#also I'm trying to go into 2023 with the mindset that I should care less abt what other people think of things I make
velkyr · 2 years
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Light Party AU
aka the inevitable xiv player thought of, "what if all my WoL blorbos lived in the same timeline"
aka "oops! all found family"
some silly little scribbles about their party dynamics under the cut
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I just think they're neat. idk! been thinking about it a lot so wanted to have some fun with the tool that shall not be named (it took an hour to pose this oh god. I've never had to work with so many models at once and I kept accidentally unfreezing everyone 💀)
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infipretty · 1 year
Hello! How are you doing?
I would like to participate in your new game, please
My initials are FF and my favorite song is Froot by Marina
My question is: 🫧 – 3 Advices and 2 Random predictions for the year 2023
I feel like you need to be more careful with the new people you will meet this year, they can try to deceive you or try to make people dislike you for no reason (especially if its in work or study environment) oh, I think you need to be careful especially with a girl maybe 2 years younger than you and that maybe have blond/ginger hair ?
You need to be more focused in your studies or in your work, i feel like you can get distracted easily (?)I think learning a new language can be really good for you, oh and i think you are going to meet someone who is a foreigner and thats one of the reasons it can be good for you to learn a new language? buut im not really sure in this part?..
And also, be extra careful when crossing the street!
2 random predictions:
I have a feeling you are going to meet someone who is going to be really important for you, this person will teach you a lot of lessons, but i think it isnt going to last for long.
Maybe you are going to make a important decision this year related to studies or maybe moving to somewhere?
Thank you for this opportunity! I'm sorry if its short :(
Hey! Welcome <33 Thankyou for joining my game, good to see you here!
Feedback : yes, I do get distracted easily lately! Learning new languages has always been one of my goals so I'm glad it may be good for me. Yes, I'll make an imp decision about studies this year, I'll look forward to meeting this person and be careful of new people! Thankyouu!
🫧 – 3 Advices and 2 Random predictions for the year 2023
ADVICE I (King of wands Rx) : This one feels like an advice for your personal life. Um, I feel like you need to be careful while making decisions, make sure you do not hurry any decisions or be rash about them. I also feel like if you're someone who's very unapologetic about the way they are and if people mistake you for being 'rude' or 'domineering' often, maybe you should look into yourself and alter your personality a bit. While it's a good quality, Sometimes being straightforward and having no filter leads you to nowhere, so be careful of that! Also, lookout, a man could/might decieve you.
ADVICE II (4 of swords Rx) : if you're someone who's been in a period of stagnation for a long time or has been same/unchanged for over a period, then maybe it's time for you to get some and make changes in your life. 4oS Rx Energy asks you to put your restless energy into correct use, it is okay to feel drained and exhausted but you cannot stay in that state forever, so start looking after yourself. Also, I'm getting your should look after your health specifically this year, whether physical or mental and be quite serious about it. Take care!
ADVICE III (Ace of cups) : give your creative, fun and funky side a chance! Do something that's not your usual cup of tea whether as an hobby or just for experience. Do not shy away from meeting new people and making good relations with them, give yourself a break and have fun in life. Stress less, Live more!
PREDICTION 1 : I feel like you're gonna meet someone this year who's gonna help you advance in your career and life (personality/mindset as well), they could be a teacher or a friend or a partner or a family member/relative, a feminine energy! Make sure when they try to help you, you're open to recieve that help.
PREDICTION 2 : something about your mother is coming up? Idk I feel like you will get closer to your mother this year and if not that, you will come to an understanding or basic terms with her. If it's not your mother, then it could be someone who's motherly towards you or someone from your maternal family side! You might also get closer to your guides and divine feminine this year ;)
I hope this makes sense, Please leave a feedback in the comments! Thankyou :)
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