#also I finished Endwalker in time for dawntrail
sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 month
☮ - friendship headcanon
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I've been thinking a lot lately about Dusk and his friendships with the Scions as of 6.55. He considers himself at least friends with all of them, of course, but how close they are varies pretty widely.
I'm going to try not to be TOO wordy, but I'll do a cut anyway. Also if there's anyone who doesn't want to know who all the Scions are by 6.55, um ... don't click.
He trusts them all with his life, to be clear, but ... he feels like Y'shtola and Thancred in particular hold him at arm's length. And he finds himself feeling conflicted about G'raha semi-regularly. He likes the guy, but every time he has a little bout of hero worship, Dusk can't help but pull back a bit.
Krile isn't one of the close Scions either, but I expect that'll change significantly in Dawntrail. Their distance is more a matter of not having much time to get closer, shunted off to the side as Krile's been in the MSQ. The one really significant thing Dusk's done with Krile is Eureka and uhhhh ... I never actually finished Eureka, so it's not quite canon for him anyway.
Dusk feels protective of Tataru, but at the same time, I don't think she's someone who springs to mind for him when he is full of feelings and needs to unload them somewhere. So a friend! But not a close one, even after all this time. Great business partner though, he'll do capitalism with her anytime.
The twins (sorry for lumping you two together, guys) are in their own category too. He's close to them, but it's the sort of close a much older person has with a young adult that looks up to them. He's about as old as their dad, you see. So while they could absolutely come to him with anything, and he would do his best to support them in whatever way they need ... it's one-way, by his choice. They're still so young and have already been through so much, he'd rather eat glass than have them hear about some of the heavy shit he thinks and worries about.
Urianger, I have realized, has somehow become one of Dusk's closer friends in the Scions, and I'm not even sure how it happened. All I know is, during Endwalker, Urianger kept confiding in Dusk, and Dusk found that he felt extremely comfortable with the idea of confiding in him right back, so I guess they're close now? I can't explain it well, yet it ... really works for me, so I'm keepin' it!
Dusk and Estinien think they're subtle and still come across as Just Bros. They are incorrect, they have been incorrect about this for years. Even so, they are bros. You know how Estinien is all Ishgard Intense about how he is ride or die for the WoL, how he's always pledging his spear, or saying he will absolutely ruin anyone you send him at (I'm pretty sure that's his version of a marriage proposal, btw)? Dusk feels exactly as intense about him.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun to think about. <3
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subspaceskater · 15 hours
I wanna give Lena a big ol' smooch! I adore their design! What do you think is your fav drawing you've done of your Wol? Are you ready for dawntrail? Have a great day!
shes awesome I love her.
conceptually my favorite is a big spread I started of her and all her alters in different combat glams with their own weapons in cool poses but I never avtually finished that because it was too much work lmfao. or the amv I started drawing of her set to Scream from the p6/7 raids. but I also never finished that lol.
so of the things I've actually finished I think my fave is the one of her in the red techwear outfit with the fallguys crown. I just think its really striking and pretty
and yeah!! im looking forward to it. theres some side content I never finished in endwalker but im too busy to pour as much of my time into it as I want
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cinnabun-faerie · 4 months
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Warning: If you have not finished some expansions, please tread carefully. Some characters in these masterlists are spoilers.
Side-Note: Anything that’s not linked has not been written yet. But I will be writing all of these in due time. Also If you don’t see a character on these lists that you want to see, feel free to let me know!
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otherworldseekers · 6 months
Thinking Ahead
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Today I realized that we just passed the second anniversary of Endwalker. Two years ago our WoLs saved the world from ultimate destruction. Looking back on those two years...
I'm proud of some of the things I've accomplished. I managed to write a completed fic, even if it was an au. I started recreating vintage portraits and I think developed some skill at it.
Of course I would have liked to accomplish more. I wanted to get my ARR fic completed. Dare I dream of finally finishing it before Dawntrail?
Speaking of DT, I've been giving some thought to Severia's future and what I want to do with her going forward. I am pondering the possibility of making her a RDM main in DT and beyond. She's always been a BRD primarily in the msq, always wearing her beloved Choral Chapeau. But Dawntrail seems like a good opportunity to change some things up. Perhaps it's time to hang up the bow and the chapeau. At least for a while. It will give me even more of an excuse to dress her in red. I'd like to commission a mod for the wrist scars she's had since childhood as well. It would be amazing to play the game with her looking closer to how I imagine her.
