#Yann Piat
lounesdarbois · 2 months
Fille d'un soldat tué au combat en Indochine et d'une militante OAS jetée en prison Yann Piat fut la première et seule femme députée assassinée en France.
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portail-de-provence · 2 years
Yann Piat , une femme dans la tourmente !
Yann Piat , une femme dans la tourmente !
Texte de Philippe Natalini Gendarme devenu écrivain pour nous raconter la Provence ! Philippe Natallini Notre Enquêteur Ecrivain revient sur l’un des meurtres le plus douloureux de ces dernières années : Le 25 février 1994, la député Yann Piat, était assassinée dans un guet-apens en rentrant chez elle sur les hauteurs de Hyères… Retour sur cette affaire douloureuse, ayant tant défrayé la…
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Sun Myung Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament
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Pierre Ceyrac in 1989 – Unification Church member and French Front National Party member of the European Parliament. He died in 2018.
The National Front and French Politics: The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen By Jonathan Marcus (1995)
Jonathan Marcus is Defense Correspondent for the BBC World Service. He has published widely on French politics and international issues, notably in The World Today, International Affairs and The Washington Quarterly.
From the book: The extreme right-wing National Front is now France’s fourth largest political party. In 1986 under a proportional electoral system it won thirty-five seats in the French National Assembly; in the 1988 Presidential election the National Front’s leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, obtained over fourteen percent of the popular vote. Over the past decade, it has won representation at virtually all levels of French politics.
Le Pen’s xenophobic anti-immigrant message has clearly attracted significant support in France. He has had a major influence upon the terms on which issues like immigration, nationality and racism are debated in France. Drawing on personal interviews with Le Pen and other National Front leaders, Jonathan Marcus traces the rise of Le Pen’s party, and its impact on the French political scene, and in the process raises important questions about the future of French, European, and world politics. How far have the mainstream parties of both Left and Right faced up to Le Pen’s challenge? Is the National Front now a permanent feature of French politics? To what degree is Le Pen a threat to French democracy? And finally, how successful will Le Pen be in pushing his agenda in the European Parliament?
pages 42-43:
The shadowy world of the Front’s finances throws up some bizarre connections. In her biography, Yann Piat refers to another important source of revenue, the Unification Church of Reverend Moon, and the important role played by Pierre Ceyrac as the intermediary between Le Pen and the cult’s leader.
Ceyrac, who once sat on the Front’s Central Committee, headed a political organisation (CAUSA) in France that was closely linked with the Reverend Moon’s church.
The initial go-between was Le Pen’s hagiographer Jean Marcilly, who subsequently fell out of favour after running off with Le Pen’s first wife. Ceyrac then took over the task of developing the contacts between the Front and the Unification Church that had begun some months before the European elections of June 1984.
At this ballot Gustav Pordea, a former Romanian diplomat now living in France, secured the fourth place on the National Front list. Despite some press speculation that he was working for the Romanian security services, it seems clear that he owed his position to some sort of deal between Le Pen and the “Moonies.”
Pordea was a supporter of the Unification Church. According to Marcilly, Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament and in return Le Pen received some four million Francs.
Le Pen himself denies any financial links between the two organizations; but it is clear that the Unification Church was attracted to the Front’s strident anti-communism, and there are several reports of Le Pen having visited the United States to meet Unification Church officials, and even a trip to South Korea to see Moon himself.
Testimonies from participants of CAUSA International Conferences
“I am grateful to Rev. Moon that the CAUSA movement came to Europe at a crucial moment. Although disillusionment with Marxism was being felt in many countries, there was not a clear vision of how to address social ills. I would say the work of CAUSA helped prepare Europe for the rise of Gorbachev and the demise of communism. Furthermore, CAUSA’s emphasis has always been on the unity among nations. As Europe looks forward to greater international unity, CAUSA will provide meaningful insight into the future.”
