#Vincents stare wouldn't work on me because I'd melt too quickly seeing his pretty face
nightmarewritings · 3 years
Slashers As Monsters
Vincent/Bo/Lester Sinclair:
Gorgons. While the gorgons are traditionally female, they comprise a trio of siblings who generally keep to themselves, whose visitors often disappear, and who make art from their victims.
Bo and Lester can hide their snakes under hats, their fangs aren't so long that they're instantly noticeable, their gaze weak enough to be negated behind sunglasses. Vincent isn't so lucky, his snakes grew long and wild, his fangs so sharp they tore through his skin, his glance powerful enough that any human he looks at will turn to stone, even sunglasses won't help.
The trio mainly keep to themselves, not wanting to abandon Vincent, who would have to be constantly blindfolded and masked to appear in public. Gorgon's don't effect other gorgons, so all they really have is each other.
Vincent's statues are very similar to his regular selves wax works, and the level of effort is actually similar, with him having to put them in the precise pose he wants them in, occasionally having to carve a new head from stone when their final expression didn't suit the piece.
Billy Lenz:
Gremlin. Not the kind that comes from mogwai, but the World War kind. Crafty, wide-eyed, creatures who care little for the squabbles that go on around them, causing chaos wherever they go. They have an almost supernatural ability to fuck with machinery and electronics.
Billy lives in attics, basements, crawlspaces, anywhere he can fit. He tinkers with the electronics, steals food and clothing, and basically causes unseen mischief.
Has a particular fascination with phones, often tying up the lines, making strange phone calls, causing them to hang up in the middle of a call, etc.
Honestly the biggest difference between regular Billy and Gremlin!Billy is that Gremlin!Billy is much more likely to flee if seen and much less likely to murder anything that isn't mechanical.
Brahms Heelshire:
A poltergeist, the angry spirit of a man who died in the house long, long ago. The only thing that seems to soothe the angry spirit is when a strange doll is well taken care of by a lovely person.
Mistaken for the spirit of a child at first, due to how petty and well, childish he is. Steals things, makes the rooms colder, plays with toys, and throws horrible tantrums.
But the longer someone sticks around, the more evidence emerges that the spirit isn't a child at all. The things stolen graduate from pieces of candy to underwear and jewelry, the cold chills in the room seem to only effect certain people, and skirts seem blown by a mysterious indoor wind.
Sure, he could be exorcised, but the perks of this poltergeist being around is he's very loyal to the household. Anyone who dares intrude and try to hurt the people living in the old manor will be in for a very bad time.
Thomas Hewitt:
Minotaur, one heavily scarred and with quite a lot of gruesome facial injuries. Outcast by society and only accepted by a select few, Thomas put his strength to good use at a slaughterhouse, and had to put up with jokes not only about being a minotaur, but about how messed up it is he butchers “his own kind”, as they say. He does not say anything, but just snorts and leaves.
Doesn't wear human face masks. He tried once, and the skin stretched over his bovine snout was terrifying for absolutely everyone in the house, including himself. Still wears a simple leather mask to cover his more graphic facial wounds though.
Absolutely can and will gore someone with his horns. They're actually this version of Thomas' main weapon, being more efficient and readily available than a chainsaw. Though he would still use one on occasion.
Even being of a different species than her, Luda Mae still sees Thomas as her little baby boy. She sometimes has to braid his hair to keep it out of his eyes, since minotaur hair grows fast and thick, and he wears them with pride.
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