#These two adult men cannot talk about their feelings. put them in The Enclosure
itsbrucey · 3 months
The Glenn Close Lotion Fact is probably one of my most hated Dadfacts bc it's frankly Insane. but I'm considering using it to my advantage for a Closeson werewolf fic......
Yes......Glenn DOES know a lot about handcare...... Now can he take care of a wounded paw......
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alia-turin · 6 years
That took some time but I was writing requests (still have some) and replaying Resident Evil whoch made me filled with angst and there is very little angst here and yeah. Enjoy guys
Fic Title: Not Strong Enough Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Rating [Warnings]: M [mention of body injury] all chapters will have different warnings Pairing: Luche x OC, Nyx x Luna Summary: 3 years have passed since Noctis disappeared and Luche finds himself on the side of unfamiliar road with no recollection how he got there Note: I was listening to Apocalyptica’s Not Strong Enough while writing that hence the title. It’s VERY suitable sing for the fic. Tagging: @jojolosthermojo @birdsandivory @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @lazarustrashpit
“Guys why don’t we all calm down.” Ada raised her arms a bit, one trying to calm the two men that had just walked in and the other at Luche who had his hand on his gun. “We are not here to harm you.” She looked at the two men, they looked in pretty bad condition. Old clothes, skinny, faces drained almost of all colour.
“Nobody has been here in months. Not since we told these fuckers up north to...well go fuck themselves.” The one that spoke the first time said that. He was slightly shorter with dark hair and dark eyes.
“And how is that working out for you guys?” Luche taunted and Ada just stared at him. These men didn’t need to be provoked, they might not really mean them harm, but that could change any moment.
“Guys…let’s put the weapons down okay. I’m not armed.” Ada raised her hands up showing there were no weapons hidden, Luche slowly moved his hand away from his gun but still kept it close enough if needed. “Let us all talk calmly.”
“You are from here?” the other man asked. “Where do you live?”
“I used to live just down the road, next to the records shop. My mother was piano teacher…” she started but the interrupted her.
“I know the house, my daughter used to go for piano lessons there. You have a brother as well, don’t you?” The man looked at Luche who obviously wasn’t acting like her brother just before they had walked in.
“I did.” She admitted and the two men slowly started moving their guns down, but they were still not all the way down. “My mother passed away in a refugee camp as we were moving toward Insomnia, my father and brother died few years later.” She thought very carefully what was going to say next, but the rabbit had to be pulled out of the bag sooner or later. “I was in the Kingsglaive before Insomnia fell. I guess I’m still in it.”
“The glaives are traitors.” The shorter man said but didn’t lift his gun. Was it possible they worked with the Empire.
“The glaives did what they did for their homes.” Luche finally spoke. “Might have been wrong, might have been right, not all of them betrayed the king and those who did it didn’t do so for personal gain. They wanted to free their homes.”
“I feel very free right now, boy.” The taller man said sarcastically. Luche was probably a boy for him. The man looked close to sixty than to fifty.
“Guys we are not here to argue, we are here to help.” Ada decided it was time to focus the topic a bit more. “We have a power plant up and running up north…”
“It was up and running long time ago, these bastards didn’t want to give us electricity, so we were forced to live like animals.” The shorter one interrupted her and Ada was taken aback. That was not what Nyx told her. She knew Nyx didn’t lie to her, so was it possible someone else lied to him?
“The bastards up north had some help and now they don’t decide who does what.” Luche was quick to answer, he was way better in that than her she had no idea why she was the one who spoke up till now. “The Crownsguard helped them fix the plant and now it could provide power here, but we all need to work together to get that happen.
“And what do they want in return?” The taller man asked. “There is no such thing as free lunch.”
“We need to rebuilt Galahd.” Luche said confident. “You are right s not a free lunch. There are factories here that we can use to build supplies. These islands have been suffering too long under the Imperials we cannot let them just sink.”
The two men just laughed and Luche looked confused even offended. Ada didn’t know what to say or even how to react. Were they just making fun of them?
“Come, we will show you something.” The shorter man said as he put his gun completely down.
They walked out of the house and then out of town. Nobody talked, Luche and Ada just exchanged few meaningful looks knowing these two might be leading them anywhere including in a demon infested trap. Didn’t matter the two of them could overcome pretty much anything together or so she wished to believe.
Eventually they were lead to a cave enclosure, the entrance was brightly lit with fire and from what Ada could see, there were bright torches all the way inside.
“That’s home.” The short man said as he led them in.