Honorable Pierre Ceyrac
Member of the European Parliament
From the book: Truth Is My Sword Volume I – Collected Speeches in the Public Arena by Bo Hi Pak
Appendix I
French Wikipedia: Pierre Ceyrac was also Secretary General of the CAUSA Movement (Confederation of Associations for the Unity of the Societies of the Americas), a political branch of the Moon sect, for Europe.
Ceyrac met Jean-Marie Le Pen for the first time in 1985. Ceyrac said that he had not been “attracted by Le Pen, nor by politics, but it was decided that I would be ‘sacrificed for the cause’.” The Front National undertook to present it as an eligible position in return for the “national and international logistical aid” and “significant financial arrangements” provided by the Moon sect to the FN.
English Wikipedia:
Pierre Ceyrac (born 18 September 1946 in Douai, Nord – died 21 April 2018 in Bondues, Nord). He was a French politician who served the French Front National Party first as a Deputy to the National Assembly of France (1986-1988), and then as a Member of the European Parliament (1989-1994). He was a longstanding friend of Jean Marie Le Pen.
Ceyrac joined the Front National in 1970. He was subsequently in charge of Jean Marie Le Pen's presidential campaigns, and was departmental Secretary of the Front National for the north of France based at Roubaix. He served as a member of the National Assembly from 1986 to 1988, representing Nord.
On 12 October 1989, the British Western Goals Institute hosted a controversial fringe meeting at the Conservative Party (UK) Conference in Blackpool, at which Ceyrac, as a Front National Member of the European Parliament, was the Guest Speaker. He left the National Front in 1994.
Ceyrac was seen in a Trump Tower restaurant with Marine Le Pen, Louis Aliot and Guido Lombardi on 11 January 2017. [Lombardi was then a “member of the Trump network.”]
Ceyrac is a former member of the Unification Church.
Western Goals Foundation
20 Minutes (France)
From the French:
United States: But what was the former representative of the Moon sect in France doing with Marine Le Pen?
January 13, 2017
In a Trump Tower, New York, restaurant, Pierre Ceyrac met with his friend, Marine Le Pen, the Front National candidate for the French presidential election. Also there were her companion Louis Alliot and the Italian businessman, Guido Lombardi. They did not meet Donald Trump during that visit.
Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the Front National, managed to shake hands with American President Ronald Reagan one evening in February 1987.
The Liberation publication recalls that Pierre Ceyrac was one of 35 Front National deputies between 1986 and 1988. But he was also a representative of the Unification Church in France.
The Unification Church and the Front National were both virulently anti-communist and formed a kind of alliance.
In [1994] Pierre Ceyrac broke away from the Front National, and from the Unification Church in [1997]. However, in 2003 he was back with Marine Le Pen and Guido Lombardi.
and https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Ceyrac_(homme_politique)
From two posts on WIOTM by Don Diligent (with additions)
The Moons entered Paris in 1990; Hyo Jin fled in a black Mercedes when the police arrived!
Les Moon sont entrés dans Paris 1990
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League for his own financial and political ends
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
The CIG constitution is the paperwork for what Fraser and every Moon org critic has warned was the Moon org’s goal all along
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
Sun Myung Moon: “church and the state must become one”
Robert Parry’s investigations into Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
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kamem · 5 years
Transports en commun, quelles perspectives?
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C’est officiel, le groupe Keolis a racheté la société CarPostal.
Implanté à Est de l’Hexagone, le transporteur d’origine suisse est racheté par la filiale de la SNCF.
Clap de fin pour l’opérateur de transport public d’origine suisse, CarPostal France. Quatre jours après avoir obtenu le feu vert de l’Autorité de la concurrence pour son rachat par le géant Keolis, la vente est conclue aujourd’hui.
Les négociations entre la filiale de la SNCF et celle de La Poste Suisse étaient engagées depuis mai 2019. Les deux opérateurs de transport ne communiquent pas le montant de l’opération, effective ce 30 septembre. Les 1 200 salariés des réseaux urbains et interurbains de villes de taille moyenne exploités par CarPostal France sont repris par Keolis (37 000 salariés en France, 66 000 à l’international), ainsi que l’ensemble des actifs, dont 760 autobus et autocars.
