#a mere TEN QUID for the hippo mini-concert/meet-n-greet promo event?
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I'm super lucky that my job allows me to Make Things and I especially love making replicas of vintage music memorabilia! So while I'm waiting for my Sparks fan club welcome package to arrive, this is what I've been up to thanks in part to the wonderful work of @bawnjourno ! As well as some not-so-vintage not-replicas just because I love Lil' Beethoven :D
Would any of you be interested in these? I'd be totally willing to personalize the buttons with your member numbers like in ye olden days unless that's confidential information these days, in which case I'll delete the line for it (someone please let me know!) I promise that the actual image isn't as pixellated as the one here lol. The picture doesn't really show it but the Lil' Beethoven keychains are on super-cool mirrored acrylic (still need to do a scratch test to see how well it holds up). Both the buttons and the keychains are approximately 2 inches, I still need to figure out cost but I'll probably only charge a few bucks on top of postage :)
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