kathyprior4200 · 1 year
Ten Afterlife Theories I Think Are Most Likely True
I.                    God-Source: God-Source is the universal benevolent genderless energy force that is the sum total of every spirit/soul in existence, often appearing as a healing white light. (God, Allah, Adonai, Jehovah, Yahweh, Atum, El, Brahman, Tao, Great Spirit, etc. all describe the same energy.) God-Source created everything and split into thousands of sparks during the Big Bang. (like how cells split apart and create a body or water molecules create an ocean). Although God-Source has always existed, God-Source created living and nonliving things to be able to experience existence through them. God-Source is us and we are all God-Source. No experience is lesser than another because God-Source loves everyone and everything equally. We exist in order to grow, love, and experience earthly life. Learning and suffering and experiencing the contrast of love and joy are only parts of our whole experience and not our main reason for incarnation, unlike New Age teaching says. (The main reason is to learn love in action and to experience life as a mortal for any species). The more we love ourselves and others, the more God-Source and the universes grow and expand. It is God-Source’s power that enables spirits to endure the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth in any world. Everyone, even the darkest of entities are part of God-Source. Once every soul has evolved to their best selves, they will merge again with God-Source. The universes will end at the end of time and God-Source will rest, before another Big Bang cycle occurs again. God-Source is happy when we love ourselves and other living things, but does not judge us for our mistakes, even the bad ones we all make such as rape, murder, cheating, abuse, war, etc. Even Ascended Masters like Jesus and Buddha have led evil previous lives because no soul is perfect in mortal form.
 II.                 Entities and Spirits: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ascended Masters, Mother Earth being, the deities, nature spirits, angels, demons, light beings, elementals, aliens good and bad, tar/trickster spirits/shadows, the Anunnaki, mythical creatures, spirits of stars, plants, rivers, animals, humans, aliens, objects, etc. all exist…but to our mortal eyes and to the physical world, they do not exist. They reside in other dimensions alongside our own, including the Timeless Realm of Love and Light where all souls are created. Nothing and nowhere is separate. God-Source allows all creations free will, even the evil ones, because every soul is immortal and always improving. The evil aliens (Greys, Reptilians, Anunnaki) who enslaved early human ancestors did what many human colonizers do: fight over land and manipulate the denizens for their own agendas. The good aliens, Ascended Masters, angels, guides etc. focus on helping humanity evolve as a whole because humanity’s evolution will create a more stable galaxy and allow God-Source to evolve more easily. (Despite God-Source having infinite patience). Every living thing has spirit guides and loved ones in spirit from earth life and loved ones from past lives who watch over them. Higher evolved beings are revered as great teachers and have a higher vibration/power level, being able to better understand God-Source and the universe, but they help other souls reach that point at their own pace. Ascended Masters, deities, aliens, animal guides, and other entities see who we are as souls, beyond our race, gender, and culture and will communicate when they feel the time is right.
 III.              Time and Past Lives: Time is non-linear in the spirit world. Spirits can travel to any time period because time does not exist, or rather, all time exists for them. A person’s past lives on Earth, future lives on Earth and lives on other planets all are happening at the same time, the experiences helping their Oversoul grow. (Oversoul is the soul’s true form/self, the combination of all the soul’s past life selves and parallel selves.) As Oversouls, every crossed over soul has infinite knowledge about the universe and everything, provided by their natural connection to God-Source. Since Oversouls/Higher Selves/MegaSouls/SuperSpirits cannot communicate with mortals directly, the persona soul that the living loved ones knew will come down to communicate through psychic mediums, dreams, trance, meditation, ritual, etc. without the infinite knowledge. Souls often stay with their soul families; beings of light who have incarnated with them over many lifetimes…but have the option to meet a variety of other souls. (It is like how we stay with our families on Earth). Souls are ageless because time does not exist, and their only "age" is based on incarnation experience; it does not determine "superiority". It is impossible for humans to determine anyone’s exact “soul age.” Some "young" human souls with not as many lifetimes are not always reckless and immature and some "old" human souls who’ve lived hundreds/thousands of lives can be selfish and careless, based on their current life environment and genetics. Quality of lives matter more than quantity, although souls generally have an easier time with more experience. The number of lifetimes we have does not matter in the long run, as long as we learn what we need to learn.
 For most humans, we assume we will live a new life in the future for our next incarnation, but since time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, there is also a good chance we will reincarnate into a past era on Earth or on a different planet, depending on what our soul wants to do. This could also mean internally to us that our future lives have already happened, since we are now focused on our current lifetime and not focusing on all the others. We have all been good, evil, male, female, all races, all genders, all cultures, and a variety of human and nonhuman species in our soul journeys. No species is better than another, just different and allowing for a difference existence experience. (Humans have abstract thought and technology, but animals have smell, instincts, and psychic senses.). Spirit guides communicate to their mortal counterparts in dreams, gut feelings, and instincts, but deities only communicate with humans, since humans have senses of rituals, right and wrong, etc. We can reincarnate as humans, animals, plants, aliens, rocks, etc. in any place at any time, with the help of our spirit guides, soul families, and God-Source. We become earth parents, children, siblings, teachers, lovers, etc.; changing roles within our soul families in each new life. It is our soul and God-Source who makes the final decision. The bonds and connections between our parallel universe selves, “past life” and “future life” selves from our Oversoul are second only to our connection to God-Source, even stronger than our soul families, which is slightly lower than our bond with our various selves. (We know ourselves best). No matter where we go, our Oversoul is always connected to us. Our Oversoul has a unique soul signature/light language chant “name” (like “om”) that identifies us.
  IV.              Hell and Troubled Souls: No one knows exactly how many dimensions/levels there are. But souls can manifest and manipulate their surroundings by thought. Some people have good Near-Death Experiences and some create their own Hells based on their human fears and beliefs. After the distressed souls create their own Hells and realize there is only love and non-judgment, they have the choice to go with their spirit guides and cross over to the light. Some souls become Earthbound due to dying traumatic violent deaths, feeling strong attachments to people or possessions or not being sure they are dead. Troubled souls can attach themselves to some mortals who are vulnerable to drinking and addictions and abuse. This is due to holes in their auras. The dark souls can briefly experience the cravings of alcohol, drugs, emotions, etc. through the mortal soul, causing weakness and fatigue. In addition, trickster “tar” spirits feed on human fear. It is the responsibility of spirit guides and guardian angels to make sure events like this, plus unforeseen accidents do not happen, but free will makes things tricky. (Not everything is predetermined.) Souls must be able to cross over to the Timeless Realm of Love and Light and complete their Life Reviews in order to reconnect with their true selves and become a full Light Being spirit. Like birth transitions, death transitions are hard for many souls. Only the individual souls stuck on Earth or in illusionary dark realms can make the choice to cross over and thus reincarnate/become their true form. Once souls cross over, they can fully reunite with all their loved ones from all lives, their spirit guides, their pets, their soul families, and also create their own heavens/paradise worlds. Souls first transitioning will experience guides and environments most relevant to their species (oceans for marine souls, fields, towns, parks etc. for humans) for adjustment. Once the soul remembers their powers and identity, they can literally make their own energy worlds. Although every soul knows each other beyond language and species, each soul will experience their own paradise. That’s why no two NDEs or alternate states are alike.  
