#The time our youth leader had us walk backwards on a balance beam blindfolded while people threw dodgeballs
dontmeanyoudontmissit · 3 months
Sometimes I fear nothing will make me feel quite as free and happy as I did during youth group hours in middle school/ high school. Like. When else am I going to build a 'tank' of found items and then through recycling at people? When else am I going to cry laughing at 'jousting' that results exactly as should be expected (someone thrown backwards and getting the wind knocked out of them) followed by the 'safer' version (not on wheels) ending exactly as should be expected (a dented colander and a teenage boy vehemently saying they never want to do that again)? Spanish inquisition?? Sneaking up into the tower?? Watching I Am Legend in the sanctuary?? That time a kid ran across the TOPS of every pew during some version of tag and everyone just froze to watch him do it????
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