#again can not stress this enough Mei's introductory scene was LITERALLY her saving MK.
imminent-danger-came · 11 months
I hate the warrior and hero parallels in lmk /j
They just keep spinning in my head nonstop. And it‘s always the same things; oooh MK‘s attitude is so much like Monkey King. With his desire to protect his friends, sharing his mentors fears, and the way he is prone to slipping into a self-centered mindset at times.
…but wait, his heart is much more similar to Macaque, with him wanting to ideally live a simpler life with his friends with no world ending dangers. Quitting while they‘re ahead. Cleaning up his mentors messes and still forgiving Wukong for literally everything. The closest thing to a complaint he uttered being 'where were you?'
Is there anything that could break Wukong‘s hold over either of them? Apparently not.
And Mei as the warrior, MK‘s closest friend, someone who has fought by his side and believed in him since the very beginning; falling to the wayside in those moments where MK get‘s lost in his head or chases the next thing that grants him more power.
But then her actions are more reminiscent of Monkey King. He fought all his closest friends; Macaque, the brotherhood, and DBK, for the greater good. Mei was willing to kill Wukong with little to no hesitation to stop LBD and save the world. To her, power is only meaningful if it is being used for something, staying idle goes against her ideals.
It‘s like they swapped places somewhere along the way.
So would Mei be willing to fight/kill MK if that’s what it took to protect everyone?
There‘s only two genders: Hero and Warrior. And both of them cause me pain.
I‘ve barely dipped my toes into lmk theoies and story analysis and I‘m already going feral.
The honest answer is that I don't, I don't deal with this much Monkey Brainrot. It's been like this for over 7 months.
And personally, I don't think Mei would willingly fight/kill MK, because MK is one of the main people she wants to protect. Even all the way from 1x04, protecting MK is a main focus of hers:
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Mei: "You were gonna eat my best friend! And also these guys!"
While crying and screaming at Wukong, one of the main things Mei brings attention to is how he'd put MK in danger:
Mei: "We trusted you! All of us! How could you lead us into the fight without a real plan? Time and time again I've watched you put MK in danger leaving him to figure out EVERYTHING on his own. Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
Which in itself is a parallel to what she says to Peng:
Mei: "How dare you! My friends are in danger because of you! And you're not even going to stick around to finish the job?"
(4x14 Better than We Found It)
So it's definitely an interesting question, if Mei's friends are in danger because of one of those friends, what is she supposed to do?
When it comes down to it, I think MK is the friend she values the most. Obviously she loves everyone with her whole heart, but when it comes to "who would she be more likely to sacrifice" MK is at the very bottom of that list (and Wukong is probably at the top lol).
The decision to leave Mei out of the Yellowtusk "The world isn't worth the price of one friend" conversation was very deliberate, because Mei definitely would pay that price, at least for MK. She's going to do everything she can to avoid having to harm MK, and that may be the wrong decision, or it may be the right one. MK choosing not to abandon Mei in 3x10 is what arguably saved the world from being destroyed by the Samadhi Fire, and that's what they do, they "figure it out, together." But what if that's not an option, or doesn't seem like one?
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