Another thing is that for a while I've been unsure of whether or not I want Severia and Nero to have a child in their main canon. But I've come to the conclusion that they don't. Severia the WoL is going to remain happily childless. And Severia the archeologist from Sharlayan au is going to bear the responsibility of being the sole Severia who is a mother. I plan to eventually work on fleshing out Sharlayan Severia and Nero's kid and developing them as the WoL of that universe. I've become really fond of Sharlayan au and look forward to making more stuff for it in the future.
Also someone remind me in January to make something for Severia's birthday on the 31st this year.
But right now I really want to focus as much as I can manage to on getting the canon timeline told. Cause I really love their main story and hope others will love it as well. Severia and Nero continue to own me heart and soul and I plan to continue writing and gposing them for as long as the game is around to let me.
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desertleviathan · 5 months
This is a post about my wild Dawntrail Speculations
Beware: Spoilers all over the damn place.
If you are not caught up on the FFXIV main story, and haven't watched the first couple hours of the Tokyo Fanfest, you need to not be here unless you just don't care about spoilers. I'll try to tag all the specific content blocks discussed, but I may miss something in this kind of sprawling analysis.
If you are caught up on all of that stuff... beware anyway. I've had far more hits than misses with this kind of guessing. I suspect it's because I approach this kind of thing from a standpoint of what kind of story I'd try to compose from the available elements as a writer/game designer, rather than from a standpoint of what kind of story I'd like to experience as a player.
Also, some of the spoilers will be for other games entirely, since FFXIV has a habit of drawing inspiration from other FF titles. There are two games in particular that I'm looking at, so if you've got any main series FF games you still plan to finish, maybe keep your distance.
(And I may of course be 10000% full of crap, and completely miss my mark. But if I don't, I don't want anyone feeling aggrieved that I called it before the opening credits were finished rolling.)
Still here? Ok.
First, the part where we lay out the individual elements that seem to be in play.
A location in Dawntrail has been identified as "Solution Nine", which sounds like it will be the new city where Tomestone gear is for sale.
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Solution Nine is a high tech location in stark contrast to the vibe of the rest of Tural. It could be Allagan tech, but it's hard to say, since there's so much variance in designs over the lifespan of the empire. If it is Allagan, it's very late Allagan. It reminds me a little of Esthar in FFVIII, but it also reminds me of parts of Cocoon in FFXIII.
Solution Nine is also the name of one of Zidane's special abilities in FFIX that he can only use under Trance, that game's equivalent of a Limit Break.
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The Viper job also strongly resembles Zidane's combat style, and I think it's safe to say that Dawntrail will be drawing on FFIX as a primary source of inspiration in the same way that Shadowbringers gave us both the FFVIII-inspired Gunbreaker job and the Eden raids, or Endwalker used FFX references as bosses for the Telophoroi tower dungeons and cribbed all its MSQ patch content straight from FFIV, or too many other callbacks in prior expansions to list. Every prior expansion has had one or two other FF games serve as a major source, although the degree and nature of integration has varied heavily.
The late-game plot of FFIX was about a dying world, Terra, that existed in a parallel dimension in the same physical space with the living world Gaia. Agents of Terra were trying to invade, conquer, and physically/spiritually absorb Gaia in order to revitalize Terra. It was confusing at the time but it had elements that I think were refined later into the concept of Rejoining in FFXIV. Terra had a more organic look to it than Solution 9 though...
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... but one place related to Terra may seem very familiar to FFXIV players. This spooky wall of mechanical masks in Oeilivert was stranded on Gaia after a failed earlier attempt by Garland to merge Terra and Gaia, and told the history of the dying world.
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Compare to Emet-Selch fully revealed as Hades in the trial The Dying Gasp.
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The Allagan Empire was founded personally by Emet-Selch as a tool for facilitating Rejoinings, and was easily the most fruitful such tool so far, given Allag's direct role in two successful Rejoinings, and indirect role in a third via their legacy of demon summoning experiments giving rise to Mhach. It's entirely possible that some Allagan inner circle was privy to their master's goals, much like how in Garlemald, Emperor Varis and a handful of especially trusted aides knew that Emperor Solus was also Emet-Selch.
One of the enemies we've seen concept art for gives me fal'Cie vibes from FFXIII. The fal'Cie were techno-organic god monsters who wanted to also merge two worlds into each other... in this case by literally having their servants pull the hovering-too-close-to-the-planet-to-call-it-a-moon realm of Cocoon out of the sky and crash it into the surface of the planet Pulse. For reasons. The full story is complicated (and not particularly well-told in game).