Cela signifie concrètement que le réseau de bus urbains géré par l’agglomération (qui n’a toujours pas mis à jour son site ), repasse aux mains du groupe filiale de la SNCF. Repasse, car dans les années 2000 c’était déjà lui qui tenait le flambeau.
Au niveau des conditions de travail, pour le moment rien ne change, jusqu’à 2020, date à laquelle le contrat doit être renouvelé et par conséquent, pourrait entrainer une renégociation des acquits et des avantages pour ses employés.
Aujourd’hui, c’est plus de 50% d’intérimaires qui effectuent les différents trajets. Depuis le rachat, c’est déjà plus de 5% des employés qui démissionnent, surtout les jeunes qui ont du mal à supporter les 8 heures derrière le volant. (Source : les employés eux-mêmes)
Les employés peuvent compter sur la CFDT et FO pour défendre leurs droits, encore que, plus la bête est grosse et plus on a de chance qu’elle nous marche dessus.
Qu’en est-il d’Hérault transport?
Comme vous l’avez certainement remarqué, Hérault transport n’est plus. Cela faisait un petit moment que Transdev effectuait des trajets pour Hérault transport mais à présent c’est officiel, la région Occitanie et Transdev viennent de propulser LIO. Tout ceci pourrait devenir FLIXBUS,
En mai 2019, FlixBus acquiert les activités d’Isilines et d’Eurolines en France, en Espagne, au Pays-Bas, en Belgique et en République Tchéque, qui était au paravant détenu par Trandev. La compagnie avait en 2018 fait transporter 2,5 millions de passagers, quand FlixBus en a transporté 45 millions. Les activités de location de car d’Isilines sont conservées par Transdev. Le même mois, Transdev entre au capital de la startup Wever, une entreprise spécialiste de la mobilité.
Seulement voilà, là aussi, les employés n’en peuvent plus et ont peur de perdre leurs acquits. Pour preuve ce mouvement de grève un peu plus d’un mois après la grande fusion de Carole Delga.
Si l’on en croit ce podcast, Carole est une véritable Yann Piat du sud ouest qui lutte contre les monopoles voués à l’échec. Elle légitime donc son action de laisser 66% du transport public inter-urbain à la CDC mais aussi 34% au groupe allemand Rethmann.
Transdev accompagne les collectivités pour offrir un service public de qualité garant de la bonne gestion des deniers publics. L’ouverture à la concurrence du marché allemand a permis de réduire les coûts du train-kilomètre (15,10 € contre 22,73€ en France). Une organisation optimisée des réseaux régionaux permettra de maintenir et même de renforcer le niveau d’offre TER, notamment concernant des petites lignes comme nous le faisons en Allemagne.
Thierry Mallet, Président Directeur Général de Transdev  
Autant dire que le terrain est glissant. Le monopole qui se construit peu à peu parait déjà passer le flambeau, tout du moins, construire la maquette de ce qui pourrait devenir LE monopole du transport public.
Un des problèmes qui peut se poser est que ces deux groupes sont concurrents. L’un est détenu à 70% par la SNCF et l’autre à 66% par la CDC Voir article. Une concurrence toute particulière qui pourrait amener à un rachat des deux groupes par une seule et même entité, certainement totalement privée.
Quant aux bus électrique, Transdev et Keolis peuvent se garder d’afficher leur vision car cela est du ressort de l’agglomération pour Keolis et de la région Occitanie pour Transdev. Un seul bus électrique circule à Sète, il est gratuit, il est petit mais il a le mérite d’être là. Plusieurs véhicules électriques sont mis à disposition des chauffeurs néanmoins, ce sont des ZOE. Elles sont stickées du logo de Sète agglopôle et d’un bon gros « respirez ! » qui pue le marketing agressif pour être honnête.