 V.                 Reincarnation: Souls who have unfinished business, died early deaths, or left behind children or important people will often get the chance to reincarnate sooner than other souls to try again at their missions. Walk-in souls are un-common but they do happen. It is when one soul cannot handle physical life, so it leaves. Another soul is guided by a spirit guide to the left-over body before the silver cord connecting the body and soul can be naturally severed. The soul will carefully enter the body with the help of the guides/angel, retaining their previous life memories at the soul’s request. The majority of souls will have their memories of their “past” and “future” lives, and lives in spirit erased by the veil, in order to focus on their new lifetime and not bring conflict and confusion to the roles of their soul family members. Some souls will retain their memories and psychic powers if it will serve their goals and help change the world.
 Souls do not choose to be abused, to have disabilities/diseases, or to kill or be killed by anyone before birth, although they are aware of certain events most likely happening in many life possibilities. Some body marks/troubles come from past life trauma beyond the soul/human’s control but can be amended in the next life. Souls of aborted babies are not harmed by abortion and can try again with other parents. Souls of those who committed suicide are not judged either, although they feel the grief of those left behind on Earth and are encouraged to try again for another life. Also, not all souls can choose when they die or know when it’s the right time to go…all souls knowing when they will die is a human myth because tragic unplanned deaths do happen.
 VI.              Life Reviews and Karma: All souls of all species go through a Life Review of their previous life after death before becoming their true spirit self. It is the purgatory-like rite of passage to spirit godhood and a completion of the crossing over beyond time. The Life Review can appear like a book or a scroll in the Akashic Records, a theater, a movie screen, or other ways for the individual soul’s preferences. True Life Reviews are neutral, just like karma. Any Life Review that is judgmental and only shows bad actions is a fear-induced illusion. Karma means “action” and helps the soul in self-discovery and natural feedback. (Though there are consequences on Earth and consequences via feelings in Life Reviews, not necessarily past life actions coming back.) Souls can play different roles to make amends (ex. estranged spouses can try again as friends in the next life.) The soul sees the results of all their good, bad, and neutral actions on other living things in life. They become the other person and experience their emotions through them. They are able to see their birth all the way to their death all at once. They are not punished for wrongdoings, but often feel guilty of their mistakes and negative actions toward others. All backstories and perspectives are shared with all souls in the Life Reviews (predator, prey, victim, perpetrators, drug addicts, leaders etc.) Contrary to human thought, the Life Review is not just about the individual soul and its wrongdoings…it involves everyone and everything in a larger picture. The souls also re-experience all their sensations on Earth, good and bad, in fast succession. As the Life Review continues, the soul gains an understanding of their purpose in life and learns the backstories of all their family and those around them. When the Life Review is over, the soul will have gathered all knowledge about all events in their previous life and how accidents and predetermined events alike impacted their lives. The soul also uses their Life Reviews of their “past” and “future” and nonhuman lives to determine their goals and amends for their next incarnation. Although souls have the option to re-merge with God-Source, the majority of them will want to continue to evolve through the natural Reincarnation Cycle (not a punishment) until they feel their learning/karma is finished. Many human souls will most likely continue to be humans for a while, like many animal souls reincarnating as the same type of animal, but not always. Other souls will re-experience happy memories, reunite with all families, create universes, travel through the cosmos and time and watch over the living to further their evolution and love. Life Reviews are mostly hard for human souls only.
 VII.            Life-Planning:
 Souls carefully plan their next lives with the help of their soul families, spirit guides and God-Source. They choose their birth race, birth gender, birth parents, and birth location. They are aware of certain events more likely to happen, but also know that things can change. With their soul families and spirit council, they discuss the roles they will play (parent, child, sibling, spouse, lover, teacher, opponent, pet, etc.)
 The soul goes through various stations to prepare them for mortal life:
 Incarnation Station (what Michael Newton calls the Ring of Destiny.) This is where souls and their guides go to plan their future lives, animal, human, male, female, good, evil etc. They can go through time and experience immersive trailers/scenes of many appropriate future lives. The new life is chosen by the soul based on 1: their goals and mission 2: their soul family incarnating with them 3: Curiosity/diversity 4: Advice from guides. The soul and guides and God-Source review millions of life possibilities at the same time. From this, a life-plan blueprint is made for the soul and the spirit guides watching over the soul. The soul accepts greater likelihoods of certain challenges, diseases, traumas etc. but knows that anything can change. (Thus, contrary to New Age, the soul does not fully choose disabilities or certain karma events “just to learn.” And they do not agree to be a victim/villain with someone else because they are a pure being) Past lives are also reviewed for the soul to integrate into the next life. All past life personalities, some more prominent than others, are integrated into the new incarnating soul persona.
 No soul ever chooses to be evil/abusive but are aware of the risks and greater chances of harming others in certain time periods and environments. Souls are not judged, they only judge themselves and figure out what needs to be done.
 Creature Crossover Center: This station is for souls preparing to incarnate from nonhuman to human and vice versa or animal to plant to alien etc. Human thoughts and worries are dulled down, replaced by sensations of instincts to make it easier for souls wanting to become animals. Animal/plant souls wanting to become human go through extra training due to human free will, fear of death, abstract thought and our many anxieties.
 Emotions And Instincts Integration: Here souls experience the vast emotions and instincts of the species they will incarnate as. They will feel human grief, joy, ecstasy, anger, and many other emotions. They also learn how to control their feelings and thoughts.
 Spirit Guide Station: Souls who have evolved much on Earth, will choose which mortals to watch and go over how to review the soul’s life plan. They are instructed how to help the soul with opportunities, communicating with other spirit guides and further protecting the mortals from dark entities. (Animals and plants also have their own spirit guides that watch over them, but the spirit guides of humans check on their humans more frequently due to human free will and their immense evolution.) Humans have the advantages of abstract thought, ability to communicate with spirits/entities, understand their actions while on Earth, technology and concepts but animals have no fear of death, instincts, sensing spirits, and a greater spiritual evolution/attunement/understanding of God-Source natural law and unconditional love.
 Sensation Swirl: Souls, before going through the Pain And Pleasure Simulator, souls will go beyond time through the Swirl. They experience at the same time (to numb the effects), all the pleasures and pains of the universe from all time periods. Since the soul absorbs knowledge and sensations, this ensures they are more prepared for all kinds of deaths and experiences before incarnating.
 Pleasure and Pain Simulator: After choosing their new life, souls either in groups or privately with their guide will go through a simulator that stimulates pleasures and pains on their planet. They experience, at random, 100 pleasures and 10 fatal pains (10 pleasures and 2 pains per session), based on the most likely death scenarios for their lives. They can experience anything from burning to freezing to diseases, heart attacks, to being eaten, but also experience sex, food, drink, love and the many joys that mortals take for granted to help them get used to them.
