#agent umbriel
theterribletenno · 1 year
Somewhere Beyond the Sea
The quest that introduces players to Prospero and the Umbriel Reef is called Somewhere Beyond the Sea and its only prerequisite is the completion of the main story quest Natah.  Upon logging into the game after completing Natah the player will receive a message from Cressa Tal, leader of Steel Meridian.  The actual content of her message will change slightly depending on the player’s relationship to the Steel Meridian syndicate.
If the player is neutral with Steel Meridian (rank 0 or 1) then Cressa will behave indifferently towards the player, and her request for help will be very transactional.
If the player is well liked by Steel Meridian (rank 2 or higher) her speech will be more familiar and her request for assistance will be more confident, sure that you will be eager to help without hesitation.
If the player is enemies with Steel Meridian (rank -1 or -2) she will instead contact the player begrudgingly, admitting there is no one else she can turn to and offering “more than you deserve” in compensation.
The player’s first objective is to meet with Cressa Tal at any relay where Cressa will reveal that the reason she could not offer more details in her remote message was because of the need for secrecy, that she has lost contact with her double-agent within Tyl Regor’s clone labs in the oceans of Uranus and fears he may be compromised.  Your primary objective is to determine the state of the mole, and if possible extract him alive.
The player will be sent to a Grineer ship in orbit around Uranus on a rescue mission, the Lotus believing that she has found the Steel Meridian mole’s holding location.  However, upon releasing the Grineer prisoner it will become hostile to the player.  After dispatching them, an encrypted message is found on their corpse with Steel meridian’s sigil.  The player will be instructed to extract so that Cressa can decrypt the message.
The Grineer in the holding cell was a scapegoat framed by Cressa’s mole, Vunder 106, to provide a distraction while he escaped after fearing he had become the subject of suspicion.  Cressa decrypts Vunder’s message which says he is fleeing to the neutral city of Prospero.  Cressa Tal immediately sends the player to Prospero, a spire surrounded by boats and docks all tethered together to make a floating city.  The natives, the Naiads, a race of people who call Uranus home and wear strange heavy garb recognize the Tenno by their Warframe and call them a hero.
Vunder is found hiding somewhere in the town and greets the Tenno hastily, explaining that he has fellow pacifists still inside Regor’s sealab ready to defect and that as part of his emergency exodus he set his terminal to send a time-delayed message to the dozen or so of his fellows ready to follow him.  In just a few hours time they will be waiting in a submersible but with Vunder’s cover possibly blown the defectors may already be in danger.  With time being crucially short, Ordis fears hope is lost for the pacifists, until the Lotus reminds him that the Tenno can use their archwing to dive into the Uranian sea.  Ordis viciously admonishes himself for his oversight.
This begins the player’s first Umbriel Reef bounty, a scripted series of tasks within the underwater open-world zone with extra narration from Ordis, Cressa Tal, Vunder, and one or two of the Naiads.  First the player must blind Tyl Regor’s forces with a series of precision strikes to disable sensor probes, which will dramatically slow Regor’s responses and prevent him from pinpointing the Tenno and the refugees.  Second the Tenno must terminate Regor’s forces with extreme prejudice, wiping out a significant number of them to clear the waters before the rescue can begin.  The third phase is to escort the submarine carrying Vunder’s fellow defectors as it flees the sealabs through the reef.  With his standard forces heavily crippled Regor is forced to deploy his special forces to pursue the traitors, making this phase difficult as the player must eliminate powerful enemies while protecting the escape craft.
Eventually Tyl Regor’s forces disengage as Regor offers backhanded praise to the Tenno’s tactics and strength.  Cressa Tal informs Vunder that a Steel Meridian transport will be there for him and his refugees within a day, but Vunder apologetically informs her that it won’t be necessary.  When Cressa questions him, Vunder shamefully admits to having made “a deal with the devil.”  It is now that the previously silent Amei Axevi, lady of the Corpus Board of Directors, reveals that she has been listening, and chastises Vunder for calling her the devil when she is more appropriately known as “the Angel of Avarice.”  Axevi goes on to state that she fully intends to honor her agreement to take Vunder and his compatriots into her protective custody in exchange for a large cache of Grineer data which Vunder had extracted from the sealabs.  Crestfallen, Vunder admits that he did not believe in Steel Meridian’s ability to rescue his people in time, and hedged his bets on a third party.  This initiates the fourth phase, another escort of the refugee vessel but this time protecting it from Corpus attackers.  While having far fewer elite units, the Corpus attack waves are larger and more persistent.  Cressa and Lotus try to reason with Vunder, having no trust in Axevi’s promises.  Axevi takes this defiance as a betrayal on Vunder’s part and sends her personal Zanuka assassin proxy to take the data cache by force while the Tenno is occupied with the refugee submersible.
The mission is completed as the player escorts the Grineer defectors to Prospero, and the Tenno rushes to Vunder’s location.  He is found badly wounded but alive, having thrown his data cache into the ocean to save himself from the Zanuka, which followed it beneath the waves.  He apologizes for lacking faith in Steel Meridian and the Tenno, and states that if the other pacifists have escaped alive then he can die without shame or regret.  Cressa Tal tells Vunder that instead of dying for his sins he should instead live for his people, who now have new hope and purpose.  Cressa finishes by thanking the Tenno for their efforts and regretfully states that the work is far from over.  Both Regor’s Grineer and Axevi’s Corpus will have their sights set on Prospero and the Umbriel Reef from now on.
Completing the quest rewards the player with 100,000 credits, access to Umbriel Reef bounty missions and Prospero’s various features, and the blueprints of one or more items associated with the new zone.
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the-roanoke-society · 4 years
i was working in the lab late one night...
when my eyes beheld an eerie sight...
welcome to the final post of horror aus for halloween 2020! i hope you all enjoyed the ride. i apologize for not having everything ready on halloween like i originally planned. remember that the inbox and dms are always open for questions, comments and concerns. if you missed them, here are parts one, two and three. all warnings still apply, so be forewarned.
i know things are scary right now. but to quote the infamous n. gaiman: fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
take it from me when i say that we outnumber the monsters of this world--and more importantly, take heart.
click below the cut if you, too, like doing the monster mash (no offense but it is kind of a graveyard smash...)
there’s bloodstains beneath the carpet - a ∆ au inspired by the super, co-starring technical officer drake and @agents-of-virtue​'s agent annabelle
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it was a new start. for both drew and matthew. a new city, shining with opportunities and adventure. they had no shortage of hope--but maybe did have a little shortage of cash.
all the same, the knox-edwards boarding house wasn’t that bad. grimy and with a level of grunge akin to a garage band circa 1995, sure, but nothing unbearable.
but as drew was stuck in the hallway holding up their couch, matthew trying to figure out who needed to pivot and in what direction in order to not have furniture stuck in the doorway, he overheard it:
“what? another one? are you serious?”
two people were walking down the hallway, and they didn’t look to be much older than himself, or matthew. a man and woman, close together, as if they were conspiring.
“wait, drew, i think i got it, turn left a little bit--”
“as a heart attack. that makes it four people in three months. i’m telling you bekah, something fuckin’ weird in goin’ on here. people don’t just up and vanish from their own homes, and--oh!”
“drew! are you listening to me? turn it left!”
oh shit. oh shit. don’t act like you were obviously eavesdropping, maybe they didn’t notice...
welp. all right. be cool.
