#Theincaprincess Thranduil elvenking masterlist
theincaprincess · 5 years
Thranduil Masterlist
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30 day writing challenge hosted by Deepestfirefun
14 day writing challenge hosted by Deepestfirefun 
Thranduil Daily Writing Challenge May 2019 Hosted by Sdavid09 
52 Week challenge Masterlist
*NSFW* Morning Fun
The stag and the human part 1
The stag and the human part 2
The stag and the human part 3
The stag and the human part 4/final
Feelings of Autumn
Feelings of Autumn part 2
Feelings of Autumn part 3
Feelings of Autumn part 4
Feelings of Autumn part 5
Feelings of Autumn part 6
Feelings of Autumn part 7
Feelings of Autumn part 8/final
Petals in the fire
Petals in the fire part 2
Petals in the fire part 3
Petals in the fire part 4/Final
Cursed Of The Ancients
Letter of Truth
Rising from the ashes
Demon Nightmare
Final Goodbye
A winter’s dance
Until the last petal falls
The Cost Of War
One Dance
Party Crasher
Broken Love
Helping Hand
You don’t need the stars to shine
Forgetful King
Thranduil season headcanon
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theincaprincess · 5 years
Broken love.
Good evening my darlings, I heard this song at work and the fic just worte itself once I was on my laptop!
I hope you enjoy it!
Main masterlist here
Thranduil masterlist here
The song is Hold me while you wait, by Lewis Capaldi listen to the song here
As normal, lyrics are in bold and italics  
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
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Word count 1,112
Staring down at Thranduil you watched him sleep as you felt the pain in your heart, for months now all you two did was fight, it would come out of nowhere and the longer your fought the more hurtful Thranduil’s words became, and the last fight had been the one that broke your heart, you never thought you would hear them words from him, but that afternoon you did, the way the words flowed out of his mouth with venom, the way he looked at you with the cold stare, you knew you had to go, because you knew no matter how much he said he loved and needed you, he still hated your race, the race of humans.
Turning around you wiped your eyes and collected your cloak, your plan was to go to the old wizard’s of the forest house for your old human belongers, then on to Rohan to try and start a new life for yourself, and forget everything and every one of Mirkwood.
“I'm waitin' up, savin' all my precious time, Losin' light, I'm missin' my same old us, Before we learned our truth too late, Resigned to fate, fadin' away, So tell me, can you turn around? I need someone to tear me down, Oh, tell me, can you turn around? But either way”
Feeling the cold side of the bed Thranduil rolled over and slowly opened his eyes, where you should be was empty and his gut told him it had been emptied for some time now, placing his hands to the side of himself he pushed himself up to a sitting position and slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. 
“Hold me while you wait, I wish that I was good enough (hold me while you wait), If only I could wake you up (hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love, my love, Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)”
Stretching he let out a yawn and looked towards the window, his pale blue eyes shot wide at the red sky, for all elves knew a red sky in the morning meant blood had been spilled the night before. 
“Tell me more, tell me something I don't know, Could we come close to havin' it all? If you're gonna waste my time, Let's waste it right”
For the first time since his wife was lost, Thranduil felt fear running through his body, calling the guards into his room he urged them to gather the patrol and be ready in ten minutes they were going searching for you. 
“And hold me while you wait, I wish that I was good enough (hold me while you wait, If only I could wake you up (hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love, my love, Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait), I wish you'd cared a little more (hold me while you wait), I wish you'd told me this before (hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love, my love, Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)”
Hour after hour Thranduil and his patrol roamed through his lands tracking you, the whole forest had been searching yet no sign of you could they find, riding behind the patrol Thranduil had cast his eyes to the floor for a split second, when he noticed the tracks of a heavy foot, “orcs” his mumbled making the patrol in front of him stop and turn, pulling the reins of his elk, Thranduil climbed down and studied the footsteps looking for the directions they were going, finding it Thranduil nodded to his patrol a silent order to climb the trees while he went on foot, pulling his sword out he followed the tracks. 
“This is you, this is me, this is all we need, Is it true? My faith is shaken, but I still believe, This is you, this is me, this is all we need, So won't you stay a while?”
A fog had started to slither along the ground as Thranduil felt the wind creeping up his back, still following the tracks Thranduil turned around the tree and the smell of bleed hit his nose, turning his eyes to see what poor creature was bleeding to death the sword in his had dropped to the ground, his heart dropped into his stomach when he saw your body leaning up against a tree, your breath was short and shallow and Thranduil knew you didn’t have long left.
“And hold me while you wait, I wish that I was good enough (hold me while you wait), If only I could wake you up (hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love, my love, Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait), I wish you'd cared a little more (hold me while you wait), I wish you'd told me this before (hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love, my love, Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)”
Rushing to your side, he gently picked up your hand and felt how cold it was, death was close and Thranduil started to panic slowly he started to shake you trying desperately to wake you from your coma state, but nothing happened placing his other hand above your chest he could feel your heartbeat slowing,
“Stay a while (hold me while you wait), (My faith is shaken, but I still believe) Stay a while, (Hold me while you wait), My love, my love, my love (hold me while you wait), Won't you stay a while?”
The only thing he could do was whisper loving words to you, “(Y/n) please forgive me, I should have treated you with the love you showed me in my darkest times, I’m sorry, you own my heart” finishing what he was saying he blinked as the tears rolled down his cheek and he felt you take your last breath and your we’re gone from him forever. 
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theincaprincess · 5 years
One Dance
Good afternoon my darlings, I have the request here from our darling @anilynsworld I hope you all enjoy it!!  
Main master list here
Thranduil master list here
Listen to the song here
Lyrics in bold and italics 
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
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Word count 1,383
Sitting on his throne Thranduil was slowly sipping his wine, listening to the crowds talking among themselves, the feast of starlight was in full swing, and more and more guests had been invited this year,  after months and months of planning, the whole night was going so well, of course it goes well every year, but this year was different, Thranduil was different.
“Find me here and speak to me, I want to feel you, I need to hear you, you are the light that's leading me, To the place where I find peace again”
Scanning the room Thranduil was looking for something or someone, but his elven eyes didn’t land on their prize, confused he slowly rose to his feet and descended the stairs from the throne, nodding to the guest who noticed him on the floor, as he still scanned the room. 
“You are the strength that keeps me walking, You are the hope that keeps me trusting, You are the light to my soul, You are my purpose, You're everything”
Walking around the room make polite and small conversations with the guests, Thranduil’s eyes landed on a figure standing alone on the balcony with their back to the room, collecting two goblets of wine, Thranduil excused himself from the guests and made his way to the balcony.
