#aksjd sry this is so long i just . love talking abt things aksjjalsjjd
miseryunleashed · 5 years
moonlight, roses, starlight, velvet, crystal, hopeless, glow, heart!
moonlight;  do you enjoy museums?
ive never been to one but i think id love it !!
roses;  what does love feel like to you? describe it!
oh god comfort nd safety and the urge to protect and feeling like you dont have to hide anything abt yourself and warmth and belonging and !!!!!!!!!!!!! and wanting to dance and wearing your favourite hoodie and concerts CONCERTS ARE LOVE and yeah i cld go on forever but mostly a sense of belonging and 'this makes life ok' all in One emotion that makes my heart feel like its going to burst
starlight;  have you ever written a love letter?
hm ive written songs abt things and ppl i love but idk if that counts aksjdj
velvet;  do you enjoy horror films?
YES i love horror so much just everything abt it *chefs kiss* i want to write scifi horror movies n books so bad and i love adding horror elements to my art
crystal;  favorite planet?
pluto aksjsjjsjs idk why ive just always loved pluto
hopeless;  do you believe in ghosts?
already answered ! but also adding on to/reiterating what i said i definitely believe in spirits and that sometimes they get stuck on earth bc they havent completed smth or maybe smth went wrong or maybe theres nowhere for them to go anyway idk but i think that a Lot of ghosts are leftover energy in smth (a house or a beloved item) and that there are two types , negative (the person had a painful death, died before their time) and positive (someone loved smth so much a part of them stayed with it) and this makes me want to write so bad aksjjd and tldr yes i do
glow;  do you have or want any tattoos? what of?
i want so many !!!!!!! mostly ones inspired by stuff i loved as a kid (coraline, may bird, atla, treasure planet etc) stuff inspired by artists i like (music and otherwise; i want to get the bts love yourself hearts and boozey and lola and some lyrics and smth by van gogh probably either sunflowers or cherry blossoms) flowers ! and sea creatures !! my mom and brother both got a matching tattoo as their first tattoos and im gonna get the same one idk i might not end up getting all of them but the matching one w my mom and brother and whales are ones i rlyrlyrly want to get also wings on my feet and smth having to do with dance aksj sry this is long im sry if its hard to read
heart;  do you like the color pink?
YEAH !!!! its one of my favourite colours 💞🦄🌸🐙🍨🎀
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