#also don't worry Tubbo knows that the pissbaby thing was a joke
surohsopsisofclouds · 3 years
I love you guys! You're all so talented in so many different ways and I wish that one day I get to hang out with you all in person ^-^
Remy you evil bastard... /j /lh
You motherfucking piece of moldy toast how fucking dare geography be a thing the piece of shit that it is, shitass motherfucker your compliments are going to make our cunt of a face permanently red how dare you fucking do this to us you bitchass motherfucker, our face is just going to be permanently rotten tomato red to go with the cod-swallowing dickass blanket that the pissbaby decided to wear like it's a fucking shirt. I am going to unhinge my crackass jaw and swallow the whole fucking earth like the shitty piece of rubix cube that it pretends to be just so I can march on over to the fucking wasteland of a continent you call home from the bloody fucking skunks-ass of a state we live in so I can give you a hug or a fucking smile if you don't want a shitty hug.
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