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Of the Thirteen Reflections that were sundered from the Source, the First (Norvrandt), the Thirteenth (the Void), the Fourth, the Eighth, the Ninth, and the Eleventh all survived. At least, if the order suggested was accurate in the helpful illusion the Crystal Exarch used to explain the whole deal.
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The other seven shards were of course lost when the seven Umbral Calamities on the source were matched with a worldwide crisis bearing the appropriate aetheric qualities on the respective shard, which provided the right circumstances for that shard's aether to be merged with that of the Source, annihilating the shard and erasing any evidence that its inhabitants ever existed. Which makes Emet-Selch's admonition to "remember us, remember that we lived" particularly stomach-churning, but this isn't about that. Apologies for the digression. I mention it because all of the attempted Rejoinings that have occurred have granted primacy to the Source, but we've never really had it explained what made that one piece out of fourteen pieces more "real" than the thirteen shards to begin with, or what would happen if some enterprising Calamity Engineer tried to reverse the direction of the Rejoining.
The Allagans were known to have meddled with dimensional travel, mainly in the form of pioneering the summoning of Demons a.k.a. Voidsent from the Thirteenth Shard.
The first time the WoL has a chance to visit another shard, we use an Allagan portal at the top of the Crystal Tower to travel to the Void, a.k.a. the Thirteenth Shard.
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Y'shtola's ongoing research into traveling to other shards is drawing primarily on Allagan sources. Notably, she has mentioned Allagan sources by name, rather than pointing to the just as accomplished demon summoners of Mhach when trying to punch a hole through to the Void. (To be fair though, Mhach is mainly elaborated on in optional side content, while Allag has its fingerprints all over the MSQ.)
And here's where I pin all the pieces up on my conspiracy board and try to string together all the links with colored yarn.
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What if the cyberpunk city of Solution Nine somehow refers to the Ninth Shard? Possibly even originates there, whether as a part of that shard we visit, or an outpost of that Shard's agents built on the Source, or even some kind of extrusion into the Source from a partial rejoining?
What if the Allagans successfully invaded and conquered the Ninth Shard back at the peak of their power, and those colonies present there survived the downfall of the Empire at large? Although the gates may have been sealed behind them when the Crystal Tower was buried and Allagan magical infrastructure at large collapsed.
What if the these Ninth Allagans have figured out a way to punch back through to the Source and are here to "reclaim" the old Empire? This would allow the game's writers to comment on themes of colonial violence that are difficult to separate from the Americas and a setting inspired by them, but without casting any nation of the Eastern continents as the villain, since pretty much everybody on that side of the ocean is having some kind of positive political reform arc right now.
What if the Ninth Allagans are even trying to merge their shard back into the Source, but in a way that grants primacy to the Ninth rather than sublimating it, which would mirror the attempt by Terra to replace/consume Gaia in FFIX?
If my suspicions about the enemy who looks inspired by FFXIII are right, the tools of the Ninth Allagans may draw more inspiration from FFXIII than from FFIX. The tools of the Terran invasion in FFIX were straight up bioweapons for the most part, including the doll-like Black Mages and a lot of lab-grown monsters. But a type of fal'Cie-like servant that blurs the division between God and Machine would seem very appropriate for an Allagan Empire that was allowed to continue advancing.
In general, Y'shtola's been pouring so much effort into researching travel to the other shards that I think we're due for some kind of startling discovery that's less obvious than linking us back up permanently to the First or the Thirteenth (but opens them both up for future content as well).
I know I'm pretty far out in the weeds here, but a link between Solution 9 and The Ninth Shard is a guess I would bet money on. And the the specific details of that link is more... how I would fill in the gaps on that concept, with the elements that are available.
I would say that the big weakness in this theory is that the Allagans are a little played out as a plot device. But there really aren't any other civilizations we know of that could have discovered and visited another Shard. Not even the Ancients, since there were no Shards during the reign of Amaurot, and the later Ascian innovation of traversing the rift by being dead-but-not-really doesn't seem advisable even if it were replicable.