“How can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this? Yeah…”
Leaning against the frame of the balcony Thranduil watched you silently, wondering what you were currently thinking about, letting his eyes run over you, they followed the wavy lines of your hair cascading down your back, ending just above your waist, letting his eyes roam lower he took in the long train of the light green dress you were wearing, it had small jewels sewn into it, making it shine in the light raising his eyes back up your body he saw you were still in your own world.  
“You calm the storms, And you give me rest, You hold me in your hands, You won't let me fall, You steal my heart, And you take my breath away, Would you take me in? Take me deeper now”
Looking out over Mirkwood you were in awe with the night sky, how the stars shined against the darkest sky you had ever seen in your whole life, you could see above the canopy, and the in the daylight the leafs had slowly started to turn from the greens to reds, oranges and yellow, it made the forest so beautiful in your eyes.
“And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this?”
Pushing himself off the frame Thranduil slowly stepped forward, in hopes not to frighten you with his sudden appearance, placing one of the cups on the balcony he pushed it towards you and felt your eyes on him as he saw your hand collect the cup.
“Thank you” you softly whispered as Thranduil turned his head to you, with a small smile. 
“Are you enjoying my party?” He asked.
“Oh yes, but it is a little busy” You responded taking a sip of the wine, “OH, I hope I’m not being rude standing here, please if I have offended you, I'm sorry” you quickly added. 
“Not at all” Thranduil reassured you, looking out over his kingdom he took a small breath before wetting his lips and asking “What were you thinking about? Just before I came here?”
“And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this?”
“Nothing much, I was just enjoying looking at the stars, where I am from, you can’t really see them” you said turning your head back up to the sky. 
“'Cause you're all I want, You're all I need, You're everything, Everything”
“Do you miss it?” Thranduil asked. 
Turning your head to him your eyes locked on his pale blue ones, and you were lost for words, you had never really thought about it, dropping your gaze you looked back out over the forest, “I’m not really sure, I miss my friends and family, but you and your people have been so welcoming to me, it’s more than I deserve” you said turning back to him.
“You are welcome to stay here as long as you wish (y/n)” Thranduil said as he placed his cup on the balcony and held a small smile on his lips. 
“You're all I want, You're all I need, You're everything, Everything”
The music from the feast slowly filled in the silence between you and Thranduil while you started into each other's eyes, raising his hand's palms up in front of you  Thranduil tilted his head to the side, “May I have this dance?” He asked you.
Laughing you shook your head “I don’t know how to dance” you admitted.
“I’ll teach you” Thranduil said as he placed your left hand on his shoulder, and took your right in his, and slowly began to turn you in a circle. 
“You're all I want,You're all I need, You're everything, Everything”
Looking down at your feet you were trying to count the steps, and not step on his toes but soon enough you stepped on his foot, breaking the hold you stepped back “I’m so sorry your majesty, I didn’t mean to step on you” you quickly said. 
Taking ahold of you Thranduil lifted you gently and softly said “put your feet on mine” and you did, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, while he laced his fingers together around your waist, begging to slowly turn in a circle again.  
“You're all I want, You're all I need, Everything, Everything”
Raising his goblet to his lips Legolas smiled at the sight of his Father and you dancing on the balcony, no one else had seemed to notice the king and the human where missing from the feast, rising from his seat, he made his way to the harpist and told them to play their most slowest song, and returned to his seat watching the guest’s pair up and make their way to the floor for a dance, while his eyes returned to the balcony, it had been years since he saw his father this happier and he wanted it to last forever.
“And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this?”
“I think I have the steps now” you softly said as Thranduil unlocked his fingers and you stepped off his feet, placing your hand on his shoulder again, while he took ahold of your other hand. 
“Ready?” Thranduil asked and smiled when you nodded.
“And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be, Any better, any better than this?”
You started to dance slowly at first but soon enough you and Thranduil were mirror images of each other, as the moon rose behind you and the light from it illuminated you like a spotlight, for all the world to see, but to each other, you were the world.
“And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you, Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this?”
As the sound of the music slowly disappeared the both of you were still staying into each other's eyes, you both felt at peace, and calm, and the feeling of home started to spread through you, you didn’t want this moment to end and neither did Thranduil.
“Stay with me, and become my wife?” Thranduil suddenly asked dropping to one knee.
Taking in a breath of shock you started at him on the floor, your voice was lost to you and all you could do was nod your head you mouthed “Yes” watching the smile appear on his face while he rose to his feet and spun you around, laying a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Would you tell me how could it be, Any better than this?”
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theincaprincess · 5 years
Thranduil 30 day challenge masterlist
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So here is my masterlist for the 30 day writing challenge @deepestfirefun​ hosted last year (2018)
Day 1 - The gift of a hat
Day 2 - The tree of fate 
Day 3 - Moment on the dancefloor
Day 4 - Secrets of a best friend 
Day 5 - Candlelight confession
Day 6 - A little push
Day 7 - Elven magic
Day 8 - Flour fun
Day 9 - Love for the westend
Day 10 - Lone ranger 
Day 11 - Starlight dreams
Day 12 - Battle cry
Day 13 - Heated pranks
Day 14 - Feather passion
Day 15 - A royal night
Day 16 - Little Things
Day 17 - Lady in training
Day 18 - Snapshot
Day 19 - Wine and Fly
Day 20 - A Little too late 
Day 21 - Karaoke king
Day 22 - Bear hug
Day 23 - Long live the king
Day 24 - Darkness
Day 25 - Autumn solstice
Day 26 - Drunken rambles
Day 27 - Lost
Day 28 - Annual ball
Day 29 - Aftermath
Day 30 - Pleasure 
A little too late other parts 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 Final
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theincaprincess · 5 years
Thranduil 14 day writing challenge masterlist
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So here is my masterlist for the 14 day writing challenge @deepestfirefun​ hosted last year (2018)
Day 1 - Distraction
Day 2 - Room Therapy
Day 3 - Only by invitation
Day 4 - Kings Library
Day 5 - Drinking nap
Day 6 - Change of plans
Day 7 - Night out
Day 8 - Morning after
Day 9 - Afternoon acknowledgement
Day 10 - Binding Scars
Day 11 - Insult
Day 12 - Afternoon in Mirkwood
Day 13 -  Mission to Mirkwood
Day 14 - Make a wish
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theincaprincess · 4 years
Bad Day
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind​ @ziamhathrisen​
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - Some swearing.
Thranduil x reader 
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Word count 679
Today just couldn’t get any worse could it? You thought to yourself as you made your way through the kingdom leaving small droplets of water trailing behind you, “fucking dwarves, fucking orcs always something with them lot”  you muttered to yourself as you looked up and saw you were approaching the throne room, passing the two guards you gave them a look letting them know you were in no mood for snippy comments on your appearance as you pushed the door open, stepped in and closed it behind you doing so you could feel the kings icy eyes on you as you stepped forward and stood at the bottom of the stairs, making a small puddle around yourself. 
