#Zoro also literally says his blade is thirsty for blood in the manga
Okay. This is going to be long and probably confusing but I felt the urge to address Zoro's body count, or if it even exists. Because a part of the fandom is divided in either Team "Zoro kills" or Team "Zoro does not kill". And while watching OPLA I had to think about this. I can't provide sources but thing is that Luffy doesn't employ murderers (he kind of said that one way or another and has kind of a "no killing in my crew" policy, Oda more or less said the same thing and had Zoro state that he uses the back of his blades in a fight (which is a blatant lie btw) so he wouldn't kill his opponents (which is bullshit as pointed out by Nami bc he still can cause serious lethal injuries wielding his swords like that) and I've come across multiple discussions if Zoro actually does kill his opponents or not. Even if it's not explicitly shown or confirmed. Long story short: with Eiichiro Oda being the creative supervisor behind the One Piece live action series on Netflix, making sure the show stays somewhat close to the source and the characters don't divert (too much) from the original ones, I think it's safe to assume that Zoro, canonical, indeed kills/killed people.
Because Oda let it happen that OPLA Zoro cut Mr. 7 in half on screen. And when OPLA Zoro fought Buggy, he immediately aimed for Buggy's neck, intending to straight up behead the clown without hesitation. These scenes alone should be enough proof of Zoro's killing intent, which doesn't necessarily mean he intends to kill each of his opponents (he does spare numerous others as the series goes on). But if Zoro wasn't meant to actually kill some of his enemies, Oda wouldn't have greenlit these scenes, and it debunks the "Zoro's not a killer" theory for me. To me, it feels as if Oda, thanks to the show's rating, had the opportunity to show a few things he wasn't allowed to portray in the original source material, because "a hero doesn't kill" and so on, and I have to say I like this "darker / more grim" version of Zoro, it always felt natural to me that he's not afraid to fatally injure an opponent anyway, because why would a swordsman assume he would never kill someone during battle. There's just always the possibility, same as Zoro could be killed in each battle he faces. It's just how it is. He's not engaging in pillow fights. But live action Zoro killing people on screen, greenlit by Oda, makes it canon for me that Zoro kills. Serving under Luffy or not. Doesn't necessarily mean he killed each of the 100 bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak, or all of these fishmen in Arlong Park and so on and so forth. But certainly a good percentage of them. He's just as unafraid of killing an opponent as he is unafraid of dying and I think it suits his character well. My hc or understanding of the character is that Zoro does indeed aim to kill certain opponents when he considers them too dangerous for a reason, but with others he fights, he makes sure to defeat them, but also ensures they're gonna stay alive or at least have the chance to survive his cuts. He's fully aware of which damage his attacks are and how and where to cut a person to have them survive his blows or not. Means he knows how to seriously injure one, without the attack being lethal. Imagine being at the mercy of his blades, his mood, and if he considers you dangerous or just in the way... a scary thought.
And no, Zoro would not kill a member of the Straw Hats if Luffy would give him order of doing so, for whichever reason Luffy would ever tell him that. Zoro would rather fight Luffy for this than actually going for any of his nakama's lives like where does that bs even come from
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