‘Home’ was a very relative concept. It was long cave corridor, further down it was leading to a chamber that was also brightly lit, people had placed tables there and she could see cooking supplies in the distance. He walked further down and the cave corridor split into tow chambers that was just across from each other. One bigger and one smaller. Ada peaked into the small one and saw group of kids making their beds, there was just one adult woman helping some of the youngest. There were probably fifteen kids there.
“Orphans.” The shorter man said as she looked confused. “They have lost their families, people take turns to take care of them.”
She didn’t say anything but at the back of her head she felt terrible sadness. That might have been here if it wasn’t for her family escaping hen they did. The chamber across of this one was bigger and there were adults and children getting ready for sleep now.
“That’s home.” The shorter man said. “We have twenty adults and five kids that still have at least one parent. That’s pretty much everyone.”
“Why you live here? The town is deserted, you should be able to settle there.” Luche asked.
“We cannot stay safe in the city.” The man answered. “That cave ends here, with fire we can light the whole thing and the entrance, to keep demons away. It’s stone, cannot be ruined. The town…too many houses, people were spreading we couldn’t protect each other. Come on, let’s get you some dinner.”
Neither of them felt like eating seeing the conditions these people lived in, the food they were going to give them was probably better used somewhere else, but they also didn’t refuse. He told them the whole story of how they moved here, all the challenges and how many people they had lost in the process. It was worse than they thought and way worse than Nyx presented it or it was presented to Nyx. The people here couldn’t work, they couldn’t even rebuild their own town the way Nyx’s had. Twenty adults were nothing and they were all malnutrition and exhausted. The man offered them to stay for the night but without even discussing it they both refused. They had taken more than they needed from these people, they were going to stay in town. Ada only asked for paper and pen so she can write a message to Nyx and send it via the fisherman who was supposed to pick them up on the next day. They were going to stay and try to fix things and she was going to ask Cor or Tredd or Nyx or all of them to come and help. These people needed it badly.
 They made their way back to the massive white house, neither of them talking seeing the absolute terrible condition their home was. Luche had no idea what to do or to say. He was eighteen when he left, unlike her he had very good memories of what that place used to be and it was breaking his heart to pieces. He didn’t know any of the people they met, or he just couldn’t remember them but those were his neighbors in a sense and now they lived like cattle. They went back up to the living room, he started the fire again, this time was easier while Ada started writing a letter to Nyx.
“Asking him to come?” Luche asked over his shoulder as he was trying to fix some sort of bedding for the two of them. The first thing he would do once they were back to their house was to build a bed, he was tired of sleeping rough.
“Him or Cor or Tredd…anybody really. With food supplies.” Luche winced as she mentioned Cor’s name. Tredd or Nyx was fine, not the Marshal. He was still jealous of the man even if he had no logical reason to do so. He knew he had to stop with his jealousy, it was making him act stupid, but it wasn’t that easy. He has lost three years with her and that man had stolen them from him. Well not stolen, but it was how he felt.
Ada tilted her head as she saw that he placed their bedding next to each other.
“Bold of you.” She said with a smile and he new she was just teasing him.
“Well before we were terribly interrupted we were sorting things out between us, so I figured…” Luche gave a smile he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist.
“Okay.” She said as she took her shoes and jacket off. “Let’s talk.” She sat on her side of the ‘bed’ and he followed suit on his. “I…still have problem trusting you. You have done a lot to win my trust. The thing with Titus and all that…you could have left us all for death. I don’t know if you did it for me or because it was right thing to do, but it means a lot.”
“But?” he asked with half smile. There was always a but. She was glad she didn’t ask why exactly he did what he did because she wouldn’t have liked the answer. Titus might had lost his mind, but Luche had zero loyalty to Cor or wanted to save his ass. All he did, he did for her, otherwise he wouldn’t have given a damn about what happens with Cor. Maybe to some extend he cared about Nyx because they used to be friends, but wouldn’t have been the first time he would push Nyx over the edge of the cliff it was needed. Nothing personal, just business.
“But.” She laughed. “I cannot get rid of the feeling that you would do anything so things work the way you want even if that means stepping on other people or hurting them or even lying to me. I mean…your conversation with Cor. If you were sure I would stay, why didn’t you ask me if I would stay and then ask me to marry you?”
“I just combined both questions, if you had said no, obviously wouldn’t have wanted to stay in Galahd with me.” It wasn’t a lie what he said, but he was twisting his own words. Theoretically that was the case. Had she said no, it was clear what she wanted or more like didn’t want from him. He just wanted to be sure there is no way for Cor to drag her with himself.