“What news do you bring me?” Thranduil asked looking down at you. 
“My lord the dwarves escaped down the river, they were being trailed by a pack of orcs, we dealt with the orcs and Prince Legolas and Captain Tauriel are on the trail of the remaining orcs” you answered, not looking up at your king. 
Hearing footsteps you knew the king had descended the stairs and soon enough you felt his presence behind you, as the hair on the back of your neck stood up and you glued your eyes to the floor, fighting the feeling to look up. 
“Is there a reason why you are dripping water all over the floor?” Thranduil asked in an icy tone, telling you the king was not impressed.
“Yes and no my lord” you answered, seeing the king's shoes as he stood in front of you.
“Well what is it? How come you are standing in my throne room soaking wet?” Thranduil asked again. 
“I fell in the river alright” You admitted.
“You fell into the river?” Thranduil repeated your words and you could sense the sarcasm in his voice.
Feeling your anger build you looked up at the king “I DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS! SO WHY ARE YOU TREATING ME LIKE I DID?!” You shouted and then regretted your actions, as you turned your eyes back to the floor.
Watching Thranduil’s hand you felt it under your chin as he lifted your head so your eyes could meet, you knew the other elves were jealous as he seemed to have a soft spot for you, and you could always get his favour in matters, you had always said it was down to the fact you did your job, connecting your eyes with his you saw the spark of mischief in his eyes.
“A skilled warrior like you, falling into the river, I would pay to see that” Thranduil said as his lips twisted into a smile. 
“Don’t you dare laugh” you hissed at him. 
Letting out a loud laugh Thranduil stepped back from you smirking pulling your hair from your back you collected some of the water in your hand and flicked it towards him as your own lips twisted into a smirk wetting them you cooling asked “would my king like a cuddle?” as you extended your arms out wide and saw him drop the smirk on his lips. 
“You wouldn’t dare” Thranduil said as he watched you approaching.
“Oh I would, my lord” you said as you stepped closer and closer to him and soon enough you were chasing the king around the throne room, waiting for Thranduil to turn you turned your body around and managed to catch him off guard and sent the pair of you to the ground in a giggling mess, getting to his feet Thranduil extended his hand to help you up “lets go get you dried” he said as you took his hand and he pulled you to your feet. 
“I have a better idea” you smirked making the king lift an eyebrow as you leaned in closer and whispered it into his ear making him step back and pick you up throwing you over his shoulder as you let out a giggle, you had been in a secret relationship with the king for almost a year now, and you always got your way. 
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theincaprincess · 4 years
A job for a King
Afternoon my darlings, I have prompt 45-48 for you here, they are not in order but they do work, also my work has now put me on 30+ hours a week, so my writing is gonna be here and there just until I get use to doing my new hours. 
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind @ziamhathrisen
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - None
Thranduil x Reader 
Prompt 45 - His exhaustion over took him as he realized, it was finally done.
Prompt 46 - It was old, a token from a life that seemed to be ages ago, but it didn’t matter. They would carry it until their death.
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Word count 1,314
Walking through the castle your mind was turning on the many tasks you had to complete before the visiting lords arrived in two days everyone in Mirkwood was doing overtime, cooking food, cleaning the kingdom, collecting wines from Laketown this meeting has been months in the making and it was going to be one of the biggest meeting of elven lords in history, and Thranduil was the elf to do it, of course you knew Thranduil wasn’t happy about it, normally Lord Elrond would host such a meeting and one where he could send Legolas to, but this time it was Thranduil who had to host it, and you were on your way to give him an unexpected problem.  
Sitting in his study Thranduil was reading the speech you had helped him write for this meeting, turning the paper over and over again in his hands,  he started to get lost in his thoughts, for years he watched you grow, watched how you had to overcome the challenges of being a half human, half elf in his kingdom, you had became one of his closest friends and you were more trustworthy than his generals, Thranduil cared about your opinion, and if he was being honest with himself he was glad you got lost in his woods all those years ago and it happened to be on a night where he was only in the woods looking for Legolas after an argument broke out between them, one small question had started a shouting match, and hours searching for his son, but finding you.
A travelling wizard had visited the kingdom and asked permission from Thranduil to have the old fortress as his own, Thranduil did not trust this wizard, so permission wasn’t granted and he was told to leave immediately, passing Legolas Thranduil watched as the wizard bent down to his son whispered a few words and rose with a smirk, as Legolas looked up at him like he was just told ancient secrets, but in fact he had told the young prince about the other side and how some people can talk to others who were no longer there, then later that night Thranduil had passed his son room and heard him talking, slowly pushing the door open Thranduil saw Legolas sitting inside a circle of candles talking out loud, fully entering the room Thranduil opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but stopped when he heard Legolas ask “MOMMY? HOW DID YOU AND DADDY MEET?”  That was the question that had started the fight and sent Legolas jumping out of his window onto the trees and into the forest at night making Thranduil roll his eyes as he had to follow his son.
A knock on the door pulled him from his memory, letting out a sigh Thranduil placed his speech on the desk and rose to his feet, walking towards the door he reached out with his hand and took a hold of the handle pulling the door open.
“Yes?” Thranduil murmured as he opened the door.
“My lord, I bring you an update on the process of the kingdom” you spoke nervously as you knew Thranduil would hate what you needed to show and tell him. 
Seeing it was you Thranduil’s lips twisted into a small smile before he wet his lips and asked “Are we on time for the meeting?”
“We are my lord, but there is a problem” You said as you lowered your eyes to the ground in hopes Thranduil would not let his anger out on you.  
Raising his eyebrow Thranduil asked “Problem?”
“It would be best if you saw it with your own eyes, my lord” You spoke turning your eyes back up to his and saw as he nodded, stepping back a few paces you waited for him to exit his room before he looked at you again and you had realised you hadn’t told him where this problem was, wetting your lips you spoke “we are going to the kitchens” before you lowered your eyes again and followed Thranduil. 
Glancing down at you Thranduil started to wonder why you seemed to be tense, you had never really been tense in his presents before hand, and you certainly liked to get your opinions across often talking back to him on matters you believed in, qualities a future queen should have Thranduil thought to himself, ”is everything ok?” Thranduil heard himself asking. 
Lost in your own thoughts you were twisting the small necklace around in your fingers, the only thing you had of your family, your half elf side granted you immorality but you had lost your family many years ago, It was old, a token from a life that seemed to be ages ago, but it didn’t matter. They would carry it until their death, Thranduil cleared his throat as you looked to the King.
