#Weird take and I know absolutely nothing about codependency so I might be flat out wrong but I feel like the roy family excluding connor-
bestial4ngel · 1 year
Okay but the way that so much of their lives revolved around Logan in some way or another. They weren’t close emotionally obviously, but he was always there sort of controlling or morphing their lives somehow with his decisions, his influence, his praise, his money, his disapproval and rejection. There’s a hole in the middle of Waystar now that everyone’s going to be scrambling to fill, but there’s also a similar hole in each of the kids because of how much room in their lives and their minds he had been taking up.
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aarontveit · 7 years
Gavin, John, Bradley, Siobahn, Clayton, Mary
1: sexuality head canon: Gavin doesn’t have a sexuality. I mean, he does have a sexuality, but there is no real identifier that I’d go for. I mean, there’s the joking way of looking at it, which is to say that his sexuality is “yes.” Except I don’t even want to say that, because he very much is someone who will say no. NOT THAT OTHER PEOPLE DON’T THAT WE LABEL AS “YES” AS A JOKE. I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m trying to say. Maybe I just enjoy the idea of him having a labelless sexuality? 2: otp: - Gavin/Dean- Gavin/Tom- Gavin/Tracy (non-romantically) - Gavin/EphThere’s a part of me that actively ships Ryan with Gavin, for numerous reasons. I’m not as vocal about my interests there, mostly because so many of my characters are intertwined with him - but now, with Erin taking over as him, it’s easier to delve into that “obsession.” Ryan, for me, has quite the crush on Gavin. This guy, this young guy, was just there for his siblings, without asking for anything in return. He was there. In a way that Ryan couldn’t trust anyone else to be. There’s so much faith there, so much understanding, so much respect. Gavin has just been so damn good to Ryan, so it’s easy to see where that “crush” comes into play. Would I actually want it to come into play & something to happen? Absolutely not. It’s still fun to think about, though, because Gavin would definitely be Ryan’s type to some extent. 3: brotp: - Dean- Eph- Tracy- Gavin/Anger4: notp: - literally anyone not mentioned above- especially Gavin/Neil- Gavin/Talking During Sex5: first head canon that pops into my head: Because of how John was with him, and because of seeing John as a father figure when he couldn’t count on Crowley (because he’s never been able to count on him), he had days where he often just wished that John was his father, and it was a bit difficult for him to have that thought when, you know, he was thinking about Dean sexually [when it happened]. There was just a large part of him that wished he could have been more related to that family, even though he knew how broken & fucked up they were. There was always a sense of belonging that came with the Winchesters that he didn’t get with his own family, despite having that closeness with his sister. He felt guilty for that feeling, for wishing he could be “belong” to another family. So, he actively kept those thoughts to himself (much like he would anything, really). 6: one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, have an unspeakable rage that dwells inside me & I will one day snap!I, too, will kill anyone who dares to harm Dean.7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:Um, please revisit the third thing listed in my NOTPs!!!!!
1: sexuality head canon: John is, very much so, polysexual. Except, much like Tom, he doesn’t actually know that word exists, so he doesn’t really put a label to himself. Not to mention, he’s John fucking Winchester & he can do whatever the hell he wants in terms of his interests. Fuck the world. Also, let’s be real, the guy is AnnaSexual, AlcoholSexual, and low-key GavinSexual but he can’t admit to any of this - well, maybe the alcohol. 2: otp: - John/Alcohol - John/Gavin- John/AnnaSomeone explain to me why I’m a disgusting trash can who ships John with no one his own fucking age what the fuck is wrong with me, I feel like a horrible god damned person holy shit. This is horrible. 3: brotp: - Victor- Eleanor [low-key]- Gavin4: notp: - John/Interacting With Dean- John/Anna- John/Gavin5: first head canon that pops into my head: John has actual feelings for Anna, and it’s weird, and he knows he shouldn’t have them. He knows that he can’t have them, because that’s Anna fucking Milton. She’s an infant in comparison to him. He knows there’s a power imbalance there, he knows that it isn’t okay, and it’s why he actively tries to avoid her. There’s nothing about this, about that, that he would wish to impose on her. He’s a screwed up individual, and he doesn’t see himself as a good person in the slightest (which, technically, he’s really not). He doesn’t want Anna to ever see what’s underneath the shell that she’s seen him wear. He wishes, to be honest, that Anna could be somehow looped into things with Gavin & Dean.... which is weird. That’s a weird thought for him to have. This whole response has been weird, bye.6: one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, have alcohol abuse/reliance problems & it’s actually why I rarely drink now.7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Every single time he thinks about Anna in a cheer leading uniform.What the fuck, John?
