#also bonus post: the non-out transmasc in a male dominated field ‘us women can do whatever these men can do and we’re better at it too’
southislandwren · 2 years
Once again have like 4 posts in my head so here they are all in one massive post. My boss is 100% taking advantage of me but it’s okay because I’m learning a lot and hanging out a bunch and also she’s cute. My legs are scratched up and I have scabs on both knees. I love playing like a kid again. These kids are feral tho I had to stop the 6yo from throwing a lawn chair at the 8yo. My aunt is gonna start paying me to watch my cousins and I feel like I’m gonna take all her money lmao since whenever I’m home I’m hanging out with them. I’ve met 4 cows so far and I’m trying really hard to remember their names and also boss said I was good at shoveling curds during cheesemaking today.
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