#a sitting duck ever since I finished watching Cheer Danshi
aotoshironojersey · 7 years
Where every other anime leads to...
This been in the drafts for soo long it deserves to see the sunlight finally... or moonlight, considering it’s midnight there.
AKA Meet my newest Tenipuri AU based on a thing I’m currently watching, and have a look at the headcanons I have for it- The Cheer Danshi AU version.
Seishun Gakuen Male Cheerleading club, aka Seigaku Fighters
Team motto: It’s not a team if it isn’t together.
Coach: Ryuuzaki Sumire, aka one of the best Flyers of the old age of Seishun, training both Fighters and their Female counterpart, Blues. Strict but open to the ideas of improvement, really attached to her team, especially the stunt specialists’, aka Seigaku Regulars.
Seigaku Regulars consist of two stunt units and three flyers switching their positions from performance to performance. Positions are as follows:
Spotter: Tezuka Kunimitsu, Inui Sadaharu
Base: Oishi Shuuichiro, Kawamura Takashi, Momoshiro Takeshi, Kaidoh Kaoru
Flyer: Fuji Shuuske, Kikumaru Eiji, Echizen Ryoma.
Tezuka Kunimitsu- The captain of the team, practically forced into quitting the base position and becoming a spotter by Oishi, after injuring his arm while protecting a senpai Flyer with bad balance from the fall and injury. Before an accident he was considered an almost perfect all-rounder cheelreader, but, after switching position and devoting himself to a Spotter position, he literally became the eyes of any stunt he’s in. He is very strict to the team and won’t let anybody slack off during practice in fear of anybody gaining injuries like his own . He seems especially strict to the Flyers and any cheerleader working in air, but his teammates are mostly aware it comes from the concern for their safety more than his push to become Nationally recognised team (though the latter plays big part in his character as well).
Oishi Shuuichiro- A base and a vice-captain of the team, he is pretty much the heart of the team (and it’s mom). While he was dragged into cheerleading by Tezuka (and stuck in it because of Eiji), he mastered the most mundane, basic parts of Cheerleading to become a decent support to anybody needing this. Still, sometimes in time of stress he tends to get overwhelmed by his doubts and fears of failing to protect the Flyer from getting hurt. He works on it, though, and while he doesn’t posess any special traits, he is known to make the Flyer he’s working with really stand out. He, Kawamura and Tezuka form one base of the stunt unit. After Echizen’s debut as a Fighters’ third Flyer, however, he and Kawamura were paired with the remaining two flyers to perform two-people stunts and choreographies to distract public from the preparation of the bigger stunt (like three-stages pyramid etc.). In those situations, he’s Eiji’s partner.
Kawamura Takashi- Also known as the one-man base of the Fighters, this shy giant is possibly the strongest base in the whole Seishun, with endurance matched only by Kaidoh’s. He is usually gentle and shy, but watch out for him when the Fighters’ call resound- it’s like his switch was pressed, and he becomes boisterous, confident and loud guy, who’s voice is the one most hearable from the chant during performances. Rumor has it even became audible over Hyotei’s 200 members chant, though it is unproven as the schools never performs at the same time during tournaments. His strength might come from him helping at his father’s restaurant, and that also made him the main supplier of the team during the camps and all that team’s stuff. He, Oishi and  Tezuka form one base of the stunt unit. After Echizen’s debut as a Fighters’ third Flyer, however, he and Oishi were paired with the remaining two flyers to perform two-people stunts and choreographies to distract public from the preparation of the bigger stunt (like three-stages pyramid etc.). He’s Fuji’s partner.
Inui Sadaharu- Second Spotter of the team, also doubling as it’s manager, this juice fiend use his data to chose the best timing and trajectory to maximize Base’s potential, Flyer’s jump height and overal look of the stunt they’re performing. He is also the only third-year in the second stunt unit for as long as Ryoma is the Flyer. Due to overcalculating some things he sometimes slows down the progress of his unit, but as long as they work together, the effect his analysis brings is always amazing. His juices are known as a penalty for those getting late to the practice, as well as the best tranquilizer to his fellow bases’ arguing. In the big stunts he gives up spotter’s position to Tezuka and becomes the base.
