#all the pull quotes and awards on poster 2 are real too
lady-indiana · 4 years
Practice Challenge {pt. 2}
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Read PART 1
Part 2
An hour after I had heard the news, I was driving through the streets of downtown Lauderdale.
My hands were clutched tightly to the wheel as I turned into the library on the west side of town. This library, once surrounded by overgrown grass and falling apart at the edges, was now the nicest building on this side of town. 
It had a parking lot, even though most of the people and children who used it didn’t own cars. It was made of bricks, some discolored from the repairs done in the past year. 
On the pathway leading up, there were cute little signs with frogs and bunnies that said sayings like “reading is FUN!” and “Reading takes you on adventures!”
I parked the car, taking the keys out of the ignition and walked up the path to the door. In the entrance of the library, there was a little foyer with more posters and signs with positive sayings and quotes. 
To the left, there was a pinboard displaying different activities and demonstrations they were holding. I walked down the hallway, heading into the main room, and looked around. I spun slowly, gazing up at the Illéa approved books that lined the shelves.
In the corner of the room, there was a line of new computers.
I thought back to my childhood when this little building was a refuge for all of the other homeless kids I ran around with. We were all in the lower castes, and this library was open to the public, specifically the lower castes. Now, there were almost triple the books they had back then. There also used to be only one old computer.
And when I finally took control of it over some kid was playing an online game that took forever, it was where I edited my first short film at the age of thirteen. The short film that changed my life.
I was spooked by a voice, “Oh! Indie!”
Meredith, the 70-year-old something woman who had been running the library as a volunteer for as long as I knew came out from her office. She was a sweet woman, who cared a lot about education and creativity and making the world a better place. I really liked Meredith.
“Hi Meredith,” I said, smiling in her direction.
“I can’t believe it! I really can’t believe it, Indie! You’re one of the Selected!”
I giggled, watching her get all excited.
“I know, I really can’t believe it either.”
I looked down, sudden feeling… embarrassed, overwhelmed, unworthy?
“Oh, sweetie, you will be great. The prince is going to love you! I just know it!”
I chuckled softly at her optimism. 
“Just to think,” Meredith continued. “Almost ten years ago you were hanging out here, trying to run complex editing software on that old dinosaur of a computer, and now you are about to head off to the palace!”
I looked around at the place, smiling contently. “It is amazing, isn’t it?”
“You deserve it, sweetie.”
“Thanks,” I responded, though I wasn’t sure if I believed her. “I just wanted to come by, and ask if you and the library will be alright while I’m on gone. If there’s anything you need before I go, let me know, and I’ll make sure it gets done. I’m not sure how much communication I’ll have access to while I’m there.”
“Oh, honey, you’ve already done enough. Look at this place! Look at everything you’ve already done to make it better!” she said, gesturing around at the room.
“I just want to make sure,” I said, smiling kindly.
“Well, the only thing I can think of is that we’ll have to postpone the camera seminar that you were supposed to teach. That’s no problem though! I’d teach it myself, but you know I don’t know how to work technology to save my life.”
“Maybe I can see if I can get one of my friends from Angeles to fly in and teach it. I know a lot of the kids were looking forward to it.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m sure you are going to be busy in the next few days.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
“Really, sweetie, I want you to focus on yourself. This is a big opportunity. If anyone could be our future princess, I’d want it to be you.”
I sighed, grabbing Meredith’s hands in thanks.
“Well, then,” I said. “If you do need anything… repairs, books, lunch for the kids... put in on my tab.”
Meredith smiled, pulling me in for a hug that I reciprocated. “We will be fine. Have a great time, kiddo.”
I smiled, stepping back and looking around the room again. Finally, I waved goodbye and headed back out to my car, so I could go home and get ready for my life to change. Again.
I arrived to the airport early. It was a habit, really. Engrained in me from day one on my film internship when I was younger: Being early is being on time. And being on time shows that you care.
The plane was much like one I had flown in several times. Private planes were always rented out by the studios when we had to travel cross country for a shoot, so it was nothing new.
The leather seats, however, were surprisingly soft, and I placed my carry on bag in one of the overhead bins.
I knew there were supposed to be three other girls joining me for the flight. They were all from different provinces and were also selected. I had done minimal research on each of the girls, not because I didn’t want to know, but because I didn’t want to psych myself out. 
When I researched something, I researched it intensely. I wrote notes all over, I made webs, I scribbled one-liners-- another habit I had developed from filmmaking. So, instead, I opted for just looking at their names and faces and provinces. Though, there were too many to remember for now.
