#a game about many things including a decapitated amnesiac building a REALLY interesting moral system out of whatever he found on the ground
ganymedesclock · 2 years
I think one of my favorite things about Prisoner's character is how much his jokes (to himself, because he is isolated and voiceless in a zombie apocalypse) about having no standards betray how much he has standards.
He comments how he should have a moment of silence for a dead prisoner before interrupting his own moment claiming he has better things to do, even though he is the only person who asked, and given the spacing of the comments, does it anyway, even if he kicks the body afterward.
He has several comments about riffling through others' stuff including one that is justifying it to himself because they're all dead, even though he says it's wrong to rummage in what wasn't his, and then later a comment that you "start to like it" and it's a great way to save on money suggesting despite his obvious, consistent, and mostly unrestrained glee at finding new things, he still feels a little guilty about it.
He also gripes at one of the two wells you can find in the Promenade that he's getting tired of crawling into the darkness and the wet.
(the comments about looting are also interesting how little theft Prisoner actually commits on anything alive- you can smash the golden doors or rip off the bank- which even has an achievement for it- or deny the Collector cells by breaking the door, but you notably can't rob the nearly stationary merchants even though they appear to have no way of preventing you from doing so. the implication seems to be Prisoner just refuses to!)
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