taikanyohou · 2 years
an ideal scenario in my head ... that i have been thinking about a Lot ... would be that when pete decides to leave, as he has Literally no clothes with him to wear of his own, he has No Choice but to wear vegas' clothes. even when he's leaving the safehouse through his own choice, even when he's leaving vegas through his own choice, vegas, and his scent, is somehow still draped all over him. even now, pete cannot free himself off vegas.
and then what does he do with those clothes? throw them away? burn them? get out a pair of scissors and cut them to shreds? just to make himself feel a little bit better? just to feel like he's taking back some control?
or does he keep them, in the hopes that one day, he'll return them to vegas again? but until then, does he wear them again and again and again just to remember vegas' touch through them? does he cry into them in pain or smell vegas' scent on them in a twisted form of pleasure? does he let his hands wander over the fabric thinking it's vegas that he's touching instead? does he let himself give into his desires? does he drape his body in vegas' clothes, just to feel vegas all over his skin again?
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soft4sanha · 7 years
tagged by @fourseasonsofastro (omg thank u for tagging me 💜💜💜 i appreciate it and i love ur blog!!)
Rules: Answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people
Nickname: Bien  Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 154 cm/ 5′0-5′1 ft Last thing I googled: how much to tip at salons (lol ahahah) Favorite music artist: ASTRO ofc!!!!! but for western it’s The Maine Last song stuck in my head: Replay Special stage by Astro (probs for months now ugh) and Idea of You by Arty and Eric Nam! What I’m wearing right now: black shirt and pink shorts  Why I chose my url: my fave is sanha and he loves potatoes soo...(gamja = potato in korean) + im always willing to be sanha’s potato so it’s all good What did your last relationship teach you?: I’ve never been in a relationship but okay from my kdrama/anime/manga knowledge, just straight up talk to each other if u have problems (im just so tired of miscommunication being the root of all dramas) (i usually like chill and peaceful slice of life romance but im also lowkey livin for the angst yo) Religious or spiritual: Not really that religious (my family is) and im not sure what spiritual meant but I like to believe in signs! (like if i see this, then this might be it) Favorite color: I always look for blue or pink when i buy stuff  Average hours of sleep: maybe 6-8??? Lucky number: 12 (its just easy for me to remember bc its my birthday eheh) Favorite character: Kagura from Gintama (++many more but i remembered her immediately even though ive drifted apart from anime 😢) Number of blankets I sleep with: 1  Dream job: ooops is it time for my life crisis??? i still dont know :(( my dream is to find my dream job lol
Tagging: idek if i know 20 people 😭 feel free not to answer!! :)
@parkj-nwoo @eatingrocky @binnieheart @moonbinniez @arohanaa @leedongmilk @eccentricsuzuya @xstelmar @thatfangurltho @arohawe @mystic-astro-trash @jakganim @gttae @wannabeyourmoon @jinjinwooz @p-jinwoo @emiko99 @yorozvra @nappingsuga +@anyone who wants to!!
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