“(Y/n) is everything ok?” He asked again.
“Yes my lord, everything is fine, thank you” You answered a little too fast for Thranduil’s liking, now sensing something was seriously wrong. 
Before Thranduil had a chance to ask again you both had rounded the corner and his eyes saw what the problem was, the whole of the kitchen was black and it looked like the ovens had exploded, turning his eyes over the mess Thranduil felt his blood starting to boil with anger, the cooks had said to him they would be able to cook all the food in a matter of days, not the weeks he had planned out, and he stupidly believed them, and now it would take months to get the ovens fixed and this place cleaned up and the meeting was happening in the next two. 
“What happened?” Thranduil barked towards the two cooks who slowly started to hide themselves behind you. 
“The ovens just exploded my lord, there was nothing we could do, my lord” one of the cooks muttered, clinging onto you like a scared child, as the other cook nodded her head. 
“My lord, I was….” You had started before you jumped in shock at Thranduil’s outburst. 
“TELL ME AGAIN, WHAT HAPPENED, BUT THIS TIME LEAVE OUT THE LIES” Thranduil had shouted making the two cooks scream in fear and explaining how the ovens just exploded, and there was nothing they could do, sending them away you said you would talking to the King and calm him down.
Walking back and forth Thranduil’s face showed what mood he was in “Thranduil, they speak the truth, I was here when it happened the ovens just caught fire” you said as you watched him.
“The meeting is in two days, the lords will be touring my kingdom, and what can I show them? A KITCHEN THAT DOESN’T EVEN WORK!” Thranduil shouted at you. 
“THEN CLEAN IT!” You shouted back, holding your ground.
“I AM A KING” Thranduil barked at you staring you down. 
“Oh I am sorry, THEN CLEAN IT, YOUR MAJESTY” you shouted again before turning on your heels flicking your hair as you left Thranduil standing there, starting after you wondering what the hell just happened.
Emptying the last of the dirty water in the bucket Thranduil looked at the kitchen seeing it looking brand new as he just spent the whole night cleaning it, after your outburst at him, he would have gotten the cooks to do it, but he knew you would have sent them to the back up kitchen to finish the food for the meeting, and he knew you would not let this drop, leaving the bucket at the side of the sink Thranduil turned and headed to his chambers to get some sleep as the lords would be arriving tomorrow and he hopped he could clear the air with you beforehand but his exhaustion over took him as he realized, it was finally done.
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theincaprincess · 4 years
Working day
Afternoon darlings, I have prompt 51 out of 52 for you darlings, I know its very short, but work is getting rougher as the day goes on.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this.
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706 @moony-artnstuff
 Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind @ziamhathrisen
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - None 
Thranduil x reader 
Setting - AU
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Word count 564
 It had been a long day, meeting and after meeting, and unopened files pilling up on the desk, all Thranduil wanted to do was go home and get out of the suit had been wearing all day, and the pinchy shoes, picking up his briefcase he made his way to the stairs to avoid any and all awkward lift conversations and pushed the door open descending the stairs to the lower garage, digging for his car keys in his jacket pocket. 
Hearing engines in the distant Thranduil knew his car would be the last in the lot, it took the lift 5 minutes to get there but 10 by descending the stairs, pushing the door open Thranduil looked around the lot and he saw just his car, walking slowly to it he lifted his keys and unlocked the car door with a push of a button, pulling the door open he slid himself into the car and placed the briefcase on the passenger seat, placing the keys into the ignition Thranduil started the car and headed home.
Humming to yourself, you walked around the kitchen pulling the cutlery from the draw and placing it on the table as you turned to pull the glasses down from the shelves and placed them on the table too, before returning to the oven and pulling out the cooked chicken, placing it on top of the oven you heard the door go and you softly smile as you turned and looked up the hallway seeing Thranduil hanging up his coat and placing his keys on the side table, before he headed down the hallway towards you with a soft smile on his face once your eyes connected.
Plating up that night's dinner you looked over at Thranduil sitting at the table reading the paper work in his hand, as you placed his plate in front of him “How was work?” You asked as turned and reached for the wine before filling up Thranduil’s glass. 
“Annoying like normal, Pat makes the same jokes over and over, Bill runs late everyday and the meetings are getting longer and longer” Thranduil said as he picked up his glass and downed it one, placing it back on the table for you to refill it as you placed your own plate on the table. 
A loud annoying beeping tone was rolling around Thranduil’s mind as the noise got louder and louder, opening his eyes saw your sleeping face, as he turned his head and saw it was the alarm clock beeping showing the time to be 4:45am, reaching out with his hand he silence the alarm and slowly lifted himself up into a sitting position yawning as he did so. 
Picking up his phone Thranduil unlocked it and let out a small sign at seeing how many emails he had gotten throughout the night, letting his eyes roam over the screen he saw the day of the week and let out a huff as he opened one of the urgent emails, reading it he sent a reply back “SUNDAYS ARE FOR SLEEP!”  before he locked his phone again and placed it down on the bedside table. 
Laying himself back down he wrapped one of his arms around your waist and pulled you closer getting a contented hum from your sleeping body as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
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theincaprincess · 4 years
A New Era
Here we have it guys, the very last prompt of this year long challenge!! 
Thank you for coming along with me on this and reading/reblogging all of these updates! 
I know this is short as well, but I feel like its a perfect ending to this challenge :D.
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
 Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​ @moony-artnstuff​​
 Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind​ @ziamhathrisen​
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - none
Thranduil x reader 
Prompt 52 and Last for this challenge. - A year had passed, yet she could barely believe it. She was so different from the woman she was a year ago, but she did not mourn the loss. Instead, she held her head high with the knowledge of all that she accomplished.
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Word count 603
Standing in front of the mirror, you raised your hands to your dress and slowly brushed it down as you checked every movement in the mirror while pulling the fabric away from your body, the dress was made with thin lightweight material and soft to the touch, it was definitely silk you were thinking to yourself, and it was one of Thranduil’s favourites, light yellow colour that bought out the highlights in your hair and made your eyes shine in the pale light of the stars, smiling at the memories you felt your hair being tugged as one of the handmaidens finished braiding your hair and stepped back from you giving you a small bow as she did so, smiling at her you pulled the braid forward and looked it over smiling softly as you ran you thumb down the length of it, before turning to face the door taken a deep breath in, as another handmaiden stepped forward and placed your crown on your head, as the other helped you pull your shoes on and fastened them into place.
Walking down the hallway, you took deep breaths as your feet kept sending you forward, and the sound of your footsteps echoed along the empty hallway, you were trying to slow your racing heart, approaching the door you stretched out your hand towards the handle of the door but stopped bring it back towards your chest as you started to twist your fingers together out of the nervous habit you have had since you were a child.