My leg shook as I waited for the others to arrive. Suddenly, I was regretting my no-research strategy. I was going in blind, and I had no idea if I would even get along with any of these girls. What if they thought I was pretentious because I am two? What if they hate my movies?
Not a real concern, but I had seen some nasty haters before.
Just then, a girl walked onto the plane. Her golden hair made her shine in the sunlight, and she smiled brightly.
“Hi! I’m Evalin!” she said, walking further onto the plane.
I smiled back, happy that so far, Evalin seemed very kind. “Hi Evalin! I’m Indie.”
She sat down in the chair across the aisle from me, and turned so she was facing me. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” she said. “You’re from Clermont, right?”
Clearly, Evalin was more researched than I was. I only had to remember three other girls and their provinces for this plane ride and was already drawing a blank. I suddenly felt dumb.
“Yes! I am... and you're from... remind me again?” I responded, smiling sheepishly.
Evalin, cool as ever while smoothing out her skirt said, “Carolina. You’re a movie director, right?”
So, she knew me knew me.
I tried to give a kind smile, hoping to come off as humble but I worried about failing. “I am. What is your profession?”
“I’m still in college, but I’m studying biology.”
College. I thought that was pretty cool. It had always seemed like an interesting path, but by the time I graduated high school, I was already in the film industry and no one thought I needed to pursue a degree. I guess they were right because a year later, I was nominated for an Illéan Oscar Award.
“Oh wow,” I said. “That's really cool. I could never do science.”
It was true, science was a nightmare in school. That, and math. 
“Thanks! It’s second nature for me, really. I grew up around it,” she said, smiling sheepishly. “I think it’s really cool what you do, though! I’ve never had that kind of artistic vision!”
Evalin, though going into a field much different than mine, was clearly just as passionate as I was. She was sweet, and I was really liking her so far. I hoped that she liked me too.
“Aw, thank you. It's the only thing I could ever do, and I'm glad. I truly love it. The profession saved me in a way.”
Another truth. Without film, I would be nothing. 
“That’s amazing!! That kind of passion is very admirable!”
I grinned, feeling great and confident now that I had one good interaction under the belt. Besides, this type of conversation I was used to. The film industry was all about networking after all. And passion pays off. It’s easy to talk about one’s passions and Evalin and I were both clearly passionate.
Suddenly, I glanced over at the digital clock on the wall of the plane. The schedule had said the plane would be leaving in a few minutes. We were still missing two girls.
“We are still waiting on two more right?” I asked. “The plane is supposed to leave soon.”
Evalin looked over her shoulder out of her window. “Looks like one is coming now!”
Just as she said that, a girl came rushing into the plane. She was distracted, glancing back over her shoulder ever few moments with a stare of curiosity. 
“Sorry, sorry, my parents kept saying goodbye,” she explained, but then, she turned, smiling. “Idalia Moretti. What about you guys?”
She walked over to an empty seat and plopped down. I couldn’t help but stare at her amused. She was a chaotic force but still seemed like she was excited and nervous. She reminded me of the interns on a film set.
Evalin responded first. “Evalin Berg. It’s nice to meet you!”
I responded right after. “Hi! I'm Indie!”
Just then, the last girl entered. Her name, I actually remembered. Shala Lie. She had headphones in and stared at the ground, ignoring all of us. She sat far away, and stared at the window. We all watched for a second, before turning back to one another.
“Are you guys excited?” I asked, grinning.
“Very! A little nervous too, though. What about you?” Evalin said.
Idalia then added, “It should be an interesting day. Tomorrow is when I’ll be nervous. Or... I guess whenever we meet the prince.”
I nodded, agreeing with both of them.
“I'm definitely a little bit of both excited and nervous. But, you're right. Tomorrow is when things get really real.”
“True. Today is just makeovers and getting settled in, right?” Evalin commented, wincing slightly as if she was embarrassed she didn’t know. “Sorry, this whole thing has been a bit of a whirlwind. It’s kind of hard to keep track of all the details.”
She didn’t need to feel bad. The only reason I knew is because I had studied the schedule like a call sheet.
“Yeah, I think so,” I supplied. “I'm sure there will be people telling us what to do, and where to go. I wouldn't worry too much.”
In a way, I realized that this Selection wouldn’t be all that different from a film set. There would almost always be a plan, a place for us to go, expectations to be met, and a hierarchy to listen to.
“It’s kind of weird, being thrown into the spotlight like this!” Evalin pointed out. “Do any of you know any of the other girls? I’ve only gotten tidbits of information that my sister has dug up.”