“uh--hello!” but he yelped when matthew unexpectedly let go of the couch, and it landed on the ground with a hard thud.
but drew was still processing what he heard. four people in three months? what did that mean?
mini soundtrack sampler includes: rockwell, ‘somebody’s watching me’ + absofacto, ‘dissolve’ + barns courtney, ‘99′
won’t you cut me down? - a second chances au inspired by seven in heaven
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joan, normally, wasn’t so forward. at least, not a society-thrown event where multiple agencies were represented, and especially not when he knew lilith was around and not above reprimanding an agent in front of god and everyone else in the room.
but he’d had quite a bit to drink.
the evening was winding down.
and josie... josie was breathtaking.
he couldn’t help it.
“joan--joan!” she laughed as he turned her, taking her elbow and leading her down a hallway close to one of the larger coat closets. “what are you d--”
her voice cut off abruptly to the tune of joan’s mouth on hers, and the closing of a closet door.
joan didn’t stop to think about how this particular door wasn’t room he distinctly remembered. he was tipsy and enamored and his wife consumed his senses. he didn’t care.
but he did care a while later, after they’d made themselves presentable again and opened the door to a manor that was much, much quieter than he was expecting.
and josie felt it too.
it was an odd sensation, to feel that he’d stepped out of one place and into another entirely.
josie asked quietly, “where... where did everyone go?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: jack white, ‘i’m shakin’‘ + konrad old money & sleep steady, ‘rage’ + k. flay, ‘blood in the cut’
my hands are growing colder - an inverse functions au inspired by eli
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ginny knew erik wasn’t broken. she would rather have faced down a demon or some unholy thing sprung out of the gate than ever describe him like that.
but he was--unique.
beyond the understanding of most medical doctors, at least. even aly and caroline were struggling to treat his symptoms. it was like he’d become allergic to everything around him over the course of just a few days. his symptoms were sudden, severe, and left her nervous.
it wasn’t just allergies. she knew that. and if she had to seek help outside of the society, then so be it. all that mattered to her was seeing him brought back to health.
and late one night, during a despair-fueled search through some files in the archives that looked like they hadn’t been touched in years, she found a name: dr. isabella horn.
the fact that lacey, who’d been overseeing the roanoe medical wards for ages, hadn’t heard of her, should have been a warning.
but desperate times call for desperate measures.
the next day, they were on their way to a facility in the middle of the midwest--though ‘facility’ wasn’t quite the right word. it looked more like a mansion, with nothing but wheat fields all around as far as they eye could see. the horizon was only broken by the occasional oil derrick.
and they were surprised when they had to be buzzed through pressurized, completely sterile chambers to even get inside.
but there, right at the front of the welcoming committee, was a woman with dark eyes, and an easy smile.
“good afternoon! you must be ginny and erik, welcome. i’m dr. horn.”
but ginny didn’t trust her grin.
and that should have been the second warning.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: stevie wonder, ‘superstitious’ + the killers, ‘when you were young’ + the revivalists, ‘wish i knew you’
i saw your bones on the road - a pastel goth au inspired by the silence
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meli would look back on it and realize with no small sense of irony how loud it was when it began.
the screaming, the terror. how she blasted her spotify on her furious drive to guiliana’s house in the blessedly quiet suburbs, eyes constantly searching the sky. she knew that the responsible thing to do would be to listen to the coverage on the radio, but honestly? she’d heard enough. she had more than half a brain, and she knew exactly what to do.
get her girlfriend and head--okay, maybe she didn’t know exactly what to do.
but giuliana was smart. they’d figure it out together.
the government didn’t know what they were, exactly. nobody did. meli only knew that they were calling them vesps.
it was a word that she mulled over frantically. linguistics was always a welcome distraction. she thought she’d heard it before, but all she could think of was the latin vespere. it roughly translated to ‘from the evening,’ or ‘from the night.’
from the dark.
perhaps that was an apt name.
the sunset had painted the sky in shades that were obnoxiously beautiful given the circumstances, and her jeep lurched in protest as she abruptly slammed the gear shift into park in the glow of guiliana’s porch lights.
in the distance, she could hear shrieking--but not that of human beings.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: mourning ritual, ‘bad moon rising’ + twenty one pilots, ‘ride’ + royal blood, ‘trouble’s coming’
waiting for the vultures - a time traveler’s husband au inspired by the houses october built
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it had been dara’s idea.
“oh it’ll be fun! think about it, italy and the states celebrate halloween with way, way different aesthetics. think of this as getting a sampler of how america does it,” she said, sitting in silvano’s lap, charm volume as far up as it would go.
and he agreed. “all right--okay. a grand adventure across the country hitting as many haunted houses as we can.”
“geez, try not to sound too excited.”
he murmured into her shoulder, “i’m mostly excited to spend time with you. but if a road trip through october is what you want, then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”
he was rewarded with kisses peppered all over his face and a very excited dara dragging him excitedly to best buy to pick up a camcorder. “what? of course we need a camera! if we record everything then it’s like--i don’t know. like it’s ours. we can go back to it whenever want, and we can show all our friends the cool places we saw when we get home!”
dara hadn’t known then.
she didn’t know it would start with one lone figure in a clown costume standing in front of the rv like he was going to charge at it. she didn’t know that they would end up surrounded, followed. abducted.
it had been dara’s idea.
and she would never forgive herself.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: van halen, ‘runnin’ with the devil’ + the 1975, ‘if you’re too shy (let me know)’ + afi, ‘miss murder’
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agent-hood · 5 years
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@agentargus @agent-nova
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agentargus · 5 years
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“You are a union beyond my meiosis
You are a unicycle beyond my migration
You are a universe beyond my mitochondria
You are a Eucharist beyond my Miles Davis”
-Harryette Mullen
Moodboard for my wibbly wobbly timey wimey disaster bi art geeks Silvano and Dara because they have a wholesome love.
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Nova Senior: That's the spirit! Don't even think about the fact that our slightest misstep could cause an unraveling of the space-time continuum.
Umbriel: That's all I'm thinking about now!
Nova Senior: Yep, shouldn't have said that. Regretted it immediately.
(Source: The Good Place)
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nientedenada · 2 years
Hey there! Do you have any lore posts about fashion in Cyrodiil, merchant princes and the Nibenese mage aristocracy as they stand in the Fourth Era? Thank you
Not really. Underserved area in general. The last mention of the Nibenese mage aristocracy was in the Keyes novels where Imperial agents discuss 
Thules the Gibbering, the witch-warrior who ruled what little remained of the Empire before Titus Mede took it from him.”
“I remember. Not a well-liked ruler.”
“Maybe not beloved, but he was Nibenese, and despite his various perversions, many on the council favored him over a Colovian usurper. - p. 96, Lord of Souls
Since Titus Mede I was the Colovian claimant backed by Skyrim, the Fourth Era Empire definitely catered to Colovian rather than Nibenese sensibilities. Many of the officers Titus' heir Attrebus Mede knows are Colovians as well. The Keyes novels also present a situation of Colovian adventurers taking control of Rimmen with tacit Imperial approval (Elsweyr had left the Empire by then).
Minister Hierem in the novels is the strong Nibenese influence on the Mede government, but he ends up dead in 4E 48 after plotting against Titus I and calling down a stray Oblivion realm (Umbriel), on the Empire. Probably didn't do much for the Nibenese influence on society.