“Are you ready?” A voice called behind you making you turn and search for the owner, seeing the blue eyes and soft smiling face of Prince Legolas. 
“If I’m being honest with you, I am utterly terrified” you answered as he stopped next to you.
“Your hair is very pretty and the crown fits you perfectly” Legolas responded, making a small smile appear on your face. 
“Sshh, you’re only saying that to make me feel better” you said as you pushed him playfully. 
“But it worked” he said as he pushed you back in return.
Breathing in a few times you turned your eyes to his and wet your lips “do you think I can do this?”
Nodded his head Legolas could feel your anxiety, placing a hand on your shoulder he squeezed it a few times “you’ll do fine” he said before he lowered his hand and reached his hand out for the door handle, twisting it and pushing the door open as he watched your eyes widened with wonder and shock. 
Taking a hold of your hand Legolas walked you down the aisle towards the throne, as each person bowed their head as you passed them, whispering soft claiming words into your ears with each step, you had reached the steps to the throne and Legolas dropped his hands from yours as you made your way up the steps and stood in front of the throne, turning back around to all the people now all looking up to you. 
A year had passed, yet she could barely believe it. She was so different from the woman she was a year ago, but she did not mourn the loss. Instead, she held her head high with the knowledge of all that she accomplished. 
Taking a seat in the throne you turned your head to the side and saw Thranduil’s throne empty apart from a lonely crown sat upon a dust filled cushion, Mirkwood had lost a great king, but you were now ready to take on the duty of guiding this kingdom into the future.
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theincaprincess · 4 years
Unwanted party guests
Afternoon, I know this is very short, but work is kicking my arse at the moment, but please enjoy.
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind @ziamhathrisen​
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - None 
Thranduil x reader 
Setting - AU
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Word count 662
Tying the laces to his shoes Thranduil stood in front of the mirror and checked himself over, standing in his new tuxedo he was ready for attending the party Elrond was throwing for his birthday and of course, he had to be extra and demand everyone comes in tuxedo's and fancy dresses. 
Styling your hair you heard Thranduil’s footsteps echoing down the hall towards you, pulling the curling tong out of your hair you twisted the hot curl, before moving onto the next section and twisting it around the tool, looking into the mirror as Thranduil leaned against the door frame smiling at you. 
“Two more sections and my hair is done, then I just need to put my shoes on and we’re good to go” you spoke as you pulled the tool down, and twisted the curl again before moving on finishing your hair.
Nodding his head Thranduil pushed himself off the frame “I’ll meet you downstairs, got to pick up a few things for Elrond, and call the taxi” he said as he watched you nod before turning around and heading downstairs, picking up the gift bag of presents you had bought and wrapped, Thranduil sat them next to the front door as he opened the small cupboard and pulled a small bag that contained foldable pump shoes, slipping it into the hidden breast pocket of his jacket knowing you would thank him later as he knew you hated wearing heels, pulling his phone out he called the taxi number and booked one for 10 minutes.
Closing the cupboard Thranduil walked to the kitchen and collected the gift bag from Legolas who had sent it here a week ago as he was currently travelling with a few friends and couldn’t make the party, placing it next to the other gift bag, fiddling with his bow tie in the hallway mirror Thranduil heard the first clink of your heels on the stairs looking up he smiled as you made your way down the stairs in a stunning blue dress, with matching heels and bag, getting to the bottom of the stairs you placed your bag down on the table and raised your hands to his bowtie “Let me fix it for you” you said as you pulled it through and tied it up before patting him on the shoulder. 
Hearing his phone ring then stop Thranduil wet his lips “That will be the taxi” nodding you collected your bag and the gift bags, as Thranduil wrapped your coat around your shoulders before heading to the door and holding it open for you as you stepped out while he collected the keys to the house and shut the door helping you down the stairs and into the waiting taxi before starting the drive to Elrond’s.
Elrond’s party was in full swing when you and Thranduil arrived, you had placed the bags next to the presents and said your greetings to Elrond before he and Thranduil disappeared to talk about business, but you smiled knowing it was to go and have a few cigars without anyone seeing, you were currently chatting to Arwen about her upcoming wedding, helping her with flower designs, when your eyes meet Thranduil’s as he returned back inside the massive ballroom where Elrond had set up his party, smiling over at you, he watched as you turned back to Arwen.
Making his way around the party Thranduil said his hello’s and chatted to a few people often running his eyes around seeing where you were, his latest check found you, Arwen, Eowyn and Galadriel tucked away in a corner giggling smiling at the sight of you he turned his head to the butler handing out drinks as he picked up a glass of champagne and took a drink almost choking on it when his eyes landed on the people coming into the party. 
40 notes · View notes
theincaprincess · 4 years
Hey guys as many of you know my work schedule has become super busy, so I am having to put my writing on hold just for a little longer, and I have a ton of back log I need to do but as of right now I have Prompt 41-44 for you in this little oneshot, so please do enjoy. 
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Warning - None 
Thranduil x reader 
Prompt 41 - “In a world of no’s, you said yes, and that was how I knew you held the other half of my heart.” Prompt 42 - He lost all grip on reality, drifting away into the dark of his mind.
Prompt 43 - “It’s not meant to be logical! Logic is cold, desolate! Answer with your heart!”
Prompt 44 - She looked so beautiful with her hair splayed across the pillow her eyes closed, a happy sigh from her dream escaping her slightly opened lips…as well as some drool.
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Word count 980
Standing on the balcony you were watching the sun setting over the great forest of greenwood, it had taken all your power and many years to cleanse the forest but you finally had, the trees had started to grow back upright and the mist slowly left letting everyone in the forest see and hear all the animals that lived there. 
Hearing soft footsteps coming up behind you, you twisted your head gently to the side an sigh to Thranduil that you knew he was there, smiling gently at the hand being placed on your shoulder you raised your own and placed it on top of his before turning your eyes to Thranduil’s face, studying his eyes as he looked out over his kingdom finally being cleared of all the dark magic that had laid waste to it for many years, you could sense he lost all grip on reality, drifting away into the dark of his mind.
When you had first arrived you had sense there was something wrong with the forest, something was off but you could not place what it was, you were carrying a message to the kingdom from Lord Elrond, something about a meeting of the white council and his daughter, but you didn’t really care too much, you got told to deliver the message and stay if Thranduil had a message to send back or to escort him back to Rivendell to attend the meeting itself, you were just happy to be out on the road again. 