 Mentor Meeting: Souls will finish their conversations with their soul families, reviewing the roles they will play in the future life. (Mothers, fathers, lovers, children, friends etc.). Guides and divine council members will give the soul helpful constructive advice and send them strength and courage.
 Veil Simulator: All incarnating souls about to leave the timeless realm, go through the veil simulator, knowing the crushing feeling of shrinking, losing its powers and its memories. This ensures they are more prepared for the real thing.
  VIII.         Spirit Natural Powers/Abilities and Pros and Cons of Mortality:
 Spirit Advantages And Powers:
 Telepathic Communication: Souls can communicate mind to mind, without the use of words. This ability is shared by all souls: animal, human, plant, alien, deva, etc.
 Teleportation by Thought: just by thinking about a person or location, the soul can find themselves there.
 Soul Merging: any soul can share memories/Life Reviews with each other and briefly become the other soul. This can be done with multiple souls at once.
 Self Switch: At any time, the soul or the Oversoul/Megasoul can shapeshift into any past life self/persona.
 Thought/Feeling Blocking: Advanced souls or souls wishing to be in privacy can block the thoughts and feelings of other souls around them. Karma is neutral feedback system, not punishment.
 Heightened Emotions and Thoughts: Souls can feel happiness, sadness, and emotions more intensely than their mortal counterparts. They can feel the grief of those left behind and the perspectives of all individuals around them. It is only by completing their Life Reviews and accepting their mistakes can souls fully crossover into the Timeless Realm of Love and Light where God-Source and their homeland is.
 Telekinesis: Souls can move substances in their world and, depending on power and advancement, can manipulate physical matter and objects. Objects are easier to manipulate with many stronger souls.
 Immortality: Souls and spirits are immortal, on a constant journey of love, wisdom, and self-discovery. The soul knows whether it still needs to incarnate and what activities are best for them. This also means they can handle death and re-experiencing traumatic past life memories. No pain, no hunger, no thirst and no body and mind restrictions!
Energy Sensing: Souls can see and sense energy and molecules and atoms in everything. They also have access to the origins and auras of matter, energy and living things from the Akashic Records.
 Time Travel: All souls can visit any time period since time is not linear. They can re-experience their past lives and see future life possibilities. They can even reincarnate into the past but they have to discuss the matter with God-Source.
 Infinite Knowledge: As Megasouls/Oversouls, spirits have infinite knowledge of the universe thanks to God-Source. They can share this with other souls but not with mortals. They can only appear as the same soul/persona that the mortal knew them as, due to the fact that mortals cannot perceive the Oversoul and that infinite knowledge could alter the timelines. Thus, the limited knowledge/beliefs of the spirit is shared with the mortal family members/friends. This is why discrimination must be done with any spirit advice.
 Oversoul name: The soul’s true huge self is comprised of all it’s past life incarnations together (like God-Source is comprised of everyone and everything). Our true name is a Light Language harmonic sound/song chant and unique symbol/color, (ex. “Om, na, ki, sey”) giving us uniqueness and joy). The tone followed by an Earth name or sound will call the associated soul/persona. Soul families also have their own unique symbols and frequencies for identification.
 Environment Manifestation: Souls and the afterlife world of energy can manifest various environments appropriate for the souls’ comfort level and evolution. This is why the afterlife looks different to everyone. Some souls will experience dark astral environments with like-minded souls after a hard life until they are ready to move onto higher spheres. For regular souls, they can journey into any sphere and visit anyone since nothing is separate and there is no limiting hierarchy and souls aren’t limited to only staying with their soul group or like-minded souls in contrast to many New Age views.
 God-Source Merging: Souls can temporarily merge with God-Source at any time, feeling whole and complete. This is because God-Source is in everyone and everything. Contrary to New Age belief, God-Source is not a near impossible state to reach only after becoming an Ascended Master. The main goal is for all souls to complete their incarnations together and merge completely with God-Source after their times on Earth are finished/after the end of time. Eventually after this immense healing, God-Source will encourage the soul or the soul will encourage itself to complete their next mission. (Though it’s incredibly hard to leave the love of God-Source again.) It also explains the feelings of knowing/oneness/seeing white light in some NDEs.
 Dream Entering: Some souls can enter and change dreams of mortals.
 Soul Attachment: For the darker entities, some can attach onto mortals, drain their energy, alter their thoughts or even get an energy high from substances, drugs, alcohol etc.
 Healing: Souls have the natural ability to heal the various etheric bodies/soul bodies, some souls can do this easier than others.
 Although quality of incarnations matter more than quantity, many souls have an easier time and are “older” with more incarnation experiences. Many “older” souls will become human/aliens in comparison to other species, but any soul can become anything with enough training and preparation. But all souls are equal and ageless.
 Love: Crossed over spirits are made from light, energy, and love. They can send immense love and joy to anyone, providing clarity and instant healing.  
 Spirit Disadvantages:
 Inability To Eat And Drink: Since spirits aren’t living mortals, they cannot enjoy food and drink like mortals can. They can, however, get good feelings by consuming the energy of their favorite foods. That is why many people leave offerings to deities and ancestors to show respect. The spirits can also present themselves eating and enjoying activities to comfort their mortal families.
 Inability to Have Sex: Although souls can merge with each other and know each other’s thoughts in divine bliss, they cannot experience the bodily pleasures of sex, drugs, drinks etc. like mortals (unless they are a bad soul attaching to a vulnerable mortal).
 Communication Misunderstanding: Spirits can’t communicate with mortals with words and via regular means. Instead, they have to resort to manipulating light objects and using the energy of dreams and altered states to present clues to mortals. Oftentimes, many souls at once will work to communicate with a mortal.
 No Private Thoughts: Crossed over spirits are one with everyone and everything, including objects. While this brings divinity, it offers almost no privacy for thoughts and feelings. By experiencing incarnation, the soul can have an individual experience with no one to read their thoughts and feelings. The soul can briefly live the illusion of separation and feel truly unique, if not lonely at times.
 Slower Evolution: While spirits can evolve just fine in the spirit world helping mortals and creating new worlds, evolving in a physical form allows for faster growth and an adventure experience. Even negative short lives are valuable to the soul.
 IX.         Guides and Protectors: All mortals and living things have guides in spirit that watch over them. Family members in spirit will visit their mortal loved ones every day. The guides will go in shifts and won’t watch 24/7 since they have their own afterlives and evolution. Spirit guides can be anything and anyone: people previously on Earth who volunteer to watch a mortal, guardian angels, loved ones from a current life or past life, ancestors, aliens, nature spirits, deities, ascended masters, demons, animal guides, and many others. Guardian angels will assist the soul in birth and death and some spirit guides stay with the soul for life, while others come and go. Spirit guides know our souls and do not judge us based on our culture, race, gender, or even our mistakes and actions.
 X.          The Purpose Of All Souls:
Our purpose is not to experience contrast and suffering for growth; that is only one part of our life.