1: sexuality head canon: Bradley is 100% gay, but because of compulsory heterosexuality placed upon by Thierry, and by the town in general, he still sleeps with women sometimes. He does get off on it, and there are times when he legitimately enjoys it - but in the end, it’s not something he actually wants to do. He’d rather be face down on a bed with a dick in his ass, but you know! I also feel the need to mention that while he is starved for romantic attention & validation, and while he experiences romantic attraction, he does not actively want those feelings & he does not actively want them returned (mostly because he doesn’t trust them and/or believe them). Bradley, without a doubt, falls along the aro spectrum, it just has yet to be decided where on that spectrum he lies. And like, even with his homosexuality, it’s hard for him to sit there and say, flat out, “Yeah, I’m a gay man.” Like, he can say it, but it’s a whole other thing for him to mean it? Thanks, Thierry! You’ve been a real pal!2: otp: - Bradley/Fabien- Bradley/Ryan- Bradley/Junkie AestheticI’m always going to  be a fan of Bradley & Ryan, because I know their entire history up inside my head, and it rips me to shreds. Ryan is the only person who has ever shown Bradley what love really looks like, has made Bradley feel like he’s deserving of that love. He makes Bradley feel in ways the guy didn’t even know he could. Those feelings terrify him though, and it’s part of the reason I also don’t ship them - because that fear manifests itself in such a negative light, that it causes Bradley to lash out at Ryan. It makes Bradley abusive to Ryan - and Bradley’s history doesn’t absolve him of that responsibility. Then there’s Fabien. That’s an entirely different story because of them being brothers & then their weird codependent dynamic that’s also not codependent. I don’t know, it’s so weird, but Bradley’s so addicted when it comes to him. Fabien knows him so well, can read him like a book. Bradley knows it, too, and he welcomes it. It’s why it’s so hard for him to accept this Stepford version of his brother, a version of this guy who sees what Bradley looks like right now, and says nothing. It breaks him in a way that has yet to be touched on. Bradley never thought he’d see a day where he wished he was dealing with the addiction in Fabien, not the cult. In another light, I also don’t ship Bradley romantically with people. He’s just so starved for that acceptance, and it’s unhealthy. I want to say that he needs to be able to learn to accept himself before he can begin to love another, but I don’t think he will ever be able to love himself, because everything that he sees is just a lie - something that shouldn’t be able to exist. Not to mention that Bradley is on the aro spectrum. God, he’s borderline akoiromantic, if not actually so. Which is interesting for me because so is Chet. Anyway.3: brotp: - Fabien- Ryan- SageI am, honestly, interested in the progression of his friendships with Anna & Adina as things go on, especially when Adina finds out. It’s going to be so fun! Because Adina’s going to love having someone new in the family, and she’ll be so weirdly amused to know it’s Bradley of all people, haha. Bradley doesn’t really know how to process being the town witch’s sibling, but he doesn’t really mind because he knows Adina is super chill. He’s a little weirded out by it all though, and there’s just so much possibility there! With him becoming close with Anna, and them relating to one another on some fronts. They’re great! They’ll be even greater! I mention Anna a little less only because I’m still forcing myself out of the mindset that is, “If he wasn’t related to Anna, they would bone because she would be able to dom that boy & he’d adore it, regardless of her being a woman.” Bradley doesn’t discriminate from good sex! 4: notp: - Bradley/Prestyn- Bradley/Drugs- Bradley/Balthazar- Bradley/Clayton- Bradley/Depression5: first head canon that pops into my head: Bradley has absolutely been involved with prostitution. The extent of that is unknown, but it was definitely something he was involved in. I also firmly believe that Bradley (while with Balthazar) would participate in “sharing.” I forget what the actual name is for this noise, but basically it’s Bradley being shared to other people for sexual purposes - and like, he wouldn’t have been opposed to this. See, I know that Balthazar was possessive as fuck when it came to Bradley, which is why I can see this having happened even more. Because it falls under the territory of Bradley only truly being pleased by him, that Balthazar could only truly give Bradley what he wanted (sexually). 6: one way in which I relate to this character: There are a number of ways in which I can relate to him, and I’d rather not cry, so no.7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: That boy is the biggest, hardest, most subbiest sub I have ever role played as.