I did know one of the girls. Emily Rose White. She had acted in a couple of my movies. She was really sweet, and I wondered when I would see her when we got to Angeles.
“Yeah, I just know the details because I have a friend obsessed with this stuff. She sent me a PowerPoint of ‘the most important things to know’ on everything and everyone,” Idalia said.
“I know one of the girls, Emily. She's acted in a few of my movies. And I know some of the other actors just from the industry talk and stuff,” I admitted. “A Powerpoint? That's iconic.”
It was. I found it highly amusing, and I couldn’t help but smirk at the idea.
“Oh wow!” Evalin responded, laughing nervously. “Dare I ask what it said about us?”
“Oh, Evalin... never read the reviews,” I joked, chuckling softly.
Though, I’m not sure Evalin understood I was joking because her face flushed, and she laughed nervously as she said, “Ah sorry! I’m used to my work being peer-reviewed.”
Idalia laughed slightly at the interaction before stepping in and looking at me. “She is iconic like that. She liked your last by the way. It was in her PowerPoint.”
“Oh, really? That's sweet!” I responded. Though, it was probably hypocritical considering the joke I just told.
It was just nice to know that people didn’t hate my movies.
“I’m pretty sure your slide just said, ‘bio smart but I have no idea what any of her work says,’” Idalia continued, looking at Evalin.
Evalin blushed even more. “Ah, I haven’t really done anything of note. I held a research position under my genetics professor last semester, but it was mostly just me using a microscope.”
That sounded so cool, I thought. So important. Evalin must be really smart.
“That sounds way more intelligent than anything I've done so... kudos to you,” I applauded her.
She was so shy about her work. I wanted her to know she should be proud of it.
“What movies have you directed?” she asked, suddenly turning the conversation around to me.
I blanked for a moment, feeling like a fool, who forgot her own movies.
My brain came back, and I was left listing off a few of my works. “Uh... a few. Some of them you might know are Lady Bird and Little Women. I've also done The Greatest Showman. But, I also direct episodes of TV series sometimes.”
Evalin’s face lit up. “Oh, I loved Little Women! That and Pride and Prejudice are the two movies my sister insists we watch whenever we have a family movie night!”
My heart warmed. To think, my movie, was being played next to the Pride and Prejudice.
I grinned, responding, “Pride and Prejudice is amazing. I'm glad my movie sits along beside it at your family movie nights.”
Idalia returned to the conversation with, “Funny. My house is usually filled with suggestions of Megamind on family night.”
I also gasped out loud, laughing, but I contained it with an amused smiling, responding sarcastically. “Hey, I mean, Megamind... important stuff.”
Evalin asked, “Do you have a lot of siblings, too?”
I replied easily, “No, actually. I don't have any siblings. You?”
I looked to both Evalin and Idalia.
With an amused smile, Idalia said, “I only have a younger brother but Megamind is usually not his idea.” 
I laughed, responding the again sarcastically, “Like I said, Megamind... important stuff.”
“I probably tease him more than he teases me,” Idalia said.
I chuckled again along with Evalin, who said, “I have 3 brothers and a sister. Megamind is a classic.”
Megamind… Megamind was something for sure. I hadn’t seen it in forever, and it was probably on once. 
Instead, I thought more about her four siblings. I couldn’t imagine having even one sibling, let alone four.
“A big family! That must be nice,” I said.
“It is, for the most part, but we can get a little antsy,” Evalin explained. “There’s plenty of teasing and pranks to go around! Having time to yourself must be nice, though!”
I smiled again. 
“Can be. But, at least I get to live vicariously through my characters,” I added whimsically. “Oh, hey, Idalia, we never asked what your profession was. You seem like a prankster, it has to be something interesting.”
She grinned, leaning back in her seat. “Interesting assumption. I fence sabre. Or saber if you want.”
Fencing? Also very cool.
Evalin must’ve also thought it was cool because her eyes lit up and she and Idalia went back and forth for a little. 
“Oh wow, that’s awesome! I thought your name sounded kind of familiar! You fenced in the Olympics, right? My youngest brother had the games on 24/7 when they were being broadcasted!” Evalin said.
At the mention of the Olympics, Idalia brightened. “I did. I’m going again next year. Or at least that’s the plan.”
“Ah, congratulations!” Evalin exclaimed, but then bit her lip nervously. “Are you nervous about the possibility of this selection taking over a year? I know the officials said it shouldn’t, since it should display the Prince’s decisiveness, but I have to wonder how into the Selection he’s going to be, what with his engagement to Evie Waldia being cut off so recently.”