“Luche…I never stopped thinking of you these three years even when I was sure you are dead. You don’t need to use silly stupid tricks to keep me.” Her expression had softened. “I want you, I wat to be with you, but I don’t want to be part of some complicated scheming.”
“It’s not complicated.” He admitted. He wanted to touch her now, but he remembered very well what she did last time he tried to use physical contact to win her on his side. She knew better than he thought. “You are part of me. Part that I had always missed before I met you. When we fought in Insomnia…it hurt me.” She snored at that, he smiled. It was stupid way to put it, he had hurt her more than she did him, that was a fact.  “No, I’m not trying to say I was a victim here, I’m just saying what I felt. I mean, sure I can live my life without you, and you can do the same, in fact you already did it.” He added quickly seeing she was about to protest. “That’s not an accusation. You were right to do what you did. Point is, we don’t need each other to live, go about our business. You could be happy with someone else, and probably I can as well, haven’t tried it, but I’m sure I can. I will never be as happy and I hope neither would you. I would be lost now if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. You have been a piece of me that has always been missing, and yes, I do stupid stuff like trying to manipulate outcomes, but…I’m not trying to hurt you.” He finally allowed himself to reach for her and toucher her face, she didn’t pull away.  “I know I’m possessive and jealous. That made me do what I did and maybe some out of desire to rub it in Cor’s face, but I also wanted to do it for very long time. Long before all his shit happened.” He waved with his free hand toward the mess around them. He meant all he said, his only concern was that she might not buy it given his track record.
“I hate you for saying all that.” she didn’t sound serious she was smiling. “You were a part of me that was missing for three years and now you come and just manage to somehow make into words everything I have been feeling but couldn’t express.” She squeezed his hand and moved it away from her face. “I don’t hate you Luche, and I will stay in Galahd. With you. But let’s not push things anymore. Let’s do it slow and please, no more attempts to twist things when there is no need for it. It was uncalled for and even petty.”
He nodded and thought to himself that he has very good reason to be petty, Cor had been with her and had replaced him even for a short time, but she didn’t need to hear that. She wouldn’t understand it. He barely understood it. He leaned forward and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.
“Not tonight. I need space.” She said as she kicked her pants away and got herself under the covers. She was doing her best to show him as little skin as possible but he didn’t need to see much, to make his imagination work. It wasn’t even imagination he knew exactly how her skin looked and felt that was torturous for him given he wanted to be with her right now, show her much he really loved her and needed her in his life. He could wait a night and Cor wasn’t around so his need to prove himself wasn’t kicking him in the ass.
He got himself in bed as well taking off clothes, leaving just underwear. It was so awkward being next to her and not even holding her in his arms.
“How did you imagine our life here?” She said eventually since neither of them was sleeping. They had their own problems sure, but their home was even more destroyed than either of them thought. He wondered if the Empire knew all that when they made promises to him and the others.
“Well obviously that was going to be our house.” He smiled. “Had no idea how big is inside, but I must say I’m happy.” He paused. “I don’t know. I always thought I will find some work, maybe in council, who knows might become even a governor, I can lead people.” She laughed at that and he was happy he could still make her smile. “For some reason I never imagined you working. I mean maybe helping in the community sure, but after the Glaive I didn’t want you to have to do anything. I was going to take care of you and the kids.”
“Kids?” Ada turned toward him amused. “You really though it through.”
“I did. We were going to have kids. I don’t know for some reason I always imagined two boys, maybe because I wanted a brother when I was a kid, but I was going to be happy with anything. I will be happy regardless.” He added and felt a bit foolish saying all that now. Not that this future was gone, they can still salvage most of it, but certainly he had done enough to sabotage it. “How did you imagine our life?”
“Similar and different.” She admitted eventually. “Certainly not that house.” She laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, I like it, I just never saw myself living in something that big. Won’t say no to it however, I love the sea view. I always imagined something the size of my parents’ house, maybe I just missed it. When I was a kid I always wanted to do what my mother did so I was probably going to try to get into music teaching or something. I do however see you working in the council or why not governor.” She was just teasing him but they both knew he needed to be in charge of something or he was going to climb himself in charge of something even if he had to step on corpses, which theoretically he tried.
“We can have most of that you know.” He said after some silence. “In some demon infested, no light kind of world.”
“Maybe.” Was the last thing she said before turning her back towards him and falling asleep. Luche stared at the ceiling and for a bit longer thinking he had nobody else to blame but himself for what had happened. Sure, he was never going to have the house while being servant of Insomnia, but he didn’t have it now either. At the end of the day, treachery or no, he ended up the same way he would have anyway. How was that for a lesson.
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