As of 4E 201, though? There has been a lot of time for the Empire to comfortably settle back down and Nibenese power and influence to rise again. I speculate that Nibenese magic traditions were important in the war, facing down an enemy that also relied so much on magic. There's no canon for it, but it makes sense to me that "witch-warriors" might be in the ascendant in Cyrodiil again. (We prefer to be called battlemages." - A witch warrior.)
Given your phrasing, I presume you’re already familar with the Pocket Guide to the Empire First Edition’s material on the Nibenay, silk and fashion. Oblivion really didn’t show the cultural divide between Nibenay and Colovia, but subsequent lore, such as the Keyes novels, confirms it continues to exist. I think we can assume  silk is as important as ever in the Nibenay and Cyrodiil at large, but Skyrim gives us practically nothing on the current fashions.
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sagenundlegenden · 7 years
Lord of Souls lore notes
Again, these were some notes I took about the Elder Scrolls novel Lord of Souls. These two novels are really one story. Didn’t get too far with my note taking here, maybe I’ll go back to it someday.
PT ONE Prologue
-          The worst thing someone on Umbriel can imagine is stasis
-          The high lords of Umbriel are immortal
-          Annaig killed Glim with a drug that caused his body to form a crystal like a soul gem to trap his consciousness inside
-          Clavicus Vile looks like a 13 or 14-yr old boy with a paunch, horn above his right eye and festering sore above the left; has a white dog named Barbas
-          Letine Arese has a wolf’s head tattoo on her hip, which is worn only by the Medes’ inner circle
-          Colin’s last name is Vineben
-          For ten years Mede had no suspicions about Hierem, though he placed Letine in the ministry to watch over him as a general precaution; Hierem began testing her in order to establish his own intelligence circle
-          Letine: “the emperor has survived because he waits until he knows where all the forces are and their strengths before he strikes”
-          Annaig extracts emotions from living substances to use as cooking ingredients, using the same principle as subgradience (the chemical is a vessel shaped by the soul stuff it contains)
-          Colin’s supervisor is Intendant Marall
-          Colin: “Thalmor agents continue to harass the refugee communities in Sentinel and Balfiera—there has been a series of murders we can pretty confidently assign to them. The pattern is typical—the victims were all of mixed blood or had associations considered by the Aldmeri Dominion to be unclean.   It’s much worse in Valenwood—our supplies are no longer reliably getting to the rebels there. Sixty were caught and executed last week, along with four of our own men. There’s a leak we don’t know about, someplace. They know too much about our movements.”
- details about Umbriel leaked out when Attrebus sent letters to his biographers before disappearing to go to Morrowind, these were put up in broadsides on every street
- Gideon and Stormhold were also destroyed, meaning the undead armies don't need to be near Umbriel (b/c it went straight from Lilmoth to Vvardenfell)
- Colin says he has no evidence the Thalmor are even aware of Umbriel let alone coordinating it
- Umbriel is a pocket of Oblivion, not an invasion (which is impossible after the OC)
- "the Synod and College of Whispers, who never agree on anything" -Marall
- "the Thalmor have a plan, a plan laid out in decades" - Colin
- "The lizards?  They're entirely parochial.  Even if they could muster the sort of arcane knowledge this would require, why would they bother? They're content in their swamps." (Marall)  "They invaded Morrowind."   "For revenge.  They stopped their advance decades ago, and haven't showed the slightest interest in doing anything since then."  "Except keeping the Empire from reclaiming their territory."  "To my knowledge, we've never invaded Black Marsh.  Who wants it?"
- Colin: the An-Xileel are "entirely nativistic in their views, interested only in purging the former colonial influences and returning Black Marsh to whatever state they imagined it had been before it was ruled by foreign powers."
- wonders if the Sload could have done it, b/c they were supposed to be powerful sorcerers
- Colin gets intelligence from Black Marsh that has been collected remotely by the Synod and College of Whispers (by magic), and some on-the-ground reports of Umbriel transmitted mostly by sorcery
- Colin sees a group of Khajiit tumblers performing in Talos Plaza, juggling torches
- Hierem made a secret trip to Black Marsh the previous year, supposedly to negotiate with the An-Xileel, and didn't want the emperor or anyone else to know
- Varus Mountains separate Morrowind and Cyrodiil
- Glim gives Fhena some kraken barnacles, like edible clams, which he says are native to the Lilmoth area
- the trees on Umbriel can make any substance, and talk to the Umbrielans
- the Argonians spines go rigid and they give off an odor when they're about to fight
- when they're named, they take Hist sap and are changed, "sometimes a little, sometimes very much"
- they count in twelves
- the Hist called Argonians back to Black Marsh during the OC and changed them, making them more warlike, stronger, faster
- the rogue Hist began to sing to the trees in Umbriel to call the city forth to Tamriel
- Colin "opens his spectral eyes" and can see a ghost
- ghosts move on except in places with power to keep them
- an attack from a ghost feels like death spasms overtaking the muscles without physical damage
- Colin is able to cast a spell by reaching "into the middle of himself, where his little star was, the tiny piece of him that had come from beyond the world and even Oblivion, from Aetherius, the realm of pure light and magic"
- the language of redguards is Yoku
- Hierem performed some sort of ritual at the City Tree in Lilmoth
- Delia Huerc describes the City Tree as enormous, the only one bigger she'd seen in Valenwood but the Hist was more massive, more spread out- it had a palpable presence
- she describes Lilmoth as festering and putrid; the An-Xileel sang to the tree- a cacophonous chant, Hierem joined in as a counterpoint and lit a brazier, then did something magical- in his younger years he was a leader in the Mages' Guild; he called the name Umbriel many times
- summoning daedra means touching their minds- they can influence the summoner with violent passions
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agentargus · 5 years
So I don’t write enough about my time-traveling cyborg Dara so here are some random bits of info:
-She’s Jewish (remember when I said that despite being Jewish and agnostic myself, I myself had never written a character who was Jewish and agnostic? That is no longer the case.) Her mother is Beta Israel and her father was raised Buddhist but converted when he married her mother. Her mother was born in Ethiopia, came to Israel via Sudan during Operation Moses, then moved to the United States in her late teens on the pretense of education (but in actuality, to avoid military service, which is a story in and of itself.) Her parents met while her mother was teaching ESL in Laos. Her father currently works an office job and her mom teaches literature st NYU.
-Only child, but both of her parents have multiple siblings. Has definitely taken her baby cousins to see real dinosaurs before. It was some Magic Schoolbus-level adventure and the kids were young enough that they couldn’t entirely differentiate it from their imagination.
-Dara was a “B” average student who did well in the humanities and science, but not so much when it came to abstract maths. Despite growing bilingual (Lao and English) she has trouble learning languages in a class setting. She only really learns with full immersion.
-She had a Batman-themed “Bat” Mitzvah. Her first crush was on Catwoman. Before discovering sculpture, she wanted to be an animator.
-Miss Winston is, of course, named after Winston Smith from 1984 (and also the graffiti artist.) One day, she just showed up in Dara’s apartment like she owned the place (because of course she did-cats rule everything) carrying the plans for building a time machine. It was totally a Magical Girl sort of situation. It’s quite possible that Miss Winston has some sort of paranormal ability besides being able to time travel, but it could also be that she’s just a cat, which is enough of a magical power in and of itself.
-Dara had a punk phase as a teenager that never entirely went away, though these days she usually listens to music from the 8th Dimension. She retains an impressive collection of studded and patched jackets.
