#Wolfye for fandom queen?
wolfye · 3 years
That's it, I'm running for Mysticon fandom queen. The three of you that are left, y'all want me to do this? Here are the reasons why I'd make a good candidate-
1. I have tons of fanart in the works, and love making content for it
2. This show ended, like, three? years ago and I'm still not over it
3. I've been here since "Eye for an Eye"
4. No fandom drama on my watch
5.Willing to talk about it 25/8, no can ever shut me up about it
6: My user is literally a refrence to Zarya (It's a long story)
7: Because why not? I'm bored, and it would be something I could put in my bio
Tell me if you guys agree
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