Following the map Lord Elrond gave you, you made sure you were still on the path, yes you was an elf but still Elrond had warned you about something in the forest that could get inside your head and make you lose all sense of place and time, small twigs snapped making your ears twitch, looking up from the map you could see Mirkwood’s patrol heading towards you, watching them you lifted your hands in a sign that you meant no harm and watched as the red headed elf studied you. 
“Who are you?” She asked, eyeing you. 
“My name is (y/n), and I was sent here on behalf of Lord Elrond from Rivendell with a message for King Thranduil” you proudly said holding your ground. 
“We did receive word that a messenger was on their way but…” the redhead stopped speaking and studied you again. 
“But you were expecting a male messenger, I presume” you said and saw as her lips twisted into a side smile before she nodded. 
“I am capital Tauriel, we will escort you back to the kingdom and then I will escort you to the king himself” she said as she turned and gave the orders to the patrol. 
Smiling to yourself you followed them and studied the forest still feeling like something was off, and you wanted to get to the bottom of it.
Arriving at the front gates of Mirkwood you watched as Tauriel barked orders at them again and they ran back into the forest to finish the patrol you thought as she turned to you and motioned for you to follow her.
Walking through the halls of Mirkwood Tauriel was telling you what and where things were for your stay as it was common knowledge that Thranduil often took days to respond to messages, and the messenger normally got bored sitting and waiting for the response, checking each place she pointed to you returned your eyes to the front and saw you were heading towards the throne room with two guards standing either side of the door looking rather bored you thought as you approached them watching as they straightened themselves up. 
Loud voices could now be heard coming from the other side of the door, raising an eyebrow Tauriel looked at you then to the guards silently asking for an answer, as you all heard “It’s not meant to be logical! Logic is cold, desolate! Answer with your heart!” before the door flew open and Legolas stepped out clearly not in the mood to talk as you moved out of the way of the angry elf prince, and heard your name as Tauriel introduced you to King Thranduil, all those years ago.
Returning yourself to the present you tapped Thranduil’s hand and saw as his eyes darted to yours bring him from his memories as well, smiling up at him you held his hand for a few more seconds before lowing yours and turning from the balcony and making your way to the bed, it was a simple gesture but you and Thranduil could communicate with looks and small touches alone and this to him meant you were going to bed, sending a loving glance your way Thranduil returned his sight to the forest and letting a small smile slide on his face he knew his kingdom was finally fixed, as we too returned inside and made his way over to his desk to respond to messages that had came the day before. 
The candle had almost ran out by the time Thranduil had finished his work, looking towards the window he could see the sun was starting to rise in the distance, raising to his feet he stretched his body before picking the candle up and carrying it over to the bed where he looked over you sleeping form studying you, she looked so beautiful with her hair splayed across the pillow her eyes closed, a happy sigh from her dream escaping her slightly opened lips…as well as some drool. 
Smiling softly Thranduil placed the candle down and blew it out as he got into bed pulling you closer to him leaving a small kiss on you cheek and whispering in your ear “In a world of no’s, you said yes, and that was how I knew you held the other half of my heart.” 
42 notes · View notes
theincaprincess · 4 years
Treats of the marketplace
Anonymous asked for 6 “we’re in public, you know” and 9 “make me” with Thranduil from the smut list of prompts I reblogged the other day. 
So here you go, this is a oneshot only.
Main master list here Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​ Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind​
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Thranduil x reader.
Warning Smut ahead.
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Word count 742
Thranduil liked to tease you while you were stuck in meetings, or welcoming guests to Mirkwood, the gently running of his fingers up your leg under the table or the way he looks at you, had you weak at your knees but nothing had prepared you for what he had planned, your day had started early as you were on the way to the market in Lake town, you and Thranduil had decided to take a trip to go and see King Bard after Thranduil had become close friends with him and you wanted to buy some of the goods only humans made, and you really wanted something new to hang in yours and Thranduil’s bed chamber.    
Making your way around the market Thranduil smiled at how excited you got running from stall to stall picking items up and learning from the stall keeper its history, collecting small trinkets and placing them in the saddlebag of Thranduil’s elk.
A messenger from King Bard approached Thranduil to inform him that Bard was currently stuck in a meeting, but the palace was there for them to stay the night and have dinner with him, if you required, nodding his head Thranduil told the messenger you both would be honoured and you will see him for dinner, watching the messenger turn and leave Thranduil caught your eyes as you slowly walked over to him with a handful of goods.
“What was that all about?” You asked.
“Bard is stuck in a meeting, but he has made up lodgings for us and an invitation to dinner” Thranduil answered as he placed an arm around your waist and slowly started to walk around to the back of the elk for the empty saddlebags.
“Well I’m almost done” You said as you placed the stuff you had bought into the empty saddlebag, before licking your lips and turning to Thranduil “if you want to go to the palace early” You add as you bite your lip.
A sign Thranduil took to know what you were thinking, smirking at you he licked his lips and  turned you to face the wall behind his elk as he slowly lifted your dress up while whispering in your ear “don’t make too much noise now.”
Feeling Thranduil’s fingers running up your legs, and slowly entering you, you pushed his hand away and pulled your dress back down “we’re in public, you know” You hissed turning to face Thranduil, who just smirked at you before he twisted you back around and you felt him slam his cock into you making you lose your breath for a minute.
Pushing your hands against the wall you started to rock your body to match the rocking thrusts of Thranduil, while you were biting down on your lip to stop the moan escaping, you dropped your head down, trying to catch some extra breaths but it got bought back up as Thranduil grabbed your hair to give him more control over your body, letting out a small moan you bought one of your hands over your mouth to keep yourself quiet, before you placed both hands back on the wall as you felt Thranduil pushing your forward.
“You need to be silent nin meleth” Thranduil raspy voice whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your whole body as you pressed yourself against him gaining a small moan for your efforts making you smirk, as he thrusted a hard and deep thrust into you making you moan again.
Licking your lips you whispered breathlessly “make me” as you let out another moan, feeling your head being ripped back by your hair you felt Thranduil hand over your mouth as he placed his other hand on your throat while thrusted faster and harder into you as you slowly started to see stars as you could feel every fibre in your body screaming.
Your whole body felt like a balloon ready to burst as you felt Thranduil’s thrusts losing their power finally the pair of you gave way to the pressure as you slumped against the wall catching your breath as Thranduil pulled out of you and bought your dress back down to cover you, as you felt his seed dripping down your legs, turning yourself around so your back was against the wall your saw Thranduil’s elk had been a shield, hiding your actions from the marketplace making you smirk at the king, who was smirking down at you.
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theincaprincess · 4 years
Late night *Part 22*
I have the next chapter of this story for you, and also prompt 39, I hope you enjoy it. 
