#ZongYi x Ruei
aliceisathome · 6 months
I do like a younger seme with no experience. Yay for a boy who does his research and a couple who can't keep their hands (and lips) off each other in the first throws of love and desire. Nice acknowledgment that the first time might not be perfect as well.
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Wayne Song makes an excellent sociopath - he can do some mighty fine psychotic eye work. And it turns out that Ep 8 is an Episode of Doom. And Ep 9 is an episode of amnesia. Gah.
I am supposed to be transforming my spare bedroom from the back room of a thrift shop into something habitable for my sister to sleep in tomorrow and yet I CAN'T STOP WATCHING. I'm going to be stuffing things in cupboards and under beds and vacuuming at 2am...
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halliescomut · 7 months
Kiseki Ep 9
So I don't have proof, but Ai Di was planning to leave. He used the 'orders' from Boss man as an excuse, but I think even if he hadn't seen that text he would have just up and disappeared. I think he took that conversation with Zong Yi in ep 7 to heart and thought that it would be possible for him to leave and not see Chen Yi, and that if he was gone long enough his feelings would die.
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I do want to know what Chen Yi is thinking though. Because after we pop back to the present and he brings Ai Di home...it feels like he's trying to get Ai Di to admit he has feelings for him and that's why he took advantage. And if he gets that confession it means that he can confess too, because I think he remembers that night and has now had his feelings for Ai Di change, or perhaps they've simply become clearer. For all the brother stuff, Chen Yi not wanting to see Ai Di being potentially romantically involved with anyone feels a lot to me like jealousy more than a brotherly interest in keeping your freshly 18 'brother' from sowing his oats. I don't know. I do 1000% think that despite all of the depression drinking and Chen Yi still answering to Bossman, I don't think he has the same level of adoration anymore. I think Bossman using Zong Yi and then sending Ai Di into the prison AND promising Ai Di that he could be free of the gang broke ALL of that.
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The Ai Di stuff didn't make me cry, but it was so close. Because that 'love scene'...that was clearly Ai Di knowing he was making a choice he wouldn't be able to come back from and thinking that even if all he has is a memory that will be enough.
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And Zong Yi... that's what made me cry. Seeing him reunited with his family, but it's never going to go back to how it was even though his dad is okay and now they have each other. It was so sweet and so sad. Like, the poor sister blaming herself, and dad blaming himself, and Zong Yi blaming himself, it's so fucking sad.
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The Jhe Ruei stuff was rough to see. Knowing what we do about how Jhe Ruei came to the Fan family and what he gave up, and the lengths he was going to hide his true self, and failing in some aspects. Seeing the 'Old man' (who I don't know if he's Jhe Ruei's father or grandfather tbh) talk about how they can't trust him fully because he's different after suffering MASSIVE BRAIN TRAUMA AND LOSING HIS MEMORY made me want to knock some sense into him. Like how the fuck????
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But also what was the point of the Fan family wanting to take Zong Yi out when he was already in jail?? Like what was the purpose...is he just an old-fashioned homophobe, or is he worried Jhe Ruei will remember and leave the family for Zong Yi? Because, dude you barely want him there, so what do you really care?? And it can't really be about 'appearances' when he's an illegitimate heir and isn't going to be given any sort of position of power. I really don't know what's going through the old man's head.
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I'm confused, I'm worried, I'm a little sad. So I guess we'll see what happens next week.
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Also if you weren't aware there is a 'bonus episode' like episode 8.5 that's up. I watched it on bili, but it gives a bit more insight into the whole Teng and Dragon Gang debacle. It's not really SUPER necessary to follow the general story, but it does give more info. But if you watch MODC, then you may have a bit of a PTSD reaction to watching it...as a warning.
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aliceisathome · 6 months
OK, so I stayed awake until the wee small hours and glommed the last 4 eps of Kiseki: Dear to Me before my visitors arrived the next day. No regrets (except for the frantic tidying and cleaning at the crack of dawn). It was flawed - were there bits that could have been fleshed out more? Yes. Were there rather too many stabbings, head injuries and a completely unnecessary fake shooting? Also yes. Did I love it all anyway. YES.
Random thoughts:
Chen Yi should have given ZongYi a lift home from prison - it's the least he could do surely? Hated the whole fake amnesia thing - It must have been real at some point otherwise Ruei wouldn't have allowed ZongYi's acceptance letter from medical school to be binned. I'd have liked to see when/how he remembered again.