 “Our purpose here is to discover unconditional love within ourselves and offer it to others. We are all on the path. What differs is the road we take, the experiences we choose, and how much we have learned about love. No road is better or more important than another. It is all a matter of what speaks to your heart and feels like home within. We are here to explore, experience, and find joy in the process of living an earthly existence. Our evolution and ascension as a spiritual being happens organically at a time when we are ready to receive it. We are all constantly growing, evolving, and changing. But this is not anything we have to force or for which we need a certain skill set. We are all spiritual beings having the human experience. All these experiences are a little different than the person standing next to us.” – NDE report
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
How I think the afterlife should work
“Get an Afterlife!”
 Natural Abilities Of All Souls And Spirits:
 Telepathic Communication: Souls can communicate mind to mind, without the use of words. This ability is shared by all souls: animal, human, plant, alien, deva, etc.
Teleportation by Thought: just by thinking about a person or location, the soul can find themselves there.
Soul Merging: any soul can share memories/Life Reviews with each other and briefly become the other soul. This can be done with multiple souls at once
Self Switch: At any time, the soul or the Oversoul/Megasoul can shapeshift into any past life self/persona
Thought/Feeling Blocking: Advanced souls or souls wishing to be in privacy can block the thoughts and feelings of other souls around them.
Heightened Emotions and Thoughts: Souls can feel happiness, sadness, and emotions more intensely than their mortal counterparts. They can feel the grief of those left behind and the perspectives of all individuals around them. It is only by completing their Life Reviews and accepting their mistakes can souls fully crossover into the timeless world of bliss where God-Source and their homeland is.
Telekinesis: Souls can move substances in their world and, depending on power and advancement, can manipulate physical matter and objects. Objects are easier to manipulate with many stronger souls.
Immortality: Souls and spirits are immortal, on a constant journey of love, wisdom, and self-discovery. The soul knows whether it still needs to incarnate and what activities are best for them. This also means they can handle death and re-experiencing traumatic past life memories. No pain, no hunger, no thirst and no body and mind restrictions!
Energy Sensing: Souls can see and sense energy and molecules and atoms in everything. They also have access to the origins and auras of matter, energy and living things from the Akashic Records.
Time Travel: All souls can visit any time period since time is not linear. They can re-experience their past lives and see future life possibilities. They can even reincarnate into the past but they have to discuss the matter with God-Source.
Infinite Knowledge: As Megasouls/Oversouls, spirits have infinite knowledge of the universe thanks to God-Source. They can share this with other souls but not with mortals. They can only appear as the same soul/persona that the mortal knew them as, due to the fact that mortals cannot perceive the Oversoul and that infinite knowledge could alter the timelines. Thus, the limited knowledge/beliefs of the spirit is shared with the mortal family members/friends. This is why discrimination must be done with any spirit advice.
Oversoul name: The soul’s true huge self is comprised of all it’s past life incarnations together (like God-Source is comprised of everyone and everything). Our true name is a Light Language harmonic sound/song chant and unique symbol/color, (ex. “Om, na, ki, sey”) giving us uniqueness and joy). The tone followed by an Earth name or sound will call the associated soul/persona. Soul families also have their own unique symbols and frequencies for identification.
Environment Manifestation: Souls and the afterlife world of energy can manifest various environments appropriate for the souls’ comfort level and evolution. This is why the afterlife looks different to everyone. Some souls will experience dark astral environments with like-minded souls after a hard life until they are ready to move onto higher spheres. For regular souls, they can journey into any sphere and visit anyone since nothing is separate and there is no limiting hierarchy and souls aren’t limited to only staying with their soul group or like-minded souls in contrast to many New Age views.
God-Source Merging: Souls can temporarily merge with God-Source at any time, feeling whole and complete. This is because God-Source is in everyone and everything. Contrary to New Age belief, God-Source is not a near impossible state to reach only after becoming an Ascended Master. The main goal is for all souls to complete their incarnations together and merge completely with God-Source after their times on Earth are finished/after the end of time. Eventually after this immense healing, God-Source will encourage the soul or the soul will encourage itself to complete their next mission. (Though it’s incredibly hard to leave the love of God-Source again.) It also explains the feelings of knowing/oneness/seeing white light in some NDEs.
Dream Entering: Some souls can enter and change dreams of mortals.
Soul Attachment: For the darker entities, some can attach onto mortals, drain their energy, alter their thoughts or even get an energy high from substances, drugs, alcohol etc.
Healing: Souls have the natural ability to heal the various etheric bodies/soul bodies, some souls can do this easier than others.
Although quality of incarnations matter more than quantity, many souls have an easier time and are “older” with more incarnation experiences. But all souls are equal and ageless.
Love: Spirits are made from light, energy and love. They can send immense love and joy to anyone, providing clarity and instant healing.  
 Spirit World Activities and Stations:
 Phase 1: Crossing Over: Not every soul can cross over or transition smoothly. Some evil human souls enter dark astral realms with like-minded souls or “hellish” self-created realms by their free will. They alone can decide when to embrace the light. Some souls remain on Earth (Earthbounds) due to fear of Hell/being judged, not knowing they are dead or wanting to stay with their families or possessions. Spirit guides will pop in and encourage them to go to the light. The souls who do cross over will often do so through tunnels or portals, going toward God-Source light in the timeless homeworld dimension. For indigenous souls, some will only move on a path or road. Family members and spirit guides usually accompany the transitioning soul after the silver cord severs.
 Phase 2: Life Reviews: Every soul upon death goes through a review of their recent previous life with their spirit guides/family appropriate to their species. (This also applies to the essences of trees, animals, plants, rocks, etc.) They experience the results of all their good, bad, and mundane actions. Villains/predators and victims/prey alike will witness each other’s perspectives without bias. They become the other people and animals and plants around them, experiencing their thoughts and actions and how their behavior impacted them. (Animals apologizing for eating their former prey due to survival; farmers, pimps, addicts, leaders, victims etc. all seeing into each other’s former minds) For indigenous souls, they will learn how they impacted their community or tribe and the influence of rituals. They re-experience their birth all the way to their death in a fast immersive dream-like sequence. As their knowledge and self branches out, they soon discover more about the world, their families, and current events during the time they were alive. After the review is over, they understand what should be done to make amends and they also have divine knowledge of the self, restored in the process. Life Reviews are usually only the hardest for human souls.
 Walk-ins can occur when one soul who cannot handle physical life, leaves the body and another soul takes its place. It is rare and delicate process and often involves the soul remembering it’s past life.
 Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Kwan Yin, aliens and other guides/entities can interact with any soul at any time, regardless of religion and background.
 Phase 3: Healing and Family Reunion: Souls who undergo traumatic fast deaths are guided by angels/guides. They are embraced in love and are reassured that their family members will be okay. Souls reunite with their family members and unlike in Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls, they are allowed to stay with their Earth families as much as they like. There is no separation of anyone, regardless of their evolution level like New Age says (that’s how it should be!) Because how can spirits really learn if they are limited to their same peer groups in one sphere of an endless universe? To learn from the best of the best, we must also learn from the worst of the worst. Or at least allow spirits to visit other spheres and their families during the course of their learning.