-She proposed to Silvano at the Washington Avenue outpost on Saturn because of the rings. (What is with Silvano collecting people with cheesy senses of humor? Maybe it’s because he’s so deathly serious all the time and he needs someone to make up for it? Gosh, he and Siggy would probably be friends too.) The wedding hasn’t happened yet only because it gets more and more extravagant with each development. At this rate, it’ll probably be a month-long party when it finally happens. (Besides, finding a caterer that can make Kosher/Halal Altarian Spikefruit Pudding is a feat in and of itself.)
-Her parents love Silvano, despite fretting a little about the age gap (they don’t actually know that he’s 700-something years old, but they do know that she’s significantly younger than him.) They have that usual parenting habit of asking after the prospect of grandbabies, to which the couple always responds with some variation of, “I really hope you like cats.”
-She lets out cute (or annoying depending on who you ask lol) little sqeaky noises when surprised or excited.
-Still fangirling over the fact that she’s even doing what she does. (I mean, if you had no superpowers and were generally a normal human growing up, wouldn’t you be in a constant state of awe if you grew up to be fitted with interdimensional teleportation nanites and got to time-travel for money alongside your possibly magical kitty?) Has definitely been that guy who says in some dire metaphysical situation, “but would you really want be working in an office right now?” Eventually, the Rick and Morty-style disillusionment might set in, but it hasn’t yet.
-So I realized that her relationship with Miss Winston is not unlike Hood’s relationship with Hampton and I kind of love it. I hope Tilly feels the same way. I want them to be friends (both the humans and their fur babies.)
-I suspect that she has some level of social anxiety, though I might be projecting. I need to write her more to explore that. She hasn’t had any major trauma (aside from the potential for the trauma-by-extension that I think probably most people from Jewish families have—again, potentially projecting) but it can’t have always been easy for her being a relatively normal mortal human surrounded by paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena.
-Doodles on all her papers, including field reports. It probably drives Former Agent Nova bonkers lol.
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agentargus · 5 years
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Some relationship moodboards for @roanoke-etc’s new NPC, Ginny: Dara, the Harry to her Merlin—nuff said—and Erik, her awkward techie and occasional monster BF (more about him later.)
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agentargus · 5 years
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//Because I cannot help but keep developing sci-fi NPCs, meet Dara Daochanh AKA Agent Umbriel (FC: Helen Lasichanh.) Space-Time Agent of Washington Avenue, outfitted with interdimensional teleportation nanites at the molecular level using alpha gel technology. Basically a cyborg, but the nanites are all but undetectable unless you have the right gadgetry. Also outfitted her cat, Winston with nanites so she (yes, Winston is a girl kitty) can travel with her. Girlfriend of Agent Pantalone. They have a gloriously convoluted love story with the sort of timey-wimey nonsense you would expect from a time traveler dating an immortal. They met in 1800s Paris, both investigating the fire at the Palais Garnier that may or may not have been caused by a certain Opera Ghost. Their eventual goal is to become a Crazy Cat Couple.
Dara was born in Savannakhet, Laos, but grew up in New York. Having always been artistically inclined, she majored in metallurgy for sculpture at the Cooper Union. For her final project, she built a basic-level time machine using plans given to her by her future self. The unregistered rift in the space-time continuum attracted the attention of the Washington Avenue Project and they basically gave her the choice of either having her memory modified or coming to work for them. Probably teleport-crashes Pru and Nova’s slumber parties on occasion, bringing weird snacks from alternate dimensions. Winston dotes on Alan Purring.
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the-roanoke-society · 5 years
now presenting...
mission and instrumental themes as composed by disparition for assorted members of roanoke, kingsman, statesman and beyond.
one of the ways i’ve been dealing with my seasonal depression this year is going back and re-listening to old episodes of welcome to night vale. disparition is the man behind the music, and it’s--a little experimental. consider these both gifts and possible sound prompts, if you so desire.
all that aside, this was just for fun. i know there are some handles that might’ve gotten left off the list, but i assure you that the intent’s not malicious.
mix below the cut.
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the roanoke society.
agent seraphim.
agent succubus.
agent houdini.
agent lycan.
the scribe.
agent sprite.
agent seance.
agent crowley.
agent specter.
agent ondine.
agent arizona.
agent cherub.
agent rougarou.
agent annabelle.
technical officers wyvern, drake & longma - the washington avenue project.
agent sentinel.
agent zed.
agent elfin.
agent nova.
agent zenith/charlie hesketh.
agent phoenix.
agent judas.
agent pru.
agent hood.
technical officer rook.
agent chimera.
agent nightcrawler.
agent iuniore.
agent cerberus.
agent archivist.
agent thorn.
agent exorcist.
agent nephilim.
agent ainsel of the borley council.
technical officer signal.
agent bracken.
technical officer delta.
agent jötunn.
former agent nova.
technical officer alvinne.
technical officer theta.
agent umbriel.
agent whiskey.
agent tequila.
agent rum.
ginger ale.
former agent galahad.
agent galahad.
agent lancelot.
repubblica dei lupi.
agent pantalone.
agent colombina.
agent alichino.
princess tilde.
billie joe.
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agentargus · 5 years
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“Broanoke” moodboards: Agent Umbriel and @agent-bracken (and Teresa and Miss Winston)
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agentargus · 5 years
Portal, Tomb, Elixir 💖💖
Portal: What’s the inspiration behind your agent(s) code name?
I had SO MUCH FUN choosing code names.
Harry was pretty straightforward: “Argus” is the name of a family of butterflies with eye-spots, named for Hera’s bodyguard in Greek mythology. Argus was transformed into a peacock when he failed to guard something (in some versions it’s the Golden Fleece, in some it’s the Golden Apples, etc.) Argus is also the name of one of the Knights of the Round Table in some versions of the myth. So we have a badass gentleman knight who struts around like a peacock and loves butterflies. It seems pretty appropriate.
Pru (Public Relations Unit) just uses her own name. I just played with potential acronyms until I found one that worked.
For Erik, I live relatively close to the source of the Hicks Road colony legend and was trying to use it in a way that separated it from the ableism of the original. In the original legend, the members of the colony were all albinistic because ableism says albinistic people are scary/weird apparently. “Alvinne” comes from the same root term (meaning “pale/white,”) but it refers to these specific ghost witches in French legend. It tied in nicely with my weird alchemical lore.
For my main three Repubblica characters, I just straight up took the names of Commedia Dell’Arte characters. Pantalone is the rich guy who the servant characters (including the clown characters) work for, so it made the most sense for Silvano, the fancy senior officer who got saddled with training the disaster siblings. Colombina is essentially the Italian version of the ballerina character in “Petrushka,” so it fit Giu, who I’d originally kind of intended to be a Burton-ized version of Natasha Romanoff lol. “Alichino” is actually a pun! In “The Inferno,” Alichino is one of the demons, but it’s also one of the names for “Harlequin.” In addition, it’s also the name of a species of androgynous demons in a manga I loved when I was a kid. So of course I had to give it to my genderfucked demon clown boy Dante.
Dara and Amira’s codenames, “Umbriel,” and “Abali,” respectively, are both stars. They work in space-time. Self-explanatory.
Tomb: Do they live at the manor or on their own? What does their room/place look like?