Anyway. I digress again. I think the Allagans are a marginally better fit for this concept than a totally new civilization, but just barely. Another strong possibility is that the residents of the Ninth Shard developed advanced technology all on their own, figured out that a bunch of Genocide Wraiths from the Source were trying to destroy their whole realm (and had done so successfully to a number of other realms), and decided to strike first. But when they got here, we'd already handled it, so now they've got this whole invasion army and nothing to do with it but threaten Tural.
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anneapocalypse · 5 months
Writing Wrap-up and 2024 Goals
It's a weird year to be doing a wrap-up, because I did not post a whole lot this year and I'm not sure I even set any goals last January thanks to having covid and being sick and exhausted for weeks, which still kind of feels like it threw off my whole year even though that sounds dramatic. Whatever. I've moped enough about it being a bad year for writing; now, I want to look forward.
2023 Wrap-Up
In case you'd like to read the one fic I did post this year, it's "Before You Go", a Loghain/Maric fic for Dragon Age (3022 words, rated E), which I am still quite happy with! And though it's not writing, I also made a podfic of RosellaWrites' gorgeous fic "let them not make me a stone (and let them not spill me)" (and if you're not interested in podfic you should still go read Rosella's fic, seriously, it's great).
While November 2022 was the last time I made substantial progress on A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren (my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Dragon Age), I did make a few attempts to chip away at the draft this year. I didn't keep any records of what progress I made, but lucky for me Scrivener has a writing history feature that can at least give me a ballpark, and... it says I added 17,326 words to the draft this year (all in the first half of the year), which, not gonna lie, seems unreal to me. The first half of this year is mud in my head, so the fact that I did in fact get some writing done is really encouraging.
Over the summer, FFXIV started to really consume me as I had finished ARR by that point and my investment in the story was growing, and I also started taking a more active leadership role in my tiny free company, and so for the back half of the year I've mostly been writing little snippets about my Warrior of Light Ariane and her adventures and relationships, some of which may become part of actual fics later. This totals out to about 19,500 words at the moment.
So I only posted about 3000 words, but in total I wrote almost 40K this year. Is that a fantastic year, no... but honestly, it's a lot better than what my brain has been telling me I've accomplished this year, which is nothing. :P So I'm glad that I sat down to actually find the numbers!
Onward and upward.
So what's next?
2024 Goals
Finish one longfic.
Write and post a one-shot.
Do one exchange.
Outline an original novel.
Write a poem.
Send out one piece.
Tentatively my immediate plans are to get started outlining and then writing my Ariane/Haurchefant fic. I'm on the fence about February. On the one hand, it would be great to come back to my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Femslash February, but on the other hand there's a high probability I'm going to be playing Endwalker by that point and I have no hope of keeping my head in Dragon Age during that time, so it's probably best not to commit to it. Dragon Age fic might be best saved for after I've caught up on MSQ when there are (hopefully) a few months still left to wait for Dawntrail and I can take a little break to let it marinate while I work on something else. My enthusiasm for the Briala/Tabris fic has not waned despite the long hiatus, and just yesterday I was reading bits of the draft and getting excited again, so I do hope to finish that this year and get to share it with you.
The alternate candidate for February is either keep working on the Haurchefant fic or in the case of a miracle in which I actually finish it this month (hah!), move forward with the next one I have planned, an Urianger/Moenbryda. That's unlikely but we'll see. I know I still have things to learn about Urianger in Endwalker, which I'm very excited for.
As for what exchange(s) I might do this year, I'm not sure yet! I haven't seen any announcements yet that Chocolate Box is running this year. Black Emporium and FemslashEx are both strong candidates for me. We'll see where I am when those roll around, or maybe something else will catch my eye!
Edited to add: Oh, yeah, also at some point we're supposed to get that final season of Red vs. Blue. I have a few outstanding projects in RvB but the main one that really matters to me is Radio Silence, my Carolina lost years fic. I'd love to use the series' send-off as a kick in the pants to finally finish that one, whenever that happens. We'll see!
Finally, I am making a conscious effort to reclaim my writing time, which traditionally has been the morning between 9 and noon because that's when my mind is the sharpest, but over the past I basically let that slip entirely and be taken over by either housework or gaming, just writing on the fly when something came to me. I'm not morning gaming anymore unless it's for a good reason (timed event I need to catch, etc, which is rare, and finishing yesterday's roulettes is not a good enough reason because the queues are slower in the morning and it just ends up eating more time than it needs to, they happen every day, it's fine).
On to 2024. Looking forward to it.