Idalia takes a moment to take that in a looks up at the ceiling, “Time will tell. But I doubt they will say I can’t go. Illéa, like everyone else, sends people that can win. If I‘m still one of the candidates when the time comes, it would be foolish of them to deny my participation.”
So, she was confident then. I didn’t mind that. In fact, I sort of admired it. But, too much confidence can get you into bad places, from what I had seen in the film industry at least. I silently hoped she would be careful.
“That’s true,” Evalin said with a sigh. “It must be so cool, being able to compete for your country like that!”
Finally, I chipped into the conversation. “That really is cool, Idalia. I'm sure you'll get to go. It's probably even better press for Illéa if they send a Selected.”
Evalin nodded, agreeing with me. “That’s a good point! You’d get to be serving the nation in two ways at once!”
Idalia chucked. “I guess that could be said. So we got a film director, bio major, fencer and…,” she trailed off, looking over at Shala. “An unknown.”
Shala was still looking out the window.
I leaned in closer to Evalin and Idalia while looking over at Shala with a slide glance. “Should...should we try to talk to her...or?”
“Shala?” Evalin tried to call out to her. When Shala didn’t respond, Evalin frowned and turned back around. “Maybe she’s just very nervous.”
“Yeah, probably...”
More time passed, and we continued to talking to each other for the whole trip.
I shrugged. “Well, anyway, you girls seem really nice. It's definitely made me feel a lot better about this whole process.”
I truly was happy that this entire conversation had gone well so far. I had no idea if the girls would be at each other’s throats, but these two, Evalin and Idalia, seemed really sweet.
“Likewise,” Evalin responded, smiling. “It’s good to know that we’re not in this alone.”
I nodded and Idalia said, “I’m sure Prince Arin must be having a similar feeling.”
I nodded again, and then grinned, leaning forward.
“Speaking of Prince Arin... thoughts?”
Evalin blushed, “Well, he is quite handsome, don’t you think?”
I smiled, sitting back in my seat. 
“He is quite handsome,” I agreed. “I'm excited to get to know him. Or, at least I hope I get a chance to know him.”
Evalin nodded, “Me too. I’d love to be able to talk to him and get to know him. I’m sure he has lots of interesting stories to tell.”
“Yeah probably. It's just crazy that we are going to be living in the palace of all places,” I said excitedly. “Hanging out with the Prince of all people. Feels like a fever dream.”
Honestly, I felt like I was living in a fairytale. But, then again, I had felt like that for a long time.
“Truly! I never imagined that this is where life would actually take me!” Evalin said, looking out the window. “It looks like we’re about to land!”
I nodded, looking out my own window. We were just barely starting to descend. The city of Angeles glimmered below, a city I was familiar with. A city I lived in most of the time. I had missed it, and it definitely would be weird to not head back to my house, but instead, to the palace.
“Yep. We should keep in touch down there. I think it'll be nice to have some friendly faces around,” I added, trying to come off as genuine.
Because I was, I just wanted to make sure they knew I was.
“Certainly!” both Evalin and Idalia agreed.
We continued to talk as the plane descended, speaking mostly about room arrangements. I was sad to find out that Idalia and Evalin were in the same hall, and I was in another, but I tried to stay positive. That would just mean a better chance of getting to know more people.
“I’ve heard there’s a woman’s room. And also the etiquette lessons,” Idalia said, as we talked about how we would see each other around.
“True! I’m kind of excited for the etiquette lessons. It’ll be nice to learn something different,” Evalin explained.
“Oh it’ll be something for sure,” Idalia responded, clearly amused. “How to be photographed, how to curtsy! Maybe which spoon is for the salad as well.”
I laughed a little, but warned, “Trust me, that’s not the hard stuff. It’s the learning to talk to the press that’s hard.”
That, I definitely knew. After all, I had been given etiquette lessons before-- right after my short film had taken off and I got sponsored to go to a school for threes. And then, my film career had taken off, and I had to learn how to do interviews and walk red carpets and how to be a proper two.
It was exhausting, but I was thankful for it.
“I wonder if they’ll make us learn how to walk with books balanced on our heads,” Evalin added.
I laughed, picturing it in my head. Evalin and Idalia were pretty funny.
“That would be funny to see,” I said.
Not long after that, the plane landed. We were escorted off, and into a limousine. We didn’t talk much during the ride, each of excited and nervous about what lay ahead of us.
As for me, I was happy to be back in Angeles and ready to try my chance at change and love.
[mentions: @evalinkatrineberg​ , @idaliamoretti​ , @emily-rose-white​ ]
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