Momoshiro Takeshi- second year base, also the middle-man in a three stages stunts, Easy-going and rather supportive base, often scolded by Tezuka for taking his duty to Flyers too lightly. Once it causes his temporary leave from the unit, he starts working on his attitude (being taken under the wing of one of the two base-flyer pairs helps a lot), contrary to Inui’s calculated one, his work in the stunt unit is the most instinct based thing in the Fighters’ performance.
Kaidoh Kaoru- A second-year base with enormous endurance. Devoted to cheerleading due to wish to show his support to his little brother during latter’s hard times, this sophomore isn’t actually really ambitious, he does, however, want to support his senpais and teammates, and so, he is also one of the hardest training cheerleaders in the whole group (which earned him Tezuka’s attention), also one almost blindly following Inui’s instruction, making his technique improve rapidly.He is the middle man during the three stages stunts alongside Momoshiro, what not necessarily is to his liking, but he rarely complains, fully aware that thanks to their still slightly lighter frame compared to other bases, and strength and endurance possibly higher than upperclassmen, the two of them are the best choice for that role.
Fuji Shuuske- the so-called Genius Flyer, with no pull towards cheerleading whatsoever aside of the fact he often did it to cheer his younger brother up. By continuing to do it he believed to get on well with him again, and was near quitting after his brother screamed how embarrased he is at having a cheerleader for a brother (for some reason it didn’t stop him from becoming a base at st.Rudolph, though-siblings’ rivalry, perhaps), at least until Tezuka didn’t challenge heartbroken Fuji to a tumbling competition in which Fuji lost. At first, his only reason to stay with the team was to keep close to Tezuka, the mindset shifting after befriending other third-year Flyer, and starting to simply enjoy group activity (and penalty juices). He is considered the type of a Flyer that doesn’t need to put much effort into any figure he is training, and being a “perfect” due to small and thin frame. One of the main choreographers of the team.
Kikumaru Eiji- probably the most acrobatic out of three Flyers, also the most cheerful and uplifting character, becoming the heart of the team (and mischief, along with Fuji), this boy joined due to being bored of classical gymnasticts and wanting to try something new, then falling in love with the Cheering, where you could bounce and shout and move and fly and not be scolded for all that- even if his stamina not always allows him to keep high-level performance till the very end. Youngest of the five, he has a lot of people to cheer on from the youngest age, and as such, has the most experience with just actually what his cheering should cause- something that he slowly, unconsciously teaches to his other teammates, then both co-Flyers as well. He has a good music sense, and helps with background music for the team’s performances. While he is best known as the team’s Flyer, his close partnership with ‘his’ Base-namely Oishi- resulted in him being able to -to a certain degree- support younger members from below, thus becoming a part of the pair any new promising/problematic Flyer/team member is sent to to learn importance of co-work and mutual support- the lesson he has learned as the first year with the “Flyers are cool, Bases are booring’ mindset...
Echizen Ryoma- miracle Rookie Flyer, taking up this position to overshadow his Spotter father(who tended to prefer supporting girls, therefore smehow always ended as the middle-man), he tends to look at the Spotter and Bases from above (despite his small size), learning to be better only after the accident during his first performance with Seigaku, during which his mistake would cost him his career, had it not been for Tezuka’s reaction. He breaks (or, more accurately, is broken) out of his shell thanks to Momoshiro, and learns a meaning of cooperation from working with the second unit’s Base. He stills retains a strong rivalry kick, which he satisfies by endangering Fuji’s position and constantly challenging Tezuka to a tumbling matches.
Golden Pair- in this au, Oishi and Eiji retain their nickname due to the obvious reasons (like author’s shipping preferences) at the same time being the duo with the biggest number of two-people stunt performances in the whole Seishun, near perfect harmony, not requiring a Spotter’s support, and ability to switch from a Base-flyer to a Base-Base setting, not that anybody outside of Seishun knows about the Bases skills Kikumaru acquired during Oishi’s wrist injury and recuperation.
Kindness Pair-as the second double unit, they obviously work hard to distract the public with their show. While in GP’s case it’s Eiji who is the louder one, Taka-san is the dominating voice here. They practice throws, as Taka’s strength and Fuji’s frame allow it, but are still prohibited to perform them due to Taka not always managing to properly follow Fuji’s airborne movements (Tezuka is glad for the mattresses in the gym every time they practice throws). Still, Fuji’s form during scorpions and other stand figures is considered better than Eiji (some say it’s because Eiji is always doing the figure differently to what other peope consider norma)
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