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maeljade · 2 months
Shiiiiips? :D
okay this is going to be rambling and chaotic cause its all random thoughts scattered in my brain that appeared as I was playing the game. Also spoiler warning for ... I guess the entire game?
Her general approach is ... not monogamous. She is an adventurer, she is out in the world and sometimes she needs to blow of steam in whatever town she currently is.
So, no ships in ARR for my Lizzer. She just arrived in Eorzea, she is out there delving into basements and fighting small fry beasts and her first gods, no time for romance.
COME HEAVENSWARD. And she meets Sidurgu! First fellow Au Ra Xaela she has met since! (And Yugiri pretty much made it clear that she is not interested in romance). And as fellow Dark Knight they are often covered in blood and guts and gore so tenderly cleaning each others scales afterwards! Also you already adopted a daughter together in Rielle! (Which makes 4 adopted daughters if you include the White Mage girlies).
Stormblood ... Zenos is Zenos and she is a Dotharl (even if only adopted). He is entirely correct, she lives for the thrill of the hunt, the spilling of blood and the rush of death. Its a match made in Hell and you know DAMN WELL that she accepted and embraced him.
Also lets talk about her relationship with Sadu. She is her big sister that she idolizes! You know, the usual. You try to murder her in grief over your entire clan dying and or disappearing, she kicks your ass and when someone tries to finish you of is so impressed by her fearlessness in the face of death that you get adopted into her tribe. And they both very much enjoyed the chance to face off in battle during the Naadam and for my lizzer to show how much she has grown stronger on her travels!
Shadowbringers: She does another bad choice and goes for Emet-Selch. We all know the tension that is already there between them but she throws it out the window at the lift in Kholusia. With full trust and belief in Dotharl culture she knows about reincarnation. So when Emet does his whole speech only to end it with a "not that you would remember it" she confronts him and tells him that she is aware of the fact that he knew her in a previous life. Oh girlie, if you knew how right you are with that one. Anyways that sure spiced up the encounter on Mt. Gulg and the final showdown.
She also tried some flirting with Lyna but sadly that did not go anywhere for her and some joking with Cerigg since its another adopted kid with a "partner", this time its a son!
Endwalker: Well Zenos is back ... kinda so that relationship is back on the table. Also Emet-Selch in the past, this time with the knowledge of Azem and some very awkward first interactions. Also Erenville is here and he is very very pretty and Hopefully something may come out of that in Dawntrail, who knows!
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axolotlelle · 2 days
ok in ffxiv news i finally maxed out my endwalker shared fates and i think i can also get the shb ones by the time dawntrail comes out. now the question is can i finish hydatos and the blue mage challenges in time
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drtanner · 8 days
We've made a good start on the Patreon exclusive! It's an ambitious one this month, but we're on track to get it done on time so far - all of the figures are sketched out! Tomorrow's job will be to sketch the backgrounds and refine the figures - I'll need to design two new characters! - and then line the backgrounds as well, if there's time. If not, I can line the backgrounds later in the week. 💜
I've also made some good MSQ progress in the FFXIV! I might even finish Endwalker before Dawntrail comes out, lmao. We'll have to see!
Goodnight, internet.
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katewalker · 7 months
i almost finished 5.3 last night. just have to go through the trial and maybe 4 more quests after the end of the norvrandt arc. this patch was so good. SO GOOD. i had so many answers but i still have so many questions and most of them concerning azem of course. also sh + 5.3 did so much in helping figure out pernille's voice and attitude.
after 5.3 just 20 somehting quests and it's endwalker time
if i'm done with endwalker and the patches before dawntrail (doubt it... unless endwalker really do brainrots me like i was promised), i might do the ng+ and start seriously fleshing out pernille and her journey
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achievechamp · 11 days
""Weekly"" Report - It's Has Been May
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I'm still dealing with chronic migraines and each med my neurologist prescribes me is worse than the last, BUT I have discovered that if I'm suffering from certain migraines symptoms and not others (mainly: can't focus my right eye but unimpacted by Needs to Be Horizontal Mode) then I can still do the content in this game that doesn't require quick reactions or a lot of reading. Which is good, because I spent last month in a desperate race to clear out all, ALL*, of my ARR crafting-related achievements so I could clear out unneeded materials from my retainer inventories before Dawntrail.