1: sexuality head canon: I picture Siobahn have a pretty fluid sexuality, but also just being insanely bisexual. I also feel like her sexuality, sometimes, might be confusing for her? I don’t know if I’m equating that with her profession, or what. It’s just something that’s kind of inside my head. So, I could be way off base there. She absolutely owns herself, though, and her sexuality. Siobahn is her own person, with her own body, and she owns that knowledge. It’s her super power.2: otp: - Siobahn/Mel- Siobahn/David- Siobahn/Hael3: brotp: - David- MelThere hasn’t been much done with them, but I’d like to think Brady should be on this list.4: notp:- Siobahn/CastielI only actively do not want Castiel involved with Siobahn in any way, shape, or form because he’s so [unintentionally (unless it’s Hael)] horrible to people. He’s selfish, inconsiderate, and self-serving. I don’t want her to get mixed up in that shitty behaviour because the girl deserves so much more in her life. Let her live under the same roof as David, or Hael (not both, for obvious reasons), so she can be loved, appreciated, and get a good lay in whenever she wants. The girl deserves it!!! Let her live!!!!  5: first head canon that pops into my head: Her & Mel have definitely worked on a client together.6: one way in which I relate to this character: I don’t. She’s too powerful. I can’t relate to a fucking Goddess. 7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Her interest in Castiel. YOU DESERVE BETTER, HONEY! LOVE YOURSELF!!
1: sexuality head canon: Honestly, I really don’t know. I mean, he’s certainly BradleySexual.2: otp: - Clayton/Bradley3: brotp: - Bradley4: notp: - Clayton/Bradley- anyone that isn’t Bradley5: first head canon that pops into my head: Anything I could think of has pretty much been talked about, so instead, I’m going to talk about how much I love that he went out of his way to sleep with Balthazar so he could prove to Bradley that he was a sack of crap, but then it kind of worked out in the end anyway even though Clayton had done that. Honestly, I fucking love that because it’s so dark, and it’s twisted. And if Bradley had found out, it would have hilarious for Clayton to realize he’d done it all for nothing because Bradley would have shrugged off that “newfound” knowledge and told him, “So? Not like he hasn’t done it before. Not like I haven’t done it before.” Which, by the way, Bradley never actively cheated on Balthazar, but he definitely alluded to having done so. ANYWAY, so yeah, poor Clayton in a way, to be honest.6: one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, am a little fucking weird. (shut up)7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: ………………………………………..the things he says…………………during sex………..
1: sexuality head canon: I don’t like saying straight, but I feel like in the case of Mary, she’s straight.And a little EphSexual, but in a confusing way that’s not real.2: otp: - Mary/Eph3: brotp: - Mary/EphThere has not been much interaction outside of them to warrant anyone else making this list, except for minor moments involving Kirsten - but that was literally for live tweeting purposes, so who knows if they’re really friends, but I think the consensus there is that they’re supposed to be. We should work on that.4: notp: - Mary/Eph, respectively 5: first head canon that pops into my head: She really wanted to reach out & talk more to Ephraim when the stuff with Neil came out, when his “accusations” were made against him, and the town seemed to [again] turn against Eph because Neil was just the “stand up guy.” She didn’t think he was lying, because how could Ephraim, of all people, lie about something like that? It didn’t really add up, so she knew there was validity to it, and she was concerned about him. This feeling came about again when his parents were murdered - but really, what could she have said in those moments? I feel like there was a powerless emotion that’s been there ever since these moments. 6: one way in which I relate to this character: I DON’T. But this will probably change.7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:When she was asking Eph if he thought about before, if things had been different.Yeah….
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