#a lot of the c!niki praise reads to me as if they just don't want to exclude the women of the dream smp which tbh is fine
balillee · 3 years
god im so glad i found ur blog, i have never met anyone who was c!niki critical n i really thought i was just being a dick. but now i see that other people feel the same about her character, so im relieved. i really wish she was written better bc cc!niki is really nice and has the potential to be a good actor...but i just cant stand c!niki.
yeah no, it's really depressing tho bc if you look through crit tags for her character its literally just me lmao
there are a bunch of c!niki critics i know there are lmao it's just that she has such a supportive and ferocious fanbase that it feels almost intimidating to criticise her without getting any sort of hate bc everyone just views her with the most uncritical eye? it's so stupid, people are publically critical of most characters without feeling intimidated (and i'm not saying we start an uprising of people that don't like her character or sum shit, i purposely don't talk about her as much bc i'd rather talk abt things that i do enjoy about dsmp) and i think people should feel like they're more allowed to talk critically or negatively about c!niki without fear of c!niki apologists shooting them down or attacking them bc i've actually talked to c!niki critics who are afraid to post negative stuff about her character because of her really defensive fanbase
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