#agi and estinien have VERY different tastes
Day 5: Cutting Corners
Agnes/Estinien. Modern AU. Day 5 of FFXIV Write: cutting corners. Estinien and Agi go shopping as their home renovation begins. Mostly SFW.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Estinien groaned, rubbing his temples. He and his wife were walking through the busy streets of Limsa Lominsa to a shop to pick out fabrics for their home renovation. Agnes was the picture of delight, while Estinien would rather have eighty spoons shoved up my ass.
Agnes giggled. “Cutting Corners is, in fact, the name of the interior fabric store, love. I know it’s not the usual place that Floriant gets his things at in Ishgard, but I’ve been here loads of times and love the selection. After all,” she squeezed his hand with a smile. “Our home is going to be a mixture of our two styles. Who knows—maybe you’ll find some things to your taste!”
Or maybe we can skip this and let Floriant bring us things that are appropriate! Estinien grunted as he opened the door to the shop and was surprised when they entered. It wasn’t like rainbows barfed in here. He thought there would only be massive bolts of fabric, not area rugs, hardware for curtains and drapery, and a selection of custom furniture.
“See! I told you it wasn’t bad.” Agnes grinned, dragging him to a custom couch. She plopped down and leaned her head back. “It’s very comfy, and the best part is that we can have it in any fabric we want!”
No. No. No. I have a couch. I love my couch. It’s a comfy couch too! And it doesn’t clash with anything! Beige doesn’t clash! Heaving a large sigh, Estinien felt a headache quickly approaching. “It’s very nice, but we’re not here for a couch. We’re here to look at fabrics. Maybe even some upholstery to redo those old dining room chairs…AGI!”
Agnes walked quickly to the selection of upholstery and excitedly showed Estinien several different samples she liked. They’re all…fucking so colorful. Why? Gray and beige and white and black are fine colors!!! “Look at this one! It’s called Carnival!”
“I, erm…” I want to burn the fucking carnival.
“Or this one? It’s little patterns in slate.”
“Um…” It looks like little dicks!
“Ooooooh, this is a good one! A nice, solid color—ORANGE!”
Estinien’s mouth opened and closed a few times. Orange belongs as a juice not a chair color!
“Love, look at this! It’s blue! You love blue!”
I love you. I love blue. I don’t love this blue that looks like someone spilled paint all over the fabric. “Perhaps we should see some rugs…AGI! AGI, WAIT!”
Agnes pointed at the rug below her feet. “Look! It’s got blue flowers!”
Estinien sighed and glanced at the tag in the corner. His eyes widened. Seven hundred gil?! For a rug with flowers! Absolutely not. “Are there any that aren’t as expensive?” Do area rugs cost this much? Surely not?!?!
His wife thought for a moment. “Some are less expensive, yes. One second, sexy…” She looked around and then squealed. “THIS ONE!” She took his hand and dragged him to a multicolored rug with various shapes. “Isn’t it lovely? Maybe we could have this as an area rug in our bedroom?”
Or maybe I could set it on fire in Aymeric’s garden? “I…if…if we choose this, then the paint color will have to change, no?” Agi insisted on our bedroom being a “soft lavender” or some shit. That’s enough color in our room.
Her face fell, making him feel like shit. Fuck. “O-oh, right. Um, there’s a few that are cream colored and plain. That could work too.” Fuck. Make her smile again, idiot! She was so excited, and now you’ve ruined it.
Estinien quickly looked at a few of the other area rugs and then snapped his fingers. “Look at this one, sweetheart. It’s gray, but there’s a pattern. Herr…fuck…what’s that called?”
“Herringbone, love.” She giggled, once again taking his hand in hers.
My wife is so smart. I love her so much. Anything to make her happy. Anything to make her laugh. “Aye, herringbone. It’s subtle but still a bit of pizazz.”
Agnes snorted. “I wouldn’t say herringbone has pizazz on its own. Maybe if it has sparkles!” NO. She leaned up to kiss his unshaven cheek. “Oh love, your tastes are a lot simpler than mine.” You love color and light. Bright happy things because you are bright and happy. My wife. My pretty wife who fills my life with love and happiness. “’Stinien, look!” She pointed excitedly to a wall displaying clocks for sale. “We can buy one for the kitchen!” Tugging on his hand, she led them to the clocks.
“I suppose we could, yes…”
“THAT ONE!” She stood next to a large clock on the wall and did an elaborate show off pose.
Estinien barked a laugh. “It’s a nice clock, my love. More than actually…” It’s very industrial. Metal. Old-fashioned. That would be an excellent edition to the kitchen. Having stepped closer and pinching my pretty wife’s ass, Estinien nodded and grinned. “I think we should get it.”
Agnes’s face lit up like a million Starlight sentinels. “Really?! You like it? You really like it?”
He wrapped an arm around her broad shoulders. “Aye. It’s perfect. Let’s see the price tag…” Oh. Fucking hells. Eight hundred gil for a clock?! “I suppose we can—”
“We don’t have to get it if you don’t—”
“Splurge.” Estinien winked and kissed her cheek. “It’s worth it.”
Agnes sighed happily. “You’re worth it, love. Every second of every day.” I have the best wife in the world. “Even though you want everything to be beige or gray.” She stuck her tongue out at him, which caused him to tickle her sides.
“You naughty little sausage roll. I’ll get you, my pretty…” As she laughed, his heart swelled. And my cock. Can’t forget that!
“Ahem.” A sales associate fake coughed, staring at the couple. Agnes, blushing furiously, nearly tripped over herself as she stepped away from Estinien. “May I help you?”
“Erm yeah, we’ll take the clock.”
To Estinien’s chagrin, they bought the clock, herringbone area rug, and a custom chair and ottoman for Agnes. She wants her own comfy chair for our bedroom, so she can sit and read or sew or be adorable. Just don’t think about the cost…
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