I only have two actual Roanoke agent characters and the rest work for sister organizations except for Billie, who is basically a squatter at the manor and crashes/charges on the couch. Pru lives there too, but she has her own room. It’s pink and pastel and pretty like something you’d find on an aesthetic blog, except for all the miscellaneous robot parts. It’s a little macabre, things like extra limbs, extra eyeballs, etc. I don’t know what living arrangements are like at Washington Avenue, but I would imagine that Erik probably shares a place with Ginny, whether that be in the manor or otherwise. There are at least five computers, if not more. Also comic books everywhere. I kind of get the idea that when left to his own devices, he leaves piles of clutter for days before flushing it out into the great expanse of the eldritch realms. Poor Ginny.
Elixir: How does your agent(s) act when intoxicated? Is there a society event they’ve embarrassed themselves at?
Harry holds his booze well. He has a lot of practice. Merlin could tell you stories about when he was young and stupid, though—despite being one to talk because we know what Merlin is like when he’s drunk lol.
Pru and Billie can only get synthetically drunk but when that happens, both have been known to just sort of stumble up to pretty girls, be like, “I just wanted to tell you’re really pretty and it makes me happy,” before kind of wandering away.
Giuliana is not allowed to drink anymore, even though her healing factor means that it takes a lot to get her drunk. As you would expect from someone with a lot of barely-repressed rage, she’s the least fun kind of drunk. Thus far, she hasn’t actually killed anyone at an Annual Gala, but she’s stabbed enough people that precautions are necessary. The worst time was when she beheaded someone (luckily, this particular individual was able to regrow two heads in its place, so it was fine. Many jokes were made about it for years to come.) Dante isn’t a very fun drunk either, but he mostly just cries a lot, usually about Lorenzo not liking him back. (Eventually, he moves on, but he nurses that crush for years lol.)
Silvano doesn’t drink. He likes to be as in control of his senses as possible. Erik doesn’t really like the taste of most alcoholic drinks. He tends to take one or two sips before “forgetting” where he left his drink.
Dara and Meli are my only fun drunks lol. They do a lot of silly party dances and stuff, it’s all just good fun.
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agentargus · 5 years
Finally an updated list of OCs and NPCs!
Agent Pru
Name: Public Relations Unit (P.R.U.)
Aliases: Prudence Jane Doe, Pru, formerly Prototype Unit
Position: Public Relations, Press Secretary,
Mentor: Agent Ginger Ale, Agent Succubus
FC: Daphne Groeneveld (formerly Moriah Poppy)
Technical Officer Alvinne
Name: Erik Winchester Gibson
Position: Archivist Apprentice, cyber-intelligence
Mentor: Agent Archivist, Former Agent Alvinne
FC: Jade Puget
Former Agent Alvinne
Name: Sybelle Blanche
Position: Sensitive (position since made obsolete, responsibilities changed when code name was passed down.)
Mentor: Lilith
FC: Judith Roberts
Washington Avenue Project:
Agent Umbriel
Name: Dara Hadassah Daochin
Position: Space-time field agent
Mentor: Former Agent Nova
FC: Helen Lasichanh
Technical Officer Abali
Name: Amira Alya Albarado
Position: Interdimensional communications
Mentor: Former Agent Nova
FC: Janelle Monae
Agent Agave
Name: Melinda Margarita Medina-Tomas
Aliases: Meli, former Miss Teen Roseville
Position: intelligence-based field agent
Mentor: Agent Champagne
FC: Alexa Penavega
Repubblica Dei Lupi
Agent Dante Alighieri
Name: Padre Vitus Michaelangelo Xaviero
Aliases: Professor X.
Position: Head
Mentor: Former Agent Dante Alighieri
FC: Al Pacino
Agent Virgil
Name: Gemma Selena Angelini
Aliases: Gem, Virge
Position: Head quartermaster, head of technology department
Mentor: Nicholas Flammel
FC: Victoria Cabello
Agent Cesare
Name: Simona Julia Lombardo
Position: Werewolf ambassador, senior field agent
Mentor: Former Agent Cesare
FC: Marisa Tomei
Agent Pantalone
Name: Silvano Giuseppe Bilal Albarado III
Aliases: Papa
Position: Undead specialist, senior field agent
FC: Pharrell Williams
Agent Colombina
Name: Giuliana Maria Argenti
Aliases: Giu, Giu-Giu
Position: field agent
Mentor: Agent Pantalone
FC: Christina Ricci
Agent Alichino
Name: Dante Feliciano Argenti
Position: Field medic
Mentor: Agent Pantalone, Agent Virgil
FC: Davey Havok
Name:Ana Paula Argenti
FC: Olivia Hussey
Name: Unknown
Aliases: Il Dottore
FC: Brian Cox
Name: Andrew Lawrence Rees
FC: Robert Englund
Name: Unknown
Aliases: Ted, Teddy Bear
FC:Gerard Butler
Name: Battle-Integrated Laser Lifeform Intelligence Experiment (B.I.L.L.I.E.) #J-03
Aliases: Billie, Billie Joe Adams
FC: Bryan Dechart (formerly Ash Stymest)
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the-roanoke-society · 6 years
tag masterlist.
a reference for the tags i use at least somewhat regularly was requested, so feast your eyes on the information below the cut. put below a cut because it got rather long. this post may be reblogged as changes are made. if any post anywhere is mis-tagged, in whatever fashion, please bring it to my attention.
updated 9.22.19. probably still missing things. feel free to use the inbox, as mentioned above.
and do keep in mind on top of what’s under that read more--i am an absolute tag goblin. i revel in hiding shit in the tags. so keep your eyes open. never know what you may see.
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first it should be noted that every agent has their own tag, and if you don’t right now, you will here in a bit. i use these to reblog from everyone’s ‘source’ blogs, and also to add in aesthetics, music and such, like presents. tags like #x’s camera roll and #x afield are also a thing, along with #conversations with x,  #x’s photo box, #x’s saved messages and #things x has definitely said (sometimes while drunk or otherwise impaired).
there are also what i like to call ‘affection’ tags. it’s pretty easy to tell who’s who, because they’re pretty much always used adjacent to an agent tag, but if you want a list (again, if you don’t have one yet, trust me, one is on the way): our loyal and true (lycan), our guiding light (succubus), our comfortable silence (annabelle), our pathfinder (nova), our robin hood (sprite), our tall dark and magical (elfin), our changeling (houdini), our uplifter (arizona), our eyes in the skies (zed), librarian fair (the scribe), our safe depths (ondine), many voices one heart (specter), our restless warrior (sentinel), our hart (@gentleknighted), listening ears & a warm shoulder (raziel), our good doctor (rougarou), our guardian angel (cherub).
ship tags.
