#also also i'm so happy my fics lead you to gain more appreciation for spamton
manofthepipis · 9 months
I heavily headcanon that spamton has adhd (although tbh I am heavily projecting).
Just his erraticness and emotional instability gives off huge adhd vibes, along with no volume control (my voice too does whatever the fuck it wants and I won't notice until someone points it out lmao)
Also since I subscribe to oldest of the group hc, it likely put him behind his peers.
(Just watching everyone do what they're meant to do and just not being able to measure up because even your best effort isn't enough and you don't know why you're like this why you can't be as good as the rest of them is just...oof. it be like that sometimes)
And also he's impulsive as fuck (I choose to see the constantly changing prices on his wares as a joke on unstable e-currency and a testament to how he can't stick to some decisions worth a damn)
TLDR: comfort bastard character my beloved (that your fics actually introduced me to, so thank you very much for the brainrot <3)
honestly anon i'm w u (fellow adhd individual here) and though i desperately try not to project in my writing, trying to keep the character as in-character as possible with some leeway, some projection is inevitable lmao
i rlly think his character, while charming and fun, is also immensely relatable. For reasons you've pointed out, like relating to the other addisons and feeling like he's 'behind' them, to where he compensates this with his delusions of grandeur and a strongly-unhealthy god complex. Oof. this guy. He hasn't had the best support system or the healthiest of habits, and unfortunately was put into a very dark place during a very dark time.
but i can definitely see the build behind this headcanon. His character does give off some of those vibes. I try not to diagnose spamton, chalking his habits up to his spammy email antics and existence as email, but regardless its nice to have some personal traits resonate in a character and it can be comforting.
(he's my comfort character as well i wrap him in a blanket but also will dunk him headfirst into a pool <3)
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