#a moment with drwolf
reddar88 · 3 months
"Sunset Shimmer's Therapy Visit" A Moment with DRWolf
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drwolf001 · 3 years
"Getting married is a big decision, and staying married takes a lot of work. How do you know you're ready for either of those? Dr. Wolf talks with the Fiery Couple, Firebrand and Aramau, about how to tell if you're ready for huge life decisions and how important communication with your partner is."
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My Honest Regards towards the ToonkriticY2K Controversy
Oh. My. God.
I can’t believe what i’ve heard recently: Zak Keyes, better known under his Brony alias ToonkriticY2K or simply Toons, is been reported by the authorities for acts of pedophilia toward an under-aged girl. Many of the bronies were shocked, confused at most, and furious at worst, with his fellow friends in the Brony Analysis Community each reflecting towards the strange behavior of their fellow reviewer.
For some, like Lightning Bliss, GoldenFox and Thespio, they reacted with confusing and sadness, as they never thought Toons would do such a thing. Others, like Lily Peet, responded with profound hate just like most bronies would.
As for me, a Philippine brony since 2015, i reacted in a way Joshscorcher and DrWolf done when recently they find out about this: seeking the truth, reflecting on it, and say something about it.
According to the sources, Zak is been reported for an act of pedophilia towards a young girl named “Sally”. Knowing that the news will got out anytime soon, he deactivated all of his social media accounts and went into hiding, but he then voluntarily turned in and confesses his misdeed a few weeks later. He is currently on trial as of late, now waiting for the verdict and the charges he will be facing. For now, the Brony Analysis Community temporarily removed Toons in any other projects with his friends, who were cutting their ties with him to avoid being questioned, as well as giving them enough time to heal.
I don’t think this isn’t the only time Toons got him into trouble with the police. According to another source, Zak loses a friend of his in a horrific case of bullying, somehow leaving behind an imprint on his past that would shape his screwed-up life.
This particular aspect of his was referenced several times in his “CarToons Saga” videos, which as of now, were unavailable for viewing. Don’t worry, i’ll explain it for you.
The “CarToons Saga” videos mostly features Toons’ alter-ego, the self-described “dark and edgy” CarToon, who himself is a metaphor for Zak Keyes’ dark past.
Usually, CarToon’s favorite hobbies involves either of the following: hacking into some reviewer’s YouTube account, reducing them to tears, warning the viewers about his “take-over”, or a combination of the three. He was always one step ahead of his victims and eventually, he get a body of his own, finally taken over his old self’s YouTube account. Fortunately, Toons expected all of this to happen, resulting in CarToons’ defeat and his assimilation back to Toons.
As revealed in his moment with DrWolf, Toons created CarToons because of his fear of being left out, not knowing that he was hurting others in his quest for fame, but he eventually accepted this as a part of who he was.
Now back to the subject! Despite this realization, this dark aspect of his came back to bite him in the ass, when in January 2018, someone reported about his case. This alone cause a massive uproar everywhere in the brony community.
I have opinions on this:
First off, as a Brony, i would have reacted exactly the way the others did, if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone else jumped into conclusions instead of talking thing first.
Second, haven’t his closest friends talked about this and consoled him about his recent behavior, none of all of this drama would have happened.
Last but not the least, all of you might think i’m just some suck-up who thought of this post as a sign of sympathy for the convicted. No! This is my honest opinions toward a brony! He’s already a screwed-up brony before this shit happens! You all helped KeyFrame in her battle against her poor homelife, as well as helping other people in need, and you can’t even give this poor dude some fiber of support and prayers!?
Trust me, by the time he’s out of this ordeal, he’ll either committing suicideor worst, and that’s for treating him like the devil. At least i was on his side to begin with.
Also, unlike most bronies, i viewed everything happening in the Brony Community as normal. To be honest, i was angry at the bronies for believing that the show is ruined, just because Twilight Sparkle got her wings, as well for hating Equestria Girls for having human versions of their favorite characters, yet they’re the ones who wished for this to begin with! Instead, i thought of all of this through before saying what i have in mind, and not like some whinners who were blaming Hasbro for almost everything!
Could you at least consider your attitude towards this community lately?
But at the end of the day, none of all of this drama matters. As God would say, we were all created equal, and i still believe in Toons because like in most crimes, there’s a valid reason why he did this, what drove him to do such an act, and how much he actually need our support. I know this is all sudden, but we can’t just jump into conclusions.
To learn more about the various testimonies of his friends in regards of this, feel free to click on the links below:
Dr. Wolf’s Statement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ_zXfoBM2s
Lightning Bliss’ Statement https://youtu.be/6Y2EG2wAAFo
Mad Munchkin’s Statement https://youtu.be/ZVhO0yyWzfw
Joshscorcher’s Tumblr Answers http://joshscorcher.tumblr.com/post/170130755532/as-someone-who-hates-this-sort-of-thing-with-a http://joshscorcher.tumblr.com/post/170137640912/its-probably-not-something-to-linger-on-the http://joshscorcher.tumblr.com/post/170170768852/why-did-you-apologize-why-the-hell-dis-you http://joshscorcher.tumblr.com/post/170236594247/i-know-youre-probably-getting-a-ton-of-questions
Also, Joshscorcher’s Statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NghVI_fQF4
May we wished for a piece of mind and forgiveness, for our fallen friend.
A Concerned Brony
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akitauma · 6 years
Starlight Glimmer's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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dawillstanator · 8 years
How should one handle praise without becoming overconfident?
(featuring me & @drwolf001 with custom artwork by TakaraPOV)
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reddar88 · 5 months
"Discords Therapy Visit" A Moment with DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
"Maud's Therapy Visit" - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Applejack's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Fluttershy's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Pinkie Pie's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Rarity's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Twilight's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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reddar88 · 5 months
Rainbow Dash's Therapy Visit - A Moment With DRWolf
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drwolf001 · 4 years
"Every virtue can be taken to the extreme or warped into something unrecognizable and made into a burden. Trust turns into gullibility, self-confidence to hubris, loyalty into obsession… kindness into weakness..."
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drwolf001 · 4 years
At times, even Creators within the Brony Fandom can feel as though they're only able to reach out within a tiny niche of the Community as a whole.
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drwolf001 · 4 years
Doc is surprised when he's Kidnapped by Aramau, who insists that he be the one to open up about his inner most feelings for a change :)
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