 Phase 4: Past Lives Restoration - All Loved Ones Reunion: The soul expands further and further, reuniting with all its past life families, human and nonhuman from all times. They re-experience and discover all their past life memories, effectively merging with its Oversoul/Megasoul, becoming a full all-knowing spirit and true original self. Again, they are allowed to visit and reunite with any of their families at the same time. They also discover who their soul family members are, those who have been incarnating with them many times on Earth and otherwise.
 Phase 5: Rest and Recuperation: The crossed over soul can do anything it wants at this time: sleep, do art/music, their favorite mortal activities, travel across the cosmos, time travel, help create universes if advanced enough, study with master teachers and peer groups, revisit pleasant memories, watch over mortals/descendants and Earth families, spend time with spirit families, merge with God-Source, or prepare for the next life. It is not bound by Earth time and many centuries can pass.
 Phase 6: Pre-Life Planning: Pre-Life Planning begins when the soul is ready to learn new things and correct former errors. Every soul goes through various stations for training. The soul can go in groups or alone when ready. No life is wasted, no matter how short or evil.
 Incarnation Station: This is where souls and their guides go to plan their future lives, animal, human, male, female, good, evil etc. They can go through time and experience immersive trailers/scenes of many appropriate future lives. The new life is chosen by the soul based on 1: their goals and mission 2: their soul family incarnating with them 3: Curiosity/diversity 4: Advice from guides. The soul and guides and God-Source review millions of life possibilities at the same time. From this, a life-plan blueprints made for the soul and the spirit guides watching over the soul. The soul accepts greater likelihoods of certain challenges, diseases, traumas etc. but knows that anything can change. (Thus, contrary to New Age, the soul does not fully choose disabilities or certain karma events “just to learn.”) Past lives are also reviewed for the soul to integrate into the next life. All past life personalities, some more prominent than others, are integrated into the new incarnating soul persona.
Souls choose their birth race, birth gender, birth family and birth location, based on careful consideration of ideal circumstances for its growth. Reincarnation occurs faster if souls feel the need to return after traumatic early deaths/unfinished missions/leaving family behind.
No soul ever chooses to be evil/abusive but are aware of the risks and greater chances of harming others in certain time periods and environments. Souls are not judged, they only judge themselves and figure out what needs to be done.
 Creature Crossover Center: This station is for souls preparing to incarnate from nonhuman to human and vice versa or animal to plant to alien etc. Human thoughts and worries are dulled down, replaced by sensations of instincts to make it easier for souls wanting to become animals. Animal/plant souls wanting to become human go through extra training due to human free will, fear of death, abstract thought and our many anxieties.
 Emotions And Instincts Integration: Here souls experience the vast emotions and instincts of the species they will incarnate as. They will feel human grief, joy, ecstasy, anger, and many other emotions. They also learn how to control their feelings and thoughts.
 Spirit Guide Station: Souls who have evolved much on Earth, will choose which mortals to watch and go over how to review the soul’s life plan. They are instructed how to help the soul with opportunities, communicating with other spirit guides and further protecting the mortals from dark entities. (Animals and plants also have their own spirit guides that watch over them, but the spirit guides of humans check on their humans more frequently due to human free will and their immense evolution.) Humans have the advantages of abstract thought, ability to communicate with spirits/entities, understand their actions while on Earth, technology and concepts but animals have no fear of death, instincts, sensing spirits, and a greater spiritual evolution/attunement/understanding of God-Source natural law and unconditional love.
 Sensation Swirl: Souls, before going through the Pain And Pleasure Simulator, souls will go beyond time through the Swirl. They experience at the same time (to numb the effects), all the pleasures and pains of the universe from all time periods. Since the soul absorbs knowledge and sensations, this ensures they are more prepared for all kinds of deaths and experiences before incarnating.
 Pleasure and Pain Simulator: After choosing their new life, souls either in groups or privately with their guide will go through a simulator that stimulates pleasures and pains on their planet. They experience, at random, 100 pleasures and 10 fatal pains (10 pleasures and 2 pains per session), based on the most likely death scenarios for their lives. They can experience anything from burning to freezing to diseases, heart attacks, to being eaten, but also experience sex, food, drink, love and the many joys that mortals take for granted to help them get used to them.
 Mentor Meeting: Souls will finish their conversations with their soul families, reviewing the roles they will play in the future life. (Mothers, fathers, lovers, children, friends etc.). Guides and divine council members will give the soul helpful constructive advice and send them strength and courage.
 Veil Simulator: All incarnating souls about to leave the timeless realm, go through the veil simulator, knowing the crushing feeling of losing its powers and memories. This ensures they are more prepared for the real thing.
 Phase 7: The Soul “Death”: The soul goes through its death, enters the realm of time, falling, losing all or most of its memories of all their past lives and lives in the spirit world due to the veil. This allows for complete focus on its new incarnation and to prevent conflict with family/soul family members and additional trauma. Its godly powers are also removed, limiting itself so it can integrate with the physical form.
 Phase 8: Transition/Birth: The soul slowly integrates itself and its energies. It hovers around the mother and baby, making sure the body will work. The soul spark enters upon conception, but the soul slowly develops and merges within the womb and fetus until the time of birth when it links completely. Abortions do not harm the soul and the soul can move to another body. The soul is watched over by spirit guides and family members in spirit who often visit. But no soul stays with the mortal 24/7 since souls have their own evolutions to do, they go in shifts. Babies are never evil, but when the human self/ego arrives early in childhood, anything can happen since the soul is no longer fully in control.
 Earth Phases:
1: Infancy
2: Toddlerhood and Childhood
3: Puberty
4: Adolescence
5: Young Adult
6: Adult
6: Middle Age
7: Old Age
8: Transition/Death (can happen anytime)
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
The Life Review: how it actually works
- Life Review is not just “a life movie of Earth School.” It’s a natural neutral learning experience like karma and reincarnation...more complex and magnificent than we think. Many Earthbound souls are scared to relive their mistakes, but it is only by seeing their life that they can cross over, gain their divine knowledge and fully move on. All souls of all species who crossover go through the same neutral process and are able to understand the perspectives of everyone and everything. 
Myth: “God-Source judges us.” God-Source loves everyone, even those who are evil, because God-Source is in everyone and everything. 
Myth: “God-Source doesn’t care about us/God-Source doesn’t care what we do.” God-Source wants all of us to do the best we can, being good people and sharing unconditional love which is our true nature. But God-Source will not punish us when we make mistakes, rather God-Source will guide us as to what we need to learn next. God-Source knows we all will succeed in our own time. Those who are what we call evil, do not know themselves and think they are more separate from God-Source. Even though it is not all love and light (at least in our reality and worlds with time,) evil is NOT necessary for contrasting experiences...souls incarnate not to suffer or to be evil, but to experience what it’s like to not be immortal and infinite...to learn and love in a world opposite their home-world. 
Myth: “We are stuck in an eternal cycle where we must learn lessons to escape it.” Reincarnation is a choice and some souls never incarnate. The majority of incarnates keep going to further evolve until they feel they have learned everything on Earth. 
