touhousecretsanta · 7 months
TITLE: aemulatorizrafel’s wishlist
WISHES: I’m fine with Art, Comics, Music, and Poetry! 
Some of my favorite characters are (my absolute fav being first): Alice, Medicine Melancholy, Koishi, Yuyuko, Sariel, Doremy, and Toyosatomimi no Miko! 
My favorite ships are (my absolute fav being first): Marisa x Alice, Doremy x Sagume, Keiki x Chimata, and Yuugi x Parsee! 
My favorite themes are Last Remote and Ultimate Truth but remixes of any of my favorite character’s themes are fine too!
I don’t care how you dress up the characters or have them interact with each other but I prefer soft and fluffy~
PET PEEVES: I picture Sariel as gender ambiguous so if you draw them I would prefer them not be super curvy. 
It’s not a peeve but I do have a slight reading disability so if you choose to write something/make a comic it would be nice to have the font be disability friendly i.e. font size a little larger or bolder, Open-Dyslexic is a font very easy for me to read!
ABILITIES: Drawing, my style revolves around being cute, frilly, and sparkly! I’m willing to draw any character(s)~
WON’T DO: Ships that involve incest or age-gap. I’m also not very good at drawing furry
VOLUNTARY SANTA: I work retail so I probably will only have time to do one submission, unfortunately 
POST-SCRIPTUM: I’m fine with all art styles/skill levels and if you’re a little late that’s fine so don’t stress yourself out too much! This is also my first year joining since I’ve been too shy every other time; thank you for having me!
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