on the rocks (zed x roxy)
butterfly knife (succubus x harry)
starry eyes (nova x charlie)
rumcake (ondine x rum)
sour cocktails (succubus x tequila, seraphim x whiskey)(non-end-game ship)
the lost sacrament (seraphim x former agent enoch)(non-end-game ship)
magic & mischief (rougarou x elfin)
hymns & holograms (seraphim x merlin)
anchored hearts (specter x mothman)
lies & lessons (houdini x whiskey)(playlist forthcoming)
body shots (sprite x tequila)
holy water & silver bullets (seance x lycan platonic tag)
agents of sass & class (succubus x seraphim platonic tag)
sleight of heart (annabelle x drake)
puppy love (eggsy x lycan)
holy hell (seance x crowley)
from the ashes (arizona x phoenix)
out to sea (raziel x nereus)
devil bois (jd x chimera)
team halo (cherub x seraphim platonic tag)
ancient cares (sentinel x archivist)
ghost bros (specter x seance platonic tag)
ghostbusters (specter x seance x seraphim platonic tag)
crystals & halos (seraphim x specter platonic tag)
reaching for faith (annabelle x seraphim platonic tag)
the cat squad (sprite x seance x annabelle platonic tag but really could apply to anyone who loves cats. we have several around the manor--see the tag #manor cats--for many reasons beyond pest control, which have been lightly touched on in media such as the mummy (”look what i got.”) and constantine (”cats are good. half in, half out anyway.” ) see also: the (big) cat squad
milky way saints (nova x seraphim platonic tag)
prints on holy ground (cerberus x seraphim platonic tag)
winged ink (scribe x seraphim platonic tag)
mugwort mugshots (succubus x specter platonic tag)
secret gardens (cherub x thorn)
flora & fauna (elfin x chimera platonic tag)
grace & choice (the scribe x lillith)
safety nets (hood x rook)
angel wings (houdini x seraphim platonic tag)
second chances (nephilim x ainsel)
have faith in me (iuniore x seraphim platonic tag)
pastel goth (agave x colombina)
the time traveler’s husband (umbriel x pantalone)
royals & probots (pru x tilde)
the wonder twins (hood x thorn familial tag)
see also:
lepidoptery & lace (domestic/married life tag for butterfly knife)
white hymnals (domestic/married life tag for hymns & holograms)
over the moon (domestic/married life tag for puppy love)
black hymnals (... a bad timeline)
something for the ship tags/something for the platonic ship tags (these are for everyone; keep in mind that #x for comedic value also exists and is generally used for situations where something’s funny and definitely belongs to one of our ship tags). there’s also the #ship prompt/s tag if you need some inspiration for writing, and #x for relevance.
the #kingsman and #statesman agencies also have their own separate tags both for general posts and for posts related to specific agents. all agent!specific posts are tagged with that agent’s handle, or ‘former agent x.’ keep in mind that according to our canon, charlie hesketh was eventually given the title of #agent zenith as a member of roanoke.
it’s also important to remember that the #concerning the golden circle timeline and the #concerning the poppyacolypse tags concern two different canons--the golden circle timeline is the one in which, at the very least, merlin lost his legs. the poppyacolypse timeline is the one where merlin survived the mine in-tact, whiskey was not murdered, and charlie is eventually saved by nova and sentinel under lillith’s direction with the gate. #concerning the valentine incident is used when referring to the secret service canon events.
the #mother universe tag is used exclusively for kingsman-related material; that honor will only ever belong to the story that brought us all together.
npc roanoke agent tags.
former agent jackalope (x)/(x)
lillith (x)
mothman (x)
former agent enoch (x)
agent wearh (x)
techincal officer drake (x)
former agent thunderbird (x)
former agent skinwalker (x)
agent crowley (x)
technical officer longma (x)
the white lady (x)
agent gowrow (x)
ness of the borley council (x)
agent poltergeist (x)
former agent specter (x)
former agent rougarou (x)
former agent odin (x)
technical officer wyvern (x)
agent jotunn (x)
agent thunderbird (x)
agent chupacabra (x)
agent skinwalker (x)
agent tessie (x)
former merlin of kingsman (x)
agent wendigo (x) ... and llewellyn (x)
former agent thorn (x)
agent andhrimnir (x)
agent scape (x)
agent eerie (x)
former agent crowley (x)
agent jackalope (x)
technical officer sol (x)
canon tags.
the order of snow and sun (roanoke’s russian equivalent, based out of st. petersburg)
the borley council (roanoke’s united kingdom equivalent, based out of manchester; the leader of the council is ness.)
the washington avenue project - used for aesthetics for and information concerning north america’s only currently active stargate. (see also: mapped universe. this is a world that the crew in the basement have successfully logged and calibrated into the gate’s operation and can be accessed if given the proper permissions, such as #neon tokyo)
concerning the brennenburg mission (inspi.)
concerning the co-op mission on the moor - the mission in which hymns & holograms became canon.
concerning the mission in the hills (inspi.)
the knights of the shield and crescent (roanoke’s equivalent serving saudi arabia, yemen, jordan, iraq, iran, the united arab emirates, kuwait, bahrain, israel, qatar and oman, based out of riaydh)
dragon echelon (roanoke’s equivalent serving china, based out of beijing)
starlight kingdom (roanoke’s equivalent serving japan, based out of yokohama; #moon enterprise is the tag for their own stargate project)
la société de triomphe (roanoke’s equivalent serving france, based out of marseille)
the annual gala (concerning the huge formal event that roanoke hosts every summer solstice, serving as an opportunity for friendship, diplomacy and bonding and one-night stands. consider this a “mixer” event for all named supernaturally-inclined agencies, friends of known assorted societies, etc., eventually coming to include companies such as kingsman and statesman.)
repubblica dei lupi (roanoke’s equivalent serving italy, based out of milan)
united oceanic regions council (more information about the council can be found over at their own hub blog: @roanoke-uorc-rp​)
there are also tags roughly along the lines of #snapshots from other timelines, #in another timeline, #the x au, et. al. for events that happen outside of the scope of our actual canon. some of these are more specific, such as the #the mythology au, #the four corners au/#the same age au (brought to us by @agentargus), #the college au, #the 80s au, #the lord of the rings au, the #the high school au, #the ballet au, and #the ghibli au.
general blog tags.
#foundations - this is the tag i’ve given to the initial posts detailing the society’s founding, function and history.
#meet our cast - posts pertaining to specific agent information, and selfies if we’re really lucky, y’all gorgeous.
#the roanoke society - most generally used for general ronaoke aesthetics, information, anything that can be taken for the society as a whole. see also #society aesthetics.
#canon notes - can pertain to either kingsman/statesman canon or our own.
#society notes - generally only used when tagging posts about society!specific character or lore canon material.
#we are the veil - roanoke’s most oft used motto. put on posts that got a little extra ‘uhmph’ like positivity posts, etc.
#holidays with the society - any holiday-themed post that can be used for festive society aesthetics or has something to do with how we get down at the roanoke estate for certain events.
#these are a few of my favorite things - our community made something wonderful and i want everyone to know that i adore it.
#seraphim speaks - any ‘personal’ posts, or posts where i’m directly addressing y’all.
#this has been a public service announcement - used for awareness posts, anything dealing with general information about society current events, and the occasional positivity/mental health post. related to #community.
#mission photos - photos taken afield by various field agents; see also #on a diplomacy mission, #taken from the chopper and #diplomacy fieldwork (which is most often tagged in conjunction with @agentpru. #taken on a well-earned break and #taken on a well-deserved break are used for photos taken by one half a of a ship tag while on what i just said--a break. rest is very important, as is spending time with the ones you love.
#seraphim’s filing cabinet - seraphim is a senior field agent and has an office in the estate. if an image is tagged with this it’s very likely a physical print exists in a drawer in that room somewhere. can also apply to other documents such as written files and logs, maps, etc. see also: #jakob called jake. seraphim’s corgi has his own tag.
#mission logs - generally dialogue from recorded mission files, quotes, etc. see also #once upon a time in x.
#mission feed - short mission videos, usually on loop (gifs).
#post-mission recovery - generally saved for comforting romantic imagery. what we do is hard. it’s nice to have a soft place to land. for more platonic or comedic photos and things, please see #post-mission recovery shenanigans.