Myth: “Life is fated/predetermined.” “Our challenges, accidents, disabilities, abusers etc. are pre-planned.” Accidents and bad things happen and sometimes it’s not the soul’s fault. Being evil/abusive is never part of the soul’s original plan. Also, not every soul chooses their own deaths because early deaths and murders happen. That’s why reincarnation is essential. 
Myth: “We bring past life trauma to Earth on purpose.” Often times, past life trauma manifests in the next body beyond the soul’s control, like PTSD. But just because it’s beyond the soul’s control, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be healed. We naturally bring talents and traumas from our past lives into our next incarnation, but only certain memories/experiences can be accessed by our limited mortal minds. (I also have a theory that our past life selves send us our memories during past life regressions/when some of us are kids since some kids know their past lives. Likewise, some kids remember their time in the spirit world thanks to their Oversoul/Higher self)
- Time is circular in the spirit world. Instead of a linear timeline, our life is shown like a circle. A portal above shows our birth, our life-line circles around until it reaches the hole again at death.
- Souls not only know how their actions, good and bad, impacted other people, but also how their presence impacted other living things like animals and plants. If the Life Review is only negative, it is a fake illusion process left over from human fear and conditioning. All  crossed over souls go through neutral Life Reviews, which tells multiple perspectives from all sides. 
-Reincarnation is the soul’s choice. More often than not, the soul and its soul family will reincarnate as different people and roles to make amends for past lives. The soul will know itself, thus will know when to reincarnate next. (For some it takes a few years, for others, it is centuries but the time doesn’t matter in a timeless world). The only “punishments” are guilt for extreme bad actions and reincarnation to make amends and face more likely challenges in the next life. (The challenges may change and are not set in stone). 
- There is no judgement and no punishment by God-Source and the spirit guides. Why? Because the soul is the one who analyzes their life and feels what they’ve done as it is with no bias. (Ex. victims, pimps, bootleggers, police, citizens, animals, trees, etc. will all get to see everyone’s perspectives in the Life Review and realize that nothing is black and white, “good” or “evil” completely.)  Since life is unpredictable and the soul forgets their original mission, they are not judged for trailing off their life path. In fact, a soul often learns new things that are different than what was originally planned. For souls, all incarnations, even the bad ones are valuable because there is always education, excitement and experience. The soul grows at its own pace, not regresses, though some take longer than others to reach “Ascended Master” status. It is not a real hierarchy or competition...all souls evolve together at the same time. 
- I have a theory that the Life Review gradually allows the soul to gain their original infinite knowledge as they become an Oversoul (Oversoul= their original form and a combination of all the lives they’d ever lived). (Though they are not as powerful as celestial angels, aliens, deities, masters etc.) The soul learns first about their own life, then the lives of those around them, their knowledge branching out further until the soul understands all perspectives and living things from the time they were alive. (ex. knowing everything in the world that happened from their birth in 1975 to their death in 2019). This process is repeated when the soul remembers all their past lives, thus it gains more knowledge until they feel connected to God-Source and infinity fully once again. 
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
Life Reviews of Animals and Plants
Life Reviews of Animals and Plants:
All sentient beings who incarnate get spirit guides, family members and life reviews. They review their entire lives after death at a fast speed (since souls are free rapid energy) and they figure out how their presence impacted other living things around them. Everyone and everything is influenced by the neutral karma system: including nonhumans. Trees sharing their oxygen is “good” karma, while an animal harming another animal is more “negative” karma. However, plants and animals and even humans are not judged for their actions. Example: The lion who eats the gazelle will feel the pain from the gazelle’s perspective in their life review as well as their own perspective. They will learn how their hunting skills and actions affected their pride of lions and the other animals and plants around them. And everyone who goes through the rapid life review gets their pain and guilt numbed by God-Source’s supporting energy, which is present in all souls. God-Source will ask all souls, “How was your experience?” And God-Source will ask humans alone (since the way we learn is different), “What did you learn from your relationships?” and “What could you have done better?” since animals and plants, more connected to nature, are already more in tune with who they are and can only experience the world in the present moment. 
All souls, human and nonhuman will be reunited with all their past life families and be imparted infinite knowledge once they are connected to their Megasoul/”Higher Self” forms. When someone or something dies, they are escorted to the other side by God-Source’s white light and their guides and loved ones who appear as the family of the species. An ant who dies will be greeted by ant spirit guides and parents. An oak tree that dies will be greeted to a forest setting and other tree souls who can communicate. As the soul adjusts to the afterlife, trees, animals, and humans will find they can communicate in their natural ways and still understand each other. (A dolphin can do their clicking noises and still be understood by the nearby souls of cats, humans, and palm trees, the Earth and even rocks and crystals which have essences of their own. A woman who spoke only Spanish can understand a man who only spoke French and an alien.) In the crossed over timeless realm, there is only light and love. It is humans alone who are most influenced by “negative” karma and it is humans alone who fear the life review and the natural process. Thus, the transition process for them is more intense than that of other species. Some humans (I don’t know of other souls) get stuck on Earth or in darker realms as they try to make amends or get over their conditioned fears. Once humans complete their life reviews and decide on their amends, they can cross over into their true home.
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
More Afterlife Theories
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Hindu concept of Bardos where souls are judged by gods and face demonic characters represents the illusions of the subconscious and the Hellish NDEs that some people have. It is a reminder for people to do the best they can in their lives, face their fears and understand that any harsh judgment and terror they face in the afterlife is an illusionary manifestation of their human and cultural fears. If the afterlife is good, it implies that “hell” does not last forever and that the soul and others can help break free of the illusion. Hence the importance of meditation and going beyond any toxic beliefs of the ego (but still acknowledging that as humans, we will always have the ego and fears to work with). Meditation (and worship and ritual for the Hindus) are their ways of connecting to the spirit world, thus getting their minds used to the nature of the world they will eventually enter.
 Like the Devas, we are the avatars of our past life selves. And similar to the Devas, we can manifest with animal traits or nonbinary traits. The freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth could represent a greater freedom from the cycle of our material realm fears. When the soul feels they have completed their missions/desires and made the necessary amends, there is a moksha or freedom of the self in a sense.
 Theory: The true afterlife, (not any hell illusionary NDEs) is a reverse of our world.
1. In our world, our minds and thoughts are separate from others. We are plagued by fear, anxiety, and a fear of the unknown. In the spirit world, our minds and thoughts are united with others, we can read everyone’s thoughts and feelings as psychic spirits. In the timeless world, our personalities are the same, but we go through a process of letting go of Earth fears and ignorance. Hopefully, the crossed over souls in the timeless world love each other unconditionally and are free of negativity.
