#Will be back to add more tags into this post cuz my brain is hyper rn. I need to confirm smth.
faeiapalette · 1 year
“One’s humanity” is something that can be assessed and confirmed by a single action, huh…
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nagichi-boop · 2 years
your like one of my fave psychonauts ppl(literally have no idea how to categorize you) but i love ur posts n stuff! keep up the good work
How though- (/lh)
I feel like I’ve barely posted my own Psychonauts stuff (unless headcanons count, idk) but maybe that’s because it’s been a hot minute since I posted something cuz I’ve been stressing about like…life lol. I have some fanfic ideas but honestly I’ve been too stressed and pooped about stuff that I’ve not really thought about Psychonauts that much? I did say I’d go back and add more dialogue from Raz on that post where I “researched” his responses to attacking animals.
As for how I categorise my account? Uhh…it’s a brain vomit account I guess? By that I mean I basically just post whatever I want, which mostly means vents and mental health stuffs, but then also whatever I’m hyper fixated on. I do try to tag stuff well so that if people are coming for a certain thing, they can easily find it, which is why I went back and tagged specific fandoms with “[fandom] fanart” so it’s easier to find rather than just combing through every fanart I’ve ever reblogged.
I’m glad you like my stuff, anon. TTvTT (/gen)
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