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78682homes · 5 years
Assassinat de Yann Piat : 25 ans après, toujours des doutes sur le mobile et les commanditaires (RETOUR SUR) 78682 homes
Assassinat de Yann Piat : 25 ans après, toujours des doutes sur le mobile et les commanditaires (RETOUR SUR)
L’enquête sur l’assassinat, il y a 25 ans, de Yann Piat, unique députée jamais tuée en France, a connu plusieurs rebondissements avant que la justice n’écarte la piste politico-mafieuse pour celle du crime crapuleux, mais elle n’a pas levé les doutes sur le mobile du crime et ses commanditaires.Le 25 février 1994, Yann Piat, 44 ans, tombe dans un guet-apens alors qu’elle rentre chez elle, conduite par son chauffeur, sur les hauteurs de Hyères, cité balnéaire du Var, connue alors…
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#Macron au coeur de la mafia corse et du réseau #Pédophile institutionnel international le réseau K ? #NEWS #OPdeathEaters #RéseauPasqua #Franchi #Marchiani Eric Duval #Pichlinski #Colonel Jean-Pierre Billault #Escabasse #Romani #Cambodge #Togo #Djibouti #Juge Borrel Député Yann Piat #PEDO
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03-21 Photo prise le 12 juin 1988 de Yann Piat (D) élue député du Var sur une liste Front National célébrant sa victoire avec Joseph Sercia ... http://dlvr.it/Nh7Pyx
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03-21 Photo prise le 12 juin 1988 de Yann Piat (D) élue député du Var sur une liste Front National célébrant sa victoire avec Joseph Sercia ... http://dlvr.it/Nh5t1Z
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virgnahall-blog · 7 years
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03-21 Photo prise le 12 juin 1988 de Yann Piat (D) élue député du Var sur une liste Front National célébrant sa victoire avec Joseph Sercia ... http://dlvr.it/Nh1Zg5
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Pierre Ceyrac! - UC member connected to the European Parliament, Romanian Intelligence & the Knights of Malta!
http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Books/Tims1/Tims1-73.htm Testimonies About CAUSA International Conference Participants
"I am grateful to Rev. Moon that the CAUSA movement came to Europe at a crucial moment. Although disillusionment with Marxism was being felt in many countries, there was not a clear vision of how to address social ills. I would say the work of CAUSA helped prepare Europe for the rise of Gorbachev and the demise of communism. Furthermore, CAUSA's emphasis has always been on the unity among nations. As Europe looks forward to greater international unity, CAUSA will provide meaningful insight into the future."
Honorable Pierre Ceyrac
Member of the European Parliament
Former Member of the French Parliament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Ceyrac
Pierre Ceyrac (born 18 September 1946 in Douai, Nord) was a longstanding friend of Jean Marie Le Pen who served the French Front National Party first as a Deputy (1986) to the National Assembly of France, and then (1988) as a Member of the European Parliament.
He is the nephew of the renowned Jesuit Pierre Ceyrac...On 12 October 1989, the British Western Goals Institute hosted a controversial fringe meeting at the Conservative Party (UK) Conference in Blackpool, at which Ceyrac, as a Front National Member of the European Parliament, was the Guest Speaker. Ceyrac is a former member of the Unification Church.
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Ceyrac_(homme_politique)&prev=search Known to be the representative in France of the Church of the
Unification (so-called "Moon sect") whose members are, in his own words, "very marginal" in France...He said that he had not been "attracted by Le Pen, nor by politics, but it was decided that I would be" sacrificed for the cause "" He is also Secretary General of the CAUSA Movement (Confederations of Associations for the Unification of American Societies), a political branch of the Moon sect, for Europe.
The National Front and French Politics: The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen By Jonathan Marcus The shadowy world of the Front's finances throws up some bizarre connections. In her biography, Yann Piat refers to another important source of revenue, the Unification Church of Reverend Moon, and the important role played by Pierre Ceyrac as the intermediary between Le Pen and the cult's leader.
Ceyrac, who once sat on the Front's Central Committee, headed a political organisation (CAUSA) in France that was closely linked with the Reverend Moon's church.