2. In our world, everyone sees the same Earth and places in front of them. Our subconscious thoughts and beliefs stay in our head. In the spirit world, all our subconscious thoughts come alive, and we each create our own world of energy. That is why no one perceives the spirit world the same and why every NDE is different. We can all coexist and communicate while each perceiving the spirit world differently. If the timeless afterlife is a good, reasonable place, then we will be greeted with spirit guides, loved ones and a world that is comfortable to us personally after we have successfully crossed over. The souls of ants will be greeted by ant-appearing spirit guides and visions of a marvelous hive. The souls of fish will be greeted by fish spirit guides and feel immersed in a marvelous ocean. And humans will be greeted by their family members and guides and be able to create any paradise world they want, whether it’d be outer space, a garden, their own home, a park, or a fantasy world.
3. All souls would have their instant Life Reviews of their current and past lives…but souls can also merge with other souls and share memories. If the afterlife is a good place, there will be no judgment from God and no judgment from the light beings/spirit guides/soul families.
4. In our world, we are limited by time, and only remaining in one world in one body. In the spirit world, we can teleport to any time period by thought, be telepathic, understand all species and see the energy and essences of everything in existence.
5. In our world, we have limited free will. We are subject to accidents, pain, certain social classes, trauma, and also have no control over our birth gender, race and genetics. (The New Age view that we have complete free will as humans is false. Animals and plants are also limited by their circumstances) The only free will we have is our ability to control how we react to experiences and situations. The sad truth is, those who have a more privileged status have more opportunities than those living in poverty. The good thing is that no other person can control your mind and thoughts, no one can influence you unless you let them. We as a collective also have the power to make society a better place and lessen the influence of diseases, crime, accidents, war, and negativity. Plus we can all tap into our psychic abilities and get messages from those beyond. In the spirit world, we have 100% free will as spirit gods (hopefully). We can choose to reincarnate or not, we can choose how we make amends to other souls. We decide who we want to be, what soul families we want to stay with and how we want to create our worlds.
6. In our world, we have social classes and hierarchies. In the spirit world (hopefully) there are no hierarchies. Everyone is equal and divine in God’s eyes, and we all evolve at our own pace. The only differences is the amount of power spirits have to help many people at once or a few people. No one is reprimanded for being at a “lower” level because all souls make mistakes. Everyone is at their own level of evolution that cannot and should not be compared to the levels of other souls, even the ascended masters are not perfect nor are they “higher” than anyone else. (Hopefully) there is no rush to merge with God or be at the highest level because God has made sure we all will succeed in our own time. We have our own aura colors and vibrations that always change from “low” to “high.” We are students and teachers helping each other evolve at the same time…there is no such thing as a “beginner” or “old” souls because all our souls are ageless and have been around for eons!
7. In our world, we are only one person. In the spirit world, we are many people. Our Oversouls/Higher Selves/God-Selves/Overselves are our true spirit forms…consisting of all our past/future lives as humans and other species we have ever lived. When communicating with those on Earth, souls can only communicate using one persona at a time…because as the Oversoul they have many personas, infinite knowledge and power that’s too great for human minds to handle. That’s why humans do not have access to infinite knowledge, only God, higher beings and Oversouls do.
 “Oneselves,” a nonsensical made-up term of mine to describe our Higher Selves. Unlike “Higher Self” and “Oversoul,” it does not imply that our true forms are “superior” to our current forms, for they are always connected and one and the same. The term is nonsensical…because both then physical and spiritual worlds are nonsensical and confusing to me anyway. “One-Selves” mean many selves coming together, rather than “One-Self.” I have One-Selves and so do you.
 Spirit ability: “Insta-Study:” Spirit guides and guardians will help the soul create a plan for their incarnation before the new life begins. This takes place after the soul has chosen its life, soul family members to incarnate with, physical companion host and is ready. (No soul is “more evolved” than the other because we can switch between teacher and student roles many times.) The guides, guardians and the soul will merge together and with the help of God-Source, rapidly travel through time and view all life possibilities of the soul’s upcoming life. It will feel like hundreds of Earth years going by in a flash, which is what is meant by “spirit guides studying your life for hundreds of years.”  “High chance of poverty here, earthquake here, marriage likely occurring in early 20s here, one likely death by cancer here, another by old age here, in majority of life possibilities, this person becomes a doctor in the Earth city of San Diego, this person meets their human friend Bob,” etc.
 Life-planning is misunderstood. NOTHING IS COMPLETELY SET IN STONE BECAUSE ACCIDENTS HAPPEN! NO SOUL CHOOSES TO HAVE DISABILITIES, DISRODERS OR ACCIDENTS HAPPEN TO THEM…THEY MERELY ACCEPT THE GREATER POSSIBILITIES OF THEM HAPPENING ON EARTH WHILE IN SOUL FORM! TRAGEDIES ARE NOT OUR FAULT. Evil exists and everyone deals with it, but since we all have the potential to build a peaceful society in the future, evil is, in larger terms, not necessary for self-discovery, contrary to many New Age beliefs. (There are people who know who they are and not experience evil or hardly any trauma. Challenges can help us grow, but so can good things. Even the most peaceful-problem-free non-evil person still learns. The only real “contrast” any soul needs to feel to re-discover their loving divine self is not the contrast of evil as some New Agers like Neale Walsch claim, but the natural contrast of being a mortal! Just like animals and plants.) A flexible, changeable blueprint path will be created, imparted in the soul’s subconscious but freely available for the soul’s guides to analyze. All souls will have accidents, challenges, diseases and certain death points in their lives, some tragedies more likely to happen during different paths and times. The guides will see the most likely schools, careers, behaviors, relationships etc. of the soul. Due to the soul having their limited free will, the life path will often deter from their original path but the soul will never be judged for the choices it makes as a human. (Because all will be learned during the Life Review “Purgatory” process). Soul family members who have passed on are also able to see the soul’s life trajectory. Reincarnation is also made more widely available to souls who died early, lost their way and became evil or those who feel like they need to complete their missions again.
 “One-Selves” communication: Like our individual souls, our souls combining all our lives can merge with other souls and exchange memories, feelings, and life experiences for better understanding. We can shapeshift into any past life self at will since time doesn’t exist/all time exists. We re-unite with all our families, friends, lovers, and pets. Our traits and traumas from past lives pass down to us when we incarnate like “spirit genetics.” Our soul is made up of our past life selves and our own unique energy, just like we have traits from our parents and ancestors. This means we literally rebirth ourselves in each incarnation.
 Our “One-Selves” do not have names. Our true selves are identified by certain colors, vibrations, a signature symbol and a “light language” tone or chant. Since we as souls and our spirit guides are not defined by one incarnation, it’s best to be specific. When we ask our spirit guides, “What is your name?” it’d be like someone asking you, “What was your favorite day of your life?” Our guides have been male, female, animals, and all kinds of things. We can formally request: “Please connect me to my spirit guide’s preferred spirit persona from their One-Selves.”  Or “Please connect me to the spirit persona of (family member name) from their One-Selves.” This is 1. So the soul doesn’t get confused and 2. Because humans can only contact one soul persona at a time in their mind, even as many souls do the communicating at once.
