#also I can’t believe how seedy Harry looked as real-life Jack
papiermachecat · 2 years
Did you like it?
I did! I posted a very insubstantial review on my (wildly popular) twitter lol. Basically I though Harry was very good, particularly at shouting and at wide-eyed beseeching looks. I thought Olivia was great as Bunny—her scene towards the end with Alice was the most moving one of the film IMO, along with the car scene (and the interaction that led to it) with Jack & Alice. I didn’t yawn even once which is very impressive considering I’m an old lady and it was past my bedtime and I’ve had a particularly exhausting week. There are a couple things I’m still mulling over—I actually wish it were based on a book, because it’s exactly the sort of film that had an interesting enough storyline to make me think okay I need more details, I’m going to read the book. I prefer neatly wrapped endings (a “3 years later” is ideal) but i knew going in that wasn’t going to be the case so I dealt with it. It was beautiful to look at, interesting, and I’m going to put some spoiler-y stuff in my tags ☺️
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