#the roanoke society mix tape - background music for if this ever gets made into anything by someone with more money and resources than i currently possess. fortune favors the prepared and i have an excellent ear. related to: #fight song and #group versus (these are the tracks that i imagine playing when we have to make a team effort to conquer ‘a big bad’)
#in the kitchens - anything food related. most of this is from @agentondine.
#home movies - important video files that aren’t directly mission-related.
#mission files - information directly from a case folder both electronically stored and non. can be a transcribed interview, photographs, video, etc.
#society interiors, #society decor, #roanoke safehouse, #society exteriors, #safehouse interiors, #safehouse exteriors - tags dealing with the architectural/design/decorative aesthetics of the roanoke estate and our safehouses.
#mission themes, #background noise, #theme music - general background soundtrack tunes for both daily life around the estate and for work on the field.
#in the garage - all our toys with wheels. a few with wings.
#things to consider - notes on canon that aren’t verified, but are worth thinking about.
#the things we carry - angst tag.
#mission video, #mission footage - video file from an electronically-saved case folder. view with caution. some files are older and have since been archived. speaking of...
#from the archives - this may include older printed documents, mission files or aged footage from fieldwork.
#life at roanoke - for posts that give a glimpse (or a listen) into what our day-to-day life is like around the estate. best things in life are free, and ‘tis a gift, simpleness.
#bound files - information/imagery from mission folders that are restricted.
#friends of the society - allies of our organizations, both in our timeline and out. (see also #ghost adventures cohorts, #buzzfeed cohorts and #our good doctor; variations on this tag include #friends of the agency and #friends of the kingdom, depending on the context of the associated group)
#we raise up our glasses against evil forces - anything booze related, especially recipes.
#the memory hall - a place to rest in remembrance of those who have gone before us. see also #a moment of silence for the fallen
#field guide - practical information concerning work afield. see also #field notes and #field research.
#from the media room - video files from our general media storage, some related to casework, some not. related to #cursed tapes--a vast majority of haunted or otherwise possessed media has been transferred to vhs because of its “aging out” as a storage device. these are kept in their own storage area on a basement level.
#from the library - books we’ve got on hand, for whatever reason.
#lab photos - imagery processed by the lab crews downstairs.
#mission audio, #audio feed - sounds and audio files from afield.
#resources - important documents/information for work both on and off-field.
#from sprite’s workshop, #weapons development, #tactical gear - concerning contemporary weaponry/weaponry development courtesy @agent-sprite and the lab crew and weapons history. shouldn’t always move forward if you don’t know from whence you came.
#jazz night at the estate - exactly what it sounds like. tune in for the mix.
#mission imagery - general afield aesthetics.
#a well-deserved break, #a well-earned break - work/life balance, people!
#society witches - because we have more than a handful on staff. these are generally aesthetic or appreciation posts for the agents who happen to practice craft. related to #society women.
#the bad timeline - a fucking mistake.
due to tumblr’s asinine enforcement of nsfw material, we do try to take care to tag things that are a bit more citrus in nature (bringing back the lemon tag system of the fandom days of old). #lemon, #lemonish and variations of #deluxe lemon are currently in use. feel free to add to your block lists if you have no desire to see suggestive or explicit material.
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sagenundlegenden · 7 years
The Infernal City lore notes
Posting for a friend, these are notes I made after reading the Elder Scrolls novel The Infernal City. Just random things that struck me as interesting or notable. Spoilers, definitely.
PT ONE Ch 1:
-          Pushbottom is the slum of Lilmoth- “Imperials had dwelt here, too, in the early days when the Empire had first imposed its will and architecture on the lizard people of Black Marsh.”—now dominated by criminals and political opponents of the An-Xileel
-          Attrebus rescued a colony of Argonians from slavery
-          Glim: “My people knew slavery under the old Empire. We knew it pretty well.” Annaig: “Yes, but that was ending when the Oblivion crisis happened.”
-          Lilmoth’s imperial estates were looted, but some foreigners kept on by the An-Xileel as advisors (like Annaig’s father); ch 3- “only licensed foreigners” allowed in Lilmoth
PT ONE Ch 2:
-          Penitus Oculatus: has Inspector rank, barracks is the Telhall; are taught not to question orders “You are an instrument, a utensil of the Empire.” (Intendant Marall to Colin)
-          Colin thinks of a Nord story about a baby born with a knife for a hand; his mother had been impregnated in a rape and attempted murder; the baby cuts his way out of her and she laughs as she dies; when his victims ask him who he is, he answers “Dalk” which means knife in old Nord
-          Colin’s assassination target mentions a book called Astorie Book III and quotes from it: “No food, no wine, no lover’s kiss is as beautiful as a long deep breath.”
-          One of the PO is a Khajiit
PT ONE Ch 3:
-the An-Xileel ruling council is called the Organism, in Lilmoth led by Archwarden Qajalil
-Argonian native language is called Jel; Lukiul=”assimilated”, used for Saxhleel who have adopted imperial culture; Xhu=okay; Xhuth!= exclamation;
- “The Hist gave his people life, form, purpose. It was the Hist who had seen through the shadows to the Oblivion crisis, who called all of the people back to the marsh, defeated the forces of Mehrunes Dagon, drove the Empire into the sea, and laid waste to their ancient enemies in Morrowind.
The Hist were of one mind, but just as he was four beings, the mind of the Hist could sometimes escape itself. It had happened before.” – the city tree of Lilmoth was a fragment left over from a tree destroyed 300 years earlier b/c it went rogue
-Lilmoth is mostly sunken into the soft soil; its patron is Xhon-Mehl the Fisher, Ascendant Organ Lord; the An-Xileel had excavated an ancient pyramid that used to be part of the city
- the Psijic priest Urvwen warns about Umbriel, says “We don’t teach our beliefs to outsiders. We counsel, we help.” “Help with what?” “Change… Change is inevitable. Indeed, change is sacred. But it is not to be unguided.” “Mundus—the world—is a very delicate thing, you know. Only certain rules keep it from returning to the Is/Is Not… I feel the ropes of the world, and they have become too tight. And that is never good. That is what happened in the days before the Dragonfires first burned—“
PT ONE Ch 4:
-          Lazarum of the Synod had created a flying spell; Synod has conclaves, members have to pay dues
-          Annaig does virtue tests on a substance from Oblivion, finding out its main property is restorative, secondary alteration
-          Drykillers- only non-Argonian mercenary company in Lilmoth
-          Glim thinks Coo is a venin bat or bloodmoth
PT ONE Ch 5:
-          Black Marsh coast is lined with mangroves which look like crouched spiders with legs interlocked; there was an Argonian folktale that they originally were spiders that had gone against the Hist and earned their wrath
-          Umbriel resembles a giant jellyfish but the underside is like a mountain ripped out of the earth and turned upside down; the top is level with towers and arches; there is a long, drooping fringe hanging from the upper edge like a lace collar disheveled by the wind and frozen in place, or like spider silk but some shining, and constantly dipping down then returning to the center of the island
-          Glim starts to return to Lilmoth in a Hist daze
PT ONE Ch 6:
-          if Argonians go far enough away from the Hist, they don’t hear anything
-          Glim says “What the Iyorth was that?”