 Higher Self/Oversoul/ One-Selves “name” example:
 One soul’s typical colors, are cherry red, with spiral orange, flecks of yellow and hints of purple. As the One-Selves/Oversoul, all auras of their previous lives come together in a rainbow of radiance. Their symbol is a circle in a triangle, which appears over the heads of all it’s past life selves, no matter how different they are or whether they were human or not.
 Communication and Identifying the Oversoul: God-Source/other souls call the “Oversoul” by toning a unique song-like chant in light language, example, “Om-ne-ra-sya.” (Om-ne-ra-sya followed by the Oversoul’s aura colors, overall frequency, and their soul signature in their mind. This “song-ID” is immensely pleasing to the Oversoul) At this “name” every persona/past life self will turn to answer. To call a specific past life persona, a soul will do a regular chant with a faster note at the end. “Om-ne-ra-sya, Bob!” A soul that was Bob in the 1900s will appear. “Om-ne-ra-sya, Sue!” The soul of Sue from the 1980s will manifest. “Om-ne-ra-sya,” followed by a mimic of certain animal and plant sound frequencies will call the soul that was a certain plant or animal. The first tone part is like a family surname for the Oversoul and the extra tone at the end is the specific incarnation name/vibration. The ”light language” communication happens telepathically and instant.
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Journey of an After-Lifetime
“Learning doesn’t end at death.”
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“A Journey of an After-Lifetime”
“Learning doesn’t end at death.”
(Inspired by “The Oversoul Seven” Trilogy by Jane Roberts, “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, “Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts, and “The Modern Book of the Dead” by Ptolemy Tompkins, plus many astrology books)
Caleb Blake is an average young adult man with a lovely wife and two daughters living in modern hot Arizona. But a disastrous roadway accident puts him in an agonizing coma. His life drastically cut short, he soon dies, expecting infinite blackness and pain.
But he soon finds himself hovering over his body…and then severed from it. Disoriented and confused, he tries to interact with the real world and his grieving family, to no avail. As free as he feels to time travel and see all the thoughts and destinies of humanity, he still deeply misses his old body and his beer. Caleb is soon guided by an animal, his higher self and a wise elderly goddess Martha, to the spirit world through a tunnel where…after bizarrely living his entire life again in reverse…he meets his loved ones and ancestors.
But life in the astral realm isn’t all uniting and enlightening as spiritualists say. Aside from an elite hierarchy of evolved ancient souls who look down upon the lesser evolved (Ethericism, much?), Caleb meets four new individuals whom he must get to know so he can eventually move on to the Test of Selves. (A test where one corrects negative past actions in life simulations concluding with a battle with Shadow Selves and malevolent tar-like entities in order to attain eventual enlightenment with God the Source. Being judged by gods makes it more challenging.)
But there is more to Caleb’s new friends than meets the soul…as it were. What happens when Caleb finds out that Medieval King Calanius, 2 dogs, 7 bugs, a Buddhist devotee, a transgender prostitute woman, a Mandarin spirit-channeling lady from the future, and a 70’s serial killer were all in fact, his past incarnations? In a bizarre journey toward oneness, Caleb will soon find out that learning doesn’t cease at the last breath.
Serial killer’s spirit guide is a Tasmanian Devil.
 Calanius’ spirit guide is an eagle with a star.
 Woman’s spirit guide is a moth.
 Buddhist guy’s spirit guide is an elephant.
 Caleb’s spirit guide is a ferret. Why a ferret? No one knows.
Random scene: Caleb dies and after meeting his loved ones, he meets his previous incarnations (King Calanius, the prostitute, the Buddhist monk, serial killer) and his future ones (Mandarin woman who can talk to spirits in daily life in a future where humans can travel to other worlds and live to be 150.) and the dogs he had been, in the cosmos who appeared as beings of multicolored light. His guide Martha starts the introductions. For a moment, the world spun around him and he becomes the others, briefly seeing visions of their former lives. He better understood how he was connected with them. All of them face discrimination from several advanced aliens and ethereal beings who have never experienced being human before. Caleb’s guide, Martha B. of Atlantis says it is up to all of his selves to help prove to the elite that humanity on Earth and themselves can evolve…but Caleb’s short life, Calanius’ greed and the serial killer’s actions have dragged the group behind.
And when a band of Greys and trickster tar spirits arrive, claiming the space in the name of corrupted Yahweh, things get tricky. For although souls cannot perish, they can fade or be tormented by visions of their worst moments from previous lives. In extreme cases, when a soul is stuck on Earth for too long, stagnant negative energy from abuse, racism, troubles of human life and their own corrupts them and turns them to the dark side.
Manderin woman’s time: In 3587, an asteroid as big as the one that killed the dinosaurs is set to hit Earth, causing the extinction of humanity. It is 3022. Humans can live up to 150 years old physically thanks to slowing down aging genes and up to 1000 years or more when turned into cyborgs. Only ¼ of the Earth is suitable for a comfortable life, the rest of it has been devastated by countless wars. In this world, interstellar travel is a common occurrence and colonies have been set up on the Moon and Mars and a couple more by the gas giants. There are changing clothing that can turn invisible, change color, be waterproof or be indestructible. Almost everything is powered by the sun: roads, buildings etc. At night there are streetlights with bioluminescent lights. Technology allows humans to travel anywhere with a press of a button, self-driving vehicles, and travel around the world as well. Holograms allow for communication. Nearly all diseases have a cure for them, including cancers, though some black markets sell the viruses to various victims. Plus, there is a drug to stop all pain from occurring…even to blank the mind for better or worse. Earth and New Atlantis are frequently involved in galactic trading.
 Racism, sexism etc. still exist but in different forms. People are judged by their DNA itself, and by their spiritual evolution “Ethericism.” Music is a blend of different cultural sounds (French and Italian, Japanese and Brazilian, and of course the distant healing tunes of aliens.)  People can have sex with cyborgs, aliens and robots as well. Unfortunately, there are still pedos, necros and zoo guys who still haven’t been eliminated yet.
 But the most significant thing in this time period (Age of Aquarius) is the ability for humanity to contact aliens and deceased loved ones. Yes, in this universe, mediums, astrologers and mystics are not shunned, but respected as teachers for the old and young on equal par to scientists. Empathy, respect for diversity and tolerance is taught at the youngest of ages and psychic ability is encouraged by many. Many people have benefited and evolved from otherworldly advice. Many former humans have attained enlightenment.
 But there are others who use their natural gifts for greedy purposes. While the higher ones get closer to God the Source and work with ethereal guides, their ancestors and various aliens like the Pleaides and Andromedians…the evil ones get attached by tar spirits and work for the Greys and evil Reptilians. Even deceased souls themselves have to be careful, for although they are dead, they can fade and feel visions of pain and their worst moments in life if trickster spirts get the advantage! The Annunkai, the ones that like humans to mine gold for them, don’t want humans to evolve and potentially take over their positions and the higher ethereal positions of spirits/aliens.  (Mortals are messy, unpredictable.”) So they help keep them in reincarnation cycles. There have been several wars between humans, aliens and spirits for generations.
 But now with the universe starting to collapse, more people will have to work together to truly survive: deceased, immortal or living.
To be continued? 
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