Now I must go and finish all the things that need my attention, which I have been putting off :)
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife @queenofmankind​ 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Catch up here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 
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Word count 682 
Thranduil was lost in your journal, reading every word you have ever written in there, he smiled at all the keepsakes, tickets, maps everywhere you had gone together since you started dating you had kept them and placed them in your journal, to other people it would look like junk, but to Thranduil and you, it was your whole lives together. 
Looking up from your journal Thranduil gazed at you for a while as the last rays of the sun lit up your sleeping form through the windows, looking back to your journal Thranduil flicked through some more pages, finding pictures of the two of you together with little love poems and notes, it made him smile he knew you had a journal but nothing like this, he was never happy with Alvena but the moment he met you, he knew he wanted to be in your life and clearly by your journal you had felt the same after he had read some of the early pages.
Placing the journal down, Thranduil rose to his feet and stretched his body out after sitting in the same spot for hours, his body made popping sounds as he stretched each one of them out, pulling his wrist towards his face he checked his watch and saw it was coming up to 7pm, pulling his phone out from his pocket he saw a couple of messages from Gandalf saying he had collected your clothes and was heading back towards the hospital, and your Mother had made it safely home as well, replying to the messages Thranduil returned his phone to his pocket and decided to nip out of the room to hunt for the coffee machine.
Returning to your room Thranduil placed the cup of coffee down on the table that was at the end of your hospital bed, and returned to the chair where he picked up the journal from the seat and started to read again, he had got to the part where you mentioned the night you had been so excited about, it was the night where you and Thranduil were meant to be going to the most fanciest restaurant in the town, and where you had to book a table a year in advance, and it was also going to be your birthday dinner,  but Thranduil had a court case he needed to focus on and you decided to order a takeaway and help him with his case.
Smiling at the entry Thranduil started to remember the night you both had all his case files open on the floor while listening to the tapes of the interviews and meetings, while picking up slices of pizza and writing keynotes on a whiteboard when something peaked both of your attention. Letting out a little laugh at his memories Thranduil started to read again and smirked at the fact you had even written down the part where Thranduil got the perfect argument for the judge, “IT WAS FASCINATING! THEY SPOKE WITH SUCH VIGOR AND PASSION…I THINK I FELL A LITTLE BIT IN LOVE WITH THEM” was your words exactly in the journal, hearing a small knock Thranduil closed the journal and looked up seeing Gandalf standing at the door holding a bag. 
“I have her clothes for tomorrow, although I don’t think I have a sense of fashion” Gandalf spoke as he stepped in and placed the bag on the table.
“I don’t think she will mind, Thank you for getting them” Thranduil said as he watched Gandalf opening the bag.
“I bought us some food as well, and I know the hospital coffee is horrible, so I made some at your place and bought it in the flask” Gandalf said as he handed over some food and the flask to Thranduil. 
“Thank you Gandalf, what would I do without you?” Thranduil said, taking a hold of the food and flask. 
“You would have driven home and done it yourself” Gandalf said as he walked over and took the other seat, making Thranduil laugh and nod, as they both opened the food boxes.
Part 23 also final
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theincaprincess · 4 years
Here I have the second prompt of our darling @deepestfirefun​ challenge!! 
I do hope you enjoy it!! 
Main master list here
January challenge masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Prompt #2
“I go to therapy because I want my problems sound good”
“So, we´re back to talking,”
Warning - a little fighting
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Word count 867
Sitting in the chair you were currently zoning in and out while the voices of the nobles echoed around the chamber, something about a goat and who took the first kid, but clearly, you weren't that interested instead you went to your happy place, thinking about all the books you could have been reading by now, curled up in front of the fireplace enjoying the stories of old while feeling the warmth, but no, you had to be sat in this meeting with the king who only two days ago, you had one of the biggest rows Mirkwood had ever seen or heard, a large bang made you jump and returned you to reality spinning your head to the source you saw Thranduil’s hand on the table and the icy scowl on his face, and you knew that meant trouble. 
“How many times will you two bring me the same quarrel?” Thranduil barked making you sit up a bit straighter. 
“But my lord, he has gone and….” one of the nobles started to argue but stop once he saw the king raising to his feet.  
“For the last time, I will not sort out a debate about a goat, have something useful to say or leave now” Thranduil hissed pointing at them, and you watched as the nobles bowed their heads and turned to leave the chamber, as the king sat back down, raising a hand to his temple and started to rub it, while his other hand landed on the table and he started to tap his fingers, a sign you had picked up on telling your secretly he was starting to get more annoyed. 
Taking this as your cue, you rose to your own feet and looked around the chamber “As advisor to our King, and Queen of this kingdom I believe it would be best to end this meeting here and return to it tomorrow” you spoke clearly and with a hint of not backing down in your voice watching the nobles faces twist with regret before whispering among themselves before finally humming in response, “well it is settled we will all report back here tomorrow” you said turning to Thranduil who waved his hand in agreement turning back to the nobles you watched as they all left their seats bowed and slowly left the room, following the last noble, you reached the door and turned seeing Thranduil looking after you, you could see he wanted to say something but you turned and shouted “I will leave you to your work” before exiting the room and going on with your duties of the day.
Hearing the door closing Thranduil placed the book he was reading down and stood turning to face you, “So, we´re back to talking?” He asked with an apologetic smile. 
 Taking off your crown you placed it on the table and walked over to the table with the wine on it, filling two glasses turning your held one of the glasses out towards him and waited for him to take it while taking a sip from your own glass. 
“What I said, about you going to talk to another person to talk about things, I was wrong, please forgive me (Y/n)” Thranduil started as he watched you empty your glass and fill it back up again. 
“I go to them because they actually listen to me” you spoke with a hiss. 
“You can talk to me about them, I am your husband” Thranduil said reaching out for you. 
“Then defend me, when the nobles make remarks of my race” you shouted at him, telling him the fight from two days ago clearly wasn’t finished and you were still hurting. 
“What is this really about? You never cared for what people thought about you, that’s why I married you!” Thranduil hissed back.
“Yes you married me, you bought my kind and your kind together, but you don’t see it do you, no matter how much you love me, your people can not stand to see a human on the throne” You screamed throwing the glass to the floor. 
“Then talk to me, tell me who it is and I will sort it out, you do not need to go and speak to another huma… person I will deal with it” Thranduil shouted but stepped forward and bought you in for a hug, seeing the tears behind your eyes that were threatening to fall, holding you tightly as you tried to back away.
Feeling the tears leaving your eyes you stopped trying to get away from Thranduil and let your body go limp as he lowed you both to the ground after a few heavy breaths you finally spoke “I go to therapy because I want my problems sound good.”