*except Culinarian, which I have still not picked up at all
The effect of all this means I got a LOT of achievements this month:
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As you can see, aside from a strong showing on the PvP end, a bit of Eureka stuff, and lots of Gold Saucer stuff thanks to the Make It Rain Campaign, it's mostly been crafting and gathering. ARR has some tall crafting and gathering orders--too tall, some might say. I am saying. Those orders are too tall. Crafting 3,000 level 41-50 Alchemy recipes is fully unreasonable, and there was no justification for making an achievement like that at all, but by golly I hunkered down and did it. Of the ARR crafting and gathering achievements, I only have 2 gathering ones left**, level 41-50 botany in Thanalan and level 41-50 mining in Black Shroud, both of which I'm halfway through. I'm in less of a hurry to finish these, though, because I can gather crystals from these nodes, which don't take up normal inventory space and I'll need for future crafting achievements anyway.
**I haven't picked up fishing yet either :(
All of this is to say that, minus the DoH and DoL classes I haven't picked up at all and plan to leave until after Dawntrail, I am entirely finished with ARR crafting achievements and nearly done with ARR gathering achievements. Which means for June, most of my time will probably be spent cleaning out my inventories, which there is tragically no achievements for.
Aside from that, it's worth bringing up my Dawntrail plan, since early access is now less than a month away. I never really paid attention to the pacing of earning achievements while playing through expansions normally, so I don't know what to expect in that regard. I also plan to take Dawntrail pretty leisurely, but I also told myself that about Endwalker, so pffffft. All this is to say that for June, I'll be dialing my commitment back to $0.50 in anticipation of earning more achievements than I expect to.
But let's get back to May. I clocked in 57 achievements last month, which is a honking $57 for charity, just barely beating out April's record!
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For my long-term achieving numbers, my total achievement points in game is now 11,245, and I'm ranked #1,219 on my world. I also have a new rarest achievement: An Alchemist's Life for Me, earned by completely ALL of the "crafting X amount of alchemy recipes level y-z" achievements for ARR, beating out my previous rarest achievement, With Needle in Hand IV (complete 80 unique weaver levequests). I'm moving up in the achieving world!
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farfromdaylight · 2 months
this is a pretty rambling post, fair warning.
i'm lowkey taking a break from ff14 right now (i say, as i log in to do roulettes) — but no, seriously, i've mostly been taking a break and it's nice. i have a standing obligation on sundays — i have a group that's been farming the endwalker EX mounts, we're on the last fight, 38 more clears to go — but otherwise i have very little to do at this point of the expansion.
there are things i could still do, of course. the diadem is sitting there waiting for me to go back. the eureka relics are the only ones in the game i have left to finish. i could no-life hunts for a while. i really need to buckle down and work on chocobo racing.
or i could just... not. i've been going pretty hard all expansion and it's nice to take a break. i want to beat at least two more full JRPGs before dawntrail comes out, maybe 3 if i have time. it's often hard for me to switch gears when i'm knee-deep in a game, so actively taking a break is good for me.
currently i'm working on leveling my Trust NPCs for cálei; i have two more runs of vanaspati to do and then it's on to ktisis. i've just been running one trust dungeon a day since they buffed the EXP and it's kind of chill? i obviously prefer doing dungeons with real people because it's faster and smoother, but it's kinda nice to just take half an hour and work on a run. (this is the stockholm syndrome from the dead ends farm talking.)
but other than that, i really don't have much else to do. i got mikh'li to DNC 90, so he's done until the expansion. reis is omni-90 so i have VERY little to do on her. i do want to get her through bozja at some point because i want the zadnor glams, but it's pretty low priority. (and i really don't want to do a shb relic on her, i'd have to do all the one-time-step things again and lmao no. one set of 180 raids is enough, thanks.)
so that leaves rune as the one character i'm still leveling. i'm leveling WHM and AST in tandem to practice healing because i'm pretty out of practice... although i keep getting ARR duties in roulette, so i don't know how much practice i'm actually getting. after that i need to finish leveling SMN on her as well. i might level her two remaining tanks, but it's very low priority. (what if i only leveled classes i actually liked playing. what a concept.)
actually, let me share my checklist!
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this is how i keep track of all the stuff i do in ff14. it's simple, but it's kinda nice? i have logs going back to november and it's fun to go back through them and see what i was working on. it's also very convenient to have a list of things to do on my alts — i do custom deliveries on 4 characters and i can never remember whether i did them or not. it keeps me organized. this week's checklist is pretty barebones because i've hardly been doing anything, but usually it's more interesting.
i guess that's all i have to say for now. time to go run roulettes on rune! then it's back to persona 3.
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