BTW if there's any bastard in the Fan family it's Grandpa. He's a piece of work. And I knew Sining was connected to Teng somehow - there was a reason why the person he was saying he'd make a home with wasn't shown on screen in that earlier episode and she did fall terribly conveniently when they were chasing the drug dealer in school. Plus she was the only peripheral person to reappear from the past. Still, it wasn't badly done.
Oh god, the presents. All the birthday presents. My poor little murder kitten, pining for all those years. At least Chen Yi finally got with the programme. I love a cinnamon roll baby girl who could (and probably will) kill you - I could have watched Ai Di flapping around in his giant sweatshirt all day. And Chen Yi princess carrying him all around the place. And the pillows! Oh lord, the pillows. Reader, I squealed. These boys made me so happy.
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Mr Glorious Hair from Plus and Minus popped in to pick up his drunk boyfriend (who I didn't recognise without his glasses - he looks amazing). THEN the other couple appeared as well. Hello boys! I love the fact that Taiwan have these cross-pollinating cameos in their BLs and Kiseki must hold the record. Shame we didn't get the Trapped guys popping in as well.
Taiwan never disappoints as far as intimacy and spicy scenes go. There may be bits I have to watch again. For science. *cough*
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aliceisathome · 6 months
Oh noes - I've fallen for the side dishes. Ai Di is my little murder mitten and Chen Li is his comfort blankie/straitjacket. I love them.
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Ruei and ZongYi are still keeping my interest as well - I can see elements of Jack from HiStory: Trapped in Ruei - he's smiley and his love language is cooking for his baby. I'm also enjoying the fact that every (named) mafia character in the show appears to be gay, including the Boss (and Juan definitely has feels for Teng even if I'm not sure it's reciprocated yet).
Of course I'm worried that our future doctor is not going to be a future doctor because we know he ends up in prison with Ai Di for 4 years and he deserves to be a doctor; he's worked so hard. On the other hand maybe being pampered by his hot, culinary talented lover for the rest of his life will be compensation? It probably would for me.*
It always amazes me how straightforward the girls are in BL. There's no messing about, they just ask their crushes to be their boyfriend. is it like this in the real world? It certainly wasn't when I was at school/uni in the UK - we would rather have DIED.
*yes I'm shallow. Don't @ me.
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halliescomut · 8 months
Oh do I have FEELINGS about the new ep of Kiseki Dear to Me (Ep 5)
Y'all already know I'm invested hardcore into Ai Di and Chen Yi...I need both of them to confess immediately and kiss and make up about 17 times. They are the new generation of murder husbands and I want to see them in domestic bliss ASAP.
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But Jhe Ruei...I was never off of him, I just suffer from second couple syndrome on the regular, but like...he's an interesting character. His observations of Ai Di and Chen Yi were immaculate. But also his interactions with Zong Yi are kinda throwing me off. Like...he likes him, he knows it, but our preview for next week shows him turning Zong YI down??? What's going on there? And I don't disagree with his reasoning, Zong Yi is 17, that is the correct response, but...then why was he putting himself in the situation, as the adult in control? You know????
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Because this isn't just a case of it came out of nowhere, like I guess he realized he liked Zong Yi kind of out of the blue in like ep 1/2...but he flirts with Zong Yi. That's him doing something on purpose. And he came back. Like they could have left it at he's a substitute teacher now, but Jhe Ruei keeps being the one to get close.
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Like, is this a bad guy suddenly grows a conscience situation?? I'm willing to bet at the very least there's some sort of misled noble reasoning behind him turning Zong Yi down that's based on more than just his age. Like he doesn't want him too close because it could be dangerous, or he doesn't want Zong Yi to risk his potentially auspicious future as a doctor on his lowly criminal self...you know, that BS.
Either way this was a VERY interesting episode to watch. We got a lot of very interesting insight into all of our main players. Also if you haven't seen it, you need to check out this post about Chen Yi and Ai Di's costuming...immaculate.
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The storyline could use some sharpening, I agree there, honestly that seems to be the theme of a lot of recent shows at the moment, they needed a script doctor (I'm looking at you BMS, Dinosaur Love, and Love Class 2).
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