“Then we both go to therapy because your problems are also my problems” Thranduil spoke turning your face to his, “I swear to you as my Queen, as my wife I will sort this” Thranduil said as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear before placing a loving kiss on your lips, and at that moment you felt all his love and you knew tomorrow would be a better day. 
Part 2 
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theincaprincess · 4 years
The Beginning
Good afternoon everyone and a veryHappy new year to you all!! 
Here I have the first prompt of our darling @deepestfirefun​ challenge!! 
I do hope you enjoy it!!  
Main master list here
January challenge masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Prompt #1
“I-I need you,”
“Don´t bail on me and leave me to do the math, don´t do that,”
Warning - none 
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Word count 722
Looking up from the paper in front of you, you raised your hands to your face and hid yourself while letting out a small sigh, when Lord Elrond told you, you were being sent to Mirkwood you were overjoyed but now, now you wished you had stayed in Rivendell. 
Lowing your hands from your face you placed them on the table and slowly pushed your chair out getting to your feet, walking around the desk you made your way towards the balcony, leaning on the rail you felt the breeze on your skin and you inhaled the scent of the pine trees that hid your new home, you had seen the view many times since you had moved here almost 6 months ago, but every time you looked out at it, you saw something new, and you were currently watching some birds flying through the sky bring a soft smile to your face. 
You were one of the best students Lord Elrond ever had, even for a human he was impressed, your skills with a blade, your wit in debates, and the skill to control your temper, he knew from that moment he would send you to Mirkwood, they needed someone who could keep their cool with Thranduil, every other student he had sent was returned within 2 months with a fiery letter from Thranduil saying exactly why they had failed, and had no place in his kingdom, making Elrond roll his eyes, but you, you would be the perfect fit and if you failed he would stop sending students to fill the roles that Mirkwood needed.
Standing at the door Thranduil lifted his hand and knocked hard on the door, hearing a faint “just a moment” from behind it then the sound of rushing feet, stepping back from the door Thranduil waited for it to be opened. 
Opening the door you looked up at Thranduil and bowed your head “King Thranduil” you spoke as you stepped back and held your door opened a little wider “Please do come in” you added and watched as he walked past you and towards the desk where you were currently working. 
Scanning the desk Thranduil looked over your work, until he turned his eyes to you coming to a halt just a few steps away from him, “your work seems to have improved, you definitely have mastered the elven language for a human” he said picking up a few of the papers and looking over them. 
“Thank you my lord” you said as you watched him place the papers back down and pick up the trade deal between the elves and humans of Laketown you were in charge of, watching as his eyes roamed over the page and a scowl started to appear on his face. 
“What is this?” Thranduil asked staring at you with his icy glare. 
“The… The trade deal between Mirkwood and Laketown” you answered twisting your hands together as your nervous habit, before swallowing hard and adding “my lord” in a whisper. 
Standing up straight Thranduil shook his head and started to walk past you “I will need to give this to someone else who has more experience in this area” he hissed. 
“Wait… I-I need you” you blurted out as you went after him and watched as Thranduil spin on the spot making you stop just before you collided with him, taking a deep breath you started to speak again “don´t bail on me and leave me to do the math, don´t do that” turning you walked over to the chair and slumped down on it feeling the tears starting to pool behind your eyes.
Looking at you Thranduil let out a small sigh and walked over kneeling in front of you “What is going on (Y/n)?” He asked with a softness in his voice making you look into the pale blue eyes for the first time in the 6 months you had been here. 
“I can outmatch anyone with a blade, I am the smartest human in the room, and I can control my emotions, but when it comes to maths, I do need a little help” you finally admitted more to yourself than to Thranduil. 
“Well, why don’t we start at the beginning” Thranduil said as he wiped away the tears that had stained your cheeks.
46 notes · View notes
theincaprincess · 4 years
Late Night *part 20*
Afternoon darlings, as you can see I am not dead and I have the next part of this fic for you here, the prompts are not in order but it worked better that way, I hope you enjoy it!
Main master list here
52 week masterlist here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Catch up here
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 
Prompt 29 - “I think you should sit down.”
Prompt 30 - “The light filtered through the colored leaves, bathing the world in soft light.”
Prompt 31 - The cool hand of death reached out and, surprisingly, was gripped in welcoming.
Prompt 32 - The world seemed to drift into the distance as the savage thoughts came forward.
Prompt 33 - “So, if I drink this, I will finally forget?”
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Word count 549
Driving along the road you were heading home to Thranduil, after the conversation with your mother, she had made you see that all relationships had their ups and downs, and you could get through this with Thranduil and now Gandalf was there you hoped he could help Thranduil unwind a bit, looking along the road you smiled at the light filtered through the colored leaves, bathing the world in soft light, it made you happy, hearing a beep you looked at your phone screen seeing Sue’s picture pop up on the screen, answering the call “Hey Sue, just let me pull over” You spoke and got an “Ok” from the other end of the phone line as you started to pull over to the side of the road so you could talk to her.
Watching the world spin out of control it took you a moment to realise it was you who was spinning as you car was spinning down the step bank, you could faintly hear Sue’s panic voice screaming through the phone at you but you couldn’t make a sound your body was going into protective mode as your eyes shut and you body went limp the cool hand of death reached out and, surprisingly, was gripped in welcoming.
Grabbing the towel Thranduil dried his face and made his way to your shared bedroom, reaching for the doorknob he hesitated knowing if you were still in there he might be in for a row as he was out all night again, but he did warn you about the effect Gandalf had on him. 
Taking a deep breath he turned the handle and walked in, noticing that the bed was made and you were nowhere in sight, confusing him but he made his way to the closest and chose his clothes for the day, before returning downstairs seeing Gandalf staring at his phone. 
Walking into the kitchen, Thranduil turned the coffee maker on, and waited for it to start heating up as he reached for two cups, “What has you so interested in your phone?” Thranduil asked with a small smile on his face.
“Just reading the news” Gandalf answered. 
Nodding Thranduil turned back to the coffee maker, placing the cups under the taps, watching the hot liquid pour into the cups, waiting for it to finish filling, Thranduil picked up the cups and walked over to Gandalf handing him one of the cups. 
“So, if I drink this, I will finally forget?” Gandalf asked with a smirk smelling the freshly made coffee.  
“I hope so” Thranduil said as he took a sip of his own and watched Gandalf’s face drop.
“I think you should sit down” Gandalf said to him and watched as Thrandul took the seat next to him, before passing him the phone.
Reading the reports about a car crash Thranduil was confused as to why Gandalf was showing him it, until he scrolled down to the picture and his heart was in his stomach seeing it was your car, jumping to his feet, he started to call every hospital to see what one you had been taken too, just as news reporters started to turn up outside the house, The world seemed to drift into the distance as the savage thoughts came forward.
Part 21
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