-          From Umbriel they see humans, Argonians, sea creatures including Dreughs marching; some Bretons at Hereguard Plantation (one of the only farms still run by Bretons) fight the Umbriel creatures
-          Glim understands that the rogue Hist only wants the “Lukiul” (assimilated) and foreigners to be killed by Umbriel; the An-Xileel and Wild Ones had gone away during the siege
-          Annaig mentions a person called Irenbis Songblade who exploited faction fighting in Cheydinhal, probably in a story
PT ONE Ch 7:
-          Umbriel residents speak a dialect of Ehlnofex
-          Argonians do not have a sense of time, all moments are together as one
-          Attrebus: “The Empire is still reclaiming territory, both literally and figuratively. There are many battles yet to fight before our full glory is reclaimed.”
-          Attrebus wants to fight for a place called Arenthia in Valenwood, Mede I won’t allow it
-          Mentions bandits around Cheydinhal
-          Annaig’s last name is Hoinart
-          “Titus Mede had been—and was—many things. A soldier in an outlaw army, a warlord in Colovia, a king in Cyrodiil, and Emperor. And to Attrebus, a father. They looked much alike, having the same lean face and strong chin, the same green eyes. He’d gotten his own slightly crooked nose and blond hair from his mother; his father’s hair was auburn, although now it was more than half silver.” - Titus has curly hair
-          Mede is not concerned with Umbriel moving towards Morrowind
-          Says he took the city with under 1000 men; “routed Eddar Olin’s northward thrust with barely twice that”
-          New town of Ione, where Attrebus has a house—an Oblivion gate opened right in the middle of a company of soldiers, commander Tertius Ione led the defense w/ a cobbled-together militia of local farmers, he disappeared but a Breton came out who was half mad & died a day later; gate later exploded
-          Sardavar Leed- “where the ancient Ayleid elves had once herded his ancestors, bred them for work and pleasure.”
-          Vaermina – “Dark Lady”
-          the Ayleids used a metagastrologic in their banquets- like a drug that stimulates the taste sensations
-          Colin mentions an insurgent faction from County Skingrad called the “Natives”
-          Describes magic as “the spark in himself that belonged not to the world but to Aetherius, to the realm of pure and complete possibility. He was lucky—this was easy for him. If he’d needed to start a fire or walk on water, it would require training, a mental sequence worked out by someone else to convince him that such things could be done. But for what he was doing, he need only focus and pay attention, look beneath the rock that everyone else didn’t notice.”—is able to conjure up the ghosts from the attack
-          “cats are less than friendly with the Empire they had once been a part of”
-          Riverhold is swarming with imperial agents
-          slarjei- desert animal
-          Penitus Oculatus was watching the Thalmor; there was a Thalmor sympathizer sleeping with an official in the war ministry
-          The rebel “Natives” in County Skingrad are supplied and funded by the Thalmor
-          Mede says “the Thalmor are in everything these days” “their aims are obscure”; Colin objects “their goal is clear—the pacification and purification of all Tamriel—to bring about the new Merithic (sic) era”; Mede responds “we have an inkling of their long-term goals, Inspector, but their intermediate plans are less scrutable”
-          Colin says they are harassing refugees from Summerset Isles and Valenwood
-          Mede says Leyawiin is still restless under his rule
-          Colin’s inspector says he could get assigned to spy on Nords
-          Colin drinks Colovian highland ale with juniper added, popular in the west; most Colovians in the IC are military
-          Rimmen has an Akaviri shrine called the Tonenaka with 10,000 statues, canals
-          Cheydinhal is famous for thirty-layer cakes
-          Khajiit mounts are like apes, with thick forearms half the size of their rear limbs, with red stripes (Senchetigers—pt 3 ch 5); a Merish looking woman had black tattoos on her skin
-          “the moons come from the east”
-          Je’m’ath= protection for a favor
-          The Khajiit start hospitality with a ritual of serving cake sprinkled with moonsugar and a few drops of liquid—this is a rite of hospitality that confers protection on the guests; they then ate honey and date soup
-          The appearance of Khajiit depends on when in the moon cycles the kits are born
-          The potentate of Rimmen has declared free clans outlaws
-          There is no law in the north of Elsweyr since the Empire left—bandits roam freely
-          Rimmen has domed buildings of white stone, a palace with a golden dome & sheets of water; there are “viridian moths”; only half of the residents are Khajiit and most of those are skooma addicts
-          Attrebus and Sul buy moon sugar at the “Kingdom of Rimmen State Store”
PT 3 Ch 2
-          Skyrim has steam baths, which have spread as a fashion occasionally in Cyrodiil
PT 3 Ch 2
-          A former 18th legion soldier who fought with Mede is working as a regulator for the Kingdom of Rimmen because there is little work in Cyrodiil
PT 3 Ch 3
-          scratching under one’s chin and then under the other person’s is a Khajiit greeting (or show of respect?)
-          “Seidar”— like a debt of honor
-          Northern Elsweyr is swarming with renegades in hill forts
-          Vivec held up the Ministry of Truth (described as “a moon from Oblivion”) and after he died or disappeared, Vuhon and others built the ingenium that used souls to keep it aloft; the ingenium exploded, hurling Vuhon and Sul into Oblivion, and the Ministry fell to earth, triggering the eruption of Red Mountain
-          The ingenium used souls to keep a vent into Clavicus Vile’s realm open; Vuhon may have made a bargain with Vile to trade energy for souls
-          When Sul arrived in Oblivion, a black figure named Umbra tossed a sword back through the rift; this figure had cut a piece of Vile’s power off to make the sword more powerful, after which Vile had circumscribed the walls of his realm to imprison the figure there—only the sword could get through the rift
-          Vuhon made a pact with Umbra to make a new ingenium to let him escape Vile’s realm
PT 3 Ch 5
-          In the collapse of the old empire Bravil and Leyawiin were independent and at odds; Water’s Edge was protected by remnants of the imperial navy and served as an alternate port
-          College of Whispers outposts are called cynosures
-          Attrebus’ sword is called Flashing
PT 3 Ch 7
-          Khajiit call Hircine “the Hungry Cat”
-          Hircine will always give prey a chance to escape for the sake of the hunt
-          Khajiit expression for dying is to be “on Khenathi’s path”
-          They are confronted by a driver of Hircine’s hunt who is a werebear- tall Nord with blue markings on his chest riding a bear
-          Hircine hunts with a pack of werewolves; looks like an enormous man with the antlers of a stag
PT 3 Ch 8
-          Vivec City is now Scathing Bay, a perfectly circular lake with an island at its center that is indented by a crater; the Argonians perform some kind of ritual there
-          Some Argonians settled in southern Morrowind but would be in Umbriel’s path
-          Sul’s real name is Ezhmaar, his lover is Ilzheven; he summons her as an ash wraith
PT 3 Ch 10
-          Colin uses the Cloak of Nocturnal for stealth
PT 3 Ch 11
-          Glim has a faintly chlorine scent
-          Sul conjures a crocodilian daedroth who snarls in hate at him but must obey his command
PT 3 Ch 12
-          Sul uses a white-fire spell called balefire
-          Vuhon had devised a way to use living souls to power the ingenium, but it requires “large” souls—Ilzheven had one of these; Sul tried to free her and the fight destroyed the ingenium, sending the Ministry hurtling to land
-          Vile tightened the circumscription after the sword was thrown through, and the only way Vuhon could escape was to leave with a piece of Vile’s realm “twisted like a sausage skin until it separated”; he came to Mundus so that Vile couldn’t pursue him; he was able to seal the rift but is searching for the sword through agents, and wants to bring Umbriel to rest on White-Gold Tower
PT 3 Ch 13
-          Sul summons a powerful daedra but it makes blood come from his nose
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