#The hilarity of this lunacy is not lost on me I promise.
iamthepulta · 1 year
The Story of Morgan
So our Skyfarer campaign was supposed to be a oneshot put on by the extremely generous @nicholas-the-paleomancer, but we loved it so much we decided to keep playing (and it didn't seem like the pandemic was going to end anytime soon).
We broke it up into seasons. Midway through Season 1, the DM asked all the PCs a very innocuous question: "Did your character have anyone they were particularly attached to growing up?" and I was like- "Hm. I suppose... a friend? sister? Idk, kinda estranged because Arthur keeps her busy. Maybe kind of weird too?" and the DM went SURE THING. I KNOW WHAT'S UP WITH HER.
In the moment, I kinda nodded- yeah, cool beans; we're definitely going to have some sort of flashback next session. cool, cool cool- Wait. Westlie's definitely crushed about having a sister she left behind, isn't she? Oh she definitely is- Oh god, Arthur is such a dick, what happened? What does her sister even look like?
Which IMMEDIATELY AND VIOLENTLY kicked off a stream of not-yet-named Morgan and Westlie brainrot. We had the episode, which was a completely normal episode with a small flashback, instigated by the Storm-that-Speaks. Then we continued playing and finishing Season 1.
In the meantime, I slid rapidly downhill as I panicked about Westlie becoming captain, her new sister Morgan, (getting chased by the Glorious was, funny enough, not at all something Westlie or I worried about?). I wrote a whole bunch about Westlie's backstory, Morgan's backstory, them together, Arthur trying to pry them apart, and then Season 2 started.
Season 2 opened with Westlie getting a letter from Arthur that said, "Morgan ran away. You should probably find her. Also bring her back because I need someone to be my heir now, btw fuck you."
I dissolved.
In game, New Winchester was in the middle of a siege and we were hired by a Revolutionary party to carry information there. (We as a party had accidentally kicked off a second war with the Reach in Season 1), and we hoped that news about Morgan would be there too.
That was the longest fucking seven sessions in my entire goddamn life and the most deranged Westlie I have ever had the pleasure of being.
I had nightmares about them. Westlie and I were convinced that Morgan was all right (because she was always all right) but haunted by the thought she might not be. And even when we finally reached Leadbeater, IT TOOK TWO SESSIONS TO GO IN THE FUCKING JUNGLE. I SWEAR TO GOD @nicholas-the-paleomancer.
At one point I texted the DM past midnight sniffling, begging him not to plan to kill Morgan off, or at least make it feasible to rescue her because I couldn't stand the thought of them never reunited.
In the meantime, as I was dissociating watching my mental stability plummet from the pandemic and a bad living situation, I started wondering why the fuck I was so worried about it. And... that was a can of trauma worms I absolutely did not expect to uncover.
So we found Morgan. She was not okay, but I rolled like garbage on all the conversations that mattered, so Westlie was oblivious to the signs until Chorister bees with Morgan riding one, attacked the Pyrrhus. Then the rest of Season 2 was a deep depression and feral resolution to get things back to normal until we succeeded. xD
But the brain rot did not go away.
It's still here. 👍
(Please feel free to chime in if desired, @nicholas-the-paleomancer.)
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