them with HTTYD for the weirdest crossover you can think of. but i just did that! 
do you think any of the dragon riders have children? have any headcanons about the next generation? i have many headcanons. but my favorite is that Hiccup and Astrid end up adopting a little girl and her younger brother when their village is completely destroyed by an unknown enemy.
favorite thing about your favorite character? i love how compassionate Hiccup is. he tries to avoid bloodshed if he can and that’s why he is so pure.
tell me a character and I'll give you a headcanon. um.. i don’t really understand this one.
tell me a character and I'll give you a favorite quote. ???
tell me a show, movie, or movie short and I'll tell you a favorite scene. ?????????
have you read the books? if so, which book is your favorite? i’ve only read a handful of them! but i loved How to Be a Pirate. i’ve gotta finish reading them!
suggest a DreamWorks Dragons episode plot. um... Hiccup is kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. idk i think it might be a fun episode.
who's an underappreciated character and why do you appreciate them? RUFFNUT IS SO UNDERAPPRECIATED. did you see how badass she was in “Twintuition”??? she’s fuckin awesome!!!!
you have to give each of the dragon riders awards. what awards do you give everyone? to Hiccup: most near-death experiences without actually dying. to Astrid: supreme queen of badassery. to Snotlout: not as big of a jerk as you could have been. to Fishlegs: sweetest nerd in existence. to the twins: best secret geniuses. to Heather: 
who has the best hairstyle? Heather! i love her braid.
should Hiccup, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and Tuffnut grow beards? .....nah.
who has the best outfit? i’d say... Hiccup. he just looks great
how would you react if Snotlout started hitting on you? roll my eyes and ignore him. 
how would you react if Ruffnut started hitting on you? i think i would instinctively blush!
do you know all the lyrics in "For the Dancing and the Dreaming?" yes. yes i do. i may or may not mouth the entire song to myself in the shower. 
let's be mean. how do you think each of the dragon riders will die? in an ideal world, they’ll all die of old age surrounded by their loved ones. but most likely, some of them will die by murder, maybe by recklessness, maybe by accidents with dragons. i honestly don’t know. do i even want to know?
how did you enter the HTTYD fandom? officially? well, it was June 15, 2014. i had just seen httyd2 in theaters with my family. i cried in the theater and i was blown away by how incredible it was. so, as i do when i’m blown away by a movie, i checked out the tag on tumblr. what i found was an amazing fandom filled with such sweet and talented people. that was the day i joined the fandom. 
when did you enter the HTTYD fandom? as i said, June 15, 2014. 
what made you fall in love with How to Train Your Dragon? i think it was the sense of adventure and wonder, and the idea that the person who didn’t expect much of himself and was different from everyone else was the one who changed his entire world. that’s inspiring.
what is something you didn't initially think about but grew to love about HTTYD? probably all the meta that goes with the series. there’s deeper things behind what you initially see. once you see it, it’s beautiful.
what is the BEST thing (to you) about HTTYD and its franchise? the best thing? i’d say it’s the characters. they’re really deeply created. they have flaws, fears, and goals. i just love how they’re written
wow that took forever. 
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