The initial go-between was Le Pen's hagiographer Jean Marcilly, who subsequently fell out of favour after running off with Le Pen's first wife. Ceyrac then took over the task of developing the contacts between the Front and the Unification Church that had begun some months before the European elections of June 1984.
At this ballot Gustav Pordea, a former Romanian diplomat now living in France, secured the fourth place on the National Front list. Despite some press speculation that he was working for the Romanian security services, it seems clear that he owed his position to some sort of deal between Le Pen and the "Moonies."
Pordea was a supporter of the Unification Church. According to Marcilly, Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament and in return Le Pen received some four million Francs.
Le Pen himself denies any financial links between the two organizations; but it is clear that the Unification Church was attracted to the Front's strident anti-communism, and there are several reports of Le Pen having visited the United States to meet Unification Church officials, and even a trip to South Korea to see Moon himself. http://www.jonswain.org/articles/articles/articles/article4.html Euro-MP is a communist agentFrench National Front parliamentarian repor tedly paid by Romanian intelligence services By JON SWAIN - The Sunday Times, 29 December 1985 The Sunday Times has established that a French member of the European parliament in Strasbourg is an agent of the Romanian secret intelligence service. It has also established that he bribed the head of a French political party with a large sum of money to obtain his parliamentary seat. The agent is Gustave Pordea, a Romanian-born naturalised Frenchman, who has been a member of the European parliament since June 1984. The politician who accepted the money is Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of France's far right party, the National Front. Le Pen, a virulent anti-communist, did not know that the money he was receiving came from Romanian intelligence. Pordea, 69, has already successfully sued a French newspaper for reporting suspicions that he was working for the Romanian regime. When The Sunday Times confronted him with the details of its own investigation he refused to respond, except to say: 'Very funny. I have nothing to say. I am not going to confirm or deny anything.' Pordea first tried to contact Jean-Marie Le Pen through the Unification Church of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon in Paris - although he appears to be a devout Catholic. He is a 'Knight of Magistral Grace' of the 12th-century Roman Catholic charitable Order of St John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. 'He sat at the back eating sandwiches,' said a member of the Moonie congregation. 'He made much of the fact that he lived on very little money and was a widower who had brought up six children. He made himself a figure almost to be pitied.' At the meetings of the Moonies, Pordea pressed any member with a National Front connection to give him an introduction to Le Pen.
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cinephobe · 12 years
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Antoine de Caunes - Yann Piat, chronique d'un assassinat (2011)
Finesse & Pertinence : 1/5
Divertissement & Rythme : 1/5
Style & Originalité : 0/5
Résonance : 2/5
Note générale : 4/20
En une phrase : Yann Piat, chronique d'un assassinat ou comment rien ne va plus à Hyères et dans le petit monde du téléfilm français mal joué, depuis que L'Instit Gérard Klein refuse de venir tout solutionner : Yann Piat, chronique d'une moto en panne ?
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#Macron au coeur de la mafia corse et du réseau #Pédophile institutionnel international le réseau K ? #NEWS #OPdeathEaters #RéseauPasqua #Franchi #Marchiani Eric Duval #Pichlinski #Colonel Jean-Pierre Billault #Escabasse #Romani #Cambodge #Togo #Djibouti #Juge Borrel Député Yann Piat #PEDO
#Macron au coeur de la mafia corse et du réseau #Pédophile institutionnel international le réseau K ? #NEWS #OPdeathEaters #RéseauPasqua #Franchi #Marchiani Eric Duval #Pichlinski #Colonel Jean-Pierre Billault #Escabasse #Romani #Cambodge #Togo #Djibouti #Juge Borrel Député Yann Piat #PEDO
  Macron au coeur de la mafia corse et du réseau pédophile institutionnel international le réseau K ?
Jean-Philippe Démont-Piérot a mis sur pieds un réseau européen destiné à promouvoir le tourisme pédophile en Asie: le réseau K. Il y a un responsable par pays, par exemple Laurent Pichlinski depuis Barcelone en Espagne. Edmond Escabasse et Laurent Pichlinski seraint les financiers de l’entreprise…
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